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(inquiringly) I want to ask you a pretty strange question, but firstly, we need to understand the

nature of a black holes. Massive stars have stages of lifetime such as:

(serious, corporative, low pitched, after every sentence a pause)

(low pitched) Fusion fuel(hydrogen) reduction. (pause)

Light pressure and temperature decrease.(pause)
Decrease in internal pressure and compression of the star
under the influence of gravity. (pause)
Supernova. (pause)
and then, (pause)
BLACK HOLE (pause)

(serious, corporative, a bit low pitched)The weight under compression becomes so tremendous, that it
falls in a space extremely deeply and it forms a BLACK HOLE. After a black hole has formed, it can
grow by absorbing mass from its surroundings.

In 1783 geologist John Michell, known as the father of black holes, firstly described a black hole as .He thought that
the gravity is so strong that the speed required to overcome it exceeds the speed of light, known as the fastest speed
in the universe. But he didn’t know where it would lead.

Black hole itself is structured in different parts:

Accretion disk. An accretion disk is a structure that forms around a central object, such as a black hole or a
young star, when matter spirals inward due to gravitational forces. It is a flattened disk-like structure composed of
gas, dust, and other material that is being pulled into the center by the strong gravitational pull of the central object.
Photon sphere. It is an area where gravity is so dreadful, that photons are forced to travel in orbits, without a
chance to escape a black hole.
The event horizon. It’s the point of no return, is a boundary beyond which any object or information is
forever trapped by the devastating gravitational pull of the black hole and once matter crosses the event horizon, it is
thought to be lost forever. According to our current understanding of physics any information about the matter
inside a black hole is inaccessible to observers outside the event horizon.
Singularity. Singularity is a place where matter is compressed down to an infinitely tiny point, where
gravitational force incredibly strong, and the laws of physics as we currently understand them starting to cracking

(inquiringly, normal pitch) But what if I say that our universe is not alone, and that many
scientists think that parallel universes may exist inside a black hole?

(serious, corporative, a bit low pitched)Hawking's breakthrough by combined models of general relativity
and quantum mechanics revealed that black holes possess a temperature and emit thermal radiation, subsequently
known as "Hawking radiation," leading to their full eventual evaporation.

But in the "string theory" everything is made of tiny 1-dimensional vibrating strings that create quarks, electrons and
This theory suggests that black holes could be "fuzzballs" without singularities or sharp horizons.

If string theory is true, then it resolves the information conservation paradox as instead of collapsing all black hole’s
mass into a single point, it gets distributed around the ring-like structure of these strings.
The firewall paradox arises as a potential obstacle for extracting information from a black hole.
The theory proposes that at the event horizon there should be a fire ring - firewall.

The firewall functions as a protective barrier that incinerates any matter or information that approaches and enters
the black hole.
Nonetheless, fuzzballs align with toy models of idealized black holes with zero temperature
In this scenario, there should be no Hawking radiation, and the black holes don’t evaporate.
(inquiringly, bit slowly, normal pitch) But we know what does concern you,(pause) what is inside of it?

(normal)So(pause for 1 second), black hole has only three measurements:

(low pitched)MASS(pause)

(serious, corporative, a bit low pitched)

By calculating gravitational effect on stars around the black hole we can measure a mass
The smallest known black hole is only 3 times sun mass. (pause)
while the biggest black hole is 66 billion times sun mass.
(low pitched)SPIN(pause)

(serious, corporative, a bit low pitched)

By measuring the distance between the accretion disk
and the black hole, we can understand how fast it spins, The faster it spins, the closer its
accretion disk lies to it. Like pressing your arms close to the body in figure skating

But hypothetically when black hole is spinning too fast

it can lead to a naked singularity a black hole without event horizon where you can see what inside of a
black hole from outside, but till this day we haven’t found this black hole yet, and scientists can’t imagine
how it would look like, because it is a hypothesis.

(low pitched) CHARGE(pause)

(serious, corporative, a bit low pitched)

By the vast amount of charged particles that have fallen into black hole it can become negatively or
positively charged, black hole also can be non-charged.

Theories suggest that if black hole is spinning and has a charge, then it will have non-trivial topology,
meaning the singularity will have a hole. And if something enters the black hole it can exit from a place
that is called the white hole.
White hole is a hypothetical place, opposite to the black hole, if black hole is absorbing everything around
it, then the white hole is throwing everything that has gone inside of the black hole away, and nothing can
enter it.

Actually if the black hole is had larger mass than the white hole, then the white hole would just be eaten
by the black hole. But if the white hole had a larger mass than black hole? It could be that the white hole
would push the black hole away, or if the black hole and white hole had the same mass? Actually we
don’t know. Remember, white hole is still a hypothetical place.

(serious, corporative, low pitched)

But one of the most horrifying things that could be inside of it (pause for 1 second) are Multiverses .

(serious, corporative, a bit low pitched)

He also suggests that whenever a black hole is formed within our Universe,
it may lead to the creation of a separate "baby Universe." And he also wrote a book that is called black holes and
baby universes.

This baby Universe would only be accessible to an observer who crosses the event horizon of that particular black
And thus, we stumble upon universe expansion

Universe experiences an expansion and after the Big Bang it only keeps extending and expansion of the universe
that is lasting endlessly produces an infinite amount of the black holes. It means that in our universe that has existed
for over 13.8 billion years, thereafter there should be a tremendous volume of space. We are talking about at least
40 quintillion black holes in our universe, and each of them carries other universes.

It means that with an infinite amount of universes everything that could in principle have happened here did happen
somewhere else.

(inquiringly, bit slowly, normal pitch) But… if inside of the black hole an infinite amount of universes, is
our universe inside of the black hole?

(serious, corporative, a bit low pitched)If black holes in our universe may give a birth to other universes
(inquiringly) Can our existence be a product of another parent universe?
(serious, corporative, a bit low pitched)It's also logical, that if the black holes contain other universes, we
can leave inside of a black hole.
Nikodem Popławski is a Polish theoretical physicist who shared worldwidely his captivating hypothesis that every
black hole could be an obsidian veil which may serve a transcendent portal to another universes.

In his model, he suggested that the matter falling into the black hole gets thrown out at the other end and eventually
becomes a material for building galaxies as ours.

And inside of a black hole, it creates a seed within itself which has a spin. This seed is thought to have been almost
unimaginably tiny, possibly trillions of times smaller than any particle humans have ever been able to observe. As
black holes spin very fast, they create a tremendous amount of torsion. Torsion forces the seed to expand rapidly.
This process, indeed, is familiar to the Big Bang but the only thing is that it has happened countless times beyond
our imagination.

(serious, corporative, slowly, low pitched)If this theory is true, we are living in a black hole and all our
existence is just a product of another universe as in another infinite number of universes.

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