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From July 1, 1946 to December 30, 1946, inclusive


330 East 22nd St., Chicago Time & Lire Building, Rockefeller Center, New York
From July 1, 1946 to December 30, 1946, inclusive

Hollenbeck back on job; sam sponsor, better Great Britain

commercial 23 S ¢ Plan nationalization by 1950; five year extension
George W. Hill on Hit Parade 90% to commer ft war controls; inefficient farmers dispos
ving in text
cials 23 S 84 sessed 29 Jl
Commercial eradicator, electronics gadget 30 S 96 Harvest hit by 1s; crops ruined p. 23 S 30
licat tter in Letters hut FCC “Blue Book’’ cit earst’s station WBAL ; Italy
p. indicates picture in text preterence to comm ials 30 S 96 Farm workers expropriation incited by Com
r. indicates reproduction in t The Radio Mikado burlesque by Fred Allen, rev., munists; seizure of Latium horse farm 30 S 33
Dates are it NBC censors 21 O 66 Japan
1 jl34 GJ 1, page 34) Eversharp’s Take It or Leave It plug 21 O 85 Rice harvest removes famine threat; thanks
Pak ittacks advert ses; recommends giving ceremon y 28 UO 42
mproved Code of 4 N 80 Mexico
Mary M t M lis salesman on luction law despite land expropriations;
fe ul styl | spor 81 n pre n9 D 38
Kashuk’s singin nmercial f singit cor Philippine Islands
Japanese soroban wins over electric calculator in
mercials, excerpt 9 I)
Rice crop division settled in landlord-sharecropper
Jingles Way N », 2 2 suite based on sing ontere e 5 Ag 38
lokyo contest, diagram 25 N 35
i ne c¢ Ze I ) 64 Russia
recy onn grain
nr ! +108
reported> sale offer .
Elwes’ plan to restore Fountains Abbey as Bene
dictine monaster war memoriz ( Polls U. S. wor readers; My Day col !
fir t ir readert T eal rut l Soviet purge decree charges collective farm ofh-
\EROVIAS BRANIFYF, 8.A. I raged private income 30 § 29
Loses bout with Cerdan, p. 16 D 53
Application for five routes rejected, permit can South America
celed; injunction against Government 11 N 90 “pringtime; countries crop prospects report
See also Automobiles; Aviation; Rail
AFGHANISTAN locusts plague; soil 11 N 40
Veteran killed in Yosemite Park; fails in attempt
Kabul celebration commemorates British with- Venezuela
to rescue boy 22 Jl 21
Of hunting season; 14 hunters de » D 80 drawal; modernization pro gram 12 Ag 26 Government program on meat supply, movement
Applies for U.N. meml ; sponsored by both of cattle; land redistribution, map 16 S 36
Finances Mail-Me-Monday bookke: g service under United States
Becomes member of
See also South Africa, Union of P )
Id Statesman; career; sketch, p
Government falls in Belgian polit Gold Coast natives convicted for ritual murders; 5 Ag 93
li 36
ACT OF CHAPULTEPE(C Pardridge’s enterprise; financing 26 Ag 47
African Missionary Conference in
Argentine Senate rat at Per
Belgian Congo; wrangle over education 5 Ag 58 AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT AND PARTS
visions S 31
British plan global ket-line defense system, Pilot ejection se: it for bail-out 2 S 20
ACTORS AND ACTRESSES 5« rM Instrume 1 lio equipment affected by
map 4 N 3 gravi-
Pictures; Theatre tational force Navy centrifuge 30 S 63
Smuts’ plan for annexation denou Engines
Dinner at the White House, rev.; ry Pas Atomic aircraft motors; A.A.F. contract 19 Ag 95
itions; area, population, ; N 31
sage plan for AFRICAN SLEEPING SICKNESS lurbo-jet engine; Inventor Whittle on perform
Churchill sues ance 25 N 58
Tsetse fly carrier; South African Govern-
White House 1 Safety devices
ment’s war on 5 Ag 7
ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS, Ill In jet-propelled-planes; crash helmets; G-suits;
President Boston Community Fund; retrigeration for cock pits 23 S 98
Weighing ceremony in Tanganyika 19 Ag 46
tory; sketch, cov. 4 N 26 AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY
ADAMS, JAMES TRUSLOW Competition for supertransport market; Lock
To be British Isles editor of Freedom and
Album of American History, rev. 14 O 106 heed displays new giant Constitution 26 Ag 84
Union; sketch, p. 9 D 48
ADDING MACHINES Aviation Corp. expansion program; Consolidated
Burroughs Co. original Arithometer 28 O 90 AGE
Increases in life expectancy 1910-1970, compared Vultee-Lockheed merger deal; Emanuel’s
ADRIAN to growth in destructive weapons, chart 8 Jl 77 operations, chart 7 O 87
Beverly Hills dress salon; named N iwus Continental Inc. plans ‘“‘Airphibian’”’ auto-plane;
stylist 23 S 88 BUREAU light plane production cut; Taylorcraft reor-
ADSIC OF See under United States ganizes 18 N 90
Used to locate school f herring 19 Ag 92 Great Britain
ADULT EDUCATION See Education—Adult De Havilland Aircraft’s jet-propelled, tailless
Livestock rushed to mz rket for high prices;
ADVERTISING DH-108, lost in explosion on test flight 7 O 31
freight car shortage hits marketing wheat crop
Britain permits token shipment U.S. sem AIR LINE PILOTS’ ASSN.
luxuries to advertise brand names 15 Jl 88
15 jl 82
MVA project 1 r way; irrigation; Dust Bowl Presidential fact-finding board upholds demand
Inkograph Co. ad burlesques claims of Reynold to bargain individually with lines 22 Jl 82
reclamation to boost m income 29 Jl 18
for new Rocket pen, quoted 16 S 90 Strike on T.W.A.; demand 29.1% more pay to
World crop estimates; Orr’s plan for FAO to
Of American Tobacco Co. 23 S 84 handle Skymasters, Constellations 28 O 25
buy crops; Illinois harvest, p. 5 Ag 31
Revlon’s “Ultra Violet’ ad ca 1ign 23 S 90 Holds out for pay increase at T.W.A.; Dave
Record crops expected; estimates on wheat, corn,
Flying spectaculars” Leigh sky writing ventu Behncke, president; initiation fees, dues 4 N 29
produce 19 Ag 19
outdoor advertising boom, animated billboards, U.N.F.A.O., aim for worldwide regulation of Issues in wage controversy (L) 18 N 11
28 O 9: farming; State Department against plan; crop Behncke signs truce with T.W.A. to end strike;
Gimbels’ advertising director denounces ‘“‘ovet
prospects in Eur Britain S 30 no dec
decision on pay dispute 25 N 25
excited” copy; Gimbel sample ad 2 D 94 AIR LINES
Import of Red Si cattle fr India; to pro
Macy, Gimbel’s compete in ads of ball-point pe Guy Lombardo’s Long Island Airlines for Man
uce milk cows for Gulf Coast climate 23 § 97
credit offers; Gimbel’s peace poem 9 D 94 hattan commuters 1 Jl 42
U.S. Conservation Service warns of soil abuses,
Paul Rand ad artist Thought on Design, r New plane orders; American Airlines floats new
rosion danger; contour plowing, p. 14 O 80
Coronet Brandy ad, r. 23 D 48 Prize Hereford calf brings $42,600; raised by issue to finance 1 Jl 7
Agencies Pan Am board members move to break Trippe’s
lowa farm boy, p 89
Four Ruthrauff and Ryan officers pull ou control 29 Jl 75
1946 crops break rds; yield of corn,
start firm of Sull Stauffer, Colwel FoRTUNE article ‘‘What’s Wrong with the Air-
wheat; cotton, rye cr lown 30 D 13
Bayles; operating plans 2 S 78 lines?”’; service, airport facilities, safety;
Farms and Farm Management
In The Hucksters, rev; trafic stacking, diagram 5 Ag 84
Kansas farmers harvest bumper wheat crop;
McCann-Erickson’s cam} Frank Anderson typifies 15 Ji 21 CAB divides Trans-Pacific routes between Pan
Burlesqued in The adio Mikad script « Am and Northwest; gives T.W.A. route Bom-
Chemical frost for potato harvesting; Dowe spray
sored 21 O 6¢ bay to Shanghai 12 Ag 80
66 improved 26 Ag 55
Magazine Pan Am 1 Grace 99-year agreement tor
2, 4-D weed killer etfective against bindweed in
“Stoppers,” cartoon gag panel on increa Panagra service 12 Ag 82
grain fields 9 S 76
ing method 12 Ag 65 Overseas operations hampered by lack of traffic
idies Home rights 26 Ag 81
Kansas farmer readies old combines and tractor,
sers spent $2,146, Passenger revenues up 60% t $95 million; 20
p. 15 Jl 21
Parade gets Arthur H Harry Ferguson, Inc hydraulic tractors, split airlines show operating deficit; expansion costs,
Lionel Corp. runs 16-1 from Ford Co. 2 D 95 “‘no-show”’ passengers 16 S 97
tric trains as ad in Pan Am petitions for domestic routes 23 S 86
Dana Perfumes “nassi ad for “‘Tabu’’; Char- Hybrid cows bred in Department of Agriculture’s r.W.A. plar nded by pilots Strike; wage
s cartoon ad tor Breathless’, r. 25 N 90 demands
h Center; corn crossbreeding 15 Jl 73
British author Orwell analyzes prose styl 1 Patterson sees income decline; costs up; trans
Experiments in behavior of chickens at Kansa
b Ogue s ads ¥ D J
Agricultural Station 21 O 61 atlan bookings heavy 28 O 94
Newspaper Argentina ] financial losses; rumor
Southe rn Pacific ad challenge airlin Sugar cane cutting; winter wheat n ft ampas; Am 9 D 87
‘It’s Cheaper by Air”’ S Indians protest absentee ownershit » Of tarms T.W A.’s Richter signs truce to end
Herald Tribune Sunday book section; mass 1 strike; lost $7 million in revenue 25 N
appeal in ads 16 S Brasil Keys forms Peruvian International Airways;
New York dailies drop department store ad Springtime; prospects for crops; locust plague layoffs, strikes in U.S. airlines; passenger
newsprint cut by truck drivers’ strike 23 S ¢ 11 N 40 travel slumps 25 N 9¢
Gimbel ad, lowest price claim, rejected 18 N 92 Rockefeller’s hybrid corn, program; vaccine Western Air I s in financial straits; $65 mil
Radio te mbat hog cholera 4; lion stock issue, bank loar D 82
I its budget, drops Bol Canida Fares
Yr programs, substitutes / 1 Experimental Farms Service develops rustproof Southern Pacif 1d challenges airline slogan
r 69 vheat strain 1 Jl 38 “It’s Cheaper by Air” 2 S 80
t d; top- 1 talent lack s Quel Catholics urged to return to farms; Restrictions on cancelled reservati ms approved
Ag 70
P i sells tillable ur » far es; use of by CAB ; Oo
Don Hollenbeck newscaster discredits sit t tors, cash grants lI¢ 4: Mexico
commercial; excerpt; ABC fires 26 Ag 56 olumbia farm w Tunney planning luxury service to U.S. and
Henry Morgan’s satire 16 S 48 award for red wheat 16 Canada 1 Jl 40
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

