Pubdet 2023 Question Paper

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Paper - I
(Booklet Number)
Duration : 90 Minutes No. of Questions : 50 Full Marks : 100

1. All questions are of objective type having four answer options for each. Only one option is
correct. Correct answer will carry full marks 2. In case of incorrect answer or any
combination of more than one answer, ½ mark will be deducted.
2. Questions must be answered on OMR sheet by darkening the appropriate bubble marked A,
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3. Use only Black/Blue ink ball point pen to mark the answer by complete filling up of the
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5. Write question booklet number and your roll number carefully in the specified locations of
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Geography 


Geography 2 

1. Evidences in favour of seafloor spreading come from

(A) Paleo magnetism
(B) Linear pattern of magnetic anomalies on either side of mid oceanic ridge
(C) Magnetic inclination
(D) Magnetic declination
¢e­Ql ­L¡eÚ¢V jq£p’¡l­el pf­r fËj¡Z ¢qp¡­h ¢h­h¢Qa qu ?
(A) f¤l¡Q¥ðLaÆ
(B) jdÉp¡j¤¢âL °nm¢nl¡l c¤f¡­n fl¡Q¥ðL£u ¢hQ¥É¢al °l¢ML ¢heÉ¡p
(C) jÉ¡N­e¢VL Ce¢LÓ­ene
(D) jÉ¡N­e¢VL ­X¢LÓ­ene

2. Magnetic property of Earth originates from

(A) Asthenosphere (B) Inner Core
(C) Outer Core (D) Lithosphere
fª¢bh£l ­Q±ðL£u °h¢nøÉ i¨-AiÉ¿¹­ll ­L¡eÚ Ù¹l ­b­L pªø ?
(A) AÉ¡p­b­e¡¢Øgu¡l (B) A¿¹x­L¾cÊjäm
(C) h¢qÑx­L¾cÊjäm (D) ¢nm¡jäm

3. Distinct period of similar magnetic polarity is known as

(A) Chron (B) Era
(C) Epoch (D) Episode
HLC ­Q±ðL ­jl¦ pj¢eÄa pju-f¢lpl…¢m­L ¢L hm¡ qu ?
(A) œ²e (B) Cl¡
(C) CfLÚ (D) H¢f­p¡X

4. The oldest oceanic crust is generally found along

(A) Mid oceanic ridge (B) Continental slope margin
(C) Submarine canyon (D) Oceanic trenches
pj¤­âl ­L¡b¡u ph­Q­u f¤l¡ae jq¡p¡Nl£u i¨aÆL ­cM¡ k¡u ?
(A) jdÉ-p¡j¤¢âL °nm¢nl¡ (B) jq¡­cn£u Y¡­ml fË¡¿¹­c­n
(C) ¢ej¢‹a ¢N¢lM¡a hl¡hl (D) p¡j¤¢âL M¡a hl¡hl

Geography 3 
5. In a fault, the amount of horizontal displacement is known as
(A) Throw (B) Hade (C) Heave (D) Dip
HL¢V Q¥É¢al ­r­œ Ae¤i¨¢jL ¢hQ¥É¢al f¢lj¡Z­L h­m -
(A) ­bË¡ (B) ­qX (C) ¢qiÚ (D) ¢Xf

6. Low angle reverse fault is called

(A) Tear Fault (B) Rift Fault
(C) Thrust (D) Strike Slip Fault
Lj e¢al ¢hfl£a Q¥É¢a­L h­m -
(A) ¢Ræ Q¥É¢a (B) NËÙÛ Q¥É¢a
(C) bË¡ØV (D) Bu¡j - ØMme Q¥É¢a

7. The fold in which both the limbs dip in same direction with same dip angle is known as
(A) Over turned fold (B) Recumbent fold
(C) Monoclinal fold (D) Isoclinal fold
­k iy¡­Sl c¤¢V h¡ý HLC ¢c­L Hhw HLC ­L¡­Z ea a¡­L h­m -
(A) EÒV¡­e¡ iy¡S (B) n¡¢ua iy¡S
(C) HLea iy¡S (D) pjea iy¡S

8. Overturned fold with almost horizontal axis is called

(A) Recumbent fold (B) Asymmetric fold
(C) Isoclinal fold (D) Plunging fold
­L¡­e¡ EÒV¡­e¡ iy¡­Sl Ar­lM¡¢V fË¡u pj¡¿¹l¡m q­m a¡­L h­m
(A) n¡¢ua iy¡S (B) Apj iy¡S
(C) pjea iy¡S (D) fÔ¡e¢Sw i¡yS

