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Submitted by
Umang Gupta
ERP: -0221PGM117
BATCH 2022-2024
Prof. Navjoyti Singh Negi
In partial fulfilment for the award of
Post Graduate of Diploma in Management



I hereby declare that the Dissertation which I have submitted is a project of my

own work and I have acknowledged all sources of information. The dissertation
has not been submitted to any other institute on for the award of an educational

------------------------------- ---------------------
Dr. Navjoyoti singh negi Umang Gupta
(Research Guide) (Student)


This is to certify that Umang Gupta has submitted dissertation report on

“Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Behaviour in India” to Doon
Business School for the partial fulfilment of Post Graduate of Diploma in
Administration. I further certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief,
the matter presented in this project has not been submitted to any degree or
Diploma course.

Prof. Navjoyti Singh Negi


The completion of this project would not have been possible without the support
and contribution of various people. Firstly, I would like to say, I am extremely
thankful and pay my gratitude to my faculty guide Prof.Navjoyti Singh Negi For
his valuable guidance and support on completion of this project in its presently. He
worked tirelessly to guide me through the challenging life of writing this project.
Without his guidance and encouragement this project report would have been
challenging to complete.

I would like to acknowledge all the college faculty for allowing me to get an
opportunity to write this report. I also appreciate the efforts of my lecturers who
taught me throughout the course of masters of in Pgdm as without their help, this
would not have been possible.

Finally, I acknowledge the moral support of my family and close friends, including
my class mates who encouraged me throughout my study. I extend my sincere
acknowledgement to their supreme support.
















In its current form, internet is primarily a source of communication, information and

entertainment, but increasingly, it also acts as a vehicle for commercial transactions. Since the
explosion of the web as a business medium, one of its primary uses has been for marketing.
Soon, the web could become a critical distribution channel for the majority of successful
enterprises. One among them is marketing and spreading brand communication through social
networking sites (Thompson, 2002)
Social networking websites are online communities of people who share interests and activities
or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. They typically provide a
variety of ways for users to interact, through chat, messaging, email, video, voice chat,
filesharing, blogging and discussion groups. As World Wide Web grew in popularity, social
networking moved to web-based applications. In 2002, social networking era really started. In
2006,anyone with an email address could sign up in social networking sites(Zarrella, 2010).Now
advertisers target more over to these media due to high rush in varsity of audiences. So, they hire
this as the ideal platform to communicate their brand and create an effective brand identity
through highly effective and interactive communication strategy. Most of the advertisers present
their ads in interactive form so that people tend more to check them and gain a little knowledge
about the product. There are various forms of brand communication available in social
networking sites. The effective way of brand communication present in these networking sites is
the main ai m of the study.

Today almost every internet user is familiar with these two words irrespective of their
profession, nationality, culture, race or religion etc. This concept is only a decade old but has
reached every social and economic class of our society. Blacks haw &Nazzaros (2004) have
beautifully defined social media in the beginning of the era of social media, as the new source of
online information, where the information itself is – created, initiated, circulated and used by
consumers for the purpose of educating each other about products, brands, services, personalities
and issues. According to Chi (2011, 46), social media marketing is a connection between the
brands and consumers, that offers a personal channel and currency for user cantered networking

and social interaction. The way of communication has changed with the evolution of social
media, and every business irrespective of its size has a presence on social media. This review
examines current literature on social media and social media marketing. The focus of this
research is to understand the relationship between the two concepts and finally reach to certain
conclusion. For the purpose of this research, we have examined the literature available on social
media and its functional blocks in the beginning of the paper and then we have studied the
dimension social media marketing tools. The purpose is to study the relationship between the
functionalities of the social media and the dimension of the social media marketing in order to
redefine the concept.

Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) define social media as ―a group of Internet based applications that
build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and allow the creation and
exchange of user generated content.‖ According to Kaplan and Heinlein (2010) web 2.0 is a
platform where content is continuously altered by all operators in a sharing and collaborative
way. Web 2.0 is a web-based technology which helps to create highly interactive platforms
through which individuals and communities share, co-create, discuss and modify user –generated
content. Social media are the websites which are built upon the technological foundations of web
2.0 that help a user to create user generated contents that can be shared. This technology allows a
user to create and publish the content on the social media networks. This information can be
shared with other members of the social media website, who are connected with the user. This
process is interactive where other members can also respond in different ways.

Man, gold and Fault‘s (2009) describe ―social media as the set of online word of mouth forums
which includes blogs, discussion boards, forums or social networks to name a few. Using all
mobile and web-based technologies, social media creates highly interactive platforms by
bringing together individuals and creating communities. Internet has a lot of websites; each of
them has different functional attributes and caters to different sections of society. Websites like
Facebook are for general masses but LinkedIn is focused on professional networking. Media
sharing sites (i.e., YouTube, Picasa and Flickr) or blogging platforms (i.e., BlogSpot, word
press) are also members of this ecosystem called social media (Kietzmannetal., 2011).social
media has equipped the organization to establish an direct relationship with the consumers. Both
of the organizations and consumers are free to generate content on the web pages, which further

leads to conversations and discussion. Organization on one end are provided with an opportunity
to share their information with a large base of customers and on the other end consumers are also
free to publish any content whether positive or negative regarding the information.

Social media marketing is the use ofsocial mediaplatforms andwebsitesto promote a product or
service. Most of these social media platforms have their own built-in data analytics tools, which
enable companies to track the progress, success, and engagement of ad campaigns. Companies
address range stakeholders through social media marketing including current and potential
customers, current and potential employees, journalists,bloggers, and the general public. On a
strategic level, social media marketing includes the management of the implementation of a
marketing campaign,governance, setting the scope (e.g., more active or passive use) and the
establishment of a firm's desired social media "culture" and "tone"

It wasn't so long ago that social media was a completely new thing. Four years ago, when we
startedAdvice Interactive Group, many people didn‘t know what social media was let alone the
effect it would have on all of our lives. It was an exciting interactive medium which suddenly
took the world by storm to such an extent that it became something that no business, small or
large, local or global, could afford to ignore. Today, there are more than 1.28 billion active users
onFacebookalone, currently the world's most popular social
network.Twitter,LinkedIn,Google+and various other social media sites have hundreds of
millions of active users as well.

