SHS Descriptive Content Notif Specification V10.29.1.rev A

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Sabre Hospitality

HTNG Hotel Descriptive Content Specification

Release Rev A

Copyright © 2023 Sabre GLBL Inc.™ The information contained in this publication is confidential and proprietary. No part of this document may be
reproduced, disclosed to others, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form, by any means, without written
permission of Sabre GLBL Inc.

Sabre GLBL Inc. is not responsible for any technical inaccuracies or typographical errors contained in this publication. Changes are periodically made to
the information herein; these changes are incorporated in new editions of this publication. Any reference to gender in this document is not meant to be
discriminatory. The software described in this document is provided under a license agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance
with the terms of that agreement.

Sabre, Sabre Hospitality, SynXis, Sabre Travel Network, Sabre Airline Solutions, and GetThere are trademarks of Sabre GLBL Inc. or one of its affiliates.
All other marks are the property of their respective owners. © 2003-2023. All rights reserved. Sabre GLBL Inc.


Revision History 5

Overview 6

1 HTNG Messaging - Soap 1.2 and Header 2.1 7

1.1 Soap 2.1 Envelope and Header 7

1.2 HTNG Header 2.1 Description 8

1.3 ACK/NACK Message Description 8

1.4 SOAP Header Use Cases 9

1.4.1 Asynchronous Request 9

1.4.2 Asynchronous ACK/NACK for Request 9

1.4.3 Asynchronous Callback 10

1.4.4 Asynchronous ACK/NACK for Callback 10

1.5 SOAP Header Element and Attribute Descriptions 11

2 OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ/RS 15
2.1 Message Description 15

2.2 OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ Use Cases 16

2.2.1 Use Case: Send Information about Hotel Description 16

2.3 OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRS Use Cases 28

2.3.1 Use Case: Successful Response from SynXis CRS 28

2.3.2 Use Case: Success with Warning 29

2.3.3 Use Case: Error Response from SynXis CRS 30

2.4 OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ Elements and Attributes 31

OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ Attributes 32

Point of Sale 33

Hotel Descriptive Contents 35

Room Blocks 37

Hotel Information 38

HotelInfo Services to Configure 63

Business Services to Configure 70

Security Features to Configure 72

Accessible Features to Configure 78

Facility Information 83

Meeting Room Features to Configure 94

Restaurant Categories to Configure 96

Restaurant Services to Configure 98

Policies 100

Area Information 113

Recreation Features to Configure 127

Affiliation Information 132

Contact Infos 135

2.5 OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRS Elements and Attributes 140

Appendix: Supported Error Warning Types (EWT) 143

Appendix: Supported Error Codes (ERR) 144

Revision History
Rev Date Rev Version Description Author

10/29/2023 V Rev A Updated Sabre Hospitality Solutions to Sabre Hospitality. MEW

4/11/2023 V Added the restaurant category RES Codes listing. JR

Added the ERR Codes appendix.
Quality review updates to use cases chapters.

12/1/2022 V 10.26.0 Rev B Attribute mappings added. MEW

10/29/2022 V 10.26.0 Rev A Updated format and quality review corrections. JR

1/10/2022 V 10.26.0 Added Covid 19 Codes. MEW

7/16/2021 V 10.9.0 Rev C Correction to remove incorrect Appendices. MEW

6/17/2021 V 10.9.0 Rev B Updated format and corrections. MEW

3/12/2020 V 10.9.0 Rev A Updated DLJ

attribute to specify: Required.

2/8/2019 V 10.9.0 Added values for @DistanceUnitOfMeasureCode for DLJ

Added values for @UnitOfMeasure for

Revision History 5
Customers managing hotel content in an external system can use the HTNG OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ message to receive the
hotel content in SynXis CRS. This message pushes the hotel content for a property using the API in the messaging format. SynXis CRS receives the
content for the property and saves it in SynXis CRS.

Overview 6
1 HTNG Messaging - Soap 1.2 and Header 2.1
Messages use a 1.2 Soap Envelope and 2.1 HTNG Header that adhere to the WS-Addressing and WS Security requirements. WS Addressing
communicates message IDs between systems and address destinations. WS-Security performs user authentication only. The in-message signatures
and message encryption are not supported.

1.1 Soap 2.1 Envelope and Header

<Envelope xmlns="">
<soap2:Header xmlns:soap2=""
<wss:Security mustUnderstand="1">
<wss:Password> string </wss:Password>
<!--insert Payload here-->

1 HTNG Messaging - Soap 1.2 and Header 2.1 7

1.2 HTNG Header 2.1 Description
The elements used, and data sent in the Soap header depend on which part of the synchronous and asynchronous communication process it is being
used for. See the HTNG Header element and attribute descriptions for an explanation of the field requirements. Namespace aliases and their location
may differ between the specification and the actual messages and between different messages. These can also be changed without notice so do not
relay on aliases or hard coding.

1.3 ACK/NACK Message Description

ACKs and NACKs in the asynchronous work flow return synchronous positive or negative acknowledgments of request messages. An acknowledgment
does not indicate success or failure of request messages. It indicates a message has been received or not received.

ACK message - Returns a positive acknowledgment. ACK messages contain an empty Soap Body.
NACK message - Returns a negative acknowledgment. NACK messages contain no Soap Body, if a specific error type cannot be identified. It
returns a Soap Body with a Soap Fault that identifies the error type that caused the negative acknowledgment.

1.2 HTNG Header 2.1 Description 8

1.4 SOAP Header Use Cases
1.4.1 Asynchronous Request
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:wsa="">
<soap:Header xmlns:wsse=""
<wsse:Security soap:mustUnderstand="true">


1.4.2 Asynchronous ACK/NACK for Request

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:a="">
<a:Action s:mustUnderstand="1"></a:Action>
<h:TimeStamp xmlns:h="" xmlns="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""/>

1.4 SOAP Header Use Cases 9

1.4.3 Asynchronous Callback
<Envelope xmlns="">
<soap2:Header xmlns:htng="" xmlns:wsa=""
xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:htnga=""
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:soap=""
<wss:Security mustUnderstand="1">


1.4.4 Asynchronous ACK/NACK for Callback

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:a="">
<a:Action s:mustUnderstand="1"></a:Action>
<h:TimeStamp xmlns:h="" xmlns="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""/>

1.4.3 Asynchronous Callback 10

1.5 SOAP Header Element and Attribute Descriptions
The following table identifies the SOAP Header element and attribute descriptions.

Child Element Attribute Description


MessageID Unique ID for the message.

Type: String

Required: Each message must have a new MessageID.

CorrelationID Correlates asynchronous callback messages.

Type: String

Required when Unique ID for the message is used in the original asynchronous request.

Valid Value: Message ID.

RelatesTo Unique ID for the message, used in ACK/NACK messages. It links a response message to the

Type: String

Required when Unique ID for the message is used in ACK/NACK messages.

Valid Value: Message ID from the request message.

RelatesToCorrelationID Correlation ID from the original asynchronous request message.

Type: String

Required when there is a Unique ID in the asynchronous callback message. Links an

asynchronous callback message to the asynchronous request.

1.5 SOAP Header Element and Attribute Descriptions 11

Child Element Attribute Description


To Indicates where the message is posted.

ACK/NACK responses pass the wsa:ReplyTo value from the request message. Callback
requests contain the htng:ReplyTo value from the request message.

Type: String


Action The action for this message.

An action exists with the suffix _SubmitRequest for asynch requests. The asynch callback action
has a suffix of _SubmitResult. Response messages ACK/NACKs append response to the request
message’s action.

Type: String



Address Requests and callback requests contain the wsa:ReplyTo element with the WS addressing
anonymous URI.

The anonymous URI signifies that the response is provided on the same connection
synchronously. In addition, the request messages contain an htng:ReplyTo element that
contains the address to which a callback message should be posted.

Note: Role precedes "anonymous" in all message descriptions (i.e. role\anonymous).

Type: String


Security WS Security elements are required only in the request messages to authenticate into the system to
which the message is sent.

Synchronous response messages (e.g. ACK/NACK) do not require authentication.

1.5 SOAP Header Element and Attribute Descriptions 12

Child Element Attribute Description


@mustUnderstand Notifies the recipient of a SOAP message when the processing of an extension element is

Type: Boolean


Required when the attribute is set to "1", the recipient must recognize the extension element
and process it. If the recipient does not recognize the element, it must report a fault.
If the attribute has the value of "0" (the default), the processing of the extension element is

Valid Values:

"true" ("1")
"false" ("0")

Note: This value is always "true".


Username Username credential for the system that is sent a message.

Two sets of credentials are available:

External system - Requests sent to the external system use the external system credentials.
SynXis - Requests sent to SynXis CRS use the SynXis credentials.

Type: String


1.5 SOAP Header Element and Attribute Descriptions 13

Child Element Attribute Description


Password The password credential for the system that is sent a message.

Two sets of credentials are available:

External system - Requests sent to the external system use the external system credentials.
SynXis - Requests sent to SynXis CRS use the SynXis credentials.

Type: String


1.5 SOAP Header Element and Attribute Descriptions 14

2 OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ/RS
2.1 Message Description
Hotel (chain) customers who process property level information can use the OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ message to send the
hotel data.

For more information:

OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ/RS Use Cases

OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ Elements and Attributes
OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRS Elements and Attributes

2 OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ/RS 15
2.2 OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ Use Cases
2.2.1 Use Case: Send Information about Hotel Description
<OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ xsi:schemaLocation="
FS_OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ.xsd" xmlns:xsd=""
xmlns:xsi="" TimeStamp="2016-10-12T09:26:59"
Version="8.000" xmlns="">
<RequestorID Type="18" ID="SynXis" ID_Context="SynXis"/>
<HotelDescriptiveContent HotelCode="1111" HotelName="SynXis Hotel Name" CurrencyCode="USD"
DistanceUnitOfMeasureCode="1" AreaUnitOfMeasureCode="13">
<RoomBlocks AvailableInd="true"></RoomBlocks>
<HotelInfo WhenBuilt="1999" DaylightSavingIndicator="true">
<Position Latitude="32.946667" Longitude="-97.145278"></Position>
<Service MealPlanCode="14" Included="true" Removal="false">
<DescriptiveText>Room Only</DescriptiveText>
<Description>Meals are provided for every guest</Description>
<Service MealPlanCode="10" Included="true" Removal="false">
<DescriptiveText>American Full board</DescriptiveText>
<Description>Meals are provided for every guest</Description>
<Service MealPlanCode="19" Included="false">

2.2 OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ Use Cases 16

<DescriptiveText>Meals excluded</DescriptiveText>
<Charge Amount="25"/>
<Description>Best breakfast around</Description>
<Service Code="80">
<Feature SecurityCode="97" ExistsCode="1" CodeDetail="Overnight"></Feature>
<Feature SecurityCode="47" ExistsCode="1"></Feature>
<Feature SecurityCode="96">
<Feature SecurityCode="98">
<Feature SecurityCode="26" ExistsCode="1"></Feature>
<Service Code="47">
<Feature AccessibleCode="42" ExistsCode="1"/>
<Feature AccessibleCode="2" ExistsCode="1"/>
<Feature AccessibleCode="6" ExistsCode="1"/>
<Feature AccessibleCode="9" UnitOfMeasureQuantity="50"/>
<Feature AccessibleCode="20" UnitOfMeasureQuantity="3"/>
<Feature AccessibleCode="37">
<DescriptiveText>Floors 1 and 2 have accessible rooms</DescriptiveText>
<Feature AccessibleCode="7">
<DescriptiveText>Description about the room kitchen details for
physically challenged rooms</DescriptiveText>
<Feature AccessibleCode="16">
<DescriptiveText>Room Type A and Room Type B</DescriptiveText>

