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Assessment Guide


TP300-22-AG (Jul)
Introduction 1

Electronic Portfolio of Evidence (e-PoE) 2

Mark Sheet 4

SECTION A: Part 1 5

Assessment Strategy 5

Assignments: 6

Assignment 1: Online Quiz 8

Assignment 2: Designing an Integrated Language Lesson for Grade 3 9
Assignment 3: Rubric Design 22
Assignment 4: Reflective Collage and Presentation (Class participation
activity) 24
Assignment 5: Mathematics Interactive Game and Presentation
(Class participation activity) 27

SECTION B: Evidence of School-based Teaching Practice 31

Assignment 6: Electronic Portfolio of Evidence (e-PoE) 31

Mentor Assessments 49

SECTION C: Mentor Assessment Panel (MAP) 74

SECTION D: Overall Teaching Performance Assessment 76

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education / TP300-22-AG (Jul) / Page (i)

Teaching Practice (TP) 3 is a module that is assessed throughout the year. This
means that you don't write an exam but are instead assessed continuously
through various means during the module. This Teaching Practice 3 Assessment
Guide contains the details of each assessment you must undertake to pass this
module. We will refer to it simply as your assessment guide from now on. Please
note that you may not register and proceed with this module if you have not met
the pre-requisite for the module – you must have passed TP200.

The assignments in this assessment guide are designed to demonstrate your

understanding of the content covered in the Teaching Practice 3 Study Guide.
There are six (6) assignments for you to complete during your year of study.

The assessment guide is divided into Section A which consists of assignments

linked to the content you will cover in your study guide. Section B is the evidence
of School-based Teaching and focuses on the electronic Portfolio of Evidence
(Hereon known as e-PoE). The e-PoE section of this assessment guide consists of
the required documents to be used during school-based teaching practice. You
will be required to upload to your electronic Portfolio of Evidence to a link on the
TP300 module page.

Section C provides details about the Mentor Assessment Panel (MAP) and the
evidence you need to collect for MAP. Lastly, Section D, presents the final school-
based assessment.

This assessment guide contains all the information you need about your
assessments for this module. Read through it in its entirety very carefully so that
you have a clear understanding of exactly when and how you will be assessed
from the beginning of the module. In this guide you will also find guidelines on
submission of your electronic Portfolio of Evidence (e-Poe) which will be
submitted via the TP300 module page.

The hard copies of these documents will need to be kept in lever arch file that
your mentor teacher may require to see as you progress through your teaching

For STADIO School of Education (hereon will called STADIO), you only need to
upload an electronic Portfolio of Evidence.

At the end of your six-week block of school-based teaching practice in a

functional school, you must upload your TP300 Portfolio of Evidence to the link
provided for marking and moderation. This TP300 e-PoE consists of several
requirements that you need to complete during your teaching practice. These
requirements are outlined in Lesson 1 of the Study Guide. You will find the
necessary documents for the TP300 file in this assessment guide.

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 1

You will have to include the following in this TP300 e-PoE:

 the six (6) formal lessons that you planned and presented to your mentor
teacher; and
 the ten (10) informal lessons that you planned and presented to your class.

You need to upload the completed lesson plans and relevant resources (or
photographs) to your e-PoE in the appropriate folders that have be set up for

You will find a copy of the formal lesson plan template as well as a copy of the
Language / Life Skills lesson plan (PRAC301a) and Mathematics lesson plan
(PRAC301b) template for the additional ten (10) informal lesson plans that you
have to teach further on in this assessment guide and on the TP300 module
page. You can print or make your own photocopies of these.

This module is assessed based on a cumulative year-long assessment process.

Marks will be calculated according to the ratio specified in the table above. The
pass mark for his module is 50%. Should you miss any of your online tests, you
must download the Application for a Re-test form from the Assessment Office
page on the TP300 module page and submit it to the email address provided on
the form.

Electronic Portfolio of Evidence (e-Poe)

Your portfolio of evidence for STADIO is an electronic portfolio. It is advisable
that as you proceed with your teaching practice, you use a computer to type
your lesson plans and you can insert images of resources or Word documents of
worksheets that you have used in your lesson. Your e-PoE will have five (5)
sections and the documents that are required for each will be discussed later in
this assessment guide.

Take note that during your block teaching practice session you are expected to
plan and present at least sixteen (16) lessons to your class. Six (6) of these
sixteen (16) lessons will be formally assessed by your mentor teacher.
Furthermore, all these lesson plans must be included and uploaded as part of
your e-PoE. You must achieve a minimum average mark of 50% from your
mentor teacher for the six (6) lessons that are assessed. You must also achieve a
minimum average mark of 50% from the STADIO MAP assessment for the lesson
plans that are assessed.

The six (6) lessons that you present to the class to be formally assessed by your
mentor teacher are:

 two (2) Life Skills lessons (1 × Beginning Knowledge and 1 × Personal and
Social Well-being);
 one (1) Home Language lesson;
 one (1) Mathematic lesson;
 one (1) First Additional Language lesson; and
 one (1) additional lesson on any of the above-mentioned subjects.

Remember you will submit either a Life skill or Mathematics lesson as a MAP

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We now give you brief details on each of the above lessons that you must plan
and present.

Life Skills lesson

During your teaching practice period you must plan and present two (2) lessons
from the Like Skills subject. You must prepare a lesson that is primarily focused
on Beginning Knowledge content (i.e. topics pertaining to Social Science, Natural
Science and Technology) and a lesson that focuses only on Personal and Social
Well Being content (e.g. caring for the environment, pets, our heritage etc.).
Your mentor will assess your lesson plan and presentation.

Home Language lesson

You must plan and present a Home Language lesson. Your mentor will assess
your lesson plan and presentation.

Mathematics lesson

You must plan and present a Mathematics lesson. Your mentor will assess your
lesson plan and presentation.

First Additional Language lesson

You must plan and present a First Additional language lesson. Your mentor will
assess your lesson plan and presentation.

Life Skills, Home Language or Mathematics lesson

Finally, you can choose the subject focus of your sixth lesson for this
assessment. In other words, you can select a topic from Life Skills (though only
from the content areas of Beginning Knowledge or Personal and Social Well-
being), Home Language, First Additional Language or Mathematics. Once again,
your mentor will assess your lesson plan and presentation.

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 3

Mark Sheet
Table 1 below will be used by us to calculate your overall mark for this module.


SECTION A: Assignments 500

Assignment 1: Online Quiz 100

Assignment 2: Designing an Integrated Language Lesson 100

Assignment 3: Rubric Design 100

Assignment 4: Reflective Collage and Presentation 100

Assignment 5: Mathematics Interactive Game and Presentation 100

SECTION B: Evidence of School-based Teaching 100

Assignment 6: Electronic Portfolio of Evidence (e-PoE) 100

SECTION C: Mentor Assessment Panel (MAP) 100

Life Skills or Mathematics 100

Section D: Final School-based Assessment 100


Section A: Assignments 25%

Assignment 1 3%
Assignment 2 7%
Assignment 3 5%
Assignment 4 (Class participation) 5%
Assignment 5 (Class participation) 5%
Section B: Portfolio of Evidence 25%

Section C: Mentor Assessment

Panel (MAP) 20%
Section D: Final School-based
Assessment 30%

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Section A: Part 1 Assignments
The five (5) formal writing activities for this module are shown in the table
below. The writing activities will now be called Assignments. As we progress
through this assessment guide, detailed instructions will be given to you
regarding each assignment's requirements. All assignment submissions for
Section A will be done electronically via the TP300 module page. An assignment
timetable will also be made available on the TP300 module page, so you are
aware of submission dates.

Assessment Strategy
Your assessment weightings for this module are outlined in the table below. A
column has been inserted for you to insert the respective dates. You will find
these dates on the TP300 module page.


Assignment 1: Online quiz 3%
Assignment 2: Designing an integrated Language lesson 7%
Assignment 3: Rubric design 5%
Assignment 4: Reflective Collage and presentation 5%
Assignment 5: Mathematics interactive game and presentation 5%

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 5

Your assignments count 25% towards your final mark for this module. The
minimum pass mark for the assignments is 50%.

Submitting your Assignments

When preparing your assignments for submission, be sure to:

 save your details, including your student number, full name, and the module
TP300 in the file name of the documents e.g., "19001-JimmyHendrix-TP300-
 Include your full name, student number and the module TP300 "TP300" on
the front page of your assignments;
 ensure the files are under 32 MB, as this is the upload maximum file size for
file submissions;
 upload your assignments in PDF format;
 ensure that all links are presented as hyperlinks which are accessible
through a PDF;
 check for grammatical and spelling errors;
 use size 12pt, black, Arial font, 1.5 line spacing, and margins of 2 cm;
 reference correctly, according to the STADIO Referencing Guide, 2022.
Durban: STADIO (PTY) LTD which you can find on the module page; and
 include credible references (like those from books and peer-reviewed
 include credible references (like those from books and peer-reviewed
 number your pages;
 submit your assignments to the correct Turnitin assignment submission
activity within the TP300 module page – this will ensure that your
assignment documents are submitted both to STADIO School of Education
and to Turnitin, where an originality check will be performed, and a similarity
report generated; and
 No emailed assignments to the lecturer's email address will be accepted.