9. Which among the following seismic wave cannot travel through liquid media ?
(A) Primary (P) wave (B) Secondary (S) wave
(C) Love (L) wave (D) Rayleigh (R) wave
¢e­Ql ­L¡eÚ i¨LÇf£u al‰ alm j¡dÉj ¢c­u ANËpl q­a f¡­l e¡ ?
(A) fË¡Cj¡l£ (P) al‰ (B) ­p­Lä¡l£ (S) al‰
(C) m¡i (L) al‰ (D) lÉ¡¢m (R) al‰

Geography 4 
10. Which among the following discontinuities lies between mantle and outer core ?
(A) Conrad discontinuity (B) Gutenberg discontinuity
(C) Mohorovicic discontinuity (D) Lehmann discontinuity
…l¦jäm Hhw h¢qÑ­L¾cÊjä­ml j­dÉ ­L¡eÚ ¢hk¤¢š²¢V Ah¢ÙÛa ?
(A) Lel¡X ¢hk¤¢š² (B) …­Veh¡NÑ ¢hk¤¢š²
(C) ­j¡­q¡­l¡¢i¢pL ¢hk¤¢š² (D) ­mjÉ¡e ¢hk¤¢š²

11. Read the following statements and choose the correct option :
1. Oceanic crust is much younger than continental crust.
2. Continental crust is composed of granodiorite and diorite, whereas oceanic crust is
composed of intrusive and mafic rocks.
3. Continental crust is thicker than oceanic crust.
4. Continental crust experiences more tectonic deformation than oceanic crust.
(A) Only 1, 2 and 4 are correct. (B) Only 1, 2 and 3 are correct.
(C) All 1, 2, 3, 4 are correct. (D) Only 2, 3, 4 are correct.
¢e­Ql ¢hhª¢a…¢m f¡W L­l p¢WL ¢hLÒf¢V Que Ll¦e :
1. jq¡p¡Nl£u i¨aÆL jq¡­cn£u i¨aÆ­Ll a¥me¡u hu­p eh£e z
2. jq¡­cn£u i¨aÆL NË¡­e¡X¡­u¡l¡CV Hhw X¡­u¡l¡CV ¢nm¡ à¡l¡ N¢Wa, ­kM¡­e jq¡p¡Nl£u i¨aÆL
E­ác£ Hhw j¡¢gL ¢nm¡ à¡l¡ N¢Wa z
3. jq¡­cn£u i¨aÆL jq¡p¡Nl£u i¨aÆL A­fr¡ ­hn£ f¤l¦ z
4. jq¡­cn£u i¨aÆL jq¡p¡Nl£u i¨aÆL A­fr¡ A­eL ­hn£ i¨pwÙÛ¡¢eL n¢š²l fËi¡­h ¢hL«a
q­u­R z
(A) ­Lhm 1, 2, Hhw 4 p¢WL (B) ­Lhm 1, 2 Hhw 3 p¢WL
(C) 1, 2, 3, 4 phC p¢WL (D) ­Lhm 2, 3, 4 p¢WL

12. Which among the following theories on isostasy is based on “Principles of floating” ?
(A) Airy’s Theory (B) Pratt’s Theory
(C) Dulton’s Theory (D) Hayford’s Theory
pj¢ÙÛ¢al ­L¡eÚ jah¡c¢V i¡pj¡ea¡l e£¢al Efl fË¢a¢ùa ?
(A) H¢ll jah¡c (B) fË¡­Vl jah¡c
(C) X¡mV­el jah¡c (D) ­q­g¡­XÑl jah¡c

Geography 5 
13. Which among the following hypotheses on development of earth is based on the principle –
“Solar system develops from rotating hot and gaseous nebula” ?
(A) Weizsacker’s Hypothesis (B) Chamberlin – Moulton Hypothesis
(C) Kant-Laplace Hypothesis (D) Jean’s Hypothesis
“O¤ZÑ¡uj¡e Ešç NÉ¡p£u ­eh¤m¡ ­b­L ­p±lSN­al pª¢ø” - HC d¡le¡l Efl ¢i¢š L­l fª¢bh£ pª¢øl
­L¡eÚ ašÄ¢V fËh¢aÑa q­u­R ?
(A) ECp¡L¡­ll jah¡c (B) ­Qð¡l¡¢me-j¤ÒVe jah¡c
(C) L¡¾V-mÉ¡fm¡p jah¡c (D) ¢SepÚ Hl jah¡c

