Konsis SLC 2 BHS Inggris

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1. my family in bahasa Indonesia is….
A. keluargaku
B. keluargamu
C. adik perempuan

2. Roby : Is she your sister?

Icha : (iya dia saudaraku)
How do you say “ya dia saudaraku” in english…
A. Yes, she is
B. Yes, she is not
C. yes

3. based the text of number 2 . how do you say “bukan, dia bukan saudaraku”
A. No, she is
B. No, she is not
C. No

4. My name is Roby an … name is Icha.

A. His
B. Her
C. he

5. Her name is Anne and …. name is Marco

A. His
B. Her
C. he

6. Father : what is ____ name?

Son : she is Rani
A. His
B. Her
C. he

7. Milik dia perempuan adalah…

A. she B. her C. his

8. My mother has a brother. He is my ...

A. Father B. Aunt C. Uncle

9. milik dia laki-laki adalah…

A. she B. her C. his

10. Sister in bahasa Indonesia is…

A. ayah
B. saudara laki-laki
C. saudara perempuan

11. Father, mother, brother and sister are may …

A. Family
B. Children
C. Parents
12. I have a father and mother. They are my …
a. Family
b. Parents
c. Children

13. My mother is Beautiful. Beautiful is…

a. verb (kata kerja)
b. noun (kata benda)
c. adjective (kata sifat)

14. sodara laki-laki in english is…

a. Uncle
b. Brother
c. Cousin

15. which are the adjective….

a. tall, short, smart
b. sleep, eat, drink
c. father, mother, sister

16. Tall in Bahasa Indonesia is…

a. pendek
b. tinggi
c. panjang

17. Short in Bahasa Indonesia is…

a. pendek
b. tinggi
c. panjang

18. Smart in Bahasa Indonesia is…

a. pintar
b. bersih
c. tinggi

19. My – brother – he – is
Arrange the correct sentence…
a. brother my he is
b. he is my brother
c. my brother is he

20. she – sister – my – is

a. sister my she is
b. she is my sister
c. my sister is she

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