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CHAPTER 6 (16th October 2011)

We studied about 3 types of people in last class. We are one of them and it is me to decide to become part of Spiritual man. Romans 8:14 Spiritual man is always led by Holy Spirit. He obeys the entire commandments from God. Acts 5:31, 32 God exalted Jesus as the Prince and Saviour of the world. God will pour out HIS Spirit upon one, who believes Christ as Prince and Saviour and for those who obey Him. The obedience plays an important role in our spiritual life. The one who led by Holy Spirit is called Spiritual Man. The person who obeys all commandments of God is called Son of God or spiritual man. When Holy Spirit comes into one person he will come under obedience. We will never call an infant as Man, instead we call a grown up person as Man. Spiritually matured person is called Spiritual Man. 1 Corinthians 15:45-49 Here we can see, First Adam = Living Soul (He become after receiving breath from God) Final Adam (Jesus) = Life giving Spirit. Jesus is a source of life; he is a place where we get life. When we study, we understand that God is the giver and Jesus is the supplier. Jesus is a life giving spirit. Jesus is a channel of life between God and human beings. When we study about Jesus, God will reveal about the purpose of our life and that is the first step for success in spiritual life. God sent one spirit to earth & HE created a flesh to carry this spirit and named Jesus. So in short we can say Jesus came from earth and Christ came from heaven. We can see 2 types of man 1. Man of Dust 2. Man of Heaven The above 2 personalities were combined together and it was named as Jesus Christ. John 5:39, 40 When we study scriptures we can see that life (Jesus) is hidden in those scriptures. But we are not ready to go to the presence of Jesus to attain life from Him. God will give life, but it is our duty to attain prosperous life from God. Jesus will not come to us, if we need to attain prosperous life, we should go close to Jesus. 1 Corinthians 15:49 We should bear the image of heavenly, Jesus Christ. Galatians 6:1 Spiritual man is fully controlled by Holy Spirit. Spiritual man is having the spirit of meekness. Any person doing wrong things in their life, it is our duty to support him to come back from the sinful nature. We should try to reinstate or restore him to the presence of God. This is one of the main duties of a spiritual man, for that we

need to be more humble in our life and it will happen only through Holy Spirit. Spiritual man should be humble enough to guide people towards God. At the same time we should protect ourselves from the tackles of devil. With the presence of Holy Spirit, we will be able to defeat all tackles of devil. For that we should surrender our life to God. 1 Corinthians 2:15, 16 Spiritual man will possess a discerning spirit. Any person coming to him, Holy Spirit will help him to discern that person. Holy Spirit will help us to discern the original nature of the person approaching us. After some time Spiritual Man will become as a Christ minded person. John 15:14 Spiritual Man will become a friend of Christ, when he attains the discerning spirit and become a Christ minder person. If we want to become friend of God, Level 1: We should come out of the world/Carnal nature/natural man. Level 2: should come out from the carnal man to Spiritual Man and starts obeying the commandments of God Level 3: Spiritual Man becomes Christ minded person and will become HIS friend. Once the Spiritual man receives the commandments, he will make sure that the commandment came from God. He will search the word of God and what he understands; he will obey and go forward. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Now we can see Spiritual Man IN CHRIST. There is life in Christ. When we are in Christ, 1. 2. 3. 4. There is protection There is peace There is harmony There is knowledge

Like a baby in womb, we are hidden in Christ, A LIFE IN CHRIST. When we are in Christ, we will become a new creature; all old things are passed away from our life. Now spiritual man is a new creature. We should struggle and fight more to take out all old things hidden in our life. After that all things in our life will become new. Our body is old and now Jesus is going to make that new. From top to bottom Jesus will renovate us and old things pass away & new things will come. For this we should communicate with Jesus every day, by reading Bible and through prayer life. Ephesians 4:15 Spiritual man will talk only truth in love and grew till the head of Jesus. We should grow till the head of Christ; and the growth should happen within the permitted time allowed by God. Time is very much important in Christian life, devil always try to misuse our time. God and devil needs our time, we should decide to whom we will give our time, either to devil or God.

