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CW 1 (contributes 50% of the overall mark for the module) Evaluative report
Background The magazine industry has become a very exciting place not only for publishers but also for consumers. Over the last few years the industry has seen a host of new titles on the market that although influenced by major mainstream titles, are targeted at small niche markets. Although these magazines appeal, and deal, with a range of groups and subjects, they do have one thing is common they are all very slick. Production values are high, in fact probably higher than in any other area of publishing. Many of these titles are being produced by individuals. In some cases the magazines are almost totally reliant on the high production values as their main voice. (See examples slides). However unlike fanzines the production values of magazines are being pushed beyond the normal high street offerings. Although many of these titles do not achieve huge sales figures their influence is impacting on the industry and as a result mainstream magazines will have to look at their overall design to retain and attract existing and new customers. The task Within the magazine industry concentrate on a genre of magazine, for example Sport, Music or Technology. Within this genre you are required to carry out a detailed analysis of the production of a sample of magazines. Areas that should be covered in the report are as follows: An evaluation of the impact of the traditional magazine as a brand and how this has extended into Transmedia forms Identify, evaluate and critically appraise the use of type, images and other design variables in creating house style and identity. At the final stage of the report you should be able to identify possible future developments that may take place within your chosen magazine sector.

Use of actual layouts should be incorporated to illustrate points within your report. You may also wish to carry out a content analysis on one magazine to establish what the magazine actually consists of i.e. how much layout % is dedicate to certain articles, advertising etc. In terms of your choices of magazines, you should attempt to look at a cross section of at least three magazines. By choosing an established title, a new independent title and something in between you should be able to identify different approaches from three perspectives. The analysis should be presented as a report and should be 3,0003,500 words in length. At the beginning of your report you should include a title page containing the report title, your name and the module name.

Submission requirements
Your report should be submitted by 13:00 on the date specified on your academic calendar.

Your report will be assessed using the following criteria: Content (40%) - You must demonstrate knowledge of the main issues that characterise the particular type of magazine publishing that you have chosen to investigate, as well as a knowledge of the key challenges facing those who publish one of these specific forms. Analysis (40%) - You must demonstrate a clear understanding of the relative importance of different production /design issues and be able to comment critically on points which are of major importance. You should be able not simply to describe the technology or processes of production but show a critical awareness of its potential and of the strengths and weaknesses. Style/Presentation (20%) - Your work must be presented in word-processed format and you need to demonstrate that you can structure a clear report (with due attention to standard English grammar and spelling). You should provide a section giving bibliographic references that must be cited accurately and completely.

CW2 (contributes 50% of the overall mark for the module)

You are required to create certain samples pages for a new publication for presentation to the chief executive of a large publishing company. In some respects this could be based on your knowledge of a particular genre from your evaluative report. In the creation of this new product, as a minimum, you are required to do the following: Front cover Contents page 1 double page spread 1 single page spread

All material in the magazine must be wholly original; this includes all images and graphics. Therefore all materials will be created by you, whether these are photographs, graphics or articles. It is expected that the sample pages of this publication will be design using InDesign, Photoshop and Freehand. Also required for the purposes of this assignment: Creation of a house style for magazine Flat plan for the new magazine Submission details All materials and samples pages printed in colour and submitted as a poster session on A1 card, in some cases this may have to be extended to 2 separate pieces of A1 card. Use only one side of the A1 card. The House Style document along with the flat plan will be submitted in the normal way into the library boxes. Special arrangements will be made for the submission of the posters. After the submission of the posters there will be an opportunity for all students to attend an exhibition of the coursework.

Submission requirements

Your report should be submitted by 13:00 on the date specified on your academic calendar.

The practical element will be assessed using the following criteria: Design solution (40%) - You must demonstrate knowledge of the market as well as the consumer. Inventive and original solutions to the task are being sought. Consideration to the actual practicalities of the production budget will also be key. Ability to work with a range of software and hardware will also be of importance. Content - the creative process (30%) - You must demonstrate a clear understanding of the relative importance of different production /design issues and be able to arrive at a clear solution which is fully formed and functional and ready to be offered to consumers. Creation of original images, graphics and overall identity will be a considerable part of this element Clarity of communication (20%) - Your work must be demonstrate clarity of communication not only through the text but visually. Presentation of information, whether this is images or text, must consider the reader at every stage. Demonstrate a balance between design and function. Spelling and grammar (10%)

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