Social media is effectively a platform for conversation and sharing, powered by services such as
the ones mentioned above. While one of the major uses of social media is keeping in touch with
friends and relatives around the world, it is also a platform for customers, investors and
employees to communicate with one another, and this is where the enormous and ever-growing
industry of social media marketing comes in. From this point forth, we will refer to social media
marketing by its popular abbreviation, SMM.

. To use social media effectively, firms should learn to allow customers and Internet users to post
user(e.g., online comments, product reviews, etc.), also known as "earned media", rather than use

marketer-prepared advertising copy. While social media marketing is often associated with
companies, as of 2016, a range of organizations and government organizations are engaging in
social media marketing of their programs or services

Social marketing seeks to develop and integrate marketing concepts with other approaches to
influence behaviours that benefit individuals and communities for the greater social good. It
seeks to integrate research, best practice, theory, audience and partnership insight, to inform the
delivery of competition sensitive and segmented social change programs that are effective,
efficient, equitable and sustainable.

Although "social marketing" is sometimes seen only as using standard commercial marketing
practices to achieve non-commercial goals, this is an oversimplification. The primary aim of
social marketing is "social good", while in "commercial marketing" the aim is primarily
"financial". This does not mean that commercial marketers cannot contribute to achievement of
social good.


With one billion active users on Facebook (Facebook, 2012), 140 million active users on Twitter
(Twitter, 2012) and 60 hours of new videos every minute on YouTube (YouTube, 2012) social
media is hot and popular.

Due to this enormous popularity and growth in the last years, it is for organizations interesting
and almost required to participate in social media and getting engaged with their (potential)
customers. Evidence indicates that companies that actively use the social media for marketing
purposes outperform those that do not use them (McKinsey & Company, 2010). Social media is
becoming a new marketing tool for marketing managers.

This leads to the growing interest of what value this new marketing tool generates for the
organization. Organizations are moreover interested in the return on investment (ROI) of
marketing activities. The determination of this return is important to analyse the investments and
making future plans. Social media is about online interactions and is therefore fundamentally
different from traditional marketing, because in social media marketing the consumer is the
medium and marketers listen to the consumers. In the last years a lot of research on social media
has been conducted, but still a lot of questions regarding the return on investment remain. Brands
are looking for effective ways to carry out their social media marketing strategy. Therefore, for
marketers there is a need for a better insight in the effectiveness of their social media marketing
strategy. This research intends to illustrate, by using Key Performance Indicators (KPI's), how
the ROI for different social media marketing objectives can be determined and how social media
marketing can create value for brands. This will result in a overview of objectives, strategies and
appropriate social media marketing measures which indicate whether a social media marketing
objective was effective or not.

The scientific relevance of this study is to contribute to the understanding of social media
marketing objectives, strategies and measuring social media marketing ROI. The practical
relevance of this study is that it can support marketing managers to define strategies and measure
more easily the ROI of their social media marketing activities.

Social media marketing is a new marketing strategy which almost every business is adopting to
reach their consumers on the virtual networks. If you have an idea and you want it to reach
millions, at a very little cost, then social media is the only way-out. Entertainment companies
were the first to adopt the social media as a promotional tool. Weinberg (2009) has defined
social media marketing as the process that empowers individuals to promote their websites,
products, or services through online social channels and tap into a much larger community that
may not have been available via traditional channels. So, if we keep it simple, social media
marketing is the process where organizations use social media websites to build rush on their
company official websites. It does not stop here but organizations also inform the potential
customers of happenings in the organization, launch of the new model or product and latest news
about the organization through social media applications. Gordhamer (2009) has related social
media marketing to the relationship marketing where firms need to shift from ―trying to sell‖ to
―making connections‖ with the consumers. These explanations of social media marketing take
us to the other side of marketing, where building relations with the potential consumers is the
key to repeated purchases and enhanced brand loyalty. Social Media is an innovative tool that
organizations use for creating a very strong public relation with the customers on the virtual
networks (Jan & Khan, 2014). Maintaining public relations through social media has become
easy because a large number of potential consumers are available on the virtual networks. And
making connection with consumers using social media is only some clicks away. Today‘s 10
customers are more powerful and busy; therefore, companies should be reachable and available
in every social media communication channel such as Face book, Twitter, Blogs, Forums at any
time (Gordhamer, 2009). Exploiting the opportunities provided by the social media
communication channels is important for every organization

Social media

Social media advertising is a paid form of brand, service or business promotion and requires a
proper and planned communicative message and budget. Advertising is customer centric in
nature. Customers play an important role in any major or minor communication because they are
the one who are going to decide the fate of the advertising communication. Some benefits of
social network advertising include:
1. Popularizing your brand, idea or service to the target group.

2. Informing target audience about your brand or services presence in the Market.
3. Encouraging healthy competition in the market.

4. Providing social benefits for the brand.

5. Making the audience to interact and keep them intact with the brand. Advertising in internet
provides a major contribution to brand competition in the market. Advertising here not only
provides information about a product or service but also promotes innovation.
Besides it also facilitates consumer satisfaction. Big and small companies, individuals of all
walks of life, major and minor events, concepts, etc., nowadays lay their base on social network
advertising to get recognized in the market (Zarrella, 2010).With over 200 million active users,
Face book, Twitter and Orkut have become a personal, product and corporate branding hub in
India. Every brand that exists on social networking sites has the same core features and benefits,
such as the ability to create a page, share resources, add multimedia and much more (Eric, 2008).
The effective brand communication strategies are analysed to find the impact among the users.

