Bài tập Lưu Hoằng Trí - Global success 10 Unit 8

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Unit 8: New ways to learn

8A. Pronunciation
• Sentence stress
I. Read the following sentences. Put a mark (') before the stressed syllable in the words in
1. The recent pandemic has led to greater awareness surrounding the benefits of online
2. Researches suggest that online learning can be beneficial for students who have access to
3. Online courses provide a safer alternative to conventional classrooms.
4. They help to protect yourself and family from unnecessary exposure to the virus and allow
you to continue your studies.
5. Since your tests can be graded immediately, you can receive feedback and results at once,
which allows you more time to focus on improving your weaknesses.
6. Online education can help you continually invest in your education and keep up with the
changing world.

II. Read the following sentences. Underline the stressed words, and put a mark (') before the
stressed syllable in the underlined words.
1. Online learning is widely accepted by all teachers and students.
2. The advantages of online learning are proved fruitful for both teachers and learners.
3. People find online learning effective and easy.
4. With online learning, education is not restricted to time and place.
5. Online learning is a new and comfortable mode of gaining an education.
6. Online learning helps you to generate skills like self-discipline.

8B. Vocabulary
• Words and phrases related to different ways of learning
I. Complete the sentences with the words given.
prepares blended learning high-speed strategies
face-to-face connection distractions comments
1. We’ve spoken on the phone but never ___________ .
2. It is important to consider the ___________ you’ll use to combine both face-to-face instructions
and online learning.
3. Many educators have already used ___________ in their classrooms.
4. There are too many ___________ in the office, and it’s hard for him to get anything done.
5. This is a course that ___________ students for English examinations.
6. The website invites ___________ from people who visit it.
7. They’re offering free Internet ___________ for the first three months.
8. It also provides customers support, a ___________ Internet connection, security, fire detection
and suppression.
II. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. He downloaded a(n) hardware / application / website to help him with graphics.
2. We can upload / surf / download the game from the internet for free.
3. Make sure that you have installed anti-virus software / system / engine.
4. I think the machinery / mechanic / hardware of the computer is not compatible with the new
5. The use of credit cards is very popular in the digital / information / news age.
6. Testing yourself with information in your computer is a useful equipment / device / appliance
for learning.
7. You are able to find an application on the internet to suit / adapt / adjust your needs.
8. Advanced software devices can help you have several advantages / disadvantages / drawbacks
over ordinary learning methods.
III. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
1. In order to have access ___________ the data, you have to insert your password.
2. Students can benefit greatly ___________ accessing the learning apps that can be downloaded
free on the internet.
3. An interactive whiteboard is very beneficial ___________ our learning and research.
4. Some of the information we find ___________ the web is not reliable.
5. The noise from the computer game he’s playing is distracting me ___________ my study.
6. Parents sometimes find it difficult to communicate ___________ their teenage children.
7. If you are in any doubt, ask ___________ advice.
8. The children ___________ the formal classrooms were taught ___________ a traditional way by
9. At the end of game, players traditionally exchange shirts ___________ each other.
10. We were discussing our new online lesson, and Mai made some interesting comments
___________ it.
IV. Match the first half sentences (1-8) with the appropriate second half sentences (A-H).
More than one answer is possible.
1. You can improve your English accent... ___________
2. A good way to learn idioms is ... ___________
3. You can improve your writing skills ... ___________
4. A good way to learn new vocabulary is ... ___________
5. You can learn to read faster ... ___________
6. One way of practising conversations is ... ___________
7. You can learn to use grammar correctly ... ___________
8. You can develop self-confidence in speaking English ... ___________
A. by doing translation exercises.
B. by talking to native English speakers.
C. by reading magazines in English.
D. by studying a “learner’s dictionary.”
E. by practising conversations with a partner.
F. by watching British films.
G. by having a private tutor.
H. by talking to yourself in the shower.
V. Use the correct form of the words in brackets to finish the sentences.
1. With a good use of the educational___________, schools can improve on how students learn and
how they get access to academic information. (apply)
2. Students can write essays on computers and submit them ___________ . (electronic)
3. Mobile devices today are introducing new exciting ___________ to digital learning. (possible)
4. ___________ apps give students the chance to work at their own pace. (educate)
5. About 76% of teachers say they are very concerned that use of mobile devices will be a
___________ to learning. (distract)
6. Many students are purchasing digital editions of textbooks instead of traditional printed copies
for a variety of reasons, including cost ___________, ease of ___________, and environmental
___________ . (efficient - access - friendly)
VI. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.
1. In a modern class, teachers and students use computer to ___________ digital learning resources.
2. By allowing our students to use digital ___________ in class, we are creating an opportunity to
teach them to think critically about technology use in their education and life.
3. Teachers can use technology and audio-visual materials to ___________ their lessons.
4. Doing a lot of projects to understand the lessons also gives us more ___________ over our own
5. Blended learning combines learning over the Internet and face-to-face learning and brings many
___________ to us.
6. It is thought by many that face-to-face learning is better than online learning because learners can
___________ with teachers and other learners.
7. Learning in a traditional classroom has fewer ___________ than learning online.
8. With an online discussion board we can ___________ comments and ideas with other classmates.
9. In order to have an effective online lesson, we need to have a fast Internet ___________ .
10. During the period of CO VID-19 pandemic, our school tried to change from face-to-face to
___________ learning.

