Efectos A Largo Plazo de Anorexia y Baja Masa Osea

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Journal of Adolescent Health 000 (2018) 1 6


Original article

Long-Term Outcomes of Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa on Bone

D1X XJessica Mumford, D2X XM.B.B.S.a,b, D3X XMichael Kohn, D4X XM.B.B.S., Ph.D.a,c,
D5X XJulie Briody, D6X XM.Bio.Med.Eng.d, D7X XJane Miskovic-Wheatley, D8X XM.Sc., D.Clin.Psy.a,
D9X XSloane Madden, D10X XPh.D.a, D1X XSimon Clarke, D12X XM.B.B.S.c,e, D13X XAndrew Biggin, D14X XM.B.B.S., Ph.D.f,g,
D15X XAaron Schindeler, D16X XPh.D.h,i,*, and D17X XCraig Munns, D18X XM.B.B.S., Ph.D.f,i
Eating Disorder Service, Sydney Children’s Hospital Network, Westmead, New South Wales, Australia
School of Rural Medicine, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, Australia
Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine, Westmead Hospital, Westmead, New South Wales, Australia
Nuclear Medicine, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Westmead, New South Wales, Australia
The Children's Hospital at Westmead, Westmead, New South Wales, Australia
Department of Endocrinology, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Westmead, New South Wales, Australia
Children’s Hospital Westmead Clinical School, University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Orthopaedic Research Unit, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Westmead, New South Wales, Australia
Discipline of Paediatrics & Child Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Article History: Received February 12, 2018; Accepted July 25, 2018
Keywords: Anorexia nervosa; Bone; Bone density; Bone mineral density; Bone morphology; Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry; DXA;
Peripheral quantitative computed tomography; pQCT

Purpose: Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a chronic and life-threatening eating disorder that can have a consid-
erable negative impact on the growing skeleton. We hypothesized that the long-term impact on bone
While prior studies have
health may persist even after normalization of body weight.
shown the acute effects
Methods: 41 females (mean age 21.2 § 2.9 years) with a history of adolescent-onset AN attended a follow-
adolescent AN can have on
up bone health assessment at 5 years (T5, n = 28) or 10 years (T10, n = 13) after their first AN-related hospi-
bone health, this report
tal admission. Assessment included dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry measurements of the total body,
highlights the long-term
lumbar spine, and proximal femur, peripheral quantitative computed tomography at the radius and tibia,
impact that may place indi-
anthropometric measurements, serum biochemistry, fracture history, and a patient questionnaire.
viduals at increased risk of
Results: A recovery in body weight and BMI was seen for both the T5 and T10 cohorts (BMI at intake 16.6,
osteoporosis and fracture
BMI at T5-T10 21.2-21.3). Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry body composition indicated a recovery of fat
long after recovery from a
mass and lean tissue mass. Total BMD was unaffected, but reductions were seen at the femoral neck and
severely low BMI.
arms. Peripheral quantitative computed tomography showed reduced trabecular and cortical bone in the
radius, and cortical thinning in the tibia. AN patients showed a statistically significant reduction in measures
of radiographic bone health at follow up, although not to a degree that necessitated clinical intervention.
Serum insulin-like growth factor 1 was also positively correlated with total BMD and BMC measures. While
fracture risk was not increased, a subset of participants (8%) showed multiple (>4) fractures.
Conclusion: A longitudinal study of adolescent AN showed persisting negative effects on bone health.
Crown Copyright © 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Society for Adolescent Health and Medi-
cine. All rights reserved.

Conflicts of interest: Dr Jessica Mumford, Dr Michael Kohn, Ms Julie Briody, Dr Jane Miskovic-Wheatley, Dr Sloane Madden, Dr Simon Clarke and Dr Andrew Biggin declare
no conflict of interest.
* Address correspondence to: Aaron Schindeler, Orthopaedic Research Unit, The Children's Hospital at Westmead, Locked Bag 4001, Westmead, NSW 2145, Australia.
E-mail address: craig.munns@health.nsw.gov.au (C. Munns).