Generating a Turnitin report

Please note that part of the process of submitting your assignments online is
putting your assignments through Turnitin which is a service that checks your
document for issues like plagiarism and other referencing issues. Turnitin will
produce a report for each document you've submitted within 24 hours which will
show if your assignments were copied (even in part) from somewhere or
someone else (even yourself). If the Turnitin report shows that your work is too
similar to another submission or to other sources, you'll have to redo your
assignments and submit it to Turnitin once again before STADIO School of
Education will accept it to be marked. STADIO School of Education will not mark
any assignments with a Turnitin score that exceeds the maximum allowed
percentage stated in the Plagiarism Policy. The percentage of similarity that is
allowed per module depends on your programme and year of study. You can

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access the Plagiarism Policy on the Learning Management System (LMS) to find
out what percentage of similarity is permissible for this module.

To allow yourself time to review the Turnitin report and rework your assignment
where required, we suggest that you submit your assignment at least two weeks
before the official hand-in date. Your submissions will be made via the
assignment submission activity on the LMS. STADIO School of Education will use
the assignments and the Turnitin reports on the official hand-in date as your final
assignment for marking.

Please also note that during the process of submitting your assignments to
Turnitin you will be asked to tick a box that indicates that the work you are
handing in is your own original work. Ticking that box is your declaration that
your assignments are your own original work. Note that you're not permitted to
submit the same assignments as those you have previously submitted for any
other module.

1. Note: It is your responsibility to upload and submit a correct assessment to

the correct assessment submission portal and submit a document that opens
properly. You will not be contacted by a lecturer to inform you that you
submitted the wrong document or that the document submitted cannot be
accessed. Should you submit an incorrect assessment or should your
assessment not be accessible to the marker, you will receive a result of zero
(0%) for the assessment.

2. Note: If you are repeating the module, you are not permitted (allowed) to
submit an assessment from the previous academic year. Every assessment
you submit must be original and not previously submitted for any other
module or assessment. Should you submit an assessment that has been
found to have been submitted previously, you will receive a result of zero
(0%) for the assessment.

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 7

Assignment 1 Instructions
ASSIGNMENT 1: Online Quiz


DATE DUE: Due Date will be published on the LMS.


The Online Quiz will be available for you to complete on the LMS. Time will be
allocated for you to complete this assignment. Please check the LMS for
assessment dates.

The quiz is based on content from Study Session 2.

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Assignment 2 Instructions
ASSIGNMENT 2: Designing an Integrated Language Lesson


DATE DUE: Due date will be published on the TP300 module page.

You will be required to upload this assignment and its related resources to a link
on the TP300 module page.

Lesson Planning

Design and create a Grade 3 English Home Language lesson plan for (see
language focus on the next page, select only from the language focus topics)
Integrating a Grade 3 Life Skills topic (see list, select only from the topics listed.

 Each student is to submit a Language lesson plan for assessment.

 Use the Assignment 2 rubric below as a guideline as well as PRAC303 which
includes the criteria for the rubric.
 Assessed lesson plans will be returned once marked.
 Use Lesson Plan PRAC301a to plan and develop your lesson.
 Submission of this assignment will be done electronically via the TP300
module page.
 Students will be required to upload their assignment onto the TP300 module
page, more details will be given to students closer to the submission date.
Note: Students are responsible for ensuring that their assignments have
been uploaded to the correct assignment portal on the TP300 module page
as well as uploading the correct documents onto the TP300 module page.

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 9

Language topics:

Grade 3 Term 2 Topics:

(Language focus) Reading / Beginning Reading Skills / Phonics Learners use the
relationships between letters and sounds and spelling patterns
decode written English:

 vowel digraphs and diphthongs (e.g., ei-ther); and

 identify and read contractions (e.g., I'd, won't).
Reading / Beginning Reading / Strategies. Learners comprehend a
variety of texts drawing on useful strategies as needed:

 use ideas (e.g., illustrations, titles, topic sentences and key

words,) to make and confirm predictions; and
 ask relevant questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and
details about stories and other texts and support answers with
evidence from text.
Reading / Vocabulary Development. Learners understand new
vocabulary and use it when reading and writing:

 identify the meaning of common prefixes (e.g., in-, dis-) and

suffixes (e.g., -full, -less);
 identify and use antonyms, synonyms, homographs, and
homophones; and
 identify and apply playful uses of language (e.g., tongue
twisters, palindromes, riddles).
Reading / Comprehension of Literary Text. Learners analyse, make
inferences, and draw conclusions about theme and story to support
their understanding:

 sequence and summarize the plot's main events and explain

their influence on future events; and
 respond to questions in about the text.
Writing / Writing Process. Learners use elements of the writing
process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to
compose text:

 include supporting sentences with simple facts, details, and

 develop drafts by categorizing ideas and organizing them into
paragraphs; and
 edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling using a
teacher-developed rubric.
Listening and Speaking / Listening:

 Talks about personal experiences such as tells news

expressing feelings and opinions;
 Makes an oral presentation. For example, 'Show and Tell' –
describes and compares an object; and
 Talks about a general news event, expressing feelings and

(no storytelling lessons)

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Grade 3 Term 2 Topics:
(Life skills Religious days and other special days:
Human Rights Day
Freedom Day
Youth Day
World Water Day
World Health Day
World Wildlife Day
National Good Samaritan Day
World Baking Day
World Bee Day
Nelson Mandela International Day
International Day of Friendship
International Tea Day

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 11

Assessment Rubric: Assignment 2


PLANNING 5 4 3 2 1 0 MARK
1. Formulation of Lesson Objectives

2. Assessment (methods, strategies, tools)

3. Selection of teaching strategies

4. Link between school curriculum and core


5. Relevancy of core content and activities.

6. Logical flow and well sequenced lesson plan

7. Integration

8. Resources

9. Formulation of levelled questions

10. Researched lesson plan

(See PRAC302 on the next page for the Assessment Criteria.)

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Level Criteria
1. Formulation of lesson objectives
Excellent link with topic; outstanding formulation; clear,
Highly Competent
focused and achievable.
Very good link with topic; well formulated; clear and
Very Competent
Competent Good link with topic; unclear in formulation but achievable.
Developing Rather generalised; too much / too little undertaken for one
Competence lesson; not achievable.
Needs improvement; no relevance to stated topic; incorrectly
Not Yet Competent
formulated; not achievable.
No Assessment
Student did not complete this aspect of the lesson plan.
2. Assessment (methods, strategies, tools)
 Excellent alignment with objectives and relevance to core
Highly Competent
 Well-chosen and formulated assessment method(s)
strategy(ies) and tool(s).
 Very good alignment with objectives and relevance of core
Very Competent
 Well-chosen and appropriate assessment method(s),
strategy(ies) and tool(s).
 Partial alignment with objectives and core content.
Competent  Assessment method(s), strategy(ies) and tool(s) mostly
suited to the lesson.
 Limitations in alignment with objectives and core content.
Developing  Assessment method(s) and/or strategy(ies) are not well
Competence suited and inappropriate for the lesson. Assessment tool(s)
need(s) improvement or have been omitted.
 No alignment.
Not Yet Competent
 Different to objectives and/or core content.
No Assessment
Student did not complete this aspect of the lesson plan.

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 13

Level Criteria
3. Selection of teaching strategies
Excellent selection; highly stimulating; varied, age-
Highly Competent appropriate and interesting; contributes to active learner
Very good selection; stimulating; mostly varied; age-
Very Competent
appropriate; contributes to learner engagement.
Good selection, age-appropriate but could have been more
stimulating and varied; some learner engagement.
Choice of strategies need attention; not stimulating enough;
little variation; too advanced / too easy for age group and this
impacts on learner engagement.
Inability to identify or implement appropriate teaching
Not Yet Competent
No Assessment
Student did not complete this aspect of the lesson plan.
4. Link between school curriculum and core content
Exceptional understanding demonstrated in the ability to link
Highly Competent
the curriculum and core content of lesson.
Very good understanding demonstrated in the ability to link
Very Competent
the curriculum and core content of lesson.
Adequate understanding demonstrated in the ability to link
the curriculum and core content of lesson.
Developing Some evidence of linkage between curriculum and core
Competence content of lesson, but vague in places.
Lacks understanding; very little linkage between curriculum
Not Yet Competent
and core content of lesson.
No Assessment
Student did not complete this aspect of the lesson plan.
5. Relevancy of core content and activities
Excellent focus; highly relevant content and activities;
Highly Competent
engaging; meaningful and detailed explanation.
Very good focus; relevant content and activities; engaging;
Very Competent
sufficient explanation.
Reasonable focus; relevant content and activities, with some
level of engagement; reasonable explanation.
Developing Little focus; content and activities not engaging, insufficient
Competence and ambiguous.
Needs improvement; insufficient detail; content is lacking;
Not Yet Competent
difficult to follow meaning.
No Assessment
Student did not complete this aspect of the lesson plan.

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Level Criteria
6. Logical and well-sequenced lesson plan
Meticulous preparation; excellent detail; content logically
Highly Competent
Very good preparation; completed in detail; content logically
Very Competent
Good preparation; detailed but some limitations / gaps in
Little evidence of preparation; insufficient detail; too general.
Poorly prepared lesson with many gaps / limitations; needs
Not Yet Competent
improvement, superficial content; limited or no effort.
No Assessment
Student did not complete this aspect of the lesson plan.
7. Integration
Excellent integration that contributes to highly effective and
interesting teaching and learning lesson. Integration topic
Highly Competent
adds excellent value to the lesson and does not detract from
the lesson focus
Very good integration and creativity shown that contributes to
effective teaching and learning. Integration topic adds good
Very Competent
value to the lesson and does not detract from the lesson
Some integration that contributes to sound teaching and
Competent learning. Integration topic adds some value to the lesson and
but does detract from the lesson focus
Developing Little evidence of integration. Integration topic adds little
Competence value to the lesson and becomes the lesson focus
Not observed or student did not complete this aspect of the
Not Yet Competent
lesson plan.
8. Resource(s)
Excellent quality and selection of resource(s); relevant;
Highly Competent appropriate; highly appealing; original and enhances the
value of the lesson.
Very good quality and selection of resource(s); moderate
Very Competent
appeal; relevant; appropriate; adds value to the lesson.
Good quality resource(s); fair appeal; adds moderate value to
the lesson.
Developing Relevant resource(s) but lacks in quality and appeal with
Competence some limitations; adds some value to the lesson.
Poor quality resource(s) and ineffective; no value / relevance
Not Yet Competent
to the lesson.
No Assessment
Student did not complete this aspect of the lesson plan.

