ABG Labs

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Normal ABG Values

pH 7.35-7.45

PaCO2 35-45 mmHg

HCO3- 22-26 mEq/L

PaO2 80-100 mmHg


Respiratory Acidosis Hypoventilation -Bradycardia -Increase RR
pH < 7.35; PaCO2 > 45 -CNS depression -Hypotension -Reposition patient
-Pulmonary edema -Confusion -Maintain patent airway
-Respiratory arrest -Somnolence -Mechanical ventilation
-Airway obstruction - Rate
- Vt

Respiratory Alkalosis Hyperventilation -Tachycardia -Decrease RR

pH > 7.45; PaCO2 < 35 -Excessive -Palpitations -Administer sedatives
-Anxiety -Rebreather mask
mechanical ventilation
-Seizures -Mechanical ventilation
-Anxiety - RR
-Fever -Perspiration/
- Sedation
-Pneumothorax diaphoresis
- Vt

Metabolic Acidosis Acid Gain -Nausea/vomiting -Improve oxygenation

pH < 7.35; HCO3 < 22 -Shock -Malaise -Treat Cause
-Ketoacidosis -Tachypnea -DKA
-Renal failure -Hypotension -Diarrhea
Bicarbonate loss -Confusion -Renal failure
-Bile drainage

Metabolic Alkalosis Acid Loss - Nausea/vomiting/ -Administer buffer

pH > 7.45; HCO3 > 26 -Vomiting diarrhea -Treat cause
-Potassium loss
(diuretic use) -Confusion
-Hyperaldosteronism -Seizures
- Cushing's -Tetany
- Steroids
- Bicarbonate

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The lungs regulate very fast The kidneys regulate very
slow (can take hours to days
to go back to homeostasis)
ABGs are measured to determine the oxygenation status and acid-balance.

Blood drawn from a PA catheter is termed a mixed Venous blood gas (SvO2) sample because it
consist of venous blood that had returned to the right side of the heart from all parts of the body and
mixes in the right ventricle. SvO2 is 60-80 %.

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