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PREAMBLE He who plans not plans to fail. This adage summarizes the purpose and mission of t his plan. In this new millennium, changes in management and administration canno t be overstated. Managers need to keep pace with day to day globally accepted ma nagement strategies. For any institution to achieve its goals and aspirations, it has to have a framew ork within which to make choices about the future. It must clearly state where, how and when to get there. This strategic plan was developed by the teachers PTA executive and the BOG thro ugh various levels of consultation and a secretariat was identified to draft the plan.


VISION: TO BE A REGIONAL CENTRE OF ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE MISSION: BY PROMOTING AND PROVIDING QUALITY EDUCATION THROUGH EFFECTIVE AND EFFI CIENT PRACTICES THAT ARE CHILD FRIENDLY. MOTTO: LIGHTING UP TOMORROW. ACRONYMS USED KENGEN TARDA KPLC KCSE KCPE KPA MoE ICT IT SWOT BOG PTA TSC CDF Kenya Electricity Generating Company Tana And Athi Rivers Development Authority Kenya Power and Lighting Company Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Kenya Certificate of Primary Education Key Performance Areas Ministry of Education Information Communication Technology Information Technology Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, Threats Board of Governors Parents Teachers Association Teachers Service Commission Constituency Development Fund

BACKGROUND INFORMATION The School started in 1988 through a presidential directive to start from Std 5 up to Form 4. It inherited the construction premises and offices of TARDA th rough KPLC. KPLC was the original Sponsor. It contracted some physical develop ment planners to plan the School for future development in 1989. The School was registered as a three stream School from Std 5 up to form 4. The first Princip al was Mr. Kirera Joseph. 1988 1994 followed by: Mr Micheni C. Njoka 1995 1996 Mr. Benson M. Ndaraga 1997 - 1999 Mr. Benson Kagiri 1999 Sept. 1999 Mr. Peter Masaku Muiya Sept 1999 - 2004 Mr. Benedict Muli 2005 2007 Mr. Runji J. Njoka 2008 to date The School was launched in 24th June 1992 by the retired President His Excellenc y Daniel Arap Moi. The first K.C.P.E. and KCSE were done in 1991 and 1992 respectively. It is a unique School comprising of Primary and Secondary sections under one P rincipal. TheiInitial enrolment was 85 pupils in Primary section and 30 in t he Secondary section. Currently the School is under the Sponsorship of D.E.B. The School has a Staf f of 22 TSC teachers and 4 Teachers under BOG. The total number of non-teaching staff is 20. Other Stake holders include: B.O.G. P.T.A. TARDA KENGEN Ministry of Education Parents Mbeere County Council Kiambere Community LOCATION

The School is located in Embu County, Mbeere North District, Siakago Constituenc y, Mutitu Location, Mutitu Sub-location in Kirie Zone. Its about 40 Kilometres off Embu Kangonde Road next to Kiambere Dam.

PHYSICAL FACILITIES The School lies on approximately 30 acres of land held in trust by TARDA. The p hysical infrastructure includes:FACILITY Classrooms Dormitories Laboratories Staffroom Offices Board room Store Water tanks Staff houses PRIMARY SECONDARY TOTAL

Kitchen/dining hall Vehicles Car Park Orchard Play ground Cows School Canteen Cowshed School Clinic Washrooms 8 3 (1 incomplete) 0 1(temporary) 3 1 2 0 2(single bedroomed) 12 single roomed 1 1 1 1 1

10 & 4 calves 1 1 6 8 2(temporary) 2 (1 incomplete) 1 5 0 2 2 4 12 0 1 1 0 1 (incomplete) 0 0 0 6(incomplete) ENROLMENT: The School has a current enrolment of:PRIMARY SECONDARY 55 175 52 125

BOYS GIRLS 107 300 There are 22 teachers in the Secondary section and 8 teachers in the Primary sec tion. The School is supplied with water by KenGen for free and its connected to the El ectricity Mains. The School purchased a bus through a Harambee and a loan from K.C.B. The loan is still being serviced upto 2015 through PTA funds. The School received Ksh 200,000.00 from Siakago CDF to repair one of the four si ngle bedroomed staff house that burnt down in 2009.