14. Read the following statements and choose the correct option :
Negative change of base level occurs by.
1. fall of sea level.
2. upliftment of adjacent coastal landmass.
3. sinking of ocean basin floor.
4. sea level rise.
(A) Only 1, 3 and 4 are correct. (B) Only 1, 2 and 3 are correct.
(C) All 1, 2, 3, 4 are correct. (D) Only 1, 2 and 4 are correct.
¢e­Ql ¢hhª¢a…¢m fse¥ Hhw p¢WL ¢hLÒf¢V Que Ll¦e z
r­ul ­nop£j¡l GZ¡aÈL f¢lhaÑe qu, HC fÜ¢al à¡l¡ -
1. pj¤â Sma­ml Aheje
2. EfL¨m£u i¨-i¡­Nl E­š¡me
3. pj¤â am­c­nl ¢ej‹e
4. pj¤â Sma­ml E›¡e
(A) ­Lhm 1, 3 Hhw 4 p¢WL (B) ­Lhm 1, 2 Hhw 3 p¢WL
(C) pL­mC AbÑ¡v 1, 2, 3, 4 p¢WL (D) ­Lhm 1, 2 Hhw 4 p¢WL

15. El Nino phenomena is associated with which among the following cells of the atmospheric
circulation ?
(A) Hadley cell (B) Ferrel cell
(C) Polar cell (D) Walker cell
h¡u¤jäm£u p’¡m­el ­L¡eÚ fË­L¡­ùl p¡­b Hm ¢e­e¡ S¢sa ?
(A) qÉ¡X¢m fË­L¡ù (B) ­g­lm fË­L¡ù
(C) ­jl¦­cn£u fË­L¡ù (D) Ju¡L¡l fË­L¡ù
Geography 6 
16. Annular drainage pattern is developed on
(A) Homoclinal structure (B) Folded structure
(C) Faulted structure (D) Domal structure
A‰¥l£uL¡l Sm¢eNÑj fËZ¡m£ ­k dl­el ¢nm¡ NW­el Efl pª¢ø qu -
(A) HLea NWe (B) iy¡SfË¡ç NWe
(C) Q¥É¢a NWe (D) Nð¤S¡L«¢a NWe

17. Which among the following landforms are resulted from rejuvenation ?
(A) River terrace, Alluvial fan, Waterfalls
(B) Entrenched meander, Knick point, River terrace
(C) Knick point, Flood plain, Entrenched meander
(D) River terrace, Flood plain, Waterfalls
ec£l f§ZÑ­k±he m¡­il g­m e£­Ql ­L¡eÚ i¨¢jl©­fl pª¢ø qu ?
(A) ec£ j’, fmm hÉ¡Se£, SmfËf¡a
(B) L¢aÑa ec£hy¡L, ¢eLÚ¢h¾c¥, ec£ j’
(C) ¢eLÚ¢h¾c¤, fÔ¡hei¨¢j, L¢aÑa ec£hy¡L
(D) ec£ j’, fÔ¡hei¨¢j, SmfËf¡a

18. Tributaries to join the mainstream at right angle is the requisite property of
(A) Trellis and Radial patterns (B) Trellis and Pinnet patterns
(C) Rectangle and Parallel patterns (D) Trellis and Rectangular patterns
¢e­Ql ­L¡eÚ Sm¢eNÑj fËZ¡m£­a Efec£…¢m fËd¡e ec£l p¡­b pj­L¡­Z ¢j¢ma qu ?
(A) S¡gl£ l©f£ Hhw ­L¾cÊ¢hj¤M Sm¢eNÑj fËZ¡m£
(B) S¡gl£ l©f£ Hhw ¢f­eV Sm¢eNÑj fËZ¡m£
(C) Bua¡L¡l Hhw pj¡¿¹l¡m Sm¢eNÑj fËZ¡m£
(D) S¡gl£ l©f£ Hhw Bua¡L¡l Sm¢eNÑj fËZ¡m£

19. Which among the following types of biodiversity indicates “Nature of diversity within a
species” ?
(A) Habitat diversity (B) Genetic diversity
(C) Species diversity (D) Ecological diversity
¢e­Ql ­L¡eÚ fËL¡l S£h°h¢Q­œÉl à¡l¡ ‘HLC fËS¡¢al j­dÉ °h¢Q­œÉl dlZ’ ­h¡T¡­e¡ qu ?
(A) h¡pÙÛ¡e Hm¡L¡Na °h¢QœÉ (B) S£eNa °h¢QœÉ
(C) fËS¡¢aNa °h¢QœÉ (D) h¡Ù¹¥a¡¢¿»L °h¢QœÉ

