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The Battle Has Begun: Green Berets,

34,000 Current and Ex-military

Personnel, Police Officers, Sheriffs,
Deputies, and 700,000 Truckers and
Caravans are en Route to Texas – Trust
the Plan, Embrace the Revolution!
Medeea Greere January 28, 2024

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In a momentous turn of events, an army of devoted patriots led by a steadfast

Army Green Beret has risen to defend the United States Constitution
against foreign invasion, the deep state, and global elites who seek to
undermine the nation’s sovereignty. This unprecedented movement, which
includes over 700,000 truckers, military veterans, police officers, and
everyday citizens, is converging on Texas to protect the Constitution and
thwart the Biden administration’s questionable alliances with the Davos Group
and the United Nations.

In this article, we delve deep into the heart of this powerful revolt, examining
its objectives, challenges, and the urgent call to action for all freedom-loving
individuals worldwide.

A Fight for Freedom. It has begun—a colossal gathering of patriots, bound by

their unwavering loyalty to the United States Constitution, is currently
unfolding in Texas. Led by a resilient Army Green Beret, these individuals are
determined to safeguard the nation against foreign threats, the encroaching
deep state, and the global elites who manipulate the system for their own

The Oath Keepers: Defenders of the Constitution. The Oath Keepers, a

formidable group comprising over 34,000 current and ex-military personnel,
police officers, sheriffs, deputies, and dedicated citizens, are at the forefront
of this battle for freedom. Their solemn commitment is to protect the
Constitution from all threats, both foreign and domestic.

Unprecedented Mobilization: Over 700,000 Strong. In an unprecedented

show of solidarity, more than 700,000 truckers and caravans are en route to
Texas, joining forces with the Green Beret, the military, and the Texas National
Guard. Their united purpose: to challenge the Biden administration’s actions,
specifically its alignment with the Davos Group and the United Nations, which
they perceive as endangering the nation’s borders through unconstitutional

Facing the Bioweapon Threat: CCP, CIA, and Mexican Cartels. Among the
myriad challenges facing this movement is the battle against bioweapons. They
allege that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA), and Mexican cartels are conspiring to introduce Fentanyl laced with
tranquilizers into U.S. territory.

This lethal concoction is believed to be part of a sinister bioweapon plan aimed

at harming American citizens. Moreover, they decry the rampant human
trafficking, with over 85,000 missing children over the past two years, asserting
that these nefarious activities have been facilitated by the corrupt U.S.
government and the Biden administration.
Governors Join the Fight: A Growing Alliance. Steadily, the movement gains
momentum, with more than half of the United States’ governors pledging their
support. They view the Biden administration, in cahoots with the CIA, Obama
regime, and the Davos Group, as a captured entity, beholden to foreign
interests. Over 25 U.S. states have rallied behind Texas’ White Hat operations,
sending their own military National Guards to reinforce the cause.

Domestic Internal Defense: A Nationwide Call The Green Beret leading the
charge communicates a resounding message via military communications: “We
defy tyranny.” This call echoes across the nation, igniting a spark of hope among
those who yearn for a return to constitutional values. The military’s operations
are not limited to U.S. soil; they span the globe, forming a global coalition
against corruption and tyranny.

SEE ALSO: BIG EVENT: Civil War? Biden Border Invasion – We are Waiting for
the GREEN LIGHT from President Trump – New World = Plan A (video)

Behind the Scenes: The Global Uprising. Silently, a global uprising is

underway. Citizens from Germany, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and
Ireland are uniting with their American counterparts against a corrupt system.
These efforts are guided by covert military operations and intelligence.

JFK’s Legacy: A Call to Action. Reflecting on history, it becomes evident that

JFK created the Army Special Forces Green Berets with the intent of defending
the American people against domestic totalitarianism. These elite forces were
entrusted with privileged military codes to safeguard citizens against tyrannical
government control. Today, Green Berets, in tandem with the National Guard,
police, sheriffs, ex-military personnel, and over 34,000 military oath keepers,
heed that call to action.

WARNING: The Vatican Demanded this Be Kept Under Lock and Key: “The
Divine Prayer – One Minute Prayer From Biblical Times” – A Prayer for Texan
Patriots, the American People, Our Heroes, and President Trump – God Bless

The Battle in Texas: A Leader Emerges. The Texas division is led by “Doc” Pete
Chambers, a distinguished Green Beret. He plays a crucial role in guiding the
Virginia convoy as it makes its way across the nation. In California and Arizona,
similar operations are underway as U.S. citizens mobilize to defend the borders
against the elite interests controlling the Biden administration.

Rising Against the Davos Group and Elites. In a nationwide broadcast, Doc
Chambers openly names the Davos Group and the elites as the puppeteers
behind the Biden administration’s actions. He also hints at military-guided
operations unfolding in Europe, indicating a global effort to expose and resist

A Plea for Peace Amidst Turmoil. As this powerful movement gains

momentum, it is essential to emphasize the importance of peaceful protest.
The globalist elite’s agenda thrives on chaos and division, with mainstream
media fueling the narrative of impending civil war. To counter this, peace-loving
patriots must remain steadfast in their commitment to non-violence.

