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KENDRIVA VIDYALAYA SAN BHUBANESWAR REGION TERM L EXAMINATION SESSION 2021-2022 ENGLISH CORE (CODE NO. 301) CLASS ~ XI FULL MARKS ~ 40 TIME ~ 90 MINUTES THAN 1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections, : 2. Scetion A-READING has 17 questions. Attempt a total of 13 questions, as per specific instructions for each question, 3. Section B-WRITING SKILLS AND GRAMMAR has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 15 questions, as per specific instructions for each question, 4. Section C-LITERATURE has 25 questions, Attempt a total of 22 questions, as per specific instructions for } cach question, 5. All questions carry equal marks (.80 marks for each question). 6. There is no negative marking, __ COMPRE| _ _ ‘cad the passage carefully and answer any 8 questions by selecting the correct options Adivasi food systems are deeply embedded in local culture and traditions, given that the way of life of these indigenous people is so closely linked {o nature and its resources, Jharkhand is a natural abode and. home to numerous Adivasi communities constituting a little oyer 25% of the total population. ‘These communities, in addition to their rich social and cultural traditions, practice immensely diverse food practices which are based on locally available resources and techniques. Such Adivasi food systems have | been instrumental in maintaining the sovereignty and self-reliance of these communities, They have taken many varieties of vegetables and tubers, wild or grown, to enrich their diet, as also to meet their requirements of calcium, iron, minerals and vitamins. Studies reveal that Adivasi food provides a high level of immunity from disease and deformities. | ' The realm of medicinal plants and herbal products is even vaster. According to the All India Coordinated Research Project on Ethno biology, tribal communities are acquainted with the use of over 9,000 species of plants including food plants, while specifically for the purpose of healing they know the use of around 7,500 species of plants, | The Adivasi food of Jharkhand may be defined in terms ofa few characteristic features: food is influenc. : by physiological needs and geographical conditions and the habit is closely associated with habitat, This j means food habits are guided by locally available resources. Adivasis consume boiled food like rice, pulses, herbs or “saag’ and meat and, on some occasions, animal or bird meat is roasted on a fire, Because of these consistent food habits that are based on locally available resources, instances of serious diseases considerably lower among Adivasis. are As the food is simple, so are the cooking methods and cquipment used in the processing of food/raw | materials, helping in preserving the nutritional quality of the food. Cooking processes involve low-heat slow cooking and shallow frying involving very little oil. Boiling and ste lot of dishes are just produced by either m ing are common methods and ing, with hands or grinding by stone. | Iw’s worth mentioning here that the use of this traditional equipment helps minimise loss of nutrients as they do not produce the unnecessary extra heat or pressure created by mechanised equipment (Approximately 365 words) [SOURCE: hups:/svww part-of-adivasi-culture-and-identity-in-jharkhand] plore/story/7 1 460/cuisine-as- fgg) not aad uP 100%. opted by the Adivasis in Jharkhand? A. Boiling _B.Deep frying _C. Roasting D. Shallow frying — Q2. Which factors influence th habits of the Adivasis in Jharkhand? a) Psychological needs _b) Physiological needs ©) Geographical conditions d) Habitat A. Options a, band ¢ _B. Options a, ¢ and dC, Options b,c andd_D. Options a, band d ssertion (A): Adivasis in Jharkhand au jected by serious diseases. son (R): The food habits of the Adivasis are based on locally available resources. A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. B. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A. Cc. Ai wR is false. D. Ris true but A is fa Q4. Assertion (A): While cooking, if one uses mechanised equipment, nu Reason (R): Mechanised equipment can create extra heat or pressure. A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. B._ Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of ___C._Aistme but R is f D._A is false and R is true. : | QS. How have the Adivasis acquired a high level of immunity from diseases and deformities A. Because of their hard working nature. __B, They consume only herbal products, C.Because their food is enriched with calcium, iron, minerals and vitamins. D. None of these, . = | Q6. The Adivasi communities in Jharkhand consist of A. Less than % part of the total population. B. A little more than ‘4 part of the total population C:Less than 1/25 part of the total population. _D. A little less than 25% of the total population. —_| Q7. Which fact is not true about the Adivasi communities in Jharkhand (according to the given A. They have rich social traditions. B. Their cating habit is simple C.They consume roasted animal and bind meat every day. _D.They usd iaitonal equipments fr soaking Q8. Which word is not the synonym of ‘realm? A. Territory _B. Domain C. Kingdom __D. Surrender Q8. From the given passage, find out two words that are synonymous. A. Slow and shallow _B. Abode and habitat_C. Consume and method _D. Numerous and indigenous QI0. Select the odd one out from the following list: A. Aboriginal _B. Indigenous _C. Native _D. Extraneous oe Read the passage carefully and answer any 5 questions by selecting the correct options: Feeling burned out? You're not alone. According to a new survey of nearly 1,500 people from 46 countries, the vast majority of us are struggling with general and workplace well-being as the pandemic continues to rage. These struggles are affecting our mental health and involve some of the key predictors of burnout, including an unsustainable workload, the absence of a supportive community, and the feeling that you don’t have control over your life and work | QI. Which cookii of the food are The survey is part of a larger project aimed at measuring people’s rates of burnout during Covid-19. It’s led by a team of researchers — Jennifer Moss, Michael Leiter, Christina Maslach, and David Whiteside — who asked HBR readers and others a series of quantitative, demographic, and open-ended questions in the fall of 2020. The open-ended portion resulted in more than 3,000 comments, the majority from knowledge workers who have done their jobs remotely for at least part of the pandemic. Whiteside coded the responses into major trends and subthemes and helped us identify key insights from the data, Below is a closer look | ata selection of these. | Overwhelmingly, respondents reported mental health declines, challenges with meeting basic needs, and | feelings of loneliness and isolation, They also noted inereased job demands and growing disengagement at work. But the news wasn’t all bad. Some people actually reported improved well-being, and the reaso for it could help organizations pinpoint ways to help employees in the future. | Below are some key findings. The first section presents an overview of the data, The second and thint amine general well-being and why it went down — or up — for different people. The fourth || ffth sections look specifically at workplace well-being. There are select quotes from survey | | and fith s rhroughout, which have been edited for length and clarity. Note that percentages refer to the | responder pondents who made clear references to the general sentiments, trends, and themes, and do ber of res} : sections eX F num id-19, how has your being changed? Mnking back to the Start of Covid-19, how has your workplace well-being changed? | Declined Improved Declined Improved And what has been the biggest contributor to thi change? Major trends i demands disongageniont Digengngement kof laniticant security 2 other Fully half of respondents who reported a decline in well-being pointed to deteriorating mental health as the main culprit. Increased work demands are the next most common reason for a decline in general well being. People also reported having trouble meeting their basic néeds and feeling isolated. Home-life struggles are also an issue for people, though women reported challenges around parenting and personal time far more often than men did. Finally, some people expressed feeling a lack of support and empathy from leaders, as well as concerns about job security, But Some People Saw Improvements in general well-being. Nearly one-quarter of those surveyed reported feeling better, due in part to having more time to exercise and eat healthier Thinking back to the start of Covid-19, how has your general well-being changed? Improved (the major trend) And what has been the biggest contributor Subthemes to this change? Better fitness/ more time 0 Better More nutrition/ — control/better healthier eating boundaries Opportunitie: for purposeful ‘growth Increased motivation 8% Renee