Geography 7 
20. Which among the following does not directly control loss from cyclonic disaster ?
(A) Wind speed
(B) Socio-economic status of the affected people
(C) Nature of relief distribution
(D) Climatic change
p¡C­LÓ¡­el rur¢a L¡l Efl fËaÉr i¡­h ¢eiÑl L­l e¡ ?
(A) h¡u¤l N¢a­hN
(B) r¢aNËÙÛ j¡e¤­ol BbÑ-p¡j¡¢SL AhÙÛ¡
(C) œ¡Zh¾V­el dle
(D) Smh¡u¤l f¢lhaÑe

21. The contemporary rise of sea level in connection with global warming is mainly due to
(A) Melting of glaciers (B) Plate tectonics
(C) Thermal expansion of sea water (D) Reduction of sea ice
haÑj¡eL¡­ml ¢hnÄEo·¡u­el g­m pj¤â Sma­ml E›¡­el fËd¡e L¡lZ ¢L ?
(A) ¢qjh¡q Nme (B) f¡apwÙÛ¡e
(C) pj¤âS­ml Eo·a¡ hª¢Ü-S¢ea fËp¡lZ (D) p¡j¤¢âL hl­gl qÊÊ¡p

22. Submarine canyons are formed on

(A) Mid-oceanic Ridge (B) Abyssal Plain
(C) Continental Shelf (D) Continental Slope
¢ej¢‹a ¢N¢lM¡a ­kM¡­e pª¢ø qu -
(A) jdÉp¡j¤¢âL °nm¢nl¡ (B) Ni£l pj¤â am­cn
(C) jq£­p¡f¡e (D) jq£Y¡m

23. The line joining points of equal seismic intensity is

(A) Co-seismal Line (B) Homo-seismal Line
(C) Iso-seismal Line (D) Equi-seismal Line
pj¡e i¨LÇf­el a£hËa¡k¤š² Hm¡L¡…¢m­L pw­k¡NL¡l£ ­lM¡­L h­m -
(A) ­L¡-¢ppj¡m ­lM¡ (B) ­q¡­j¡-¢ppj¡m ­lM¡
(C) BC­p¡-¢ppj¡m ­lM¡ (D) CL¥C-¢ppj¡m ­lM¡

Geography 8 
24. ‘Richter’ scale measures
(A) Earthquake intensity (B) Earthquake magnitude
(C) Observed earthquake damage (D) Both earthquake magnitude and intensity
‘¢lMV¡l’ ­úm k¡ p§¢Qa L­l -
(A) i¨¢jL­Çfl a£hËa¡ (B) i¨¢jL­Çfl j¡œ¡
(C) i¨¢jL­Çfl h¡¢qÉL rur¢a (D) i¨¢jL­Çfl a£hËa¡ J j¡œ¡

25. Potential density of ocean water is assessed by the study of

(A) Only temperature of ocean water.
(B) Salinity of ocean water.
(C) Combination of salinity and temperature of ocean water.
(D) Composition of ocean water.
pj¤â S­ml pñ¡hÉ OeaÆ ­k °h¢n­øÉl à¡l¡ ­h¡T¡ k¡u -
(A) ­Lhm pj¤â S­ml Eo·a¡
(B) ­Lhm pj¤â S­ml mhZa¡
(C) pj¤â S­ml Eo·a¡ Hhw mhZa¡l p¢Çj¢ma °h¢nøÉ
(D) pj¤â S­ml N¡W¢eL Ef¡c¡e

26. Which among the following is the dominant group of domestic migration in India ?
(A) Female migration from rural to rural
(B) Male migration from urban to urban
(C) Female migration from urban to urban
(D) Female migration from rural to urban
i¡lah­oÑ B¿¹Ñ­cn£u f¢lhË¡S­el ph­Q­u …l¦aÆf§ZÑ fËL¡l ­L¡eÚ¢V ?
(A) NË¡j ­b­L NË¡­j j¢qm¡­cl f¢lhË¡Se
(B) nql ­b­L nq­l f¤l¦o­cl f¢lhË¡Se
(C) nql ­b­L nq­l j¢qm¡­cl f¢lhË¡Se
(D) NË¡j ­b­L nq­l j¢qm¡­cl f¢lhË¡Se

27. ‘Dry point’ settlements are found in

(A) Desert area near oasis (B) Near the mountain spring
(C) Flood prone area along levees (D) Plain land around a lake
‘ö×L-¢h¾c¤’ Sehp¢a ­kM¡­e ­cM¡ k¡u -
(A) jl¦i¨¢jl j­dÉ jl¦cÉ¡­e (B) f¡hÑaÉ fËpËh­el ¢eL­V
(C) fÔ¡hei¨¢j­a ü¡i¡¢hL hy¡d hl¡hl (D) qÊÊ­cl Q¡lf¡­nl pjami¨¢j­a

