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Posted on 17 Nov 2022 by Ben Foth

If there’s one type of person I have a (loving) vendetta against, it’s the fake-spiri-
tual types.

People who get into spirituality to avoid their life’s problems, rather than to bet-
ter face them. People who outsource their judgements on life to astrology, eso-
tericism, tarot, ayahuasca, and basically anything besides real-world action and

But they get part of the picture right, misguided and avoidant as they are. There
is indeed more to life than the material things, as much as their life would im-
prove if they cared more about its foundations.

At the same time, more materially-minded people would benefit from caring
about deeper things. Minds and souls, not just experiences and resources.

It all matters, and you can’t escape 3D’s problems by entering 5D, nor can you
lead a deeply meaningful life focusing solely on material acquisition.

So, when I talk about dimensions of consciousness and Reality here, keep in
mind that I’m not doing this to rescue you from your problems. I’m doing this to
help you better understand them, and better understand how you think. To help
you view your life and all its dimensions holistically, so you can use all their pow-
er to move your life forward, not lean solely on one of them.

Every one of these dimensions is objectively “true” and “real”, and its Reality is
just as valid as those vibrating quicker and more slowly than it.

This model I’m about to give you of levels of energy and consciousness has been
a very useful one for me, but it’s just a model. It’s a method of explaining truths
you already understand intuitively or partially to your rational mind. It’s not the
absolute, all-encompassing truth about this world, nor something I claim to un-
derstand with 100% accuracy. Entertain what I’m about to tell you, but don’t for-
get to think for yourself along the way.
We’ll simplify the levels of consciousness on Earth into 4 dimensions: 3D, 4D, 5D,
and 6D.

Your levels of energy determine which of these realities you experience more
strongly and viscerally and naturally than the others, as we’ve gone over in
my last couple articles.

Consider this one Part III in this series.

(In this one, I talk about how your levels of energy affect your dating life at
low-mid levels of consciousness)

(And this one’s all about a high-consciousness perspective on dating)

Now let’s go beyond dating, and talk about the individual.

How do you relate to your Reality? Which dimensions of it does your con-
sciousness perceive and live in?
A 3D-consciousness person’s highest priority is safety and security.

To them, the world’s a scary place. Surviving it means being employed. Belonging
to the system. Having money and cool, useful things. Leaning on the genetic
cards you’ve been dealt. Identifying with your social status, your tribe, your part-
ner, your accomplishments and accolades.

These people are bound by the system, whether they trust in authority or rebel
against it. They’re on the conventional path. The highest goal is a house, a family,
a sex life, and a meaningful work life. As well as having fun when you’re not busy.

Entering a new world and a new perspective is scary, not exciting. 3D-conscious-
ness people cling to labels and identify with other people’s (perceived) judge-
ments of them. If the label goes, so does their identity.

This dimension of consciousness spans energy fields of 299 and below, ap-

Beneath 200, a 3D-consciousness person’s power comes from taking, manipu-

lating, engaging in zero-sum power and status games. The lower you go beneath
the threshold of integrity, the more desperate and hopeless you become. The
more of a beggar and a victim you become, compared to being haughty and ag-
gressive in the higher 100s.

In the 200s, a 3D-consciousness person’s power comes from giving something

to earn something. They still engage in power and status games, though these
are muted and way less volatile compared to a lo-vibe 3D person’s games. Their
way of being is transactional. You work the job to get money and to be useful. You
go to the gym to look good and feel powerful. You befriend people to gain access
to parties and sex and things and stuff. You pursue gals or guys based on how
many of your boxes they check.
At 190, your power comes from how much leverage you have in a power dynamic –
outclassing someone else in looks, perceived status, and social power. At 90,
your power comes from harming another person, physically or psychologically. At
290, your power comes from working on yourself so you can ascend professional-
ly, physically, and socially – and hopefully get some good sex out of it.

“Go to school, get a degree, and then work a well-paying, high-status job” is one
of the highest life-goals of a typical level 250-300 person. They’re ambitious, but
this ambition is contained within the 3D-system.

In the lower 200s, people just want to get by; work an unglamorous job to pay the
bills, then have some fun in the crowd on their own time.

Beneath 200, work is either a drain on the spirit and every shift sucks the life out
of your enslaved body, or you look down on the other guys because you work a
better or more glamorous or more demanding job.