jraniff subsidiary’s application for routes re John Rodgers airfield at Honolulu connected with ALLIS-CHALMERS MANUFACTURING CO.
fused; permit cancelled; injunction against Hickham Field, runway for Pacusan Dream- U.M.W. mass picketing of Wisconsin plant pro
Mexican Government 11 N 90 boat 14 O 28 vokes riot, p. 11 N 25
Venezuela Keflavik, Iceland, airdrome: U.S. to use while ALMA-TADEMA, SIR LAWRENCE
Linea Aeropostal Venezolano institutes New U.S. forces in Germany 30 S 26 Painting Reading from Homer, r.; popular ap
York-to-Caracas Constellation service 23 D 36 Venezuela Maracay Airport bombed by rebel pe al 8 Ji 61
plane 23 D 36 ALPHA RAYS
Congress authorizes parcel post service 29 Jl 15 AIR POWER ‘ Destructive radiation; can start cancer 19 Ag 90
A.A.F. bid to use plplanes to show U.S. force in ALPS
AIRPHIBIAN See Airplanes trouble spots 21 O 26
AIRPLANE CRASHES See Aviation Accidents U.S. Army plane crashes on Wetterhorn; all
AIR RACES See Aviation—Racing survive; rescue, p. 2 D 30
American Airlines orders $96 million of new ALSOP, JAMES
Marries Mrs. Jane Lindsay 26 Ag 92 Editor of new Greenwood Morning Star; news
planes; floats new issues to finance 1 Jl 77 AKALI PARTY See India— Political conditions
Testing experimental planes by remote control; beat on lynching 12 Ag 68
“drone” checked by radio, television 26 Ag 55 Poetess barred from Soviet publications for lack
Improved plane of supersonic speed, long range, Biography The American, A Middle Wester)
of ideology 2 S 28
first stage in extra-atmospheric war 2 S 52 Legend, rev., p. 29 Jl 94
WAA disposes of 20,960 war planes; bid $6,- Mrs. Elizabeth G. Vinine chosen tutor 9 S 60 ALUMINUM
582,156; cost $3.9 billion, p. 9 S 90 With new tutor Mrs. Vining, p, 4 N 49 Permanente builds aluminum-magnesium, 40
Airphibian auto-plane invented by Robert Fulton, ALABASTER passenger bus, p. 29 Jl 80
Jr.; decline in light plane market, p. 18 N 90 Nottingham alabasters recovered; presented to ALVAREZ, WALTER C.
Used to scatter dry-ice pellets in cloud, cause Victoria and Albert Museum, p. 2 D 53 Mayo diagnostician on blood clots in brain caus:
snowstorm 25 N 57 ALASKA, UNIVERSITY OF of creeping apoplexy, p. 5 Ag 55
Bell XS-1 Record enrollment; supplies cut off by shipping AMALGAMATED CLOTHING WORKERS
Rocket propelled; test flight; speed; fuel con- strikes; President Bunnell pleads for reliet President Sidney Hillman dies; cooperation wit!
sumption, p. 23 D 21 16 D 83 management; membership 22 Jl 21
Boeing B-29 (Superfortress) ALASKA HIGHWAY See Roads Canada Potofsky new president 29 Ji 16
Enola Gay program for A-day; to drop bomb on ALASKA AMATEUR ATHLETIC UNION
fourth run; Bombardier Wood 1 Jl 52 Krug’s air tour; Alaskans’ demands; population, Track and Field championships in San Antonio
Dave’s Dream releases atomic bomb in Bikini resources; to vote on statehood 2 § 17 special Pullmans for Negroes 8 Jl 58
test; pilot and colleagues 8 Jl 20 ] ALBANIA AMBASSADORS
Dimensions, capacity range compared to XB-39, Applied for U.N. membership; sponsored by See also individual countries Diplomatic service
p. 19 Ag 81 Russia, blackballed by West 19 Ag 30 Economic plight; Lane in Warsaw; Austrian
Pacusan Dreamboat made 9,500 mile run in 39% Charges against Greece before U.N. Security mission to Moscow; Italian mission to Sweder
hours, tests trans polar air war 14 © 28 Council; border incidents 16 S 30 23 D 27
A.A.F. bid to use instead of ships to show U.N. votes commission to investigate Balkan AMERICA, 8.8.
U.S. force in trouble spots 21 O 26 border violations 30 D 20 Refitted from troop ship West Point; U.S. Lin
Boeing Stratocruiser U.S. mission recalled; Hoxha refused U.S. de- only bidder, p. 16 S 94
Commercial B-29; engines, speed; freight, pas stroyer landing; British ships crippled by AMERICAN ACTION, INC.
senger capacity, p. 12 Ag 80 mines in Corfu Strait 25 N 32 Drew Pearson’s broadcast on; organizers, su
Bristol Freighter ALBERTA porters 21 O 28
British cargo plane in New York; capacity, Social Credit “Bill of Rights” declared uncon AMERICAN AIRLINES, INC.
loading midget cars, p. 30 S 90 stitutional 30 D 30 New issue $80 million stocks and bonds; slow
Chance Vought V-173 ALBRIGHT, IVAN L. sale 1 Jl 77
Navy’s new experimental flying wing; “Beetle” Married Josephine Patterson 16 S 45 AMERICAN ANGLO-TRANSVAAL CORP.
design; speed, p. 8 Jl 79 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS To promote South African industry, mining 2¢
Consolidated C-99 $ranches in Prince Edward Island 21 O 42 Ag 90
Convair building military transport model of ALCOHOLISM > AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY
XB-36 1 Jl 77 Problem Drinkers: March of Time film, rev. Meets in Madison, Wis.; reports on. study of
Consolidated XB-36 8 Jl 98 galaxies, theory on star origin 2 S 92
Six-engine bomber; cost; cigar-shaped fuselage; Court opposes psychiatrists’ opinion as mental AMERICAN BROADCASTING C¢
speed, p. 1 Jl 77 disease, rejects claim for insurance disability FCC approves Noble’s expansion plans 29 Jl 81
World’s largest land plane; capacity, range, p. 14 O 52 Crawford sues for program withdrawal 28 O 8
19 Ag 81 Yale Plan clinics; treatment; misconceptions on; AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION
De Havilland DH-108 behavior of alcoholic; 750,000 in U.S. 25 N 80 Intervenes in Jersey arrest of girl hitchhiker 18
Tailless, jet-propelled; disappears in test flight; ALDEN’S INC. N 30
conjectures on speed record, p. 7 O 31 Buys Chicago’s Boston Store 29 Jl 78 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS
Fairchild Packet ALEMAN, MIGUEL First postwar session in Cleveland; progress r¢
Capacity, speed, greater than British Bristol Wins public support in Mexico's presidential ports 30 D 49
Freighter 30 S 90 campaign, p. 8 Jl 36 AMERICAN COMMUNICATIONS ASSN.
Flying Wing Claims election victory; opponent charges Protests layoffs at Press Wireless Inc., order
Navy’s experimental model; ‘*Beattle,”’ p. 8 Jl 79 “fraud,” p. 15 J1 45 embargo on overseas services 26 Ag 48
Grumman Mallard Elected President of Mexico; Padilla drops fraud AMERICAN CONGRESS OF PHYSICAL
Commercial amphibian; cost, p. 14 O 96 charges 29 Jl 36 MEDICINE
Lockheed Constellation Lasso held in assassination plot, 19 Ag 40 Paraplegic demonstrates training 16 S 53
T.W.A. Star of Lisbon crashes; CAA orders Inauguration ceremony; economic program, p AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION
Constellations grounded; tire safety device, p. 9 D 38 Sponsors equivalency certificates as substitut
22 Ji 24 Asks Congress amend Constitution, remove land for high school diplomas 29 JI 52
Star of Lisbon crash caused by smoking short expropriation threat; reception 16 D 40 Organization; George Zook, president; lobbyin
circuit in baggage compartment 12 Ag 21 Reclamation, dams, power development program methods 12 Ag 42
Lockheed Constitution 23 D 36 AMERICAN DIABETES ASSN.
New supertransport; features 26 Ag 84 ALFALFA CLUB Meeting in Toronto; discussion outlined 23 S
Lockheed Neptune Picnic at Frederick, Md.; Truman attends 1 AMERICAN EXPRESS CO.
Navy patrol bomber Truculent Turtle makes rec- Jl 20 Plans all-expense tours in Europe 9 D 88
ord 11,236 miles in 55 hours 14 O 28 ALGERIA AMERICAN FARMER (SHIP)
Lockheed P-80 (Shooting Star) Abbas denounces colonialism of new French con Damaged in collision off Land’s End; British,
In Cleveland Air Races; speed; compressibility; stitution 14 O 34 U.S. ships fight over salvage, p. 19 Ag 3:
Nene-Lancastrian Ben Bodne buys; Frank Case’s management 21 Green protests Schwellenbach’s plan to appoint
British jet-powered passenger plane; pertorm- O 91 C.1.0. member to I.L.O. 19 Ag 20
ance 25 N 58 ALL-AMERICA FOOTBALL CONFERENCE Battle with C.1.0. for recruits in South 2 S$ 19
Republic Rainbow Teams; players; feud with National League 16 Seamen’s wage demands granted by owners
Pan Am ordered six; military prototype, p. 23 S S 81 turned down by WSB; calls strike 16 S 19
386 ALLEN, CHARLES Wins runoff election at Monsanto Chemical at
Bombers Co-author of The Little Magazine, rev. 1 Jl 98 Oak Ridge; C.1.O. accusation; sues for libel
XB-36; cost; 6-engines; range; speed, p. 1 Jl 77 N, FRED 23 S 23
XB-36 first flight; dimensions, capacity com- > Radio Mikado burlesque on advertising, Seamen’s wage demand ruled prevailing rate |!
pared to B-29, p. 19 Ag 81 rev., excerpts, p. 21 O 66 OES; C.1.Q. strike for equal boost 23 S .
Navy’s Truculent Turtle, Army’s Pacusan ALLEN, GEORGE E. Green warns Sleeping Car Porters of Con
Dreamboat records 14 O 28 Place in 1946 White House “gang’’; career munist doubletalk; A.F.L. takes 5,000 ant
Jet-propelled RFC directorship; sketch, cov. 12 Ag 17 Communist members of C.1.0. 23 S 24
P-80s in Cleveland Air Races; speed; danger of Refuses RFC loan to prefabricated house manu Rival unions I.A.T.S.E., C.S.U. in picket lit
standing sound wave; safety devices, G-suits; facturers, p. 25 N 89 brawls at Warner, M-G-M 7 O
pilot describes sensations 23 S 97 ALLEN, ROBERT 8. Supports Pittsburgh Duquesne independent
Bell’s XS-1; test flight, p. 23 D 21 New venture with Drew Pearson; asks FCC for union against court injunction 7 O 23
DH-108 disappears in test flight 7 O 31 Hearst’s WBAL radio license 30 S 96 Convention in Chicago; growth, leaders; resol
Success of British Nene-Lancastrian; bail out ALLERGY tions 21 O 25
problem at supersonic speed 25 N 58 Victims helped by insulin shock 1 Jl 66 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY
Transports ALLIED CONTROL COUNCIL Antarctic expeditions; aims 18 N 30
TWA Constellation crashes; CAA orders planes Austria AMERICAN GUILD OF MUSICAL ARTISTS
grounded; views on merits of plane 22 Jl 24 Jans Karajan from conducting at Salzburg festi Protests release of Metropolitan Opera chorist
Hughes flying boat Hercules being assembled; val 12 Ag 62 ers; demands voice in management 26 Ag ¢
U.S. unarmed planes shot down by Yugoslavs; Agrees on sugar taxation; Russians demand TRADE
flyers killed; diplomatic crisis 2 S 21 4-power investigation of British zon retuse At Thunderbird Field, Ariz; to train for Lat
Lockheed displays Cortstitution; competition for heck on disarmament 1 Jl 30 American careers 26 Ag 77
super-transport market, p. 26 Ag 84 Sokolovsky on division of Germany among great AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL ASSN. FOR
sritish Bristol Freighter in New York; loading U.S., Russia start discussion on increasing Cx Rockefeller’s project to start in Brazil; agri
midget cars, p. 30 S 90 man industrial output 11 N 31 tural program 25 N 42
AIRPORTS MacArthur fights Soviet attempts to curb SCAP Burma’s article on Negroes passing as whit
ForRTUNE points up deficiencies in “What's powers, 2 5 28 12 Ag 54
Churchill, Man. airfield, 0 others turned over In Trieste; underground opposition from Tito’s In New York City; party for Mead, Lehmar
to Canada 23 S 40 PNOC, secret police 5 Ag 30 A.L.P. and Democratic candidates 30 S 24

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1 -December 30 1946, inclusive)


Duncan-Paris Post denied charter on basis of On modern exploration; new fields, need for Principle of weight displacement applied to prob-
Communist sympathies 23 S 24 scientific observation 16 D 54 lem of weighing zoo hipypopotamus, p. 2 Jl 65
Convention in San Francisco; Bradley’s speech; ANEMIA ARCHITECTURE
Stelle’s reply; Griffith elected National Com- Folic acid remedy 12 Ag 89 See also City Planning
mander 14 O 27 a THESIA Frank Lloyd Wright's d sign for country house;
AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Caudal analgesia in childbirth 23 S 47 model, p. 1 Jl 73
Annual convention in San Francisco; reports on Centennial of first operation with ether; mystery Elwes’ plan to restore Fountains Abbey, p. 30
medical progress 15 Jl 92 ‘ of action of, p. 28 O 76 S 32
all Fishbein’s campaign against ‘‘socialized’’ medi- Operating table victims restored by heart mas- Pereira’s hospité al design; theaters 14 O 94
cine disapproved by doctors; Shoulders, presi- sage 4 N 86 Le Corbusier’s suggestions for U.N. headquar-
dent 15 Jl 92 Nerve block therapy for sprains, hiccups, nerve ters 4 N 34
ws Journal condemns Paul de Kruif’s articles on disorders; Con he tion Anesthesia 9 D 53 Lost Treasures of Europe, rev., p. 4 N 63
medical remedies 29 ji 82 ANGL EY, MARCHIONESS OF ARCTIC
»urnal article by Dr. Uhler charges failure of Death of 18 N 98 U.S.-Canadian military interest; Churchill, Man.
psychiatric procedure in Army 12 Ag 90 ANGLO-EGYPTIAN SUDAN experimental station 23 S 40
AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HIS- Nuba tribesmen in Otoros practice euthanasia; Army’s Pacusan Dreamboat tests trans-polar air
TORY ceremony; 22 arrested for murder 30 D 23
war 14 O 28
U.S.-Canadian Joint Defense Board discusses
40 Scientists test Bear Mountain Park area for use
of DDT 16 S 104 Pro-Soviet Tudehs stage strike at Abadan plant cooperative military bases 4 N 44
Receives bones of Java giant Meganthropus 30 12 Ag 24 Position of magnetic pole, shifts; Canadian field
S 62
ANGLO-USS. CABINET COMMITTEE ON work; U.S. Army interest, map4 N 65
PALESTINE Permafrost in ground construction obstacle; U.S.
AMERICAN NEWSPAPER GUILD ; Proposes federation, tripartite division, map 5 Army insulation project 4 N 66
Strike at Los Angeles Herald & Express; issue 33
of 40% pay boost 23 S 63 ‘ ARDEATINE CAVES See Italy—Cities and
. BEHAVIOR Towns—Rome
Jurisdictional dispute over contract for Spring-
‘Pecking Order” of chickens; at Kansas Agri- ARDENNE, MANFRED VON, BARON
field, Mass. papers; favored by NLRB 14 O 76 cultural Experiment Station 21 O 61
Stern, publisher of Philadelphia Record and German physicist seized by Russians, installed
Camden (N.J.) Jnquirer resists demands for ANIMALS at Sukhum atomic laboratory 28 O
oO South African Government to drive wild animals AREVALO, JUAN J.
$100 weekly for reporters 18 N 54 into reserve to end tsetse fly menace 5 Ag 70
Strike at Philadelphia Record and Camden Settlement of United Fruit strike, p. 18 N 38
Pet dog talks; veterinarian explains as condi- ARGENTINA
ourier-Post; settled Los Angeles Herald &
tioned reflex 26 A Perén’s five-year plan; building, roads, public
Express strike for 14% pay boost 16 D 76
Animal ‘“‘crews’’ at sini tests; survivors to be health, national defer
Rightist union; New York Guild leftist 25 N 24
studied for radiation sickness 16 S 100
Member to receive college credits for picketing in Springtime; survey of conditions 11 N 40
Bissonnette’s experiment with artificial daylight Figuerola to promote Five-Year Plan 16 D
Philadelphia Record strike 30 D 42
to control mating season 16 S 103
Animal Tales, rev.; comp. by Sanderson; oddi-
rnal article by Merck on experiments for Takes over universities, central bank, stock mar-
ties 21 O 114 ket, Industrial Union 1 4
biological warfare 12 Ag 56
Lion trainer jumps into cage to control lions,
ttigers in fierce fight; cubs killed, p. 2 D 25
Atomic physicists report neutrons experiments
A-9 See Rockets
Act of Chapultepec ratif
at Chicago meeting 8 Jl 78
ANNAPOLIS Sce United States Naval Academ) ist protests, riots 5S
California meeting; atomi physicists extend
ANPING See China Cities and Towns—Anping Move to approve U.N. Charter; mn
work in atom 1ashing 22 Jl 65 ambassador; British fiscal 1
Meets in New York; discussions on Meson key 1 to command Navy expedition ; i litary of South America bloc collapses; trade
t tudy ultra-nucl s 30 S 62 aims; base on Ross Shelf Ice 18 N 30
with Ecuador9 §
AMERICAN PRESS “INST ITUTE § ich new amba to U.S. wel 1ed
Geological history; coal seam; possible uranium
Opens at Columbia Univer aim to improve ) r 16 S$
deposits; Byrd expedition to study ather,
ournalism chaste 14 5 U.N. del de rat egime
wild life, South Magnetic Pole 23 D
AMERICAN BANGSES (SHIP) Trade reprisals a B I for
**Source region” of cold air 30 D 69
Seizes damaged American Farmer from British “southern bloc 4
hips claiming salvage ri hts 19 Ag
Penicillin cure for 26 Ag 74 sreat Br
AME RICAN REPE RTORY THEAT 7 3ritish economic stake; t1 8 Ji
eee toe
lenry V1 What Every Woman Knows first Air agreement signed; U.5 nce 6 Ag
Man: An A 16$ 114
oductions, rev.; scene, p. 18 N 64 United States
Produces Androcles and the Lion, rev., O’Casey
Me in Soci report La
Font s,” Huaste etts | ects Perén announces collaboration in event of wat
skit 30 D 34 7 O 68 29 J1 36
AMERICAN RESEARCH AND DEVELOP- Messersmith success; reversal of Braden’s }
Bones of Meganthropus giant arrive at
Naturs H skull of Pithe-
Pool of venture capital formed by New England Foreign tr:
canthroy Er p. 30 S 6
businessmen, educators, scientists 19 Ag 84
Koenigsw l an’s size; Java British stake; missions problems 02
AMERICANS fossils resear in yrs 28 O 66 war credits; U.S. competition; gold storec
Novelist analyzes national psychology 30 D 30 U.S. freed 8 Jl 38
AMERICAN SLAVS Peron promotes with Spain; arrang S}
Congress in New York; Russia and bond deal 11 N 40
Germans in Berlin siphon from car to make
send representatives 30 5S l
tute ANTIGONISH, N. 8. Agreement; established Cordillera Libre customs
Dale, Gardner Mur hy experiment with Rhine’s St. Francis Xavier University Extension; Dr. union; k in to Chile 23 D 36
Psychokinesis dice game 19 Ag 95 Coady’s adu It study groups 25 N 44 Great Britain
ANTS Agreement signed; provisions on meat xports,
CIL See National Council of American-Soviet Army ant: biological mechanism 2 § 52 sterlir it, British railways 30
Friendshiy d
AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELE- Meager exchange of goods 2 S 31
GRAPH CO. a Political conditions
Stock drops at announcement new issue S 77 } ian revolution; Peronista
Rev. ¢ k calls chr as 1 Ag 47
President Ge orge W. Hill dies; financial success; ta i Jl 57 demonstrate against Senate rat
APRA Se cation of Chapultepec 2 § 31
ivertisi 3S 84
APTITL DE Population
t1c AN UNIVERSITY OF BEIRUT Multiple-< 1 1 test of Coll
U teachers sail to restaff 9 S 59 14 million; Perén hopes to double by land
Entrance Board; test in factory 18 N 84 form; 75,000 Indians 12 Ag 36
t half earnings rep« ales drop 15‘ C.E.B. « 1 ple block test, used in ARGONNE LABORATORIES
rofits up 200% Ag gi" N i\ i
Re nal center in nuclear rese¢ hs
Plastic saves smashed legs irom amputa t 1 D°72 Former Shopping News expands
tion 4 N 86 AR. ABIAN- AME Ri ‘AN OIL CO. twice a week 4 N 79
Mrs. Le Baker’s adjustmentto one leg, Standard Oil of N.J., Sccony, buy 40% interest; ARKANSAS, U.S.S.
Jut on a Limb, rev., p. 4 N 86 production; royalties to Ibn Saud 23 D 77 Sunk in atomic bomb underwater test 5 A
Death by gunshot inv zated; doctors exhume Brit | reviewed; current nationalism See also Disarmament
body, testify
to assassination, | yi t t M le East 15 Jl 29 Destructiv weapons and human “p1 s,””
ANDE RSON, CLINTON P. Protest Palestine
to U.N.
5 A
move to chart 8 Jl 7
yr s tat t W.C.T.1 criti Big Four draft settlement on limiting ex-( n
sm S to w Hes Ss D S 1A I [ranians retaliate satellites Jl 20
Authorit OPA rd st ceilings ‘ Arabs \ } British, U Russian forces on foreign 1:
lifte »S ( 1 lews in Palest I policy ; numbers, ap 14 O 31
t S | 1 t p. 26
Plan f G t tr 1 ¢ U.N. discussion; Russia firm on survey of a 1
meat; Porter’s reply 14 O 27 \
ments 16 D 29
ANDERSON, FRANKL IN oO. Palest Arabs still tt I lor t ARMENIA
ryy pic al Kansas fart irts wheat At Russians promise refugees home in Armenian
day’s routine; finances, p. 15 Jl 21 Palest S 29 S.thedecy Supt rt claim to Kars and Ar ur
t srant Te S
Marries Luther Greene Ji ARMS Eat IP MENT
\ s ites ; Negro 1s faith; R s As It to Pir tor << tyl gram S
on sketch, wv. 30 D 59 earnings; retires nt t re 12.N nadian experimental station at Chu
of Lorra rev D 54 Argentir U.N ke t etend Fra U.S \ s 100-ton tank designed to batter
ANDE RSON, W ENDELL regit I + N West Wall, 140
ARCHAEOLOGY D ra with n adiation D 9
lm a: I 1364, rev.; 1 s of Norse ex- U.S ses treatics law tomic we ns
rers 9 S 106 ssilc s i ‘ ase. warfare
Argentina est lean customs Excavations in Me Monte All ruins
I plan vehicular 1 Massachusetts projects, p. 7 O 68
Ws. CHARLES O. Morley’s research in The Ancient Maya, rev., 16 D 30
of U.S. Senator from Florida 30 S 84 ruins in Yucatan, p. 9 D 109 inventory 9 D 27
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Canada Madist’s show in Montivideo 16 D 38 ASAHI SHIMBUN (NEWSPAPER)

