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1. In this class, describe your actions and effort this marking period.

What type of store would you pick? (For

example: I was a bedding and mattress store because I was always lying down, or I was a shoe store because I was
always running around.) Support your argument with:

a. Describing 2 assignments in this class that you did well on, and why you did well.

A store that would accurately describe me is a mall because I was doing every thing in the class; including group
assignments. I did well on every single assignment since the concepts were incredibly easy to grasp. I believe I did
well on these assignments because I am a very quick learner and I pay attention in class.

b. Describing 2 assignments in this class that you did NOT do well on, and why you did NOT do well.

The only assignments I didnt do well on are the do nows due to the fact that I overlooked some of the words aand
chose the incorrect answer. It also gave one attempt on the earlier ones.

2. What store would you like to be NEXT marking period, and why?

a. What changes do you want to make in your behavior to BECOME your target building?
I would like to become the famous book store, Barnes and Nobles. I would like to become this
building to gain more knowledge. To become more like this store, I will try and study more broad
topics in general.

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