Call Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Ayia Napa, Cyprus - 14 - 04 - 22 - 04 - 2023 - Beyond Borders

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23/5/23, 8:31 μ.μ.

Call Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Ayia Napa, Cyprus – 14/04- 22/04- 2023 - Beyond Borders

Home » News » Call Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Ayia Napa, Cyprus – 14/04- 22/04- 2023

Call Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in

Ayia Napa, Cyprus – 14/04- 22/04-

New opportunity to participate in an Erasmus+ project with Beyond Borders: Youth

Exchange "Ruralville"

Places available for: 6 participants (18-30) + 1 Group Leader (18+);

Where: in Ayia Napa, Cyprus;

Dates: from 14 April to 22 April 2023;

Project description:
Marginalized youth in European rural areas face challenges in finding appropriate jobs and
continuing their education in order to advance in life and contribute to society. They are
facing unemployment and have no idea how to get out of it. Starting a business in rural
areas would be an excellent choice for them. This project intends to create awareness about
entrepreneurship in underprivileged areas, as well as to teach adolescents young adults
how to discover business prospects in rural areas and generate new concepts.
Project “Ruralville” will be hosted in Cyprus to promote these ideas. The youth exchange will
take 7 days (including 2 travel days). The project is being carried out by organizations from
nations with high rates of youth unemployment (Cyprus, Lithuania, Italy, Greece, Portugal,
Romania). The project's main goals are to train and motivate young adults in rural areas
who have less opportunity to start enterprises so that they can be self-sufficient and self-
reliant. By doing so, they can create jobs for other marginalized youngsters in rural areas,
resulting in a snowball effect that reduces unemployment and aids in their integration into
society. 1/4
23/5/23, 8:31 μ.μ. Call Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Ayia Napa, Cyprus – 14/04- 22/04- 2023 - Beyond Borders


1. Introduce participants to the fundamentals of rural entrepreneurship and how to share

knowledge with other underprivileged youth;
2. Coach the youths on how to start and run sustainable enterprises in rural areas, as well as
necessary skills;
3. Create innovative enterprise concepts that will operate successfully in rural areas of
participating countries, as well as display cases of successful rural enterprises to motivate
4. Create enterprises that include unemployed/underprivileged communities living in rural
reducing rural unemployment and increasing community accountability;
5. Creating a ripple effect by persuading other communities to contribute to established
enterprises or to start new ones in rural locations.

The project will also strengthen youth workers' cooperation. They would see how Erasmus+
projects are implemented and may replicate them abroad. Finally, they will also learn how
to effectively use YouthPass in their work with youth, set objectives, assess personal
knowledge, and make reflections.
Moreover, the project will improve the participating organisations' expertise in hosting
projects and for active citizenship. Most importantly, the organizations would learn new
NFE methods that could be used in their future activities, as well as find more efficient ways
to navigate challenging situations. All the organizations will apply and use the guidelines
developed by participants on a daily basis. As organizations are continuously implementing
activities related to active citizenship and youth engagement in politics, they will gain new
(theoretical and practical) insights on how to improve these activities and, accordingly, the
quality of youth work and exchange. At the same time, they would create stronger bonds
with other members of the consortium, which could lead to more projects being developed

Participating countries: Italy, Cyprus, Lithuania, Greece, Portugal, Romania;

Requirements: Having reached the age of majority, be interested in the topics of the

Project language: English (basic-intermediate level required). No language certifications

are required. 2/4
23/5/23, 8:31 μ.μ. Call Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Ayia Napa, Cyprus – 14/04- 22/04- 2023 - Beyond Borders

Economic conditions: Board and lodging covered 100% by the host organization. The cost
of travel tickets will be reimbursed by the host organization up to a maximum of €275 per
person. (Any excess is the responsibility of the participant).

More info on refunds:


The project is carried out within the ERASMUS+ Program promoted and financed by the
European Commission.

Donation: in the event of a positive response, to make your participation effective, you will
be asked for a donation for a Membership for Beyond Borders worth 40 Euros. The value of
the donation is ANNUAL. This means that if you participate in other youth mobility projects
(Exchanges and Erasmus+ Training Courses) through our association in 2023, you will not
have to pay it again.
(“Why do I have to donate to Beyond Borders?” Because Beyond Borders is a young and
independent non-profit association, growing and moving thanks to small means,
contributions and volunteering, a reality that works for young people with the goal of
spreading a European culture beyond borders!)

The selections are over!

Please send the application only in case of real interest and in correspondence with the
requirements described above.
Only selected participants will be contacted via email and are invited to confirm their
participation via email within the terms agreed with the association.
For more information:

 Post Views: 2,253

“Beyond Future Skills” Project – Training “EDUCate YOUth” project – Multiplier Event
Course 5 in Italy

Contacts 3/4
23/5/23, 8:31 μ.μ. Call Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Ayia Napa, Cyprus – 14/04- 22/04- 2023 - Beyond Borders

For information on the address, please send an email
Facebook Group : International Opportunities Beyond Borders

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