2.2.1 Use Case: Send Information about Hotel Description 17

<Service Code="50" ExistsCode="1">
<Charge Amount="16.00"/>
<Service Code="177" ExistsCode="1"/>
<Service Code="291" ExistsCode="1" Included="true" CodeDetail="GuestRoom">
<DescriptiveText>internet on tv</DescriptiveText>
<Service Code="44" ExistsCode="1" ProximityCode="1" CodeDetail="Game Room">
<RelativePosition Distance="1"/>
<DescriptiveText>recreation Game Room</DescriptiveText>
<Charge Amount="16"/>
<Service Code="344" ExistsCode="1" Included="true" CodeDetail="GuestRoom"/>
<Service Code="305" ExistsCode="1" Included="false" ProximityCode="1"
CodeDetail="Shuttle to Local Business"/>
<Service Code="307" ExistsCode="1" Included="true" ProximityCode="1" CodeDetail="Social hour"/>
<Service Code="261" ExistsCode="1" Included="true" CodeDetail="BusinessCenter">
<DescriptiveText>Wireless Internet Connection in business center</DescriptiveText>
<Service Code="178" ExistsCode="1" Included="true" CodeDetail="PublicArea">
<DescriptiveText>High speed internet in public area</DescriptiveText>
<Service Code="179" ExistsCode="1" Included="true" CodeDetail="PublicArea">
<DescriptiveText>Complimentary wireless access in public area</DescriptiveText>
<Service Code="89" ExistsCode="1"/>
<Service Code="18" ExistsCode="1"/>
<Service Code="33" ExistsCode="1" Quantity="12" CodeDetail="Number of Elevators"/>
<Service Code="168" ExistsCode="1" CodeDetail="Guest Laundry Facilities">
<Charge Amount="130"/>
<OperationTime Start="09:00" End="22:30"/>

2.2.1 Use Case: Send Information about Hotel Description 18

<Service Code="77" ExistsCode="1" Included="false" ProximityCode="1" CodeDetail="Room Service">
<Charge Amount="120"/>
<DescriptiveText>room service note field</DescriptiveText>
<Service Code="76" ExistsCode="1" Quantity="3" CodeDetail="Number of Restaurants"/>
<Service Code="6" ExistsCode="1" Included="false" ProximityCode="1" CodeDetail="Airlines Desk">
<Charge Amount="120"/>
<DescriptiveText>airline desk note field</DescriptiveText>
<Service BusinessServiceCode="100" ExistsCode="1"/>
<Service BusinessServiceCode="1" ExistsCode="1" CodeDetail="PublicArea"/>
<Service BusinessServiceCode="41" ExistsCode="1" Included="false">
<Charge Amount="1.50"/>
<DescriptiveText>Computer rental</DescriptiveText>
<Service BusinessServiceCode="75" ExistsCode="1" Included="false" CodeDetail="PublicArea">
<Charge Amount="10.00"/>
<DescriptiveText>Analog dial up dataport available in public area at $10 per night</DescriptiveText>
<Service BusinessServiceCode="1" ExistsCode="1" CodeDetail="GuestRoom"/>
<Renovation AreaText="Public Areas" RenovationCompletionDate="2018"/>
<Renovation AreaText="Guest Rooms" PercentOfRenovationCompleted="15" RenovationCompletionDate="2017">

2.2.1 Use Case: Send Information about Hotel Description 19

<MultimediaDescription InfoCode="1">
<Description>This is my property typical description</Description>
<MultimediaDescription InfoCode="20">
<Description>This is my location description</Description>
<MultimediaDescription InfoCode="15">
<Description>This is my services description</Description>
<MultimediaDescription InfoCode="13">
<Description>This is my recreation description</Description>
<MultimediaDescription InfoCode="12">
<Description>This is my facilities description</Description>
<MultimediaDescription InfoCode="6">
<Description>This is my amenities description</Description>
<MultimediaDescription AdditionalDetailCode="31">

2.2.1 Use Case: Send Information about Hotel Description 20

<Description>This is my group policy description</Description>
<MultimediaDescription AdditionalDetailCode="46">
<Description>This is my early checkout description</Description>
<MultimediaDescription AdditionalDetailCode="19">
<Description>This is my late checkout description</Description>
<RelativePosition IndexPointCode="7" Name="Rail station" Distance="2" Nearest="true"/>
<RelativePosition IndexPointCode="8" Name="subway station" Distance="3" Nearest="true"/>
<RelativePosition IndexPointCode="12" Name="Frankfurt am Main" Direction="N" Distance="3" Nearest="true"/>
<RelativePosition IndexPointCode="5" Direction="N" Distance="2"/>
<LocationCategory Code="11" CodeDetail="Location"/>
<LocationCategory Code="8" CodeDetail="Secondary"/>
<LocationCategory Code="4" CodeDetail="District" Removal="true"/>
<SegmentCategory Code="23"></SegmentCategory>
<HotelCategory Code="30" ></HotelCategory>
<HotelCategory Code="13" ></HotelCategory>
<HotelCategory Code="24" ></HotelCategory>
<HotelCategory Code="49" ></HotelCategory>
<HotelCategory Code="29"></HotelCategory>
<GuestRoomInfo Code="1" Quantity="30"/>
<GuestRoomInfo Code="2" Quantity="100"/>
<GuestRoomInfo Code="3" Quantity="124"/>
<GuestRoomInfo Code="5" Quantity="12"/>
<GuestRoomInfo Code="10" Quantity="33"/>
<GuestRoomInfo Code="12" Quantity="999"/>
<GuestRoomInfo Code="18" ExistsCode="1"/>

2.2.1 Use Case: Send Information about Hotel Description 21

<GuestRoomInfo Code="35" Quantity="22"/>
<GuestRoomInfo Code="37" Quantity="25"/>
<MeetingRooms MeetingRoomCount="8" TotalRoomSpace="24200" LargestRoomSpace="3100" SmallestRoomSpace="1100"
TotalExhibitSpace="88888" LargestSeatingCapacity="400" SmallestSeatingCapacity="60">
<MeetingRoom RoomName="meeting room 1">
<Charge ChargeUnit="22" Amount="1500.00"/>
<Code Code="53" ExistsCode="1"/>
<MeetingRoomCapacity MeetingRoomFormatCode="45">
<Occupancy MaxOccupancy="600"/>
<Dimension Area="20000" Height="10" Length="200" Width="100"/>
<Description> This is my meeting room description</Description>
<Code Code="104" Quantity="100"/>
<Code Code="99" ExistsCode="1" CodeDetail="On Property"/>
<Code Code="59" ExistsCode="1"/>
<Code Code="115" ExistsCode="1" CodeDetail="On Property"/>
<Code Code="105" ExistsCode="1"/>
<Code Code="53" ExistsCode="1"/>
<Code Code="1" ExistsCode="1" CodeDetail="On Property"/>
<Code Code="103" ExistsCode="1" CodeDetail="Not On Property"/>
<Code Code="125" ExistsCode="1"/>
<Code Code="91" CodeDetail="On Property"/>
<Restaurant RestaurantName="Resturant On Property" ProximityCode="1" OfferBreakfast="true"

2.2.1 Use Case: Send Information about Hotel Description 22

OfferBrunch="true" OfferLunch="true" OfferDinner="true">
<DescriptiveText>This my restaurant description</DescriptiveText>
<RelativePosition Distance="1"/>
<InfoCode Code="13"/>
<SrvcInfoCode Code="15"/>
<Restaurant RestaurantName="Restaurant offsite" ProximityCode="2" OfferBreakfast="true"
OfferBrunch="true" OfferLunch="true" OfferDinner="true">
<RelativePosition Distance="22"/>
<Text>Cancellation policy of the hotel is described here</Text>
<GuaranteePayment Type="GuaranteePolicy" GuaranteeType="GuaranteeRequired">
<Text>Guarantee policy of the hotel is described</Text>
<GuaranteePayment Type="GuaranteePolicy" GuaranteeType="Deposit">
<Text>Deposit policy of the hotel is described here</Text>
<AcceptedPayment PaymentTransactionTypeCode="reserve" GuaranteeIndicator="true" Remark="InUse">
<PaymentCard CardCode="AX" Remark="AmericanExpress"/>
<AcceptedPayment PaymentTransactionTypeCode="reserve" GuaranteeIndicator="true" Remark="">
<PaymentCard CardCode="CB" Remark="CarteBlanche"/>
<AcceptedPayment PaymentTransactionTypeCode="reserve" GuaranteeIndicator="true" Remark="Remove">

2.2.1 Use Case: Send Information about Hotel Description 23

<PaymentCard CardCode="DC" Remark="DinersClub"/>
<AcceptedPayment PaymentTransactionTypeCode="reserve" GuaranteeIndicator="true" Remark="InUse">
<PaymentCard CardCode="DS" Remark="Discover"/>
<AcceptedPayment PaymentTransactionTypeCode="reserve" GuaranteeIndicator="true" Remark="InUse">
<PaymentCard CardCode="ER" Remark="EnRoute"/>
<AcceptedPayment PaymentTransactionTypeCode="reserve" GuaranteeIndicator="true" Remark="InUse">
<PaymentCard CardCode="EC" Remark="EuroCard"/>
<AcceptedPayment PaymentTransactionTypeCode="reserve" GuaranteeIndicator="true" Remark="InUse">
<PaymentCard CardCode="JC" Remark="JBCInternational"/>
<AcceptedPayment PaymentTransactionTypeCode="reserve" GuaranteeIndicator="true" Remark="InUse">
<PaymentCard CardCode="MC" Remark="MasterCard"/>
<AcceptedPayment PaymentTransactionTypeCode="reserve" GuaranteeIndicator="true" Remark="InUse">
<PaymentCard CardCode="VI" Remark="VISA"/>
<PolicyInfoCode Code="7" CodeContext="RPT" ExistsCode="1"/>
<PolicyInfo CheckInTime="15:30" CheckOutTime="11:00" KidsStayFree="true" AcceptedGuestType="All">
<Description Name="FamilyPolicy">
<Text>Family policy of the hotel is described here</Text>
<PetsPolicies PetsAllowedCode="Pets Allowed">
<PetsPolicy ChargeCode="13">
<Text>Pet policy of the hotel is described here</Text>
<FeePolicy Code="31" Amount="60.00"/>
<FeePolicy Code="44" Amount="10"/>
<FeePolicy Code="47" Amount="10"/>
<FeePolicy Code="42" Amount="0"/>
<FeePolicy Code="37" Amount="5"/>

2.2.1 Use Case: Send Information about Hotel Description 24

<Policy CodeDetail="Cancel" Start="2018-05-25" End="2018-05-30" Code="ABC" Mon="1" Tue="1"
Weds="1" Thur="1" Fri="1" Sat="1" Sun="1"/>
<Policy CodeDetail="Guarantee" Start="2018-05-20" End="2018-05-25" Code="DEF" Mon="1" Tue="1"
Weds="1" Thur="1" Fri="1" Sat="1" Sun="1"/>
<RefPoint IndexPointCode="16" Name="local attraction" Direction="E" Distance="10"
<RefPoint IndexPointCode="17" Name="business attraction" Direction="E" Distance="10"
<RefPoint IndexPointCode="6" Name="LGA" Removal="true"></RefPoint>
<RefPoint IndexPointCode="33" Name="Local landmark name"></RefPoint>
<RefPoint IndexPointCode="31" Name="Metro area name"></RefPoint>
<RefPoint IndexPointCode="30" Name="TX"></RefPoint>
<RefPoint IndexPointCode="13" Name="Alternate city 1 name"></RefPoint>
<RefPoint IndexPointCode="13" Name="Alternate city 2 name"></RefPoint>
<RefPoint IndexPointCode="13" Name="Alternate city 3 name"></RefPoint>
<RefPoint IndexPointCode="6" Name="JFK" PrimaryIndicator="true" Direction="E" Distance="10.5">
<TextItem Title="Directions">
<Description> Enter Description of direction form Airport to property here</Description>
<TextItem Title="Directions by Train/Subway">
<Description> Enter Description of direction form Airport to property here by Train
or Subway</Description>
<RefPoint IndexPointCode="6" Name="DFW">
<Transportation TransportationCode="26" ExistsCode="1" ChargeUnit="32" Amount="45">
<DescriptiveText>Notes for other transportation</DescriptiveText>
<Transportation TransportationCode="26" ChargeUnit="33" Amount="80"/>
<Transportation TransportationCode="2" ExistsCode="2">