Social media marketing

Social media marketing programs usually centre on efforts to create content that attracts
attention and encourages readers to share it with their social networks. A corporate message
spreads from user to user and presumably resonates because it appears to come from a trusted,
third-party source, as opposed to the brand or company itself. Hence, this form of marketing is
driven by word-of-mouth, meaning it results in earned media rather than paid media. Social
media has become a platform that is easily accessible to anyone with internet access. Increased
communication for organizations fosters brand awareness and often, improved customer service.
Additionally, social media serves as a relatively inexpensive platform for organizations to
implement marketing campaigns.

Social media marketing tools

Besides research tools, various companies provide specialized plat forms and tools for social
media marketing:

• Social media measurement

• Social network aggregation

• Social bookmarking

• Social analytics Automation

• Social media Blog marketing

• Validation

Different Methods of Social Network Marketing

Social network marketing is popularly called as Internet marketing. Today you can find many ways
for internet marketing. Many people who enter this online marketing are less worried because of its
guaranteed success. If you see in Internet totally all types of products has been marketed online
without much effort. Internet attracts many business people to promote their business online. Social
network marketing is grown to such a height that today many people can't earn without it. Some of
the most recognized network marketing tools are Face book, MySpace

and LinkedIn. Twitter became regular place for people who have newly entered the field of
social network marketing.

1. Blogging:

When you start Blogging or posting your data about any product, you can see less response from
clients. Later it will become big business via blog. Websites and blogs are most powerful tools
for social network marketing when matched with other networking tools. Blog is an amazing tool
which provides many other facilities in addition to just marketing your business. It also helps you
to communicate with other clients in case if you have any problems.

2. Personal website or blog:

It is important to have private website if you are a freelancer. Your website will help your
clients to know about you and it will make them clear that you are a serious freelance
marketer and help to make huge revenue via online marketing.

3. Article selling:

It is also best and cheap internet marketing method. It is a mode of advertising our trade just
by writing articles and attracting endless number of users across world. We usually sell our
articles to different article database websites and article directories. Today it provided free
business to many advertisers and publishers and they are really benefited through their articles.

4. Email sending:

Electronic mail sending is the best way to marketing. Collect list of email addresses
through portfolio websites and email about
Your business to all internet users. Your Email should be attractive in such a way that your
recipient will be impressed to get back to you.

5. Use social networking websites:

Social networking websites like Twitter, face book can be used to promote your sales.

These provide best platform for all who are thinking of online marketing.

6. Video promotion:

Use several video distribution websites for your marketing. These websites uploads your service to
the whole world. All that you need to do is film a video about marketing and send it to video
uploading sites like You Tube. It seems it is the easiest way of marketing than any other modes
since many people will be interested in view videos rather than word form of advertisement.

7. Press Release or media release:

It attracts several public clients and increases relationship among them.

8. Search Engine Optimization:

It improves the traffic to your website by providing quality web content. It uses RSS feeds
and many SEO techniques.

Social networking websites and blogs:

Social networking websites allow individuals to interact with one another and build
relationships. When products or companies join those sites, people can interact with the product
or company. That interaction feels personal to users because of their previous experiences with
social networking site interaction Social networking sites and blogs allow individual followers to
―re tweet‖ or ―repost‖ comments made by the product being promoted. By repeating the
message, all of the users connections are able to see the message, there forereaching more
people. Social networking sites act as word of mouth. Because the information about the product
is being put out there and is getting repeated, more traffic is brought to the product/company.
Through social networking sites, products/companies can have conversations and interactions
with individual followers. This personal interaction can in still a feeling of loyalty into followers

and potential customers. Also, by choosing whom to follow on these sites, products can reach a
very narrow target audience.


In the context of the social web, engagement means that customers and stakeholders are
participants rather than viewers. Social media in business allows anyone and everyone to express
and share an opinion or idea
somewhere along the businesses path to market. Each participating customer becomes part of the
marketing department, as other customers read their comments or reviews. The engagement
process is then fundamental to successful social media marketing.

Implications on traditional advertising:

1. Minimizing use

Traditional advertising techniques include print and television advertising. The Internet had
already overtaken television as the largest advertising market. Websites often include banner or
pop-up ads. Social networking sites don‗t always have ads. In exchange, products have entire
pages and are able to interact with users. Television commercials often end with a spokesperson
asking viewers to check out the product website for more information. Print ads are also starting
to include barcodes on them.
These barcodes can be scanned by cell phones and computers, sending viewers to the product
website. Advertising is beginning to move viewers from the traditional outlets to the electronic

2. Leaks

Internet and social networking leaks are one of the issues facing traditional advertising. Video
and print ads are often leaked to the world via the Internet earlier than they are scheduled to
premiere. Social networking sites allow those leaks to go viral, and be seen by many users more
quickly. Time difference is also a problem facing traditional advertisers. When social events
occur and are broadcast on television, there is often a time delay between airings on the east

coast and west coast of the United States. Social networking sites have become a hub of
comment and interaction concerning the event. This allows individuals watching the event on the
west coast(time-delayed) to know the outcome before it airs.

Social media marketing mishaps:

Social media marketing provides organizations with a way to connect with their customers.
However, organizations must protect their information as well as closely watch comments and
concerns on the social media they use. A flash poll done on 1225 IT executives from 33
countries revealed that social media mishaps caused organizations a combined $4.3 million in
damages in 2010.The top three social media incidents an organization faced during the previous
year included employees sharing too much information in public forums, loss or exposure of
confidential information, and increased exposure to litigation An example of a social media
mishap includes designer Kenneth Cole's Twitter mishap in 2011.

What is social media?

Social Media is a platform that lets us participate in social networking. We can share our posts
on various social media platforms to improve business visibility. Today it is the best source for
news updates, marketing, education, and entertainment. Social technologies, on a mass scale,
connect people in ways that facilitate sharing information, thereby reducing the opportunities for
marketplace exploitation—whether by charging more than a competing supplier for otherwise
identical goods and services or charging anything at all for products that simply don‘t work.
Sunlight is a powerful disinfectant, and the collective knowledge that powers the Social Web is
the sunlight that shines in these new connected marketplaces. The Social Web dramatically
levels the playing field by making information plentiful, just as it also levels businesses and
organize that operate on the principles of making information scarce.