(Read the aforementioned linked articles of mine for an explanation of these en-
ergy levels)

People on the higher end of 3D consciousness fear descending to the lower

end of 3D more than anything.

Their greatest fear is getting their material and social power taken away. End-
ing up homeless because they can’t work a job or make ends meet or because
they got fucked over, being the creepy socially objectionable guy, being the des-
perate ugly girl, not “fitting in” with everyone who can provide them with things,
experiences, and status. They look at people living these realities and think
“damn, I’m happy that’s not me” under a persona of moral superiority, when real-
ly, they know a few wrong turns will get them arriving in those same realities.

They don’t consciously understand that this is because their own level of energy
is in relatively close proximity to those exact realities, compared to the vibra-
tions of 4D and beyond (few people on these levels of consciousness fear those
aforementioned realities), and all it takes to bring those exact realities into their
3D life is a quick 100ish-point drop in their own energy.

Most people in this world are in 3D-consciousness, which is a good thing. The
world needs 3D people to build our roads, houses, stable social systems, and in-

However, 3D-consciousness people have no concept of Flow or Divinity. They

perceive the world and its happenings as material and purely coincidental.

To them, hard work and leisure are the yin and yang of everyday life. You drag
yourself through school and through work to keep yourself afloat, then you go
home and party.

In 4D, this separation starts to blur. Work starts to feel like play, and play starts
to feel like a project.

But before we go into that, let’s make it clear that 3D-consciousness people
aren’t necessarily “bad” people. They can still love and they can still think for
themselves. Many of them are kind at heart, others are malicious at heart.
They’re simply spiritually unaware, and think acquiring things and experiences
is all there is to life, whether they’re deeply broken and are constantly looking for
ways to con the world, or are benign members of society who just want to pay the
bills and provide, fit into the tribe, have some sex, and enjoy the sensory things
in life when they’re not busy.

God bless them.


A 4D-consciousness person has realized that the machinations of life run deeper
than being able to manipulate the physical and social worlds.
They believe – You are where you are because of how you think, and if you were to
change your thinking, you’d change your world. Thus, they seek to understand
what makes life tick, so they can bend people’s minds in their favor. They vibrate
at approximately 300-500.

They’re courageous, open-minded people who’ve decided to stop caring what the
mainstream 3D-world thinks of them, and instead go all-in on their individual
goals in life.

While a level-295 person works hard but isn’t all-in on their own goals, still mak-
ing them secondary to finding a place in the 3D-consciousness world, and con-
quering it from there… A level-305 person makes their individual goals and aspi-
rations their life’s #1 priority, even if they lose out on the 3D-world for it… And a
level-300 person’s identity is caught in the middle. They’ve got one foot in the
3D-world, one foot in the 4D way of life.

A level-400something person is the saying “knowledge is power” personified.

They care deeply about understanding every intricacy and nuance about the
world for its own sake. They’re bookworms and free-thinkers who leave no nook or
cranny or subjective viewpoint unchecked when it comes to consuming wisdom,
and enhancing their logical, rational understanding of how life works.
The highest goal in 4D consciousness is self-development and personal
achievement. The better you can think, the better you can perform, the better
you can improve your outcome in life. 4D people embrace failure and strug-
gle, as security and comfort is no longer their #1 priority – meaning is. Any
situation can become a catalyst for action and growth if you improve your
mindset and your habits.

Bad genetics or poor health? You can transcend them if you just learn how your
body works, feed it well, and train it well.

Don’t have the money you desire? Time to learn new skills and hustle smarter.

Pretty girl rejected you? Well, what bad mindsets and actions of yours can you
improve upon to instead ATTRACT the next pretty girl who comes your way?

On the lower end of 4D are normies who’ve learnt their lessons on the conven-
tional path and have decided to transcend the trials and regulations of “normie
life”. They believe knowledge is more valuable than material things, and take full
responsibility for learning what they need to learn to get somewhere great.
On the higher end of 4D are true free spirits, people who create their own systems
and their own realities. True innovators and true go-getters. They trust the power
of thoughts to shape reality.

While a level-295 person will chase success to prove their worth to the world and
get spoils in return, a level-395 person will chase success because they believe
action-taking is intrinsically valuable.

4D-consciousness people believe that a Flow State is a result of doing mean-

ingful work. You take action on something you care about, work, work, work,
and then boom – the Flow State comes. You’re in the zone. Action creates mo-

They still believe that life is random and coincidental.

