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What does analysis

even mean?
+ it’s intended purpose or effect
= analysis
There is always
TONE ...
Tone is about establishing a
mood or a relationship.
There is always Vernacular

DICTION ... Connotation

vs Denotation
Word choice is about tone.
Diction is about character,
region, or culture.
Choices and
devices that mean ● Alliteration
● Rhyme
TO REPEAT ○ Polysyndeton
○ Asyndeton
● Parallelism
○ Anaphora
○ Epistrophe
● Motif
● Foreshadowing
Repetition is about emphasizing,
highlighting, bringing attention
back to, reinforcing, repeatedly
demonstrating, reaffirming...
● Juxtaposition
● Concession
Choices and ● Hyperbole
● Understatement
devices that mean ● Oxymoron
○ Sarcasm
● Character foil
● Paradox
● Chiasmus
● Antithesis
● Contradiction
Contrasts can
… clarify.
… show a contradiction.
… differentiate.
… expose a disparity.
… demonstrate a polarity between ...
Choices and devices that mean TO COMPARE

● Story ● Analogy
○ Allegory ○ Simile
○ Parable ○ Metaphor
○ Anecdote ● Imagery
○ Adage ● Personification
● Allusion/ Reference
● Symbol
● Euphemism
○ Metonomy
● Parody
○ Synedoche
We compare to
… clarify.
… elevate or reduce.
… mirror or parallel.
… join.

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