OBECTIVES OF THE SCHOOL Academic Performance The School has maintained a mean score of about 290 in Primary and C- in the Sec ondary section. The K.C.P.E. and K.C.S.E Mean Scores for years since 1992 are as follows YEAR K.C.P.E. K.C.S.E 1991 1992 1993 1994

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 449.50/700 442.66/700 429.44/700 422.98/700 424.49/700 414.20/700 394.08/700 436.09/700 41222.43/700 414.14/700 289.05/500 303.20/500 274.50/500 296.53/500 298.84/500 303.73/500 274.91/500 290.56/500 301.35/500 280.59/500 5.52 6.588 5.2 6.2 5.785 5.877 5.238 5.239 5.722 5.1000 5.523 5.228 5.179 4.936 5.230 5.325 5.521 4.960 5.64

OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS The School has consistently featured in annual Kenya music Festivals and athleti cs up to National Levels. GOVERNANCE AND PHILOSOPHY STATEMENTS VISSION: To be a regional centre of academic excellence

MISSION: By promoting and providing quality education through effective and efficient learning practices that are child friendly. MOTTO: Lighting Up Tomorrow.

CHAPTER 2 DEVELOPMENT OF STRATEGIC PLAN In 2010 the B.O.G. proposed a strategic planning committee comprising of the fol lowing: a) B.O.G. Chairman Dr. Mwaruvie b) Mr. Samuel Maluki B.O.G. Member c) Mr Esbon Muchiri P.T.A Chairman d) Mr. Runji J. N. Principal e) Mr. Ireri B. A. Deputy Principal f) Mr. Vincent Njagi Headteacher Primary g) Mr. Gerald Ireri B.O.G. Member The Committee met on 4th March 2011 and agreed to include Dr. John Mwaruvie and Eng. Samson Kimani as members. The incoming Deputy Principal replaced Mr. Ireri B. A who was promoted to head Cieria Secondary School. The committee requeste d the members of staff to meet and formulate the vision and mission statements as well as the School objectives. The staff met on 9th March 2011 and propose d three vision and three mission statements to be tabled before the B.O.G. on 11 th March 2011 for consideration. A staff Secretariat was also appointed to prep are a draft of strategic plan for the year 2011 -2015. The members of the Secre tariat were: 1. Mr. Njagi Vincent M. Chairman 2. Mrs Rosemiria Rwamba Secretary 3. Mr. Mutugi Francis Member 4. Mr. Chomba Patrick 5. Mr. Kariuki Robert 6. Mrs Tumbo Emily CHAPTER 3

SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. SWOT is a tool used to identify achievements, challenges and how to overcome the m. STRENGTHS 1. Team teaching a healthy relationship amongst members of staff. 2. Adequate land for use and future development. 3. Well equipped Laboratory.

4. Well trained and professionally qualified teachers. 5. Well disciplined student body and staff. 6. Enlightened committee and devoted B.O.G. Chairman 7. Good lighting system for the School. 8. Reliable supply of water. 9. A very good School bus and a well maintained School van. 10. Adequate instructional materials. 11. Very hardworking and diligent teachers. 12. Good and conducive environment for learning. 13. Beautiful and clean compound with trees. 14. Beautiful and smart School uniform. 15. Healthy students. 16. Deeply committed and helpful team of staff. 17. Good relationship with the neighboring community. 18. Good cultural integration. 19. Easy to access teaching/learning resources. 20. Good administration. Good co-existence between Primary section and secondary section. WEAKNESSES Poor fencing of the compound. Acute shortage of staff houses. Lack of a School Nurse. Very few lady teachers in the whole school. Shortage of teaching staff. Few joint activities between B.O.G. and staff. Lack of Computer Laboratories. Lack of a School Matron. Poor fees payment. Sub-standard games field. Low students/pupils enrolment. Poor learning environment for learners with special needs and also teachers. Inadequate fire fighting equipments. Lack of facilities to cater for learners with special needs.

OPPORTUNITIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. their 7. THREATS Stiff competition from the neighbouring School Sparsely populated catchment area Community around the School is poor. Harsh n climatic conditions (hot and dry) KenGen scholarships Supportive community Supportive Member of Parliament supportive Government through award of bursaries and grants Conducive learning environment away from urban influence. Government policies that generally support and encourage parents to send children to School. Computers of IT equipment becoming cheaper and readily available.