1054-139X/Crown Copyright © 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. All rights reserved.
2 J. Mumford et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 00 (2018) 1 6

Interference with bone development, and the attainment of Recruitment

peak bone mass (PBM) and peak bone strength, can have dramatic
effects on osteoporosis and fracture risk in later life. An increase in This study sample consisted of patients who had previously
PBM by one standard deviation is estimated to reduce fracture risk been diagnosed with AN and admitted to and treated by the Eating
by up to 50% [1]. Conversely, disruptions in attaining PBM, as can Disorder Service at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney,
be seen with aberrant pubertal timing, can lead to sustained future Australia. The diagnosis was made by a multidisciplinary clinical
fracture risk [2]. This has led many to view nutrition affecting bone team and was consistent with criteria of the DSM-IV (Diagnostic
health as critical for long-term outcomes in bone density mainte- and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition) and initial
nance and fracture prevention [3]. presentation was before the age of 18 years [11]. Throughout treat-
Anorexia nervosa (AN) is characterised by the restriction of ment, 198 patients, including 4 males, elected to take part in stud-
energy intake relative to requirements, low body weight, an ies assessing the outcomes of their eating disorder. These studies
abnormal body image, and a fear of weight gain. AN is the included bone and body composition assessment by DXA and
third most common chronic disorder in adolescent females [4] blood tests [12,13].
and is associated with multiple and significant physical compli- Follow up written and phone contact was attempted on 198
cations. AN can adversely affect bone health and is associated patients who had taken part in either of two prior studies. Of these,
with low bone density, compromised bone quality, and 84 were unable to be contacted and 57 declined enrolment. Of the
increased fracture risk [5]. One of the first studies examining remainder, 16 met one or more of the following exclusion criteria:
the relationship between AN and bone health in adolescent male gender (due to small sample size), pregnancy, and absence of
girls showed that areal bone mineral density (aBMD) was sig- a baseline DXA. Patient information sheets approved by the Syd-
nificantly reduced [6]. Moreover, in this patient cohort aBMD ney Children’s Hospitals Network’s Human Research Ethics Com-
did not improve after weight recovery in the 6 and 12 months. mittee were distributed to all participants and informed consent
In a broader study of a larger cohort where nutritional status, was obtained.
hematologic, and biochemical parameters were analysed, the Patients were each assessed during a single hospital appoint-
relative bone ages of AN adolescents was significantly reduced ment. Patients had DXA and pQCT scans performed; anthropomet-
and correlated with the length of illness [7]. Hormones includ- ric measurements (height, weight, and BMI) measured; a blood
ing IGF-1 and oestradiol that affect bone health were signifi- test; and also completed questionnaires.
cantly reduced in subjects with AN.
The prior studies used dual-x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) for DXA assessment
measures of aBMD, lean mass and body fat. However, a 2008 study
reported on high-resolution computed tomography (CT) scanning DXA measurements of the Total Body, AP lumbar spine (LS)