Here are some prominent examples of social media:

• Facebookis a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create
profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and
colleagues. According to statistics from the Nielsen Group, Internet users within the United
States spend more time on Facebook than any other website.

• Twitteris a free micro blogging service that allows registered members to broadcast short
posts called tweets. Twitter members can broadcast tweets and follow other users' tweets by
using multiple platforms and devices.

• Google+(pronounced Google plus) is Google’s social networking project, designed to

replicate the way people interact offline more closely than is the case in other social
networking services. The project‘s slogan is ―Real-life sharing rethought for the web.‖

• Wikipediaes a free, open content online encyclopaedia created through the collaborative
effort of a community of users known as Wikipedia. Anyone registered on the site can create
an article for publication; registration is not required to edit articles. Wikipedia was founded
in January of 2001.

• LinkedIn is a social networking site designed specifically for the business community. The
goal of the site is to allow registered members to establish and document networks of people
they know and trust professionally.

History of Social Media Marketing

Social Media seems to be a new trend, but its roots stretch to the beginning of computer era.
What we see today is the result of centuries-old social media development. User nets, which was
launched in 1979, was the first progenitor of social media, and the journey from User nets to
Facebook is a long one. User nets allowed users to post on newsgroups. It was followed by
Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) which allowed users to login and interact. Online services like
prodigy were the precursors to BBS. After online services, internet relay chat came into light
which gave way to instant messaging.
In the 90s, dating sites and forums were on peak, which led to the development of social
networks. But they did not let users make friend lists. Six degrees launched to overcome this

feature. It allowed profile creation and listing pears. It was purchased and shut down after
playing for a decade. Blogging emerged in this phase, creating a sensation in social media. It is
popular even today. Other sites like Black Planet (African-American Social Website) and
MiGente (Latino) cropped up having provision to create profiles and add friends.

Modern social networks came into picture post 2000. Apple launched its Friendster in 2002. It
has millions of users. Hi5 and LinkedIn were launched in 2003. LinkedIn is a ground for
professionals to reach out to one another. Myspace also originated in 2003 and became well
known by 2006. Similarly, Facebook was launched in 2004 and surpassed Myspace, Orkut,
Multiply, etc., and is still expanding. This decade also conceived media sharing platforms like
photo bucket, Flickr, YouTube, Instagram, etc., along with news and bookmarking platforms
like Digg and Delicious.

Since 2000, social media has bloomed to horizon and is still expanding limitlessly. Along with
media sharing, many other portals that provide real-time updates were introduced, for example,
Twitter, Tumblr, etc. In 2007, Facebook launched its advertising system.

Importance of social media

The importance of social media is undebatable. It is a powerful channel of marketing − a game

changer for any business. It provides us the flexibility to communicate at both personal as well
as business levels.

Business owners can improve search rankings, leads, sales, and traffic using search media. This
can be done at reduced marketing expenses. Besides business, it is a cool platform to connect
with friends and dear ones.

SMO Strategy for Business

A wisely implemented Social Media Optimization (SMO) strategy can give a great boost to your
business. To draw maximum benefit out of social media, you need to set clear and well-defined
business goals and objectives. The following points are the backbone of any well-laid SMO
strategy −

• Set measurable and achievable goals.

• Know you customers.

• Research over market and trends.

• Explore more social networking platforms. Reflect your presence on all.

• Choose core topics related to your business. Use them in content.

• Set Social Engagement parameters.

• Plan your resource use.

• Track your results.

SMO − Key Concepts

• Aim for building reputation by depicting yourself as a trusted source or business.

• Encourage more engagement and sharing.

• Be an authorized name in your industry.

• Gear up originality.

• Keep it social.

• Master over your media platforms.

• Optimize every single point that hinders your efforts.

Business Profile Creation

Create an impactful Business profile. Add a well-defined persona and proficiency statement of
your business.

• Study competitors‘ business profile, analyses their strong points, and add them to yours.

• Add prominent features of your business that makes it stand out among others.

• Include the milestones achieved by your company.

• Add address and other details.

• Include data and statistics.

• List your renowned vendors.

• Add some keywords to it to get noticed by the web crawler.

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is a degree to which your brand name is known. Brand name solidifies
customers‘ trust. So, it is important that your brand name overshadows your products. Promoting
the brand name helps your business grow and get over obsolete business state.

Social Media Marketing can help you in branding your business. It helps you increase your
public profile as well. All you need is to

• Choose right Social Media Channel for your business.

• Finalize a social content strategy.

• Make a strong content strategy.

• Participate in good conversation with your customers to let them feel more connected.

• Keep track of all key metrics like potential reach, conversation share, links, etc.

“Importance of the Study”

• Marketing managers still need to realize the potential of social media over
traditional media
• Marketing and brand managers need to understand social media beyond Facebook
and Twitter - as in its utility in form of social applications, online communities,
social campaigns
• Marketing managers need to be comfortable with the social media metrics like
active users, engaged users, evangelists etc.

Objectives of the study

1. To analyse the effective communication strategy through social networking sites.

2. To study the impact of social media marketing on the behaviour of the consumers

3. To assess the role of social media in engaging customer.

Social Engagement

Social Media Engagement is the process of reaching out to potential customers and interacting
with them through social media. It is primarily done in order to draw attention towards a
particular product or a service. It is a two-way channel where a consumer can share a good
relationship with the vendors.

To achieve optimum reach, you need to engage with your audience. It can be a relentless task.

To grab more out of less, you need to strategize your social media engagement norms.

• Use 'Social Channels' to reach out fans.

• Use Social Media platforms to announce any event you are organizing.

• Entertain Posts your audience is posting.

• Use Social Media Circles to participate in valuable and educational conversations.

• Participate in Social Media groups.