2.2.1 Use Case: Send Information about Hotel Description 25

<DescriptiveText>Notes for boat transportation</DescriptiveText>
<Attraction AttractionName="PublicTransportation" ProximityCode="3" Removal="true"/>
<Recreation Code="103" ProximityCode="2" Included="false"/>
<Recreation Code="7" ProximityCode="2" Included="false"/>
<Recreation Code="88" ProximityCode="2" Included="true"/>
<Recreation Code="109" ProximityCode="2" Included="true"/>
<Recreation Code="156" ExistsCode="1" ProximityCode="1" Included="false"/>
<Recreation Code="158" ProximityCode="1" Included="false">
<Charge Amount="130"/>
<RefPoint Distance="1"></RefPoint>
<DescriptiveText>Extensive Health Club text</DescriptiveText>
<Recreation Code="92" ProximityCode="2" Included="false">
<Charge Amount="25"/>
<RefPoint Distance="10"></RefPoint>
<DescriptiveText>Squash text field</DescriptiveText>
<Award Provider="AA" Removal="true"></Award>
<Award Provider="AAA" Rating="1 Diamond"></Award>
<Award Provider="Forbes" Rating="3 Stars"></Award>
<Award Provider="OHG" Rating="Moderate Tourist"></Award>
<Award Provider="Local Star" Rating="4 Stars"></Award>

2.2.1 Use Case: Send Information about Hotel Description 26

<AddressLine>Street Address line 1</AddressLine>
<AddressLine>Street Address line 2</AddressLine>/AddressLine>
<AddressLine>Street Address line 3</AddressLine>/AddressLine>
<CityName>City Name</CityName>
<StateProv StateCode="TX"/>
<CountryName Code="US"/>
<Phone PhoneTechType="3" PhoneUseType="5" CountryAccessCode="001" AreaCityCode="555"
<Phone PhoneTechType="3" PhoneUseType="7" CountryAccessCode="001" AreaCityCode="555"
<Phone PhoneTechType="1" PhoneUseType="6" CountryAccessCode="001" AreaCityCode="555"

2.2.1 Use Case: Send Information about Hotel Description 27

2.3 OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRS Use Cases
2.3.1 Use Case: Successful Response from SynXis CRS
<Envelope xmlns="">
<soap2:Header xmlns:htng="" xmlns:wsa=""
xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:htnga=""
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:soap=""
<wss:Security mustUnderstand="1">
<OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRS xmlns:xsd=""
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">

2.3 OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRS Use Cases 28

2.3.2 Use Case: Success with Warning
<Envelope xmlns="">
<soap2:Header xmlns:htng="" xmlns:wsa=""
xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:htnga=""
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:soap=""
<wss:Security mustUnderstand="1">
<OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRS xmlns:xsd=""
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
<Warning Type="3" ShortText="A required value was not provided in the Direction attribute(Airport)."
Code="320" RecordID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"/>

2.3.2 Use Case: Success with Warning 29

2.3.3 Use Case: Error Response from SynXis CRS
<Envelope xmlns="">
<soap2:Header xmlns:htng="" xmlns:wsa=""
xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:htnga=""
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:soap=""
<wss:Security mustUnderstand="1">
<OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRS xmlns:xsd=""
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
<Error Type="1" ShortText="Error while loading message: Object reference not set to an instance
of an object." Code="450"/>

For more information:

HotelDescriptiveContents Description
HotelDescriptiveContents Attributes

2.3.3 Use Case: Error Response from SynXis CRS 30

2.4 OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ Elements and Attributes
This section identifies the elements and attributes used in the OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ message.

For the purposes of this document, the message details are organized in the following sections.


For more information:

HotelDescriptiveContents Description
HotelDescriptiveContents Use Cases

2.4 OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ Elements and Attributes 31

OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ Attributes

Child Element Attribute Description


@TimeStamp Indicates when the message was created.

Type: DateTime


Example: [2019-09-07T12:00:00] - "T" is required.


Occurrences: 1

@Version Mandatory OTA attribute.

Type: Decimal


Valid Value: "8.000"

Occurrences: 1

Return to: Table of Contents

OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ Attributes 32
Point of Sale


Identifies the source of the information.

Occurrences: 1

Child Element Attribute Description



@ID ID value.

Type: String


Valid Value: "SynXis"

Occurrences: 1

Point of Sale 33
Child Element Attribute Description


@Type Represents the type of channel sending the information.

Type: String


Valid Value: "18"

Occurrences: 1

@ID_Context ID context.

Type: String


Valid Value: "SynXis"

Occurrences: 1

Return to: Table of Contents

Point of Sale 34
Hotel Descriptive Contents

Child Element Attribute Description


HotelDescriptiveContent Valid user credentials with access to the hotel identified are required to process this

The hotel must be a valid, non-terminated hotel in SynXis CRS and the active end
date must not have expired to process an updated message. Otherwise, an error is

@HotelCode Hotel code.

Type: String


Occurrences: 1

@HotelName The name of the hotel.

Type: String


Occurrences: 1

Hotel Descriptive Contents 35

Child Element Attribute Description


@CurrencyCode The code for the hotel’s default currency.

Type: String

Valid Values: ISO 4217, three alpha code.

@DistanceUnitOfMeasureCode The distance measurement unit used. Values apply as established in the OTA
standard code list for Unit of Measure Code (UOM).

Type: String

Value Description

1 Miles

2 Kilometers

3 Meters

4 Millimeters

5 Centimeters

6 Yards

7 Feet

8 Inches

@AreaUnitOfMeasureCode The area measurement unit used.

Type: String

Value Description

13 Square feet

14 Square meters

Return to: Table of Contents

Hotel Descriptive Contents 36

Room Blocks

Child Element Attribute Description


@AvailableInd Room block status in SynXis CRS.

Type: Boolean

Value Description

true Enable Group Rates in SynXis CRS.

false Disable Group Rates in SynXis CRS.

Return to: Table of Contents

Room Blocks 37
Hotel Information

Hotel Information 38

Hotel Information 39

Child Element Attribute Description


@WhenBuilt The year the hotel was built.

If the attribute is defined with an empty value, any value in Year Built in SynXis
CRS is removed.

Type: Integer

Valid Values: 0 to 9999

@DaylightSavingIndicator Indicates Daylight Savings Time observation status.

Type: Boolean

Value Description

true Enabled Daylight Savings Time Observed? in SynXis CRS.

false Disabled Daylight Savings Time Observed? in SynXis CRS.

Hotel Information 40
Child Element Attribute Description


Position (HotelInfo)

@Latitude The latitude value for the hotel.

Type: Decimal

Valid Values: +90.0000000 to -90.0000000

@Longitude The longitude value for the hotel.

Type: Decimal

Valid Values: +180.0000000 and -180.0000000.

Services (HotelInfo) Container element for following sub-elements.


Hotel Information 41
Child Element Attribute Description


@MealPlanCode Meal plan code.

Type: String

Value Description

1 All Inclusive – AI

2 American/Full Board – AP

3 Bed and Breakfast – BB

4 Buffet Breakfast – BF

5 Caribbean Plan – CB

6 Continental – CP

7 English Breakfast – EB

8 European – EP

9 Family – FP

10 American/Full Board – AP

11 Full Breakfast – FB

12 Modified American/Half Board – MA

14 Room Only – RO. If defined, Charge Type in SynXis CRS is set to

Available at a Charge.

16 Bermuda – BP

17 Dinner Bed and Breakfast – DB

18 Family American – FA

19 Breakfast – BK

Hotel Information 42
Child Element Attribute Description


@Included Identifies if the service is included at no charge.

Type: Boolean


Value Description

true No charge for the service. Chargeable is not enabled and Charge
Type is set to Included in Charge or Complimentary to All.

false The service incurs a charge. This is the default value. The Amount
must be provided. Charge Type is set to Available at a Charge.

@Removal When this attribute is set to true and either a valid @BusinessServiceCode,
@MealPlanCode, or @Code is defined, the service is removed.

Type: Boolean

Value Description

true Remove the service.

false Make no change to the service.

Hotel Information 43
Child Element Attribute Description


@Code Please see the HotelInfo Services Table.

If @Code and @BusinessServiceCode are both defined, the Service

element is ignored.

To send a valid message with the Service element, a @Code or

@BusinessServiceCode must be defined as well as a @CodeDetail.

If @Code = 50 and an additional @Code = 51 and @ExistsCode is set to 1 (yes)

for both options, no update is made to Housekeeping - Daily or Weekly. If both
housekeeping options are defined and @ExistsCode is set to 2 (No) for both
options, any value in Housekeeping-Daily or Weekly is removed.

If @Code = 176 and an additional @Code = 177 and @ExistsCode = to 1 (yes)

for both options, no update is made to Housekeeping - Full or Limited. If both
housekeeping options are defined and @ExistsCode is set to 2 (No) for both
options, any value in Housekeeping-Full or Limited is removed.

If @Code = 1 and @ExistsCode = 1, the Front Desk Hours value is set to 24

Hour. If @Code = 1 and @ExistsCode = 2, the Front Desk Hours value is set to
Limited in SynXis CRS.

If @Code = 62 or 165, the number of night clubs must be set in @Quantity. If

@Code = 62 or 165 and @Quantity is empty, any value defined in #of Nightclubs
or # Lounges is removed.

Type: String


Hotel Information 44
Child Element Attribute Description


@CodeDetail If @Code = 77 (Room service), this attribute determines if room service is

available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The @ExistsCode attribute must
be set to 1 to enable this option. Valid values for room service include:

Value Description

247 Available 24 / 7

Not Set Limited Availability

If @Code= 293 (Parking - controlled access gates to enter parking area), this
attribute determines if this type of parking is available. Valid values include:

Value Description

Yes Parking option is available.

No Parking option is not available.

NA Parking option is set to N/A.

If @Code = 97 (Hours Security), this attribute determines if security is

provided overnight.

Value Description

Overnight Security is enabled.

If this attribute is empty or is not included, an existing selection is removed.

Type: String

If @Code = 296 (Type of Entrances to guest rooms), this attribute determines

the type of door. Valid values include:

Hotel Information 45
Child Element Attribute Description


Value Description

Interior Identifies the entrance as interior.

Exterior Identifies the entrance as exterior.

Both Identifies the entrance as both interior and


If this attribute is empty or is not included, an existing selection is removed.

@BusinessServiceCode Indicates if the business service is available. The @ExistsCode attribute must
be set to 1 to enable the option.

Values 1 and 75 apply to both the Business Center and the Public Area. The value
in the @CodeDetail attribute determines which value is updated.

For a business service, if the @Code and @BusinessServiceCode are both

defined, the Service element is ignored.

The @ExistsCode is required and a value for the service must be defined in
@Amount to create a valid message.

Please see the Business Services Table.

Type: String

Hotel Information 46
Child Element Attribute Description


@ExistsCode Determines if a service is available.

This value must be defined to update a Service element.

Type: Decimal


Value Description

1 Available (Y)

2 Not Available (N).

@ProximityCode Identifies if the service is on or off property.

Type: String

Value Description

1 Onsite; On Property is enabled in SynXis CRS.

2 Offsite; On Property is disabled.

@Quantity Defines how many elevators, restaurants, lounges, or night clubs are available in
the hotel.

Type: Integer

If @Code is set to 76 (# Restaurants), 62 (Night Club), or 165

(Lounges/bars), valid values for this attribute are 0 to 99.
If @Code is set to 33 (Number of Elevators), valid values are 0 to 9999.
If @Code is set to 76, 33, or 62 and @Quantity is empty, the number of
elevators, restaurants, or lounges is removed.

Hotel Information 47
Child Element Attribute Description



@Distance Identifies how far the game room is from the hotel.

If this attribute is included with an empty value, Distance is removed from SynXis

Type: Integer

Valid Value: 1 to 10

DescriptiveText (Service) Notes to associate with the service or meal plan.

For internet service, room service, phone service, business service, or meal plans,
only the first 100 characters are used to update the service.

For game room recreation, the Notes is updated with the first 30 characters.

If the value is empty, an existing Note value is removed.

Type: Decimal

OperationSchedules Container element for following sub-elements.


OperationSchedule Defines the details, dates and hours of operation.

Charge Cost associated with the service.


Hotel Information 48
Child Element Attribute Description


@Amount Fee for the service.

When @Amount is defined with an empty value, Charge Amount is removed.

This attribute is required if @Code is set to 87 (Storage Space).

Type: Decimal


Valid Values: Up to 7 characters. Define up to two decimal places.

OperationTimes Container element for following sub-elements.


OperationTime Provides operating times. Only used with the Service/@Code="168".

@Start The starting value of the operation time.

Type: String

Format: HH:MM

@End The ending value of the operation time.

Type: String

Format: HH:MM

Features (Service) Container element for following sub-elements.


@SecurityCode Security feature to configure. The following safety features can be enabled,
disabled, marked as N/A, or removed. Define @ExistsCode to determine the
configuration in SynXis CRS.

Please see the Security Features Table.

