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Answer all questions
Time: 3Hours
Max: 70marks
1.A species of lions is introduced into Akagera National Park where previously there were no
lions. Six lions were introduced in 2015. It is expected that the population will increase
according to

���� = ���� × ����.���� where t is the time since the introduction.

a) Find ����
b) Find the expected lion population in 2020.
c) In which year will the number of lions be 100?

2. a) let {����} be sequence defined by ��0=9 ∀��, ����+��=��������-3

a) i) Calculate ����,���� and ����

b) ii) Let a sequence (����) defined by ���� = ���� + 6 , ∀��
c) Show that {����} is geometric sequence and hence determine its common ratio and the
first term.
d) i)Determine ���� and ���� in terms of �� 15marks
e) iii) Calculate the following sums of the series:
f) ���� = ��0 + ��1 + ⋯ ���� and ���� = ��0 + ��1 + ⋯ ����
g) iv) Deduce lim∞���� and lim∞����
h) v) Determine whether ���� is convergent or divergent

3. Solve the inequality 2��−1

��+2< 0

4. Prove the following identities

i) cos4 �� − sin4 �� = cos(2��)

ii)cos2 �� + cos(2��)= 2-3sin2 ��

5. a) Solve simultaneously, by elimination method (10marks)

⎧⎫ ⎩⎭+=
5 3 12
7 2 19
b) Find the domain of definition of the function ��(��) = √��2+3��−4
−�� +4��+5
6. Let ��(��) =��3
�� −1 (10marks)

a) Determine the domain of definition of (��)

b) Calculate the limits around the domain of definition and deduce the equations of the
asymptotes to the curve of (��)
c) Determine the coordinates of the points of intersection of the curve with axis

coordinates. 7. Find the values of �� for which (2−3��)��2+(4−��)��+2=0 has:

a) No real roots
b) Two negative roots (10marks)
c) Two opposite roots
8.a)Show the following identity by mathematical induction:1 + 2 + 22 + 23 + ⋯ 2��−1 = 2�� −
2) ; ����
b) Show that the following numbers are in
arithmetic progression ��2+��2

9. Solve for �� a)���� − 7 + 10��−�� = 0

b)log3(�� + 2) + 1 = log3(��2 + 4��)

10. Given that 22

( 2) 81 x y − + =is the equation of the circle. Find
a) Its Centre
b) Its radius

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