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Dear Concerned Friends, Citizens, and Fellow Eastern Shore Residents,

Would you consider joining us during the month of May in a prayer walk
around the park spaces on the bluff and the South Beach below of the Fair-
hope waterfront area? The intent of this exercise will be to walk around and
pray over these areas relative to the activities planned for these areas on Sat-
urday, June 1st (Gay Pride Event).
As guidelines for ourselves we advocate the absence of signage, banners, t-
shirts, slogans, and any other type of display or interactions with other park
users that express our purposes and could be construed as confrontational or
that might draw negative attention to our cause. Our intent is only to lift our
petitions silently or softly but boldly to God over the planned use of these are-
as on 1 June and to appeal for Providential healing and protection of our com-
munity and Nation relative to the aforementioned activities that will take place
in June. The activities referred to are the celebration and promotion on that
day and the rest of the month of June of value systems and moralities that
directly conflict with and/or are aggressively hostile to our Judeo-Christian
moral and value system; that is, that which we seek to pass on to our children,
our grandchildren, our great grandchildren……and ultimately to this and the
future generations which include our own posterity.
We envision prayer partners walking through the park areas each day during
the month of May as God leads. Benches in both areas are available. The link
below will lead to the site to sign up for the walk and to pick a day or days, am
or pm hours, number of people who will walk with you. You will pick the day or
days you wish to walk. It will also provide other details about the areas includ-
ing map locations of the areas. If you are unable to walk, you can still easily
participate from the comfort and security of your vehicle just by driving to the
parking areas near each park and sitting in your vehicle and praying. You
need not walk for God to hear you.
Thank you.

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Please plan to pray for an hour together with a friend, si ng or walk-

ing, in the areas of two Fairhope parks, the beach park south of the
main pier and the Henry George Park on the bluff overlooking the bay
on Magnolia Ave. Don’t feel like you need to pray for every line. Pray
as the Holy Spirit leads.

Sugges ons for Prayers…

1. Pride Week, Homosexual A endees, Godly Values

A. …for the spirit of truth and love to guide our prayers.
B. …for the prayer experiences to be a blessing to God’s people and to
pride event a endees.
C. …for the values of
i. nuclear families
ii. mul -ethnicity vs. mul -culturalism
iii. Judeo-Chris an worldview values to prevail in our
communi es and na on (See end of p.2 for a list of values as
presented by Dennis Prager.)
iv. biblical perspec ve on gender iden ty to prevail in our
communi es.
v. no DEI, diversity, equity, and inclusion
D. …for Eastern Shore residents and Chris ans in par cular to understand
that a growing gay influence would nega vely affect the culture of the
Eastern Shore.
E. …for the Holy Spirit to call purveyors of sexual immorality to
F. …for gay people to desire to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.
G. …for gay people to understand the joy of faith in Christ and sa sfac on
of submi ng in obedience to a loving Savior.

2. Churches
…for churches to be bold to advocate for faith in Christ and for Judeo-
Chris an values in culture.

3. Our Children
A. …for protec on against the acceptance of sinful ideas of gender
fluidity, homosexuality and sexual promiscuity.
B. …for protec on against the use of sexually explicit library books and
online websites that “groom” children for exploita on by sexual
C. ...for young people to discern perversion in social media and in enter-
tainment and to have the wisdom to distance themselves from it.
D. …for a change in the a tudes of library board members that would
result in the removal of sexually explicit children’s books from the

4. Parents
A. …for wisdom to parent with godly principles
B. …for awareness of unrighteous influences within families, in educa onal
ins tu ons, and within children’s peer groups… and to be armed with
the wisdom to teach righteous responses to all these cultural
influences and pressures.
C. …for repentance for unrighteous habits, like pornography and marital
D. …to demonstrate within homes God’s intent for loving marriages,
mutual respect, sacrificial love, and care for one another.
E. …for the mending of rela onships between parents and children.

5. Government at all levels

A. …for school and public library board members to be ci zens willing to
make righteous decisions about the books & other media offered at
the libraries, par cularly for children.
B. …for governments at all levels to embrace the Chris an ethic in their
delibera ons and decisions.
C. …for public officials to reject the erroneous idea of the separa on of
Chris an Church and State


1. There is one God.
2. There are objec ve moral truths.
3. “Good” & “Evil” are the same for all people.
4. God is the source of our rights.
5. Human beings are created in the image of God.
6. The world is based on divine order.
7. Man is not basically good, so we need God’s rules to keep us from our
natural inclina ons.
8. Our natural inclina ons are poor moral guides.
9. Human beings have free will & are therefore responsible for how they
10. Ten Commandments are the core of Chris an values.

Revised April 16, 2023


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