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Real Estate Copywriting


Writing real estate ads

If your ad is boring, no one is going to buy the property. Use the following strategies to make
your ads much more appealing.

Writing real estate headlines

The headlines are the first things that potential customers see, so it’s crucial to write headlines
that are captivating.

Price based headlines

● "Priced to Sell Fast"

● "Make an Offer!"
● "Incredible Investment Opportunity"
● "Priced Below the Appraisal Amount"

Location based headlines

● "Breathtaking View"
● "Heart of the Metropolis"

● "Tucked Away in Private"

Curb appeal headlines

● "Should be on The Cover of a Magazine"

● "Looks Like It's Worth a Million, But It's Not Even Half That"
● "Your Friends Will be Envious"

Amenities headlines

● "Live on The Golf Course"

● "Say Goodbye to Your Lawnmower"
● "Close to Everything"

Writing real estate property descriptions

Once you’ve written a great headline, you need to write a property description that excites the
buyer into calling you.

State the benefits, not just the features

The features of the house are factors like age, bedrooms, bathrooms, and similar information.
Think factual.

Benefits are what the customer is really going to get out of the property and usually, but not
always, includes emotionally charged words.

I wrote an entire​ ​guide to features versus benefits​ that you should read to understand this
strategy in-depth.

For example, instead of the above ad stating "Tranquility in the backyard", it should say "A
tranquil backyard that you can escape to after work, with enough space for barbecues, and
great privacy". I just thought of that off of the top of my head, and it's 100 times better than what
they have!

Paint a picture in the mind of the customer

When someone reads your listing, they need to feel excitement and curiosity. They should be
oozing to​ ​give you a phone call​ to come view the property. Learn from this listing.

Note how the description details this home has an open concept layout, cathedral ceilings,
breakfast bar, and eat-in kitchen. The copy "enjoy large family gatherings" further helps imagine
what living in this house would be like.

Heck, there's even a mudroom and powder room!

Tell a story

This won't work for every property, but it can be a massive selling point if there’s real history and
heritage behind it. For example, I took a browse through the Circa house listings that focus on
old homes. Look at this real estate copywriting sample description.

Use words that sell

1. Free
2. Special
3. New
4. Safe
5. Renovated
6. Fresh
7. Lively
8. Booming

9. Youthful
10. Rustic
11. Vintage
12. Classy
13. Modern
14. Hot
15. Unique

Writing a real estate agent bio

You need to cut through the static that is the real estate industry as a whole. New agents are
popping up daily, but that doesn't mean you can't beat them.

Learning how to write a great real estate profile will​ ​get you more clients​ and commissions, while
also sharpening your brand image.

Don't be afraid to brag

Bragging works. If you have credentials to show off, then show them off you should. Look at this
father and son profile.

They were the #1 top producing realtors for re-sale homes in their region for three years. Not
only that, but they were the #1 producing realtors in successful transactions for buyers.

Tell a story about yourself

If you're vague about who you are and how you got to where you are, it's going to leave a lot of
questions in the mind of the audience.

To avoid that, I recommend telling a story in your real estate profile, just like the father and son
did above. They mentioned that they are 4th and 5th generation of their family, and how their
ancestors immigrated in 1875.

What's in it for them?

Remember what you learned about features versus benefits earlier? You need to apply that to
your real estate agent biography, as well.

Check out Matt Guthrie's profile.

The last paragraph nails this strategy. It states that Matt's goal is to help his clients live better
lives, create wealth through investing, and to empower his team. It even finishes with a call to
action to phone him. Great work!

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