Tap I - Questioning Lesson Plan

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TAP I – Questioning Lesson Plan

Type in the brackets and fill in the prompts. Create a lesson for any grade
level/subject. The emphasis is QUESTIONING. You can use your packet Task 6 to
get you started.

**Lesson Title:** [Learning the colors]

**Subject:** [colors]

**Grade Level:** [Preschool]

**Duration:** [20 minutes]

**Objective:** [Our goal for the end of this lesson is for the kids to be able to recognize
and differentiate between different colors, and to make sure that they can name them

**Materials Needed:**

- [paper. crayons/color pencils and the big screen for the video]


1. **Introduction**

- [Were going to start off by asking a few questions and then going into the video to get
the name of the colors and what they look like into their memory.]

2. **Engagement**
- [We are going to get them to watch a video where they can sing along to it, and after
the video we are going to get them to do a coloring sheet where they can color it by the

3. **Instructional Input**

- [Presentation of new information, concepts, or skills]

- [Include explanations, examples, demonstrations, multimedia, etc.]

-[Ask them what their favorite color is and if there is a color they might not like.]

4. **Guided Practice**

- [Activities or exercises where students practice the new skills or concepts with

- [We will give them the oppurtunity to ask any questions.]

5. **Independent Practice**

- [Activities or assignments for students to practice independently or in small groups]

-[ We will include a coloring sheet to get them to practice and see what they know
about there colors]

6. **Assessment**

- [Methods to assess student understanding and mastery of the lesson objective]

- [at the end of the assignment we will include and exit ticket where they will write down
3 colors, they saw in the video ]

7. **Closure**

- [Summary of key points covered in the lesson]

- [Connect the lesson to the broader curriculum or real-world applications]

- [Preview of what students will learn in the next lesson, if applicable]

- [We are going to end it off with an exit ticket, and we can see if by the activities we
did if it was easy for them to remember what they learned in the video and on the hands
on activite]

8. **Questions**

What is your favorite color and why?

What color is your favorite fruit?

Can you find something red in the room?

These are all open-ended questions.

Helps the kids to think about colors and engage in conversations.


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