Type: String

Hotel Information 49
Child Element Attribute Description


@AccessibleCode The PHY code for the accessible feature to configure.

Please see the Accessible Features Table.

Type: String

@UnitOfMeasureQuantity Numeric value associated with the measurement.

Type: String

@ExistsCode Determines if the safety code or accessible feature is enabled. For options with a
drop-down box in SynXis CRS, the option can be marked as N/A or removed.

Type: String

Value Description

1 Enables the feature defined in the @SecurityCode or


2 Disables the feature defined in the @SecurityCode or


3* Not applicable*

7* Unknown – The safety feature is removed*

*@ExistsCode can only be set to 3 (Not applicable) or 7 (Unknown) for safety


DescriptiveText (Feature) Describes the service identified.

If this attribute is defined with an empty value or is not included, any existing value
for the security feature is removed.

Type: String

Charge (Feature)

Hotel Information 50
Child Element Attribute Description


@Amount The amount charged for a meal plan or service. The value is a decimal up to 7
places including decimal places.

If this attribute is provided with no value, the value is removed.

Type: Decimal


MultimediaDescriptions Container element for following sub-elements.



TextItems Container element for following sub-elements.


Description A description for a meal plan.

Up to 63 characters are stored in GDS_Description field in SynXis CRS.

Language is set to English.

If this element is sent with an empty value, an existing value is removed.

Type: String

Valid Values: Alphanumeric characters, space, dashes, forward slashes, semi-

colons, periods, and asterisks (*).

Descriptions (HotelInfo) Container element for following sub-elements.

Renovation (Descriptions
- HotelInfo)

Hotel Information 51
Child Element Attribute Description


@AreaText The area in the hotel that is being renovated.

This value is not case sensitive.

Type: String

Value Description

Guest Rooms Guest rooms are being renovated.

Public Areas A public area is being renovated.

@PercentOfRenovationCompleted The percentage of the Guest Rooms where renovation is complete. This value is
only used if @TextArea = GuestRoom. The value defined in this attribute updates
the Refurbished Guest Rooms. Percentage Refurbished in SynXis CRS.

Type: Integer

Valid Values: 0 to 100

@RenovationCompletionDate The last year that the hotel’s public areas were renovated. If this attribute has an
empty value, any existing value is removed.

Type: Integer

Valid Values: 1 to 9999

DescriptiveText How many rooms are being renovated. This attribute is only used to update the
(Renovation - @AreaText attribute set to GuestRoom.
Descriptions - HotelInfo)
If this element is sent with an empty value, any existing value is removed.

Type: Integer

Valid Values: 0 to 9999

MultimediaDescriptions Container element for following sub-elements.

(Descriptions - HotelInfo)

Hotel Information 52
Child Element Attribute Description



@InfoCode Identifies the facility.

Type: String

Value Description

1 Property Description

6 Amenities

12 Facilities

13 Recreation

15 Services

20 Location

@AdditionalDetailCode Additional detail code.

Type: String

Value Description

19 Late departure info

31 Group Booking

46 Early checkout description

TextItems Container element for following sub-elements.


Hotel Information 53
Child Element Attribute Description


Description A description for the Facility Description, Early or Late Checkout, or Group

If this element is sent with an empty value, any existing value is removed.

Type: String


Valid Values: Alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, forward slashes, semi-

colons, periods, and asterisks.

For an early or late checkout description, the first 300 characters update the
checkout description.
For a facility, location, recreation, amenities, or services description, the first
500 characters are stored in SynXis CRS.
For a group booking description or Property Description Typical, the first
2000 characters are stored in SynXis CRS.

RelativePositions Container element for following sub-elements.



Hotel Information 54
Child Element Attribute Description


@IndexPointCode Identifies the type of location.

Type: String

Value Description

7 Rail station

5 City

8 Subway station

10 Bus/coach station

12 Nearest major city

@Name Name of the closest station defined in the @IndexPointCode attribute.

If the value is empty, any existing definition in the Name field is removed.

Only the first 50 characters update SynXis CRS.

Type: String

@Distance Distance of the station from the hotel.

If this attribute is empty, any existing definition is removed.

Type: Decimal

Valid Values: 1 to 7 characters. If a decimal is defined, 1 to 2 decimal places must

be included.

Hotel Information 55
Child Element Attribute Description


@Nearest Location identified in @IndexPointCode that is the nearest to the hotel.

Type: Boolean

Value Description

true Location is nearest the hotel.

false Location is not nearest the hotel. SynXis CRS is not updated.

@Direction Direction of the location from the hotel.

If this attribute is set with an empty value, any existing definition is removed.

Type: String

Valid Values: N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, and SW

CategoryCodes Container element for following sub-elements.



Hotel Information 56
Child Element Attribute Description


@Code Following are valid values when @CodeDetail = Location:

Value Description

1 Airport

3 City

10 Resort

11 Rural

13 Suburban

Following are valid values when @CodeDetail = Secondary:

Value Description

7 Lakefront

8 Mountain

15 Beachfront

16 Seaside

23 Countryside

33 Waterfront

34 Ski Resort

Following are valid values when @CodeDetail = District:

Value Description

1 Business

Hotel Information 57
Child Element Attribute Description


Value Description

4 Downtown

19 Entertainment

20 Financial

21 Shopping

22 Theatre

@CodeDetail The category of the location.

Type: String

Valid Values:


@Removal When this attribute equals true and the LocationCategory/@Code is set to
Secondary or District, the selection is removed. If no Removal attribute is provided,
the value is set to false.

Type: Boolean

Value Description

true Remove the selection.

false Make no change to the selection.


Hotel Information 58
Child Element Attribute Description


@Code Sets the value of Market Tier in SynXis CRS.

Type: String

Value Description

2 Budget

4 Deluxe

5 Economy

8 Luxury

17 Midscale w/ F&B

22 Midscale w/o F&B

14 Upscale

23 Upper Upscale


Hotel Information 59
Child Element Attribute Description


@Code Code for the hotel category.

Type: String

Value Description

1 All Suite

11 Corporate Transient

13 Extended Stay

47 Full Service

49 Limited Service

24 Meeting/Conference

29 Resident Apartment

30 Resort

A second property code updates the Secondary Property type in SynXis CRS. A
third value updates Additional Property Type. A fourth property code updates the
Additional Property Type 2. A fifth property code updates Additional Property Type
3. Only the first five elements are processed.


Hotel Information 60
Child Element Attribute Description


@Code The type of room being stored.

Type: String


Value Description

1 Accessible rooms

2 Nonsmoking rooms

3 Suites

5 Floors

10 Rooms with double beds

12 Total rooms

18 Smoking room available; If this code is defined, the @ExistsCode

must be set to 1 to identify that smoking rooms are available.

35 Connecting rooms or suites

37 Rooms with single beds

The @Quantity must also be defined if @Code is included.

Hotel Information 61
Child Element Attribute Description


@ExistsCode Determines if smoking rooms are available.

If this attribute is set to 1 and @Code is set to 18, Smoking Rooms Available is
enabled. Otherwise, this option is not enabled.

Type: Decimal

Value Description

1 Smoking rooms are available

@Quantity Number of rooms stored for the type identified in @Code.

Type: Integer

Valid Values:

For 5 (floors) are 1 to 999.

For all other Quantities are 0 to 99999.

This value is not defined if @Code = 18 (smoking rooms).

Return to: Table of Contents

Hotel Information 62
HotelInfo Services to Configure

Services to configure.

Code (HAC) Description

1 Front Desk Hours

5 Air Conditioning

6 Airlines Desk

7 Cash Machine/ATM On Site

9 BBQ/Picnic Area

15 Car Rental Desk

16 Casino

20 Coffee Shop

22 Concierge

26 Currency Exchange

28 Doctor on Call

33 Number of Elevators

34 Executive or Club Floors

35 Exercise Gym

36 Express Check in Fee

37 Express Check-out

44 Game Room

45 Gift Shop / News Stand

46 Hair Salon

47 Accessible Facilities

HotelInfo Services to Configure 63

Code (HAC) Description

48 Extensive Health Club

50 Housekeeping – daily

51 Housekeeping – weekly

53 Garage / Covered Parking

56 Jogging Track

57 Kennels

58 Laundry / Valet

62 Night Club

64 Parking Available at a charge

65 Parking Street Side

68 Parking

69 Photocopy center

71 Pool

75 Recreational Vehicle Pparking

76 Number of Restaurants

77 Room Service

80 Security

81 Shoe Shine

83 Solarium

87 Storage Space Available

88 Convenience store that sells food / Sundry Store

91 Tour Desk

HotelInfo Services to Configure 64

Code (HAC) Description

92 Translation

96 Dry Cleaning

97 Parking – Valet

100 WakeUp Calls

106 Bellman

110 Separate Floors for Women

116 Accessible Parking

118 Barbecue Grills Available

129 Dry Cleaning Same Day

140 Coffee/Tea

143 Dinner Delivery Service from Local Restaurant

149 Grocery Shopping Service

157 Breakfast Buffet

159 Breakfast Continental

161 Breakfast Full

165 Lounge/Bar

168 Onsite Laundry

176 Full Service Housekeeping

177 Limited Service Housekeeping

178 High Speed Internet Access for Laptop in Public Area

179 Wireless Internet Connection in Public Area

181 Transportation Services - Local Area

HotelInfo Services to Configure 65

Code (HAC) Description

183 DVD/Video Rental

184 Parking Lot

186 Parking - Street Side

190 Local Calls

194 Childcare

196 Early Check in

200 Aerobics Instruction

204 Late Check-Out Available

207 Sports trainer

208 Evening Turn Down

216 Long term parking

220 No Adult Channels/No Pornographic Films

228 Business Center

229 Business Center Services

232 Snow Sports

234 Water Sports

235 Children Programs

259 High Speed Internet Access for Laptop in Business Center

261 Wireless Internet Connection in business center

267 PC and Printer Available

269 Meeting Rooms

271 Secretarial Service

HotelInfo Services to Configure 66

Code (HAC) Description

273 Water Skiing

274 Fax service

282 Airport Shuttle

290 Meets Local, State and Country Building Codes

291 Internet Browser on TV

292 Newspaper

293 Parking – Controlled Access Gate To Enter Parking

294 Hotel Safe Deposit Box (Not Room Safe Box)

296 Type of Entrances to Guest Rooms

297 Beverage / Cocktail

298 Cellular Phone Rental

300 Early Check-in Guarantee

301 Food and Beverage Discount

302 Late Check-out Guarantee

303 Room Upgrade Confirmed

304 Room Upgrade (When Available)

305 Shuttle to Local Business

306 Shuttle to Local Attraction

307 Social Hour

308 Video Billing

309 Welcome Gift

310 Hypoallergenic Rooms Available In Use

HotelInfo Services to Configure 67

Code (HAC) Description

312 Smoke-Free Property

313 Water Purification System

314 Poolside Service

316 Electric Car Charging Stations

319 Faxing Incoming

320 Faxing Outgoing

343 High Speed Internet Access (other than wireless and Internet on TV)

344 Wireless Internet Connection

349 Mobile/Digital Check-in

350 Mobile/Digital Check-out

351 Choose a Room

352 Enhanced Hygiene/Cleanliness Protocols

353 Cleanliness Certification

354 Contactless Payment Available During Check in/out

355 Wrapped Disposable or Metal Straws

356 IndividuallySsealed Disposable Uensils Available

357 Individually Package Food Options

358 Additional Cleaning Services

359 Contactless In-room Dining

360 Hotel Staff Allowed to Enter a Hotel Room Once aGguest Has Checked in

361 Staff's Access to Guest Rooms Subject to the Guest's Authorization

362 Buffets or Plated Meals Served Only by Employees/Attendants

HotelInfo Services to Configure 68

Code (HAC) Description

363 Pre-packaged Breakfast Items

364 Non-touch Operations Available in Public Bathrooms

365 Measures Are in Place to Avoid Guests Handling Food at Buffets

366 Self-service Food Utensils Replaced Frequently

367 Luggage Stored Per Group of Guests

368 Non-shareable Food and Beverage Menus Provided

369 Housekeeping by Request

370 Controlled Occupancy in Elevators

371 Property Air Purification System

372 Allergy Friendly Rooms

373 Medical Grade Air Purification System

374 Testing and Tracing Policies

Return to: Hotel Descriptive Content HotelInfo Service Code

HotelInfo Services to Configure 69

Business Services to Configure

Business service codes.

