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On their first day at Urban Living, new employees are warmly welcomed and guided to the
orientation room to complete necessary paperwork and receive a detailed job description. They
are then equipped with essential tools and set up at their workstations, which could be at any of
our 15 stores across Gauteng or at the head office in Wynberg, Johannesburg.

The supervisor and relevant team members discuss the specific duties of the new employee,
which may involve understanding the specifics of selling household and office furniture or
managing one of our stores in Gauteng.

The new employee is introduced to their co-workers, ideally in a relaxed, social setting such as a
lunch gathering, and if applicable, they are given their first assignment. They are also provided
with a general overview of the unit/division/department mission, their work schedule, breaks, lunch
timings, payroll timing, expenses, and time reporting.

At the end of each day, a check-in is scheduled with the employee to answer any questions and
review the work for the next day and the remainder of the week. This comprehensive approach
ensures that new employees feel supported and have a clear understanding of their tasks and
responsibilities from the outset.(Step 10 - Onboarding Plan and Schedule | Department of Human
Resources, n.d.)


At Urban Living, the process of briefing colleagues about new employees is a comprehensive and
collaborative effort. Upon joining, new hires are introduced to their team members and scheduled
for meetings with colleagues from various departments, fostering an understanding of the
collaborative work environment. Existing staff are informed about the newcomer’s name, position,
background, job location, and start date, creating a welcoming atmosphere and facilitating
integration. One-on-one meetings are arranged with either the entire team or specific employees
selected by the manager. These meetings serve dual purposes: introducing the new hire to their
colleagues and establishing how the new team member can assist in day-to-day operations. This
comprehensive approach ensures that new employees feel supported and have a clear
understanding of their tasks and responsibilities from the outset. (Your Quick Guide to Creating an
Employee Onboarding Plan [Incl. Template], n.d.)

When a new employee joins Urban Living, they are introduced to a comprehensive administrative
process. The HR department reviews the pay schedule, direct deposit, and benefits enrollment
with the new hires. Emergency contact information is also collected at this stage. The office or
store location that the newcomer will occupy is prepared for their arrival. This includes setting up
their workstation at the head office in Wynberg, Johannesburg, or at one of the 15 stores in
Gauteng. Necessary equipment is provided, and access to any necessary systems or platforms is

In terms of account setup, the appropriate accounts are confirmed and requested. New hires are
guided through log-in passwords, procedures, and password maintenance. They are introduced to
various tools and platforms such as Outlook, messaging, calendar, address book, and the online
directory.Access to conference rooms and scheduling is explained, and shared folder access is
reviewed. It is ensured that the proper software is installed on their systems.

Finally, the phone setup is completed with an overview of the phone system and voicemail. This
comprehensive approach ensures that new employees are well-equipped and ready to start their
journey at Urban Living. (Step 10 - Onboarding Plan and Schedule | Department of Human
Resources, n.d.)


At Urban Living, we believe in empowering our employees with the knowledge and skills they need
to excel in their roles. Our comprehensive training program is designed to help new employees
understand their role in selling household and office furniture to clients and businesses in

Job-specific training is provided to help new employees understand their specific roles and
responsibilities. This includes familiarizing them with company tools and software. A special
emphasis is placed on understanding and integrating into the company culture.

We also consider any additional training the newcomer may need. This could include training on
Urban Living’s specific processes, systems, or any other job-specific training. Providing the
necessary training from the start can help the new employee become productive more quickly and
can contribute to their job satisfaction at Urban Living. In addition to job-specific training, many
organizations, including Urban Living, require new hires to participate in the company academy as
part of their onboarding process. Our academy is an in-house training program which functions as
a crash course in the company’s background, what it does as a business, and the people behind
it. The academy features presentations from different departments, workshops, team-building
exercises, and a quiz at the end.
This comprehensive and structured approach to training ensures that our employees are well-
equipped to contribute to the success of Urban Living. It also helps them integrate smoothly into
our company culture and become part of our Urban Living family. (Your Quick Guide to Creating
an Employee Onboarding Plan [Incl. Template], n.d.)
Step 10 - Onboarding plan and schedule | Department of Human Resources. (n.d.).

Your quick guide to creating an employee onboarding plan [incl. template]. (n.d.). Happeo | the
Google-based Intranet That Helps Market Leaders Manage Knowledge and Internal
Communications in One Unified Place.

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