8C. Grammar
• Relative clauses: defining and non-defining
I. Choose the correct pronouns in the following sentences.
1. This is the restaurant who / whose owner is a famous actor.
2. Is there a shop near here who / that sells laptops?
3. That’s the artist which / whose paintings are in the National Gallery.
4. I don’t like people that / which smoke in the street.
5. Students who / whose are late for school usually get extra homework.
6. I went to a school whose / which teaches German.
7. Is she the actress who / which played the part of Elizabeth I in the film?
8. This is the picture of the Cham Tower whose / that roof is in bad condition.
II. Complete the sentences with who, which or whose.
1. I live in a town ___________ landscape is very beautiful.
2. I saw a boy ___________ looked like Harry Potter!
3. I don’t like films ___________ have talking animals.
4. Do you know the shop ___________ sells DVDs?
5. I’ve got a book ___________ author won the Nobel Prize.
6. Is that the actor ___________ was in Star Wars?
III. Choose the correct answers.
1. His car, which / who was new, broke down.
2. The actor, whose / who films won both the Oscar and BAFTA, is really talented.
3. The song, who / which he wrote in ten minutes, made millions.
4. The girl, whose / who was ten, was his cousin.
5. The new shopping centre, where / which took two years to build, is excellent.
IV. Complete the sentences, using which, that, who, or whose.
1. The smart table has been used in several schools, ___________ brings many benefits to our
2. It is an electronic device ___________ students can start
using as soon as the teacher has turned it on, without a lot of
training earlier.
3. Students will enjoy doing many activities, including
games, puzzles, ___________ purposes are the development
of team spirits.
4. Several students ___________ are able to touch and
interact with the smart table at the same time will work
together more effectively.
5. The learning applications ___________ students can participate in using the smart table will
encourage them to work together to solve problems.
6. There are interactive activities ___________ are available to be downloaded from the Internet.
7. Teachers ___________ introduce activities to the whole class can work with smaller groups on
the smart table to introduce discussions about the subject matter.
8. The applications ___________ come with the smart table can help students learn various subjects
at school.
9. On the classroom blog, a teacher can upload video and image illustrations on specific subjects,
___________ can help students learn easily.
10. Parents ___________ have to pay for mobile devices may be happy with the new method of
teaching and its benefits.
V. Fill in each blank to complete the text, using which, that, who, whose, where, or when.
Building a collaboration classroom may be the answer for some schools 1 ___________ have
insufficient funds in some American districts. It is very difficult for those schools to equip every
classroom with all the latest technology tools 2 ___________ teachers and students need today.
A collaboration classroom is a place 3 ___________ teachers and students will have access to all the
possible tools 4 ___________ are available in the district or in any individual school. It is easier to
equip one or two rooms 5 ___________ use is for the whole school than to avoid completely the
purchase of the right learning tools for students. School and district leaders 6 ___________ set up
the collaboration classrooms can discover the results 7 ___________ can be gained through actual,
real teaching, learning, and testing.
Furthermore, a collaboration classroom can become a career-motivational meeting place
___________ students can get a great professional development.
Students 9 ___________ electronic devices can support the lessons can bring them to the
classroom. This year is the time 10 ___________ we should consider using both interactive
whiteboards and touch-screen tables.
VI. Rewrite the following sentences. Use the sentences in brackets to form non-defining
relative sentences.
1. The restaurant on that street serves excellent food. (My father used to work for it.)
2. Mr and Mrs Lam live next door to us. (Their daughter is a pop star.)
3. The new block of flats will be finished next week. (It has 25 floors.)
4. J.K. Rowling is a millionaire. (She wrote the Harry Potter books.)
5. My dad’s new car is very fast. (It costs a lot of money.)
6. Our English teacher speaks Vietnamese as well. (Her name is Miss Oakes.)
7. We have a small house in Phu Quoc. (It is a beautiful island)

