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Subject: Creating Great Futures at the Boys and Girls Club at Hartford

Hello Mr. Clark,

I hope this email finds you well and everything is going well for you at the Boys and Girls Club of

My name is Liam Celic and I represent the Boys and Girls Club at Hartford, Connecticut.

I recently saw your work at the Boys and Girls Club of America and I knew that because we
work for the same values and have similar motives, our organization would definitely be worth
attending. After following Boys and Girls Clubs throughout the US and hearing about all of your
amazing accomplishments, I have a good idea of what you are looking for and what would
attract a large audience. I really admire how you were able to introduce a new strategy to allow
more youth to achieve positive outcomes through academic success, character and citizenship
and healthy lifestyles.

I am thrilled to tell you that the mission of our smaller organization perfectly aligns with the
values of your company. Our mission, “Today, 164 years later, the Boys & Girls Clubs of
Hartford still builds the values, character, and skills our youth need to succeed in the 21st
Century. We provide academic support, leadership development, access to technology, and
exposure to colleges and careers to build GREAT Futures.”, truly represents who we are as an
organization and what our intentions are. We aren’t just a normal organization that provides
ample help to kids in need; We are a movement that benefits millions of people’s lives every
single day, connecting to the kids on a personal level, and will continue to do so as long as the
company is alive. As you know, we’ve served more than 4.7 million young people in over 5,000
Clubs nationwide, and the Boys and Girls Club at Hartford has contributed greatly to those

I truly think that taking some time out of your day and attending our upcoming celebration would
not only bring attention to our cause, but inspire others to make a difference too. Helping our
organization gain awareness will entail many benefits to the nationwide organization and all of
our supporters. If you are truly interested in participating in the local event, don’t hesitate to
reach out. You can contact me via my email: or my personal
phone: 123-456-78910.

I really appreciate your time, cooperation, and consideration of this request. I hope we can work
together in the future and create a movement of giving back and helping to create future

Thank you Mr. Clark,

Liam Celic
Chief Executive of Marketing, Boys and Girls Club at Hartford, Connecticut
170 Sigourney St, Hartford , CT 06105

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