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 15

Level Criteria
9. Formulation of levelled questions
Varied questions planned; well-focused at various levels of
Highly Competent
learning that promote critical thinking.
Some varied and focused questions planned that promote
Very Competent
Competent Reasonable variety and clear questions planned.
Developing Very little thought given to focused and varied questions
Competence planned.
Only lower-level questions planned; no questions included to
Not Yet Competent
promote thinking.
No Assessment
Student did not complete this aspect of the lesson plan.
10. Researched lesson plan
Clear evidence of research of the topic far beyond the lesson
Highly Competent requirements. All references and resources/materials correctly
Clear evidence of research of the topic beyond the lesson
Very Competent requirements. Most references and resources/materials
correctly referenced.
Evidence of research of the topic sufficient for the lesson's
Competent requirements. Some references and resources/materials
correctly referenced.
Developing Insufficient research of the topic for the lesson. Flaws and
Competence gaps in referencing.
Little understanding of the lesson topic with some flaws /
Not Yet Competent
errors. Gaps in referencing or not completed.
No Assessment
Student did not complete this aspect of the lesson plan.

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Student name Student no.

Date Time (start and finish)

Grade Term


Content Area

Lesson Topic / Focus CAPS / curriculum page no.

Prior Knowledge
(The concept you are going to build on / scaffolding learning)

Lesson Objectives
(knowledge / skills / attitudes and values)
By the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 17

Method of Assessment or Assessment Tools
(How evidence of learning is collected or evaluated)

Lesson Introduction and Actualisation of Prior Knowledge

(Capture attention / create learning atmosphere)

Lesson Development: Teaching-learning content

(Core content, activities, questions, how you will use resources, etc.)

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How and where did you incorporate ICT in this lesson?

Planned questions (Blooms Taxonomy – six levels of learning) Write out

and state in which phase of the lesson it was used.
1. Knowledge:

2. Comprehension

3. Application:

4. Analysis:

5. Synthesis:

6. Evaluation:

(Explain your moments of integration used in this lesson)

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 19

Lesson Consolidation
(Recapping new concepts / skills)

Extension / Enrichment Activity

(for early finishers)

Learners needing special attention


Reflection by Student
(Honest self-assessment)
What will I do differently next time?

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What contributed to the success of this lesson?

(Websites / books / articles)

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 21

Assignment 3 Instructions
ASSIGNMENT 3: Rubric Design


DATE DUE: Due date will be published on the TP300 module page.

Create a rubric for a Language lesson for a Grade 3 class (Assignment 2) based
on the content you taught in the lesson.

Students will be required to upload and submit their assignment to a specified

link on the TP300 module page. More details will be given to students closer to
the submission date.

Note: Students are responsible for ensuring that the correct assignment has
been uploaded to the correct assignment portal on The TP300 module page.

Rubric Design based on the Language Lesson [20]

 Each student is to submit a rubric for assessment.

 Use the marking rubric below as a guideline of the mark allocation.
 The Rubric for Assignment 3 (see below) will be used to assess the rubric
you create.

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Marking Rubric: Assignment 3
PLANNING 5 4 3 2 1
1. Correct format All details Most details are Some details Few details Little to no
of rubric evident e.g. evident. evident. evident. details evident.
Name. grade,
term, topic,
comments, etc.
2. Link between There is an . There is a good There is a fair There is some There is no link
content excellent link link between the link between the link between the between the
between the content of the content of the content of the content of the
content of the development development development development
development and rubric. The and rubric. The and rubric. The and the rubric.
and rubric. The rubric displays rubric fairly rubric somewhat The rubric does
rubric explicitly good assesses what assesses what not assesses
assess what has assessment of has been taught has been taught what has been
been taught in what has been in the lesson. in the lesson. taught in the
the lesson. taught in the lesson.
3. Criteria are Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Little to no
well-written criteria are criteria are criteria are criteria are criteria written.
and easy to explicitly mostly well- somewhat unclear and Learners will
interpret expressed. expressed. expressed. poorly written. have little to no
Learners will Learners will Learners will Learners will ideal of what is
have a clear have a good have some have a weak expected of
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of them.
what is expected what is expected what is expected what is expected
of them. of them. of them. of them. Little to no
criteria evident
Rubric criteria Rubric criteria Rubric criteria Rubric criteria for learners to
are well-written are adequately are not clear are unclear for interpret.
and clear for the written for enough for learners to
learners in learners in learners to interpret.
interpret. interpret. interpret (too
4. Detailed – There are no There are a few There are many There are too Rubric is riddled
noting spelling or spelling or spelling or many spelling or with spelling or
grammatical / grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors.
spelling errors
Excellent overall Good overall Neat overall Weak overall Poor overall
presentation. presentation. presentation. presentation. presentation.


Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 23

Assignment 4 Instructions
ASSIGNMENT 4: Reflective Collage and Presentation


DATE DUE: Due date is provided in the Assignment and Test Timetables
which are published on the TP300 module page.

This assignment focuses on each student's reflection of their experience in an

LSEN school or special education centre.

Each student is required to:

 Make a collage reflecting their experience during Special Education

 Video record yourselves presenting your collage (3 to 5 minutes).
 Upload the recorded video onto YouTube and submit the YouTube link and
photographs of the collage to the submission portal created on the TP300
module page.
 Video link is to be uploaded on the TP300 module page. Please check the
TP300 module page for due dates.
 NB: It is imperative that your video link opens and plays as you will not be
contacted by the lecturer and asked to resubmit a working link. Please send
the link to a peer / family member etc. to view and ascertain whether the
link works as it should.

Reflective practice is an essential part of teaching effectively. This self-

assessment video of your collage will give you the opportunity to reflect on your
experience in a LSEN school or Special Education center by talking about your
past and present experiences.

To begin your collage, you need to reflect and think about your initial concerns
and anxieties about attending an LSEN school. If you did not have concerns or
anxieties, you must reflect on what you were looking forward to by attending an
LSEN school. Remember your collage consists of many pictures and a few words.
So, be sure to find images that will represent your initial feelings / emotions.

You will need to think carefully about each image you select because each image
must represent something that is linked to your reflection. You will begin creating
the collage before you start your Special Education Experience in schools as this
will become the 'past' of your experiences during your presentation.

During your experience at an LSEN school or special education centre take note
and become aware of your feelings, things that challenge you, moments that
move you or have a great impact on you. It is in these moments that, when you
reflect, you can think about why you felt the way you did and what you learned
through these experiences.

During your Special Education Experience, you should add images to your collage
daily and continue to construct your collage. NB: You are not permitted to
include images of the learners' faces in your collage. When your Special
Education Experience is over, you are required to complete your collage and
reflect on all that you encountered by choosing images that represent this

Page 24 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

experience. Your collage should be a representation of past and present
experiences and hopefully some future insight.

The task does not end there. Now you are required to do a video recording of
yourself presenting this collage. You need to show the images of your collage
and record yourself as you speak about the collage sharing each detail, each
image and reasoning behind your collage design (Note, you may require a friend
or family member to assist you with the recording.) The presentation of your
collage will become a reflective journey where you take the audience through
your Special Education Experience. Lastly, give your collage a title that is
reflective of your experience.

Your collage presentation should be approximately 3 to 5 minutes only. Once you

exceed 5 minutes the lecturer will stop viewing the recording of the presentation
and this will impact on your assessment.

Please view the collage presentation rubric below for the collage assignment

In preparation for this process, please ensure that you read the prescribed
reading entitled 'Developing Professionalism through Reflective Practice among
Pre-Service Teachers at the National University of Lesotho.' (Tlali, T. 2018).

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 25

Assessment Rubric: Assignment 4 – Reflective Collage
Excellent Good Average Poor
(5) (4) (3 – 2) (1 – 0)
Construction of Collage shows Collage shows Collage shows Collage is untidily
Collage considerable attention to some attention to made.
attention to construction. construction.
[5] construction. Unattractive, it is
Attractive in Collage is distractingly messy or
Exceptionally terms of layout, acceptably very poorly designed.
attractive in terms design, and attractive though it
of layout, design, neatness. lacks neatness. No link between collage
and neatness. images and
Some appropriate Images of collage experiences.
Appropriate images evident not relevant to
selection of images relevant to experience.
relevant to experience.
Content of The student gives a The student gives The student gives a The student gives a
Presentation very good a reasonable little explanation of weak explanation of the
explanation of the explanation of the the collage with collage and lacks a link
[5] collage with collage and good some link to to the collage.
excellent link to link to images. images.
images. The content of the
The content of The content of the presentation reveals no
The content of the the presentation presentation student's awareness of
presentation reveal student reveals student being in an LSEN
reveals student show some little awareness of environment and shares
awareness of being awareness of being in an LSEN no meaningful and
in an LSEN being in an LSEN environment and insightful reflections.
environment and environment and shares some
shares meaningful shares some superficial
and insightful meaningful reflections.
reflections. reflections.
Oral Professional Professional Professional Professional
Presentation presentation presentation presentation (some presentation (poor eye
(excellent eye (good eye contact eye contact / some contact / lack of body
[5] contact / excellent / good body use of body language / poorly
body language / language / good language / fairly articulated and no
excellent articulation and articulate and professional attire).
articulation and professional professional
professional attired). attired).
Quality of Excellent lighting. Good lighting. Fair lighting. Poor lighting.
Presenter and chart Presenter and Presenter and chart Presenter and chart
[5] visible during chart visible visible during for lacking visibility during
presentation. during for most of some of the presentation.
the presentation. presentation.
Excellent camera Poor camera angle Poor
angle Excellent Good camera Fair camera angle background.
background. angle. Good Fairly Appropriate
background. background.
Timing Very Good time Good Time Time management Time management
management (3 to management needs attention needs attention (too
[5] 5 minutes). needs attention (too long or too long or too short
(too long or too short

TOTAL: [25]

Page 26 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

Assignment 5 Instructions
ASSIGNMENT 5: Mathematics Interactive Game Presentation


DATE DUE: Due date will be published on the TP300 module page.