8D. Reading
I. Read the text, and do the tasks that follow.
The Benefits of Online Classes versus Traditional Classes
A. __________________________________________
One of the great benefits of getting an online course or degree is that you can still earn a degree and
work part-time. You can arrange time to attend the virtual classes, do other activities, or have a rest.
B. __________________________________________
Online courses give you the chance to talk about classroom assignments using chat forums or live
online discussion sites. You can exchange ideas and dialogues with other students without having to
travel to a common meeting place that might not be convenient for you.
C. __________________________________________
It’s possible to form study groups online using free online software to study remotely with others.
All you need is your computer, a headset to listen and talk in, and the time to join others virtually to
exchange ideas about classroom assignments, get questions answered about things you are stuck on.
D. __________________________________________
You can have access to online course materials such as videos, podcasts, written materials to
reinforce any points you might be stuck on at any time of the day.
E. __________________________________________
The pressure to keep up with other students in a face-to-face environment is removed. You are in
control of your progress through any online course you take. You can complete a course in a record
time because the material is easy for you to understand, or you may need extra time to make some
of the more abstract material sticks with you.
F. __________________________________________
Online learning systems have immediate scoring systems to let you know how well you have passed
the test. Remember that waiting to learn your test score can be nerve- racking.
G. __________________________________________
Without attending physical classes at a particular location, you’ll be forced to learn self-discipline
by managing your time and tasks. If you use time management tools like scheduling time and tasks
in an online calendar, this is a life-long skill that will help you in your future study.
While there are many more benefits of online learning, these are the top ones for you to figure out if
you consider taking one.
Task 1. Match the headings (1-7) with the paragraphs (A-G).
1. Learn at your own pace Paragraph A _________
2. Join virtual study groups Paragraph B _________
3. Develop great self-discipline Paragraph C _________
4. Enjoy a flexible schedule Paragraph D _________
5. Take online quizzes and exams and get your scores immediately Paragraph E _________
6. Review course materials repeatedly Paragraph F _________
7. Boost your opportunities for classroom subject discussions Paragraph G _________
Task 2. Find the words in the text that have the following meanings.
1. being almost or nearly something (paragraph A) _____________________
2. meeting someone at the same place (paragraph E) _____________________
3. causing a lot of worry (paragraph F) _____________________
4. existing as an idea, not a physical thing (paragraph E) _____________________
5. for all your life (paragraph G) _____________________
Task 3. Read the text again, and answer the questions.
1. How can you have more opportunities for discussions with online learning?
2. How can you get help with the topics you don’t understand?
3. Give some examples of online course materials.
4. How can you avoid the pressure to keep up with your classmates with virtual classes?
5. Which skill with online courses is good for your future study?
II. Read the text carefully, and do the tasks that follow.
From slates to iPads... Language learning then, now and in the future
It’s 6 a.m. on a Monday morning 500 years ago - time for lessons to start at a local grammar school.
The main aim of the lesson is to study the grammar of Latin - the international language of the time
(in Europe, at least) and the language of all university courses. The pupils are all boys - if girls
receive any education at all, they get it at home. The boys take out their slates - there will be no
pencil and paper until the 19 th century. They learn grammatical rules and translate sentences, and
the boys have to speak Latin at all times. If they fail at all,
their punishment is up to 50 strokes of the cane!
No one knows how many people are learning English today -
one estimate is one billion people, or a third of the world’s
population. Technology has become more and more
important in how people learn: cassettes (which first became
popular in the 1970s), CDs and video have brought ‘real
English’ into the classroom. Many classrooms have Internet
access, video facilities, and interactive whiteboards. But in
most cases, one thing hasn’t changed... there’s still a teacher!
In the future...
Who knows what the language classroom of 2050 will be like? Many people think that textbooks
might be a thing of the past very soon. And many classrooms won’t have cassettes or CDs in the
near future. Will students use iPads or smartphones instead of pen and paper? Will computers
replace teachers? Other people think that English might not be as popular as it is now. Will Chinese,
perhaps, or even a completely new international language designed by computers replace English?
There is one thing that is for sure: technology will be at the centre of tomorrow’s language
Note: - slate (n) = a small thin sheet of rock in a wooden frame, used in the past in schools for
children to write on.
Task 1. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. Latin used to be the language of all university courses in Europe. ________
2. Students studied a lot of practical skills and knowledge with their slates. ________
3. In the past, students studied in a simple setting and punishment was sometimes very severe.
4. Modem educational devices will be used more in classrooms. ________
5. English will be the international language for all countries in the world. ________
6. Technology has played a more important role in education. ________
Task 2. Read the text again. Match the sentence halves, and write the answer in each blank.
7. Another language might replace English ________ A. about 50 years ago.
8. People started using audio cassettes ________ B. in the 16th century.
9. Latin was the international language ________ C. in the 19th century.
10. People started using pencil and paper ________ D. very soon.
11. About one billion people study English . ________ E. some time in the future.
12. Textbooks might disappear ________ F. now.
III. Read the passage carefully, and do the tasks that follow.
Electronic Devices That Help You Learn English
There are many ways to learn English. With the increase in new technology, many companies
are now providing new electronic devices to help people learn English more quickly.
You can download the lessons from an English translation Internet site and put them on your
iPod. Because it is portable, you can listen and learn anywhere.
English audio tapes and English audio CDs are a great method of learning English. All you
need is a cassette or CD player. You can learn in many locations including your car.
An electronic translator or electronic dictionary is an excellent tool one can use when
traveling on a vacation, on a business trip, studying languages, conversing with foreign people, and
in a variety of other situations. Many devices have a number of attributes that include advanced
text-to-speech and voice recognition technologies. There are many good- quality electronic
dictionaries on the market. Depending on which one you purchase, there is an extensive range of
vocabulary that can include up to one million words or more. There are
also electronic dictionaries that contain common expressions and phrases, grammar
references, and much more. Two popular hand-held English electronic dictionaries include the
Talking Electronic Dictionary and the Audio Phrasebook. They include hundreds of thousands of
words, definitions, and thesaurus entries. You can view the word on the screen and hear it spoken. It
is likely that you have your own language interpreter. Just speak into the device and you will be
provided with an intelligible translation voice response.
Choosing an electronic device that helps you learn English has made learning and speaking
English easier, faster, and more enjoyable. Before you purchase a device, make sure you research
each product to find the English learning tool that complements your lifestyle.
Task 1. Match words /phrases 1-5 with definitions A-E, writing the answer in each blank.
1. extensive (adj) ____ A. small enough to be held in the hand while being used
2. hand-held (adj) ____ B. words in groups that have similar meanings
3. thesaurus entries (np) ____ C. clear enough to be understood
4. interpreter (n) ____ D. large in amount
5. intelligible (adj) ____ E. a person whose job is to translate what someone is
saying into another language
Task 2. Read the passage again, and answer the questions below.
1. How can you learn English with your iPod?
2. What are the advantages of a cassette or CD player in learning English?
3. How can you develop your vocabulary with an electronic dictionary?
4. Can you find a device which can interpret words in your mother tongue into English?
5. What are the advantages of electronic devices in learning English?

IV. Read the passage, and decide whether the following statements are true (T), false (F), or
not given (NG).
Electronic learning is a technology of education that implies self-motivation, communication,
efficiency, and technology. E-learning is effective as it eliminates distances because the e-learning
content is designed with media that can be accessed from properly equipped computers, and other
means of internet accessible technology.
E-learning has its own advantages. However, the most important advantages lay in the
reduction of time, efforts and cost.
Furthermore, we can talk about the following advantages of e-learning with the increasing of
communication between the student and themselves and between the student and the school a fast
and easy way is needed to bring everybody together.
Throughout different directions such as discussing forums, e-mail, and chat rooms, researchers
think that these things increase and motivate students to participate and react with the subjects in
Another advantage of e-learning as that it makes all students feel equal. Since the
communication tools give each student the opportunity to express his own opinion clearly and
directly at any time without being embarrassed, in contrary to the traditional teaching halls which
don't have such a feature due to the bad distribution of the tables or because of shyness or other
E-learning provides teachers with great facilities that are accessible out of working hours, that
is because the learner can send the inquiries to the teacher through the e-mail at any time, yet this
feature is more useful and suitable for the teacher instead of being restricted at his desk.
By e-learning the attendance is not necessary as the new technology provides the
communication methods without the need to be available in a specific place or time.

