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Additional point

Furthermore - Azerbaijani: Bundan başqa / Russian: Кроме того

Moreover - Azerbaijani: Bundan əlavə / Russian: Более того

In addition - Azerbaijani: Bundan başqa / Russian: В дополнение

Additionally - Azerbaijani: Bundan başqa / Russian: Дополнительно

What's more - Azerbaijani: Bundan başqa / Russian: К тому же

Besides - Azerbaijani: Bundan əlavə / Russian: Кроме того

By the same token - Azerbaijani: Bundan başqa / Russian: Тем не менее

1. Furthermore: The research showed a correlation between exercise and mental well-being;
furthermore, it indicated a positive impact on academic performance.

2. Moreover: The study found that eating a balanced diet is crucial for overall health; moreover, it
highlighted the importance of regular exercise.

3. In addition: The author discussed the main themes in the novel; in addition, they analyzed the
characters' motivations in detail.

4. Additionally: The experiment confirmed the hypothesis; additionally, it provided insights into potential
applications in medicine.

5. What's more: The documentary presented compelling evidence for climate change; what's more, it
proposed actionable solutions for environmental sustainability.

6. Besides: The speaker addressed economic challenges in their presentation; besides, they offered
strategies for promoting financial literacy.

7. By the same token: The article argued for stricter regulations on social media platforms; by the same
token, it emphasized the need for user privacy protection.

Give example

For example - Azerbaijani: Məsələn / Russian: Например

For instance - Azerbaijani: Məsələn / Russian: Например

To illustrate - Azerbaijani: Nümunə olaraq / Russian: Для иллюстрации

Namely - Azerbaijani: Yəni / Russian: А именно

In particular - Azerbaijani: Xüsusiyyətlə / Russian: Особенно

1. For example: Many tropical fruits, such as mangoes and pineapples, thrive in warm climates; for
example, Hawaii produces a significant amount of these fruits.

2. For instance: Some animals, like elephants and whales, exhibit complex social behaviors; for

instance, elephants form strong family bonds and whales communicate through elaborate sounds.

3. To illustrate: The diagram clearly shows the stages of photosynthesis; to illustrate, sunlight is absorbed
by chlorophyll during the light-dependent reactions.

4. Namely: Several countries have implemented carbon pricing policies to combat climate change;
namely, Sweden has successfully reduced carbon emissions through its carbon tax system.

5. In particular: The study focused on various factors influencing consumer behavior; in particular, it
examined the role of social media influencers in shaping purchasing decisions.

Define/ clarify

In other words - Azerbaijani: Başqa sözlə, yoxsa / Russian: Другими словами

That is - Azerbaijani: Məsələn, o demək olar / Russian: Имеется в виду

Granted - Azerbaijani: Tanıdılan / Russian: Предоставленный

Fittingly - Azerbaijani: Uyğun olaraq / Russian: Подходяще

Admittedly - Azerbaijani: İtiraf edilir ki / Russian: Признано

1. In other words: The speaker argued that technology has made communication more accessible; in
other words, people can easily connect with others globally through social media platforms.

2. That is: The novel explores themes of identity and belonging; that is, the protagonist struggles with
reconciling cultural expectations with personal aspirations.

3. Granted: The study had limitations in sample size; granted, it still provided valuable insights into the
initial stages of the research topic.

4. Fittingly: The ceremony concluded with a performance by local musicians; fittingly, their music
celebrated the cultural heritage of the region.

5. Admittedly: The theory has gained widespread acceptance; admittedly, there are still gaps in
understanding certain phenomena related to it.


In fact - Azerbaijani: Həqiqətdə / Russian: Фактически

Indeed - Azerbaijani: Həqiqətdə / Russian: В самом деле

Notably - Azerbaijani: Xüsusiyyətlə / Russian: Особенно

1. In fact: Contrary to popular belief, recent studies have shown that regular exercise can improve
cognitive function; in fact, physical activity has been linked to increased brain plasticity.

2. Indeed: The results of the experiment support the hypothesis; indeed, the data demonstrates a
statistically significant correlation between variables.

3. Notably: The artist's work has been exhibited in galleries worldwide; notably, her use of vibrant colors
and abstract forms has garnered critical acclaim.


Likewise - Azerbaijani: Beləcə də / Russian: Также

Similarly - Azerbaijani: O, beləcə də / Russian: Также

1. Likewise: Just as technology has revolutionized communication, it has also transformed the way we
access information; likewise, the internet has made knowledge more accessible than ever before.

2. Similarly: The company's expansion strategy in Europe mirrored its success in Asia; similarly, market
research played a crucial role in both regions to identify consumer preferences and trends

Time / Sequence

First - Azerbaijani: Birinci / Russian: Во-первых

Initially - Azerbaijani: İlk olaraq / Russian: Изначально

Later - Azerbaijani: Sonraları / Russian: Позже

Meanwhile - Azerbaijani: Bu vaxt / Russian: Тем временем

Next - Azerbaijani: Növbəti / Russian: Следующий

Previously - Azerbaijani: Əvvəlcə / Russian: Предыдущий

Subsequently - Azerbaijani: Sonra / Russian: Впоследствии

Finally - Azerbaijani: Nihayət / Russian: В конце концов

While - Azerbaijani: Müddət ərzində / Psian: В то время как

1. First: The first step in solving a math problem is to understand the problem statement.

2. Initially: Initially, the company faced challenges in gaining market share, but with strategic marketing,
it overcame these obstacles.