Code (BUS) Description

1 Computer

2 Copier

13 Long Distance Access

16 International direct dialing

26 Office supplies

27 Overhead projector

28 Printer

37 Audio visual equipment

41 Computer rental

43 Flip Charts

48 Overhead Projector

58 Notary Public

62 Overnight delivery/pickup

63 Pager Rental

64 Post / Parcel Service

65 Private Offices and business services

75 Analog Dial Up Dataport

76 Calling Card Calls or Credit Card Call

77 Carrier access (950, 1010xxx)

78 Interstate calls

Business Services to Configure 70

Code (BUS) Description

79 Intrastate calls

80 Local calls

81 Long distance calls

82 Operator-assisted calls (collect or third party)

90 Toll free call

91 Slide Projector

Return to: Hotel Descriptive Content Business Service Code

Business Services to Configure 71

Security Features to Configure

Security feature to configure. The following safety features can be enabled, disabled, marked as N/A, or removed. Define @ExistsCode to determine
the configuration in SynXis CRS.

Code (SEC) Description

7 Building meets all current local, state and country building codes

8 Complies with Hotel/Motel Safety Act

12 Doctor On Call

14 Auto Recall Elevators

15 Emergency Backup Generators

16 Emergency Evacuation Plan

21 Fire Detectors in Hall

22 Fire Detectors in Public Areas

25 Fire Resistant Hall Room Doors

30 Lighted parking area

32 Multiple Exits on Each Floor

34 Patrolled Parking Areas

36 Property Has Elevators

49 Smoke detector in hallways

50 Smoke detector in public areas

53 Sprinklers in Hall

54 Sprinklers in Public Areas

59 Ventilated Stair Wells

60 Video Surveillance at Entrance

Security Features to Configure 72

Code (SEC) Description

62 Video Surveillance in Public Areas

70 Fire Extinguishers in Hallways

72 Audible Alarms in Hallways

73 Audible Alarms in Public Areas

76 Camera monitoring parking area 24 hrs

77 Camera recording parking area 24 hrs

82 Video Surveillance of Parking Areas

83 Alarms have Strobe Lights in Public Areas

84 Alarms have Strobe Lights in Public Areas

85 Emergency Exits on Each Floor

86 Video Surveillance recorded 24 hrs a day

87 Video Surveillance monitored 24 hrs a day

89 Fire Extinguishers in Public Areas

95 Hotel has fire safety measures in place but does not meet a national fire safety standard

101 AAA security standards

106 Health club facilities (pool/gym) require key access for entrance

The following options can only be enabled or disabled in SynXis CRS.

Code (SEC) Description

1 Guest Room Doors Have a Second Lock

3 Alarms Continuously Monitored

4 Audible Smoke Alarms in Rooms

Security Features to Configure 73

Code (SEC) Description

5 AutoLink to Fire Department

6 Automatic Fire Doors

10 Deadbolts on Room Doors

13 Electronic Key Cards

17 Exit Maps in Rooms

18 Emergency Info in Rooms

19 Emergency Lighting

20 Fire Detectors in Rooms

26 Frequency of evacuation drills

27 Guest Room Doors Self Closing

28 Audible Smoke Alarms Hardwired

31 Well Lit Walkways

33 Parking Attendant

37 Public Address System

43 Room Windows Open

44 Safety Chains on Guest Room Door

45 Secondary Locks on Windows

46 Secondary Locks on Sliding Glass Doors

47 24 Hour security

47 Overnight Security

52 Sprinklers in Rooms

55 Staff Trained in CPR

Security Features to Configure 74

Code (SEC) Description

56 Staff Trained for Duplicate Keys

57 Staff Trained in First Aid

58 Uniform Security on Premises

61 Video Surveillance in Hallways

63 Guest Room Doors Have Viewports

64 Alarms have Strobe Lights in Guest Rooms

65 Exit Signs Lit

68 Balconies Accessible to Adjoining Rooms

71 Security Personnel on Site

74 An Automated External Defibrillator on Site (AED)

75 Basic Medical Equipment on Site

79 Exterior doors (except lobby entrance) require key

80 Staff Red Cross Certified in CPR

81 Staff trained in Automated External Defibrillator

90 First Aid Available

92 Secured Floors Available

93 Property meets Requirements for Fire Safety

96 FEMA approved

97 Hours Security

98 Emergency svc report time (minutes)

99 Security Escorts Available on Request

100 Swing bolt Lock

Security Features to Configure 75

Code (SEC) Description

104 Audible Alarms

108 Digital Key/Mobile Key

109 Social distancing measures deployed

110 Signage deployed to facilitate social distancing

111 Physical barriers deployed to facilitate social distancing

112 Floor markers deployed to facilitate social distancing

113 Physical spacing required to facilitate social distancing

114 Personal protective equipment worn by hotel staff

115 Hospital grade disinfectants used

116 Masks required for all in public spaces

117 Contaminated rooms quarantined

118 Hotel disinfects luggage

119 Disinfecting electrostatic spray used upon check-out

120 Disinfecting electrostatic spraying used in public spaces

121 Hand sanitizer stations in high traffic public spaces

122 Communicate proper health and safety procedures to staff and guests

123 Local law requires guests to complete a health declaration form at check-in

124 Property limits number of guests in food and beverage areas

125 Masks available

126 Latex free gloves available

127 Disinfecting wipes available

128 Hand sanitizer available

Security Features to Configure 76

Code (SEC) Description

129 Designated waste bins to collect hazardous material available

130 Hotel sanitize or dispose of key cards after each use

131 Pools and/or spas chemicals are maintained and meet local jurisdiction

132 Contractors/vendors informed of local health and safety regulations

133 Enhanced laundry care for contaminated linens

134 Temperature check performed

135 Rapid testing

136 Proof of negative test

137 Proof of vaccination

138 Guest accommodations sealed after cleaning

139 All bedding cleaned between gust stays

140 Linens and laundry washed in accordance with local authority or brand guidelines

141 All linens sanitized in high temperature wash

142 Shared use equipment removed

143 Contact tracing in accordance with local authorities

144 Masks required on hotel provided transportation

145 Reduced occupancy to ensure social distancing on hotel shuttle

146 Hotel provided transportation disinfected frequently

Return to: Hotel Descriptive Content Features Security Code

Security Features to Configure 77

Accessible Features to Configure

Code (PHY) Description

0 Accessible Bathing Controls

1 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance

2 Audible emergency alarm for sight impaired guest

3 Bathroom vanity in guest rooms for wheelchair user's height

6 Complies with Local/State/Federal laws for disabled

7 Describe in detail how your kitchen is accessible. Include special appliances, lowered cabinets, where dishes are kept, are
upper cabinets usable.

9 Door width in inches

10 Elevators have Braille Instructions

11 Emergency exits signs in Braille

12 Emergency info in Braille

13 Flashing door knocker available

14 Impairment aids available

15 Light switches in guest rooms for wheelchair user's height

16 List available room types for disabled persons- 8 fields

20 Number of roll-in showers available

21 Number of accessible rooms with standard tub

22 Number of rooms with Braille

23 Number of rooms with wheelchair accessible showers

24 Number of wheelchair accessible rooms

28 Physically Challenged Public/Common Areas

Accessible Features to Configure 78

Code (PHY) Description

29 Service animals allowed on property for people with disabilities

33 Vibrating alarm available

34 Visual emergency alarm for hearing impaired guest

36 Wheelchairs available

37 Which floors have accessible rooms

38 Handrails in bathrooms

39 Adapted Telephones

42 Accessible Elevators

43 Hearing Impaired Services

45 Closed Caption TV

47 Television amplifier

49 Ramp Access

50 Accessible parking

51 Accessible van parking

52 Accessible Toilets

53 Bathroom doors open outward

55 Elevator access to all levels

56 Elevator near accessible rooms

58 Emergency Codes/Buttons in Room

59 Emergency instructions in pictorial form

60 Emergency procedures for people with disabilities

61 Facilities for people with vision impairment only

Accessible Features to Configure 79

Code (PHY) Description

62 Facilities for people with hearing impairment only

64 Flat terrain between parking and entrance

65 Hearing Induction Loops

66 Restaurant/Bar menus available in Braille

67 Restaurant/Bar menus available in 14pt print

69 Service / Guide Dogs Allowed

70 Staff proficient in sign language

71 Staff trained in service to disabled guests

72 Steps/staircases have handrails

73 Steps/staircases have color markings

74 Subtitles/closed captions available on TV

75 Tactile/14pt print signage throughout hotel

76 Pillow Alarms Available

82 Height from ground of elevator external buttons

83 Height from ground of elevator internal buttons

92 Width/diameter of clear floor space at main hotel entrance

93 Width/diameter of clear floor space at main restaurant entrance

94 Width/diameter of elevator clear door opening space

95 Width/diameter of main corridors

98 Width/diameter of wheelchair turning space in lobby/reception area

101 Height from ground of elevator internal handrails

102 Accessible baths

Accessible Features to Configure 80

Code (PHY) Description

103 Braille/large print literature

104 Adapted room doors

106 Special needs menus

107 Wide entrance

108 Wide corridors

109 Wide restaurant entrance

113 Lowered electrical outlets

116 TTY/TTD compatible

121 Wheelchair lift required

129 Hotel entrance is accessible

130 Route from accessible public entrance to registration area is accessible

131 Guest rooms and access routes are accessible

132 Route from accessible public entrance to restaurant is accessible

133 Route from accessible public entrance to meeting room/ballroom area is accessible

134 Route from accessible public entrance to exercise facility is accessible

135 Route from accessible public entrance to pool is accessible

136 Route from accessible public entrance to business center is accessible

137 Route from accessible public entrance to spa is accessible

138 Accessible rooms

139 Registration desk is wheelchair accessible

140 Concierge desk is wheelchair accessible

141 Hotel restaurant is wheelchair accessible

Accessible Features to Configure 81

Code (PHY) Description

142 Exercise facility is wheelchair accessible

143 Pool is wheelchair accessible

144 Business center is wheelchair accessible

145 Accessible self parking available

146 Van accessible parking in self parking

147 Complementary accessible transportation with advanced notice

149 Assistive listening devices for meetings upon request

150 Number of accessible meeting rooms

151 Valet Parking Accepts And Parks Vehicles Outfitted For Wheelchair Users

152 Spa Is Wheelchair Accessible

153 Meeting Room/Ballroom Is Wheelchair Accessible

154 Accessible Transportation Available On-Site

155 Accessible Transportation Can Be Arranged By Hotel With Third-Party Vendor

258 Number Of Accessible Rooms

Return to: Hotel Descriptive Content Features Accessibility Code

Accessible Features to Configure 82

Facility Information

Facility Information 83

Facility Information 84
Child Element Attribute Description



@MeetingRoomCount A 1 to 4 character integer that identifies the number of meeting rooms. If this attribute is
defined with no value, the value is set to zero.

Type: Integer

@TotalRoomSpace 1 to 6 character integer that identifies the available meeting space. If it is defined with no
value, the Total Meeting Space is set to zero.

Type: Integer

@LargestRoomSpace A 1 to 6 character integer that identifies the largest available meeting room. If it is
defined with no value, SynXis CRS is set to zero.

Type: Integer

@SmallestRoomSpace A 1 to 6-character integer that identifies the smallest available meeting room. If defined
with no value, the Smallest Room Space in SynXis CRS is set to zero.

Type: Integer

@TotalExhibitSpace A 1 to 6-character integer that identifies available exhibit space. If defined with no value,
the Total Exhibit Space is set to zero.

Type: Integer

@LargestSeatingCapacity A 1 to 6 character integer that identifies the meeting room with the largest seating
capacity. If it is defined with no value, the Largest Seating Capacity in SynXis CRS is
set to zero.

Type: Integer

Facility Information 85
Child Element Attribute Description


@SmallestSeatingCapacity A 1 to 6 character integer that identifies the meeting room with the smallest seating
capacity. If this attribute is defined with no value, the Smallest Seating Capacity in
SynXis CRS is set to zero.

Type: Integer

MeetingRoom A valid value for @RoomName and Dimension/@Area is required.

Type: String

@RoomName Name of the meeting room.

Type: String

Valid Values: 1 to 50 alphanumeric characters, spaces or dashes. Providing only

spaces is invalid.

@Removal Indicates if the meeting room is to be deleted.

Type: Boolean

Valid Value: "true" - If this value is "true" and the Meeting room is defined for the hotel,
the meeting room is deleted.