Sonic submarine detectors made in Casa Loma Paul Delvaux’s nudes shown in New York; meet Tokyo’s biggest; circulation; staff, pay 19 Ag 62
stables 28 O 49 censorship rules 30 D 40 ASBI RY, HERBERT
Russia Henry Moore’s sculptures at Museum of Modern Collier’s article on Negroes who pass as white;
Mysterious aerial bomb 22 Jl 26 Art 30 D 40 refuted by sociologist 12 Ag 54
U.S., Britain charge Red Army spurring pro- Modern ASHRAF, PRINCESS
duction 14 O 31 7 Fiske Kimball on 8 Jl 61 Returns from Russia, called on Stalin; Russian
ARMY AIR FORCES See United States—Air Exhibit at Lowa State Uniwersity criticized; di- awards, p. 30 S 30
force— Army rectors defends 29 Jl 64 ASSOCIATED COLLEGES OF UPPER NEW
ARMY ANTS See Ants Cubism of Lula Ayres; Card Players, r. 5 Ag 65 YORK
ARNALL, ELLIS Chirico charges early surrealist paintings in Opens Champlain, Sampson, Mohawk Colleges;
Offers $10,000 reward to solve Walton County Paris exhibit forgeries 26 Ag 42 advertises for students 2 S 64
lynchings 5 Ag 25 Dali illustrations; surrealist salamander draw- ASSOCIATED MAGAZINE CONTRIBUTORS
ARNOLD, HENRY H. ing, r. 26 Ag 44 Ellison to publish adless monthly; writers buy
Ranch in California; “Back to the Farm,” col- Flagg’s comment on 30 S 54 stock 1 Jl 45 5
umn on Sonoma Index-Tribune 23 D 60 re 50 Years of His Art, rev.; cubism 18 ASSOCIATED PRESS
ARRAU, CLAUDIO , y 61 Kennedy vindicated on news jump of surrender
Brahms’s piano concert; sketch, p. 12 Ag 60 Abstractionist Crawford’s paintings of atomic story; A.P. action on job 5 Ag 88
ART bomb tests; Bikini Blast, r. 9 D 61 ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC.
See also Drawings; Murals; Paintings; Sculp- Madis in Argentina; new art forms; spreads to Army’s new atomic research laboratory 29 Jl 71
ture Uruguay; Kosice’s sculpture, p. 16 D 38 ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAIL-
American Henry Moore’s sculpture; comments; Reclining ROADS
Index of American Design, sketches of crafts Figure, r. 30 D 40 Robert R. Young resigns; withdraws three
12 Ag 59 Belgian Paul Delvaux’s nudes; denies surrealist roads; criticism 28 O 98
“Paris School” artists; average age 65; Matisse, Museums UNIONISTS
others; Vlaminck allowed to exhibit 1 Jl 73 Tate Gallery: King George and Queen Elizabeth Founding; aims 22 Jl 68
French court upholds Rouault claim to works open exhibit of U.S. art 1 Jl 29 ASTAIRE, FRED
held by art dealer’s heirs; Self Portrait, r. National Gallery: Index of American Design; In Blue Skies, rev.; to retire, p. 14 O 103
22 Jl 150 sketches of crafts, 12 Ag 59 ASTEROIDS See Astronomy
Lief the Most Eminent Architects, Painters Rubens Museum: Rubens’ Antwerp home re- ASTHMA
and Sculptors of Italy by Vasari, rev. 29 Jl 64 stored 12 Ag 59 Cure by insulin shock; no cure for non-allergic
Free-lance cartoonists; selling method; artists Museum of Modern Art: Film Library; course asthma 1 Jl 66
listed, p. 12 Ag 65 in History of Motion Picture 28 O 103 Penicillin aerosol spray treatment 26 Ag 72
Chirico charges early surrealist paintings forger- National Gallery: exhibits Dutch paintings from ASTOR, JOHN JACOB, III
ies in Paris exhibit; self-portrait, Double Hitler collection 16 D 68 Broken romance with Virginia Jacobs featured
Dream of Spring, r. 26 Ag 42 in press 9 S 47
Canadian Painters rev. 2 S 44 Religious ASTOR, LADY NANCY
Arthur Szyk to illustrate Canterbury Tales; Nottingham alabasters recovered; statuettes on Returns to England, comments on U.S. adver-
career; paintings, Wife of Bath, r. 9 S 62 Christian Martyrs, p. 2 D 53 tising, radio, liquor 1 Jl 40
Gwendolen Mary John (“God’s Little Artist’’); Treasures ASTORIA, U.S.S.
paintings exhibited in London; sketch 30 S 53 Ecclesiastical treasures rescued from hideouts in Sunk at Battle of Savo Island; Captain Green
Van Meegeren Dutch artist copies Vermeer Germany 29 Jl 66 man 19 Ag 25
painting in prison to prove forgery record, p. Lost Treasures of Europe, rev. 4 N 63 ASTROLOGY
18 N 61 Of Poland stored in Canada; London Poles inter- Horoscope of Stalin’s birthday from New York's
Jacques Le Moyne, John White; 16th century fere with return to Warsaw 18 N 42 Journal-American, Daily News 30 D 22
paintings of North America 25 N 49 : Damage to Da Vinci’s Last Supper from damp- ASTRONOMY
Laplander Nils Skum; drawings shown in New ness, r. 9 D 61 Coles on end of world; danger from meteors,
York; sketch 25 N 49 War Art comet, asteroid collision with earth, flare-up of
George Grosz autobiography A Little Yes and a Jap paintings of victories shown in Tokyo, r. novae, sun 5 Ag 72
Big No, rev., p. 16 D 67 16 S 56 Mount Wilson Observatory as tourist attraction;
Paul Rand’s advertising art; Thoughts on De- Lire sent 27 U.S. artists to record World telescope and lectures 26 Ag 88
sign, rev. 23 D 48 War II 25 N 70 A.A.S. meeting; reports on galaxies; infra-red
Carlo Levi’s battle with landlord in Rome; fres- British sculptor Henry Moore’s drawings of photography, star discs, star clots; Milky way,
coes on intimate life of landlord 30 D 23 bomb shelters
Tube Shelter, r. 30 D 40 p. 23 S 92
Collections Brazil Giacobini-Zinner comet meteor; experiments with
Hitler’s “collection” of Dutch paintings shown Lula Ayres’ paintings of plantation life; Card radio waves, radar 21 O 60
at National Gallery 16 D 68 layers, r. 5 Ag 65 Artificial eclipses effected to study sun; spectro-
Contests heliograph; Roberts research; solar prom-
: Canada inence, p. 18 N 78
Mexican national contest; entries; Siqueiros on Canadian Painters: “Group of Seven” painting,
competitions 19 Ag 48 ASTROPHYSICS
r.2S 44 Interplanetary gliding space ship predicted;
Temptation of St. Anthony entries shown at Europe
Knoedler, Ernst’s prizewinner 30 S 53 theory, chart 21 O 60
Lost Treasures of Europe, rev.; picture survey A-10 See Rockets
Carnegie first prize to Knaths; popularity prize of war losses 4 N 63
to Cox 16 D 67 ATHEISM
France California radio stations refuse time to atheist;
Design Court upholds Rouault claim to unfinished works
Index of American Design at National Gallery FCC on ‘freedom to disbelieve’ 5 Ag 58
held by Vollard’s heirs 22 Jl 50 Scott explains fight for air time (L) 2 S 6
12 Ag 59 Bonnard paintings in Paris exhibit 5 Ag 65
Rand’s Thoughts on Design, rev. 23 D 48 Scott’s radio address; listeners’ reaction 2 D 75
Renoir Drawings, rev., 11 N 83 ATHENS, TENN.
Contemporary “Paris School” at Galerie Char- Germany G.I. nonpartisans force fair ballot; siege of jail;
pentier 1 Jl 73
British rescue ecclesiastical art treasures from Democratic machine ousted 12 Ag 20
Philadelphia Museum shows 19th Century “pop- wartime hideouts; collection at Schloss Rheydt ATHLETES
ular favorites” 8 Jl 61 29 Jl 66 Matsumoto, Japan’s 62-year-old strong man, p
Picasso’s one-man show in Paris 8 Jl 61 Great Britain 30 S 38
Remington’s black-and-white illustrations shown Loan exhibit of 62 best paintings opens at Chi- ATKINSON, BROOKS
in New York 15 Jl 72 cago Art Institute 28 O 52 Observation on Russia, p. 15 Jl 27
Ultra-modern showing at Iowa State University Nottingham alabasters recovered, presented to Pravda’s Zaslavsky attacks Russian report 22
criticized 29 Jl 64 London’s Victoria and Albert Museum 2 D 53 Jl 26
Modern dishes exhibit at Everyday Art Gallery Henry Moore’s carvings shown in New York ATLANTA, GA,
9 Jl 64 30 D 40 Police break up Columbians demonstration
One-man show of Lula Ayres in Rio 5 Ag 65 Japan against Negro tenant 11 N 25
Bonnard paintings in Paris exhibit; prices triple Making of scarecrows folk art; contest in Narita Winecoff Hotel fire; 120 dead 16 D 27
pre-war 5 Ag 65 2S 44 ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA CO.
Index of American Design at National Gallery; War; paintings shown in Tokyo, r. 16 S 56 Court rules guilty of conspiring to monopolize
WPA artists’ watercolors of crafts 12 Ag 59 Mexico food business; purchasing method; Hartford’s
Of Rubens’ work in Antwerp home, restored as National prize contest; paintings, artists listed; statement 30 S 90
Museum 12 Ag 59 revolutionary art movement 19 Ag 48 Federal judge reverses verdict in anti-trust case
National prize show in Mexico City 19 Ag 48 Relics of jade carving, stone sculpture found in 7 O 93
Anders Zorn etchings shown in Lakeside Press excavationat La Venta 7 O 69 ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.
Gallery 19 Ag 50 Netherlands C.1.0. convention; traditional scene of labor con-
Paintings by Szyk 9 S 62 Paintings from Hitler ‘‘collection” shown at ventions 25 N 24
Jap war paintings in Tokyo’s Ueno Museum National Gallery 16 D 68 ATLANTIC CONFERENCE
16 S 56 Poland Elliott Roosevelt’s report of Roosevelt-Churchill
Knoedler shows Temptation of St. Anthony con- Potocki arrested for attempt to remove family discussion; Look article 2 S 19
test entries; Delvaux’ nudes 30 S 53 art collection from country 11 N 37 ATLANTIC MONTHLY
Gwendolen John show in London 30 S 53 Treasures stored in Canada; London Poles foil Conant’s article ‘“‘Wanted: American Radicals”
Pepsi-Cola annual show at National Academy of attempt to return to Poland 18 N 42 23S 59
Jesign; prize winners 7 O 67 _ Russia — ATOMIC BOMB
Carnegie Institute 1946 show; prize-winning Propaganda to foster ideological development 15 A-day program of Operation Crossroads; Ein
paintings 21 O 65 Ji 34 stein father of atomic bomb 1 Jl 52
Rodin’s drawings in New York, in National Gal- Art of Russia, picture history, rev., paintings, r. Able Day test at Bikini; extent of destruction;
lery 21 O 65 11 N 83 atomic cloud, p. 8 Jl 20
Loan exhibit of Britain’s best paintings at Chi- ARTERIES Results of Bikini test; ship damages:plan Test
cago Art Institute 28 O 52 Lucite tube to patch break in aorta 30 D 49 Saker under-water detonation 15 Jl 26
Karl Zerbe’s paintings shown in New York and ARTHRITIS Around-the-world public opinion on Bikini test
Boston; criticism 11 N 84 Ertron vitamin judged ineffective 29 Jl 83 15 Ji 28
Skum’'s drawings of Lapp life shown at Museum Campaign for research; types 28 O 76 Bomb No. 5 “Helen of Bikini” exploded under
of Natural History 25 N 49 ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION See Respiration, water; “Test Baker,” p. 5 Jl 27
Picasso’s etchings shown in Museum of Modern Artificial Russia refuses U.S. offer for international con-
Art 2 D 53 ARVEY, JAKE trol, wants treaty to outlaw bomb 5 Ag 30
Crawford’s abstractionist paintings of Bikini Succeeds Ed Kelly as chairman of Cook County Bikini explosion described by Herald Tribune’s
tests 9 D 61 Democratic Committee; sketch, p. 22 Jl 19 Stephen White 5 Ag 88
ers watercolors of Newport houses 9 Persuades Kelly to give up candidacy 30 D 17 Bikini underwater test; photograph by auto-
61 ARZE, JOSE A. matic camera; ships, p. 12 Ag 21
Dutch paintings from Hitler’s collection shown P.I.R. head returns to La Paz 5 Ag 48 Press coverage of Bikini tests; Baldwin attacks
at National Gallery; to tour U.S. 16 D 68 Marshals P.1I.R. for power in Bolivia 2 S 31 shoddy conduct of newsmen 12 Ag 65
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Film of Test Baker at Bikini shown in Paris; Tom Sawyer