For this assignment you are required to create a Mathematics game using a
PowerPoint for a Mathematics lesson. This PowerPoint presentation must include
a game for learners to interact with during the lesson. This game should be an
original game that you have created. Added value to this game would be multi-
dimensional purposes.

 You may choose to create your lesson for Grade 2 in Term 2 or 3 only
 You must clearly indicate which content area it is for:
– Numbers, Operations and Relationships;
– Patterns, Functions and Algebra;
– Space and Shape (Geometry);
– Measurement; and
– Data Handling.
 You must also indicate which phase of this lesson this interactive game fits
 Your presentation needs to be 8 minutes in length.
 You need to ensure that your slides contain animations and transitions.
 Your PowerPoint presentation needs to create interaction between teachers
and learners, not a PowerPoint presentation used to teach. You need to
conduct the presentation as you would do in the classroom.
 Reference correctly

Presentation of slides

 Slide 1: Grade, Term, Content Area and in which phase of the lesson it will
be used
 Slide 2: Outcomes for this game and CAPS reference
 Slide 3: Instructions
 Slide 4: Rules
 Slide 5: Interactive game (Incorporating some form of ICT)
 There is no limit to the number of slides in your presentation, but your slides
must contain the information highlighted in Slides 1 to 5.

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 27

In addition to your game presentation be sure to complete the development
section of your Mathematics lesson plan. Please note you do not have to
complete the entire lesson plan just the sections below:

Grade: Term:

Content Area: Time (start and finish):

Lesson Topic: CAPS / curriculum page

Lesson Development: (±_____ min.) (Core content)


Assessment strategy:

Detailed description of how concepts or skills were taught (include

resources used):

Page 28 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

Assessment Rubric: Assignment 5
Mathematics Interactive Game and Presentation


Criteria 4 3 2 1 Mark
Communication Well prepared, Engages Clear and Unaware of
(Verbal and non- speaks clearly, audience, fluid understandable audience.
verbal makes eye delivery, uses some connection Unclear, not
communication contact with different to audience, uses understandable.
audience, delivers approach other limited delivery
[4] with ease, and than simply techniques. Attempts to read
invites questions. reading screen from screen.
and invites Reads from
questions. screen.
Technology Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation is
Connection flows very well flows flows. Some ICT disorganised.
and is logical. appropriately. tools used to
[4] Presentation show acceptable ICT Tools are not
reflects extensive ICT Tools used understanding. used in a
use of ICT tools in correctly and purposeful way.
a creative way. purposefully.
Lesson plan All relevant Most relevant Most relevant No relevant
detailed covered detailed covered detailed covered detailed covered
[4] – Grade, Term, – Grade, Term, – Grade, Term, – Grade, Term,
Topic, Content Topic, Content Topic, Content Topic, Content
area, Objectives, area, Objectives, area, Objectives, area, Objectives,
CAPS, and correct CAPS, and some CAPS, and some CAPS, and
referencing. minor referencing minor referencing incorrect
errors. errors. referencing.
Learning value of There is evidence There is evidence There is some There is little / no
the game of relevant and of adequate evidence of evidence / link to
detailed content content taught in content taught in the content in the
[4] taught in the the lesson the lesson lesson
lesson development for development for development for
development for learners to be learners to be learners to be
learners to able to complete able to complete able to complete
complete small the small group the small group the small group
group activity. activity. activity. activity.

TOTAL: [16]

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 29

Content Covers topic Includes essential Includes most Lacks essential
(Appropriateness thoroughly, information, essential information.
of Game includes details includes some information,
Concepts / that support the supporting details are Game is not age
Instructions) topic. details. somewhat appropriate or
sketchy. suitable.
[4] Game is age Game is age
appropriate. appropriate but Game is some- The game is
The game is requires minor what age uninteresting and
interesting and adjustments. The appropriate but not engaging.
very engaging. game engages has flaws. The
learner and is game is
interesting. somewhat
interesting and
Appropriateness Images, font, Images, font, Images, font, Images, font,
of Images, font, clipart, and clipart, and clipart, and clipart, and
clipart and background background are background add background are
background. compliments appropriate to the some value to the inappropriate.
the power point. power point. power point.
Use of animations Layout is Transitions and
and slide pleasing to the Transitions and Transitions and animations are
Transitions eye. animations are animations are few and
reasonably used suitably on distracting and
[4] Transitions and smooth on most slides. not suitable.
animations are slides and
smooth an supports the
interesting and presentation.
enhance the
Technical No spelling Few spelling Some spelling Numerous
Features errors. No errors. Few errors. Some spelling errors.
grammatical grammatical grammatical Many
[4] errors. Text is errors. Text is in errors. Text is in grammatical
in group's own groups on words. group's own errors. Some of
words. words. the text is in
Minor referencing group's own
Referencing errors. Several words.
correct. referencing
errors. Poor / No

TOTAL: [12]

TOTAL: [28]

Page 30 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

Section B: Evidence of School-based
Teaching Practice
This assessment guide contains all the information you need about your Teaching
Practice assessment for this module. Read through it in its entirety very carefully
so that you have a clear idea on exactly when and how you will be assessed from
the beginning of the module.

Assessment Strategy
Your final assessment mark for this module is weighted as shown in the table
below. Your due dates will be posted on the TP300 module page.


Electronic Portfolio of Evidence (e-PoE) 25%

Mentor Assessment Panel (MAP) 20%

Final School Assessment 30%

You need a final mark of 50% to pass this module. You must submit all three
assessments. You may not register for the following year of TP if you have not
completed the required time in school and passed the module with 50%.

Assignment 6: Electronic Portfolio of Evidence (e-PoE)

Your e-PoE file counts for 30% of your final mark.

Section B consists of the requirements for your actual teaching and observations
of your mentor teachers and the school during your block session of Teaching

You will submit your e-PoE electronically this year, but you are still required to
prepare a physical copy that you will take to school to use for your mentor
teacher to peruse.

It is advisable that as you proceed with your teaching practice, you use a
computer to type your lesson plans and you can insert images of resources or
Word documents of worksheets that you have used in your lesson. Submission of
your e-PoE will be done on the TP300 module page using a template that have
been created for you.

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 31

Below are the requirements of the physical PoE and the e-PoE respectively.


 Initial and surname together with your  Using the template provided on the
student number on the cover and spine TP300 module page, type your name,
of the file. surname, and student number, and
 An A4 page pasted on the inside cover insert a professional looking
with a photograph of yourself. Include photograph of yourself into the block
a philosophy that reflects your view on provided.
teaching / general attitude to life.  Type a philosophy that reflects your
Reference your philosophy. view on teaching / general attitude to
life. Reference the philosophy.
Five labelled file sections within which you The template has been created with the
will submit the relevant documents. five sections' headings. Please type /
paste the relevant information in the
respective sections of the template.
Section 1: Administration
Please file the documents in the following order:

 Signed Personal Pledge Form

 Timetable of your school mentor
 Daily planner (6 Sheets)
 Record of non-teaching duties (a minimum of 1 sheet – verified and stamped by the
 Lesson plan outline document (verified and stamped)
Section 2: Assessments
 6 school mentor assessments that must include the following lessons:
– Mathematics
– Home Language
– First Additional Language
– Life Skills: Beginning Knowledge*
– Life Skills: Personal and Social Well-being*
– One other lesson of your choice

Formal lesson assessment forms are to be placed at the beginning of your lesson plan
and resources for that lesson.

Include meaningful self-reflections in the reflection section on the lesson plan.

NB: Do not include photos / images of the learners' faces.

Section 3: Informal Lesson Plans and Resources

Physical POE Electronic POE
 Don't file your lesson plans in plastic  Type / paste your completed lesson
sleeves. plans under the "Section 3: Lesson
 Resources can be put into plastic Plans and Resources" heading.
envelopes or plastic sleeves. Ensure  Ensure that your resources are legible
that you staple or sticky tape the top of and of good quality – they must not be
the plastic sleeve to prevent resources blurred or pixelated.
from falling out.  Include photos of your resources.
 You may include photographs of a  Include self-reflections on every lesson
resource that you designed but were taught.
not able to include in your file.  NB: Do not include photos / images of
 Include self-reflections on every lesson the learners' faces.

Page 32 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

 NB: Do not include photos / images of
the learners' faces.
Section 4: Final Reflection
In your final reflection of Teaching Practice, you should include your journey of a
student teacher over the last 3 years. Reveal challenges and happy
memories/successes but more importantly, share what you have learnt and how these
experiences have shaped your professional growth.
Section 5: General
 Include any additional information that you may wish to have in your file.
 Avoid including copies of old worksheets that are irrelevant to the lessons that you
 Only include a sample copy of the learner's work if you wish to.
 No photos / images of children's faces are permitted.