Codes (MeetingRoom) Container element for following sub-elements.


@Code Meeting Room feature to configure. The following features can be enabled or disabled.
Define @ExistsCode to determine the configuration in SynXis CRS.

Type: String

Valid Value: "53" (Video Conferencing) only.

Facility Information 86
Child Element Attribute Description


@ExistsCode Indicates if the meeting feature is enabled or disabled.

Type: String

Value Description

1 Enables the meeting feature defined in @Code.

2 Disables the meeting feature defined in @Code.

Charge (Code)

@ChargeUnit When @ChargeUnit = 22 and @Amount is defined as 0, Minimum Charge is set to


Type: String

Value Description

22 Minimum charge

@Amount The amount of the minimum charge.

If @ChargeUnit = 22 and no Amount is provided, any existing Minimum charge is


Type: Decimal

Valid Values: 1 to 10 numeric characters. If a decimal is included, one to two decimal

places must be included.


MeetingRoomCapacity This element must include @MaxOccupancy.

Facility Information 87
Child Element Attribute Description


@MeetingRoomFormatCode Capacity of the meeting room type.

Type: String

Value Description

1 Banquet Capacity

2 Class Room Capacity

3 Conference Capacity

5 Theater Capacity

6 U-Shaped Capacity

7 Reception Capacity

8 Boardroom Capacity

35 Largest Capacity - no tables or chairs

36 Open Square Capacity

45 Other Capacity


@MaxOccupancy Sets the maximum occupancy allowed for the room type, from 0 to 9999999 characters.

If it is included with no value, the maximum occupancy is set to 0.

Type: String


Facility Information 88
Child Element Attribute Description


@Area Total space for the meeting room. The Total Space field is updated in SynXis CRS.

Type: Decimal

Valid Values: 1 to 10 numeric characters. When a decimal is included, two decimal

places must be defined.

@Height The ceiling height, defined as 1 to 10 numeric characters.

If a decimal point is included, one or two decimal values must be specified.

If this attribute has no value defined, the existing ceiling height is removed.

Type: Decimal

@Length The length of the room, from 1 to 10 numeric characters.

If a decimal point is included, one or two decimal values must be specified.

If this attribute has no value defined, the existing length is removed.

Type: Decimal

@Width The width of the room, from 1 to 10 numeric characters.

If a decimal point is included, one or two decimal values must be specified.

If this attribute has no value defined, the existing width is removed.

Type: Decimal

MultimediaDescriptions Container element for following sub-elements.



TextItems Container element for following sub-elements.


Facility Information 89
Child Element Attribute Description


Description Description of the meeting room. The first 200 characters update SynXis CRS.

If the value is empty, any existing description is removed.

Type: String

Codes (MeetingRooms) Container element for following sub-elements.


@Code Meeting Room feature to configure. The following features can be enabled, disabled,
marked as N/A, or removed. Define @ExistsCode to determine the configuration in
SynXis CRS.

For the listing of codes, please see the Meeting Room Features Table.

If this attribute is set to 104 and @Quantity is an empty value, Number of Meeting
Personnel on site is set to 0.

All other codes are enabled or disabled based on the @ExistsCode attribute.

Type: String

@ExistsCode This does not apply to 104 (Number of meeting service personnel on site) or 91 (Number
of Meeting Rooms).

Type: String

Value Description

1 Enables the meeting feature defined in @Code.

2 Disables the meeting feature defined in @Code.

@Quantity If @Code is set to 104 (Number of Meeting Service Personnel on site), set this attribute
to the number of personnel on site, from 1 to 4 integers.

Type: Integer

Facility Information 90
Child Element Attribute Description


@CodeDetail This option only applies to Conference Space.

Type: String

Value Description

On Property Enables Conference Space - On Property.

Not On Property Disables Conference Space - On Property.

Restaurants (FacilityInfo)


@RestaurantName Name of the restaurant. If one is not found, a new restaurant is added.

Type: String


@Removal Set to "true" to delete dining options associated with the restaurant name. The
restaurant must match the value in SynXis CRS to delete any options.

Type: Boolean

@ProximityCode Identifies if the restaurant is on or off the property.

Type: String

Value Description

1 Onsite

2 Offsite

@OfferBreakfast Identifies if the hotel offers breakfast.

Type: Boolean

Valid Values: "true" or "false"

Facility Information 91
Child Element Attribute Description


@OfferBrunch Identifies if the hotel offers brunch.

Type: Boolean

Valid Values: "true" or "false"

@OfferLunch Identifies if the hotel offers lunch.

Type: Boolean

Valid Values: "true" or "false"

@OfferDinner Identifies if the hotel offers dinner.

Type: Boolean

Valid Values: "true" or "false"

DescriptiveText Provides text to describe available services.


@Distance The distance the restaurant is from the hotel.

Type: Decimal

Valid Values: 0 to 9999.99.

InfoCodes Container element for following sub-elements.


@Code Identifies valid restaurant categories InfoCodes.

For the listing of codes, please see the Restaurant Categories Table.

Type: String

@Removal When set to "true", this attribute removes the restaurant category option from the hotel.

Type: Boolean

Facility Information 92
Child Element Attribute Description


SrvcInfoCodes Container element for following sub-elements.


@Code Identifies valid restaurant services SrvcInfoCodes.

For the listing of codes, please see the Restaurant Services Table.

Type: String

@Removal When set to "true", this attribute removes the service option from the restaurant

Type: Boolean

Return to: Table of Contents

Facility Information 93
Meeting Room Features to Configure

Meeting Room feature to configure. The following features can be enabled, disabled, marked as N/A, or removed. Define @ExistsCode to determine
the configuration in SynXis CRS.

Code (MRC) Description

1 AV Equipment

3 Blackboards

4 Bulletin boards

17 High speed internet access

18 Installed stage

21 LCD_Panel

22 LCD projector

53 Video Conferencing

59 Dedicated Exhibit Space

91 Number of Meeting Rooms

99 Conference Space

103 Catering

104 Number of Meeting Personnel on site

105 Host Social Functions

107 35mm projector

115 Onsite Convention services

116 Equipment rental

117 Exhibit services

119 Lectern

Meeting Room Features to Configure 94

Code (MRC) Description

124 Analog internet connectivity

125 Free Wireless Internet Connectivity in all Meeting Rooms

150 Backstage projector

160 Easel

208 Pens and writing pads upon request

209 Virtual site inspection available

210 Meeting space capacities and configurations follow social distancing guidelines

211 Food and beverage stations include protective sneeze guards

212 Third-party partners comply with property's cleanliness standards

213 Live-streaming meetings capabilities enabled

214 Direct access to outdoor space

215 Windows open for ventilation

216 Group size may be limited

217 Single serve food and beverage options available

Return to: Hotel Descriptive Content FacilityInfo Meeting Room Code

Meeting Room Features to Configure 95

Restaurant Categories to Configure

Restaurant category codes.

Code (RES) Description

1 All purpose

2 Beverage

3 Buffet

4 Cafe

5 Cafeteria

6 Casual

7 Family

8 Fast food

9 Fine dining

10 Kiosk

12 Upscale

13 Bar/lounge

14 Brasserie

15 Coffee bar

16 Dessert/ice cream/snack bar

18 Pub

19 Deli

20 Private dining

21 Sports bar

22 Piano bar

Restaurant Categories to Configure 96

Code (RES) Description

23 Outdoor bar/café

24 Beer garden

25 Beach bar

26 Tapas bar

Return to: Hotel Descriptive Content FacilityInfo Restaurant InfoCode

Restaurant Categories to Configure 97

Restaurant Services to Configure

Restaurant features to configure.

Code (RSI) Description

2 Casual dining

3 Catering

4 Cooked to order

6 Full service

7 Meals to go

8 Room service

9 Self service

10 Special meal services

11 Take out

12 Delivery service to property available

13 Children's menu available

14 Dedicated non-smoking section

15 Smoking Section is available

16 Accommodates diabetic/sugar free requirements

17 Accommodates gluten free requirements

18 Accommodates lactose free requirements

19 Accommodates low fat requirements

20 Accommodates high fiber requirements

21 Accommodates low potassium requirements

22 Accommodates low sodium requirements

Restaurant Services to Configure 98

Code (RSI) Description

23 Contactless payment available

24 Table spacing/reduced occupancy follows local guidance

25 Restricted to hotel guest use only

26 Outdoor seating available

27 Heated outdoor seating available

28 Year-round outdoor seating available

Return to: Hotel Descriptive Content FacilityInfo Restaurant SrvcInfoCode

Restaurant Services to Configure 99

@Mon @Tue @Weds @Thur @Fri @Sat @Sun

Policies 100

Child Element Attribute Description



Policies 101
Child Element Attribute Description


@CodeDetail If a guarantee or cancel policy is found at the hotel level, the hotel’s primary chain,
or a primary brand and it matches the code value provided, the policy is assigned
at the hotel level for the date specified.

Type: String


Value Description

Guarantee A guarantee policy is defined.

Cancel A cancel policy is defined.

@Start Start date of the policy.

Type: Date/Time

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Valid Values: Today to three years from today.

@End End date of the policy. This value must be greater than or equal to @Start.

Type: Date/Time

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Valid Values: Today to three years from today.

Policies 102
Child Element Attribute Description


@Removal If this attribute is set to "true", any policy that matches the @Code value is
removed, for the date specified.

Type: Boolean

Value Description

true Remove the selection.

false Make no change to the selection.

@Code Guarantee policy or cancel policy.

A policy must be defined at the hotel, the hotel’s primary chain, or primary brand
with a code that matches a value defined in SynXis CRS.

Valid Values: One to three character code.

Type: String


The days of week to which the policy applies.

If one attribute is included, all attributes must be included.

Type: Boolean
@Mon, @Tue, @Weds,
@Thur, @Fri, @Sat, @Sun Value Description

0 false; the day specified is not applied.

1 true; the day specified is updated. This is the default value. If an

attribute is not defined, it is set to 1.

CancelPolicy (Policy) Container element for following sub-elements.


Policies 103
Child Element Attribute Description



Text (PenaltyDescription - Describes the penalty. The first 600 characters update SynXis CRS.
Type: String

Valid Values: Alphanumeric, spaces, dashes, forward slashes, semi-colons,

periods, and asterisks.


GuaranteePayment A @Type attribute with a value of "GuaranteePolicy" and a @GuaranteeType

with a valid value are required to update the GuaranteePaymentPolicy. If
both attributes are not defined, this element is ignored.

@Type This attribute and the @GuaranteeType attribute are required to send a valid
GuaranteePayment element.

Type: String


Valid Value: "GuaranteePolicy"

Policies 104
Child Element Attribute Description


@GuaranteeType The type of policy.

This attribute and the @Type attribute are required to send a valid
GuaranteePayment element.

When @GuaranteeType is defined with a valid value and the Text element is
not included or is defined with an empty value, an existing Guarantee or Deposit
Policy is removed.

Type: String


Value Description

GuaranteeRequired Guarantee policy

Deposit Policy


Text (Description - A description of the Guarantee or Deposit policy.

If this value is not defined or has is empty, the Guarantee or Deposit Policy is
removed. The first 600 characters are stored in the Guarantee or Deposit Policy.

Type: String


Valid Values: Alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, forward slashes, semi-

colons, periods, and asterisks.

AcceptedPayments This element is required to update the payment methods. It must include
(GuaranteePayment) @CardCode that matches a supported payment type.

Policies 105
Child Element Attribute Description


AcceptedPayment To create a valid AcceptedPayments/AcceptedPayment element, a valid

card type must be defined in the @CardCode attribute and the
AcceptedPayment/@Remark must be defined.

The updates are made at the hotel level and not at the chain level.

@PaymentTransactionTypeCode Determines if a deposit is required.

Type: String

Value Description

Reserve Enables For deposit.

Unreserve For deposit is disabled.

@GuaranteeIndicator Identifies if guarantee is enabled.

The following payment methods do not allow guarantee to be enabled: Alipay,

Boleto, Konbini, Loyalty Program Points, PayPal, UnionPay, and iDeal.

Type: Boolean


Value Description

True Enables payment guarantee.

False Disables payment guarantee.

Policies 106
Child Element Attribute Description


@Remark Defines if the accepted payment is in use or is disabled. This value is not case

Type: String

Value Description

InUse In Use is enabled in SynXis CRS.

No value In Use is disabled in SynXis CRS.

Remove Removes the payment method.