manuscript sells for $2,400 16 D 47 People’s Car promised by Kendall’s Grantham
press comments; announced Soviet plans ex- AUDIENCE RESEARCH, INC. Productions; firm fails; sample car, p. 9 D 92
periment 26 Ag 23 Analyzes moving picture audience reactions, Mexico
Baruch on uselessness of defenses against 9 S 31 chart 22 Jl 94 Cars forbidden to sound Klaxons after 11
Hersey’s report on bombing of Hiroshima fea- AULL, ARTHUR horn-blowing ‘‘national egomania’™’ 23 S 37
tured in New Yorker, praised 9 S 50 Editor of Lamar, Mo. Democrat; account of vil- AVIATION
lan Test Charlie (6th explosion) postponed by Tru- lage drunk, p. 8 Jl 5: Pioneer John J. Montgomery in Gallant Journey,
man order 16 S 2 w AUNG SAN rev.; pioneer designs 7 O 104
Ww Effects on animal crews of ships, Navy report; Radical leadership in Burma 9 S 34 Accidents
survivors to be studied for radiation sickness Ultimatum to British wins offer of ind Constellation crash lands in Connecticut; Oliviers
16 S 100 or dominion status, p. 30 D 24 passengers; none hurt 1 Jl 40
Stalin on bomb as threat to world peace; Eisen- AUSTIN, WARREN R. Hughes predicted test-flight crash of new photo
KS hower’s comment 7 O Truman nominates to head U.S. delegation to reconnaissance plane 15 Jl 48
uy Bikinians homesick; Navy officer refuses Chief’s U.N. Assembly 29 Jl 14 T.W.A. Constellation Star of Lisbon crashes;
plea to return; atoll undamaged but radio- At U.N. General Assembly; peace policy; career, CAA orders planes grounded, p. 22 Jl 24
active 11 N 31 p. 11 N 29 gation, p. 22 Jl 24
Causes biological mutations; U.S. to study effects AUSTRALIA Star of Lisbon crash caused by short circuit;
on Hiroshima people; research at Oak Ridge Sydney officials bar Aileen Riley in French bath- CAB to rescind grounding order 12 Ag 21
11 N 96 ing suit from city’s beaches 14 O 34 Crash near Elko, Nev.; 18 killed; 2-year-old
Dissolution of Joint Army-Navy Task Force for Girl causes commotion on Sydney beach in 99% Peter Link sole survivor 16 S 24
Operation Crossroads celebrated with atomic nude bathing suit 11 N 38 Crash of Belgian Lines’ Skymaster near Gander;
cake, p. 18 N 31 Sports enthusiasm; hospitality to U.S. Davis 26 dead; rescue by helicopters, p. 30 S 44
Crawford's abstractionist paintings; Test Able; Cup team 30 D 3 Plane explosion over Thames; probably DH-108
( n test flight 7 O
Bikim Blast, r. 9 D 61 AUSTRIA
Pravda’s attack on Baruch, cartoon; Russia de- Molotov demands 400,000 alien fascists Constellation crashes on Shannon airport run
mands survey of atomic weapons along with pelled; peace treaty contingent on Ji 2 way; none hur
census of home troops; U.S. proposes treaty to Bill to nationalize industries passes Parlia- American Overseas’ Eire crashes on Newfound-
outlaw 16 D 29 ment 5 Ag 34 land cliff; 39 dead; funeral services from air;
Figl’s appeal for national freedom on 950th U.S. Army C-68 crash 14 O 25
ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION See under Discover wreckage of B-29 crash in China in
United Nations, United States anniversary; Parliament seeks quick peace
treaty, end of occupation 11 N 34 1945, bodies of four U.S. airmen; survivors
ATOMIC PHYSICS Sce Physics Diplomatic to Moscow, mission
homeless, with- rumored slaves of Lolo tribesmen 11 N 30
7Q =
out money due
to exchange difficulties 23 D 27 U.S. Army plane crash-lands in Alps; rescue by
Russia insists on veto power over control meas- Occupation Alpinists, p. 2 D 30
es 1 Jl 27 Young G.I. force transtorms Vienna, Salzburg; Collision of Universal’s DC-3 with Eastern’s
McMahon control bill; provisions 29 Jl 15 DC-4 over Maryland 30 D 18
replica U.S. drugstores; conduct 29 Jl 29
Gromyko explains Russian position on control Shooting of injured motorbike riders in Russian Education
9 Jl 22 zone 28 O 32 Parks Air College; aviation engineering
Nav) power source in ship pro- Quick withdrawal sought by Austrian Parlia- sented to St. Louis University 2 S 63
pulsion Flying technique
ment; Soviet px y 11 N 34
Manhattan laboratory, Associated Uni- Landi ; stacking of planes in bad weather
Political conditions
versities, Inc 9 Jl 71 Gruber denounced; position between East and Gla} ram 5 Ag 85
Congress passes bill for domestic control; civil- West; Communist propaganda; Clark on use Freight
ian commission, death penalty 5 Ag 24 of U.S. loan 14 O 35 Continental Air Lines’ Telethrift Service for
Truman signs control bill 12 Ag 13 Se ars Roebuck; warehouse deliveries 15 Jl 82
rk’s Salzburg
Marcu oF Time film, record of first year; scien- Occupation G. .s transform resort; Festspiel- 3ritish Bristol Freighter; capacity; loading
2 Ag 23 haus a movie theater; beer gardens, p. 29 Jl 30 midget cars, p. 30 S 90
le in action; radioactive isotope for High Altitude Flying
ors, Mozart festival; audiences, performers;
» of
2 Ag 53 hideout for Nazis 12 Ag 60 Anoxia at high altitudes; test chamber at Pensa-
radiation; safety measures ; Geiger Tyrol
cola Naval Air Station, p. 12 Ag 53
test, p. 19 Ag 90 Big Four rejects Vienna's demand for southern Navy’s centrifuge to test effect on rs 30 S 63
rocket propulsion, atomic aircraft International aspects
Tyrol; demonstrat in Innsbruck, p. 8 Jl 27
motors 19 Ag 94 I.A.T.A. Five Freedoms agreement a failure;
red AUTOMATI( VENDORS See Vending Ma-
In extra-atmospheric war; to power satellite U.S. to withdraw, participate in ICAO on
vay, chines
space ships; cosmic ray source S 52 safety; bargain bilaterally on rates 5 Ag 82
Scientists report on cost for industrial use; sub- AUTOMOBILES Confusion in U.S. policy; British agreements
with BAE survey on market; only 2.8 million expect
stitution for coal 16 S 100 with Mexico, Argentina 26 Ag 81
U.S. policy Baruch-Wallace row 14 O 24 to buy cars in 1946 1 Jl 77 Bermuda Air agreement; five freedoms; British
tro- Reported no price rise; production up 22 Jl 80
rom- Rhoads sums up prospects for use in cancer Argentine pact; Brazil’s pact with U.S.; Mex
therapy 14 O Postwar record of 80,439 cars in week 5 Ag 82 ico, In want split 30 S 93
Scientists confer in O rotest “‘military U.S. and Canadian output; rate on passenger PICAO establishes 13 weather ships in North
security’’; power-prod , industrial use, cars 2 5 84 Atlantic 7 O 70
ted; OPA raids black market “ circus” in South Caro-
p. 28 © 6 A.A.F. cancels B-29 global aerial show 11 N 28
Truman appoints Atomic Energy Commission lina village 9 S 26 Mexico rejects Braniff subsidiary’s application
5-man board; Lilienthal, Chairman 4 N 26 Behind schedule on production; G.M. to ask for five routes 11 N 90
U.N deadlock on international control; Alex- $100 car price rise 16 S 89 Racing
eist, Ford, G.M. discontinue plans for small cars 23
androv advises “balance sheet” of raw mate- Mantz wins Bendix Trophy Race 9 § 7
rials 4 N 34 S 84 Cleveland Ai r Races; jet propelled P-80s 38 97
Official birthday date of Atomic Age; science Studebaker displays 1947 Champion, p. 7 O 92 Records
milestone 4 N 66 Tucker Torpedo, rear engine; Willys-Overland petition for long distance runs;
Radiation causes biological mutations; Public low-slung, short selan 14 O 96 Turtiec, Pacusan Dreamboat records
Health research center at Oak Ridge; com- “Airphibian”’ convertible invented by Robert E.
mission to study Hiroshima people 11 N 96 Fulton, Jr., p. 18 N 90 Research
Nuclear research laboratory at “The Knolls,” Ford’s economies in auto parts 25 N 92 wing plane, more powerful engines
Schenectady, N.Y., War Department-G. 1948 models Chevrolets, Pontiacs, Oldsmobiles
project 18 N 80 shelved by G.M.; Buick, Cadillac 1948s slight rstorms; use of gliders, radar
First nuclear chain reaction at University of change 16 D
Chicago, Dec. 2, 194 controls; uranium pile, Used Cars nental planes by remote control;
d. 9 D 67 eles; OPA agents Navy's technique 26 Ag 55
Baruch demands U N.’s A.E.( approve U.S. at Johnsville, Pa.; effect high
proposals; agrees to revision 30 D 20 human body; pilot under test,
Czechoslovakia ine highway in Cali-
Jachymov uranium mine closed to foreign visi NACA seeks block of power for supersonic wind
tors; report of Russian expert at 5 Ag 30 Inviting the Under-
Great Britain n crashes 9 S 54 Routes
olize Unt ked n Rio street; onlookers d gets San Francisco-Honolulu 15 Jl 82
ord’s n plan bef Parliament 29 Jl 23
Russia make game of car accidents 16 S 38 acific routes to Pan Am, Northwest Air-
German scientists, cyclotron at Kaiser-Wilhelm Car cras to motorbike riders in Austria’s es; T.W.A. extension, Bombay to Shanghai;
Institute s ed to Russia; laboratory at Russia ; driver shoots injured couple 28 pe-¢ T ] ng trip lz Ag 80

> im 8 O
© Pan Am 1 Grace 99-year agree t for
Switzerland Industry da se!
Ss vice U.S. to S.A. 12 Ag 82
nt votes $442 million for atomic re display first two cars from hand Lack of traffic rights blocks U.S. overseas opera
arch 12 A : sembly line,
p. 8 Jl 88 tions; CAB grants South Atlantic route via
er ( ne y¢ old; publicity; pro- Brazil to Pan Am 26 Ag 81
rchill ATOMIC ROCKET Sce Rockets
ite ] 84 Pan Am petitions CAB for domestic routes 23
ATOMS o of expectation suppliers’ » 56
Chain reacting pile and atomic fissi neutrons, strikes; threat of new wage demand S 84 P.1.A. to operate Lima-to-Montreal, plans New
cals” experiments 8 Jl 78 Ford to operate at 75 capacity; Wins York-B 1 5 N 96
Nuclea lysicists’ plans to extend atom-smash 6% boost in ceiling; losses 30 S 87 Linea Aeropostal Venezolano starts New York-
ing to sub-atomic particles 22 Jl 65 Labor layofis; effect of steel shortage, strikes to-Caracas service 23 D 36
Russian physicists report on subn icilear mesons 14 O &9 Speed
2D 9 Tucker Corp. new compan Willys-Overland Navy’s flying wing; expected speed range to 460
ATROCITIES, WAR See World War II new model; financing 14 O 96 m.p.h. 8 Jl 79
Atrocities Ford poses of soybean projects 4 N 98 Planes faster than sound, first stage in extra-
TTLEE, CLEMENT G.M. to float new stock issue; resources decline, atmospheric war 2 S 52
Popular appeal, p. 29 Jl 23 chart 18 N 87 Coast-to-coast in 5% hours promised by Pan Am
test Angered at T1 n’s demand for immigration of Ford announces losses in 1946, shelves research, with Republic Rainbow 23 S 86
Jews into Palestine, protest note 14 O 30 program; economies 25 N 90 Of jet-propelled P-80s; dangers of standing
inder Cabinet changes 14 O 33 Coal, steel supply for week; Ford, Chrysler, sound wave; pilot’s sensations 23 S 9
Speech to Trades Union Congress 4 N 34 Hudson in temporary shut downs 9 D 87 Navy’s centrifuge to test effect high speed on
con- Forces anti-Bevin element to vote of confidence Companies cancel layoff, shutdowns as coal strike human body 30 S 63
30 in Government 25 N 39 ends 16 D 87 De Havilland tests jet-propelled, tailless, DH-
une’s Warns Indian leaders Moslems must be repre- G.M. shelves plans for most 1948 models; plans 108; explosion 7 O 31
sented in government 16 D 32 of other auto-makers 16 D 88 personic sound waves limit top speed of 600
auto Announces Burma to have complete independence Kaiser-Frazer Corp. merger w Graham- Paige; m.p.h.; “compressibility” obstacle; plane dis-
or dominion status 30 D 24 Graham to make farm equipment 23 D 78 integrates 21 O 62
‘tacks AUCTIONS Great Britain Shock wave in supersonic speed; effect on pilot
Of Hitler’s yacht in Britain 19 Ag 45 Exports up; U.S. competition threatens 8 Jl 86 in bail-out 25 N 58
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (Jul y 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Great Britain Histo of contest; Russian, Yugoslav moves BARRYMORE, DIANA

Nationalization plan before Parliament 29 Jl 23 for ‘federati nm; points of conflict, map 16 S 29 Divorces Bramwell File tcher 8 J1 90
AVIATION CORP. U.N. Security Council hears complaints of BARRYMORE, ETHEL
Expansion program Emanuel’s management; Greek anian border incidents 16 S 30 Grandchild born; gives interview S4
rporate structure, chart
7 O 87 Zhukov inspecting Soviet Army forces 30 S 30 BARS
AVIL A CAMACHO, MANUEL U.N. votes commission to investigate border vio- Brown Palace Hotel in Denver; rookie policer
Stages honest election 29 j1 36 lations 30 D 20 opens fire on patrons, kills one, p. 14 O 29
At inaugurationof Aleman, p. 9 D 38 BALL, JOSEPH H. BARTENDERS
Decrees remains of Cortes to be kept in church, Addresses labor conference; invites aid on legis- New York schoolteacher takes after-hours
made national monument 9 D lation 1 Ji 21 p. 23 D 47
AWARDS Dr ifting labor legislation; would outlaw closed
See also individual countries—Awards shop, overhaul Wagner Act 23 D 18
BALLET See Dancing; Music — child at Central Park drinking fountair
French literary awards won b anarchists; 8 Jl 45
Pleiade Prize to Fath Cirosjea 1udot BALL-POINT PEN See Fountain Pens
76th birthday; receives cartoon of Atomic E:
Prize to David Rousset 8 BALLROOMS
Karzas expands Midwest chain; new purchases;
Commission delegates, r. 2 S 36
Nobel Prize in medicine, | s to Hermann Report to U.N. Atomic Energy Commissior
J}. Muller 11 N 96 Trianon, p. 30 D 76
S 31
Nobel Peace Prize to J and Emily BALZAC, HONORE DE Clash with Wallace on U.S. atomic policy; st
Baich; Literature to He se 25 N 33 Biography Balzac by Stefan Zweig, rev., por- ment; on control process, on danger ve
[International Sound Research Institut od dic- trait, r 5 N 114 p. 1402
tion to Ingrid BANDS ' Summarizes A.E.C. findings, repeats dema
King Gustav c Prize to Swing bands trend toward soft music; Harry Pravda’s cartoon 16 D 29
U.S vinners » P- James, Bob Crosby 9 S 94 Demands U.N. Atomic Energy Commission
D 50 Horace Heidt’s career 16 S 93 prove U.S. proposals; agrees to revision,
AXTELL, ENOS Joe Mooney Quartet: accordion feature, p. 28 30 D 20
Prumar es n t ( gress Mis- BASEBALL
ouri primary, p. 29 J Elliot Lawrence on collegiate circuit, p. 4 N56 Bill Veeck, Bob Hope, others buy Cleve
Wins 1 nation tor Congress 19 Ag 19 Quintet of the Hot Club of France, Danjo Rein- Indians 1 J1 69
Defeat n senator ‘ tion 18 N 27 hardt arist, Cleveland concert, p. 18 N 53 Phillies’ comeback, defeat St. Louis Cardin
AYDELOTTE, FRANK ate I inds losing; Stan Kenton wins Metronome Chapman’s management: Dodgers, Red
in Rhod ci s y 1 ji 64 the-year; King Cole Trio, best small lead for pennant 8 Jl 56
3 D 73 Williams strikes home in against Sewell’s
AYRES, LULA C., ;, R« r’s State Jazz Orchestra of White Russia:
| ts | tings g Ca» ’ in All-star game; a 3 homers in Red
I zvestia imitations of U.S. joan 258 41 game wi ith Clevela Indians, p Ji 48
5 Ag 65
AZERBAIJAN See Iran Giannini seeks control of Citizens National bank
Big league owners toheer grievances of player
spokesmen; Perini concessi ons'to Braves; 1
mum wage $6,000 29 Jl4

BANKRUPTCY Dodgers and Cardin: ose a lead in 1 ennant

B Con ss passes railroad reorganization measure race, p. 29 Jl 46
4\E 84
Pittsburgh Pirates sold to syndicate of bur
BANKS AND BANKING Crosby, others 19 Ag 64
Missior se wins in award to lc in
Se so lt ter Bank for Reconstruction Mickey Owe n bolts Mexican League; banned f
Santia ; intant t O/
Doct Z ( l ( nent t rest of 1946, p. 19 Ag 62
Pl t of Pittsburgh Neg son Intern i
ev ti n nic s » ¢
I h ps itrist states t nuch sleep
ld star Mo
Bank ¢ of Citizens Na-
s¢ rt s moth t © 49 tior
H niant 1 t t n ¢ O 5 Cardinals lead Dodgers in pennant I
Varda rs on end Fed- Durocher’s tactics
9 S 72
| s blood RH complete
‘ sfusion: met D 10th annual Littl World Series, <Ar
State ks buying World Le n boys’ championships, in Cha:
BABSON, ROGER Banl action 16 D 94
I ites site in Kar l ts’ vaults in case Inte rnation: il aspects
iton war 28 O 94 , strikes out nine Car
W i Bank in Mor netary Fund conference
Dox irds tie in National pennar
\ nt to U.S. Atom Energy Commiss O 61
St. \
nals win World S a3 B S
BAC 1 EKRL A Ceremonies Ted Wi Hi ims star 21 O 81
Li rT" sistant; sulfa drug ineffective; Harris to n uge Yankees in 1947, Ch Dre
i t on Russian Baptists sen coa N 5
BACTERIAL E N DOC ene A 8 New York’s lea home games t
( fs penicillin Ag 72 ] I D New t on mission to vised 16 D 98
BACTERIAL WARI ARE Russia 9 S 79 Evangeline (Class D) League players «
Merck des s C.W.S. culture of sease Catherir M e€ missiona to | y with betti: the teams 30 D
erms, diss nation met s 12 Ag ret s at 74 to attend fere a) inistan
BAGPIP E Ss P 1 at Mississ ] ul farm, p. 2 Game in Kabul 1 6
Origin of; P - ty’s mpetition S 6¢
Scotlan S Ministers in Caravate, Italy; make converts German Ss .
BAILEY, JOHN during revolt of Catholic pa vers 25 N 78 game too mil 3S 30
Humor edit eve t; method of buying Ge 1’s Convention on rec nst race dis- Japan
g panel cartoons 12 Ag ¢ Nort Carolina Convention re- rT rs feature; 10 wrestl t
BAII EY. JOSIAH W. scinds ant scrimination statement 9 D 73 the Gre gs 21
O 39
Death of D 88 BARBITURATES ° Drugs Mexico
BAILEY, TRUMAN BARCOME, JOHN Vera Cruz in last place; strained relat
R 7 ncient Peruvian crafts, p.
1 Jl lakes over Los Angeles C G.O.P. program between native players and U.S. in
Duany-Owen clash, p. 12 Ag 46
Stalin answers . Russian 11 N 2 BAREA, ARTURO Mickey Owen abandons contract with Pasqu
BAKER, E VERE a M. Aut I l ying f a Rebel, rev. p 0 tells of Mexican scare method 19 Ag 6
( dean of nts at M.I.1 sket I D
BASES See¢ lual « itries—Defens
BAKER, JOSEPHINE O Ss t t ps be tores an
| 7 wat oO Col » t Whiz Kids return to I]
BAKER, RAY ST ANNARD R l from Palest c +1
h; Notre
Dame, U.C.L.A
p. 23 D
Snu lrumatr ngry er 1 ction OPA
Plant lose due to lat tage oO ad Abraham Lin is Spee iu
New Je B te Mat Committee approval rev. excerpts 14 O 109
t flour pri wn 4 ) A 15 jl 19 BATA, JAN A.
BAKER, TEST 5S Ator I ( ss 1 ( OPA revival 29 Protests nationaliz Cc e ent
BAKU (SHIP) disclaims ownersl U.S unt, 1
s ts »>ain Br l S \ S M ty I ler; Der BATA, INC.
BALCH, EMILY G t S Ss dir . 7 nan praises Rec y of « Z Cz
Nobel Peace prize; sketch, p N \ ] it ization >
S Red Arm l ng; es I t 1inst t miasis plague in Egypt BATES, SIR PERCY EK.
on troops 1 Jl 30 ID 56 Death of 28 O 100
\ttacks sensatio1 BARNABY See ( Strips BATES COLLEGI
ewsmen at LB Ag BARNARD COLLEGE Debating team on Britis ses 2 D
‘ ticizes maritime t » prov es Millic McIntosh a nted de i D 63 BATHING SUITS
test 21 O 5 BARNARD SKIN AND ¢ ANCER HOSPITAL 3ilbao bans revealing suits, sun bathing
BALDWIN, JOSEPH C, See Hospitals suits 19 A
G.O.P piaces ( 1 ee New York C
BARR, ALE RED H., JR. Fre it s t A ul
| i S b Ss, 1 ] O
Pica Years of His Art, rev N ¢
BAL DWIN, RAYMOND E. Au t s i ‘ 5
\grees to accept candida for U.S. Senate in beach in 99% nude su N
l eave St. John’s College start new colle
nferen vith Clare LB. Luce 26 Ag 19 BATHYSPHERE 5S« > 5 s
Elected to Senate, p. 18 N 26 BATT, WILLIAM
\p] st cept { in
R n Governt t-ow! synthetic
Wc s Live B column
LEY 12 A } B
At Cambrid University emor I O BARRE TO PINTO, EDMUNDO OF PRINC
BALI ‘ nal ts; pictures in Druseiro; sues batth ind cated as state
: t ; musical instr 1€ phot ipher, p. 29 Jl 3 rumbull’s painting, 1 8 O 30
BALKANS Suggests Canada seek U.S. statehood in address Protests inderfeeding « tree Ce
lron Curtain; political strif ( to Rotarians ct Kenora, Ont. p. 26 6 reporters at Nurnber Ji 45
Free V ition t Wins Tam O’Shanter tournament, p. 5 Ag 66 Democrats’ le I 1 election; t t
Deteat xy Nelson in Portland, Ore : 57
e) Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1 -December 30, 1946, inclusive)