of the distal radius [8]. AN subjects showed significantly reduced and proximal femur (right) were acquired on a GE-Lunar Prodigy
bone volume density (BV/TV) and trabecular thickness, and higher scanner, using enCore versions 6.1, 8.1, and 8.6 for baseline scans
trabecular separation. Both cortical and trabecular microarchitec- and version 13.60 for current follow-up. Scan acquisition parame-
ture were subsequently shown to be affected at this site [9]. ters were the same for all three software versions. Scan acquisition
In a cohort of 418 females (310 with AN, 108 controls), subjects mode was as suggested by the scanning software. “Thin” and
with AN showed a lifetime prevalence for prior fracture of 31% “Standard” were the only modes used. Scan analysis used the man-
compared with 19% in normal-weight controls. Moreover, in this ufacturer’s recommended techniques and enCore13.60 (GE Medi-
report, fracture incidence peaked after a diagnosis of AN. The risk cal Systems Lunar, Madison, WI, United States). “Standard” total
was increased without significant reductions in aBMD [10]. body analysis was performed as the “Enhanced” Total Body analy-
In addition to this well-characterized burden on acute bone sis option is not available on enCore13.60.
health, we hypothesized that poor bone health and fracture risk Variables analyzed included body height, body weight, aBMD
may persist after weight recovery. Future bone health issues may (g/cm2), projected bone area (BA in cm2), lean tissue mass (LTM),
particularly affect individuals with adolescent AN, as this is a time Fat %, and bone mineral content (BMC) relative to age. Skeletal
of peak bone growth and development as reflected by significant sub-regions selected for analysis included the upper limbs (arms),
reductions in BMD Z-scores in the arms, femoral neck, and L1-4 L2-4 LS, and right femoral neck (RFN). The bone mineral apparent
areal BMD. Thus, the main objective of this research project was to density (BMAD, g/cm3) of the LS (L1-4) was estimated as the ratio
evaluate the natural history of bone health in patients with a previ- between BMC and the extrapolated 3-dimensional bone volume
ous diagnosis of adolescent-onset AN at 5 or 10 years post-diagno- (BV in cm3) using an established method for deriving BV from BA
sis. The primary outcome measures were radiographic whole [14].
body DXA and peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography
(pQCT). Secondary measures included bone turnover markers and pQCT assessment
hormones, clinical bone health history, and current eating disorder
and weight status. As a radiographic scanning modality, pQCT allows discrete
analysis of the cortical and trabecular bone compartments. pQCT
scans of the non dominant radius and tibia were performed using
Methods a Stratec Medizintechnik GmBH XCT 2000 (Stratec Biomedical AG,
Birkenfeld, Germany) and software version 6.00B. To determine
Ethics limb dominance, the patient was asked which leg they used to kick
a ball (non dominant leg) and the hand they used to write (domi-
This study was approved by the Sydney Children’s Hospitals nant arm). Limb length was determined manually using a tape
Network’s Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) on the 16th measure, as required by the scanning software to determine the
April, 2014 (reference number 2006/114). distance from a “Reference” position to the measurement sites. For
J. Mumford et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 00 (2018) 1 6 3