health in ume general More family No Less social commute annely | O11. What did the respondents report in the survey? | a) Mental health dectines bb) Feeling of isolation ©) Growing engagement at work |g) tmproved well-being A. Optionsa, bande B. b,candd ptions a, band d_C. Options a, ¢ and d_D. Optior (Q12, Which challenges have been giving troubles fo women more than men? = ‘A. Challenges around parenting and personal time B, Challenges related to increased work demands C.Challenges related to the feeling of being isolated _D.None of these QI3. Who are the gainers in this pandemi A. Those who have more time to exercise B. Those who cat healthier C.Those who sleep proper! D. Allof these = QI4. Point out the biggest contributors that changed the general well- being in descending order. a) Inereased work demands — b) Home life struggles ob security concerns d) Mental health decline ¢, bad Didabe QIS, What is the larger aim of this survey? A. To fix the problems of people who are affected by the pandemic B, To measure people’s rate of burn out during covid-19 C. To check what contributed to the mental well-being of people D._None of these _ as _ _ Who among the four researchers coded the responses of people into major trends and sub them __A. Jennifer Moss _B. Michael Leiter_C. Christina Maslach _D. David Whiteside Q17, What is the meaning of the word ‘pandemic"? A. a disease that spreads over a whole country or the whole world B. (offen used about a disease or problem) regularly found in a particular place or among a particular group of people and difficult to get rid of the sudden start of something unpleasant (especially a disease or violence) None of these Z WRITING SKILL AND GRAMMAR Answer any 4 questions by selecting the correct options: A charity show has been arranged in your school in aid of cancer patients, As the Secretary of the Cultural Club of Army Public Schooi, Barrackpore, you have to drafl a notice giving details, Q18. Select the most appropriate title for the notice. A. A Charity Is Very Important B. Charity Show For Cancer Patients __C.Army Public School Is Organising A Charity Show D. Alll of the above Q19. Select the option with the information points to be ineluded in the body of the nolice- a, Name of the patients who will be helped b. Date, time and venue © Chief guest 4. How the fund will be raised nvitation cards will be published or not B. Options b, c,d _C. Options e, 4 ____A. Options a ptions ¢, d, s 20. How will you start the body ofihe notice? $—P.Optionsasbje A. This notice is written to share some news with you all about, B. Greetings and attention please, to one and all in Army Public school C. This is to inform all the students of Army Public School that Hicials, teachers and studemts of Army Public School that the name of the school? : A. Yes, because itis the issuing body. B. No, because itis understood through the signature CC. Yes. because it makes it Informal he title makes it clear. the appropriate conclusion for this notice. 'A._ Join the show. B._ Stay prepared. CC. Please contribute. |b For further information, please contact the undersigne Se eee i kt IV Ae yer You are Pallab/ Pallabi, Head Boy/ Girl of Delhi Public School, Ashok Vihar, New Delhi. You have to organise short tours to Jaipur and Chandigarh. For that you have to write a letter to Global Tours and Travels, 235, Nehru Place, New Delhi, enquiring about their terms for conducted tours by deluxe buses Q23. Select the option that lists an appropriate subject for the lett ‘A. Questions about touirs B. Organisi _C-Enguiry about conducted tours _D. Information about Global Tours and Travels Q2a. How will you start the body of the letter? ‘A. Our school students will visit Jaipur and Chandigarh, B. Please let me know your terms of conducted tours. C. I would like to know more about your organisation. Our school is going to organise short educational tours during this winter break. ‘25. Read the following options for the self-checklist (Format) for this letter and select the option that includes the most appropriate self-checklist - ‘A. Date- Recciver’s address- Salutation- Sender's address- Subject- Main content (Body of the letter)- Complimentary close ~ Signature with Name and Designation B. Sender’s address- Date- Receiver’s address- Subject- Salutation- Main content (Body of the letter)~ Signature with Name and Designation- Complimentary close C. Sender’s address- Date- Receiver’s address- Subject- Salutation- Main content (Body of the