3. Later: The novel introduces the main character early on, and later, it delves deeper into her backstory.

4. Meanwhile: The students worked on their group project; meanwhile, the teacher prepared for the
next lesson.

5. Next: After finishing their dinner, the family decided that the next activity would be watching a movie

6. Previously: The team had attempted a similar project previously, which provided valuable insights for
their current endeavor.

7. Subsequently: The new law was passed, and subsequently, there was a decrease in crime rates in the

8. Finally: After months of preparation, the day of the competition finally arrived.

9. While: While some prefer coffee in the morning, others opt for tea.


Alternatively - Azerbaijani: Başqa tərəfuon / Russian: Или же

Although - Azerbaijani: Hər ne ki / Russian: Хотя

Conversely - Azerbaijani: Tam əksinə / Russian: Напротив

Even though - Azerbaijani: Belə olsa da / Russian: Хотя

However - Azerbaijani: Amma / Russian: Однако

Instead - Azerbaijani: Onun əvəzinə / Russian: Вместо этого

Meanwhile - Azerbaijani: Bu vaxt / Russian: Тем временем

Nevertheless - Azerbaijani: Yenə də də / Russian: Тем не менее

Nonetheless - Azerbaijani: Buna baxmayaraq / Russian: Тем не менее

Regardless - Azerbaijani: Buna baxmayaraq / Russian: Hесмотря на

Whereas - Azerbaijani: Nəinki, / Russian: В то время как

Still - Azerbaijani: Hələ də / Russian: Bcе еще

1. Alternatively: Students can choose between studying abroad or participating in an internship to gain
international experience.

2. Although: Although the weather was unfavorable, the team still managed to complete the outdoor

3. Conversely: Some people prefer working in teams; conversely, others excel when working

4. Despite: Despite facing financial challenges, the organization continued its charitable work in the

5. Even so: The weather was hot and humid; even so, the athletes persevered and completed the

6. Even though: Even though the project encountered delays, it was completed ahead of schedule.

7. However: The results of the experiment were unexpected; however, they provided valuable insights
for future research.

8. Instead: Instead of taking a direct flight, they chose to drive to their destination and enjoy the scenic

9. Meanwhile: The CEO focused on expanding the company's international market; meanwhile, the
marketing team worked on local campaigns.

10. Nevertheless: The team faced numerous, setbacks; nevertheless, they remained determined to
achieve their goals.

11. Nonetheless: The criticism was harsh; nonetheless, the artist continued to create art that reflected
their vision.

12. Regardless: Regardless of the outcome, participating in the competition was a valuable learning

13. Whereas: Some prefer to work in fast-paced environments, whereas others thrive in more structured

14. Still: Despite the challenges, the team still managed to achieve their quarterly targets.


By/In contrast - Azerbaijani: Çünki / Russian: Напротив

On the contrary - Azerbaijani: Tam əksinə / Russian: Напротив

On the other hand - Azerbaijani: Digər tərəfdən / Russian: С другой стороны

1. By/In contrast: The traditional approach relies on manual labor; by contrast, the modern method
utilizes automation for increased efficiency.

2. On the contrary: Many believed the project would fail; on the contrary, it exceeded expectations and
became a model for future initiatives.

3. On the other hand: Some argue for stricter regulations; on the other hand, opponents believe in a
more hands-off approach to governance.

Cause – and – effect

Accordingly - Azerbaijani: Buna görə / Russian: Следовательно

As a result - Azerbaijani: Nəticədə / Russian: В результате

As such - Azerbaijani: Buna görə / Russian: Поэтому

Consequently - Azerbaijani: Nəticədə / Russian: Следовательно

Hence - Azerbaijani: Buna görə / Russian: Поэтому

Thus - Azerbaijani: Beləliklə / Russian: Таким образом

Therefore - Azerbaijani: Bu səbəbdən / Russian: Поэтому

To these ends - Azerbaijani: Bu məqsədlər üçün / Russian: Для этих целей

1. Accordingly: The company experienced a surge in profits; accordingly, they expanded their product

2. As a result: The team implemented new strategies, and as a result, they saw an increase in

3. As such: The market conditions were favorable; as such, investors were eager to capitalize on the

4. Consequently: The road closure caused traffic delays; consequently, many commuters arrived late to

5. Hence: The experiment yielded promising results; hence, further research in this area is warranted.

6. Thus: The study concluded that exercise improves mental health; thus, regular physical activity is

7. Therefore: The data indicated a strong correlation; therefore, the researchers concluded that there is a
causal relationship.

8. To these ends: The organization implemented sustainability practices in its operations; to these ends,
they reduced waste and carbon emissions.


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