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Names: Andrea Rojas, Taylor Hart

Grade Level: 10-12 level 3

Lesson Title: Poem Emotion using line, color, and shape

Integrated Subjects or DEI & Art Standards: Art & ___

Visual Arts/Digital Media & Integrated Subject: Utah Education Network

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Diversity Equity & Inclusion: Learning for Justice Standards

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Lesson Length: 45 min

2-3 Standards (At least 1 of Visual Arts/Digital Media and 1 of Integrated Subject or DEI):

1) Standard L2.V.CR.3:

Demonstrate acquisition of skills and knowledge in a chosen art form

through experimentation, practice, and persistence.

2) Standard L3.V.P.1:

Critique, justify, and present choices in the process of analyzing, selecting, curating, and
presenting artwork for a specific exhibit or event.

3 ) English: Standard 9-10.R.8:

Determine the meaning and impact of words and phrases on meaning, tone, and
mood. Analyze figurative language and connotative meanings. Examine
domain-specific vocabulary and how language differs across genres and text
types. (RL & RI)
2-3 Objectives/“I can” Statements:

Students will be able... to OR "I can"...

1. Students will be able to relate colors and shapes to feelings/emotions

2. Students will be able to view existing artwork and identify the feelings/emotions they find

3. Students will be able to create their own work that expresses feelings/emotions as well as
presenting it
Pre-Assessment, Formative, & Summative Assessment: (At least 2)

Pre-Assessment: Quiz/survey

Formative: class/group discussion

Summative: creating art with music/poems and presenting them to a group of students

Vocab: abstract, line, color, emotion, mood

Student Prep: N/A

Teacher Prep:

-create a quiz/survey

-gather artwork examples of different eras and styles

-print line charts (4, 1 per table)

Student Materials:

-Colored Pencils


-Construction paper




Addressing Learner Needs: (Plan for 1 Accommodation/Adjustment)

Consider Differentiation/Individualization; English Language Learners; Accommodations for

Individualized Education Programs, etc.

-Differentiation/individualization: Student will pick a song/poem of their choice and create their
own abstract piece

Accommodations for IEPs working in pairs for support:

-Working in pairs for support

-alternate materials for sensory issues

Procedure Step by Step & Time Estimation:

*Add artwork discussion*

Step 1: Pre-assessment (3 minutes)

Step 2: Slide show showing examples (5 minutes)

Step 3: Choose your favorite poem or song. (1 minutes)

Step 4: identify how the poem or song makes you feel, and look over the psychology of colors
article (6 minutes)

Step 5: Choose materials (5 minutes)

Step 6: Create a piece of art that reflects your poem/song. (18 minutes)

Step 7: Gather into groups and share your work and how it relates to your poem. (7 minutes) Color Psychology list of artwork that uses lines - abstract shape and

color representing emotion

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