Poor means of transport Transfer of teachers leaving to subjects not adequately covered. Administrative offices where most work is done are far (Siakago ) The School is located on the TARDA land and has no title land with no clear bou ndaries Lack of role models within the neighbourhood Insecurity of food supplies due to drought, food supplies and prices are irregul ar making it difficult for plan Huge outstanding electricity bill

CHAPTER 4 Plan of operation The following was formulated as the action plan for the year 2011-2015:With the view of achieving improved academic performance, increased enro lment, conducive and adequate physical facilities while strengthening team work and community participation in the learning of the School. The following key pe rformance areas and the objectives of each area were identified and listed in o rder of importance: S/NO KEY PERFORMANCE AREA OBJECTIVE/MINI STRATEGY 1. Improve academic performance To achieve sustainable performance impr ovement to reach mean score of 7.00 by 2016/330 KCPE 2 Improving teaching and learning materials To have well equipped li brary and computer room by 2016. 3 Improve and develop physical facilities To implement the School master p lan and the physical development plan by Dec. 2016. 4 Enhance human resource development To put in place a programme for continuous staff development 5 Increase the student enrolment To achieve a fully fledged triple stream 6. Improve and enhance the image of the school To continuously nurture, maintain and uphold the Schools good image. 7 Improve social amenities To improve health care system for staff, students by 2011. 8 Improve management of land resources. To safeguard and manage the scho ol land for maximum productivity always. 9 Enhance collaboration with stakeholders, collaborators and community. To develop a programme or regular and continous activities involving sponsor, MO

E, Stakeholders, Collaborators and Community. CHAPTER FIVE Key Performance Areas Improve the Academic Performance: K.P.A No. 1 -To improve the academic performance K.P.A Objective: To achieve sustained performance improvement to reach a mean score of 7.000 in KCSE and 330 in 2015. Brief Description The School was established to provide and promote the growth of education throug h exposing students to quality and fulfilling experiences in a perfect school en vironment. The Stakeholders considered performance in terms of: a) Value Added comparison of entry behaviour to the summative evaluation in KCPE and KCSE. b) Actual performance in KCPE/KCSE as per the mean scores attained and the number of students joining the National Schools, Provincial schools and the uni versities. c) The following action plan matrix details the action to be undertaken to achieve the objectives of this KPA. Improve the Academic Performance: Action Plan Matrix S/NO ACTION BY WHO BY WHEN INDICATR 1.1 Improve the motivation scheme for teachers PTA May 2011 An improved motivation scheme in place 1.2 Develop activities to promote team work B.O.G April 2011 Developm ent of an annual schedule of activities 1.3 Create a functional Library P.T.A. 2015 Library built and fully equipped. 1.4 Form Kiambere School Complex alumni Principal 2012 Alumni f ormed and active 1.5 Invite successful old boys and girls to talk to and motivate pupils/stud ents Principal Nov. 2011 Regular career and motivational talks.


Improve Teaching and learning materials

Objective: To have well equipped library and computer room by 2016. The teaching materials needed for the School range from buildings, computers, li brary books and specialized equipments The following action plan matrix details the action to be undertaken to achieve the objective above. S/NO ACTION BY WHO BY WHEN INDICATOR 2.1 Construct and equip laboratory. PTA 2015 Complete and well equipp ed computer laboratory in use. 2.2 Construct and equip a library PTA 2015 Complete and well equipp ed library. 2.3 Identify a Sponsor to support the development projects. Principal & BOG

2015 Increased financial support. 2.4 Source for and acquire reference and revision materials. l & B.O.G August 2011 Materials available and in use.



Improve and Develop Physical Facilities and the physical developme

Objective: To implement the School master plan nt plan by December 2016.

The schools master plan was formulated in 1989 and it needs to be improved on and fully implemented. The following action matrix details the actions to be undertaken to achieve the objective above: S/NO ACTION BY WHO BY WHEN INDICATORS 3.1 Demarcation and erecting beacons. Principal & BOG 2012 Land dem arcated and beacons n place. 3.2 Improve the School gate and the fence. Principal & PTA 2011 Good gat e and fence to be in place 3.3 Install security light at the main gate. Principal 2011 Presence of security lights at the gate. 3.4 Construction of pit latrines near the main gate. Principal 2011 Pit latrines constructed. KPA 4: Enhance Human Resource Development. Objective: To put in place a programme for continuous staff development. Human resource programmes ensure a more informed and better empowered staff whi ch in turn lead to better performance. The School has the task of ensuring that adequate and appropriate staff members are available.

The following action plan matrix elaborates the actions to be taken to achieve t his. S/NO ACTION BY WHO BY WHEN INDICATORS 4.1 Institute a programme for joint BOG and teachers activities. B.O.G August 2011 Functions held successfully Better teamwork. 4.2 Create a capacity building programme for all staff. Principal & B.O. G. 2012 Staff trained and more productive. 4.3 Ensure adequate and appropriate staffing for the School. Principa l & BOG 2011 Optimum staffing levels. K P A 5 KPA Objective: Increase the Students Enrolment To achieve a fully fledged triple status by 2015.