Geography 9 
28. Age-sex pyramid having wide base and narrow top indicates which of the following
characteristics ?
1. Constant population 2. Population is fast growing
3. High birth rate 4. Low life expectancy
5. Population is generally older.
(A) Only 1, 2, 3 are true. (B) Only 2, 3, 4 are true.
(C) Only 1, 3, 5 are true. (D) Only 1, 4, 5 are true.
fËnÙÛ f¡c­cn Hhw pwL£ZÑ n£oÑ­cn ¢h¢nø hup-¢m‰ ¢fl¡¢jX SepwMÉ¡l ­L¡eÚ °h¢nøÉ­L p§¢Qa L­l ?
1. ¢ÙÛl SepwMÉ¡ 2. SepwMÉ¡l â¤a q¡­l hª¢Ü
3. SeÈq¡l M¤h ­hn£ 4. Ns Bu¤ Lj
5. SepwMÉ¡­a hu×L j¡e¤­ol pwMÉ¡¢dLÉ
(A) ­Lhm 1, 2, 3 p¢WL (B) ­Lhm 2, 3, 4 p¢WL
(C) ­Lhm 1, 3, 5 p¢WL (D) ­Lhm 1, 4, 5 p¢WL

29. Which among the following is written in Survey of India topographical map to indicate
deviation of the magnetic north from geographical north ?
(A) Magnetic inclination (B) Magnetic declination
(C) Magnetic anomaly (D) Magnetic polarity
­i±N¢mL Ešl-­jl¦ Hhw ­Q±ðL£u Ešl-­jl¦l j­dÉ f¡bÑLÉ ­h¡T¡­a ¢e­Ql ­L¡eÚ ¢hou¢V p¡­iÑ Ag
C¢äu¡ fËZ£a ­V¡­f¡NË¡¢gLÉ¡m j¡e¢Q­œ ­mM¡ b¡­L ?
(A) jÉ¡N­e¢VL Ce¢LÓ­ene (B) jÉ¡N­e¢VL ­X¢LÓ­ene
(C) jÉ¡N­e¢VL AÉ¡­e¡jÉ¡¢m (D) jÉ¡N­e¢VL ­f¡m¡¢l¢V

30. Which of the following is/are one dimensional diagram(s) ?

1. Line diagram
2. Bar diagram
3. Histogram
(A) Only 1 and 2 are true. (B) Only 1 is true.
(C) 1, 2, 3 are true. (D) Only 2 and 3 are true.
¢e­Ql ­L¡eÚ¢V h¡ ­L¡eÚ…¢m HLj¡¢œL ?
1. m¡Ce X¡u¡NË¡j
2. h¡l - X¡u¡NË¡j
3. ¢q­ØV¡NË¡j
(A) ­Lhm 1 Hhw 2 p¢WL (B) ­Lhm 1 p¢WL
(C) 1, 2, 3 p¢WL (D) ­Lhm 2 Hhw 3 p¢WL

Geography 10 
31. If the scale (R.F 1:500) is enlarged by 2 times, what will be the new scale (R.F) ?
(A) 1:1000 (B) 1:250 (C) 1:125 (D) 1:2000
HL¢V ­úm (R.F 1:500) k¢c ¢à…Z hs Ll¡ qu, a­h a¡l ea¥e ­úm (R.F) La q­h ?
(A) 1:1000 (B) 1:250 (C) 1:125 (D) 1:2000

32. Consistency of a cricketer in scoring run is better examined by calculating

(A) Mean of his scores.
(B) Standard deviation of his scores.
(C) Co-efficient of variation of his scores.
(D) Mean deviation of his scores.
­L¡­e¡ ¢œ²­LV¡­ll l¡e Ll¡l d¡l¡h¡¢qLa¡ L£i¡­h NZe¡ Ll¡ qu ?
(A) l¡­el Ns à¡l¡
(B) l¡­el fËj¡Z ¢hQ¥É¢a à¡l¡
(C) l¡­el ­L¡-H¢g¢p­u¾V AgÚ iÉ¡¢l­une à¡l¡
(D) l¡­el Ns ¢hQ¥É¢a à¡l¡

33. What does the symbol ‘  ’ mean in Indian Daily Weather Map ?
(A) Sky Overcast (B) Sky Obscured
(C) Thunder Storm (D) Haze
i¡l­al fËaÉ¡¢qL Bhq¡Ju¡ j¡e¢Q­œ ‘  ’ ¢Qq²¢V à¡l¡ ¢L ­h¡T¡u ?
(A) pÇf§ZÑ ­jO¡hªa BL¡n (B) AhpÚ¢LJXÑ BL¡n
(C) hSÊT•¡ (D) L¥u¡n¡

