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This research addresses the critical challenge of predicting poverty levels by leveraging the
power of deep neural networks (DNNs) applied to satellite imagery. The project employs a
multi-faceted approach, incorporating K-means clustering for feature extraction and
recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to capture temporal dependencies in the data. The
objective is to develop a robust predictive model that can provide valuable insights for
urban planning, resource allocation, and disaster response.The methodology involves the
collection of a diverse dataset of satellite images covering regions with varying poverty
levels. These images are labeled with corresponding poverty classifications to enable
supervised learning. The dataset undergoes meticulous preprocessing, including
standardization of size and resolution, pixel value normalization, and data augmentation.K-
means clustering is employed as a powerful tool to extract meaningful features from the
satellite imagery. The identified clusters help reveal spatial patterns and group similar areas
together, enhancing the model's ability to discern poverty-related characteristics.The core
of the predictive model consists of a deep neural network architecture that incorporates the
features extracted from K-means clustering. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are
employed for image processing tasks, while an RNN component is integrated to capture
temporal nuances in the data, if applicable.The model is trained on a carefully partitioned
dataset, and its performance is evaluated using standard classification metrics on a separate
test set. The iterative process of training, validation, and fine-tuning aims to optimize the
model's accuracy and generalization to unseen data.


The 21st century has witnessed an unprecedented growth in satellite technology, opening
new frontiers for addressing global challenges. Among these challenges, the accurate
assessment of poverty levels stands as a crucial imperative for informed decision-making
and resource allocation. Traditional methods of poverty estimation often face limitations in
terms of scalability and real-time responsiveness. This research endeavors to bridge this gap
by harnessing the capabilities of deep neural networks (DNNs) in conjunction with K-means
clustering and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for predicting poverty levels from satellite
imagery.Satellite imagery provides a rich source of data that encapsulates the
socioeconomic landscape of diverse regions. The granularity and scale of this data offer a
unique opportunity to uncover spatial and temporal patterns associated with poverty.
Leveraging the power of DNNs, which have demonstrated remarkable success in image
analysis tasks, we seek to develop a predictive model capable of discerning poverty-related
features from satellite images.The integration of K-means clustering into our methodology
serves as a pivotal step in feature extraction. By identifying clusters within the satellite
imagery, we aim to highlight areas sharing common characteristics, thus enhancing the
model's ability to capture nuanced patterns associated with poverty. This unsupervised
learning technique complements the subsequent supervised learning phase, enriching the
dataset with more discriminative features.

Literature Survey:

Paper: "DeepSat: A Learning Framework for Satellite Imagery" by Basu et al.

This paper presents a deep learning framework called DeepSat for analyzing satellite
imagery. The authors use convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to classify land cover and
land use patterns in satellite images. They demonstrate the effectiveness of DeepSat on
multiple datasets and compare its performance with traditional machine learning algorithms.
The study showcases the potential of deep learning for satellite image analysis.

Paper: "Estimating Poverty Indices Using Satellite Data: A Machine Learning Approach" by
Jean et al.

In this paper, the authors explore the use of machine learning techniques, specifically random
forests and support vector machines, to estimate poverty indices using satellite data. They
leverage nightlight imagery, which serves as a proxy for wealth, along with other
geographical and demographic features. The study demonstrates the feasibility of using
machine learning algorithms for poverty estimation and highlights the importance of
incorporating satellite data.

Paper: "Satellite Image Analysis for Poverty Mapping: A Review" by Prakash et al.

This review paper provides an overview of different approaches and methodologies used in
satellite image analysis for poverty mapping. It discusses various data sources, such as optical
and radar satellite imagery, and highlights the role of machine learning algorithms in
extracting poverty-related information from these images. The paper also discusses the
challenges and future directions in the field of satellite-based poverty mapping.

Paper: "Predicting Poverty and Wealth from Mobile Phone Metadata" by Blumenstock et al.

While not directly related to satellite imagery, this paper presents an interesting study that
uses mobile phone metadata to predict poverty and wealth levels in developing countries. The
authors leverage call records and mobile phone usage patterns to estimate socio-economic
indicators. The study demonstrates the potential of alternative data sources for poverty
prediction and complements the use of satellite imagery in understanding poverty dynamics.

Paper: "Deep Learning for Poverty Prediction Using Mobile Phone Data" by Das et al.

This paper investigates the application of deep learning techniques, specifically deep neural
networks, for poverty prediction using mobile phone data. The authors explore various
features extracted from call detail records and apply deep learning models to predict poverty
levels. The study highlights the potential of deep learning in leveraging alternative data
sources and emphasizes the need for integrating multiple data modalities for accurate poverty

These five papers collectively provide insights into the use of satellite imagery, machine
learning algorithms, and alternative data sources for poverty prediction and mapping. They
showcase the advancements and challenges in the field and serve as valuable references for
understanding the current state of research in this area.