If something goes wrong, it’s because they just didn’t see it coming and should
have known better. If something goes right, it’s because they had the skills and
the life-understanding to make it happen.

This is simultaneously laughable and understandable to someone in 5D.

At a level of energy of about 475 to 515, 5D becomes perceivable. If 200 is the

threshold of integrity, then 500 is the threshold of linearity. In 3D, life is a series
of causes-and-effects that you have little power over – unless you exert a ton of
effort and energy to move them around. In 4D, life is that same series of causes-
and-effects, but influencing it means knowing how it works and using this
knowledge to smoothly align things in your favor.


In 5D, effects become causes, and causes become effects. You stop perceiving
the world as separate phenomena randomly bumping into each other, and un-
derstand that they’re all pieces of one energy field splintered into lower dimen-
Changing your reality means picking a different field of energy to tune into, and
letting that “cause and effect” play out instead of an other-vibrational “cause
and effect”.

A 5D-consciousness person’s highest priority is joy and happiness. Not to es-

cape the practicalities of their life, but to better handle them. They under-
stand that their own joy and happiness aren’t isolated phenomena. They
aren’t purely chemicals in the body. In fact, these chemicals in the body are
released in response to this high-vibration energy field. And if you’re feeling
it, the people around you will be feeling it too, should they be open to it.

In alignment with this field, life is abundant with synchronicity, fortune, soul-
deep power and an abundance of “lucky” coincidences (which are really pieces of
this energy field magnetically coming together). As opposed to the fear, scarcity,
and futile force of 3D, and the courageous power of 4D to get shit done and make
things happen.

5D-aligned people demand no system but God’s. They idolize no mortal human.
Personal will plays a part in how their life goes, but it’s a light nudge at this level
of consciousness, compared to the effortful push in 4D, and the all-out sprint in
3D. God and Divinity create their reality, with just the right events at just the
right times. All a 5D person needs to receive good luck, good fortune, or Faith in
the face of impossible odds, is an open heart. Fate takes care of the rest.

5D-consciousness people believe Flow is effortless and comes from inner

alignment. It’s an abundant energy that can be tapped into simply by know-
ing it exists, whereas a 4D person perceives Flow as a state of mind, and a 3D
person believes that all work should be tough, and no pain means no gain.

TFW no gf?

3D: It’s because you’re not the type of guy girls want. If you were higher-value,
they’d be attracted to you.
4D: It’s because your game’s off point, and if you act better around women, you’ll
do better with women.

5D: It’s because you can’t get with girls who are misaligned with your higher self,
and by avoiding getting with these girls, you’re being saved for girls who are in
alignment with you.

Tough time getting work done or achieving your goals or manifesting your

3D: It’s because you’re not working hard enough. You need to work longer hours,
push through more pain, take on more tasks, and put in more effort to make your
dreams real.

4D: It’s because you’re not working smart enough. You need to learn new skills,
implement better habits, and refine your mindsets so the work process is easier
on you, and you have a better idea of what actions will truly make your dreams

5D: It’s because you have a poor sense of your deepest desires. Take one second
to align yourself with your highest joy, then the action you must take to make
your dreams real will flow easily and naturally from that state of being, if any de-
liberate action is indeed required.

Why do you go to the gym?

3D: Because I want to be more jacked, stronger, faster than the other guys.

4D: Because I want to be my most capable, highest self, and that means taking
care of my body as well as learning how it works.

5D: Because this is how I show my body love and keep it functioning optimally as
a vessel for my soul.
People on the lower end of 5D are high-performers in life who’ve decided to be
completely fearless and shameless, to do it all for Love. To lean primarily on the
guidance of their Intuition and the power of the Most High, rather than on their
worldly mind.

People on the higher end of 5D view life as a play, as a game, as one realm and
one story of infinite possibilities. Their perception penetrates people to the soul,
and reminds us that the body and the mind are only possessions of ours, and our
true self comes from a higher Source than anything worldly. Becoming someone
new is futile, but becoming a better version of yourself is as simple as playing a
new character in this life. Every day is a day you can be your best self, and joy is
our birthright. You don’t have to earn it or work for it. Simply feel into it.

5D-consciousness people feel this flow of Love near-constantly. Rarely are they
manic and jumpy about it, but you do see it in their bright eyes, radiant skin, and
warm, shameless demeanor.

