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A DAY AT THE BEACH Change these sentences to singular or plural:

 Fill in blanks with singular and plural nouns a. My friend was studying. _______________________________________
I always bring lots of _____________(toy/toys) to the beach. b. There was one box under the table. _____________________________
c. The children played videogames.________________________________
I want to build a sand _____________(castle/castles) d. There were three big buses in the street _________________________
I fill my three ____________ (bucket/buckets) with lots of sand to go e. The baby was crying. _________________________________________
faster. f. Those man drives new car. ____________________________________
g. There are some chairs in the office.______________________________
If the ______________ (shovel/shovels) get on my way, I take them out.

My parents like to bring lots of _________ (ball/balls) to play.

I like to swim if the _____________ (wave/waves) aren´t too big.

I enjoy to eat too much of ___________ (sandwich/sandwiches).

The water is very salty and it burns my _____________ (eye/eyes)

Sometimes my mom buys me a ____________(popsicle/popsicles).

I eat my ice-cream under an _____________ (umbrella/umbrellas at

the beach.

 Underline the nouns that correctly complete the paragraph.

Sandy needed to find a pair of (shoe, shoes) to wear to the beach that
(day, days). She found one of her (flip-flop, flip-flops) behind the only
(chair, chairs) in her (bedroom, bedrooms), but the other (one, ones) was
nowhere to be seen. Sandy looked under a pile of (book, books). She
looked through all her (drawer, drawers) and in every (closet, closets).
She finally found her second (flip-flop, flip-flops) in the very last (place,
places) she thought to look under her (deb, beds).

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