Table 1
vBMD analysis

RADIUS 4% CALCBD Threshold 280 CONTMODE 1 PEELMODE 1 Trabecular area 45% of Total Bone area
RADIUS 65% CORTBD Threshold 711 CORTMODE 1
TIBIA 4% CALCBD Threshold 169 CONTMODE 1 PEELMODE 1 Trabecular area 45% of Total Bone area
TIBIA 66% CORTBD Threshold 711 CORTMODE 1

the tibia, distance from the tibial plateau to the highest point of the whole group, and by T5 and T10 subgroups. For subjects under
medial malleolus was measured, and for the radius, distance from 25 years old, age and ancillary Z-scores were obtained from in-
the distal end of the processus styloideus ulnae to the olecranon house pediatric reference data, which is an updated and expanded
was measured. dataset (n = 812) of previously published cohorts from Sydney,
A scout scan was used to visualize the correct “Reference” posi- Australia [16,17]. GE-Lunar software was also used to calculate
tion. The majority of individuals showed a lack of continuous scle- total BMD, LS BMD, and RFN Z scores, which were more applicable
rotic lines on the scout view indicative of completing growth. For for subjects over 25. Non GE-Lunar Z-score measures exclude the
these, the manufacturer recommended “Reference” position was n = 6 eldest subjects.
used (the middle of the articular cartilage at the endplate of the pQCT age Z-scores were calculated based on both published
tibia/fibula and ulna/radial junction). In studies of actively growing data and self-reported data [18 20]. Due to the lack of normative
patients, the “Reference” position was selected atop the most tibia data for patients over 19 years of age, Z-scores for patients
proximal density line surrounding the growth plate so long as this over 19 years old were calculated based on the mean and SD refer-
was proximal to the standard adult position. ence values published for 19 year old females.
Cross-sectional scans of the radius 4% and 65% sites and tibial For DXA and pQCT Z-scores a t-statistic was generated based on
4% and 66% sites were performed. Scan speeds of 15 and 20 mm/sec the mean Z-score, sample size, and standard deviation based on a
were used for the radius and tibia, respectively, with a .4 mm voxel mean normal Z-score of 0. The t-statistic was used to determine a
size. The effective radiation dose was 1 microSv per pQCT and the 2-tailed P-value with a cut-off for statistical significance set to .05.
total effective radiation dose for pQCT during this study was As the eldest 6 patients were over 25 years old, in-house DXA Z-
3 microSv. scores were only able to be calculated for n = 7 of the T10 group.
Subsequently, scans were analyzed using pre-determined For analyzing correlation between bone composition/serum
thresholds and modes (Table 1). The distal epiphysis (4% site) markers and BMD measures, Spearman correlation coefficients
determines total and trabecular volumetric bone mineral density were calculated between bone parameters and other parameters.
(vBMD), BMC, and total bone cross-sectional area (CSA). The diaph-
ysis (65% site for radius and 66% for tibia) determines total bone
Patient questionnaire
CSA, cortical CSA, cortical thickness, cortical vBMD, cortical BMC,
and stress strain index (SSI).
The Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) and a
customized questionnaire (to assess menstrual, fracture, and exer-
Anthropometric measurements cise histories data) were conducted using a secure application and
a mobile device. The EDE-Q is a gold standard measure commonly
Height (§.1 cm) was measured with a stadiometer (Holtain Ltd, used in clinical practice to assess the current eating disorder status
UK). Body weight (§.1 kg) was measured in light clothing using of patients, and calculates scores for common AN-related behav-
electronic scales (AND FW-150K, Japan). BMI SDS (body mass iors and concerns: restraint (regarding limiting and avoidance of
index standard deviation score) was obtained from the CDC 2000 eating), eating concern, shape concern and weight concern, as well
growth charts [15]. as a mean global score [21].

Serum biochemistry Results

A single fasting blood test was conducted to measure hormones Forty-one patients previously diagnosed and treated for AN
associated with bone health as well as bone turnover markers. were recruited for reassessment for bone health parameters.
Measurements included: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, free Twenty-eight respondents were within »5 years of initial admis-
T3 (fT3), free T4 (fT4), thyroid stimulation hormone, estradiol, leu- sion (T5) and 13 respondents within »10 years of initial admission
tenizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, insulin-like (T10). The cohort showed mean EDE-Q (global) scores within one
growth factor-1 (IGF-1), 25-hydroxyvitamin D, serum alkaline standard deviation of normal reference data, inconsistent with a
phosphatase, parathyroid hormone, procollagen type 1 N propep- current diagnosis of AN and at low risk of relapse [22] (Table 2).
tide (P1NP), and c-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen. The
total of 39 of 41 patients agreed to have blood tests (27/28 in T5 Body composition analysis shows that AN has long-term effects on
and 12/13 in T10). Baseline biochemistry data was obtained via bone health
electronic medical records, including estradiol, IGF-1, and fT3.
Analysis of DXA body composition was performed using retro-
Statistical analysis spective data (baseline data obtained at the time of the initial diag-
nosis of AN), and from the 5-year or 10-year follow-up data. At
Statistical analysis was conducted using SAS Software (SAS baseline, the mean age of the entire cohort at was 14.6 years (SD
Institute, Cary, NC, United States). Patients were analyzed as a 1.5), mean BMI was 16.6 (SD = 1.7) and mean Fat % was 15.9%
4 J. Mumford et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 00 (2018) 1 6

Table 2 Table 4
EDE-Q results of whole cohort (n = 41) at follow-up pQCT of radius and tibia for whole cohort (n = 41)

