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Simulado IME de Língua Inglesa
Professor Jefferson Celestino

Para as questões de 16 a 19, leia o texto seguinte e marque a opção correta.

When the Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata arrives at the International Space Station in November, a
companion will be waiting for him whose eyes will light up in recognition – literally.
Kirobo, the world's first talking humanoid space robot, has already taken off – in the nattiest red Wellingtons
since Paddington Bear – and should arrive at the space station by 9 August to await Wakata's arrival. It knows he is
coming: it has been programmed to recognise his face, and greet him warmly in Japanese.
Its name comes from the Japanese words for hope and robot, and its task is momentous for a kilo of superbly
engineered plastic and a bundle of plug leads: nothing less than to supply emotional warmth and companionship.
Kirobo was fired into space from the Tanegashima space centre in southern Japan, zipped into a specially
designed travelling case, along with 3.5 tons of more conventional supplies and equipment.
Although Kirobo stands just 34cm tall, weighs slightly less than a kilo, and is modelled on a beloved Japanese
cartoon figure, Astro Boy, it would be quite wrong, indeed grossly offensive, to describe it as a toy. It will also relay
messages and commands from the control centre to Wakata, and keep records of all their conversations.
Its developer, Tomotaka Takahashi, said: "Kirobo will remember Mr Wakata's face so it can recognise him when
they reunite up in space. I wish for this robot to function as a mediator between a person and machine, or a person
and the internet, and sometimes even between people."
It has been extensively tested over the last year, including in zero gravity conditions, and has an Earth-bound
twin called Mirata which can monitor any problems in space. When the two robots were introduced to the media last
month, Mirata said: "It's one small step for me, a giant leap for robots."
Generally robots in space have had a bad press, from the sarky C-3PO in the Star Wars series, to Marvin the
Paranoid Android in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, his systems almost fused with depression at having to apply
his "brain the size of a planet" to interacting with pathetic human beings.
HAL 9000, (Heuristically programmed Algorithmic), the computer in 2001: A Space Odyssey, Stanley Kubrick's
film of the Arthur C Clarke novel, could do face recognition like Kirobo, but not necessarily face liking: it decided to kill
its astronauts when they planned to disconnect it.
The robot dog in Doctor Who, K-9, although resembling a bread bin on casters, was closer in temperament to
Kirobo, and allegedly at one point was in danger of being consigned to the crusher lest viewers find him more appealing
than the Time Lord.
Before blast off, Kirobo told a press conference it had a dream of a society where humans and robots could get
along together. Fuminori Kataoka, project manager from Toyota, which backed the project to make Kirobo, said they
believed back on planet earth children and the elderly might benefit from such robots, endearing little machines which
would really listen – and respond with entranced attention.

Adapted from

16. (Valor: 0,4) Mark the correct item.

a) Kirobo can simulate human reactions and expressions of emotion.
b) Kirobo was developed to diminish the solitude human astronauts feel at the International Space Station.
c) Koichi Wakata will be the first astronaut to have contact with Kirobo.
d) Kirobo can even pretend to be offended if people treat him as a toy.
e) Kirobo and Wakata will be allowed to chat about any subject they want.

17. (Valor: 0,4) In accordance with the text:

a) Tomotaka Takahashi developed Kirobo in order to improve the communication between men and machines.
b) Kirobo and Mirata were developed in order to prove robot technology is far advanced.
c) Mirata reproduced the words of a famous astronaut in order to introduce itself.
d) science fiction robots inspired Mr. Takahashi to develop Kirobo and Mirata.
e) in the future, small robots can benefit young and old people by communicating to them.
18. (Valor: 0,4) The word momentous (3rd paragraph) is equivalent in meaning to:
a) pivotal.
b) petty.
c) frivolous.
d) shallow.
e) measly.

19. (Valor: 0,4) The word endearing (last paragraph) can be replaced by:
a) enduring.
b) abiding.
c) fleeting.
d) captivating.
e) evanescent.

Para as questões de 20 a 23, leia o texto seguinte e marque a opção correta.

