Molar Conc of Etanoic Acid Crit C

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Topic: Molar concentration of vinegar. Stężenie molowe octu.

Criterion C

Your task is to process data collected during the experiment.

If you were absent use the following volumes of NaOH:
v1= 13.5 cm3, v2= 12.9 cm3, v3= 12.8 cm3

Vinegar is an aqueous solution of ethanoic acid. You can establish a concentration of ethanoic
acid by titration.

Watch the video (click on the picture) - Titration

Read the following information and use it in your report.

Reading a volume in a burette is an error-prone value, what is expressed by accuracy.

Accuracy of the burette is 0.01 cm3 (0.01 ml), what means that

if you read 20 ml, it could be: 20.00 but 19.99 or 20.01, as well.

Thus the result is 20.00 +/- 0.01

You can calculate the %uncertainty of a volume what is:

0.01/20.00 x100% = 0.05%

Formula 1:

Accuracy/value x 100%

If you read volume in a burette, you read two values: initial volume and final volume. Thus the
volume change has uncertainty 0.02.

Here is an example:
Vi = 0.05 +/- 0.01
Vf = 9.00 +/- 0.01

The volume change ∆V = Vf-Vi = 9.00 - 0.05 = 8.95 +/- 0.02

Percentage uncertainty
The %∆V = 0.02/8.95 x100% = 2.23%

The final result ( molar concentration) could be compared with a literature value,
what is 1.68 mol/dm3. We can calculate the
%absolute uncertainty using formula given below:
Formula 2:

%absolute uncertainty= |(literature value- experimental value)/ literature value|x100%

Components of the report.

Your work is assessed for Criterion C: Reaction: CH3COOH + NaOH —> CH3COONa+ H2O

Collect qualitative and quantitative data.

a. What did you see? Write observation, like color change.

b. i. Quantitative data:

Table1. Give a title

Volume cm3 +/- ___ Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mean



c. Data processing

∆V = _____________________+/- ________

Concentration of base:
c= __________________

volume of diluted vinegar


Calulate the % uncertainty for volume of base

Calculate molar concentration of diluted vinegar

Ca= cbVb/va

Since analyte (solution what was titrated with a base) was diluted 5 times, the actual
concentration of vinegar is different.

Calculate the concentration.

Calculate the absolute uncertainty for concentration. (Use formula 2, and value given above)
d. Evaluation

Evaluate on calculated concentration compared with a literature value. (Absolute % uncertainty)

Discuss on precision. Thus compare the values of volume read in a burette. (Precision means:
how close the results are to each other)
Discuss on accuracy of measurement - values of the % uncertainty.

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