Cohort Normative p-value z-score Mean SD 95% CI Mean P

Variable Mean SD Mean SD RADIUS

4% BMC Total -1.0 1.1 -1.3 ¡.6 <.001
Global Score 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.2 .85 4% CSA Total Bone ¡.1 1.2 ¡.5 .3 .56
Restraint 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.3 .36 4% vBMD Trabecular ¡.4 1.1 ¡.67 .0 .04
Eating Concern 1.2 1.5 .6 .9 .01 4% vBMD Total ¡.8 1.2 -1.2 ¡.4 <.001
Shape Concern 2.2 1.7 2.1 1.6 .92 66% BMC Cortical ¡.3 1.1 ¡.7 .2 .06
Weight Concern 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.4 .41 66% Cortical Thickness ¡.4 1.2 ¡.8 .0 .03
66% CSA Cortical ¡.7 1.2 -1.1 ¡.3 <.001
66% CSA Relative Cortical ¡.1 1.1 ¡.5 .2 .45
(SD = 6.6). At the follow-up appointments, the mean age of the 66% CSA Total Bone ¡.5 1.3 ¡.9 .0 .04
66% pSSI ¡.6 1.3 -1.0 ¡.2 .006
entire cohort was 21.2 years (SD 2.9) and the individuals showed
66% vBMD Cortical .0 3.1 -1.0 1.0 .98
improved mean BMI of 21.2 (SD = 2.9) and Fat % of 30.5% (SD = 8.7). TIBIA
At baseline, the entire cohort’s body weight, BMI, Fat %, LTM 4% vBMD Trabecular ¡.1 .6 ¡.3 .1 .26
relative to height, and BA relative to height were lower than con- 66% BMC Cortical .0 .6 ¡.2 .2 .80
trol data (Table 3). There was no significant reduction in total 66% Cortical Thickness ¡.3 .7 ¡.5 ¡.1 .02
66% CSA Cortical ¡.2 .6 ¡.4 .0 .06
BMD. However, BMD in the upper limbs, RFN, and spine (both vol- 66% CSA Total Bone .1 .6 ¡.1 .3 .55
umetric L1 L4 spine and adult GE-Lunar LS Z-scores) were signifi- 66% pSSI .49 .67 .27 .70 <.001
cantly reduced across the cohort. 66% vBMD Cortical .75 .36 .63 .86 <.001
At follow-up, clinical improvement was reflected by body
weight and BMI Z-scores showing no difference from normative PQCT confirms that AN has long-term effects on bone health
standards (Table 3). LTM relative to height increased but remained
low (P = .02), which could explain the relative increase in BMC rel- pQCT data of the tibia and radius for the entire cohort are
ative to LTM. Overall, total BMD was significantly reduced com- shown in Table 4. The radius was particularly affected, with the
pared with normative standards and this was further reflected in epiphyseal (4%) BMC and vBMD being significantly below average
site-specific measures in the spine and upper limbs (Table 3). based on normative values [16,17]. Cortical vBMD was elevated,
Stratified analysis of the T5 and T10 groups separately showed while thickness and cross-sectional area in the diaphysis were sig-
that the mean Z-score for bone measures were still below average nificantly reduced resulting in a reduction in SSI. In the tibia, corti-
(negative) in the T10 cohort (Supplementary Table 1). While less cal vBMD was again increased, while cortical thickness and SSI
measures achieved statistical significance, this was likely due to were reduced.
the reduced statistical power associated with separating the two Subgroup analysis of the T5 and T10 cohorts separately showed
subgroups. Notably, in the T10 group 10 years after the initial similar findings (Supplementary Table 2). Again the radius showed
diagnosis of AN (average age 24.7 years) the mean BMD Z-score more metrics reaching statistical significance compared with the tibia.
was ¡1.3 in the upper limbs and ¡1.9 in the L1 L4 volumetric Both the T5 and T10 cohorts showed a trend towards an average reduc-
spine measures. These data suggest a major long-term impact of tion in tibial cortical thickness, however, this did not reach significance
AN on bone health. presumably due to a lack of statistical power in the subgroup analysis.