Body removed from vault; buried, 18 years after His butler charges assault 5 Ag 50 SION CO.
death, with fifth husband Friedland 12 Ag 39 BERGER, HANS See Eisler, Gerhart Bid $85 million x Inch and Little Big Inch
Leaves Ruthrauff and Ryan; joins new advertis- Independent producer deal with Einfeld; faces BIG ING Hi OIL, INC.
ing firm of Sullivan, Stauffer, Colwell and payment back income taxes, p. 5 Ag 8 Bids $110 n Inch ar id Little Big
Bayles S 78 In Joan [
Lorraine, rev. p. 2 D 54 : Inch oil piy g 79
BAY OF AGO PEARL FARM International Sound Research Institute award WAA refuses sale of Governmen t pipelines 2
Owner's gling act for employes, p. 1 Jl 32 tor g tion 16 D 48 D 89
Kabul, Afghanistan; articles from U.S. 12 Ag 26 Tanglewood Center; season plans 22 Jl 56 BIKINI LAGOON
BCG VACCINE See Vaccines U.S. premiére f Shost keywvich’s Ninth Sym Underwater atomic bomb test pl 1otograph by
BEACHES hony 5 Ag 5: aut tic camera, p. 12 Ag 21
Spain: San Sebastian diplomatic section immune Performance of opera Peter Grimes, p. 19 Ag 52
BIKINI TESTS See Atomic bomb
to ban on immodest bathing suits 19 Ag 35 BERLIN Sce Germany—Cities and Towns
BERLIN, UNIVERSITY OF Statue Life, p. 14 O 34
Negro barred from Toronto bridge tournament, Students interviewed; ideas on Russian control
by Al Sobel, p. 16 D-42 Ag 33
BEARD, MARY Cam] 1 tor renomination; spec
BERMAN, JAKUB race hatred; sketch, p. 1 Jl 22
Death of; director Red Cross Nursing Service
Polish Communist Ministe € to crush On Meet the Press radio
16 D 80
Peasant Party, prevent fair « is 9 D 33
Klan 19 Ag 20
Scientists test area for use of DDT 16 S 104 BERMUDA Operation for mouth inflammation ID
rruman vacations in, rides in carriage, p. 2 S 16 G.O.P. leaders to challen > Senate s¢ at on charge
In Sweden: drifting toward villages, k ll cattle, BERMUD , ANTONIO inciting to bar Negroes from p lis 25 N 26
attack humans; Lapps’ anti-bear mez ures 19 Fires lead of striking union at Pemex; 1947 Deals with war con tractors; defen se at Senate
Ag 36 oil progr 30 D 27 1earing; victim ot Cancer of mout h, J 0D 16
Marion Saver proclaimed Miss nada, p. 15 Death of 28 O 100 . ir boon Leigh’s animated s
Miss Shanghai 1946: Shizue Yamaguchi most oy, rev. 14 O 106 Nerve crushing technique in treatment
} autiful woman in Japanese Diet, p. 16 S 35 BERNAYS, EDWARD L. 19 Ag 69
ilyn Buferd, Miss America, 1946, p. 16 S 45 Publicity campaign for New Republic 25 N 69 BILL OF RIGHTS
ce Pollock wins “‘Mrs. America’”’ title, p BERRE TOMAS Opinion Research Center poll shows public unin
5 N 28 Elected I esident of Uruguay, p. 2 D 38 don 14 O 85
yer Little Sister contest of New York Boys’ Club BERROETA, JORGE BIOL OG ICAL WARFARE
judged by Duchess of Windsor, p. 16 D 47 empts to swim English Channel 19 Ag 64 Merck describes ( .W.S. culture of d
BEAVERBROOK, WILLIAM M. AITKEN, f ROBERT study of dissemination methods
BARON Returned to U.S. to face treason trial, p. 23 D 42 BIOL OG Y
lls on Mayor O’Dwyer in New York en route rifuge method of controlir
to New Brunswick vacation 7 O 4 BETANCOURT, ROMULO
1es; sex cells of fruit fly, diag.
low to Win a Fortune articles, excerpt 25 N 70 Elected Provisional President of Venezuela 4
N 4 Mutations from radiation; Muller
BECKMANN, MAX S. research center at Oak Ridg
Painting, Carnival |} State Uni- Ends one Army revolt; regime, p. 23 D 3¢
Brit biologist studies growth proce
versity, r. 29 Jl 64 BETA R: AYS. es cell; “inhibitor,” p. 30 D 69
BEEBE, LUCIUS Destructive r ation; can start cancer 19 Ag 90
Research in Colorado for new book on railroads BETHI HE M ‘ST EL CORP. Pantelleria
14 O 44 Secon i arter earnings; high net 5 Ag 79 ries 22 Jl 2¢
BEECHAM, SIR THOMAS BE THUNI MARY McLEOD P n races revived by British cl
Criticism of Hollywood 22 Jl 46 Achiever ent in Negro education; sketch, p. 3 ; periment with
Conducts new Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Ji 55 ect on
BEEF 1 z 1 Hall merger; R ns disappear from Tower
See als Meat ements, legend 7O 32
Pi jumps with of OPA; sags with in ping cranes at Aransas W Refuge,
creased supplies ji 81 Audubon study, p. 2 D 9
00% price rise on / tine beef sold to Britain BIRDW ELL, KI SSE L L
demanded by Perén 29 Jl 39 BETTY, NU RSE See Nurses and Nursing Publ y f ure’s new DeMer
BEER 9 Ag 61
LaGuardia greeted at Prague airp rt with glass Wins women’s finals at W ) 2 ses doubles BIRTH RATE See Vital Statistics
f beer; comment 19 Ag 31 with Doris Hart, p. 15 Jl 57 BISHOP, TED
Monterrey brewery uses spring water; key indus- Out to win U.S. Women’s Singles at Forest Defeats Sr
try; control of Sadas, Muguerzas, Garzas Hills; sketch, cov. 2 S 57 Champ hip, p Ss 75
families 7 O 41 Wins fe arth U .5. Women’s Singles Champion BISSONNETTE, TrHOMAS H.
BEHN, SOSTHENES Changes n z sons of
Arranges sale of 1.T.& T. subsidiary to Argen- BEVIN, ANE U"RIN rtificial day » p. 16S if
tina; deals in Rumania, in Spain, p. 16 S 9¢ Nat nal He Service Bill opposed by B.M.A. BLACK MARKETS
BEHNCKE, DAVID 23 D 68 OPA 1 1 bil t
Air L ine Pilots’ preside lemand { BEVIN, E RNE ST South ¢ S 26
iry increase, p. 4 N 29 Praises B; lershir T] 27 BLACK MASS See Rites and ¢
truce with T.W.A. to end pilots’ strike Adjourns aris nference; efforts blocked by “BLACK POPE” See Society of Jes
25 N 25 Molotov, car 22 Jl 25 BL ANC Hu ARD, FELIX (“DOC”)
BELGIAN CONGO Formu lating « gn 1 poli cy, p. 29 Jl 24 In A Navy game; expects t
Missionary Conference Leopoldville; Dr Ailir McNeil s Paris 19 Ag 30 Ril ey, p » D 78
Catherine Mabie atte 5 Ag 58 On difficulty of uilding d 21 O 29 BLANDY, WILLIAM H.
BELGIAN SABENA LINES Charges Mexi leported only 76 of 486 Nazis Aton bomb test at Bikini s sft
Plane crashes near Gander; 26 deaths; rescue of 28 O 44 Party to celebr:
survivors 30 S 44 Outlines British foreign policy before House; Task I t
\ Acker’s government fall 1 Labor M.P revolt nst anti-Russian pol B iphy Prie t Occ
rp expropriated Ruber home, restored Att Li I r I « I \ te It t f The phical Society; sket
museum 12 5 ‘ € N , BLIND
march to Calvary, in ( man | I Party revolt against for
des, at Furnes, p. 12 Ag el n ji 4 » Car t n 4 D as Ww on vi i
Nominated to OPA Decontrol Board, p. 5 Ag moved, p. 9
BELL, TOMMY ‘ ¢ ac Ex] U.S. floating fish BLIVEN, BRUCE
Sugar Ray Robinson beat n title bout, p. 30 Wel mes successor Walla
annet sket 4
LD) 38 mes Editorial Direc N
Scott’s Man and Society in the New Testament, Or ( ado prairies thr
R et-propelled XS-I tested over Mur Art rev yi
A Base 23 D
erations 25 N 27
FE] ‘ t n I ium town; march t BLOOD
Art s I
tel Bemelmans, rev., t st s » 114 ( t t s The Story of the ( S ‘ ment N SR

BE N(ARE S HINDU lt NIVE RSITY G1 S expe ‘ pitressir

F¢ 1 Malaviya
dies; center of Ve« ic culture Psali Chine translation by John Wu, edited 1 ress 5
5 N 100 by Ch shek 9 D 73 G t st s «
BENNET, AUGUSTUS Radio Li of the World; Adam and D
Defeated by Mrs. f I S RH 1 t 1
nomination tor Congres »> 18 BIDAULT, GE ORG ES t » Pp. 25
BENNETT, CONST ANCE Role of conciliator rence 1 Jl 2¢ Ne € in t an

Marriage to John T. Coulter 1 Jl 70 Seeks nony witl forms coali- Bue s seas ves
BENNETT, HUGH H,. t n et wit zo press ire 30 D 19°
Soil Conservation chief warns of erosion 14 O 80 r romise ol of Trieste BLOOM, SOL
BENNY THE MEATBALL Member U.S. delegation at U.N. Ger Assem
Gangster shot and killed in Lé ss Angeles; pr s X& 2 tion peace cor iree 1 N (
aaNeen. -ae H. Peace Conference Celebrates 100th ant D
Commiss lepart: ec disap- ns in nenceau Salon 5 Ag 29 BLUE BONNET HOTEL “See Hote Is
BRENTON, WILLIAM Marries Margaret A. Loughborough 22 Jl 86 Warning on De Gaulle’s bid wer 1 Jl 28
Heads U.S. del n to UNESCO,p. 11 N 74 BIERUT, BOLE SL AW Anti-C¢ nist 1dership protests left-wing
BENZENE HEN. AC HL ORIDE See Insecticides rhreatens Polish tion leaders 18 N 37 Soci al
BENZEDRINE See Drugs BIGART, HOMER Faces Radical Communist clash on Cabinet;
BERG, ROLAND H. Reports from Warsaw; on Communist control of I ses all-Socialist Cabinet, takes Foreign
The Challenge Of Polio, rev. 19 Ag 69 press » Jl 48 Affairs Ministr 3 D 28
Vol. XL\ 1 INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

BOAL, SAM Allan Nevins wins Scribner’s $10,008 prize for Look at America: by Stegner 9 D 47
New York Post col l reports n British history Ordeal of the Union 18 N 47 Lord Hornblower: rev. 7 O 116
through charlady Mrs. Hunkle”’; sketch, p. Detective stories collected by Reisner willed to Lost Treasures of Europe: rev. 4 N 6
D 6 Harvard Library 9 D 62 Lowells and Their Seven Worlds: rev. 23 S 106
BOAT RACES Survey of 1946 books; chief publications, best- Macbeth: iil. by Dali, verse rev: 9 D 112
Cornell wins in Lake Washington race; Wash- sellers; book clubs 16 D 108 Magician and Other Stories: rev. 18 N 11:
ington third; Conibear stroke 1 Jl 68 fbraham Lincoln: His Speeches and Writings: Man: An Autobiography: rev. 16 S 114
Bermuda yacht race revived; Gesture wins 15 rev. 14 O 109 Man and Society in the New Testament:
Ji 58 Adventures by Sea f Edward Corere: rev. 30 yi 70
Annual dinghy ra it California's Newport D 84 Marginal Tribes: rev. 23 D 50
Harbor; 14-year-old Walter Lewis, Jr. wins, p. Album of American History: vol. 3, rev. 14 O Meeting of East and West... rev. 12 Ag 96 F