letter)- Complimentary close ~ Signature with Name and Designation D. Sender’s address- Recciver’s address- Salutation- Subject- Main content (Body of the letter)- Complimentary close ~ Signature with Name and Designation | Q26. What should you not include in the body of the letter? ‘A. enquiry about the mode of payment —_B. enquiry about the boarding and lodging charges C.enquiry about the duration of the journey _D. enquiry about the tours to other places Q27. How will you end the body of the letter? A. Expecting an carly response. _B. Expecting a huge discount. Please send us your newsletter. _D. None of these. (Q28. How will you write the subscription of the letter? A. Yours truly/ sincerely _B. You truly/ sincerely C.Your truly/ sincerel D. None of these ‘Q29. Your letter should be ___ to have the desired effect on the recipient, A. Relevant___B. in proper format_C. grammatically correct _D. all of these ‘Answer any 5 questions by selecting the correct options: Q30. Fill up the blank with the most suitable determiner: Does ___ know the answer? ‘A. Someone _B. anyone_C. some _D. none of these Q31. Fill up the biank with the most suitable determiner: I do not have ___ money. ‘A. Many _B.much_C.a few_D. none of these ‘Q32. Fill up the blank with the correct verb form: After! ____ my old house, I started looking for a new one to buy. A. sold B. has sold C. had sold D._ had been selling Q33. Fill up the blank with the correct verb form: Why are you walking so fast today? You normally _ much slower. ‘A. walks B. walk C. walking D._walked ‘Q34. Rearrange the words or phrases given below to make meaningful sentence: The second/ cost off to buy’ fuel is/ most crucial/ in a/ factor/ a car/ person’s decision ‘A. Ina person’s cost of decision, fuel is the second factor to buy a most crucial car. B. Ina person’s decision of cost, fuel is the second factor to buy a most crucial car. C. Cost of fuel is the second most crucial factor in a person’s decision to buy a car. D. Ina person’é decision to buy fuel is the second most crucial factor than the cost of car. Q35. Rearrange the words or phrases given below to make meaningful sentence Swedish cohort study to be’ atr pollution/ to a/ scems/ diabetes! accordiny/ long- exposure A. Acconding to a Swedish cohort study, diabetes seems to be induced after long-term air pollution exposure. B. According to a Swedish cohort study, after long term diabetes exposure, air pollution seems to be induced. C. Air pollution exposure seems to be induced afer to a diabetes, according to a Swedish cohort study. D. Atter long pollution scems to be induced, according to a Swedish cohort study. ‘TERATURE V1, VIL. There are a total of 25 questions VitoVE, : i ig extract based questions by selecting the most st erm/ induced after/ icrm diabetes exposure, at This section nay sub-section: questions from the i Vi | Answer the follow TRAC if that's necessary, the risk she's running Q36. Who is *she"? my mother eried. “It would simply be an insult to talk like that, And think about ach time she goes out of door with a full suitcase or bag,” A Mrs. B. Mrs. Dorling C. Suzanne D. | Mary Q37. What do you understand about the characteristic of the *mother’/ the speaker? A. She was a clever lady. B. She trusted blindly. C. She was an opportunist. D. She was always complaining. Q38. Why was the woman taking out things with her every time? A. She wanted to save all the nice things of the speaker's family. B. She wanted to help the speaker load the luggage in a van. C. She wanted to fish in the troubled water and own all the nice things of the speaker's family. D. She was purchasing all the nice things of the speaker's family. Q39. What do you understand about the characteristic of the woman who was taking out things with her as she was leaving the house each time? A. She was a helpful lady B. She was a miser. vil C. She was a true friend of the speaker, D. She was an opportunist. XTRACT 2: ‘And the sea, which appears to have changed less, Washed their terribly transient feet.” Q40. Who wrote these lines? A. Ted Hughes B. Shirley Toulson C.