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Boston Tea Party Questions

Tea Act

1. The Tea Act gave which company a monopoly on tea sales in America?
British east India company tea

2. What does the word “monopoly” mean?

Monopoly is when a business has control of everything.

3. Did the Tea Act charge the colonists any new taxes?


4. Why was the Tea tax kept when the rest of the Townshend Acts were repealed?

It wasnt repealed

5. What does the word “repealed” mean?

to be removed
6. The Tea Act was not meant to anger the Americans. What was it meant to do?
It was meant to get the tea company out of debt.

7. How did exporting directly to the Americans help the East India Company?
They didnt need to go through any middleman.

8. Prior to the Tea Act, how did colonial merchants get their tea?

9. When the tea ships arrived in Boston, what did the Sons of Liberty want them to do?
What did Governor Hutchinson want them to do?

Wanted them to return to England.

Non Importation Agreement

10.The Non-importation Agreement was essentially a boycott of British products.

11.What does the word from #10 mean?

not supporting a business

12.How did colonists still get the products they wanted during the Non-Importation

13.What would happen when the British merchants would sail their products to America?

They would be punished

Boston Tea Party Participants

14.How many people are known to have participated in the Boston Tea Party?


15.Do we know exactly how many people participated? Why?


Destruction of Tea

16.What was the date of the Boston Tea Party?

Dec, 16, 1773

17.340 chests of British Tea were destroyed; how much is that worth in today’s money?
18. Only one thing was damaged on the ships besides tea, what was it? How did the Patriots
make up for that?

Broken padlock, they brought them a new one

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