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Name of Teacher Zainab Sohail Subject Global Perspective

Topic Project Planning Date Day 1

Class IX Duration 40 minutes

Attainment Target By the end of this lesson, students will demonstrate proficiency in selecting global issues, collaboratively
devising a comprehensive project plan, and reflecting on their planning process to enhance future project

- Students will learn about global issues and the importance of effective project planning.
Learning Outcomes
- Students will develop research, communication, teamwork, and time management skills.
(Knowledge, Skills and - Students will cultivate responsibility, appreciation for diversity, and resilience in problem-solving.

Select the
Profile Inquisitive Empathetic Globally Ethical Tolerance Digitally Creative & Analytical
Aware literate Innovative
for the

Content and teacher activity Student activity Time Learning Formative assessment
materials and
(Day to day

How are you explaining and demonstrating What are the students doing to help them What resources will How do you plan to
the topic? (The teaching strategies/ understand the topic? you use that will assess learning as it is
methodology selected) support the happening?
teaching and
learning activities?

Introduction: Chart Paper

-Welcome students and introduce the 5 Markers I'll assess learning as
topic: Global Perspective Project mins it happens by asking
Planning. Allow question/answers Laptops with questions, observing
internet access group discussions, and
-Explain the importance of understanding using quick quizzes to
global issues and the purpose of the template
gauge understanding
-Briefly discuss the goals of the lesson.
Starter Activity:
-Global Issues Brainstorm:
-Divide students into small groups.
-Provide each group with a sheet of
paper or a digital document. All members of the group should
participate in the discussion.
-Instruct students to brainstorm global mins
issues they are interested in researching One from each group will present their
for the project.
-Encourage them to think broadly and
creatively, considering social, economic,
environmental, and political issues.
-Allow 5 minutes for brainstorming and 5
minutes for each group to share their
ideas with the class.
Project Planning:
- Explain the components of project
planning: research, timeline, resources,
and division of tasks.
- Distribute a project planning template
or worksheet to each group.
- Instruct students to discuss and
outline their research topic, objectives,
key questions, and initial resources
needed. 15
Students are supposed to structure their mins
- Guide them to create a timeline for thoughts according to the template
the project, including deadlines for provided to them by the teacher.
research, drafting, editing, and
- Encourage students to delegate tasks
within their group based on individual
strengths and interests

Group Work:

- Allow students time to work

collaboratively on filling out their
project planning templates. 5 min
Wrap Up - Assessment for Learning - Circulate the classroom to provide
(AFL) support, guidance, and clarification as
- Gather the class back together. needed.

- Ask each group to share one aspect - Encourage groups to communicate

of their project planning they found effectively and make decisions
challenging and one they found collectively.
- Provide feedback and clarification on
any misconceptions or difficulties
encountered during the activity. 5 min
- Emphasise the importance of effective
communication, organisation, and
teamwork in project planning and

Homework/Next Steps:
- Assign students to continue refining
their project plans within their groups.

- Remind students to start conducting

research according to their timelines.

- Encourage students to reach out for

assistance or clarification if needed

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