Table 3
Body composition of whole cohort: baseline and follow-up

Baseline (n = 41) Follow-Up (n = 35; n = 41 for Lunar scores)

Mean SD 95% CI mean P Mean SD 95% CI mean P

Age (yrs) 14.6 1.5 14.1 15.0 21.2 2.9 20.3 22.1
Height (cm) 160.7 7.5 158.3 163.1 164.7 5.6 162.9 166.5
Weight (kg) 43.0 6.9 40.8 45.1 57.9 11.0 54.4 61.4
BMI 16.6 1.7 16.0 17.1 21.2 3.2 20.2 22.2
Fat % 15.9 6.6 13.8 17.9 30.5 8.7 27.8 33.3
Height Z .1 1.0 ¡.3 .4 .72 .2 .9 ¡.1 .5 .11
Weight Z ¡1.2 1.1 ¡1.5 ¡.9 <.001 ¡.3 1.4 ¡.7 .2 .19
BMI Z ¡1.6 1.0 ¡1.9 ¡1.2 <.001 ¡.5 1.9 ¡1.1 .1 .11
Fat % Z ¡1.2 .9 ¡1.5 ¡.9 <.001 .2 1.2 ¡.1 .6 .19
LTM / Height Z ¡.8 .9 ¡1.1 ¡.5 <.001 ¡.5 1.3 ¡.9 ¡.1 .02
BA / Height Z ¡.5 .6 ¡.7 ¡.3 <.001 .3 1.0 .0 .6 .03
Total BMC Z ¡.3 1.4 ¡.7 .1 .18 ¡.2 1.2 ¡.6 .3 .47
BMC / LTM Z .2 1.0 ¡.2 .5 .31 1.0 1.7 .5 1.6 <.001
Total BMD Z .0 1.3 ¡.4 .4 .97 ¡.6 .9 ¡.9 ¡.3 .001
LS BMD Z ¡.2 1.2 ¡.6 .8 .29 ¡.4 .8 ¡.6 ¡.1 .01
Arms BMD Z ¡.6 1.1 ¡1.0 ¡.3 <.001 ¡.9 ¡1.2 ¡1.2 ¡.7 <.001
RFN BMD Z ¡.5 1.1 ¡.8 ¡.1 .01 ¡.3 .9 ¡.6 .1 .10
L1-4 BMAD Z ¡.4 1.1 ¡.8 ¡.1 .01 ¡.9 1.0 ¡1.3 ¡.6 <.001
Lunar Total BMD Z ¡.1 .9 ¡.4 .2 .56 .2 .9 ¡.1 .5 .21
Lunar LS BMD Z ¡.4 1.0 ¡.7 ¡.1 .02 ¡.4 .8 ¡.6 ¡.2 .002
Lunar RFN BMD Z ¡.2 .9 ¡.4 .1 .31 .2 .8 .0 .5 .07
J. Mumford et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 00 (2018) 1 6 5

Table 5
Spearman correlation coefficients for relationships between DXA bone parameters and other parameters at time of follow-up

Variable Total BMC Z Total BMD Z LS BMD Z Arms BMD Z RFN BMD Z L1-4 BMAD Z
b b a a a
BMI Z .78 .57 .38 .50 .40 .02
Weight Z .84a .56b .37a .49 .38a ¡.06
LTM Z .66b .41a .21 .43b .11 ¡.35a
Estradiol .06 .08 .24 .05 .21 .39a
FT3 .10 .04 .43b .19 ¡.01 .22
IGF-1 .35a .41a .46a .35a .40a .31
C-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen ¡.04 .01 .08 .17 .04 .13
P1NP ¡.10 .03 .25 .00 ¡.09 .39a
25-OH Calciferol ¡.06 ¡.14 ¡.17 ¡.06 ¡.35c ¡.35a
Parathyroid hormone .23 .17 .12 .15 .06 .11
Hours of Exercise/Week .30 .24 .23 .37a .06 ¡.02
Intensity of Exercise ¡.01 ¡.03 .02 ¡.06 .15 .23
EDE-Q Global Score .14 .00 .02 .08 ¡.09 ¡.14
P < .05
P < .01
P = .052