Measure your engagement level to trace your engagement efforts. It is basically a ratio between
the social platforms that you use and the social platforms that you don't use to engage. The
higher is the level, the stronger is your bonding with the audience.
For numerous businesses, the world of social media is a noisy and jam-packed place to try and
build brand awareness. The idea of social media engagement is overwhelming for some
organizations because there‘s simply too much that goes into targeting the right audience on
each social network.

By now, you know social media can work in your favour, but the problem depends on how well
you‘re using these tools to create authentic social interactions and engagement. When it comes
down to it, pushing your brand starts withsuccessful engagement strategies.

Even though your great-grandmother is probably aware of social media, there are several
businesses still left in the dark with effective customer engagement strategies or even with the
actual definition of engagement altogether. In fact, a report from Thunderhead said only
confident in their customer engagement methods.

If you fall into that category, don‘t worry–we won‘t tell. Instead, we want to make sure you‘re
fully knowledgeable and comfortable with your next steps toward engaging with customers.

What is Social Media Engagement?

When you think about social media engagement, it‘s smart to break it down into something
tangible, such as a long-term relationship. In this example, you can imagine a committed and
lengthy relationship takes dedication, readiness to adapt, the ability to think about the future and
ensure the other person involved is happy for years to come.

Engagement is not just a single interaction with one of your customers, but an open line of
communication over a period of time. While the term ―customer relationship‖ may come to

mind, engagement is still slightly different and on its own level. When we think about social
media engagement, it‘s about how you use networks like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to
create a great customer experience. You want to be there for your patrons through the thick and
thin of it.Engagement can be defined and measured in many ways. In the simplest terms,
engagement is the interaction between people and brands on social networks. For example, on
Facebook, engagement includes likes, comments and shares Customer engagement is a business
connection between an externalstakeholder(consumer) and an organization (company orbrand)
through various channels of correspondence. This connection can be a reaction, interaction,
effect or overallcustomer experience, which takes place online and offline. The term can also be
used to define customer-to-customer correspondence regarding a communication, product,
service or brand. However, the latter dissemination originates from a business-to-consumer
interaction resonated at a subconscious level.

Online customer engagement is qualitatively different from offline engagement as the nature of
the customer‘s interactions with a brand, company and other customers differ on the internet.
Discussion forums orblogs, for example, are spaces where people can communicate and
socialize in ways that cannot be replicated by any offline interactive medium. Online customer
engagement is a social phenomenon that became mainstream with the wide adoption of the
internet in the late 1990s, which has expanded the technical developments in broadband speed,
connectivity and social media. These factors enable customer behaviour to regularly engage in
online communities revolving, directly or indirectly, around product categories and other
consumption topics. This process leads to a customer ‘s positive engagement with the company
or offering, as well as the behaviours associated with different degrees of customer engagement.

Marketingpractices aim to create, stimulate or influence customer behaviour, which

placesconversionsinto a more strategic context and is premised on the understanding that a focus
on maximizing conversions can, in some circumstances, decrease the likelihood of repeat
conversions. Although customer advocacy has always been a goal for marketers, the rise of
online content has directly influenced levels of advocacy. Customer engagement targets long-
term interactions, encouraging customer loyalty and advocacy through word-of-mouth. Although
customer engagement marketing is consistent both online and offline, the internet is the basis for
marketing efforts.

Leveraging customer contributions is an important source of competitive advantage – whether
through advertising, user generated product reviews, service FAQs, forums where consumers
can socialize with one another or contribute to product development. In store, or offline
customer engagement is best leveraged by associates‘ extensive brand and product knowledge,
and the digital access that supports it. Equipped with a tablet that also delivers store and sales
training, educated on-floor associates become brand ambassadors who can show consumers
high-definition product imagery and video to help cross-sell, up-sell, grow relationships and
foster loyalty. In its current form, internet is primarily a source of communication, information
and entertainment, but increasingly, it also acts as a vehicle for commercial transactions. Since
the explosion of the web as a business medium, one of its primary uses has been for marketing.
Soon, the web could become a critical distribution channel for the majority of successful
enterprises. One among them is marketing and spreading brand communication through social
networking sites (Thompson, 2002)

Social networking websites are online communities of people who share interests and activities
or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. They typically provide a
variety of ways for users to interact, through chat, messaging, email, video, voice chat,
filesharing, blogging and discussion groups. As World Wide Web grew in popularity, social
networking moved to web-based applications.

This next section provides a conceptual starting point in understanding how the critical activities
of engagement and response are enabled through the adoption of social technology and
supporting processes. Beware: It‘s a different viewpoint than that which applies to
―engagement‖ in traditional media. Engagement is redefined by consumers when acting in an
open, participative social environment. This is a very different context than the ―read-only‖
setting in which traditional media defines ―engagement,‖ so take the time here to understand the
four stages of engagement. Engagement on the Social Web means customers or stakeholders
Portici - pants rather than viewers. It‘s the difference between seeing a movie and participating
in a screening of ―The Rocky Horror Picture Show.‖

The difference is participation. Engagement, in a social business sense, means your customers
are willing to take their time and energy and talk to you—as well as about you—in conversation
and through processes that impact your business.



Author: Brenda Barker Scott MIR, Ph.D. Candidate Facilitator, Queen ‘s University IRC

Title: Organization learning

Journal: Journal of Management Studies

BRENDA BARKER SCOTT, MIR, Ph.D. Candidate facilitator, queen‘s university IRC
published: January2011. White a comprehensive model for organization learning (OL) remains
elusory, the wide web of scholarly conversation and debate has spurred rich insight into the
central questions of how and what people learn in organizational settings. This paper is aimed at
exploring some of those debates, with a view to identifying a complementary set of factors that,
if present, might tip the balance towards more fruitful learning in organizations. I begin by
exploring the debates shaping the literature through two central questions: 1) what is learning?
And 2) Can organizations learn? Based on the insights gained, I turn to the question of how
organizations can increase their capacity to learn.