Prayer God give me grace to manage my time every day

Jesus is the head of Church, who controls the church. It should not be controlled by human beings. Church is not ours; Holy Spirit will guide the church every moment. We cant take any decision in church, only we can do is to suggest our opinions to Holy Spirit. The spiritual man will come and stay under the head, Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:20, 21 Jesus will start to build our life and at the end that building should become a Holy Temple of God. It will become a dwelling place of God, after Holy Spirit builds our life as per the wish of God. If we submit our life to Holy Spirit, He will build our life and after preparation we will become the Church of God. For that we should have a desire and take steps in our life. Each organs of our life should be submitted to God. Isaiah 63:10 If the Spiritual man is not growing up to the head of Christ, he is making God to grieve about him. If Spiritual becomes rebellion and not growing, God will become his enemy and will destroy him. When some problems come into our life, first we should check our spiritual life. If we find anything wrong happen in our life, we should rectify that soon for God. For this Holy Spirit will help us to cleanse the sins. Mathew 16:18 Here we can see that, God is the builder and we are the building. If man tries to build the church, it will be a great disaster. Church should be build by God and HE will build that on a man who got the revelation from God. The person who got revelation should say to God that Here I am, and request God to build his life. When we submit, immediately God will start His work on each surrendered person. God will dig the pit deep and lay the strong foundation in us for the building of Church. God will dig deep to take out the last stone disobedience from us and start His work. The appointed servant of God will do this work. So we say that appointed one and arranged one is not the same. God will start the work from inside our life and once inside work is finished, then only God will start the outside work. If we take an old flat for staying, we will clean and make it new and then only we will start our stay there. After renovating inside only, we will renovate outside. Main renovation work is happening inside us, bcoz our inside part should be decorated properly. We are not going to stay outside; we use inner part of our flat to stay. Proverbs 4:23 We should keep our heart with all diligence, as all things start flowing out from heart. We use to keep our doors & windows of our house closed to keep away from dust. Like that we should keep our heart closed away from all unwanted elements of the world. The work should start from heart bcoz our heart was got corrupted inside the garden. Proverbs 23:26 So God is asking us to give our heart to HIM. To keep our heart clean, we should give our heart to God. Now our heart is filled with sins. Once we submit our heart to God, immediately God will start clean our heart from all sins. Life is coming out of our heart, so it is very necessary to take care of our heart. Mathew 12:34 The things which are coming out us will be the same which is filled in our heart. So dont ever expect good things to come out from our life, when our heart is filled with bad things.

Mathew 15:18 Heart is a store room. What is filled in our heart; our tongue will start speaking it out. If it is filled with love, words of love will come out from our heart. If our heart is filled with bad things, words of hatred will come out from our heart. All good and bad things will come out from our heart. So to bring good things from our life, we should clean our heart. Romans 12:2 Worldly mans heart is filled with worldly things, such as anger, pride of life, lust, etc. After we surrender our heart to God, slowly God will cleanse us and renovate our mind, will transform from natural man to Spiritual man. If we allow God to clean our heart, we will become a spiritual man. If we show rebellion nature to God, we will become natural man. We should intentionally throw out old things from our heart. Our old heart will get transformed and new things will start flowing out from us. When we get a new heart, new thoughts, new words, etc will come out from us. Our heart should be filled with good things and love of God, for that we should renew our heart, then only we will be able to fulfill the will if God. To know the will of God, 1. 2. 3. 4. Renewing our mind Transform our mind Go back to God Restore our mind

Mind is having 3 layers/chambers. Mind is called as centre of thoughts & intellectual. Mind has the ability to act diplomatically.

Heart is called as centre of emotions. Deuteronomy 2:30 Here we can see the mind and heart is connected to each other. When mind become hardened, heart become adamant. Even though mind and heart is having 2 different duties, both of them are connected each other. Mind receives the thoughts, and it is transferred as emotions to heart. So mind receives thoughts and heart receives emotions. When we submit our heart and mind to God, they will come under the control of Holy Spirit; we will become humble, start loving others and bear others in our life. Luke 10:27 We should submit 100%, our mind and heart to God, to get filled with 100% love of God. When we submit 100%, we will not question any commandments from God; instead will start obeying without questioning back.

Psalms 51:12 The spirit who lost the salvation; is now praying to God to restore the joy of thy salvation and to uphold the mind to receive the salvation from God. When we receive salvation, we should get back all the things we lost in our life. Mathew 26:41 Our spirit is always ready for everything but our body is weak. We have kept our spirit locked in our body, even the spirit is ready, and it cannot come out from our body. So to bring out our spirit from our body, we should have a prepared mind. 2 Corinthians 8:12 If we are ready for a renovation in our life, then only God will start HIS work in us. So first we need a desire to become a Christ minded person and God should lift and use me in my life. 2 Corinthians 9:2 Here we can see people having desire in their life; they are already set their mind ready for a renovation work. Numbers 21:4 When God try to renovate our life, devil will try to discourage us. Psalms 34:18 The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit.

Deuteronomy 30:8 We should turn back and obey the commandments of God. Isaiah 6:10 Healing will happen in us, when we turn back our mind to God. We should stop our present journey 100%. Then only the eternal healing will happen in us. Due to the sins our organs are blocked from attaining the truth. So that creation is not able to hear the voice of the Creator. Healing should happen inside our body, and then only we can... 1. 2. 3. 4. Communicate & Reunion with God Love & Serve the God To restore with God Become a new creature

Prayer Lord, give me an inner healing

Mathew 18:35 We should forgive others from our heart. If we are not doing this, our heavenly Father will also do the same to us. So we should 100% clean our heart. Our heart should be same like a white board.without any unwanted

writings on that. If we keep our heart like that, God will start writing new things on this white board, our heart. We should work hard to attain new heart. Spiritual Man: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Always led by Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14) Will be spiritually matured (Hebrews 5:14) Will have spirit of humbleness (Galatians 6:1) Posses a discerning spirit (1 Corinthians 2:15) Will become a Christ minded person (1 Corinthians 2:16) Will become a friend of God (John 15:14) Will search through the word of God & obey. Is in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) Is a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) Will talk truth in love and grow till the head of Christ (Ephesians 4:15) Is Gods holy temple (Ephesians 2:21) Dwelling place of God (Ephesians 2:22)

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