Correlation of body composition and serum biomarkers with bone appears to be impeded compared to normative standards. These
density results support earlier studies showing adolescent AN impacts
long-term bone health and has long-term effects [1,2].
Bone turnover markers were investigated as an attempt to under- The fracture prevalence in this study cohort was 36% and was
stand bone metabolism at the point of follow up, and to help explain similar in all groups, and was within the observed range of between
the bone phenotype seen on DXA and pQCT. These markers are used 30% and 50% for the general female population [23,24]. Other
in adults to guide therapy, although there are caveats to their use. reports, in contrast, have demonstrated an increased prevalence of
BMI, body weight, and LTM Z-scores all showed high correla- fracture after adolescent-onset AN by making comparisons with
tions with BMC (.66 .84) and bone mineral density (.41 .57) healthy control populations [10,25]. The prevalence of multiple frac-
(Table 5). These data suggest lower body weight and BMI may be tures in this study cohort, however, can be considered as concern-
limited predictive tools for reductions in bone mass. ing, particularly with a subset of patients having had an abnormally
Most of the serum markers showed poor correlation or no sta- high number of fractures. While the prevalence of multiple fractures
tistical significance with respect to total body or regional BMD was more than four times greater in T10 than in T5 A larger sample
measures. IGF-1 showed the greatest correlation with BMD (both size and study of more than 10 years duration are required to defini-
total and site specific for lumber spine, upper limb, and RFN areal tively demonstrate if the impact on the bone health of adolescent
BMD), ranging from .35 to .46 at all sites (P < .01). For volumetric AN confers an increased fracture risk [26]. One feasible possibility is
BMAD measures, a significant correlation was seen with P1NP and to follow up on the T5 group in five years, which would also enable
estradiol. 25-OH calcifierol showed a negative correlation with a longitudinal comparison with this study.
BMD at select sites. Notably, clinical assessment of all of the indi- The pQCT data provides insight into the mineral density of bone.
vidual values showed none of the values to be in a range that An increase in the mineral density of bone with alteration of the
would lead to clinical concern. mechanostat set-point of bone, would be expected to result in reduc-
A significant positive correlation was seen between upper limb tion in trabecular vBMD, increased cortical vBMD and reduction in
BMD and hours of exercise per week (.37, P < .05). No correlation cortical thickness and cross sectional area. Such findings have been
was seen between BMD and with the EDE-Q global score or other reported in osteogenesis imperfecta [27]. These are precisely the find-
self-reported exercise measures tested by the EDE-Q. ings in the current study and suggests that the increase in bone min-
eral density may be a major etiological factor in the reduction in
Patients report a normal rate of fractures bone strength seen in AN. In boys with Duchenne muscular dystro-
phy high mineral density is felt to result from low bone turnover
Self-reporting of fractures showed that 36% of women diag- [28]. The DXA data may also support this. These data showed a reduc-
nosed with adolescent AN sustained at least one fracture, and that tion in bone area and reduction in LS (trabecular) values. The reduc-
8% had multiple fractures (>4) (Supplementary Table 3). While the tion in total body aBMD is likely a reflection of a mismatch between
total fracture rate was within an expected range [23,24], it is the rates of increases in bone area and BMC, with BMC increases lag-
acknowledged that three patients experienced an unexpectedly ging during recovery. Also, the reduction in BMC/LTM at follow-up
high number of fractures (4 6). may reflect a bone that is unable to respond appropriately to the
stress of muscle pull, due to its high mineral density.
Discussion One unexpected finding was that serum IGF-1 showed a strong
correlation with bone density measures. IGF-1 is a circulating hor-
This research has been the first to assess the long-term out- mone with a critical role in childhood growth that is purported to
comes of adolescent-onset AN on bone health in a longitudinally have an anabolic effect on adults. It is a primary mediator of the
assessed cohort. Analysis of the baseline data for the combined effects of growth hormone. Limited literature exists relating to
cohort of adolescent girls diagnosed with AN shows considerable IGF-1 and bone, however, in obese adults IGF-1 was reported to
reductions in BMI, body weight, Fat %, and LTM consistent with a correlate with higher bone mineral density and the bone marker
severe eating disorder. While BMI and body weight returned to osteocalcin [29]. In another recent study, low serum IGF-1 was
healthy values in both the 5-year and 10-year cohorts, bone health found to be a marker for frailty, lower BMD, and reduced handgrip
6 J. Mumford et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 00 (2018) 1 6

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