Imagine the heartbreak of having your young child mysteriously disappear from a holiday party… as happened
to a northern Virginia family some years ago.
Now imagine you’re the FBI agent trying desperately to solve the case, but with no sign of the missing 5-year-
old and little evidence to go on. Your prime suspect is the maintenance man at the apartment complex where the child
lived. In his car you find tiny bits of hair and clothing fibers. Will this evidence be your link to the missing child, the
break you need to solve the investigation?
In this case… as in many cases like it before and since… the answer was yes – thanks to the work of forensic
experts in our FBI Laboratory. After careful analysis, our scientists found that the hairs were highly similar to the missing
girl’s and that the fibers were no different from those on a rabbit hair coat worn by the child’s mother. Even though
the 5-year-old was never found, this trace evidence – as we call it because it’s small and easily transferred – played a
key role in putting the killer behind bars.
Each year, some 10,000 bits of this kind of evidence – shards of glass, strands of hair and fur, paint chips, soil
clods, feathers, rocks and minerals, building materials of all kinds, you name it – come pouring into what we call our
Trace Evidence Unit on the third floor of our FBI Lab in rural Virginia, courtesy of not just FBI investigators but also any
law enforcement agency nationwide looking for help in a case.
There, it is compared, contrasted, and analyzed every which way for whatever clues may lie hidden, usually
invisible to the naked eye. A lot can be learned in the process.
Just a few examples: We can tell if a strand of hair is dyed or burned; whether it’s from an animal or human
being; what part of the body it’s from; and whether it was shed or pulled out. When glass is fractured, we can determine
the direction of the blow and what did the damage. We can take the smallest pieces of building materials and figure
out if they are insulation, fiber glass, building tile, bricks, cement blocks, etc.
“It’s amazing how the smallest clues can end up yielding so much information and making such a big difference
in cases,” says Cary Oien, chief of the unit.

Adapted from

20. (Valor: 0,4) The little girl:

a) is sound and safe now.
b) was killed by the kidnapper.
c) was found just a couple of days after the kidnapping.
d) was hijacked after a holiday festival.
e) is still missing.
21. (Valor: 0,4) How was the crime solved?
a) The little girl was found inside the car of a man who worked at the apartment complex where she lived.
b) The car of the suspect was found full of fibers of a rabbit hair coat worn by the five-year-old.
c) FBI scientists analyzed the neighborhood and found the girl inside a nearby house.
d) The girl was never found, so the case has not been solved yet.
e) FBI forensic scientists found trace evidences in the car of the suspect.

22. (Valor: 0,4) According to the text, trace evidence:

a) is not small and easily transferred.
b) may be any kind of material that can be used as proof to help solve a crime.
c) is a stock of small pieces of materials kept on the third floor of an FBI facility.
d) is anything but glass, hair, fur, feather, rock and building material.
e) is easily found by any law enforcement agency nationwide.

23. (Valor: 0,4) According to the text:

a) There is no way of telling human hair from animal hair.
b) It is not possible to determine what damaged glass.
c) It is possible to know if a strand of hair is tinted.
d) Hair is always shed and pulled out during forensic analyzes.
e) Hair, glass and building materials are not analyzed in a crime scene investigation.

Para as questões de 24 a 27, encontram-se em destaque cinco termos ou expressões. Assinale a alternativa
correspondente ao termo cujo emprego está incorreto. Considere as sentenças como parte de um enredo.

24. (Valor: 0,3) In the year 1878 I took my degree in Doctor of Medicine of the University of London, and proceeded to
Netley to go through the course prescribed for surgeons in the army.
a) took
b) in
c) of
d) proceeded
e) for

25. (Valor: 0,3) The regiment was stationed in India at the time, and before I could join it, the second Afghan war had
broken up.
a) regiment
b) stationed
c) at
d) had
e) up

26. (Valor: 0,3) On landing at Bombay, I learned that my corps has advanced through the passes, and was already deep
in the enemy's country.
a) On
b) learned
c) corps
d) has
e) passes
27. (Valor: 0,3) I followed, however, with many other officials who were in the same situation as myself, and succeeded
in reaching Candahar in safety, where I found my regiment, and at once entered upon my new duties.
a) officials
b) myself
c) reaching
d) entered
e) upon

Para as questões 28 a 40, escolha a alternativa que complete a sentença corretamente.