Policies 107
Child Element Attribute Description


@CardCode A valid value for the supported payment method.

When a payment method is deleted, the Code and Description values in SynXis
CRS are deleted. The Guarantee, For Deposit, and In Use are disabled.

Type: String

Value Description

AX AmericanExpress

CB CarteBlanche

DC, DN DinersClub

DS Discover

ER EnRoute

EC EuroCard

JC JCBInternational

MC, CA, IK MasterCard


@Remark Description of the payment method type. The first 40 characters update the
Description in SynXis CRS.

Type: String


PolicyInfoCodes (Policy) Container element for following sub-elements.


Policies 108
Child Element Attribute Description


@Code Rate plan code for family plan.

@Code and @CodeContext must be included.

Type: String


Value Description

7 Family plan

@CodeContext CodeContext for family plan.

@Code and @CodeContext must be included.

Type: String


Value Description

RPT Rate Plan Type Code List Code Value.

@ExistsCode Identifies if family plan is enabled or disabled.

Type: Boolean

Value Description

1 Family Plan Offered is enabled (Y)

2 Family Plan Offered is disabled (N)

PolicyInfo (Policy) Family policy of the hotel is described here.

Policies 109
Child Element Attribute Description


Value Description

true Kids Stay Free is selected.

false Kids Stay Free is not selected.

Type: Boolean

@CheckInTime The check in time. Values use a 24-hour format, in 30 minute increments. If a
value is provided that is not a 30-minute increment, the value is rounded down to
the nearest 30 minute increment.

Type: Time

Valid Values: 00:00 to 23:30

@CheckOutTime The check out time. Values use a 24-hour format, in 30 minute increments. If a
value is provided that is not a 30-minute increment, the value provided is rounded
down to the nearest 30 minute increment.

Type: Time

Valid Values: 00:00 to 23:30

@AcceptedGuestType Defines the property as adults only or property suitable for children.

Type: String

Value Description

AdultsOnly The Property Suitable for Children field is disabled and

Adults-only/Hotel/No Kids Allowed is enabled.

All The Property Suitable for Children field is enabled and

Adults-only/Hotel/No Kids Allowed is disabled.

Description (PolicyInfo)

Policies 110
Child Element Attribute Description


@Name If this value is set to FamilyPolicy and a description is provided in the Text
attribute, the value is updated in the Family Policy field.

If this value is set to "Family Policy" and the Text attribute is empty, the Family
Policy is removed.

Type: String

Text (Description - A value for the @Name field.

Type: String

Valid Values: Alphanumeric, spaces, dashes, forward slashes, semi-colons,

periods, and asterisks. The first 500 characters are used to update SynXis CRS.

PetsPolicies (Policy)

@PetsAllowedCode Indicates if pets are allowed or not allowed.

Type: String

Value Description

Pets Allowed Pets Allowed is enabled.

Pets Not Allowed Pets Allowed is disabled.


@ChargeCode Indicates the status of the pet policy.

Type: String

Value Description

13 Complimentary; Pets Free is enabled.

22 Minimum charge; Pets Free is disabled.

Policies 111
Child Element Attribute Description


Description (PetsPolicy)

Text (Description - Describes the pet policy. The first 300 characters update SynXis CRS.
Type: String

Valid Values: Alphanumeric, spaces, dashes, forward slashes, semi-colons,

periods, and asterisks.

FeePolicies (Policy) Both @Code and @Amount must be defined to send this element.


@Code Code for the type of extra bed charges.

Value Description

31 Extra Person Fee

37 Crib Charge

42 Rollaway Child Charge

44 Extra Child Fee

47 Rollaway Adult Charge

Type: String


@Amount The amount charged for the extra bed type. Negative values or an empty value
generates an error.

Type: Decimal


Value Values: 1 to 7 integers. Up to two decimal places can be defined.

Return to: Table of Contents

Policies 112
Area Information

Area Information 113


Child Element Attribute Description


RefPoints (AreaInfo) Container element for following sub-elements.

RefPoint For RefPoint elements that set the @IndexPointCode to 6 (Airport), @Name,
@Direction, and @Distance must be defined.

For surrounding city, up to three RefPoint elements can be defined.

Area Information 114

Child Element Attribute Description


@IndexPointCode Name and unit of measure must be defined when @IndexPointCode is set to 16 (Attraction)
or 17 (Business Location).

@Name, @Direction, and @Distance must be defined when @IndexPointCode is set

to 6 (Airport).

Type: String

Value Description

6 Airport

13 Surrounding city

16 Attraction

17 Business Location

30 Neighboring state

31 Metro Area

33 Local Landmark

Area Information 115

Child Element Attribute Description


@Name Name for the Reference point defined in the @IndexPointCode.

The first 50 characters of a Name definition for metro area (31) or any of the surrounding city
(13) definitions updateSynXis CRS. The first 19 characters of a local landmark name update
SynXis CRS.

When an empty value is provided any existing value is removed.

Type: String

Value Description

IATA airport code A valid IATA airport code.

2 character ISO state/province code Identifies a valid state or province code for the
country in which the property is located.

Name for a Surrounding City (13) Name for a surrounding city.

The first Name definition for a surrounding city

updates the Alternate City Listing 1 field in SynXis

Name definition for a surrounding city in the second

RefPoint element. It updates the Alternate City
Listing 2 field.

Name for the surrounding city in the third RefPoint

element. It updates the Alternate City Listing 3 field.

Name for an attraction or business Name for an attraction or business.

Name for a local landmark Name for a local landmark.

Name for Metro area Name for Metro area.

Area Information 116

Child Element Attribute Description


@UnitOfMeasure The distance measurement unit used. Values apply as established in the OTA standard code
list for Unit of Measure Code (UOM).

Type: String


Value Description

1 Miles

2 Kilometers

3 Meters

4 Millimeters

5 Centimeters

6 Yards

7 Feet

8 Inches

@Direction The direction from the index point to the hotel. The Airport to Property field is updated in SynXis

Type: String


Valid Values: N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW.

@Distance The distance from the index point to the hotel, with a length of 1 to 7 numbers.

If a decimal point is included, up to two decimal values must be specified.

Type: Decimal


Area Information 117

Child Element Attribute Description


@PrimaryIndicator Specifies that an airport is the primary airport for the hotel.

If this attribute is set to true for an airport, the airport is set as the default in SynXis CRS. If any
other airport was set as the default, it is disabled.

Type: Boolean

Valid value: "true"

@Removal If this attribute is set to "true" and @Name is provided with a valid IATA airport code, the airport is
removed from the hotel configuration.

Type: Boolean

Value Description

true Remove the selection.

false Make no change to the selection.

MultimediaDescriptions Container element for following sub-elements.



TextItems Container element for following sub-elements.


Area Information 118

Child Element Attribute Description


@Title The Description element is required.

Type: String


Value Description

Directions Title for directions to the airport.

Directions by Train/Subway Title for directions to a train or subway station.

Description Direction details from the airport, train, or subway to the hotel.

If the value is provided with no value or the element is not defined, any existing description is
removed. Only the first 1024 characters are updated in SynXis CRS.

Type: String


Valid Values: Alphanumeric, spaces, dashes (-), forward slashes (/), semi-colons (;), periods
(.), and asterisks (*).

Transportations Container element for following sub-elements.


Transportation If the Transportation element is provided and does not define a

@TransportationCode, the element is ignored.

Area Information 119

Child Element Attribute Description


@TransportationCode The transportation code.

Note: 10 and 18 both update the Metro/Subway field.

Type: String


Value Description

2 Boat

3 Bus

9 Limo

10 or 18 Metro or Subway

15 Car Rental

17 Shuttle

20 Taxi

21 Train

26 Other

32 Alternate

@ExistsCode Identifies if airport transportation is available.

Type: String

Value Description

1 Airport transportation is enabled.

2 Airport transportation is disabled.

Area Information 120

Child Element Attribute Description


@ChargeUnit Type of airport transportation associated with the cost.

Type: String

Value Description

32 One way transportation.

33 Two way transportation.

@Amount Cost of the transportation option.

If this value is set to 0 and @ChargeUnit is set to 32 (one way transportation), the One Way
Cost in SynXis CRS is set to 0.

If this value is set to 0 and @ChargeUnit is set to 33 (two way transportation), the Round Trip
Cost in SynXis CRS is set to 0.

If an invalid value is defined, it is ignored, and a warning is returned.

Type: Decimal

Valid Values: 1 to 7 numeric characters. Up to two decimal places can be defined. If a decimal
point is included at least one decimal place must be defined. Up to two decimal places are

DescriptiveText A description of the transportation.

If a DescriptiveText element includes an empty value, any existing notes are removed.
The first 100 characters are stored in SynXis CRS.

Type: String

Valid Values: Alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes(-), forward slashes (/), semi-colons (;),
periods(.), and asterisks (*).

Attractions (AreaInfo) Container element for following sub-elements.

Area Information 121

Child Element Attribute Description


Attraction Nearby public transportation is available.

The only valid values are @AttractionName = PublicTransportation and

@ProximityCode = 3. Both values are required.


@AttractionName Public transportation is available in the area.

Type: String


Value Description

PublicTransportation Public transportation is available in the area.

@ProximityCode Proximity code of nearby.

Type: String


Value Description

3 Nearby

@Removal Enables or disables the Public Transportation Adjacent to Hotel field.

Type: Boolean

Value Description

True Disables Public Transportation Adjacent to Hotel field in SynXis CRS.

Not included Enables Public Transportation Adjacent to the Hotel.

Recreations (AreaInfo) Container element for following sub-elements.

Area Information 122

Child Element Attribute Description



@Code Recreation features to configure. The following features can be enabled, disabled, marked as
N/A, or removed. Define @ExistsCode to determine the configuration in SynXis CRS.

For the listing of codes, please see the Recreation Features Table.

Type: String


@CodeDetail Indicates if pool is heated. This value is not case sensitive.

If @Code=123 (Outdoor pool) and @CodeDetail=heated, the Heated Outdoor Pool

Recreation is configured in SynXis CRS.

Type: String

@ExistsCode Identifies if ski in/ski out is available at the hotel.

Type: Boolean

Value Description

1 Ski In/Ski Out is enabled.

2 Ski In/Ski Out is disabled.

@Removal Identifies recreation options to remove. If the existing recreation is Heated Outdoor Pool, the
@Code must be set to 123 and the @CodeDetail must be set to heated to remove this
recreation option.

Type: Boolean

Value Description

true Remove the selection.

false Make no change to the selection.

Area Information 123

Child Element Attribute Description


@ProximityCode Identifies if the recreation option is on or off property.

Type: String

Valid values include:

Value Description

1 Onsite; On Property is enabled in SynXis CRS.

2 Offsite; On Property is disabled.

@Included Identifies if the recreation option is included at no charge.

Type: Boolean


Value Description

true No charge for the option. Chargeable is not enabled.

false The option incurs a charge. This is the default value. The amount must be

OperationSchedules Container element for following sub-elements.




Area Information 124

Child Element Attribute Description


@Amount Amount to charge for the recreation option or laundry facility.

When @Amount is defined with an empty value for the Recreation/@Code value , Charge
Amount in SynXis CRS is set to 0.

When the Charge/@Amount attribute is included with the value of 0, then Guest Laundry
Facility – Fee value is stored as 0.

Type: Decimal


Valid Values: Up to 7 numbers. Up to two decimal places can be defined.

OperationTimes Container element for following sub-elements.



@Start The time the laundry facility is open. Values use a 24-hour format, in 30-minute increments. If a
value is not a 30-minute increment, the value is rounded down. Both @Start and @End
attributes must be provided.

Type: Time

Valid Values: 00:00 to 23:30

@End The time the laundry facility closes. Values use a 24-hour format, in 30 minute increments. If a
value is not a 30 minute increment, the value is rounded down. Both @Start and @End
attributes must be provided.

Type: Time

Valid Values: 00:00 to 23:30

RefPoints (Recreation) Container element for following sub-elements.


Area Information 125

Child Element Attribute Description


@Distance The distance to the hotel.

If the value is empty, the @Distance value is removed.

Type: Integer


Valid Values: Up to 10 integers.

DescriptiveText Notes to associate with the recreation option. The Notes field in SynXis CRS is updated with the
(Recreation) first 30 characters.

If the value is empty, an existing Note value is removed.