19 Ag 64 1U¢ Memoirs of Hecate County: censored | ry

Guy Lombard wins national motorboat sweep- Alexander H. Stephens: rev. 16 S 112 Society for Suppression of Vice 2: Il 6
stakes 26 Ag All But Thee and Me: rev 5 N 80 Court rules obscene; popular demand 9 "D 24
Mouseboat racing in Britain; Hobbies denies All the King’s Men: rev. 26 Ag 98 Men of Good Will: final volume, rev. 2 D 116
cruelty; R.S.P.C.A. protest S 31 Ameri 55-1364: rev. 9 S 106 Mexico South: the Isthmus of Tehuantepe
International regatta at Havana leitz sets American Rhodes Scholarships: rev. 1 Jl 65 18 N 38
w ld rec d in Wen 19D Ameri Scene reissue, rev. 16 § 11{ Miracle « s: rev. 16
S 110
BOATS America rev. 29 J19 Mister Roberts: rev S 100
Cuttyvhur Island $s ts” n f ng An Afternoon, short stories, rev. 23 S 112 Mistress Masham’s Repose: rev. 14 O 1
contest 28 O 69 Ancient Maya: rev. 9 D 109 Montgomery: by Moorehead; Express wat ns not
BOBROWICZ, EDMUND V. Animal Tales: rev. 21 O 114 authentic 9 D 47
Det rat ! ur i Cong! st Milwau Art of Russia: rev. 11 N 83 New World: rev N 49
+ 1 Milwauh rnal rge of Com- As He Saw It: rev. O 108 Natural History of Nonsense: rev. 7 O
Y nisi 0d dsylum Piec rev. 2 S 96 No Woman’s World: rev. 9 S 11:
Drop] from Democratic Party 14 O 27 Autobiography of f Cellini: ill. by Dali 26 Ag 44 Oh Millersville James Hall confesses t i
BODINE, AUBREY N 114 thorship 23 S 4
Abst t t wins mera Magazine con- Be , n: re ¥y l Ag 96 One Nation: by Stegner 9 D 47
Best Stories of Wilbur Daniel Steele: rev. 29 Jl leal of the Union $10,000 Scribner
BODNE, BEN ¢ a awarded Nevins 18 N 47
Bu \ quin Hotel in New York; sketch, B.F 1 yr: rev. 11 N 112 Oscar Wilde: His Life and Wit: rev. 15 11 10
, #0 9) Bible See B Our Share of Night: rev. 4 N 110
BOEING AIRCRAFT CO. ; Big ( 7 O 116 Out on a Limb: rev. 4 N 86
Pr tion hit; United's rder of 7 Strato- Bre e and lie: rev Ag 102 P lion of Women: rev. 25 N 110
¢ sers 12 Ag 80 Bright Da rev.21 O
1 Pe in: Its Practical Application: rev. IS6
BOEING B-29 See under Airpla s L sritannia ws: rev. 8 Jl 108 Picasso, 50 Years of His Art: rev. 18 N 61
BOEING STRATOCRUISER 5 inder Air- Canadian Painters: rev. 2 S 4 Pleasure of Thei r Company: anthology 30 S 114
pla Canterbury Tales: new editio Plotters: rev. 25 N 113
BOETTIGER, MRS. JOHN ( lenge of Polio: rev. 19 Point of Parliament: rev. 25 N 36
Endorses Costigan tor Cor ess; attacks oppo- ( ibirth without Fear: rev. Portrait of the A Semite: rev. 23 D 94
nent supported by brother 8 J] 2 Child from Five to Ten: rev. Priestess of the Occult: rev. 11 N 78
BOGOMOLET?S,. ALEXANDEP A. C hildren of Yesterday: rev Prince in Their Midst: rev. 18 N 109
Death of 29 Jl 86 ( “*hloe Marr: rev. 2 S 98 Raffles of Singapore: rev. l 18 N 10¢
BOHLER, LORENZ 4 hristian Heritage in America: 5 Ag 59 Reminiscences: of Gorky, rev. 15 Jl 100
Orthopedic surgeon back in \ 1 trom prison C hristmas Story: rev. 18 N 106; Canadian firm Renoir Drawings: rev. 11 N 83
camp; nail operation tect stops distribution 23 D 42 Rhubarb: rev. 5 Ag 108
BOHR, NIELS Come Tell Me How You Live: rev. 28 O 113 Roses and Buckshot: rev. 30 S 54
Addresses Princeton physicists ym atomic re- Condemned Playground: rev »TLg Salem Frigate: rev. 19 Ag 108
search n U.S. atomic prt ct as “Mr. Conduction Anesthesia: nerve block 9 D 53 Santa Claus: a Morality: rev. 23 D 91
Nichols Baker’? 7 O 7( Conquest of the Missouri: rev. 19 Ag 104 Secret Missions: rev. 23 D 91
BOLIVIA 7 Control of Venereal Disease: Public Health Selected Novels of G. Bernard Shaw: re V
Villarroel assassinated sost-revolutionary scene; Service report 30 S 78 110
students maintain order 5 4 7 Dahl’s Boston: rev. 4 N 78 Selected Writings of Dylan Thomas: rev
New governing Junta, p. Dark Wood: rev. 23 S 110 112
Tin industry import deal with . 26 Ag 88 Dictionary of Current Americanism, New Seventh of October: rev. 2 D 116
Tin rule threat to new Gover it; Arze mar- Words, Slang: popular in Japan 30 D 42 Shorter Novels of Stendhal: rev. 21 O 06
shaling P.I.R.; Gutierrez president of Junta Dinner at the White House: rev. 2 S 94 Small Town: rev. 23 D 98
Dragon Harvest: libel suit 18 N 47 Social Register: 1947 New York edition; cl anges
U.S. wheat deal foils Perén’s blackmail tactics Duchess Hotspur: comic-strip rights sold to King 16 D 28
against rnment 9 S 41 Features 23 S 63 So This Is Peace: rev. 18 N 94
Gutierrez escapes attempt on life 7 O 40 Edmund Campion: rev. 1 Jl 102 Stendhal: rev. 21 O 106
Peron cuts Argentine wheat, cattle, demands Eisenhower's Own Story of the War: rev. 1 Jl Story of the Faith: rev. 16 S 72
tin, rubber 4 N 42
S Stricken Land: rev. 30 D 86
Springtime; All Saints’ Day beginning of seed- Eliza Lynch Hilda Kruger 12 Ag 36 Sudden Guest: rev. 23 S 108
ing time; festivities 11 N 40 Encyclopaedia Britannica: history of 30 S 67 Tale of Beatrix Potter: rev. 11 N 106
La Paz Escape in Passion: rev. 5 Ag 106 Their Mothers’ Sons: rev. 25 N 80
Celebratio1 Independence Day; Norris report 5 European Witness: rev. 23 D 97 Thieves in the Night: rev. 4 N 110
Ag 47 Fair Field: rev. 9 D 109 There Were Two Pirates: rev. 19 Ag
BOLTE, CHARLES G. Fali of Valor: rev. 7 O 108 Thoughts on Design: rev. 23 D 48
Wins Rhodes Scholarship 23 D 44 Fanfare for Elizabeth: rev. 29 Jl 92 Thi r Out of China: rev. 28 O 110
BOMBERS See under Airplanes Field Marshal MacArthur: pamphlet biography Together Annals of an Army Wife: rev 5 N
b zaki 5 Ag 102 110
BOMBS See Atomic bomb; Munitions—Bombs Foret Amber: banned in Massachusetts 15 Jl Tokyo Romance: rev. 28 O 56
BONDS 48; London Sunday Dispatch to run as serial Tom Sawyer: manuscript auctioned for $2.40
Re-servicins f Peru’s 19 8 issues floated in 18 N 54 16 D 47
U.S., issue in election 15 Jl 4 Forging of a Rebel: rev. 30 D 88 Too Early to Tell: rev. 25 N 114
Saskatchew clears profit on Provincial bond General Education in a free Society: plan in i emus: Truman likened to Tar Baby;
deal in U.S. 29 Jl 34 operation at Harvard 23 S 53 n to Brer Rabbit, d. 16 S 19
French Government t mak inicipal Golden Book of Catholic Poetry: rev. 1 Ji 90 U.S.A.—Slang: Danish dictionar D 42
pawnshoy bonds; “affaire Sta swindle Great Books of the Western World: Britannica Volunteer’s Adventures: rev. Ji 99
26 Ag 28 project 30 S 67 Weak and the Strong: rev. 4 N 116
BONIN ISLANDS Great Globe Itself: rev. 22 Jl 100 We Happy Few: rev. 15 Jl 100
Cannibalistic practices of Jap officers on bodies Great Teachers, Portray anthology, rev. While Time Remains: rev 6 Ag 98
of U.S. flyers 16 S 25 White House E Physician: : rev. 4 N 114
8 Jl
BONNARD, PIERRE Grierson on Documentary: excerpts 16 D 102 rild ~~
Painting n Paris exhibit; sketch; Boat Ride, r. Handbool South American Indians: Vol. I, to Ruin: manuscript in Br
\k C The Marginal Tribes v 3 D 50
BONUSES Hardy in America: rev. Ji 99 » am America: new
Republic Steel stockholder protests $ )0 bonus Hardy the Novelist: rev. 9 S 108 15 Jl 46
to | Chai n ( ( 19 Histoire Naturelle: Picasso illus., r. 2 D 53 u f e Pharisees: rev. 21 O
A H ” of American Poetry 1900 1940: rev. 18 Writers and Writi v. 22 Jl 104
Lou Reese's Scio pott y t; 55 en es get N 11 Children’s books
$3,500 each 30 D 17 Holdjast Gaines: rev. 18 N 109 f Peter Rabbit ’s biogra
BOOK ILLUSTRATION Sce Drawings Hotel Bemelmans: rev. 30 S 114 Beatrix Potter, 3
BOOKKEEPING House in Bali: rev. 30 S ¢ g sritish The Tale of A Turnip read
Mail-Me-Monday servi for small isinesses; Hucksters: rev. 9 S 86 kindergarten The Little Engine That
ng Corp. 25 N 94 I Chose Freedom: rev. 8 Jl 102 read in British
p. 23 D 47 cl:
HE-MONTH CLUB Independent People: rev. 5 Ag 102 ince
tock ferin Scherman’s control; Infant and Child in the Culture of Today: by Literary awards 8 Jl 29
isiness 11 N 90 Gesell 5 Ag 75 Great Britain
BOOKS In the First Watch: rev. 15 Jl 107 Cyril Connolly’s notes on in Con friay
Books on | ourney Down a Blind Alley: rev. 30 § 112 ground, rev. 29 Jl 95
Gra Joy: rev. 14 O 106 Japan
Hearst i Joy in the Morning: rev. 26 Ag 100 Best-sellers listed, Field Marsha! rthur
Kaputt: rev. 11 N 110 leads 5 Ag 102
He ] Keep It Crisp: rev. 26 Ag 102 Russia
vork ¢ Kierkegaard Anthology: rev. 16 D 62 S ol textbooks dated proj pass
Aing Jesus: rev. 30 S 106; Robert Graves on U.S. 16 S 75
é rime’s iew (L) 28 0 1 Selection by Re- BORDEN, MARY
k Club protested 4 N 7 Journey Down a Blind Alley: rev »S
B \ d the Well: rev. 23 S 112
A ( r
ing How to Behave: rev. 9 D 116 British North Borneo Co. for sale to British
.co Tolstoy: rev. 2 D 109 Government; history; customs, p. 1 Jl 35
R s "s Other Mary: rev. 8 Jl 102
Box £ the
jgazine: rev. 1 Jl 98 Eleventh District elects John F. Ker
1 a Big No: rev. 16 D 67 essman 1 Jl
PA wes...
BS Architects, Painters and Sculptors .W. convention; rowdyism; n s
f Italy: by Vasari, rev. 29 Jl 64 lice; parade, p. 16 S 25
Vol. XLVIII (INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Community Fund Drive; publicity; Adams BRAUN, WERNHER VON Venture in classics broadcasting, failure 4 N 81
family 4 N 26 German V-2 scientist captured by U.S.; at work Features girl in diving suit in television system
Dahl’s Boston, rev.; “The Pigeon’s Revenge” on at Fort Bliss, p. 9 D 70 2D 80
106 Mayor Curley, cartoon 4 N 78 BRAUNIAS, KARL British producer on disadvantages of monopoly
Lecture broadcasts of local colleges and Lowell Austrian Counselor in Moscow; homeless, with- 9D 96
Institute 25 N 85 out funds due to exchange difficulties 23 D 27 Bans hypnotists from telecasting 30 D 82
Celebrates 100th birthday; stunt series; Pub- Crimes of violence; Latin American-Congress Fraser River sockeye salmon run; record catches,
lisher Choate 2 S 50 of Criminologists to convene in Rio 1 Jl 36 map 23 S 40
Dahl cartoons New England traditions 4 N 78 Labor army of 18,000 wartime rubber jungle re- Farm wife wins title Wheat Queen of North
BOSTON STORE , cruits disappear 22 Jl 44 America with hand-harvested red wheat crop
Mrs. Mollie Newbury sells out to Alden’s syndi- Indecorous pictures of Congressman Edmundo 16 D 44
cate; merchandising policy 29 Jl 78 Barreto Pinto; libel suit against photographer BRITISH EMPIKE
BOUNDARY DISPUTES 29 Jl 36 See also Great Britain—Colonies and Dominions
100th anniversary of U.S.-Canadian west coast Offers to admit 100,000 D.P.s from Europe in Troubles in India, Burma, African colonies;
border settlement 1 Jl 38 year 19 Ag 31 native opposition spreads, map 16 D 30
Big Four rejects Austria’s demand for southern Jap terrorists swindle compatriots; homicidal Churchill deplores freeing of Burma as step in
Tyrol, discusses Trieste issue 8 Jl E campaign 26 Ag 34 decline of Empire 30 D 24
Italian mobs demonstrate against internationali- Locust scourge devastates 8 towns, destroys
zation Trigste 15 Jl 33 wheat; flamethrowers shipped from U.S., p.
Guatemala demands cession from Britain; Brit-
Big Four draft treaties, map 29 Jl 20 21 O 40
ish banknote salesman offers to print map on
Bulgaria asks for eastern Thrace; Russia seeks Signs five freedoms of the air pact with U.S.
Guatemalan currency 29 Jl 39
joint control of Dardanelles, map 2 > 9
30 S 93
International Court of Justice to review Guate-
Tito offers to withdraw Trieste claim; wants Springtime; pessimistic report 11 N 40 mala’s claim; history; British customs in
Gorizia, map 18 N 32 Rio de Janeiro
Belize 30 S 40
BOWER, SUSAN Unmarked sandpile; onlookers make game of car
Hitchhiker gets jail sentence in New Jersey; accidents 16 S 38 BRITISH MEDICAL ASSN.
identity secret; press and Civil Liberties Holiday at signing of new constitution 30 S 40 Votes No on National Health Service 23 D 68
Union intervene, p. 18 N 30 Dom Pedro II Station; world’s largest clock, p. BRITISH NORTH BORNEO COMPANY
BOWES, EDWARD (“MAJOR”) 14 O 40 For sale to British Government; history; Cowie’s
Legacy to St. Patrick’s Cathedral 15 Jl 48 Italian activities: floating fair, Lugano: theatri- deal with Sultan of Sulu, p. 1 Jl 35
BOWLES, CHESTER . cal company fails, opera company 23 D 38 BRITISH SNAIL-WATCHING SOCIETY
Suggests C.1.0. and A.F.L. work for industrial Campaigns for council elections; 14 parties; First anniversary; all-night watch 16 S 32
peace 1 Jl 21 Communist strength 30 D 28 BRITT, IA.
Resigns as Director of OES 8 Jl 19 Economic conditions Village officials welcome hobocs first postwar
Loses Democratic nomination for Governor of Inflation crisis provokes riots in Rio; martial law convention 9 S 26
114 Connecticut to Wilbert Snow 30 S 28 declared; failure, of Government program 9 S BRITTEN, BENJAMIN
BOWLES, SHERMAN H. 40 Composer of opera Peter Grimes at U.S.
Closes down Springfield, Mass. papers; jurisdic- Rockefeller project to expand food production, premiére in Tanglewood; new opera The Rape
tional dispute with unions 14 O 76 raise living standards 25 N 42 of Lucretia, p. 19 Ag 52
Address at Johns Hopkins on education aims, President bans food exports; eases duties on National Assn. of Broadcasters
civic responsibilities, p. 21 O 94 imports 9 S 40 BRODSKY, ISAAC
BOXING Russia ? Stalin’s favorite Soviet artist; Lenin in Smolny,
Joe Louis knocks out Billy Conn in 8th round; Soviet ship Baku in Brazil, first nce 1917; r. 11 N 83
critics cry swindle; gate receipts, p. 1 Jl 68 takes on hides, coffee 2 S 31 BROMWICH, JACK
Bob Montgomery knocks out Allie Stolz, de- Government To face Jack Kramer in Davis Cup tourney in
fends lightweight crown 8 Jl 58 Constituent Assembly signs constitution of Third Australia; sketch, p. 30 D 34
Tony Galento spars with gloved octopus in Republic; provisions 30 S 40 BROPHY, JOHN
Seattle tank 12 Ag 39 Immigration and Emigration Elected to Congress, p. 18 N 27
Servo’s manager calls off bout with Sugar Ray Plan to admit European refugees to aid labor BROTHERHOOD OF SLEEPING CAR POR-
Robinson; N.Y.A.C. takes welterweight title shortage 29 Jl 39 TERS
D from Servo, orders elimination match 16 S 82 Indian service Green warns of Communist doubletalk 23 S 24
Joe Louis knocks out Mauriello in 2 min., 9 sec. Success of mission to win over wild Chavantes; BROTHERHOOD OF THE WHITE TEM-
of first round, p. 30 S 56 history of Rondon’s efforts 2 S 32 PLE
Tony Zale knocks out Rocky Graziano in title Industries Denver religious cult founded by Dr. Doreal;
bout in Yankee stadium, p. 7 O 61 Volta Redonda steel plant's official opening; fur- followers making atomic foxhole 16 S 70
ges Cerdan wins bout with Abrams in New York, p. naces, workers’ city 21 O 40 BROUGH, LOUISE
16 D 53 Political conditions Wins Wimbledon women’s doubles finals, mixed
Sugar Ray Robinson new welterweight cham- Riots in Rio in inflation crisis 9 S 40 doubles crown, p. 15 Jl 57
pion; defeats Bell, p. 30 D 38 Labor Party rally; Vargas assails Dutra and Betz rival; subsidized by duPont; defeated Betz
BOYINGTON, GREGORY capitalist democracy 9 D 39 in Paris, p. 2 S 58
Loses suit to recover $20,000 from Lucy Mal- Campaign for council elections in Rio; 14 par- BROUGHAM, ROYAL
colmson; in court with wife, p. 2 S 20 ties; Communists slated to win 30 D 28 ee ie citizen”’ for 1946; column; sketch,
BOYS CLUBS See Clubs Royal family p. 30 D 52
BRABOURNE, JOHN U. KNATCHBULL, Braganzas descendants Dom Pedro II; stage BROW DER, EARL
BARON circus; Pretender Dom Pedro Henrique boy- Flight to U.S. from Moscow; Security Police
Marries Patricia Mountbatten 4 N 100 cotts 23 S 42 hold during wait in Britain 1 Jl 40
BRACKEN, JOHN BREAD Signs up with New Republic for series of arti-
Gains Canada’s political leadership; Conserva- Rationing in Britain; Polish boy with UNRRA cles 22 Jl 58
tive election campaign, p. 4 N 44 loaves, p. 8 Jl 26 BROWN, SIR ARTHUR W.
BRACKER, MILTON British controversy over rationing; estimates on Second transatlantic flight to London from New
Ousted Monsignor Pucci as Vatican news re- flour saving challenged 2 S 24 York; first non-stop flight in 1919 8 Jl 46
40( porter for New York Times 22 Jl 62 BREAKFASTS BROWN, CHARLES
BRADEN, SPRUILLE “Inspirational Breakfast” for Federal bureau Chief of VA’s mental-hygiene clinic, p. 19 A gz 68
Declines chairmanship Pan-American Union 18 employees in Washington, p. 2 D 75 BROWN, CLARENCE J.
N 40 BREMEN BOYS CLUB See Clubs rmany Accused Truman of deceit in budget message;
Argentine policy reversed by Messersmith; de BRETHREN SERVICE COMMITT ES Truman’s answer 19 Ag 20
lays calling Hemisphere conference, p. 2 D 22 Practical projects; recruits men to teach tractor BROWN, FRANCES
BRADENTON (FLA.) HERALD repair in China 2 S 69 William Heirens confesses murder of 29 Jl 19
Runs Dadswell’s column 9 D 50 BREWERIES BROWN, JOHN M.
BRADLEY, OMAR N. Monterrey brewery uses spring water; key in- Analyzes costs of Hollywood film production in
Eisenhower praises in repor on the war 1 Jl 25 dustry 7 O 41 Saturday Review of Literature 4 N 104
Reports veterans draw loyment benefits in BREWSTER, WILLIAM BROWN, LADY (LILLIAN A. ROUSSEL)
preference to low-pa ; sees VA program Headmaster new Cardigan Mountain School, p. Death of; British explorer 14 O 98
jeopardized 26 Ag 17 30 D 44 BROWN, SEVELLON
Speech at American Legion convention favors BRIBERY Sponsors American Press Institute 14 O 75
limited on-the-job training 14 O 27 Scandal in sports; reported Jersey gambling ring BROWN, TOM
To succeed Eisenhower as Chief of Staff 4 N 30 backs Alvin Paris pro football fixer 30 D 38 Wins over Parker, Mulloy at Forest Hills; loses
BRAGANZA FAMILY BRICKMAN, WILLIAM finals to Kramer; sketch, p. 16 S 80
Descendants of Dom Pedro II stage circus in Criticizes verbose educational periodicals in BROWNE, ELLIOTT M.
Brazil 23 S 44 School and Society 14 O 85 Direct Britain’s Religious Drama Society; on
BRAILOWSKY, ALEXANDER BRIDGE the religious play 12 Ag 76
Performs Chopin cycle at Carne Hall; sketch, Toronto Whist Club tournament; Al Sobel BROZ, JOSIP See Tito, Marshal
np. 9 D 7€ fuses Negro entrant 16 D 42 BRU, FEDERICO L.
BRAIN BRIDGE HARRY Death of 15 Jl 79
Blood clots in; cause of xy; per Marries Nancy F. Berdecio 7 O 98 BRUCELLOSIS See Undulant Fever
sonality changes, syn Organized Hawaii’s sugar workers in I.L.W.U., BRUNNER, EMIL
Electroencephalograph t d uman brain holds out for union shop 4 N 25 Swiss theologian sees ‘‘theological awakening” in
waves 19 Ag 68 Wins wage increase Hawaii sugar workers; U.S., p. 18 N 74
lay Walter’. machine analyzes brain waves recorded loses on closed shop, p. 25 N 25 BRYAN, FREDERICK V.P. ,
by electroencephalograph,1 16 D 73 BRIDGES, TOM G.O.P. candidate from New York’s ‘18t Con-
Pre-frontal lobotomy performed on woman crim Stunt meal before man on hunger strike to aid gressional; debate with Marcantonio, p. 4 N 25
nur inal 23 D 6¢ world famine relief, 6 Ag 50 B-29 See under Airplanes
Dodger pitcher in final with Cardinals; strikes Veterans’ summer stock company 1 JI 5 Invades U.S.; traced to wild rodents; cases in
out 9 Card wins gi t d S 74 BRIDGMAN, PERCY W. Texas 22 Jl 93
BRANIFF AIRWAYS Wins Nobel physics prize, p.I 25 N 5¢ BUCHMAN, FRANK
Mexico refuses subs BRIGGS MANUFACTURING CO. In Caux, Switzerland hotel bought |} Buch-
routes, cancels t ori Cuts production; layoffs 14 O 89 manites 2 5S 36
a ainst Government 11 N 90 BRISTOL FREIGHTER See under Airplanes BUCHSBAUM, HERBERT
tish BRANSCOMB, HARVIE BRITISH BROADCASTING CORP. President S. Buchsbaum; union relations, p. 30
Becomes Chancellor of Vanderbilt University 19 State monopoly; Government defends; programs D 78
Ag 57 15 Jl 60 BUCHSBAUM, 8., AND CO.
BRANSTEN, RICHARD Charter renewed under nationalization program New cooperative labor policy 30 D 78
Expelled from Communist Party of C ecticut 29 Jil 23 BUCK, FRANK
for att ng Party line 23 S 25 Ogily ittacks as monopoly 12 Ag 70 Injured in Chicago taxicab smashup 11 N 49
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