I define learning in organizations as a multilevel process whereby members individually and

collectively acquire knowledge by acting together and reflecting together. Knowledge is
acquired, or created, and applied by individuals. In turn, individual knowledge is shared,
combined, expanded, tested, and applied amongst individuals to become group or community
knowledge. As that knowledge is captured, spread and embedded is organizational features, such
as strategies and protocols, it becomes part of an organizational context, or code, that, in turn,
influences what and how groups, communities, and individuals learn. The code continues to
evolve as it consumes the learning of individuals and groups.

Rather than searching for the ultimate recipe for learning, I offer a set of questions as a starting
place for this exploration. The questions and commentary are meant to tap into the tremendous
amount of wisdom that has been generated in the area of organizational learning.

Author: Scott, Queen ‘s University IRC

Title: social media as a Marketing Tool

Scott (2009) states the reasons for brand promoters preferring online web for marketing is that
the tools, techniques and content are constantly evolving .The buyers reward creativity by
responding to the online efforts like:
―If you are open to trying out new things, you can be first in your industry to use something
new to communicate to your buyers.
Marketing in some social networking websites is still the most popular in their niche. Shih

(2009) says that there are hundreds of millions of active users across sites like Face book, Hi5,
Orkut and My Space. 2.6 billion minare spent on Face book each day. These websites are
enabling brands to engage the right people in the right conversation at right time. Marketing the
brands through social media is becoming precise, personal, interesting, interactive and social
.Weber (2009) says promoting a community is just like as promoting a new brand product or
service to the consumers. Social media is used to communicate people in the promotional aspect
and inclined to involve the236 J. Media Communicate Stud .people. Traditional advertising and
direct marketing in social media is to send people to the digital community to be informed,
entertained and heard. Users find appealing, a value high enough to encourage them to

Author:Cox, Sarah L. M.S., Purdue University

Title: Social media marketing in a small business

In today‘s social media driven environment, it is essential that small businesses Understand
Facebook, Twitter, and the strategies behind using social media for Growing their business.
Unfortunately, many small businesses do not have a strategy when they begin using social
media. The purpose of this study is to understand how the owner of a small business, recognized
for using social media to grow the business, uses social media to engage consumers. A case
study is presented, followed by an in-depth interview with the small business owner, and
accompanied by an analysis of the business‘s Facebook and Twitter posts. The results of the case
study reveal the different strategies the owner uses to build and maintain relationships with

consumers. The study concludes with a discussion of the lessons learned from the research:
networking and creating
Relationships with other businesses, increases brand exposure; focusing more on relationships
than sales, increases sales; interesting content promotes interaction; and one main barrier to entry
is a learning curve.

Author: Michael Trusov Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business,

University of Maryland, College Park

Title: Effects of internet social network sits.

The authors study the effect of word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing on member growth at an
Internet social networking site and compare it with traditional marketing vehicles. Because
social network sites record the electronic invitations sent out by existing members, outbound
WOM may be precisely tracked. WOM, along with traditional marketing, can then be linked to
the number of new members subsequently joining the site (signups). Due to the endogeneity
among WOM, new signups, and traditional marketing activity, the authors employ a Vector
Auto regression (VAR) modelling approach. Estimates from the VAR model show that word-of-
mouth referrals have substantially longer carryover effects than traditional marketing actions.
The long run elasticity of signups with respect to WOM is estimated to be 0.53 (substantially
larger than the average advertising elasticity reported in the literature) and the WOM elasticity is
about 20 times higher than the elasticity for marketing events, and 30 times that of media
appearances. Based on revenue from advertising impressions served to a new member, the
monetary value of a WOM referral can be calculated; this yields an upper bound estimate for the
financial incentives the firm might offer to stimulate word-of-mouth.

Author: Lazarus, Batra and Ray, Homer and Inman

Title: The effectiveness of internet advertising on consumer behaviour

Advertisers are expected to shift and spend millions in internet advertising in the coming years
than TV, print ads and other traditional advertising media. With the rapid growth in technology,
the internet is becoming an important one stop point for consumers in finding most of their
needs. Be it communication, entertainment, shopping, information search, internet serves as a

panacea for all their requirements. Many consumers are online every day for their personal work,
but do they notice the ads, banners displayed on that web page, and most important their recall
value. The current study investigated the effectiveness of internet advertising on consumer
behaviour by conducting a case study of University of Nairobi Students. The study sought to
determine the effectiveness of internet advertising on reach and creation of awareness; to
establish the reliability of internet advertising through recall; and to determine the relationship
between internet advertising and purchase decision. The study used a case study research design.
The target population was the University of Nairobi students. The study used stratified sampling
technique to select 100 study respondents. The primary data was collected using questionnaires.
Content analysis was used to analyse qualitative data while the quantitative data was analysed
using descriptive statistics using SPSS. Regression and Correlation analysis was used to show
the relationships among the variables. The data was presented through percentages, means,
standard deviations and frequencies. The study found that internet advertising was effective on
reach and creation of awareness due to diverse usage, and established that its reliability as an
advertising media was low compared to TV. Internet advertising has significant relationship with
purchase decision of the consumers and therefore is a key determinant in influencing consumer
behaviour. The study determined that there is a positive relationship between internet advertising
and consumer purchase decision and further recommends that companies should conduct market
research on the different markets in various countries to ensure that the internet advertising
initiatives being implemented suits the targeted markets to improve product purchases.

The Development of Social Media Marketing

In recent years, social networking sites and social media have increased in popularity, at a global
level. For instance, Facebook is said to have more than a billion active users (as of 2012) since
its beginning in 2004 ( Social networking sites can be described as
networks of friends for social or professional interactions (Trusov, Bucklin, & Pauwels, 2009).
Indeed, online social networks have profoundly changed the propagation of information by
making it incredibly easy to share and digest information on the internet (Akrimi&Khemakhem,

The unique aspects of social media and its immense popularity have revolutionized marketing
practices such as advertising and promotion (Hanna, Rohm, & Crittenden, 2011). Social media
has also influenced consumer behaviour from information acquisition to post-purchase
behaviour such as dissatisfaction statements or behaviours (Mangold & Faulds, 2009) and
patterns of Internet usage (Ross et al., 2009; Laroche et al., 2012).

