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Instructions and Checklist For Preparing Cover Letter

A. Write about your clients: A. Writ rite your clients:

Personal and Family Background (Knowledge Information: how you met client and how well you him; Family and Educational Background; Lifestyle and Health history (any known diseases, his exercise activities, are annual physical check ups done, does he regularly see his doctor, give complete name and address of his doctor; Community, church and club membership information: is he activity in community organizations, church activities; Politics, government service and military service information; Social standing third party articles on the client (if any), etc. Background information of the sale and reason for buying insurance (who initiated the sale; how was client convinced to buy the insurance cover? what are the reasons for buying insurance; who will pay the premiums; what is the source of premium payment, other information). Business Background (describe nature of business. Does he have other businesses aside from the one declared in the application? Is his business in the top 1000 corporation? etc. If business is a corporation, show breakdown of his % ownership shares in all the businesses which can be obtained from the articles of incorporation or GIS. Example: Business Name & Address Nature of business % Ownership in Equity (2008) Income (2008) ABC Corp, Quezon City Garments Mfg. 50% = Ps75 Million Ps10 Million XYZ, Inc, Makati Cargo 25% = Ps90 Million Ps21 Million Total insurance with Sun Life and other companies (if any). Replacement details (i.e. policies in-force which will be discontinued once the new policy is issued. Example: Insurance Company Amount of Coverage Date of Issue Status Philam Life Ps10 Million Jan 2004 Inforce (to be replaced) Background information of the sale and reasons for buying insurance. Description of his properties (to include property size, location, market value, time deposits/investments, club membership shares, brand and current value of luxury cars, credit cards, jewels, antiques, etc). Example: Description of property/asset Size of Property Location Current Market Value Lot - TCT # 21582 1,500 sq m QC Ps21 Million Building 20-storey QC Ps50 Million Net worth (Assets minus Liabilities) Other information which will help convince the insurance company and reinsurer to accept the application. (Example: marketing or sales information on companies owned by the client like advertising material, magazine articles, newspaper clippings, websites associated with news of the owner and his/her family/partners, websites for the company when applicable, etc.) MOST IMPORTANTLY- SHOW INSURANCE NEEDS CALCULATION: Income replacement (use multiple of income) Estate tax calculation (If estate more than Ps5Million, use 20% estate tax rate) Loan amount (supported by copy of loan agreement)

Start Your Co Lett Here B. Start Your Cover Letter Here

For Client: Name Financial Advisor: Name

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