BUCK, PEARL 8. Rangoon lepers strike for better treatment, leave BUTTONS
1 n of Women, rev. 25 N 110 canted, camp in cemetery 9 D 34 “Pearly Queen” of London’s street vendors, |
BU ‘ KING HAM PALACE Threat of civil war; opposing factions lead by 14 O 34
King’s Household unionized; bargain for 48-hour Aung San, Communist Than Tun 16 D 30 BYRD, HARRY F.
week; raises 7 O 31 Complete independence or dominion status Wins renomination for Senate in Virginia pri
BUDD, EDWARD G. offered by Britain; Aung San’s ultimatum; mary, defeats Hutchinson 19 Ag
Death of 9 D 84 Churchill opposes 30 D 24 BYRD, RICHARD E.
BUDDE, HENRY F. BURNS, DOROTHY L. Commands Navy Antarctic expedition 23 D 52
Campaigns to oust Mayc Lapham of San Fran- Sues Westinghouse, charges illness caused by BYRNES, JAMES F.
cisco, p. 15 Jl 23 uranium radiation 9 D 26 Senate gives power to fire suspected Communists
BUDENZ, LOUIS F BURNS from State Department 1 Jl 22
N. Y. Mirror publicizes photograph of form Dr. Elman’s treatment discards ointments, de- At Paris Foreign Ministers’ meeting; dinner for
Communist in church with family, p. 7 O 73 briding; victims Cocoanut Grove Fire, p. 19 Molotov; proposes 125-year 4-power control
Names Gerhart Eisler No. 1 Conamsiet in U.S. Ag 67 pact on Japan 1 Jl 26
8 O 29
Hydrosulphosol sulphur compound for second- Reiterates demand for peace conference at Big
BUDGE, DON degree burns; face burn recovery, p. 14 O 51 Four session; answers Molotov, p. 15 J
Loses national pro tennis championship finals BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE CO.
Agrees to French proposal to internation alize
at Forest Hills to Bobby Riggs 22 J! 49
Coleman president, Britt board chairman; found- Trieste 15 Jl 33
BUDGET BUREAU See United States—Budget
ing, growth 28 O 90 Summarizes achievements of Paris meeting in
Bureau report to U.S., quoted, cartoon 22 Jl 2
BUDGET, FEDERAL See United States—Fi- BUSCH, ADOLPHUS, Ill Flies in Sacred Cow to Paris P 1 Conference;
Death of 9 S 92 U.S. moral support, p. 5 Ag 2
BUERGER’S DISEASE BUSE, ROBERT At Paris Peace Conference; ies those whx
Nerve-blocking injection relieves pain 30 D 49 Turned out of Wisconsin C.1.O. office 23 D 18 fought war should m: ike peace 12 Ag 22
BUFERD, MARILYN BUSES Rebuttal to Molotov pub lished in Soviet Unior
Chosen Miss America, 1946, p. 16 S 4 wn Alumir um-magnesium, 40-passenger “highway at Byrnes’ challenge, p. 19 Ag 26
BUFFON, COMTE DE t built by Kaiser’s Permanente, interior Assails Molotov’s distortion of U.S. foreign pol
Histoire Naturelle illustrated by Picasso 2 D 53 features, p. 29 Jl 80 icy 26 Ag 2
BUILDING INDUSTRY New York’s Fifth Avenue double-deckers in one- Talks with Acheson, Truman by phone, note t
See also Housing man operation; new single-deckers; passenger Yugoslavia protesting attack on U.S. plane,
Construction rising; building materials output discomfort 30 D 18 quoted 28 315
lags 8 Jl 81 BUSH, VANNEVAR Motive in Paris declaration demanding economi
Cleve lan i banker sponsors cost plus-10% veter- Heads new Army-Navy joint scientific research unification of Germany 9 S 20
ans’ housing project 15 yis committee 8 Jl 77 Stuttgart speech offers Germans chance to build
Emergency housing program a fai lure; shortages, Reports on applied v. basic scientific research; democratic state; proposals, p. 16 S 21
poor construction 26 Ag 81 emphasis on military aspect temporary 23 D 50 Silence follows Wallace speech; confers with
Wyatt reports progress; 350,000
dwelling units BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY Truman on transatlantic phone, p. 30 S 21
in year; shortage of materials 7 O 27 See also individual industries, companies; coun- Speech pledges patient but firm U.S. foreig
Truman program drops veterans’ priorities; in- tries—Industries policy; on Russia’s distrust, p. 28 O 23
crease in non-housing construction 23 D 19 BAE survey of market in relation to savings 1 Year’s work in international relations; effects
Germany jl 77 agreements on Trieste, Danube 9 D 27
Shortages problem rebuilding Goethe’s birthplace Expansion program in Cleveland; factory pros-
in Frankfu 11 N 34 pects 22 Jl 23 c
VA investigates abuses, graft in veterans’ on-
BULGARIA the-job training program 29 Jl 76 CABELL, JAMES BRANCH
Foreign Ministers agree Russian troops to with- There Were Two Pirates, rev. 19 Ag 102
British consul general advises Britons on ap-
draw 1 Jl 26 proach to U.S. businessmen 12 Ag 86 CABRINI, FRANCESCA X., SAINT
To get Dobruja under Big Four treaty draft, Cz anonizi ation as first U.S. saint; work as founder
First half of 1946; gross income, net earnings,
map 29 Jl 20 of mission order; sketch, p. 15 Jl 74
sales, profit; effect of strikes 19 Ag 81
Ask Paris Conference for eastern Thrace; value CADOGAN, SIR ALEXANDER
Training for Latin American careers at Ameri-
to Russia, map 2 5 z Protests use of veto in U.N. in radio address
can Institt ite for Foreign Trade 26 Ag 77
Votes out monarchy; People’s Republic; King to British 8 Jl 28
Los Angeles poll shows publi c’s misconception of
Simeon prepares tor exile in Egypt 23 S 32 CAESAR, JULIUS
employer’s earnings, profits 26 Ag 81
U.N. votes
to investigate commission
Balkan British town unveils memorial tablet on 2,000th
Gallup Poll shows 60% public expects depression
border violations 30 D 20 by 1951 9 S 28 anniversary of English invasion, p. 9 S 32
Political conditions CAFFREY, JAMES J.
irket presages slump; profit in retail
Fatherland Front’s Dimitroff; campaign against Truman clinches choice for chairman Securities
, losses in railroads, auto industry ; theory
opposition 8 Jl 31 and Exchange Commission, p. 5 Ag 79
officers dismissed; I is, booms 30 S 87
Referendum ballots; Army CAIN, HARRY
CPA report; production up; inventories rise;
Dimitroft’s purge 16 S 32 Elected to Senate 18 N 26
Early election returns show Fatherland Front labor shortage problem 7 O 93
Metals shortage curtails production; layoffs; CAIN, JAMES M.
victory; Communist tactics 4 N 39 Divorced by Aileen Pringle 16 S 98
effect of strikes 14 O 89
BULL, HENRY A. G.E.’s aw Wilson warns price controls and labor CAKE
Town and Country editor’s article in centenary costs threaten business 21 O 85 Inshape of atomic explosion offered by }bakers

issue, p. 16 D 76 Break in commodity price ahead of schedule; for party of Bikini bomb test group; idea de
BULL FIGHTS depression threat 28 O 89 nounced by minister, p. 18 N
Joselillo (Little Joe) Rodriguez hailed in Mexico Third quarter earnings reports of big companies CAKMAK, FEVSI
City as season’s novice, p. 18 N 50 4N 94 a shown in Turkish election, p. 29
BULLIS, H. EDMUND Prospects for depression appraised 11 N 87 1 29
Director Delaware State Society for Mental VIP Service Inc -; personal service agen CALCULATING MACHINES
Hygiene; preventive psychiatry 18 N 83 clients 11 N 92 Display at National Business Show; combination
BULLITT, WILLIAM C. billing machine, electronic multiplier 14 O 93
Management Friden machine loses in contest with Japanese
Great Globe Itself, rev.; urges Inter-European Admirals take jobs in civil aviation 12 Ag 82
League to block Soviet aggression, p. 22 Jl 100 Court rules profits for stock holders, orders
abacus in Tokyo 25 N 35
BULLS See Cattle CALCUTTA See India
Girdler return $51,000 bonus 19 Ag 81 CALDWELL, ERSKINE
BULOTTI, CHARLI JR. Television permits executive to observe factory On South American tour; profits at Urugua
Listens to Mutual’s dance band program; orders operations 14 O 93 roulette tables 8 Jl 45
end of w histlir chit-chat of announcers, Cost Savings Sharing Plan success at Bundy CALGARY, ALBERTA
1 jl 85 Tubing Co.; U.A.W. accedes to incentive sys- 6lst Calgary Stampede; wild cow
BUMS tem4 N 96 milking con
“Juke” reflects on | mes in Chicago’s Loop
test, p. 22 Jl 40
Lucl in calls for reforms, cooperation with CALIFORNIA
due to inflation 22 ht 2 labor on social legislation 18 N 87
James Roosevelt elected chairman of Democratic
BUNDY TUBING CO. Sloan files G.M. brief restricting labor unions’ State Committee 29 Jl 17
U.A.W. accedes to incentive wage plan 4 N 96 power; defends employers’ rights 30 D 73
Charles S. Thomas reorganizes Los Angeles
BUNNELL, CHARLES E. N.A.M. adopts conciliatory labor policy 16 D 87 County G.O.P. 5 Ag 25
President of University of Alaska; 25-year ad- Buchsbaum cooperative labor policy 30 D 78
Clothing industry; rapid growth; fashion shows
ministration; plea for food supplies, p. 16 D 83 Reconversion designers; factories 23 S 86
BUNTING, EARL Extent in year of peace 5 Ag 21 Rogers’ chances for Senate 7 O 25
New N.A.M. president; on labx r-management be ulation Close race for Senate seat; Warren attacks Wal
relations, p. 16 D 88 Decontrol Board iecisions on meat, dairy prod- lace influence in state 4 N 2
BURGH Y, LORD ts; protests ts mm labor, industry 2 S 16 CALIVER, AMBROSE
Lady Mary divorces 28 O 100 G ment operation of coal mines 2 S 17 Negro director of U.S. Office of Education's
Marriage to Diana Forbes 23 D 88 Fa of government control; dislocations in literary project 28 O 86
BURHAM, ORLEY Ss, prices S 8s CALYPSO See Music—Calypso
Marijuana grower in Ecuador; sales to U.S. sol- Bur cont system blamed for vicious CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY
diers; widow, brother arrested 14 O 40 cycle of shortages, production cut O 85 Eisenhower, Montgomery receive honorary de
BURIAL SERVICES See Funerals CPA retracts on withdrawal of L-85 order on grees 28 ‘0
BURKE, EMORY clothing y confuses industry 21 O 90 CAMDEN (N. Zi. COURIER-POST
Organization ot Colu 1 S; honor medal to Me at decont gs out s lies; OPA moves Publisher colleen Newspaper Guild wage cam
outh for blackjacking Negro 11 N_ 25 up decontrol program 28 O 24 paign; protests strike threat tactics 18 N 54
Defies Georgia’ S move to revoke Columbians’ Var ian 1 s Morris Plan bankers of end Guild strike; executives put out regular editions
ter; holds rally, blames Jew for tear gas Feder: al Reserve credit cu Eccles 16 D 76
p. 25 N 27 s controls 4 N 96 CAMERAS
BI RKE. JOE f five years of controls; prices soar; some Automatic; on steel tower at Bikini; phot graphs
Prospector strikes gold at Mz ackeith Lake; stock installment buying restrictions lifted25 N 89 underwater atomic-bomb test 12 Ag
in Joe Burke Gold Mines 2 S 34 Small business CAMPBELL, BERTRAM
BURMA, JOHN H. Death of cerebral hemorrhage; 40 months of un
D SI ites Asbury’s estimates on Use of Mail-Me-Monday bookkeeping service;
Negroes who just imprisonment as forger 16 S 98
iss as white 12 Ag 54 fee 25 N 94
Postw a economic cy le sets in with end of OPA Testifies against Congressman May ; accused of
Terrorism by br nds rice areas; “wire tapping” 15 Jl 20
new Governor rH 1 Ji 31 8 jl8
Sir Hubert Rance, new Governor; rice shortage; Biography; Edmund Campion, rev., p. 1 Jl 102
Aung San’s People’s Freedom League Ran- Calculator loses in contest with Japanese abacus
goon demonstration 9 S 34 in Tokyo 25 N 35
See also provinces, cities under own name
Stilwell’s campaigns, reviewed; jungle retreat, p. BUTADIENE See Rut »ber—Synthetic Record snow storm and cold in west; towns
BUTCHER SHOPS See Stores isolated 2 D 40

