Life &amp Chapter - 8

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CHAPTER 8 (30th October 2011)

Deuteronomy 30:8 First step for a victorious spiritual life is to turn our mind to God, not taking baptism or any other steps in our spiritual life. Isaiah 6:10 Here it says that we are not able to see, hear, understand and turn our mind to God. If we are not doing these, we will never become a victorious person. From rebellion people God will separate a remnant (Isaiah 6:13).We already studied that a human is divided in 3 levels, 1. Body visible 2. Soul invisible 3. Spirit invisible When the dead spiritual man hears the word of God, he will achieve life from God and starts moving. This will be immediately reflected on our body, because our body and soul cooperated 100% to accept Jesus as our personal savoiur. When spiritual man realizes that I am naked, then he will take baptism. What all things happen inside spirit, it will be reflected on our body. When we achieve inner healing, it will be reflected on our body, and then the glory of God will dwell in our life. Romans 12:2 If we want to know the perfect will of God, we should renew our mind. Mind is connected with Soul and it lies in between spirit & Body. Mathew 5:22 Anger can be for good or bad, if it is bad, it will guide us to sins which in turn lead us to final judgement. If anyone who, 1. Is angry with a brother or sister - will be subject to judgment. 2. Says to a brother or sister, Raca, - is answerable to the court 3. Says, You fool - will be in danger of the fire of hell. Bad thoughts will guide us to sin and final judgment. So we should resist and conquer all bad emotions in our life. Proverbs 12:18 When we are controlled by anger, the words coming out from our mouth will be like piercings of a sword. So when anger comes to our life, you should be able to realize that devil is now in our life, so we should seek help from God to overcome the anger. Bad thoughts Anger Sin Judgement

We have already studied about emotions.

2. IMAGINATIONS: There are 2 types of imaginations: 1. Good imaginations - Hope 2. Bad imaginations despair 2 Corinthians 10:5 What we see, hear from the world will always guide us to depression. Never will we get a word of comfort, support from this world. We should not give place for wicked imaginations in our life that is against the wish and glory of God. These imaginations will make, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Make us unclean Make us to do sin Make us weak Make us tired Make us angry

Door of our heart should be closed for all worldly things, except Gods word. We should not open our heart unnecessary. We should realize that all thoughts which comes inside, there will be a reaction/reflection on our body immediately. Proverbs 23:7 Devil always insist us to enjoy this one and only life in this world. But, who is wise will discern this, we should know the fact that there is a life after death and this is not one and only life which is only for enjoyment. These wicked thoughts will guide us to sin. When devil ask us to enjoy this world, we should immediately react against devil. We should say to devil that if I enjoy this world, I am aware that, I will lose my eternal life.

Prayer Godfill me with good thoughts; dont allow unholy things come into me
Devil will always say to us, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. You are weak You are useless You are not educated You dont have language proficiency You dont have talents You dont have any abilities...Etc.

These are the negative thoughts by devil, which was a cause of failure of many people in their spiritual life. When devil will say all these things, we should find that who am I? If we are able to find this, we will become a victorious person. To find about ourselves, we should pray to God, HE will reveal this to us, and glory of God will come upon all our inabilities of life. Exodus 3:11 Moses was born with a purpose and he knew about his ministry also. But when the time came, Moses realized about God and HIS ministry, he asked God: to do your ministry, who am I, and I am nothing in front of you. Paul also declared that all worldly things are waste, because he realized about himself. He got the vision about

himself from God. He also asked the same question to God, who am I, and he got answer from God. This enabled him to stand firm in his spiritual life till end of his life. God opened his understanding.

Prayer God give me grace to understand your word

Millions are hearing the word of God daily, but few understand the spiritual meaning. So we also need special grace from God to understand the word of God. Mathew 13:23 A person who hear and understand the word of God can give 100% result in his spiritual life. Mathew 13:51 Jesus asked HIS disciples whether they understand all HIS teachings. We just heard about God & Jesus. Even they understood His teaching, after they went back to the world after the death of Jesus. All their understanding was blocked by devil. We should find our identity from God. Ask God, he will reveal the hidden truths about us. Moses went through many problems and struggles in his life almost 80 years. After all those struggles, he achieved humbleness in his life but he lost his identity. We should have a desire to find: who am I? Exodus 3:14 When Moses asked God, who am I, immediately God reveled himself in front of Moses. God answered to Moses that I am that I am. John 14:6 Jesus also answered the same when asked by His disciples, that I am the way, truth and life. I am the light of the world and after sometime He told His disciples that you are the light of the world. We should reveal our identity in the name of Jesus, not for a denomination.

Another product of Unconscious mind is memories. We can see 2 types of memories 1. Good memories which brings happiness & blessings 2. Bad memories which brings curse and sinful life in us Bad memories will attack our spiritual life, when ever bad memories come into us, immediately the reaction will come on our body. Subconscious mind is connected to our body. One of the main reasons for diseases in our life is torture happening inside our body due to these bad memories. When inner healing happens, our all diseases will heal automatically. When someone who is very much close with us departs from this world, it will give inner wounds in our mind. This will lead us to lose hope in our life. So the memories which come into our body, in a particular time, in turn will create emotions. When memories come into us, our body will be totally controlled by these memories. We will start talking after getting influenced by those memories. So we should clean our heart/mind, otherwise this can create diseases on our body.

When wicked memories control our body, body and soul will work together, and our spiritual man will be inactive. So to control these wicked memories, our spiritual man should grow to resist these memories. For that we should read the word of God. Only spiritual man can control soul & spirit, body is only a shell, it cannot correct itself. Body is like a flour mill, the thoughts given by soul will be reflected on our body, either good or bad. 1 Peter 2:1-3 To grow for salvation, we should read word of God daily. When we read Bible continuously, the power of word of God will manifest on our body after some time. 1. When a subject comes into our memories, the whole incident will appear in front of us. 2. Through this incident, emotions will come out from us. 3. These emotions will reflect on our body, it will corrupt us and others. Memories Incident Emotions Response

Body is waiting to respond for each emotion, we should not give chance to our body to respond for all wicked memories. Never should we allow our body to control our spiritual life. When incidents, emotions and response from body unite together, evil/divine power will get revealed on our body, depending upon the type of memory. We should resist the devil for not allowing him to entertain wicked memories. If we cooperate with devil, sin will conquer us. But we should pray to God to pour out his grace to come out from all wicked memories. Romans 16:20 When we pray to God for His grace, God will make us more powerful to conquer devil. God will use our body to keep devil under our feet. God cannot do anything in this world, unless we cooperate, He needs a body to do His miracles in this world. For that we should surrender ourselves to God, to defeat the devil under our feet.


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