34. The distance between two village in a SOI Topographical Map (R.F 1:50,000) is 20 cm.
What is the actual distance in km ?
(A) 40 km (B) 100 km (C) 10 km (D) 1000 km
p¡­iÑ Ag C¢äu¡ ­V¡­f¡NË¡¢gLÉ¡m j¡e¢Q­œ (R.F 1:50,000) c¤¢V NË¡­jl j­dÉ c§laÆ 20 cm. ÙÛ¡e c¤¢Vl
j­dÉ fËL«a c§laÆ La (¢L.¢j.) ?
(A) 40 km (B) 100 km (C) 10 km (D) 1000 km

Geography 11 
35. In old series SOI Topographical map the dimension of R.F. 1: 1,000,000 sheet is
(A) 4° Lat × 4° Long (B) 6° Lat × 4° Long
(C) 6° Lat × 6° Long (D) 4° Lat × 6° Long
f¤l¡ae ¢p¢l­Sl p¡­iÑ Ag C¢äu¡l ­V¡­f¡NË¡¢gLÉ¡m j¡e¢Q­œl °c¢nL j¡œ¡ La, k¡l ­úm ( R.F.) 1:
1,000,000 ?
(A) 4° Ar¡wn × 4° â¡¢Oj¡ (B) 6° Ar¡wn × 4° â¡¢Oj¡
(C) 6° Ar¡wn × 6° â¡¢Oj¡ (D) 4° Ar¡wn × 6° â¡¢Oj¡

36. Which of the properties of projection is maintained if scale distortion along parallel and
that along meridians are the same ?
(A) Equal area projection (B) Equal shape projection
(C) Equidistant projection (D) Azimuthal projection
­L¡eÚ j¡e¢Qœ A¢i­r­f Ar­lM¡ Hhw â¡¢Oj¡ ­lM¡ hl¡hl ­ú­ml ¢hL«¢a pj¡e ?
(A) pj-­rœgm ¢h¢nø j¡e¢Qœ A¢i­rf
(B) pj-BL«¢a ¢h¢nø j¡e¢Qœ A¢i­rf
(C) pj-c§laÆ ¢h¢nø j¡e¢Qœ A¢i­rf
(D) pj-¢cN¡wn (AÉ¡¢Sj¤b¡m) j¡e¢Qœ A¢i­rf

37. What is the R.F. of SOI Topographical map of old series bearing number 73J/NE ?
(A) 1:25,000 (B) 1:50,000 (C) 1:100,000 (D) 1:10,000
f¤l¡­e¡ ¢p¢l­Sl p¡­iÑ Ag C¢äu¡l ­V¡­f¡NË¡¢gLÉ¡m j¡e¢Qœ 73J/NE -Hl ­úm La ?
(A) 1:25,000 (B) 1:50,000 (C) 1:100,000 (D) 1:10,000

38. Which of the following states has Uranium mines ?

(A) West Bengal (B) Odisha (C) Jharkhand (D) Bihar
¢e­Ql ­L¡eÚ l¡SÉ­a CE­l¢eu¡­jl M¢e mrÉ Ll¡ k¡u ?
(A) f¢ÕQjh‰ (B) J¢sn¡ (C) T¡sMä (D) ¢hq¡l

39. Which of the following dunes has a parabolic shape ?

(A) Barkhan dune (B) Dhrian dune
(C) Star dune (D) Longitudinal dune
¢e­Ql ­L¡eÚ h¡¢mu¡¢sl ­r­œ Efhªš¡L¡l BL«¢a mr Ll¡ k¡u ?
(A) h¡MÑ¡e h¡¢mu¡¢s (B) ¢dËu¡e h¡¢mu¡¢s
(C) a¡lL¡L«¢a h¡¢mu¡¢s (D) cä¡L¡l h¡¢mu¡¢s

Geography 12 
40. Which of the following is a resultant erosional landform of mountain glacier ?
(A) Drumlin (B) Moraine (C) Corrie (D) Kettle Lake
¢e­Ql ­L¡eÚ i¨¢jl©f¢V f¡hÑaÉ ¢qjh¡­ql pªø ruS¡a i¨¢jl©f ?
(A) XÊ¡j¢me (B) ­j¡­le (C) L¢l (D) ­LVÚm qÊc

41. Freight Corridor of India is associated with what type of transport ?

(A) Road transport (B) Rail transport
(C) Water transport (D) Air transport
i¡l­al öó L¢l­X¡l ­L¡eÚ f¢lhqZ hÉhÙÛ¡l p­‰ k¤š² ?
(A) psLfb f¢lhqZ (B) ­lmfb f¢lhqZ
(C) Smfb f¢lhqZ (D) h¡u¤fb f¢lhqZ