5D isn’t a painless, eternally blissful state of consciousness though. It

doesn’t make you all-knowing or stop you from making any mistakes in life,
or stop you from experiencing pains and losses.

Rather, your relationship to these natural downs of life changes. Instead of

resisting them or wallowing in them or overanalyzing them, you allow them to
be as they are. The more you allow them to be as they are, the quicker they
dissolve. You don’t identify with those downs, nor the ups that follow them.
However painful or pleasant they are.

You identify primarily with your heart and soul, your eternal self beneath your
behaviors and appearances and attachments.

Spirituality circles idealize this non-attachment as enlightenment, but in their

lower-consciousness, misconstrue it as a license to destroy and release the ma-
terial aspects of their life, which is only a mockery of 5D living. It’s attachment to
non-attachment, ironically enough. True 5D-consciousness people still appreci-
ate having cool stuff. They still appreciate doing worldly things and exploring the
material and intellectual realms.

But if they lose it all today, so what? They hold their life’s components lightly, and
understand that death is life, and life is death. Every “loss” is actually a victory. If
a 5D-consciousness person feels like shite, if something goes horribly wrong
in their life, that’s not a problem to be fixed or complained about or commen-
tated on or escaped – IT’S INTERESTING. It’s an opportunity to explore an inter-
esting story, to be the main character of their own life facing an interesting trial,
instead of being bored with 24/7 happiness and bliss and comfort.


Very few people will experience 6D consciousness during their lifetime. Far fewer
than 1000 people currently on this Earth have experienced a 700-1000 energy
field as their core vibration, which is where I personally understand 6D con-
sciousness to be.
The reason being, very few people can make practical use of a 700+ energy field
on this Earth. Mother Teresa was in the 700s. Jesus Christ was at 1000. These peo-
ple are outliers with very specific God-given roles to play. For the average enlight-
enment-seeking individual, maintaining a 700+ state isn’t their edge. They incar-
nated onto this Earth to experience 3D and possibly 4D or 5D. 6D for them can
wait until the celestial realm between mortal lifetimes.

Not to say they can’t experience glimpses of 6D once in a long while, but it’s chal-
lenging to get Earthly things done if you’re blissed out and viewing multiple di-
mensions at once 24/7. Lower energy fields aren’t “bad”, they’re practical and
useful, and at the very worst, interesting.

If you identify with the body at 200, you identify with the mind at 400, and you
identify with the soul at 600, then at 700, you identify with THE VOID between

At 800, you are the spontaneous unfolding of reality itself.

At 900, you’re basically this annoying guy:

The higher you rise in consciousness, the less you seek to intellectually under-
stand reality. WHAT EVERYTHING IS speaks for itself.

Flow is the very source of life and existence itself, in 6D. Not simply a mindset
or an energy. That’s as best as I can explain it in words.

3D consciousness sees reality as a purely material survival-realm, 4D conscious-

ness intellectually explains the machinations of reality and courageously “works
the system”, and 5D consciousness sees reality as a scripted, well-directed stage

6D consciousness sees reality as the stage play AND for what it is backstage. Ce-
lestial realms are a fact of life, not solely a cool concept to explore. Your soul can
visit alternate universes simply by giving attention to them (your physical body
stays in this one though; your soul doesn’t want to abandon your life path here).
Differences and separations and polarities become incomprehensible, as every
energy field of every level becomes one.
In 6D, you can go from feeling your highest joy to feeling your lowest fear in sec-
onds. You even perceive them as ONE, not as separate polarities or locations on a
spectrum. This isn’t a level of consciousness for the weak-spirited to explore.


You’re not better than someone in 3D or 4D, if you’re in 5D or 6D. You’re simply
aligned with a different field of consciousness and level of energy. You still have
problems and you still have challenges, and not only in this dimension. You sim-
ply have a different perspective on your problems and challenges.

Before you start idealizing 5D or 6D consciousness as the solution to all your

life’s problems and challenges, and frantically asking me how to get up there,
know this…

5D+ consciousness is not a panacea for fixing all your life’s lacks.

Consider these levels of energy as a multi-storey house, not as separate houses.

They’re also not clean-cut and separate; They’re a gradient. Upper 3D and lower
4D are very much alike. Upper 4D and lower 5D are very much alike. 300 and 500
are only approximations of where transition through these dimensions takes
place, not solid lines.

