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Western Institute of Technology MS Excel Seatwork # 5

Common Computer Subjects 2nd Semester SY 2023-2024

BA 222- Information Management with Office Applications Software Date: ___________________
Name: ___________________________________ Instructor: Ms. Zosima N. Marigon
Year & Section: ____________________________ Score: __________________

I. Identify the correct answer (30pts)

Formula -Mathematical expression that perform calculation to a data
Parenthesis-Character used to enclosed argument in a function
Equal sign-Character used to start a formula or a function
Operator-It specify the type of calculation that you want to perform to the element of formula
Text Operator-Operators that combines one or more text values to produce a single piece
Arithmetic operator -Operators that performs basic mathematical operation
Reference operator-Operators that combines ranges of cell for calculation
Comparison operator-Operators that compares two values and then produce the logical value True or False
Intersection operator-Reference operator that produces one reference to cell common to two reference
Range operator-Reference operator that produces one reference to all the cell between two references
Onion operator-Range operator that combine multiple references into one reference
#value! - Error value that occurs when the wrong type of argument is used
#DN/$! -Error value that occurs when the formula is divided by zero
##### -Error value that occurs when the numeric value entered into the cells is too wide to display within the cell
#num! ‐Error value that occurs when a problem occurs with a number in a formula or function
#name! -Error value that occurs when MS Excel doesn’t recognize text in the formula
#Ref! -Error value that occurs when the cell reference is not valid
#N/A- Error value that occurs when a value is not available to a function or a formula
#NULL - Error value that occurs when you specify an intersection of two areas that do not intersect
Average function-Function that returns the arithmetic mean of the argument
Mode function-Function that returns the most frequently occurring or repetitive, value in an array or range of data.
Count function-Function that count the numbers of cell in a range that contains numbers
Median function-Function returns the number in the middle of the set of a given number
And function-Function that returns TRUE if all arguments are true, and returns FALSE if one or more argument is false
Or function- Function that returns TRUE if any of the arguments is true, returns FALSE if all the arguments is false.
Autofill-MS Excel features that makes entering series of data easier and extending the series
Fill handle-mall black square found in the lower right corner of the selected cell or range used to copy datal
Complex excel formulas-Feature that guides you through the creation and editing of complex formula
Text data-Type of data that are purely text or words or textual string
Numerical data-Type of data that are purely numbers that can be used in computations

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