1. With e-learning, students from many parts of the country can have   
lessons with the well-known teachers.
2. With e-learning, students can save a lot of time, efforts, and money.   
3. The discussing forums and chat rooms provide opportunities to   
exchange and share the point of views.
4. This type of e-learning gives the complete opportunity to the student to   
express themselves clearly and directly although it also brings many
problems to them.
5. Students can get over their shyness by taking part in online   
6. The bad distribution of the tables in the traditional teaching halls made   
students shy, and unable to answer the questions.
7. Teachers will be restricted at his desk to work with computers in e-   
8. By e-learning students needn’t come to class any more.   
V. Read the passage about benefits of an interactive whiteboard, and then answer the
What Are the Benefits of an Interactive Whiteboard?
Imagine a whiteboard on which you can not only write but also play videos, show interactive
presentations and recall previously erased information. That's what an interactive whiteboard does
using a special touch-sensitive whiteboard in conjunction with a computer and projector to receive
commands and display information.
One of the most significant advantages of
interactive whiteboards is that they enable far
greater participation than traditional whiteboards.
For example, interactive whiteboards can be used in
conjunction with individual devices that enable
participants or an audience to answer questions or
vote from their seats and have their responses
collected instantly on the whiteboard. They also
enable people to manipulate information in ways
that wouldn't be possible or practical on a regular whiteboard, such as tapping to perform
calculations on the screen, reveal layers of information, or moving information around with the tip
of a finger.
All of the information on an interactive whiteboard actually comes from a connected computer
and is simply projected onto the whiteboard. This means whatever you do on the whiteboard can be
recorded directly to a hard drive and even transported on portable storage. This enables you to recall
and reuse the information, such as the results of a brainstorming session, any time. By contrast, data
on a traditional whiteboard must be copied manually or lost when erased.
There are a variety of visuals that can be used with interactive whiteboards. Videos can be
uploaded from websites or previously saved files. Additionally, entire presentations can be
uploaded onto an interactive whiteboard. You can display and manipulate complex images and
graphics. All of this can create a more engaging presentation which can help keep the audience's
Particularly for students, an advantage of interactive whiteboards is that they give students a
chance to interact extensively with technology. Particularly, if students are allowed to use the
whiteboards for their own presentations, the use of an interactive whiteboard can be a great way to
introduce students to electronic devices and a variety of software.
1. Why do interactive whiteboards enable greater participation in lessons?
2. In what ways do interactive whiteboards allow students to manipulate information?
3. How does an interactive whiteboard enable you to recall and reuse the information?
4. How can you create a more engaging presentation which can help keep the audience's attention?
5. How do interactive whiteboards give students a chance to interact extensively with technology?
VI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Use An Electronic Dictionary To Improve Your Vocabulary
A Franklin electronic dictionary is actually a helpful gadget to possess with you all of the
time. Any device involving dictionaries is great to use for people who go out of their country on
business trips. Tourists would also benefit very much from such a device.
Moreover, students will also find this gadget helpful especially whenever they are studying an
important foreign language in another country. There is also a great diversity of dictionaries that
anybody can choose whichever works to them best.
These dictionaries are also quite easy to use and incorporate various functions. Some of them
are main functions, besides translating a foreign word, which would be to provide spelling check-
ups, find the meaning and synonyms connected with any particular word as well as provide
examples of how a word is used in a sentence. A typical Franklin electronic dictionary is more than
that. By entering the meaning of a word of mouth, you would have the ability to pull up many
words that you are researching for.
There is a comprehensive database that comprises about 1,000,000 words and phrase
replacements. It also comes with idiomatic expressions, professional medical, technical words or
ones very popular for business. It is also ideal for professionals who have to work in a country
accompanied by a different language.
Franklin Electronic Marketers have been among the leading manufacturers regarding
handheld electronic inventions. Its main office is situated in Burlington, New Jersey and has been
around the business of creating these electronic tools since 1981.
Some of the original devices that they produced included punctuation correctors, of the fact
that first was all the Spelling Ace built in 1986. These devices were a great aid to students all over
the globe.
The company continues to service clients from everywhere. Although they are popular in the
world, especially targeting the particular Hispanic market whose native language is Spanish;
Franklin’s products are also quite well-known for Asia, particularly Japan. The company aims to
address this growing importance of language tools as more people are aiming to learn about new
1. With the diversity of this type of dictionaries, we can choose ___________.
A. the one that has the largest vocabulary B. the one that suits us best
C. the one that is portable D. the one that is handy and cheap
2. The electronic dictionary has various functions because it can ___________
A. translate foreign words, check spelling, give meanings and synonyms, and the use of them
B. explain how a word is employed in a sentence and correct punctuation in sentences
C. enter the meaning of a word of mouth and get so many words related
D. expand a wide range to suit various people’s preferences
3. The database of the dictionary includes all the following EXCEPT ___________.
A. about 1,000,000 words and phrase replacements
B. idiomatic expressions or ones very popular for business
C. technical terms in various fields and internet lingo
D. professional medical, technical words
4. The Franklin electronic dictionary are very popular all over the world, especially in ______.
A. Europe and Asia B. South America and Asia
C. Burlington, New Jersey D. Japan
5. The word “professionals” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. people who are very good at languages
B. people who work in foreign countries
C. people who often use modern electronic dictionaries
D. people with a high level of education and training
V. Read the text, and answer the questions.
How has learning English adapted to online education?
One of the most important factors when learning a language is human presence - nobody can teach
you a language better than someone who knows it. It is important to have a good balance between
self-study exercises and live classes. Each student has specific needs when learning English
between Al and C2 levels, they live and learn English in a different way.
With online courses, we should focus on technology and innovation in education. Online learning
provides interactive exercises and multimedia lessons for students to improve their grammar,
vocabulary, reading, writing, and speaking skills.
The key strength of any online course is teachers, who guarantee the best learning experience.
Teachers should be dedicated to guiding and supporting students both in one-to-one private classes
or in group classes.
The current fight against the COVID-19 pandemic is something that concerns us all, therefore, it is
important to follow the guidance to stay at home. But this should not mean that we must stop
1. What is one of the most important factors when learning a language?
2. Why do students learn English in a different way?
3. What does online learning provide?
4. What are the purposes of online learning of English?
5. Why do teachers make online learning successful?
VI. Read the text, and do the tasks that follow.
A new way to learn English
This week, we’ve interviewed Phong Nguyen in Year 10.
Phong has never scored under eight or nine points in an English test and his spoken English is
amazing. But he hasn’t had extra English classes at school, and he hasn’t read an English
dictionary! So how has Phong become so good at English? He says that his secret is EnglishClub -
an online world for young people, which was started in 1999.
EnglishClub is a virtual world in English for teenagers from around the world. It is very popular
and has more than seven million users. You don’t need to spend any money because the website is
free. Players have an avatar (a character in a computer game). The avatar lives and works in an
invented virtual world. The avatars can go shopping and spend money - ‘clams’ - in the shops. They
can also play games, learn about science or maths, eat, dance, and even go to pop concerts.
How has EnglishClub helped Phong to improve his English? ‘Well, there are different places in
EnglishClub where you can practise your English,’ explained Phong. ‘There are a lot of games and
competitions in English. There is also a special newspaper called The EnglishClub Times, which
comes out every Sunday. I use this to practise reading in English and I’ve written an answer for it,
‘On EnglishClub you can take part in online book discussions. I’m not obsessive, but I’ve enjoyed
chatting to other teenagers about my favourite stories. I never feel isolated at home now because
I’m part of an online group of people. I’ve made friends with players from seven other countries
and we always chat in English.’
Task 1. Choose the correct answers.
1. EnglishClub is ______.
A. a TV programme B. a virtual world C. the name of a new film
2. Phong’s spoken English is ______.
A. terrible B. good C. excellent
3. EnglishClub is for ______.
A. children B. teenagers C. teenagers and adults
4. Players on EnglishClub pay ______.
A. nothing B. very little money C. a lot of money
5. Players on EnglishClub are from ______.
A. one country B. a few countries C. a lot of countries
6. The EnglishClub Times comes out every ______.
A. day B. week C. month
7. Phong likes ______ other players best.
A. talking to B. travelling with C. shopping with
Task 2. Complete the sentences with one word from the text.
1. Phong always does well in an English ___________ .
2. Phong goes ___________ to play EnglishClub.
3. Everybody on EnglishClub has their own ___________ .
4. Players use money called ‘clams’ when they go to the ___________ .
5. Phong doesn’t feel ___________ when he is on EnglishClub.
6. Phong has friends in ___________ different countries.
Task 3. Answer the questions.
1. How does Phong improve his English on EnglishClub?
2. What things can Phong do in EnglishClub?
3. What do people talk about in EnglishClub?
4. Do you think you could improve your English in a virtual world like EnglishClub? Why / Why
5. Why do you think virtual worlds like EnglishClub are popular with some people?