There is no point wearing rags and blissing out 24/7 if your body’s in bad shape,
you have no marketable skills, and are prey to promises of a quick-fix in life.
There’s no point spending your time reading and intellectualizing if you can’t pay
your rent on time and are crushed by your trauma. If you’re seeking effortless
bliss with no practical plans for yourself, you’re not enlightened. You’re useless.
You need to get down to work and put EFFORT into your life to progress spiritual-

And if you’re seeking to rely purely on God and Fate to get your life somewhere far
better, yet you don’t intellectually understand the machinations of WHY that
should happen, and you still have scarcity mindsets and limiting beliefs holding
you back… You still have some work in 4D left to do before you can embrace your
full power in 5D.

Which dimension do you need to explore to become your next-highest self?

Maybe it’s 3D.

I personally had 5D-awareness my first couple years of high school – I was loving,
open-hearted, and could feel God in my life. But my body was scrawny and weak. I
wasn’t very socially skilled and had many intellectual blind spots holding me
back from worldly success, pure-hearted as I was. I was even considering kmsing
myself just because it would have made an interesting story.

My 5D-consciousness was on a shaky foundation. My life-story had jumped the

shark a long while ago.

Personal growth for me back then meant GIVING UP 5D and testing my limits in
the 3D-world. Lifting weights, wearing nicer clothes, and improving my looks.
Learning all the unwritten social rules and codes of the 3D-world; giving up being
a free spirit to see how well I could “fit in”. Doing my best to rise up in the sys-
tems and merit-based hierarchies.

I loved those days of my life, and I look back at them fondly. If I didn’t descend in
consciousness and experience all the challenges and frustrations of 3D-life, I
would have missed so many valuable lessons and experiences that have taught
me how the world works and have shaped me as a man. I had to go through the
grind to transcend the grind, and build up a solid foundation for my 4D-aware-

Now, maybe 4D is your edge. If you’ve “maxed yourself out” in 3D, if despite all
your wins and advantages, you’re sick of the constant power-struggles and the
endless need to acquire more experiences and things and labels, if you want to
be valued for more than just your body and resources and social connections…
It’s time for you to explore the intellectual realm. Mindset. Goals. Action.

Knowledge is power.

You rise higher in 3D through HARD WORK. Putting in effort to build yourself up
materially. Acquiring assets. Building your value. 3D-consciousness’ dating
coaches preach “just be a high-value man bro !!!!” as gospel. Because their 3D-
consciousness audience needs to be reminded of exactly this; These guys are
living in pure fear and pure scarcity. They need to be reminded to stop being
pussies, and to start having some pride and aggression.

Being “high-value” is not enough to get you quality in 4D.

You rise higher in 4D through SMART WORK.

The more you know, the more deep and nuanced your understanding of life is,
the more you turn this knowledge into REAL-WORLD ACTION, the more power-
ful you are in 4D.

3D has clear-cut winners and losers.

4D has only winners and people yet to win.

Knowing is half the Battle

So if 4D is your edge, your current calling is to clearly define your goals in life.
What action steps can you implement to make them real? What fears are hold-
ing you back from taking this action, and are you ready to face them head-on? If
you decide not to be courageous, to give into this fear instead of opening yourself
to it, you will not make any progress in 4D. You’ll stay where you are for the rest of
your life.

Then once you’ve “maxed out” your 4D knowledge-acquisition, and you’ve taken
all the possible action you can take, with nowhere left to go in this realm… Maybe
5D will call out to you. Maybe it won’t.


Whatever path you’re on in life. Whichever dimensions of consciousness

you’re called to explore. Own it. Ask yourself what your next step is, and take

I work with guys right at the summit of 3D-consciousness who are ready to
leave the zero-sum games in the past and move forward to a more empower-
ing life, and driven, ambitious guys in 4D who want to know exactly what ac-
tions and mindsets they can take on to succeed, especially with the ladies

Guys in 5D and 6D, I don’t know if they’d need a mentor like me, but if they’re
down for it…


See me here when you’re ready to progress spiritually and sexually, quicker
than ever before.

– Ben


11 Dec 2022 at 15:46

This is eye and mind opening



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I'm a gent, a savage, and a ray of sunshine. View all posts by Ben Foth

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