28. (Valor: 0,3) They finally decided to buy a __________.

a) four-doors car
b) four doors car
c) four-door car
d) four-door-car
e) four-door’s car

29. (Valor: 0,3) Which team won the game?

__________ did.
a) Theirs
b) They
c) Their
d) Them
e) Yours

30. (Valor: 0,3) Hardly __________ took Louis Frank seriously when he first proposed, more than 10 years ago, that
Earth was being bombarded by cosmic snowballs at the rate of as many as 30 a minute.
a) somebody.
b) anybody.
c) someone.
d) everybody.
e) nobody.

31. (Valor: 0,3) As the famous psychiatrist was talking about compulsive shoppers, the audience interrupted very
a) little
b) few
c) a little
d) a few
e) times

32. (Valor: 0,3) His body __________ peacefully in the cemetery now.
a) lied
b) laid
c) lays
d) lain
e) lies
33. (Valor: 0,3) __________ you crack the window, please?
a) Shall
b) Ought
c) Should
d) Will
e) Must

34. (Valor: 0,3) I guarantee she __________ about the meeting.

a) was told
b) was said
c) was remembered
d) had been warned
e) has been advised

35. (Valor: 0,3) The vessel sank near from the shore, __________?
a) didn’t it
b) didn’t she
c) doesn’t it
d) doesn’t she
e) didn’t he

36. (Valor: 0,3) He bought a __________ car.

a) sporting
b) sport
c) sports
d) sport’s
e) sportship

37. (Valor: 0,3) Criminals belong __________ jail.

a) upon
b) at
c) on
d) to
e) in

38. (Valor: 0,3) You can profit from it __________ your level of formal education.
a) regardless of
b) despite of
c) otherwise
d) independently
e) other than

39. (Valor: 0,3) I don't remember __________ a contract.

a) to sign
b) signed
c) have signed
d) signing
e) to singing
40. (Valor: 0,3) We saw __________ of beautiful dolphins during the expedition.
a) a school
b) a fishery
c) a coursing
d) an angling
e) an estate

41. Para CADA UM dos temas abaixo, escreva UM parágrafo EM INGLÊS de 20 a 30 palavras.

If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific
examples to support your answer.

"When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success." Do you agree or disagree with
the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.