Remember you are required to complete six (6) formal lessons with
assessments by your mentor teacher and ten (10) informal lessons during your
6-week block teaching practice session. You are also required to submit your
assessment for the Mentor Assessment Panel (MAP) at the end of your second
week of your block teaching practice period. You will submit the assessment
evidence of MAP on the TP300 module page, please check the module page
for assignment due dates. Your tutor will provide you with feedback. Details of
the MAP lessons and the process are included later in this assessment guide.

You will need to submit all the documents and lesson plans of your e-PoE
document on the TP300 module page, please check the due dates.

As you read the instructions and guidelines for your PoE, you will come to
understand that your e-PoE is a working document that you will be using to
complete your teaching practice. You must not leave tasks and submissions for
the last minute. You must plan accordingly, so that you can complete all your
required tasks.

You will be notified of due dates via email announcements as well as the due
dates being posted on the TP300 module page. You need to be alert and
responsible for your submission dates. Your e-PoE will be regarded as an
assignment. Plan to submit your e-PoE in timeously.

Documents for your PoE

As discussed earlier in this Assessment Guide, the following documents must be
included in your PoE:

 a completed Profile Page as your file's cover page;

 a completed signed and dated Declaration of Authenticity form;
 TP300 File Marking Rubric for 2022;
 a copy of the Willingness to Host Reply Form (TPD03);

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 33

 six completed Daily Planner documents (one per week);
 a completed timetable (provided by your school mentor);
 one or more completed and verified Record of Non-Teaching Duties
 the Lesson Plan Outline document (verified and stamped by the school)
 six completed lesson plans and relevant resources for the lessons presented
as part of your formal lesson assessments for this module;
 your mentor teacher's assessments for the above five formally assessed
 feedback reports from the mentor and assessment panel (MAP) of one of the
above formal lessons;
 ten completed lesson plans and relevant resources for the 10 lessons you
presented for informal assessment by your mentor teacher;
 a completed Final Reflection; and
 any additional materials and documentation (such as the school's code of
conduct and minutes of phase meetings).

The pages that follow are the templates of the documents you require for your
PoE. Note that these are all available electronically on the TP300 module page as

Page 34 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

Profile Page

Full name: _______________________________________________________

Student number: __________________________________________________

Upload Professional

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 35

Attendance Register
There is an attendance register for this module called the Teaching Practice
Register on the next page of this Assessment Guide that you must have signed
by the mentor teacher (or school secretary) every day. It is your responsibility to
ensure this register is completed correctly. It is also your responsibility to ensure
your register is stamped with the school's stamp at the end of your block
teaching practice session before you give it to the School Principal. It is
recommended that the school should email the completed and verified
attendance registers at the end of the block session.

Registers must be returned to Please include your and

student as well as DLTP300 in the subject line.

Please note that you must contact your school if you are going to
be absent or late on any day. Furthermore, you must give the
School Principal or mentor teacher a medical certificate if you are
absent for more than two consecutive days. The medical
certificate must then be attached to the attendance register that
you give to the school principal at the end of your teaching
practice period. Attendance is compulsory, and absenteeism of
10% or above will result in you failing this module.

During your Special Education Experience there is separate register that you
need to complete. If you do not attend an LSEN school and attend a special
education centre that focuses on children with special needs instead, you will
need to ensure that you indicate the numbers of hours spent at this place. You
need to spend 30 hours in a special education centre. Please include the time in
the special education experience register so we can verify that you have met the

Page 36 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

Teaching Practice Register
Name of student:

Student no.:

Name of teaching practice school: _____________________________________

Dates: From ___________________________ To ___________________________

Week 1 **Please report frequent absence and poor punctuality to us urgently**
Week 2 **Please report frequent absence and poor punctuality to us urgently**
Week 3 **Please report frequent absence and poor punctuality to us urgently**

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 37

Dates: From ___________________________ To ____________________________

Week 4 **Please report frequent absence and poor punctuality to us urgently**
Week 5 **Please report frequent absence and poor punctuality to us urgently**







Mentor teacher's name: ___________________

Mentor teacher's signature: _________________

Date: __________________________________

School stamp here

Medical certificates to be attached!

Page 38 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

Teaching Practice Register:

Special Education Experience

Name of student:

Student no.:

Name of School or
Name of Special Education
Contact Number of School or
Special Education Centre

Dates: From ___________________________ To ____________________________

**Please report frequent absence and poor punctuality to us




Mentor teacher's name: ___________________

Mentor teacher's signature: _________________

School stamp Date: __________________________________

Medical certificates to be attached!

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 39

Declaration of Authenticity Form


Student's name and

Student number
Module name Teaching Practice 3

Module code DL-TP300



Student's Declaration of Authenticity

I, (student name
and surname), do hereby declare that this is my own original work
and that I have referenced my assignment according to the
STADIO Referencing Guide, 2022. Durban: STADIO (PTY) LTD.

Sign Date

Page 40 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

Record of Non-Teaching Duties

Name: ___________________________ Student no.: ___________________

Item Date Time Activity Description Signature to

School Stamp to verify:

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 41

Record of Non-Teaching Duties

Name: ____________________________ Student no.: __________________

Item Date Time Activity Description Signature to

School Stamp to verify:

Page 42 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education




Name of student: ________________________ Student number: __________ Assessor: _______________________________


1 Timetable 1 Included: 1 Not included: 0

2 Daily planner 6 6–5 4–3 2–1 0
(× 6 sheets) Detailed throughout Started well. Ended Poor planning Not done
poorly. Information left
3 Non-teaching duties 3 3 2 1 0
(at least 1 sheet) Completed in detail and Completed but no Incomplete No submission
verified verification
4 Lesson Plan Outline 3 3 2 1 0

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

Completed in detail and Completed but no Incomplete No submission
verified verification
5.1 Formal lessons / mentor 25 25 – 20 19 – 15 14 – 10 9–0
teacher assessments:  Outstanding lesson  Lesson reflects that Average lesson with very Sub-standard lesson
 Mark one lesson  Excellent creativity research was done little creativity showing no research or
shown  Creative and of high creativity
Topic of Lesson Plan standard

5.2 Formal lesson / mentor 5

teacher's assessments in:
Mathematics, Home

TP300-22-AG (Jul)
Language, Beginning Award 1 mark per learning area that was assessed by the mentor teacher
Knowledge, Personal and
Social Well-being,
First Additional Language

Page 43

6 Informal lessons 25 25 – 20 19 – 15 14 – 10 9–0

Page 44
(min. of 10)  Outstanding lesson  Lesson reflects that Average lesson with very Sub-standard lesson
 Mark one lesson  Excellent creativity research was done little creativity showing no research or
shown  Creative and of high creativity
Topic of Lesson Plan standard

6.1 Check the thoroughness of 5 5–4 3–2 1–0

the completion of the lesson All lesson plans are Some information is Most lessons missing
plans (e.g., CAPS page thoroughly completed missing from the lesson information from all
numbers, correct plans aspects of the lesson
referencing, reflections plans
completed . . .)
6.2 Check that there is a variety 6 6–5 4–3 2–1 0

TP300-22-AG (Jul)
of lessons incorporating Excellent variety Good variety Poor variety No variety
learning areas in all subjects
for informal lessons
7 Evidence and quality of 6 6–5 4–3 2–1 0
original resources  Evidence for most  Evidence, but mostly  Little evidence No evidence
lessons for formal  Most resources are
 Beautiful, professional assessments poorly made
looking resources  Some resources look  Looks unprofessional
 Correct font used unprofessional
 Size: Large enough for  Incorrect font used
effective use  Some pictures /
words are too small
8 Final reflection 10 10 – 8 7–5 4–1 0
Informative, meaningful Good reflection but not Poor final reflection No reflection
reflection about TPR informative enough
9 Overall impression of e-POE 5

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

Name: ________________________________ Student number: _______________ Week number: ______ from ________ to ________


Lesson Taught Lesson Taught Lesson Taught Lesson Taught Lesson Taught Lesson Taught

e.g. Maths – addition

Lesson Observed Lesson Observed Lesson Observed Lesson Observed Lesson Observed Lesson Observed

e.g. 3 × tables

Lesson Taught Lesson Taught Lesson Taught Lesson Taught Lesson Taught Lesson Taught

e.g. English – verbs

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

Lesson Observed Lesson Observed Lesson Observed Lesson Observed Lesson Observed Lesson Observed

e.g. handwriting – letter

Lesson Taught Lesson Taught Lesson Taught Lesson Taught Lesson Taught Lesson Taught

Lesson Observed Lesson Observed Lesson Observed Lesson Observed Lesson Observed Lesson Observed


TP300-22-AG (Jul)
Page 45
Final Reflection
Your final reflection is an important part of your PoE. This final reflection should
reveal a professional journey that you have experienced on the path to becoming
a teacher. You should reveal your learnings from your observation of the learners
and your mentor teacher. Your reflection should also include some successes and
challenges of your teaching practice experiences. Please provide in-depth and
detailed accounts of your reflections and not just descriptions of things you saw
or experienced.























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Page 48 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

Mentor Assessments
Both the PRAC301a and PRAC301b lesson plan templates as well as the marking
rubric (PRAC303) and descriptor (PRAC302) can be found at the end of this guide
and on the TP300 module page. Please make or download copies of them where

Life Skills Lesson

Under the subject Life Skills in the Grade R curriculum, you need to plan and
present two Life Skills lessons, namely:

 (Lesson1) Beginning Knowledge; and

 (Lesson 2) Personal and Social Well-being.

Your mentor will observe and grade your lesson plan and presentation. The
assessment will include the design and use of appropriate resources to support
teaching and learning.