8E. Speaking
• Everyday English
I. Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs.
1. A: I think electronic devices distract us from B: a/ It depends. They can be used for study.
our studies. b/ We can use mobile devices instead.
2. A: These devices are bad for our eyes! B: a/ We mustn’t use them for so long.
b/ You should buy new devices.
3. A: Do you think electronic devices are B: a/ I can’t agree more.
useful for learning languages? b/ Yes, of course not.
4. A: We should give up cellphones because B: a/ I hope so.
radiation from them is very harmful. b/ I can’t believe that.
5. A: Have you used any dictionaries? B: a/ I have an electronic dictionary.
b/ We can carry electronic dictionaries with us
6. A: What does you use your laptop for? B: a/ I can download information, clips, write
essays or do my homework.
b/ They’re excellent learning tools. Do you
think so?
7. A: Will robots be able to give us lessons in B: a/ It sounds very interesting.
the future? b/ They will be installed cameras.
8. A: Do you enjoy learning online? B: a/ Well, my father just bought me a new
b/ Yes, especially when we can’t go to school
because of the pandemic.
9. A: What do you use that pen for? B: a/ To take notes on the touch screen.
b/ It belongs to the tablet.
10. A: We should bring our own mobile B: a/ We must buy new devices, and it costs a
devices to class for our study. lot of money.
b/ Students from poor families may feel sad
about themselves.

• Talking about the advantages and disadvantages of online learning

II. Complete the dialogue with the phrases below. There is one extra phrase that you do not
A. get quick feedbacks on our assignments
B. participate in some activities or experiments to get a specific result
C. others argue that online learning has some benefits
D. the quality of experience of learning online
E. important to build our social life
F. the school is not safe for us
G. the effort of both teachers and students
H. access an enormous amount of information
Miss Van In recent years, there has been of a lot of online learning operating because of
the pandemic. Some people assume that online learning is inefficient,
______________________. How about your opinion about this way of
Phong During the period of pandemic, we are wearing a mask and keeping our
distance from each
other. _______________________________________________
Nick I think through leaning online, we can
and also hand in our assignments almost immediately.
Mai I agree with you, Nick. Online learning is good for getting lessons or handouts
from our teachers, and we can 4_____________________________________
Miss Van That’s good. Can you see any drawbacks of online learning?
Mai Yes, Miss. We really need to learn through communication with others.
Working with our classmates is 5_____________________________________
Nick I think 6_____________________________________ may be lower than that
of taking the real class.
Phong That’s really true with science subjects. Because students have to
Miss Van Thank you all of you for your interesting ideas. Online learning, though having
a few drawbacks, is more likely to have benefits in this pandemic situation.
The most important factor to make online learning successful is

III. Complete the conversation about advantages and disadvantages of using multimedia in
school, using the responses (A-G) given. There are two extra ones.
A. When designing a multimedia lesson, the role of the teacher shifts from instructor to
B. Because important elements are focused on via settings, layouts and colours.
C. And some students who are not good at technology may have to spend more time learning
computer skills to access information than focusing on lesson materials.
D. The teacher uses the computer and the LCD projector so that we can watch a lot on the
E. Classroom management becomes increasingly difficult.
F. Our class has just had a Geography lesson in the multimedia classroom.
G. Multimedia lessons depends on the subject and the amount of original material that a teacher
collects or creates.
Kevin Your class has come out of the multimedia classroom. Which lesson have you got,
Phong _______________________________________________________________________
Kevin Great! With a lot of images, sounds and videos, right?
Phong Yeah. 2__________________________________________________________________
_________________________________. We can answer the questions easier.
Kevin I see. The use of images, along with words, and diagrams helps students have better
Phong _______________________________________________________________________
____________________. Besides that, teachers can review the previous lessons easily.
Kevin Sure. Teachers can do that by visual comparison with a lot of pictures or video clips.
Moreover, multimedia lessons allow students to see real-life situations. Can you see any
disadvantages with the technique?
Phong _______________________________________________________________________
_________________________. Sometimes they are a little bit boring.
Kevin I think the amount of images and videos in a lesson can slow down the delivery and pace
of the class as a result. Students have to get some certain IT skills as well.
Phong _______________________________________________________________________