— Marga Minco D. Natalie Trouveroy Q41. Which figure of speech is used in the given phrase ‘terribly transient feet"? A. Simile B. Metaphor Cc Pun D._Alliteration (Q42. Which of the given options reflects the same concept that has been expressed through the mentioned in the extract? A. “Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink.” For men may come and men may g0, a But I go on forever.” “They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude:” FD. “The ocean is a lovely gift | She’s God's great Masterpiece.” ines 043. Which word is not the synonym of “transient? A. Short-lived B, Fleeting C. Immortal \lmother accepted her seclusion with resignation.” Q44, When did the narrator’s grandmother have to accept her seclusion? A. At the time when the narrator and his grandmother came to the city. B. At the time when the narrator went abroad. C._Atthe time when the narrator started to go to D. At the time when the narrator went up to Unive 45, How did the grandmother spend her leisure time? a. By going to the temple By reciting prayers By spinning wheel By feeding the sparrows Options a, b and ¢ Options b, ¢ and d Options a, ¢ and d Options a, b and d 46. Who became her friends during this solitude The stray dogs The sparrows The ducks None of these 147. Which characteristic of the grandmother can be found through the given extract? She was always complaining. She was very talkative, She was very tolerant. She was a trustworthy pi II. | Answer the questions by selecting the correct options: Q48. Sue gifted a card to her father. Why did she do that? lish school. ty and he was given a room of his own. DORP>Qunw>ers IDAp>e |a. She wanted to express her love for her parents. b. She wanted to express her gratitude. ¢. She wanted to express that they were not afraid to die. d. She wanted to encourage her parents. A. Options a, b and ¢ B. Options ¢, b and d C. Options a, band d D. Options a, ¢ and d Q49, Which fact is not true about He Amsterdam? A. It was a French scientific base. B. Iwas only a bleak piece of voleanic rock. C. Itwas filled with dense forests. D. twas a 65 kilometre ~ wide island QS0, What was the designation of Zahi Hawass? A. Associate General of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities. B. Secretary General of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities C. Governor General of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities. D. None of these Q51. Which questions are answered by the CT scan of Tut? a How did he die? b. Where did he die? c Who killed him? di How old was he at the time of his death? Options a and b Options a and d Options b and ¢ Options b and d The goldfinch is compared to a Caterpillar Bird Lizard None of these How did the poet describe the top of the laburnum tree before the arrival of the goldfinch? Moving and tremblin Silent and still Shaking and quivering None of these |. What is featured in the fiftieth issue (Spring 2005) of Raw Vision? Nek Chand’s Rock Garden sculpture ‘Women in the Waterfall” Nek Chand’s Rock Garden sculpture ‘Women by the Waterfall” Nek Chand's Rock Garden sculpture ‘Women of the Forest’ None of these ‘Mourad was trying to repair the hurt wing of a bird. Which bird's wing was being repaired? Flamingo Robin. Dove Magpie QS6. Assertion (A): The people in Garoghlanian tribe were very proud. Reason (R): They were very honest and would never take advantage of anyone in the world. w>| SPQogn z DA F>QSONE>QONz>OS A. Both A and R are truc and R is the correct explanation of A. B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. C. A istrue, but R is false. D. Ais false, but R is true. Q57. Assertion (A): Mourad was considered to be the natural descendant of Khosrove. Reason (R): Mourad had a strong rapport with Khosrove. A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. C. Ais true, but R is false. D, A is false, but R is true. Q58. Assertion (A): People of Hosahalli rushéd to the doorstep of Ranga. Reason (R): Ranga had gone to Delhi for his studies and came home after six months. A Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. B. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. c. A is false, but R is true, dD. A is true, but R is false. Q59. Assertion (A): Ranga’s face shrivelled like a roasted brinjal. Reason (R): Shastri’s calculations told that Ranga would never get married, A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. B. Both Aand R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. c. A is true, but R is false. D. A is false, but R is true, Q60. Assertion (A): Ranga stopped at the threshold while Ratna was singing. Reason (R): He did not want the singing to stop, but was curious to see the singer. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. [A ‘ ' [pA true, but R is false ¢ ‘Ais false, but R is true. > Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

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