16. B | O fragmento to supply emotional warmth and companionship (para fornecer calor emocional e
companheirismo), extraído do 3º parágrafo, justifica a alternativa correta.
17. E | No último parágrafo encontra-se a justificativa para o item correto: children and the elderly might benefit from
such robots, endearing little machines which would really listen – and respond with entranced attention (crianças e
os idosos podem se beneficiar de tais robôs, pequenas máquinas cativantes que realmente ouviriam - e responderiam
com atenção).
18. A | O vocábulo momentous equivale semanticamente a pivotal: importante, crucial. Os demais significam: petty
(insignificante), frivolous (frívolo, fútil), shallow (raso, superficial) e measly (muito pequeno).
19. D | O vocábulo endearing equivale a captivating (cativante). Os demais significam: enduring e abiding (duradouro),
fleeting (fugaz, efêmero) e evanescent (momentâneo, passageiro).
20. B | No final do terceiro parágrafo o suspeito é chamado de “assassino” (killer), o que prova que a garota fora morta
por seu sequestrador.
21. E | O crime foi resolvido a partir da análise de evidências encontradas no carro do suspeito por cientistas forenses,
de acordo com o 3º parágrafo do texto.
22. B | O 4º parágrafo afirma que qualquer tipo de material pode ser classificado como evidência, já que pode ajudar
a solucionar um crime.
23. C | 07. No 6º parágrafo, o texto afirma que há meios de saber se um fio de cabelo foi pintado ou não: We can tell
if a strand of hair is dyed or burned (Podemos dizer se um fio de cabelo é tingido ou cauterizado), o que corrobora a
opção correta.
24. B | A preposição in deve ser substituída por of: my degree of Doctor of Medicine (meu grau de Doutor em
25. E | O phrasal verb to break up significa “romper relacionamento”. Na sentença em questão, deve-se utilizar to
break out (iniciar).
26. D | O present perfect (has advanced – avançaram) está sendo usado incorretamente; na sentença, deve-se utilizar
o past perfect (has advanced – haviam avançado), pois a ação já havia acontecido antes de outra ação passada: On
landing at Bombay, I learned that my corps had advanced through the passes (Ao desembarcar em Bombaim, eu
soube que meus soldados haviam avançado através dos desfiladeiros).
27. A | No contexto em que está inserido, o vocábulo officials (funcionários) está incorreto e deve ser substituído por
officers (oficiais).
28. C | Quando há números acompanhados de substantivos exercendo a função de adjetivo, deve-se usar o hífen para
unir as duas palavras e manter o número no singular: four-door car (carro de quatro portas).
29. C | Como a lacuna antecede um verbo, a função exercida por este pronome será a de sujeito, daí a necessidade de
se utilizar um possessive pronoun (theirs – o deles), que equivale ao adjective possessive pronoun (their team – o time
deles) seguido de substantivo.
30. B | A presença do vocábulo Hardly (dificilmente, mal, quase não) faz com que a frase tenha que ser completada
com o pronome anybody, que assumirá a tradução de “ninguém” por conta do sentido negativo do advérbio que o
31. A | O vocábulo little, na sentença em questão, representa a quantidade de vezes que o palestrante foi interrompido
pela plateia: very little (muito pouco).
32. E | Deve-se usar o verbo “jazer” para que a lacuna seja completada corretamente: His body lies peacefully in the
cemetery now (O corpo dele jaz pacificamente no cemitério agora).
33. D | Deve-se utilizar o auxiliar will – que exercerá função de modal verb – para se fazer pedidos com tom polido,
34. A | Em inglês, diferentemente do que ocorre no português, o objeto indireto de sentenças na voz ativa pode ser
usado como sujeito passivo, e é justamente o que acontece na sentença em questão. Observe como seria a oração na
voz ativa: I told her about the meeting (Eu avisei a ela sobre a reunião). O objeto será transformado em sujeito, daí a
troca do object pronoun her (a) pelo subject pronoun equivalente she (ela); o verbo told (disse, avisei), pelo fato de se
encontrar no simple past, fará com que o auxiliar da voz passiva – to be (ser, estar) – seja usado no mesmo tempo; já
o verbo principal passará a ser usado no past participle (neste caso, sem sofrer alteração em sua grafia, já que as formas
primitivas do verbo são tell – told – told).
35. B | Como o sujeito da oração principal é uma embarcação – The vessel (O navio) –, deve-se utilizar o personal
pronoun feminino she (ela) para se referir a este sujeito. O auxiliar, por sua vez, deve vir no simple past, o mesmo
tempo do verbo sank (afundou).
36. C | A forma adjetiva de sport (esporte) em inglês é grafada com -s no final: a sports car (um carro
37. E | Quando se quer dizer que “o lugar de algo é em tal lugar”, deve-se utilizar o verbo to belong (pertencer) seguido
da preposição in. Para se indicar posse – “isto pertence a” –, a regência passará a ser com a preposição to.
38. A | Apenas o advérbio regardless of (independentemente de, apesar de) completa a lacuna coerentemente: You
can profit from it regardless of your level of formal education (Você pode lucrar com isso, independentemente do seu
nível de educação formal). O vocábulo independently significa “separadamente, independentemente (sem ninguém)”.
39. D | O verbo to remember (lembrar-se) deve-se ser seguido de gerund para se referir a uma ação ocorrida no
40. A | Apenas o vocábulo school (cardume) completa a lacuna coerentemente.
41. Respostas pessoais.

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