42. In which of the following areas, clustered rural settlement is found ?

(A) River side (B) Road side
(C) Coastal area (D) Around a oasis
¢e­Ql ­L¡eÚ A’­ml NË¡j£Z hp¢a­a ¢fä¡L«¢a hp¢a mr Ll¡ k¡u ?
(A) ec£ d¡l hl¡hl (B) l¡Ù¹¡ hl¡hl
(C) EfL¨m Hm¡L¡u (D) jl¦cÉ¡­el Q¡lf¡­n

43. Which of the following shows the largest map scale ?

(A) Wall map (B) Cadastral map
(C) Toposheet (D) World map
¢ejÀ¢m¢Ma ­L¡eÚ jÉ¡­fl ­r­œ ph­Q­u hs ­úm mr Ll¡ k¡u ?
(A) ­cu¡m jÉ¡f (B) LÉ¡X¡ØVÊ¡m jÉ¡f
(C) V­f¡¢pVÚ (D) fª¢bh£l jÉ¡f

44. In which type of fold, rock displacement occurs ?

(A) Symmetrical fold (B) Asymmetrical fold
(C) Box fold (D) Nappe fold
­L¡eÚ dl­el i¢‰m NW­el ­r­œ ¢nm¡l ¢hQ¥É¢a O­V ?
(A) p¤¤pj iy¡S (B) Apj iy¡S
(C) h¡„ iy¡S (D) eÉ¡f iy¡S

45. Who among the following is not associated with cycle of erosion ?
(A) Davis (B) Penck (C) Wegener (D) Hack
¢e­Ql ­L¡eÚ Se ruQœ² fË¢œ²u¡l d¡le¡l p­‰ ­L¡­e¡i¡­hC k¤š² ee ?
(A) ­X¢ip (B) ­fˆ (C) J­uNÚe¡l (D) qÉ¡LÚ

Geography 13 
46. Which information out of the following can not be directly derived from a SOI toposheet ?
(A) Agriculture (B) Drainage density
(C) Flow direction of a river (D) Weather condition
¢ejÀ¢m¢Ma abÉ…¢ml j­dÉ ­L¡eÚ¢V SOI V­f¡¢pVÚ j¡e¢Qœ ­b­L pl¡p¢l f¡Ju¡ k¡u e¡ ?
(A) L«¢o (B) ec£l OeaÆ
(C) ec£l fËh¡q A¢ij¤M (D) Bhq¡Ju¡l AhÙÛ¡

47. Ooty of Tamil Nadu located in the tropical region experiences spring throughout the year
due to
(A) Low amount of pressure (B) Presence of cold wind
(C) Rainfall throughout the year (D) Normal lapse rate of temperature
a¡¢jme¡sl¥ E¢V ¢elr£u A’­m Ah¢ÙÛa q­mJ, ¢Qlhp¿¹ ¢hl¡S L­l, ­k L¡l­Z, a¡ qm -
(A) Q¡­fl j¡e Lj h­m (B) W¡ä¡ h¡u¤ fËh¡­ql Ef¢ÙÛ¢al SeÉ
(C) p¡l¡ hRl hª¢øf¡a qu h­m (D) a¡fj¡œ¡l ü¡i¡¢hL qÊÊ¡­pl SeÉ

48. Dry ice is a

(A) Solid ice without water (B) Solid Sulphur dioxide
(C) Solid Benzene (D) Solid Carbon dioxide
ö×L hlg qm
(A) Sm R¡s¡ L¢We hlg (B) L¢We p¡mg¡l X¡C-A„¡CX
(C) L¢We ­h¢”e (D) L¢We L¡hÑe X¡C-A„¡CX

49. Which of the following is the characteristics of a good fuel ?

(A) High ignition temperature (B) Low ignition temperature
(C) Low calorific value (D) High calorific value
e£­Ql ­L¡eÚ¢V i¡­m¡ SÆ¡m¡e£l °h¢nøÉ q­a f¡­l ?
(A) EµQ SÆme a¡fj¡œ¡ (B) ¢ejÀ SÆme a¡fj¡œ¡
(C) ¢ejÀ a¡fj¡e (D) EµQ a¡fj¡e

50. The hottest part of the flame is:

(A) Blue zone (B) Yellow zone
(C) Red zone (D) In between red and yellow zone
A¢NÀ¢nM¡u ph­Q­u Ešç Awn qm
(A) e£m A’m (B) qm¤c A’m
(C) m¡m A’m (D) m¡m J qm¤­cl jdÉhaÑ£ A’m