8F. Writing
• Writing about the benefits of blended learning
I. Rearrange the sentences in each paragraph (A-E) in the correct order. Write the answers in
each blank.
Is Online Learning the Future of Education?
A _____a. The online network is definitely becoming the future of education in many ways.
_____b. Online learning is one of the fastest-growing learning ways.
_____c. There are various online courses, and a large number of students take part in them.
B _____a. It is one of the best learning environments and e-learning is one of the most modern
mediums of education.
_____b. All of us use the internet and learning through it can take education to another level.
C When we can get quality education at our home, we prefer it to an offline course.
D _____a. Students can save their travelling time and can easily focus on their studies.
_____b. Study materials are easily available online and one easily accesses any course of their
E _____a. E-learning is getting more popular than classroom services.
_____b. I can say that online learning is going to become the future of education.
_____c. They don’t have to take their child to school because classes are available at home.
_____d. It provides everything like lectures, other activities, solving the questions and answers,
discussion on a topic.
_____e. This is helpful not only for students but also for parents.
II. Write complete sentences about the advantages of using iPads in the classroom, using the
words / phrases given in their correct forms. You can add some more necessary words, but
you have to use all the words given.
1. iPads / allow / smoother and faster communication / transmission / materials / between /
teachers / students
2. students / create / documents / immediately upload / them / teacher’s electronic folder
3. applications / teachers / score / multiple-choice quizzes / immediately/ post results
4. it / likely / that / there / educational application / designed / satisfy / any specific need / classroom
5. electronic files / last / forever / this feature / helpful / during / research process
6. many e-books / all subjects / available / free download

III. Write complete sentences about the disadvantages of using iPads in the classroom, using
the words/ phrases given in their correct forms. You can add some more necessary words, but
you have to use all the words given.
1. iPads / not / ideal solution / teaching / because / performing various tasks / require / use /
different devices
2. the use / iPads / classroom / depend / heavily / quality / Wi-Fi / school / and / slow or
disconnected Wi-Fi server / spoil / entire lesson
3. students / easy / get access / game / a chat / or a social network / iPads
4. when / student / not have / a charged iPad / charging / become / issue
5. publishers / not satisfy / all demands / e-books / so / students / get information / textbooks
6. there / so many applications / iPads / and/ students / sometimes / difficulty / find/ appropriate
applications / lessons

IV. Write complete sentences about learning foreign languages, using the words/ phrases
given in their correct forms. You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use all
the words given.
1. students / have / wider access / information / so that / they / learn / many skills / foreign
2. electronic devices / classroom / improve / learning experience / by / provide / instant video access
/ or / wide range / music
3. social learning / great way / students / share information / thoughts / ideas / a subject
4. students / focus only / social network / instead of / lesson / due to / temptation / social media
5. students / find / links / websites / inappropriate materials / or / become / victims / cyber bullying

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. mobile B. modern C. electronic D. concentrate
2. A. distract B. tablet C. backpack D. concentrate
3. A. recordings B. educate C. children D. device
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. Internet B. effective C. portable D. benefit
5. A. identify B. disadvantage C. technology D. eliminate
II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. She deals with customers on the phone, and rarely meet them ______.
A. on-going B. one-to-one C. face-to-face D. face-saving
7. The most successful _______ to solve the problem is often the simplest one.
A. learning B. strategy C. class D. intention
8. She set up a support _______ for students having some study problems.
A. group B. set C. number D. category
9. While not all apps are _______ on Android devices, the large majority of them can be accessed
on iPhones, iPads, and iPods.
A. used B. reached C. available D. present
10. The noise around my room is driving me to _______ while 1 am learning online.
A. annoyance B. boredom C. distress D. distraction
11. A teacher can create a classroom blog _______ they post notes and assignments for students.
A. where B. which C. when D. whose
12. Students _______ seem to be taking notes on their laptop are sometimes surfing the Internet in
A. who B. which C. whose D. they
13. Notebooks, tablets and cellphones are all technology _______ students are accustomed to and
can use as learning aids.
A. it B. this C. that D. one
14. All smartphones _______ storage hardware is big can store downloaded audio books.
A. which B. who C. whose D. that
15. Science teachers _______ use the 3D projectors and other electronic devices can easily illustrate
the lessons.
A. whom B. what C. who D. whose
III. Fill in each blank in the following passage with the correct word below.
dictionaries effort homework backpack benefits
information software games tools purposes
Modem devices have changed our ways of learning, especially in learning English. Nowadays, there
are more and more people using electronic devices as learning 16 _______.
Using electronic devices brings us many 17 ___________ . First of all, it is an effective way to learn
English. You can easily share 18 ___________ about the lessons through your PC, laptop, and
smartphone to your friends just in a few minutes. You can also submit your 19 ___________ to your
teacher by this way too. Moreover, on the Internet, there are thousands of useful applications (apps)
and 20____________ which are updated every day to serve your learning 21 ___________ . You can
download some apps to learn English and other languages, and 22 ___________ to look up for the
words which you don’t know. Besides that, using your tablets or smartphones in learning helps you
lighten your 23 ___________ . You don’t have to bring so many books to school anymore because
we can store every book in our own devices.
Modern devices make learning and teaching English more convenient and interesting. Teachers
will teach their students through music, pictures, films and 24 ___________ . By that, students will
find that English is fun, easy, so they will make much 25___________ to study it.
IV. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Technology has become an essential 26 ___________ in our lives. Schools should find ways of
integrating new technologies into classrooms so that students find it easy to learn new subjects as
well as 27 ___________ teachers to explain subjects in detail using visual formats. Using
technological devices like computers will 28 ___________ education more fun and interesting for
the students. The past ten years 29 ___________ tremendous change in educational technologies and
it is time to bring these technologies to our students in the classroom so that they learn easily and
efficiently. Teachers will need to learn how to use these technologies so A that they 30___________
their students on how to use them.
We have seen that the private business community has found ways of improving the way we
learn by creating educational applications for 31 ___________ computers and mobile phones. With a
good use of these applications, schools can improve on how students learn and how they get
___________ academic information.
New applications like YouTube can be used in video and visual education. If a student can
learn 33 ___________ visual or video illustrations, they will always remember that subject being
explained, because the brain can easily understand and remember visual objects.
The development of online and offline educational 34 ___________ will make learning so
simple. Now it is 35 ___________ to apply these educational technologies in the classroom and
make learning easier.
26. A. instrument B. equipment C. machine D. tool
27. A. enable B. enables C. make D. makes
28. A. add B. put C. cause D. make
29. A. see B. saw C. have seen D. has seen
30. A. ask B. teach C. learn D. request
31. A. only B. either C. both D. not only
32. A. access to B. possibility of C. method of D. right about
33. A. about B. through C. of D. for
34. A. settings B. sights C. surroundings D. environments
35. A. up to our B. time to us C. up to us D. in time
V. Read the text, and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
One of the most used terms after the COVID-19 pandemic is the term ‘new normal’. The ‘new
normal’ in education is the increased use of online learning tools. The pandemic has triggered new
ways of learning. All around the world, educational institutions are looking toward online learning
platforms to continue with the process of educating students. The ‘new normal’ now is a
transformed concept of education with online learning at the core of this transformation. Today,
digital learning has emerged as a necessary resource for students and schools all over the world. For
many schools, this is an entirely new way of education that they have had to adopt.
Online learning is now application not just to learn academic subjects, but it also extends to learning
extracurricular activities for students as well. Recently, the demand for online learning has risen
significantly, and it will continue doing so in the future.
36. The ‘new normal’ in education is involved in learning via the internet. _____________
37. The pandemic makes education very difficult to go on. _____________
38. Education in the ‘new normal’ centres around online learning. _____________
39. Online learning can be used to learn some skills at the clubs after school. _____________
40. Online learning stops when people get over the pandemic. _____________