Social media is ‗‗a group of internet-based applications that builds on the ideological and
technological foundations of Web 2.0, and it allows the creation and exchange of user-generated
content‘‘ (Kaplan &Haenlein, 2010, p.61). Social media has many advantages as it helps connect
businesses to consumers, develop relationships and foster those relationships in a timely manner
and at a low cost as Kaplan and Haenlein discovered (2010).

Other functions of social media involve affecting and influencing perceptions, attitudes and end
behaviour (Williams &Cothrell, 2000), while bringing together different like-minded people
(Hagel & Armstrong, 1997).

In an online environment, Laroche (2012) pointed out that people like the idea of contributing,
creating, and joining communities to fulfil needs of belongingness, being socially connected and
recognized or simply enjoying interactions with other like-minded members. The much higher
level of efficiency of social media compared to other traditional communication channels
prompted industry leaders to state that companies must participate in Facebook, Twitter,
Myspace, and others, in order to succeed in online environments (Kaplan &Haenlein, 2010;
Laroche 2012). Thus, more industries try to benefit from social media as they can be used
to develop strategy, accept their roles in managing others‘ strategy or follow others‘ directions
(Williams & Williams, 2008).

Social media websites provide an opportunity for companies to engage and interact with
potential and current consumers, to encourage an increased sense of intimacy of the customer
relationship, and build all important meaningful relationships with consumers (Mersey,
Malthouse, & Calder 2010) especially in today‘s business environment when consumer loyalty
can vanish at the smallest mistake, which can additionally have online propagation of their
unfortunate encounter with a particular product, service, brand or company. Some companies are
beginning to take notice of the power of social media.

Segmentation of Social Media Users

Following the general idea that segmentation can leverage a better understanding of consumer‘s

By definition, social media is a set of various web services that can be interrelated for social
interaction using highly accessible and scalable communication techniques (Subramanyam and
Greenfield, 2008). Those web services refer to user‘s capacity to create, publish and share
contents that are accessible in various platforms – basically webs and mobiles.

The core of social media as explained by Trusov et al. (2009) lies in fact that users can have
individual profiles and personal images, users are able to communicate their thoughts, feelings,
interests (music, hobbies, preferences) and link to affiliated profiles (friends or professional fan

According to Hausmann &Poellmann (n.d.), the most relevant categories of social media
applications at present are summarized and cursorily discussed below:

• Collaborative projects encompass knowledge communities like ―Wikipedia‖,

bookmarking sites like ―Mr. Wong‖ or review sites like ―Yelp‖. While knowledge
communities enable users to add, remove, and change text-based communities, bookmarking and
review sites allow a group-based collection and rating of Internet links, media content or
products and services.

• Weblogs (Blogs) represent the earliest form of social media and are regularly updated
websites on which contributions are published in reverse chronological orders. In general, blogs
allow extensive interaction between blogger and readers via a comment function.

• Microblogs like Twitter are seen as a hybrid of blogging, instant messaging and status
notifications. They allow people to publish short text messages (restricted to 140 – 200
characters) using a multitude of various communication channels such as cell phones, instant
messaging, e-mail and the Web.

• Content communities like YouTube, Flickr or Slide share focus on content and file
sharing between users. Content communities exist for a wide range of different media types like
text, photos, songs, videos and PowerPoint presentations.

• Social Networks like Facebook connect users with similar background and interests who
create personal, fully customizable profiles displaying their identity and then share these with so-
called friends or fans. Profiles can include any type of information, i.e., photos, videos, audio
files and blogs.
• Virtual Worlds comprise virtual games and social worlds where a three-dimensional
computer-based environment replicates the ―real world‖. In games like War craft user can
appear in the form of a personalized avatar and interact with the community.

For the present study, focus is on social network sites; Facebook being a popular example. Fin in
et al. (2005, p. 419) define a social network as an ―explicit representation of the relationship
between individuals and groups in the community‖. Additionally, Raacke and Bonds-Raacke
(2008) indicate that social networks provide a virtual platform where people of similar interests
may gather to communicate, share and discuss ideas.

A unique and striking feature of social networks is the users‘ profile. This profile is the focal
point of one‘s social networking experience. Each profile page is unique to the owner and allows
its user to literally ―type oneself into being‖ (Sunden, 2003, p. 3).

Each member is encouraged to upload their personal profile photograph and share a range of
personal information such as where they go to school and details about their personal tastes, such
as favourite movies and music (Boyd, 2007). Aside from the inclusion of personal details and
photographs, there are two further main components of the social networking profile – friends
and comments (Boyd, 2007). Friends also play a fundamental role in the composition of SNSs.

Once the connection is made, the relationship will be visually represented on each user‘s profile
page, under the friend’s section, within which there is a facility to nominate one‘s top or best 8,
12, 16 or 20 friends, to be listed as such on the user‘s main profile page (Boyd, 2007). Research
to date in this area has focused overwhelmingly on one‘s profile page, primarily regarding how
people portray themselves through their profile page and how they connect with friends and

acquaintances via the network (Boyd and Ellison, 2008; Tong et al., 2008; Liu, 2008; Boyd,

Social Media Advertising and Marketing

Social media advertising refers to the process of gaining website traffic or attention through
social media sites. Social media advertising campaigns usually centre on efforts to create content
that attracts attention and encourages readers to share it with their social networks.

Impact of social media can be seen in television advertisements which sign off with a plea for
consumers to visit their websites, Facebook or Twitter page with the promise of an exciting
online experience, fun incentives and a sense of community that people actually want to get
involved with (Kaushik, 2012). Bajpai et al (2012) write that social media has become a platform
that is easily accessible to anyone with Internet access. Increased communication for
organizations fosters brand awareness and often, improved customer service.

On impact of social media advertising and or marketing on consumers purchase decisions,

Fauser et al (2011) found that consumers felt that information sharing, collaboration and
relationship building was necessary to support ongoing communication.