You may choose a Life Skills lesson as formal assessment by your mentor
teacher for MAP. Remember your MAP needs to be uploaded to the TP300
module page.

Remember you are required to create a minimum of two Life Skills lessons during
your block teaching practice session.

We have provided you with a copy of the lesson plan template (PRAC301a),
which can be found at the end of this section. We have also provided you with a
copy of the document that your mentor teacher will use to assess your lesson,
namely, the Assessment of a Foundation Phase Lesson (PRAC303). You will find
this document after the lesson plan templates. A copy of the Assessment Rubric
for a Foundation Phase Lesson (PRAC302) is also provided. Your mentor teacher
will use this rubric to assess your lesson.

Your mentor teacher will complete PRAC303 in duplicate; you will get the original
copy to upload into your PoE with the lesson, and the mentor will keep the
second copy.

The PRAC302 and PRAC303 templates are available in the Teaching Practice:
Mentor Teacher's Guide for your mentors to peruse, prior to the assessment.

You are required to upload the assessment evidence of this lesson to the TP300
module page for assessment and moderation by the MAP if you chose Life skills
as a MAP assessment. A portal will be created on the TP300 module page.

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 49

A Home Language Lesson
You must plan and present a Home Language lesson in a Foundation Phase class
which your mentor teacher will observe and grade. The assessment will include
the planning, lesson design, presentation, teaching and learning strategies and
appropriate resources.

We have provided you with a copy of the lesson plan template (PRAC301a),
which can be found at the end of this section. We have also provided you with a
copy of the document that your mentor teacher will use to assess your lesson,
namely, the Assessment of a Foundation Phase Lesson (PRAC303). You will find
this document after the lesson plan templates. A copy of the Assessment Rubric
for a Foundation Phase Lesson (PRAC302) is also provided. Your mentor teacher
will use this rubric to assess your lesson.

Your mentor teacher will complete PRAC303 in duplicate; you will get the original
copy to upload into your PoE with the lesson, and the mentor will keep the
second copy. You are required to upload the assessment evidence of this lesson
onto the TP300 module page.


Note that it's your responsibility as the student to ensure that your mentor
teacher has a copy of the completed lesson plan on the PRAC301a template.
It's also your responsibility to provide the mentor with the blank PRAC303
form when he or she formally assesses you. PRAC302 and PRAC303 are
available in the Mentor Teacher's Guide for their perusal prior to the

Page 50 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

A Mathematics Lesson
You must plan and present a Mathematics lesson in your Foundation Phase class
which your mentor teacher will observe and grade. The assessment will include
the planning, lesson design, presentation, teaching and learning strategies, and
use of appropriate resources.

The lesson plan template for the Mathematics assessment that you as the
student must complete is coded PRAC301b. Your mentor teacher will use the
PRAC303 form for assessing the Mathematics lesson.

We have provided you with a copy of the Mathematics lesson plan template
(PRAC301b), which can be found at the end of this section. We have also
provided you with a copy of the document that your mentor teacher will use to
assess your lesson, namely, the Assessment of a Foundation Phase Lesson
(PRAC303). You will find this document after the lesson plan templates. A copy of
the Assessment Rubric for a Foundation Phase Lesson (PRAC302) is also
provided. Your mentor teacher will use this rubric to assess your lesson.

Your mentor teacher will complete PRAC303 in duplicate; you will get the original
copy to upload into your PoE with the lesson, and the mentor will keep the
second copy.

You are required to upload the assessment evidence of this lesson to the TP300
module page for assessment and moderation by the MAP if you chose
Mathematics as a MAP assessment. A portal will be created on the TP300 module


Note that it is your responsibility as the student to ensure that your mentor
teacher has a copy of the completed lesson plan on the PRAC301b template. It
is also your responsibility to provide the blank PRAC303 form when he or she
formally assesses you. PRAC302 and PRAC303 are available in the Mentor
Teacher's Guide for their perusal prior to the assessment.

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 51

A Home Language Lesson
You must plan and present a Home Language lesson in a Foundation Phase class
which your mentor teacher will observe and grade. The assessment will include
the planning, lesson design, presentation, teaching and learning strategies and
appropriate resources.

We have provided you with a copy of the lesson plan template (PRAC301a),
which can be found at the end of this section. We have also provided you with a
copy of the document that your mentor teacher will use to assess your lesson,
namely, the Assessment of a Foundation Phase Lesson (PRAC303). You will find
this document after the lesson plan templates. A copy of the Assessment Rubric
for a Foundation Phase Lesson (PRAC302) is also provided. Your mentor teacher
will use this rubric to assess your lesson.

Your mentor teacher will complete PRAC303 in duplicate; you will get the original
copy to upload into your PoE with the lesson, and the mentor will keep the
second copy.

You are required to upload the assessment evidence of this lesson onto the
TP300 module page for assessment.


Note that it's your responsibility as the student to ensure that your mentor
teacher has a copy of the completed lesson plan on the PRAC301 template. It's
also your responsibility to provide the mentor with the blank PRAC303 form
when he or she formally assesses you. PRAC302 and PRAC303 are available in
the Mentor Teacher's Guide for their perusal prior to the assessment.

Page 52 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

A First Additional Language Lesson
You must plan and present a First Additional Language lesson in your Foundation
Phase class which your mentor teacher will observe and grade. The assessment
will include the planning, lesson design, presentation, teaching and learning
strategies, and use of appropriate resources.

We have provided you with a copy of the lesson plan template (PRAC301a),
which can be found at the end of this section. We have also provided you with a
copy of the document that your mentor teacher will use to assess your lesson,
namely, the Assessment of a Foundation Phase Lesson (PRAC303). You will find
this document after the lesson plan templates. A copy of the Assessment Rubric
for a Foundation Phase Lesson (PRAC302) is also provided. Your mentor teacher
will use this rubric to assess your lesson.

Your mentor teacher will complete PRAC303 in duplicate; you will get the original
copy to upload into your PoE with the lesson, and the mentor will keep the
second copy. You are required to upload the assessment evidence of this lesson
onto the TP300 module page.

Kindly, note that while you teach this lesson in a First Additional Language, you
will need to write your lesson plan in English.


Note that it's your responsibility as a student to ensure that your mentor teacher
has a copy of the completed lesson plan on the PRAC301a template. It's also
your responsibility to provide the mentor with the blank PRAC303 form when he
or she formally assesses you. PRAC302 and PRAC303 form are available in the
Mentor Teacher's Guide for their perusal prior to the assessment.

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 53

Additional Lesson of your Choice
You must plan and present a sixth formal lesson of choice for your Foundation
Phase class which your mentor teacher will observe and grade. The assessment
will include the planning, lesson design, presentation, teaching and learning
strategies, and use of appropriate resources.

We have provided you with a copy of the lesson plan template (PRAC301a),
which can be found at the end of this section. We have also provided you with a
copy of the document that your mentor teacher will use to assess your lesson,
namely, the Assessment of a Foundation Phase Lesson (PRAC303). You will find
this document after the lesson plan templates. A copy of the Assessment Rubric
for a Foundation Phase Lesson (PRAC302) is also provided. Your mentor teacher
will use this rubric to assess your lesson.

Your mentor teacher will complete PRAC303 in duplicate; you will get the original
copy to upload into your PoE with the lesson, and the mentor will keep the
second copy. You are required to upload the assessment evidence of this lesson
onto the TP300 module page.

Kindly, note that if you teach a First Additional Language lesson, you will need to
write your lesson plan in English.


Note that it's your responsibility as a student to ensure that your mentor teacher
has a copy of the completed lesson plan on the PRAC301a or b template. It's
also your responsibility to provide the mentor with the blank PRAC303 form
when he or she formally assesses you. PRAC302 and PRAC303 form are available
in the Mentor Teacher's Guide for their perusal prior to the assessment.

Page 54 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education



Student name Student no.

Date Time (start and


Grade Term


Content Area

Lesson Topic / Focus CAPS / curriculum

page no.

Prior Knowledge
(The concept you are going to build on / scaffolding learning)

Lesson Objectives
(knowledge / skills / attitudes and values)
By the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:

Method of Assessment or Assessment Tools

(How evidence of learning is collected or evaluated)

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 55

Lesson Introduction and Actualisation of Prior Knowledge
(Capture attention / create learning atmosphere)

Lesson Development: Teaching-learning content

(Core content, activities, questions, how you will use resources, etc.)

How and where did you incorporate ICT in this lesson?

Planned questions (Bloom's Taxonomy – six levels of learning) Write out

the question and state in which phase of the lesson will it be used.
1. Knowledge:

2. Comprehension:

3. Application:

4. Analysis:

5. Synthesis:

6. Evaluation:

Page 56 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

(Explain your moments of integration used in this lesson)

Lesson Consolidation
(Recapping new concepts / skills)

Extension / Enrichment Activity

(for early finishers)

Learners needing special attention


Reflection by Student (Honest self-assessment)

What will I do differently next time?

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 57

What contributed to the success of this lesson?

References (Websites / books / articles)

Page 58 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education



Student name Student no.

Date Time (start to finish)

Grade Term


Content Area

Lesson Topic / Focus CAPS / curriculum

page no.

Prior Knowledge
(The concepts or skills are you going to build on)

Lesson Introduction
(Counting, estimation, mental maths)
Lesson objectives for Introduction:

Assessment for Introduction:

Detailed description of the Introduction (include resources used):

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 59

Lesson Development
(Core Content)
Small-group or whole-class teaching:

Assessment strategy:

Detailed description of how concepts or skills were taught (include resources


Consolidation of small-group or whole-class teaching:

Page 60 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

Independent activities (learners work at their desks doing maths that is
familiar, that is, worksheets / work cards / games)

Assessment strategy:

Detailed description of how concepts or skills were taught (include resources


Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 61

Planned questions (Bloom's Taxonomy – six levels of learning) Write out
the question and state in which phase of the lesson will it be used.