Brief Description

The School was meant to serve approximately 960 students both Primary and second ary but has a population of about 400. The School should endeavour to attract more students. S/NO 5.1 ment. 5.2 ely and 5.3 BOG and 6. ACTION BY WHO BY WHEN INDICATORS Reduce the School fees. B.O.G 2012 Fees reduced and increased enrol

Develop strategies to popularize the school. BOG & Principal Immediat continuous. Increased student enrolment. Develop a programme for constant interaction with neighbouring Primary. Principal. Increased student enrolment. KPA NOS. IMPROVE AND ENHANCE THE IMAGE OF THE SCHOOL To continuously nurture, maintain and uphold the Schools good ima


Brief Description The School enjoys a good name and image. A good image requires a lot of effort to maintain. Enhancing the name and image the School require: i) Ensuring the graduates of the School perpetuate the good name through th eir after School behavior. ii) According a warm welcome to stakeholders and visitors to the School so t hat they in turn pass good word about it. iii) Ensuring that the School maintains a neat, well organized and attractive physical appearance.

The following action plan shows the actions to be undertaken to achieve the obje ctives:S/NO ACTION BY WHO BY WHEN INDICATOR 6.1 Enhance School beautification programme. Principal Continuo us More trees and flowers planted, well maintained and inviting environmen t. 6.2 Increased communal work. All Continuous Clean and attrac tive environment.


K.P.A. NO. 7


OBJECCTIVE: TO IMPROVE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM FOR STAFF AND STUDENTS BY 2011 Brief Description Provision of social amenities is crucial to any community. Its important for st aff members to be accommodated within the School or around the school compound. As at now most staff members are not able to live within or near the school hen ce they have to be away from School most of the week-end. The School provides b asic entertainments and common facilities. The School has purchased two TVs and

a D.V.D Player, 3 Key Pianos, Radio and Landline telephone services are availa ble. The School has a clinic but the greatest challenge has been to employ a nurse w ho is ready to work in a marginal area like Kiambere. The nearest dispensary is Ngiiri Dispensary 4 kms away from School. The following action plan matrix shows actions to be taken to achieve the object ives of KPA 7. S/NO ACTION BY WHO BY WHEN INDICATOR 7.1 Employ a qualified School Nurse. B.O.G Immediately urse available in the clinic for better health care. 7.2 Explore suitable means of telephone and other communications l 2012 Installation of Simu ya Jamii. 8. K.P.A. 8 IMPROVE MANAGEMENT OF LAND RESOURCES To safeguard and manage the School land for maximum productivity School n Principa


Brief Description The TARDA gave part of its land for the development of the School. The School land can be used to introduce sustainable income generating activit ies. The following action plan matrix details the actions to be taken to achieve the objectives of this K.P.A

S/NO ACTION BY WHO BY WHEN INDICATOR 8.1 Improve the orchard and vegetables Principal immediately Big & more productive school farm. 8.2 Start pig rearing, poultry, and bee keeping. Principal By 2012 Having pigs, poultry & beehives. 8.3 Controlling movement of cattle Principal Immediately Confinem ent of cattle within a specified area. 8. Enhance collaboration with stakeholders, collaborators and community.

Objective: To develop a programme or regular and continuous activities invo lving Sponsor, MOE, Stakeholders, Collaborators and Community. Brief Description The School needs to involve and engage the stakeholders in all its programmes a s appropriate in order to maintain the goodwill and support of the stakeholders . This should lead to ownership of the School by the stakeholders. The following action plan matrix details the actions to be undertaken to achieve the objectives of the K.P.A.. Enhance Collaboration: Action Plan Matrix S/NO 9.1 G 9.2 us 9.3 ACTION BY WHO BY WHEN INDICATOR Maintain constant interaction with stake holders Principal and BO Continuous Increased participation in School activities. Involve KenGen and TARDA in School projects. Principal & BOG Continuo Increased participation in School activities. Develop and Launch the School website. Principal and BOG 2012

Running website, easier access to information by stake holders. 9.4 Update School profile. Principal and BOG. 2011 Profile sent to stake holders. CONCLUSION This is a draft of the School Strategic Plan for 2011 2015. Its being forwarded to all the other Stakeholders for amendments and adoption with the view of comi ng up with the final document. The launch of the same will be done by the Principal.

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