Type: String

Return to: Table of Contents

Area Information 126

Recreation Features to Configure

Recreation feature to configure. The following features can be enabled, disabled, marked as N/A, or removed. Define @ExistsCode to determine the
configuration in SynXis CRS.

Code (RST) Description

1 Archery

2 Badminton court

3 Baseball diamond

4 Basketball court

7 Boating

9 Bowling alley

12 Cricket pitch

14 Dart board

20 Fishing

26 Football field

27 Golf

60 Hiking

62 Indoor tennis courts

63 Jet Skiing

64 Jogging Track-Trail

65 Kayaking

67 Miniature golf

68 Mountain Biking

71 Outdoor tennis courts

Recreation Features to Configure 127

Code (RST) Description

73 Parasailing

74 Play Ground

77 Racquetball Court

79 River rafting

80 Sailing

81 Sauna

82 Scuba Diving

85 Skeet shooting

86 Snorkeling

87 Snow boarding

88 Snow Skiing

89 Soccer field

91 Spa

92 Squash Courts

94 Tennis Courts

96 Tubing

100 Whirlpool

101 Windsurfing

103 Camping

106 Indoor-Outdoor Pool

107 Jacuzzi

108 Mountain Climbing

Recreation Features to Configure 128

Code (RST) Description

109 Nature Trails

111 Billiards

112 Rock climbing

113 Safari

114 Recreation (Sports) Court

115 Sun Bed

116 Surfing

117 Table tennis

118 Wine tasting

120 Snow Mobiling

121 Teen programs

122 Indoor Pool

123 Outdoor Pool and Heated Outdoor Pool

125 Children Activities

126 Animal watching

127 Bird watching

128 Boxing

129 Children's pool

130 Dancing

131 Dog racing

132 Fine dining

133 Casino

Recreation Features to Configure 129

Code (RST) Description

134 Garden

135 Helicopter/airplane sightseeing

136 Horse racing

137 Ice skating

138 Karaoke

139 Museum/gallery viewing

141 Polo

142 Sightseeing tours

144 Skydiving

145 Sunbathing

146 Theatre

147 Weightlifting Equipment

148 Wrestling

149 Canoeing

152 Antique shopping

153 Cardio Vascular Equipment

154 Bocce court

156 Ski In/Ski Out

158 Extensive Health Club

159 Limited Health Club

168 Massage

169 Table spacing/reduced occupancy follows local guidance

Recreation Features to Configure 130

Code (RST) Description

170 Restricted to hotel guest use only

171 Outdoor seating available

172 Heated outdoor seating available

173 Year-round outdoor seating available

Code (REC) Description

5 Putting Green

90 Shower Room

99 Disinfectant wipes available

102 Private spaces designated

104 Frequently disinfected

Return to: Hotel Descriptive Content AreaInfo Recreation Code

Recreation Features to Configure 131

Affiliation Information

Child Element Attribute Description




@Provider Define the rating to assign to the provider. Values are case sensitive.

Type: String

Value Description

AA Stars rating

AAA Diamond rating

Forbes Star rating

OHG Official Hotel Guide Ratings

Local Star Local star rating

Affiliation Information 132

Child Element Attribute Description


@Removal If this attribute is "true", a rating for the provider is removed, if one exists.

Type: Boolean

Value Description

true Remove the selection.

false Make no change to the selection.

Affiliation Information 133

Child Element Attribute Description


@Rating For each provider to update, assign a unique rating value. The values are case sensitive.

Type: String


Value Description

1 Star Rating for the AA, Forbes, or Local Star provider. x Stars. For example, 2 Stars. The
provider must be set to (where x is 2 to 5) AAA, Forbes, or Local Star.

x Stars Two to five star rating for the AA, Forbes, or Local Star provider where x = 2 – 5.

1 Diamond One diamond rating for the AAA provider.

x Diamonds Two to five diamond rating for the AAA provider where x is 2 to 5.

For the OHG provider, set one of the following rating values:

First Class
Limited First Class
Moderate Deluxe
Moderate First Class
Moderate Tourist
Superior Deluxe
Superior First Class
Superior Tourist

Return to: Table of Contents

Affiliation Information 134

Contact Infos

Child Element Attribute Description


ContactInfo Contact information.


Contact Infos 135

Child Element Attribute Description


Address A valid value must be provided in the Address/AddressLine, /CityName, /PostalCode,

/StateProv/@StateCode and /CountryName/@Code.

AddressLine Street address. Include one for each line of the address (up to 3 lines). At least one line must be included
with a minimum of one character.

The first 25 characters of each address line update SynXis CRS. If the characters % or _ are included,
the existing value in SynXis CRS is removed.

For an update, if no value is provided in the first AddressLine, no changes are made. If a second or
third address line is not provided, an existing value is removed.

Type: String


Valid Values: Alphanumeric characters and spaces.

CityName City information. Must include at least one character. The first 60 characters update SynXis CRS.

If the characters percent (%) or underscore ( _ ) are included, an existing value in SynXis CRS is

Type: String


Valid Values: Alphanumeric characters and spaces.

PostalCode The ZIP code for the contact information.

If a PostalCode is provided without a value or with an invalid value, the ZIP value in SynXis CRS is

Type: String


Valid Values: Numbers, letters, hyphens, or spaces.


Contact Infos 136

Child Element Attribute Description


@StateCode State, if available. If a country is provided that requires a StateProv value, this attribute must provide a
code that is supported by the country.

Type: String



@Code The ISO country code. If no value is defined, the country field in SynXis CRS is set to Not Applicable.

The value provided references the GEO table found in SynXis CRS to determine the location to which the
code refers.

Type: String




@CountryAccessCode The code used in the phone number that identifies the country.

Type: Integer


Valid Values: 0 to 999

@AreaCityCode The part of the phone number that identifies the city or an area of the city.

Type: Integer


Valid Values: 0 to 99999

Contact Infos 137

Child Element Attribute Description


@PhoneNumber Phone number. The value defined in this attribute updates the Main Phone in SynXis CRS.

Type: String

Required if @PhoneTechType = 1 (Voice) and @PhoneUseType = 5.

Valid Values: 1 to 25 characters, including numbers, letters, hyphens, or spaces.

@PhoneTechType Type of technology associated with the telephone number.

If this attribute is defined, the @CountryAccessCode, @AreaCityCode, and @PhoneNumber

must also be provided.

Type: String

Value Description

1 Voice

3 Fax

@PhoneUseType A phone number is required if this value is set to 5 and @PhoneTechType is 1 (Voice).

Type: String

Value Description

5 Contact

7 Guest Use

6 Toll free number


Contact Infos 138

Child Element Attribute Description


URL Property internet address. If the value is empty, the existing information is removed.


Return to: Table of Contents

Contact Infos 139

2.5 OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRS Elements and Attributes

Child Element Attribute Description


Success If included, it indicates that the request message successfully processed.

Either a Success or Errors/Error elements are required in every response.

Occurrences: 0..1

Warnings Warnings indicate issues that did not prevent processing. Used with the Success element.

Occurrences: 0..1

Warning If a Warnings element is included, one or more Warning elements are required.

Occurrences: 1..n

2.5 OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRS Elements and Attributes 140

Child Element Attribute Description


@Type HTNG approved error warning types (OTA code list EWT). See Appendix for values.

Type: Integer

Required if a Warning element is included.

Occurrences: 1

@ShortText Description of cause for a nonfatal problem during message processing.

Type: String

Required if a Warning element is included.

Occurrences: 1

@Code HTNG approved warning codes (OTA code list ERR). See Appendix for values.

Note: This attribute should be used whenever possible.

Type: String

Occurrences: 0..1

@RecordID The value of this attribute always defaults to "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000".

Type: String

Required if a Warning element is included.

Occurrences: 1

Errors A Success element or Errors/Error elements are required in every response.

Occurrences: 0..1

Error If an Errors element is included one or more Error elements are required.

Occurrences: 1..n

2.5 OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRS Elements and Attributes 141

Child Element Attribute Description


@Type HTNG approved error warning types (OTA code list EWT). See Appendix for values.

Type: Integer

Required if an Error element is included.

Occurrences: 1

@ShortText Description of cause for a fatal problem during message processing that caused the entire request message to fail.

Type: String

Required if an Error element is included.

Occurrences: 1

@Code HTNG approved error codes (OTA code list ERR). See Appendix for values.

Note: This attribute should be used whenever possible.

Type: String

Occurrences: 0..1

@RecordID Error record ID.

Type: String

Occurrences: 0..1

Return to: HotelDescriptiveContent Description

2.5 OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRS Elements and Attributes 142

Appendix: Supported Error Warning Types (EWT)
Code Description

1 Unknown

2 No implementation

3 Biz rule

4 Authentication

5 Authentication timeout

6 Authorization

7 Protocol violation

8 Transaction model

9 Authentical model

10 Required field missing

11 Advisory

12 Processing exception

13 Application error

Appendix: Supported Error Warning Types (EWT) 143

Appendix: Supported Error Codes (ERR)
Supported Error Codes
Code Description

6 Service closed for sales

15 Invalid_Date

19 Missing_Incomplete_Name

36 Cancelled_Policy_Conflict

44 No under/over occupancy allowed

53 No price exists for the tariff

61 Invalid_Currency_Code

69 Minimum stay criteria not fulfilled

70 Maximum stay criteria not fulfilled

88 Past_Cancellation_Date

95 Booking_Already_Cancelled

99 Booking_Not_Owned_By_Requestor

107 Cannot book – too far in advance

109 Cannot book – arrival too close

Error during request validation = Redemption cannot be processed

113 Mandatory_Booking_Details_Missing

118 Booking_Status_Invalid

132 Room_Type_Unavailable

135 Invalid_End_Date

Appendix: Supported Error Codes (ERR) 144

Supported Error Codes
Code Description

143 Price incorrect for room/unit

161 Search criteria invalid

163 Invalid_Payment_Type

181 Invalid_Country_Code

188 Transaction_Error_Pls_Report

193 Cancellation_Failed

197 Undetermined_Error_Pls_Report

240 Credit_Card_Expired

241 Invalid_Card_Expiration_Date

242 Invalid_Credit_Card

243 Invalid_Iata_Number

245 Invalid_Confirmation_Number

249 Invalid_Rate_Code

252 Last_Name_Not_Match_Confirmation

254 Reservation data has passed

264 Could_Not_Cancel

284 Reservation_Not_Found

290 Invalid_State

291 Invalid_Zip

298 Missing_City

304 Invalid_Card_Expiration_Format

Appendix: Supported Error Codes (ERR) 145

Supported Error Codes
Code Description

305 Invalid booking source

306 Invalid_Promo_Code

310 Missing_Last_Name

311 Missing_First_Name

313 Missing_Credit_Card_Type

314 Missing_Country

315 Missing_Confirmation_Number

316 Missing_Phone_Number

317 Invalid_Phone_Number

320 Invalid_Value

321 Required_Field_Missing

322 No_Availability

346 Closed_To_Arrivals

352 Invalid_Credit_Card_Type

353 Past_Departure_Date

355 Deposit_Guarantee_Due

361 Invalid_Hotel

362 Invalid_Number_Of_Nights

363 Invalid_Number_Of_Rooms

364 Error_Rate_Range

365 Error_Credit_Card

Appendix: Supported Error Codes (ERR) 146

Supported Error Codes
Code Description

370 Frequent Guest Points cannot be redeemed at this time

375 Hotel_Not_Active

377 Max_Nights_Exceeded

378 Invalid – max number of rooms exceeded

381 Invalid_Arrive_Date

382 Invalid_Depart_Date

389 Invalid_Guarantee_Type

394 Invalid_Item

397 Invalid_Number_Of_Adults

399 Invalid product type code

400 Invalid_Property_Code

401 Invalid_Rate_Requested

402 Invalid_Room_Type

413 Modify

436 Rate_Does_Not_Exist

448 System_Error

450 Unable_To_Process

459 Invalid_Request_Code

497 Authorization_Error

503 Invalid_Deposit_Type

504 Extra_Bed_Crib_Not_Available

Appendix: Supported Error Codes (ERR) 147

Supported Error Codes
Code Description

506 Credit_Card_Not_Accepted_At_Property

558 Accounts are settled in a currency different from the quoted rate currency

563 Closed to departure

575 Closed restriction

692 Frequent_Renter_Number_Not_Enrolled_In_Awards_Program

762 Company Profile was not updated because it is managed in SynXis CRS only.

Appendix: Supported Error Codes (ERR) 148

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