1. Knowledge:

2. Comprehension:

3. Application:

4. Analysis:

5. Synthesis:

6. Evaluation:

Extension Activity

Detailed description:

Conclusion / Closure

Page 62 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

Reflection by Student
(Honest self-analysis)



Any integration that took place:


(Websites / books / articles accessed)

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 63




Level Criteria
1. Formulation of lesson objectives
Excellent link with topic; outstanding formulation; clear,
Highly Competent
focused and achievable.
Very good link with topic; well formulated; clear and
Very Competent
Competent Good link with topic; unclear in formulation but achievable.
Rather generalised; too much / too little undertaken for one
Developing Competence
lesson; not achievable.
Needs improvement; no relevance to stated topic;
Not Yet Competent
incorrectly formulated; not achievable.
No Assessment Possible Student did not complete this aspect of the lesson plan.

2. Assessment (methods, strategies, tools)

Excellent alignment with objectives and relevance to core
Highly Competent
Well-chosen and formulated assessment method(s)
strategy(ies) and tool(s).
Very good alignment with objectives and relevance of core
Very Competent
Well-chosen and appropriate assessment method(s),
strategy(ies) and tool(s).
Partial alignment with objectives and core content.
Competent Assessment method(s), strategy(ies) and tool(s) mostly
suited to the lesson.
Limitations in alignment with objectives and core content.
Assessment method(s) and/or strategy(ies) are not well
Developing Competence
suited and inappropriate for the lesson. Assessment tool(s)
need(s) improvement or have been omitted.
Not Yet Competent No alignment. Different to objectives and/or core content.

No Assessment Possible Student did not complete this aspect of the lesson plan.

Page 64 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

Level Criteria
3. Selection of teaching strategies
Excellent selection; highly stimulating; varied, age-
Highly Competent appropriate and interesting; contributes to active learner
Very good selection; stimulating; mostly varied; age-
Very Competent
appropriate; contributes to learner engagement.
Good selection: age-appropriate but could have been more
stimulating and varied; some learner engagement.
Choice of strategies need attention; not stimulating enough;
Developing Competence little variation; too advanced / too easy for age group and
this impacts on learner engagement.
Inability to identify or implement appropriate teaching
Not Yet Competent
No Assessment Possible Student did not complete this aspect of the lesson plan.

4. Link between school curriculum and core content

Exceptional understanding demonstrated in the ability to
Highly Competent
link the curriculum and core content of lesson.
Very good understanding demonstrated in the ability to link
Very Competent
the curriculum and core content of lesson.
Adequate understanding demonstrated in the ability to link
the curriculum and core content of lesson.
Some evidence of linkage between curriculum and core
Developing Competence
content of lesson, but vague in places.
Lacks understanding very little linkage between curriculum
Not Yet Competent
and core content of lesson.
No Assessment Possible Student did not complete this aspect of the lesson plan.

5. Relevancy of core content and activities

Excellent focus; highly relevant content and activities;
Highly Competent
engaging; meaningful and detailed explanation.
Very good focus; relevant content and activities; engaging;
Very Competent
sufficient explanation.
Reasonable focus; relevant content and activities, with some
level of engagement; reasonable explanation.
Little focus; content and activities not engaging, insufficient
Developing Competence
and ambiguous.
Needs improvement; insufficient detail; content is lacking;
Not Yet Competent
difficult to follow meaning.
No Assessment Possible Student did not complete this aspect of the lesson plan.

6. Logical and well-sequenced lesson plan

Meticulous preparation; excellent detail; content logically
Highly Competent
Very good preparation; completed in detail; content logically
Very Competent
Good preparation; detailed but some limitations / gaps in
Little evidence of preparation; insufficient detail; too
Developing Competence
Poorly prepared lesson with many gaps / limitations; needs
Not Yet Competent
improvement, superficial content; limited or no effort.
No Assessment Possible Student did not complete this aspect of the lesson plan.

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 65

Level Criteria
7. Innovation and creativity
Excellent innovation, and creativity shown that contributes
Highly Competent
to highly effective and interesting teaching and learning.
Very good innovation and creativity shown that contributes
Very Competent
to effective teaching and learning.
Some innovation and creativity show that contributes to
sound teaching and learning.
Little evidence of innovative and interesting features and
Developing Competence
with limitations / gaps.
Not observed or student did not complete this aspect of the
Not Yet Competent
lesson plan.
8. Resource(s)
Excellent quality and selection of resource(s); relevant;
Highly Competent appropriate; highly appealing; original and enhances the
value of the lesson.
Very good quality and selection of resource(s); moderate
Very Competent
appeal; relevant; appropriate; adds value to the lesson.
Good quality resource(s); fair appeal; adds moderate value
to the lesson.
Relevant resource(s) but lacks in quality and appeal with
Developing Competence
some limitations; adds some value to the lesson.
Poor quality resource(s) and ineffective; no value /
Not Yet Competent
relevance to the lesson.
No Assessment Possible Student did not complete this aspect of the lesson plan.

9. Formulation of levelled questions

Varied questions planned; well-focused at various levels of
Highly Competent
learning that promote critical thinking.
Some varied and focused questions planned that promote
Very Competent
Competent Reasonable variety and clear questions planned.
Very little thought given to focused and varied questions
Developing Competence
Only lower-level questions planned; no questions included
Not Yet Competent
to promote thinking.
No Assessment Possible Student did not complete this aspect of the lesson plan.

Page 66 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

Level Criteria
10. Researched lesson plan
Clear evidence of research of the topic far beyond the lesson
Highly Competent requirements. All references and resources/materials
correctly referenced.
Clear evidence of research of the topic beyond the lesson
Very Competent requirements. Most references and resources/materials
correctly referenced.
Evidence of research of the topic sufficient for the lesson's
Competent requirements. Some references and resources/materials
correctly referenced.
Insufficient research of the topic for the lesson. Flaws and
Developing Competence
gaps in referencing.
Little understanding of the lesson topic with some flaws /
Not Yet Competent
errors. Gaps in referencing or not completed.
No Assessment Possible Student did not complete this aspect of the lesson plan.

Level Criteria
11. Communication (verbal and non-verbal)
Excellent voice control, use of body language and eye-
Highly Competent
Very Competent Good voice modulation, facial expression and eye contact.
Voice projection requires attention, adequate use of body
Developing Competence Monotone speech; often expressionless.
Poor language use; limitations in non-verbal
Not Yet Competent
No Assessment Possible Not evident in the presentation.

12. Use of teaching strategies

Exceptional use of a variety and appropriate teaching
Highly Competent strategies that contribute to a highly effective and
interesting lesson.
Very good use of appropriate teaching strategies that
Very Competent
contribute to an effective lesson.
Good use of teaching strategies that contribute to a
reasonable lesson, but strategies are not sufficiently varied.
Limitations in the use of a variety and/or appropriate
Developing Competence
teaching strategies.
Ineffective use of teaching strategies. Lacks variation and
Not Yet Competent
No Assessment Possible Not evident in the presentation.

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 67

Level Criteria
13. Use of teaching / learning resources
Excellent use of teaching / learning resources; effectively
Highly Competent integrated to support teaching and learning. Variety of
appropriate resources used.
Very good use of teaching / learning resources; integrated
Very Competent
in the lesson to support teaching and learning.
Good use of teaching / learning resources. Some attempt to
use the resources but not utilised optimally.
Resources available but not appropriately used in the
Developing Competence
Not Yet Competent No resources used although listed on lesson plan.
No Assessment Possible Not evident in the presentation.

14. Learner engagement and active participation

Learners are involved and actively engaged throughout the
Highly Competent
Learners are involved and actively engaged for most of the
Very Competent
Learners are involved and actively engaged in parts of the
Developing Competence Few learners are actively engaged in the lesson.
Not Yet Competent Learners were not engaged in most of the lesson.
No Assessment Possible Not evident in the presentation.
15. Questioning skills
Excellent questioning skills; care taken with distribution,
Highly Competent validation and follow up; prompting of learners to think
further as well as critically.
Very good questioning skills; reasonable distribution;
Very Competent
validation and prompting of learners to think further.
Good questioning skills; manages and encourages some
learners to ask / answer questions. Prompting of learners to
think further in some cases. Some improvement needed in
questioning sequence.
Satisfactory; needs further improvement; distribution
Developing Competence focuses on certain learners, inconsistent in validation of
learners' responses; no prompting for further thought.
Lacks ability in questioning skills; insufficient questions
Not Yet Competent asked; no or limited acknowledgement of learners'
No Assessment Possible Not evident in the presentation.

Page 68 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

Level Criteria
16. Classroom management
Outstanding control of class, effective management of
Highly Competent learner behaviour without disrupting flow of lesson or stifling
learner participation.
Good control of class and effective management of learner
Very Competent
behaviour with minimal disruption evident.
Satisfactory control of class and management of learner
behaviour but requires greater assertiveness.
Attempts to control class and/or manage learner behaviour
Developing Competence
but had limited effect.
Unable to take control of class and management of learner
Not Yet Competent
behaviour and impacts on teaching and learning.
No Assessment Possible Not evident in the presentation.

17. Pace / Time management

Outstanding management of time and pace; lesson phases
Highly Competent
were competently paced.
Very good management of time and pace; careful use of
Very Competent
time. Good pacing of lesson phases.
Satisfactory use of time management and pace displayed.
Lesson phases were completed.
Developing Competence Laboured pace with no sense of urgency or rushed pace.
Haphazard facilitation with no discernible time management
Not Yet Competent
No Assessment Possible Not evident in the presentation.