VI. Complete the conversation about advantages of using tablets in learning, using the
phrases/sentences (A-G) given. There are two extra ones.
A. Schools were able to save a large amount of money when they turned to tablets...
B. Teachers can use e-learning on tablets to show videos or let their students play games to
make it easier for them to understand the material...
C. Besides that, our History teacher said that she is able to use the tablet to quickly get
material for the lessons.
D. ...but for the tablet we only have to buy one, and the tablets come with free electronic
E. Tablets are cheaper than textbooks.
F. Not every student learns the same way, and students who have a disability might have a
difficult time learning the same information as their classmates.
G. ...to use the Internet to research the events they read about in the application and then make
a PowerPoint presentation.
Phong Do you think modern devices are useful for learning, Nick?
Nick Definitely right! They have changed the way we learn. In my opinion, tablets are the best
for e-learning. How about you, Phong?
Phong I agree with you. Tablets can help us stay up to date to the ever-changing world.
Nick Right.41_________________________________________________________________
Phong For us, we can also use the Internet on our tablets to complete class assignments and
homework, and we save a lot of time. Besides that, teachers can teach students as
Nick Oh, yeah. Teachers can use the tablet to teach each student.42______________________
Phong Awesome. Tablets can help students get past this difficulty by providing different forms
to teach a subject.
Nick ______________________________________________________________________
________________________________ if they are not able to grasp it by using a
Phong Can you see any other benefit of using the tablet in learning?
Nick ______________________________________________________________________
Phong Really? You must be kidding!
Nick We have to buy so many textbooks for all the subjects,45__________________________
Phong I see. It’s a good idea to use tablets in classrooms.
VII. Write the sentences about benefits of online learning, using the prompts below.
46. teachers / students / find / online learning / effective / easy
47. with online learning / education / not restricted / time / place
48. it / allow / students / select / courses / their choice
49. you / save / travel costs / and / it / become / new / comfortable mode / gaining / education
50. during the pandemic online learning /show / it / be / future / education