Geography 14 


Geography 15 
Paper – I

pju: 90 ¢j¢eV ®j¡V fËnÀ : 50 ¢V f§ ZÑj¡e : 100

1. HC fËnÀf­œl ph fËnÀC Ah­S¢ƒi fËnÀ Hhw fË¢a¢V fË­nÀl Q¡l¢V pñ¡hÉ Ešl ­cJu¡ B­R
k¡l HL¢V j¡œ p¢WL z p¢WL Ešl ¢Q¢q²a Ll­m 2 eðl f¡­h z i¥m Ešl ¢Q¢q²a Ll­m
Abh¡ HL¡¢dL Ešl ¢Q¢q²a Ll­m ½ eðl L¡V¡ k¡­h z
2. OMR f­œ A, B, C, D ¢Q¢q²a p¢WL Ol¢V il¡V L­l Ešl ¢c­a q­h z
3. OMR f­œ Ešl ¢c­a öd¤j¡œ L¡­m¡ h¡ e£m L¡¢ml hm f­u¾V ­fe hÉhq¡l Ll­h z
4. OMR f­œ ¢e¢cÑø ÙÛ¡e R¡s¡ AeÉ ­L¡b¡J ­L¡­e¡ c¡N ­c­h e¡ z
5. OMR f­œ ¢e¢cÑø ÙÛ¡­e fËnÀf­œl eðl Hhw ¢e­Sl ­l¡m eðl A¢a p¡hd¡ea¡l p¡­b ¢mM­a
q­h Hhw fË­u¡Se£u Ol…¢m f§lZ Ll­a q­h z
6. OMR f­œ ¢e¢cÑø ÙÛ¡­e ¢e­Sl e¡j J fl£r¡­L­¾cÊl e¡j ¢mM­a q­h Hhw ¢e­Sl (Admit
Card H E­õ¢Ma) ü¡rl Ll­a q­h z
7. fËnÀf­œl eðl h¡ ­l¡m eðl i¥m ¢mM­m Abh¡ i¥m Ol il¡V Ll­m, fl£r¡bÑ£l e¡j,
fl£r¡­L­¾cÊl e¡j h¡ ü¡r­l ­L¡­e¡ i¥m b¡L­m Ešlfœ h¡¢am q­u ­k­a f¡­l z OMR
fœ¢V i¡yS q­m h¡ a¡­a Ae¡hnÉL c¡N fs­mJ h¡¢am q­u ­k­a f¡­l z fl£r¡bÑ£l HC
dl­el i¥m h¡ ApaÑLa¡l SeÉ Ešlfœ h¡¢am q­m HLj¡œ fl£r¡bÑ£ ¢e­SC a¡l SeÉ
c¡u£ b¡L­h z
8. ­j¡h¡Cm ­g¡e h¡ ®k ®L¡e dl®el C®mLVÌ¢eL NÉ¡®SV, LÉ¡mL¥­mVl, pÔ¡CXl¦m, mN­Vhm,
q¡aO¢s, ­lM¡¢Qœ, NË¡g h¡ ­L¡­e¡ dl­el a¡¢mL¡ , Lmj CaÉ¡¢c fl£r¡L­r Be¡ k¡­h e¡ z
Be­m ­p¢V h¡­Su¡ç q­h Hhw fl£r¡bÑ£l JC fl£r¡ h¡¢am Ll¡ q­h z
9. fËnÀf­œ l¡g L¡S Ll¡l SeÉ gy¡L¡ S¡uN¡ ­cJu¡ B­R z AeÉ ­L¡­e¡ L¡NS HC L¡­S
hÉhq¡l Ll­h e¡ z
10. fl£r¡Lr R¡s¡l B­N OMR fœ AhnÉC f¢lcnÑL­L ¢c­u k¡­h z
11. HC fËnÀf­œ Cwl¡S£ J h¡wm¡ Eiu i¡o¡­aC fËnÀ ­cJu¡ B­R z h¡wm¡ j¡dÉ­j fËnÀ °al£l
pju fË­u¡Se£u p¡hd¡ea¡ J paLÑa¡ Ahmðe Ll¡ q­u­R z a¡ p­šÄJ k¢c ­L¡e Ap‰¢a
mrÉ Ll¡ k¡u, ­p­r­œ Cwl¡S£ j¡dÉ­j ­cJu¡ fËnÀ ¢WL J Q¨s¡¿¹ h­m ¢h­h¢Qa q­h z
12. fl£r¡­n­o fl£r¡b£Ñl¡ fËnÀfœ¢V ¢e­u k¡­h z

Geography 16 

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