18. Learning atmosphere and rapport

Established and maintained a friendly, supportive and
Highly Competent enthusiastic learning atmosphere throughout the lesson.
Established excellent rapport with learners.
Established and maintained a supportive learning
Very Competent atmosphere throughout the lesson with minor lapses.
Established a very good rapport with learners.
Established a learning atmosphere but not sustained. Good
rapport with learners.
Lesson lacked an appropriate atmosphere conducive to
Developing Competence
learning. Limited connection with learners.
Lesson devoid of any atmosphere conducive to learning.
Not Yet Competent
Unable to establish rapport with learners.
No Assessment Possible Not evident in the presentation.

19. Observed achievement of lesson objectives

Clear achievement demonstrated by vast majority of
Highly Competent
Very Competent High degree of achievement demonstrated by most learners.
Competent Achieved to a certain degree.

Developing Competence Partially demonstrated by learners – some confusion.

Confusion amongst majority of learners and/or no attempt
Not Yet Competent
was made to determine if lesson objectives were achieved.
No Assessment Possible Not evident in the presentation.

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 69

Level Criteria
20. Overall Impression (Enthusiasm / Confidence / Professionalism)
An excellent and focused lesson taught with confidence and
Highly Competent enthusiasm. Exemplary professional competence displayed
that leaves a positive impression.
A successful lesson taught with conviction and focus. Very
Very Competent good display of enthusiasm and confidence. Evidence of
sound professional competence.
A good lesson taught. Good display of enthusiasm and
Competent confidence. Evidence of professional competence but no
outstanding features.
Lesson taught casually and without conviction. Lacks
Developing Competence
enthusiasm and confidence.
Lesson lacked enthusiasm, confidence and little effort
Not Yet Competent
No Assessment Possible Not evident in the presentation.

Page 70 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education


Lesson Assessment Form

B.Ed Foundation Phase

Student surname
and name
Student number Date
Name of school
Tick the relevant block
Subject Public Private
Content Area
Lesson topic Duration
CAPS / curriculum Copy of page(s) Number of learners in
page number(s) attached class:
Yes No

Kindly ensure that you have ticked a level of competence for each of the
twenty criteria outlined below. Use the accompanying lesson assessment
rubric with descriptors of each achievement level (PRAC302) to guide your
assessment. Please insert a percentage as an overall assessment mark at
the end of this lesson assessment form which is in line with the allocated
achievement levels.


Achievement Level %
Highly competent 75 +
Very competent 65 – 74
Competent 55 – 64
Developing competence 45 – 54
Not yet competent 1 – 44
No assessment possible 0

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 71

Developing Competence

Not Yet Competent

Highly Competent

Very Competent

No Assessment

Please use attached descriptor explaining
the criteria


1. Formulation of lesson objectives
2. Assessment (Methods, Strategies, Tools)
3. Selection of teaching strategies
4. Link between school curriculum and core
5. Relevancy of core content and activities
6. Logical and well-sequenced plan
7. Innovation and creativity
8. Resource(s)
9. Formulation of levelled questions
10. Researched lesson plan


11. Communication (verbal and non-verbal)
12. Use of teaching strategies
13. Use of teaching / learning resources
14. Learner engagement and active
15. Questioning skills
16. Classroom management
17. Pace / time management
18. Learning atmosphere and rapport
19. Observed achievement of lesson objectives
20. Overall impression (enthusiasm /
confidence / professionalism)

Page 72 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education


Up-to-date Portfolio of Evidence available: Yes / No (if No, –5%)

Final mark: ____________/100



Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 73

Section C: Mentor Assessment Panel
The STADIO Mentor Assessor Panel (MAP) will formally assess and moderate
your performance during Teaching Practice. In addition to your five (5) formal
lessons, your sixth formal lesson should be a MAP Assessment. With the support
of your mentor, you are required to compile assessment evidence of lessons as
set out below and upload the evidence onto your electronic portfolio created on
the TP300 module page. You must make the necessary arrangements with your
mentor teacher to ensure that this process is organised.

Lesson 1 for MAP Assessment and Moderation

The assessment evidence for this lesson must be uploaded onto your electronic
portfolio on the LMS at the end of Week Two of your teaching practice. The
STADIO MAP will give you and the mentor teacher feedback within one week of

The lesson assessment evidence to be uploaded into the student's electronic

portfolio on the LMS must include the following:

 audio-recording of the lesson presentation;

 detailed lesson plan and resources (or photographs of resources);
 student's reflection on lesson taught (included in the lesson plan);
 lesson assessment form (PRAC303) with final mark allocation and
comments; and
 audio- or video recording of the Post-Lesson Observation Conference (PLOC)
between you and the mentor teacher.

The PLOC refers to the reflection and feedback session between you and the
mentor teacher after your formal lesson presentation. Guidelines for this PLOC
have been given to the mentor teacher in the Mentor Teacher's Guide. The
reflection and feedback during the PLOC should include your achievements, your
challenges, as well as future plans, for the MAP to be able to evaluate the
comments and then award the final mark for the lesson plan and presentation.

The above evidence, such as your detailed lesson plan and resources and the
Final Student Assessment form should also be included in your e-POE for
submission to STADIO for marking. The main purpose of this task is for the
STADIO MAP to provide you with constructive written feedback on lesson plan
design in relation to your lesson presentation. The audio recording of the lesson
presentation will also assist the MAP to analyse and comment on your
communication skills and teaching style. The audio recording with supporting
documentation of the PLOC between the mentor teacher and you, the student-
teacher, will assist the MAP to verify the assessments of individual lessons by
your mentor teacher. The STADIO MAP will provide feedback to both you and the
mentor teacher. The panel will provide constructive feedback on the mentor
teacher's assessments and mentoring skills with specific focus on the lesson
observation process during teaching practice. The panel will provide you with

Page 74 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

written feedback on your lesson planning and presentation. If the MAP evaluation
finds that you are not performing in line with the Institution's standards, you will
also receive verbal telephonic feedback from your STADIO tutor. This will provide
an opportunity for a detailed discussion to take place, with the express purpose
of assisting you to improve.

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 75

Section D: Overall Teaching
Performance Assessment
At the end of your block teaching practice period, the school principal, your
mentor teacher, and any other relevant staff members will complete a final
assessment of your teaching practice endeavours. This is a confidential
document. The school principal will email or courier the final school-based
assessment form to STADIO School of Education's Teaching Practice Department.

Read the relevant rubric in this assessment guide for this final school-based
assessment to familiarise yourself with the assessment criteria before you start
your teaching practice.


Your School Final Assessment is confidential document. The Teaching Practice

Department only accepts Final School Assessment forms that have emailed to or sent via courier to the address below:

Teaching Practice Department, STADIO School of Education, 75 Silverton Road,

Musgrave, Durban, 4001. Tel: 031 3037390.

Page 76 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

Attendance Register
In this Assessment Guide you will find an attendance register
which must be signed daily by your mentor teacher or the
school secretary. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure this
is done correctly. It is also YOUR responsibility to make sure
that this attendance register has the school stamp on it
before it is handed to the principal or administrator at your
school who will in turn send it to STADIO.

Please note that you MUST contact your school if you are going to be late or
absent. On returning to school, you need to present a medical certificate or
formal doctor's note if you are absent for more than two (2) consecutive days.
The medical certificate or note must be attached to the attendance register which
you give to the principal at the end of your teaching practice. Keep in mind that
dentist appointments, going for your driver's license must all be done after
school. Absenteeism of 10% or above will result in you failing this module.
Remember that the completed, signed, and stamped attendance must be
emailed from a school email address. Registers will only be accepted if they have
the school stamp and are sent from a school email address. Alternatively, you
may courier the originals to the Teaching Practice Department, the details of
which can be found above.

Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 77

Student Name: ____________________________________________________


This form is to be used to plan your lesson presentations that you are required to
present whilst at your school. It will enable you to plan so that you do not run
out of time, and it will help your mentor teacher to see the broad overview and
the lessons / number of lessons you are required to present. Once you have
discussed this with your mentor teacher, fill it in together and make a copy for
him or her as a reminder of your TP300 requirements. (This is a compulsory
document and needs to be signed and stamped by the school. This form must be
included in your file.) Please use it as a guide to assist you with your lessons.
Your 6 formal lessons(F) must be on the subjects listed in the table below. You
can choose your subjects for your 9 informal lessons (I).

You will need to be assessed your mentor teacher whilst you present your 6
formal lessons. This excludes all your 10 informal lessons these must be taught
but need not be assessed and are listed below. This document also needs to be
sent with the Final School-based assessment to

I need to present formal (F) lessons in the following subjects as well as the
Informal lessons (I):


English (Assessment) (F)

First Additional Language

(Assessment) (F)

Mathematics (Assessment) (F)

Life Skills (Assessment) (F)

Beginning Knowledge

Life Skills (Assessment) (F)

Personal and Social Well Being

One other Lesson (F)

English (Informal) (I)

First Additional Language (I)

Mathematics (I)

Life Skills (P.E) (I)

English (I)

Page 78 TP300-22-AG (Jul) Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education

English (I)

English (I)

Mathematics (I)

Mathematics (I)

Life Skills (Art) (I)

STADIO Assessor's lesson: Either

a Lifeskills/Maths lesson
dependant on your MAP


Assessment Guide © STADIO School of Education TP300-22-AG (Jul) Page 79

Final Student Assessment

Foundation Phase Year 3

Teaching Practice 3

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