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. access B. affect C. application D. fact
2. A. digital B. fingertip C. identify D. mobile
3. A. assignment B. address C. discussion D. access
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. reasonable B. appropriate C. enjoyable D. accessible
5. A. educate B. concentrate C. stimulate D. encourage
II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. Students like to have some _______ over which study methods they are following.
A. order B. control C. limit D. rule
7. Do you have a study _______ for this week? - Yes, it’s on the app K12online.
A. list B. arrangement C. schedule D. table
8. Every month the group meets so its members can _______ their views.
A. give B. exchange C. receive D. speak
9. _______ learning can help personalize education for each of the students, while making lessons
more effective.
A. Face-to-face B. Distance C. Blended D. Blending
10. These changes seem to me to be happening at too fast a _______.
A. rate B. step C. speed D. pace
11. Mr. Brown has created a list of the most useful apps for the classroom, _______ is available on
his blog.
A. that B. which C. it D. this
12. The school maintains learning profiles _______ provide detailed information about each
student's strengths and weaknesses, _______ teachers use to personalize learning.
A. that - that B. which - that C. that - which D. they - they
13. Many teachers have worked to change their traditional classrooms into an environment _______
students can use the latest technology for their learning process.
A. which B. it C. where D. that
14. My youngest son, _______ may be quiet or shy in a classroom, may become active in a social
learning situation made possible by digital devices.
A. that B. who C. which D. he
15. Some teachers _______ levels of IT are not very high may resist teaching with electronic
A. who B. they C. whose D. their
III. Fill in each blank in the following passage with the correct word below.
watch come simplify support offers
displayed presenting touching eliminate access
There are several advantages of bringing in a smart interactive whiteboard into a classroom
Interactive whiteboards allow many different forms of media - including photos, illustrations,
maps, graphs, games, and video, to be 16 ___________ . In addition, smart boards make learning to
be more dynamic owing to the different forms of presenting information.
Smart boards provide new ways for teachers to teach, and student to learn. These tools
____________ a wide variety of learning styles. For instance, visual learners can 18 ___________
as their tutors use the whiteboards to project visual elements, whereas audio learners can listen and
have discussions. On the other hand, the boards 19 ___________ with touchscreen capabilities that
allow tactile learners to touch and interact with the board.
The interactive nature of smart boards 20 ___________ learners an opportunity to share and
participate in the instructional process. Interactivity provides a platform for students to demonstrate
their grasp of the subject through 21 ___________ , drawing, and writing.
Smart boards allow learners to easily 22 ___________ a rich database of online resources.
Teachers can use the wide variety of online information sources such as knowledge databases,
online video and news items to reinforce their lessons.
Interactive boards are also environmentally friendly. They offer teachers an entirely different
way of23 ___________ information to students, which removes the need for writing, printing or
photocopying, which helps to 24 ___________ waste and pollution, from over-utilization of paper
and ink.
Overall, including smart boards to the classroom environment is likely to change the way
teachers pass knowledge to students and at the same time 25 ___________ the learning process for
IV. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Young children are increasingly using tablets as well as smartphones and other devices with
touch screens in early education 26 _______ and with family members.
Tammy and Rose, age 4, have been studying sunflowers with their classmates. They want to
sing and record a song about sunflowers while creating a drawing, using a(n) 27 _______ on the
tablet. The girls have coordinated their efforts and are happy with the result.
To help the class learn more about sunflowers, Kathryn, Tammy and Rose’s teacher, used the
tablet to find online 28 _______ with photos and facts. She then took the children on a 29 _______
tour of Van Gogh’s sunflower paintings. They read and discussed an electronic picture book about
Van Gogh’s life. The children had already examined real sunflowers and their parts, made sketches,
read informational texts and stories, counted seeds, and 30 _______ a variety of investigations,
touching on every learning domain. The teacher’s use of the tablet together with early practical
learning activities expanded the children’s 31 _______ Activities offered on the tablet provided
new32 _______ for the children to represent and share what they learned.
Tablets have the 33 _______ to be powerful tools for early learning. The choices we make about
how they are used determine 34 _______ the technology is helpful or not. We need to develop
“digital literacy” skills and decide how to use these new tools in ways 35 _______ can support every
child’s healthy development and learning.
26. A. places B. settings C. positions D. times
27. A. application B. request C. design D. permission
28. A. boxes B. positions C. places D. sites
29. A. real B. strange C. virtual D. unrealized
30. A. participated in B. participated C. taken part in D. took place
31. A. distances B. skies C. lessons D. horizons
32. A. manners B. ways C. behaviours D. roads
33. A. energy B. development C. potential D. achievement
34. A. if B. whether C. how D. what
35. A. we B. they C. what D. that
V. Read the passage, and choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each question.
A smart board is an interactive whiteboard. It can be connected to one or more laptops, PCs,
tablets, or other electronic devices. Smart boards are extremely useful in a classroom because they
can engage students, provide interactive opportunities that a traditional whiteboard, blackboard or
flip chart can't, and can also develop students' computer skills along with their English skills.
Smart boards also have touch-screen technology so you do not actually need a computer to
access the basic functionality. You can write on a smart board with special pens which are usually
provided with the board, and anything written on the board can be saved for future reference, or
printed out. It is great, for example, if you are doing a brainstorming session or a mind map with
your classmates and you want to keep a record of it.
If you don't want to draw with the pens, you can use a keyboard and type onto a programme
such as Word, and have it appear on the screen for everyone to see. This is great if you are doing an
exercise with your class and you want everyone to be able to see the answers during the checking
stage. You can also run PowerPoint presentations on an interactive whiteboard. These can
sometimes be great for grammar or vocabulary presentations and the advantage of them is that
students can make contributions.
If you have the Internet access, you can access websites and put them onto a white board. This
is great in an English classroom if you have online quizzes or games you want to use. Students can
actually come up to the board and select their answers. This involves them directly in the board
work, which they usually love. You can also run video clips or sound files from the Internet, or
some which are saved on your computer.
In short, a smart board can make the lessons more varied, and can give students a more active
role in the lesson.
36. A smart board is more useful than a traditional board because _______.
A. it can be connected to more electronic devices
B. it can be used instead of a whiteboard, blackboard or flip chart
C. it provides more interactive opportunities
D. teachers can engage students to have lessons
37. Smart boards which have touch-screen technology is great because _______.
A. you can write on it, save information, or print it later
B. you can do a brainstorming session or a mind map with your classmates
C. you do not need anything to write on it
D. you can use a keyboard and type onto a program such as Word
38. It is great for you to run Word or PowerPoint on a smart board because _______.
A. you don’t need to draw with the pens
B. you can see the answers before the checking stage
C. it can be used for grammar or vocabulary presentations
D. everyone can see your presentations and take part in them
39. With the Internet access, the smart board is a wonderful tool for education because _____.
A. students can use write on a smart board with special pens
B. we can have multimedia lessons and more contributions from students
C. students can download video clips or sound files from the Internet
D. we can use anything that is saved on our computer
40. All of the following are true about a smart board EXCEPT _______.
A. the lessons are more diverse, and students are more active
B. you do not actually need a computer to access the basic functionality
C. it develops students’ English skills but not computer ones
D. anything written on the board can be saved for future reference
VI. Complete the conversation about benefits of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) in learning,
using the responses (A-G) given. There are two extra ones.
A. And those who do not follow the rules are banned from the BYOD programme either
temporarily or permanently.
B. Technology investments are expensive, and new devices are likely to become out of date in a
few years.
C. Many people think that the programme may increase
the gap between students from rich and from poor
D. Many teachers think that it promotes greater
participation in the classroom.
E. The BYOD option is typically introduced somewhere
between the eighth and tenth grade.
F. Students will have the choice to use their own smartphones, tablets or laptops to complete
class assignments or access learning resources while at school.
G. Websites such as Facebook and Twitter are often banned because they cause serious

Lam I think using electronic devices in learning is fantastic, but sometimes it’s very expensive
because we have to buy new ones with more advanced technology.
Kevin I agree with you. Why don’t we think of a new way to solve the problem?
Lam Sounds interesting. What’s is it?
Kevin It’s BYOD or bring your own device. 41_______________________________________
Lam Wonderful. Schools allow students to bring their own electronics to class, and I can bring
my tablet to class although it’s a little bit old. I think the new approach has a lot of
Kevin That’s right.42____________________________________________________________
Lam Right. When new technologies are put into everyday learning, students quickly become
more interested in the material, and thus more likely to succeed. But I think the school
should have very specific policies concerning respectful use of electronics in the
Kevin I agree with you.43________________________________________________________
Lam I see. Social networks often lead to distraction. In addition, students may be required to
sign agreements restricting device use to certain times in the classroom.
Kevin ______________________________________________________________________
Lam Can you see any disadvantages?
Kevin ______________________________________________________________________
Lam But I think students with difficulties can borrow some devices from the school.

VII. Write complete sentences about benefits of using smartphones in school, using the
words / phrases given in their correct forms. You can add some more necessary words, but
you have to use all the words given.
Benefits of using smartphones in school
46. smartphones / provide / students / ability / get / answers quickly / even / explanation
47. students / download / audio / video files / and even / connect / other students / around the world
48. there / many educational applications / available / wide range / subjects / all kinds / learners
49. these game-like exercises / encourage / playful competition / among / students / and / improve /
way / they learn new ideas
50. smartphones / also allow / students / work / groups / projects / share information / discoveries

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