Join the Revolt: A Call to Action. The time has come for U.S. citizens and
freedom fighters worldwide to unite against the globalist elite agendas
perpetuating tyranny. Attend local demonstrations, join movements, and
support the cause in any way you can. The revolution that was quietly brewing
for years has now burst forth into the light.

RELATED: BOOM! Special Report: The Green Light Activated in the White
House – When You Feel Like Nothing is Happening – Get Ready!

The Battle Has Begun. As the Green Berets, patriots, and everyday Americans
join forces to protect the Constitution and defy the deep state and global elites,
the battle for freedom has truly begun. Let us heed the call, stay peaceful, and
stand together to safeguard the principles upon which this great nation was
founded. The future of liberty depends on our collective resolve.

In this era of unprecedented challenges, the resilience of the American spirit

shines brighter than ever, as patriots unite to defend the Constitution and
preserve the freedoms that define the United States of America.

Global Freedom: Why the United States Holds the Key

The United States emerges as a beacon of hope and a battleground for freedom.
Beneath the surface of global politics lies a complex web of power, influence,
and corruption. In this article, we delve deep into the heart of the matter,
exposing the hidden truths and emphasizing the critical importance of the
United States in the fight for global freedom.

The Origins of Corruption. To understand the United States’ pivotal role in

dismantling the global cabal, we must first trace back to its origins. The roots of
corruption can be traced to the Kazarian money system, which infiltrated the
world through the guise of a stolen Jewish identity. These Kazars, originally
from South Germany, used political movements to shape the financial
institutions of the United States.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds, two powerful families with roots in South
Germany, played a significant role in the creation of the corrupt financial system
that plagues the world today. Alongside J.P. Morgan, they wielded immense
control over the military-industrial complex, the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA),
and the corrupt military intelligence networks that influence global banking
institutions and deep state cabal networks.
The Puppeteers of Chaos. From the heart of the United States, the CIA
orchestrated over 70 coups, toppling governments and installing central
banking systems that served the interests of the globalist cabal. These
operations were part of a grand design to consolidate power and control over
nations, creating a web of puppet governments loyal to the cabal’s globalist

In Europe and other parts of the world, citizens were left powerless against
these deep state operations, as the cabal’s military and intelligence apparatus
ratified revolutions, imprisoned dissenters, executed opposition leaders, and
infiltrated movements that dared challenge their reign. Countries found
themselves at the mercy of totalitarianism and military rule, with no means to
resist the cabal’s sinister plans.

The Last Stand for Freedom. Amidst the chaos and despair, there exists a
glimmer of hope—the United States. Armed with over 120% of guns per 100
people, the United States is the last bastion of resistance against absolute
totalitarianism. It is in this arsenal of freedom that the importance of the 1st
Amendment shines brightly.
*Recommendations by the Department of Emergency Services and Public
Protection offer the following tips that all residents take three simple preparedness
steps: Get a kit, make a plan, and stay informed”.*– Watch This FREE Video

The 1st Amendment is not just a legal provision; it is the lifeline of freedom for
U.S. citizens. It grants them the right to free speech, freedom of the press, and
the power to expose the corruption of the cabal deep state. The United States,
with its armed and informed citizens, stands as the last line of defense against
the cabal’s globalist plans, which seek to enslave humanity in a one-world order
riddled with perpetual wars, depopulation agendas, and mind control

Exposing the Heart of Darkness. To bring down the cabal, it is imperative that
their corruption is exposed on U.S. soil. The fall of the cabal in the United States
will dismantle their power structure, sending shockwaves throughout the
European Union, the United Nations, NATO, and numerous major countries
across the globe. The United States must rise, armed and united, to defend not
just their own freedom but also the freedom of oppressed people worldwide.

As the United States takes a stand for freedom, the vibrations of resistance
ripple across the oceans. European nations and people worldwide are inspired
to challenge their own corrupted cabal deep state systems. Together, we are
united in our mission to dismantle the globalist operations that oppress
societies worldwide.
The Dawn of a Global Revolution. The year 2024 marks the beginning of a
united global revolution against the cabal’s deep state infrastructure. The light
of creation guides the Military Alliance in their operations to awaken society
and ignite the fight for our God-given freedom. It must appear as if the citizens
of the world have risen up for their freedom, with military intervention only
coming as a last resort to aid suppressed nations suffering under totalitarian
and corrupt governments.

Trust the Plan, Embrace the Revolution. In the midst of the darkness, a plan
is unfolding. The Alliance’s military operations have already begun dismantling
the globalist cabal. We are merely witnessing the culmination of these
operations in overt actions and the continuation of government control and
devolution operations.

Trust the plan, for “Q” has foretold the awakening. Yet, we must rise, be part
of the revolution in our respective countries, and endure the darkest moments
of world collapse, including martial law and the brink of civil war.

In the end, it is not just the United States but the entire world that fights for
freedom. As we unite against corruption and tyranny, we herald a new era of
liberty and justice for all. The United States, with its unique position and armed
citizens, holds the key to unleashing the potential for global freedom. Together,
we shall overcome the forces of darkness and embrace the dawn of a brighter,
liberated world.

Has Civil War Begun?! Texas Now Defending America! AZ

Swamp Rat BUSTED Bribing Kari Lake!

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