Paper Title Author(s) Objectives Methodology Conclusion

DeepSat achieves
superior performance
DeepSat: A Learning Develop a deep compared to traditional
Framework for learning framework Convolutional neural machine learning
Satellite Imagery Basu et al. for satellite imagery networks (CNNs) algorithms

Estimating Poverty Jean et al. Estimate poverty Random forests and Machine learning
Paper Title Author(s) Objectives Methodology Conclusion

Indices Using algorithms can

Satellite Data: A effectively estimate
Machine Learning indices using satellite support vector poverty indices using
Approach data machines satellite data

Satellite imagery
Provide an overview Review of different combined with machine
Satellite Image of approaches for data sources and learning algorithms can
Analysis for Poverty poverty mapping machine learning contribute to poverty
Mapping: A Review Prakash et al. using satellite images algorithms mapping

Predicting Poverty Mobile phone

and Wealth from Predict poverty and Analysis of call metadata can serve as a
Mobile Phone Blumenstock wealth using mobile records and mobile valuable data source for
Metadata et al. phone metadata phone usage patterns poverty prediction

Apply deep learning Deep learning models

Deep Learning for techniques for show promise in
Poverty Prediction poverty prediction Deep neural networks predicting poverty
Using Mobile Phone using mobile phone trained on call detail using mobile phone
Data Das et al. data records data

Overview of data Satellite imagery

Review different sources, feature combined with machine
Poverty Mapping approaches for extraction, and learning can provide
Using Satellite poverty mapping with machine learning valuable insights for
Imagery: A Review Prakash et al. satellite imagery algorithms poverty mapping

Combining Satellite Jean et al. Combine satellite Integration of Combined approach

Imagery and imagery and machine nightlight imagery improves the accuracy
Paper Title Author(s) Objectives Methodology Conclusion

of poverty prediction
Machine Learning for learning for poverty and machine learning compared to individual
Poverty Prediction prediction algorithms methods

Deep learning models

Predicting Poverty Predict poverty levels Integration of satellite trained on publicly
with Publicly using publicly imagery, nightlight available data can
Available Data and available data and data, and deep accurately predict
Deep Learning Jean et al. deep learning learning models poverty levels

Poverty Mapping and Develop a deep Deep learning models

Monitoring Using learning framework can effectively map and
Deep Learning and for poverty mapping monitor poverty using
Nighttime Light Chakrabarty using nighttime light Convolutional neural nighttime light satellite
Satellite Imagery et al. satellite imagery networks (CNNs) imagery

Predicting Poverty Deep learning models

from Satellite Predict poverty levels show promise in
Imagery: A Deep using deep learning Convolutional neural poverty prediction from
Learning Approach Soh et al. and satellite imagery networks (CNNs) satellite imagery

Existing System:

The existing systems for poverty level prediction and analysis often rely on conventional
methods that may exhibit several limitations. These methods could include manual surveys,
statistical analyses, and simple machine learning models. Some of the common disadvantages
of the existing systems are:
 Limited Scalability: Manual surveys are resource-intensive, time-consuming, and
often limited in scale, making it challenging to gather real-time and widespread data.
 Inherent Bias: Traditional methods may be prone to biases introduced by the
subjectivity of surveyors and limitations in survey coverage, potentially leading to
inaccurate poverty assessments.
 Lack of Spatial Resolution: Conventional methods may lack the spatial resolution
required to capture fine-grained details in poverty distribution, particularly in
geographically diverse regions.
 Limited Temporal Dynamics: Static analyses may not effectively capture the dynamic
nature of poverty, failing to account for changes over time and potentially resulting in
outdated information.

Disadvantages of Existing System:

 Data Staleness: The data collected through traditional methods may quickly become
outdated, limiting the system's ability to provide timely and relevant insights.
 Inefficiency in Resource Allocation: Inaccuracies in poverty assessments can lead to
inefficient resource allocation, with potential consequences for social and economic
development initiatives.
 High Cost: Manual surveys and traditional data collection methods can incur high
costs, making it challenging for resource-constrained regions to conduct frequent and
comprehensive poverty assessments.

Proposed System:

The proposed system seeks to address the shortcomings of the existing systems by leveraging
advanced technologies, specifically deep neural networks, K-means clustering, and recurrent
neural networks. The key features of the proposed system include:

 Deep Learning for Image Analysis: Utilizing deep neural networks for image analysis
enables the model to automatically learn and extract relevant features from satellite
imagery, providing a more nuanced understanding of poverty-related patterns.
 K-means Clustering for Feature Extraction: Integration of K-means clustering
enhances the system's ability to identify spatial clusters, grouping regions with similar
characteristics and improving the granularity of poverty predictions.
 RNNs for Temporal Dependencies: Incorporating recurrent neural networks allows
the model to capture temporal dependencies in the data, facilitating a more accurate
representation of evolving poverty dynamics over time.
 Real-time Prediction: The proposed system aims to provide real-time predictions,
enabling more responsive decision-making and resource allocation in dynamic socio-
economic environments.
 Cost-Effective Data Collection: Leveraging satellite imagery reduces the need for
costly and time-consuming manual surveys, making the system more cost-effective
and accessible for regions with limited resources.
 Improved Accuracy and Generalization: By combining advanced machine learning
techniques, the proposed system aims to achieve higher accuracy in poverty
predictions and better generalization to diverse geographic and demographic contexts.

Hardware Requirements

RAM : 2 GB

Hard disk : 100 GB

Process : 32/64 Pentium

Software Requirements


Language : Python.

Tool : Jupyter Notebook

Software : Anaconda

Front End : HTML, CSS

Libraries : Tensorflow, keras, numpy,pandas

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