Bati (n.d.) studying attitudes of young consumers towards social media marketing, surveyed a
total of 124 students at some universities located in Istanbul. He found that 66. 9% of the
participants think that using a social media tool for advertising is useful; 50% of the participants
are fans of at least one company or brand; 54% of the participants follow of at least one
company or brand; 57.2% of the participants trust recommendations from people they knew
personally about brands; 42. 8% of the participants trust brand websites and minibites; and
47.5% of the participants like social network advertising very much.

Similarly, Chi (2011) analysing User Motivation and Social Media Marketing Responses in
Taiwan found that social networking online is the main reason users keep spending time with
social media such as Face book.

Azizul Yadi Yaakop, Marhana Mohamed Anuar, Khatijah Omar & Alphonsus Liaw Kuok Liung

(n.d.) who studied consumers‘ perceptions and attitudes towards advertising on Facebook in
Malaysia suggest that there are three online factors that significantly influence consumers‘
attitudes towards advertising on Facebook. The factors are perceived interactivity, advertising
avoidance and privacy. Surprisingly, according to them, credibility was not a significant factor
predicting consumer‘ attitudes towards advertising on Facebook.


Secondary data was utilized by the researcher for the purpose of study. The purpose
methodology for this research study is a systematic descriptive study design that involves a
review of different journals available online over a period of 2-3 month.
Data collection for this study will involve collecting feedback , impacts and effect on the
behaviour of each consumer who are using social media for their marketing purpose.
Social media marketing in India increasing rapidly and the impact are very much effective to
target more audience.The proposed methodology for this research study involves a systematic
descriptive study design, non-probability sampling of viewers, data collection through internet,
websites, publishers, comments, reviews, feedbacks, and data analysis using a content analysis
framework.There are several reasons why people in India use and prefer Social Media
Marketing. Wide reach: Social Media Marketing has a massive user base in India.


The data from secondary sources include periodicals, published annual reports of central bank,
different websites & other reports. The data for users and member establishment perception
towards plastic money

1) Online Database
2) Journal
3) Internet
4) Website



This research has been conducted to find out how effective the social medial marketing to
engage new customer as well as retained the existing customers.

It concluded that as an information seeker, social media helps to create preference of the service
to adopt or not because of review posted in these social sites by product user.

Reviews are the effective factor to influence customer for brand preference and make conviction
of the product & service through internet (social sites) other media of marketing.

Research found in social media sites, YouTube& face book are provided more awareness among
different sites and Indian users are reliable these sites too . In this research there is significant
role of social media marketing to engage new customers and social media networking are
effective to engaging new customer in India

Our study also has the same positive effect of SMM on buying decision making. Which mean
SMM has slight positive impact on CBDM(Community Based Disaster Management)process.
Regarding conclusion some suggestion for them to win the social media market they are, Good
SMM requires in-depth knowledge of its organization and a solid plan of how it can be used to
achieve business goals. Before attempting to promote their business on the various networks,
think about SMM not as a temporary solution that will get marketers traffic now. And second
one is They don‘t wants to risk losing visitors and potential customers, make sure they have a
very specific SMM schedule that you stick to no matter what.


The present study has some limitations that must be acknowledged. These include:

• The study was conducted using a sample of Journals available online and different

• The data collection was limited. It may not capture complete range of consumer

• The study only relied on the analysis of websites and internet data. Routing with other
sources of data could have provided more comprehensive understanding of impact of
social media marketing on the behaviour of consumer

• In conclusion the present study has several limitations that need to be considered when
interpreting the results. Further research should be conducted to address this limitation
and provide a more proper understanding

• The study was conducted using sample of viewers available online and watching
advertising videos .therefor it may not be representative of the broader population and the
findings cannot be generalized to the entire population of India.




Social media marketing has had a significant impact on consumer behaviour in recent years in

1.Brand awareness : Social media networks give businesses access to a huge audience of
potential clients. Brands are able to increase consumer awareness of their goods and services by
using targeted advertising and content promotion. Due to their growing familiarity with a brand
and its products, consumers may change their behaviours as a result of this increased exposure.

2.Influencer Marketing :Social media influencers have developed into strong brand supporters.
Brand can use their influence to market goods or services by working with influencers who have
a large fan base, which can cause changes in their preferences and purchasing decisions.

3.Social proof and user-generated content :Users can express their thoughts and experiences
about goods and services on social media networks, positive customer feedback and user
generated content, such pictures and videos, can serve as social proof and affect other peoples
purchasing choices. The opinions of their peers or the individuals they follow on social media are
recommendation that consumers are more likely to trust.

Overall, social media marketing has revolutionized the way brands interact with consumers and
has a significant impact on their behaviour. It has created new avenues for brand exposure,
increased trust and engagement, and provided consumers with access to a wealth of information.
As social media platforms continue to evolve, the influence of social media marketing on
consumer behaviour is likely to expand further.


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 Vellido et al. (1999) investigated consumers‘ opinion on online purchasing and online
vendors that seem to consist of the underlying dimensions control and convenience,‘‘ trust and
security,‘‘ affordability,‘‘ ease of use,‘‘ and effort/responsiveness.‘‘
 McDonald (1996) segmented the Internet audience as avid adventurers,‘‘ fact
collectors,‘‘ entertainment seekers,‘‘ and social shoppers.‘‘ Also, Bergman et al. (2005)
performed a cluster analysis based on seven factors, such as Internet convenience‖ perceived self-
inefficacy‖, Internet logistics‖, Internet distrust‖, Internet offer‖, Internet window-shopping‖.
 Mayfield (2008) explains that social media is online or electronic media which facilitates
participation, openness, conversation, community and connectedness amongst online users.

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• Chi, Hsu-Hsien. 2011. Interactive Digital Advertising VS. Virtual Brand Community:

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Journal of Interactive Advertising 12: 44-61.
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groups and responses among college-aged users.‖ Journal of Interactive Advertising 12: 30-43.
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