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Better place to live than U.S.; novelist cites Political conditions CARIBBEAN
history, national psychology 30 D 30 Houde’s career in Quebec, Montreal; Bloc Popu- Earthquake, tidal wave hits Dominican Republic;
Armed services laire defeated in two elections 5 Ag 44 origin in Milwaukee Depth, map 19 Ag 40
Air Ministry combined with Army, Navy under Liberals defeated by Social Credit in Quebec CARL GUSTAV, PEINCE OF SWEDEN
Defense Ministry 23 D 41 Pontiac by-election; cuts King’s support to Infant heir to throne; gifts to, p. 11 N 49
Conscription 123 seats in Commons 30 S 44 CARLISLE, KITTY
Amnesty for draft-dodgers; national registration Gallup poll on vote if federal election held now Marriage to Moss Hart 19 Ag 77
system abandoned 26 Ag 36 Liberals lead 7 O 44 CARLSON, EVANS F.
Armed services establishments Liberals defeated in Toronto-Parkdale, Portage Co-chairman National
to Win the Committee
Ottawa veterans invade Carleton barracks, settle la Prairie by-elections 28 O 46 Peace; statement on Communists in China;
families; squatters in Vancouver’s Little Liberals losing; dependence on CCF support 4 war record; Gung Ho Raiders, p. 16 S 21
Mountain Army barrack 7 O 42 N 44 States credo; says not a member of Communist
Army King’s speech in Quebec; begs St. Laurent to Party; convictions on China (L) 7 O 12
“Operation North” investigates Alaskan High- remain in Cabinet; scored confusion of new CARLSON, JOHN R. (ARTHUR DEROUN-
way, Northwest Territories defenses 9 S 44 parties 9 D 40 IAN)
Expenditures $10 million less than expected 25 Social Credit ‘‘Bill of Rights” declared uncon- The Plotters, rev. p. 25 N 113
N 44 stitutional 30 D 30 CARMICHAEL, HOAGY
Demobilization of overseas force nearly com- Population Radio program; Indianapolis ‘‘Hoagy Car-
plete; drop to 2,000 from 286,387 peak 2 D 42 Quebec Catholics urged to return to land; 1941 michael” day; sketch, p. 25 N 85
Cabinet rural, urban census 16 D 42 CARMONA, ANTONIO O. DE FRAGOSO
King asks St. Laurent not to retire 9 D 40 Promoted Salazar’s dictatorship 22 Jl 30
French Canadians
King shuffles posts; Ilsey, Ministry of Justice; Persuades Portuguese Army rebels to postpone
Abbott gets Finance; Claxton to head com- New generation cooperating with English Cana-
dians; old culture, customs, birthrate 5 Ag 44 revolutionary coup 21 O 34
bined Defense Ministry 23 D 41 CARNEGIE, MRS. ANDREW
Defenses Provinces
See also individual provinces Death of; sketch 1 Jl 70
Of Northwest Territories; ‘“‘Operation North” 9 CARNEGIE-ILLINOIS STEEL CORP.
Newfoundland rejects idea of confederation; in-
S 44 terest in acquiring Labrador 18 N 42 Buys Government-owned steel plants in Penn-
Churchill, Man. experimental station 23 S 40 sylvania 8 Jl 88
Race Problems
Joint U.S.-Canadian Board discusses cooperative Steelworkers sue for back portal-to-portal pay
Toronto Whist Club tournament refuses Negro
Canadian Arctic bases 4 N 44 16 D 90
entrant; press reactions 16 D 42
Diplomatic service CARNERA, PRIMO
Hume Wrong new Ambassador to U.S. repla In 1 to referee, wrestle 12 Ag 39
Pearson; Norman Robertson, High C Silver s of British Columbia; silver, cobalt
at ( Ont. 19 Ag 3 Wrestling new interest, p. 4 N 50
sioner to London 16 S 40 CAROL Il, EX-KING OF RUMANIA
Dominion Experimental Fa ns Service ANADIANS
With Magda Lupescu attends Braganzas’ circus
Research in wheat st Novelist analyzes national psychology 30 D 30
party, p. 23 S 42
Economic conditions ANADIAN SEAMEN’S UNION Reported Brazilian visa for return to Rumania
Inflation-control plan as cushion against U.S. Great Lakes strike; Government runs ships 1 J 11 N 49
price rises 15 Jl 40 38 CARPENTER, IRIS
Steel strike threatens; Government takes over ‘ANBERRA (CRUISER) No Woman’s World, rev. 9 S 112
plants 22 Jl 40 Lost at Battle of Savo Island 19 Ag 25 CARPENTER NORAH
Cost-of-living ri s on ‘ANCER ves in U.S. with children; to marry “Red”
food, clothir 8 Russian doctors’ researcl lop KR solution ompson, p. 15 Jl 46
Income from i top x ons om chagas’ disease asi > 8 Jl 63 CARR. ALEXANDER
reports from tourist centers S 34 ors dilemma in treating victims appraised Death of 30 S 84
Steel strike; Gover ent “break-t strike’”’ tac- _ by Dr. 29 Jl 82 CARRADINE, JOHN
tics ineffective 9 S « C-14_ by ct of atom bomb released t Makes court appeal to cut alimony payment to
Meat supply sufficient under continued rationing; in and Cancer f re ex-wife; attempted suicide, p. 26 Ag 4
prices stable 21 O 42 g 89 CARRINGTON, ELAINE
ess Howe reports full employment; income double isotopes in research 14 O 52 Soap opera writer; contract for Carrington
1939 2 D 40 M gas in tre ent of 21 O 49 Playhouse renewed, p. 26 Ag 56
External » Department of Ga cancer, th rate; gastric specialists ~ ARROLL, JOHN A.
Pearson new U to aid St. Lat urge rch; radiologists discuss cancer of Elected to Congress, p. 18 N 27
rent; Robertson goes to Lon n l¢ S testes, G. I. cases; parthenogenesis 16 D 73 a ‘ARROLL, MADELEINE
Finances Russian research progress; KR, cancer serum Reported married to Henri Lavorel, p. 22 Jl 46
Budget in balance for first 7 months of fiscal 30 D 50 CARRUTHERS, OLIVE -
year; $180-million surplus 25 N 44 ANDY Lincoln’s Other Mary, rev. 8 Jl 102
Hesshen Relations Tootsie Rolls 50th anniversary; party 28 O 90 CARTELS—See Trusts,. Industrial
King to represent Dominion at Paris Peace Con- ANIFF, MILTON CARTER, GENE
ference; formulates peace policy 22 Jl 40 To drop Ter ind the Pirates f new job; Methodist minister organizes college students to
United States : News appoints successor 7 O 74 conduct church services 23 D 70
100 years of peace; Blaine, Wash. celebrates > Canyon new comic strip, d. 2 D 61 CARTER, HODDING
49th parallel border settlement, p. 1 Jl 38 ‘ANNIBAL ISM Charges North’s journalistic “meddling” fosters
Joint U.S.-Canadian experiment to develop mili- Jap_ officer confesses to practices on bodies of cial prejudices, resentment in South 11 N 24
tar¥ equipment 23 S 40 U.S. flyers on Bonin Islands 16 S 24 CARTOONS
Joint Defense Board discusses cooperative \ANNING See also Comic strips
bases 4 N 44 p Floating fish cannery; to start winter cruise; “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, Have You Any Wool-
Foreign trade Nick Bez, cannery enterprises 4 N 90 ton?”’: British Tories 8 Jl 29
Wheat deal with Britain off, accedes to U.S. ‘ANOES “Man Who Beat Himself”: confusion over
ion protest 8 Jl 42 Native’s_ hardships in ocean canoe trip flight OPA; “Another Macedonian Cry’’: cost of
93 New import restrictions, markup on price-con- from Japanese; Sherrod’s story 29 Jl 32 living 15 Jl 19
trolled goods 15 Ji 40 “The Same Old Game”: prices and wages 22
Exports and imports at peak; $200 million with ntions propos¢ d change in canon
U.S., absurdities in U.S. customs regulation on divorce 23 S at the Paris Race Track”: Big Four
Agrees to duty-free transport of Alaska-bound ,. Geoftr F “M ake ’em Give You a Good One, Harry”
goods on Alaskan Highway 11 N 43 ‘ANTRELL, g AUL ‘Booby-trap OPA bill” 29 Jl 14
Wheat exports poorest since 1942; below prom- Demox ratic machine in Tennessee ended by vet- “Sleeping Car’: Bob-Young version 5 J
ised shipments 9 .D 40 : s with ¢gunfire, riots 12 Ag 20 Gag panels in magazines; buying methods; car-
U) States toonists, p. 12 Ag 65
U.S. canners, U.S. Customs clash over duty on *‘Good Vacation’: Slaughter’s hide, Truman tro
rhubarb 25 N 44 Social Crediter wins over Liberal
Pontiac by-election 30 S 47 y 19 Ag 20
Government “Golden Ruler”: Molotov 19 Ag 28
Seizes _strike-bound shipping companies, Baruch and A.E.C. delegates 2 S 36
freighters 1 Jl 38 American Research ar
of venture capital Psychiatry Boom; “‘. everybody ... seems
ong range prices plans; to drop wage controls, to be a rabbit” 2 S 73
retain price controls 14 O 42 ‘APITALISM
“Thanks’’: Yugoslavs attack on U.S. 2 § 15
Drops all wage and salary controls, to keep The Unseen Audience: by Webster 9 S 69
Val price control 9 D 40 **Bedtime Stories” : Russians reading Uncle Joe’s
Allows some German P.W.s to remain to be untries; Tales 16 S 31
freed, placed in jobs 23 D 41 “There’s a Bear Upstairs”; stock market; *‘ May-
yn’s Immigration and Emigration Bat. s Colle
3s on > of free /
be I Need a Bigger Drum”: production 16
170 immigrant Russians to return to Soviet; S 89
offered Russian citizenship 22 Jl 43 Peron, M« ss ith statements on 9 D 39
APIT. AL PU NISHME NT “Gee! We've sug got everything’: “All This
Canadian youths joining U.S. Army; find Toledo apes death and Wallace, Too” 23 S 22
de draft boards aiding 21 O 42 p fails to
run mm; Supreme facing “He Just Don’t Give A Damn’; Wallace, “‘The
Industries Job and the Man” : miniature Trum at giant
Quebec’s new factories; power plant on Sague- death second time
‘APONE, AL desk; ‘‘Can’t Help Lovin’ That Man’”’: G.O.P.
nay; plywood, plastic plants 5 Ag 44 serenades Wallace 30 S 23
Quebec trend to manufacture; new industries, Doctor reports health broken 8 Jl 45
‘What Next”: in clay, Truman w ed 7 O 21
exposition 16 S 42 APP, AL
Returns from Britain with new plot for Yokums “‘What the Neighbors fear Gern ming
Laws 1918-1946 7 O 29
Reinstatement Act: first test case of veteran’s f Dogpatch 15 Jl 46
New rker cartoon on skiing puzzles German
employment law 2 D 42 ‘‘Deleted”’ face of Lena the Hs P. Mor- aders, r. 7 O 74
Navy F contest drawing, jis “He Sure Gets Around’: Rus and Darda
Carleton barracks converted to class af i Li’l Abner: Lower Slobbovia’s nelles + O 30
reservists; squatters’ invasion 7 O 4 SS. Se) eae a r7O3
Pr for ugliest Lena the Hyena 28 O 58 “Ever Consider Going to College, Mac?’’: foot
Parliament ball offers to vetera 14 O€
Restaurant for M.P.s and Senators ts « ‘APRA. FRANK
Hearst (1898) Bee’s-Eye View, “The Yellow
missing silverware 34 Producer-Director of Jt’s A Wonderful I
rev. p D 54 Kid” 14 O. 78
House of Commons “Shape ot Things to Come’: meat shortage
Mackenzie King reports on conditions in Eng- ‘ARAVATE See Italy—Cities and Towns hippopotamus 14 O 79
land, in Europe 1 Jl 38 ARBON, RADIOACTIVE “New Neighborhood Market” G.O.P.’s_ full
Speaker Fautoux rules out Pri ssive Con- Millicurie of C-14 by-product of atom bomb re- butcher shop 21 O 24
servative’s question; provokes pute 29 Jl 34 leased to cancer hospital 12 Ag 89 “But It’s Not Cooked Yet”’ G.O.P. bringing in
wns Liberals lose majority in by-electi ; dependence ARDIGAN MOUNTAIN SCHOOL See Democratic goose 28 O 26
on CCF support 4 N 44 Privat “Getting Ready’’: Truman taping lips, r. 4 N 23

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Dahl Boston Herald cartoonist; Dahi’s Boston In Venezia Guilia, Trieste; Communists cam- Russia
rev.; “The Pigeon’s Revenge’ on Mayor paign against; Bishops stoned 5 Ag 30 Purge of intellectual front; reprimanded for
Curley 4 N 78 Thefts of consecrated host from Milan churches; veering from Party line 14 O 35
“Look who’s on the job again”: law of supply rumors of Black Mass 5 Ag 60 Soviet policy protested by Bevin 4 N 34
and demand 4 N 89 Popular priest removed from Caravate; citizens Spain
“Crapped Out’; market gambling 11 N 87 rebel, boycott mass, follow Baptists 25 N 76 Newspapers warned not to publish photographs
Election 1932, 1946 18 N 21 Mexico of girls in bathing suits 19 Ag 35
“Time-Bomb”: threatened coal strike 25 N 23 Catholic Indians persecute Protestants; Arch- CENSUS
“Up-or-Down?”; U.S. takes G.O.P.-run eco- bishop condemns 9 S 80° U.S. population estimated at 140,386,509;
nomics elevator 25 N 89 Peru 8.7 million since 1940 22 Jl 21
Messersmith and Mexico 2 D 24 Lima observes 200th religious festival of Our CENTRAL AMERICA
“When Uncle Ernest Comes Home”; Labor Lord of Miracles 28 O 44 See also individual countries
M.P.s await Bevin 9 D 33 Poland Political turmoil; dictatorships; uncertain U.S
Pravda’s “Baruch in atomic bomb garden” 16 Urges vote against Communist-dominated Gov- policy 8 Jl 36
D 29 ernment 9 D 32 Inter-American highway gets U.S. appropria
CARVILLE, LA. Yugoslavia tion; Central American Federation 22 J] 44
U.S. leprosarium community Christmas tree;
Archbishop Stepinac, 12 priests arrested for Heads of 5 countries invited to discuss unity;
curing lepers with sulfa drug 30 D 49 “crimes against people” 30 S 34 Honduras, Nicaragua absent; Inter-American
CASBAH See Tangier Trial of Archbishop Stepinac; denies forced con- Highway, map 30 S 40
CASE, JAMES H., JR. version of Serbs 14 O 35 CENTRAL FALLS, BR.1.
Becomes president of Washington and Jefferson Excommunicates participants in action against Four veterans rookie policemen maneuver for pay
College, p. 4 N 69 Archbishop Stepinac 21 O 36 raise; good government battle 19 Ag 22
Management of Algonquin Hotel in New York Communions within Holy Catholic and Apostolic Navy’s gadget to test effect of leaps, drops,
reviewed 21 O 91 altitude changes on human body 30 S 63
Church of Christ 7 O 6
Red Cross takes over Salzburg’s Mirabell Casino Wins bout with Abrams; sketch, p. 16 D 53
for occupation G.I.s, p. 29 Jl 30 Angry retort to Archbishop of York’s warning
against signing Catholic marriage pledge; pro- CEREBRAL PALSY
Stralla’s gambling ship Lus off Long Beach, Spastics victims of; therapy; Dr. Kabats’ clinic,
Calif., p. 19 Ag 23
tests “‘iron curtain’ charge 4 N 71
Presides at annual meeting of Mexican Society By-product of atomic bomb; bought by St. Louis
of Anthropology; archeological project 7 O 68 Founding; aims 22 Jl 68
CATS hospital for cancer research 12 Ag 89
Standard Oil’s Minnie Esso dies; 14 years on
Liberian’s appeal for justice at U.N. Ass mbly U.N. order for plush chairs ld up by Up-
4 N 33 payroll as ratter, Esso, Jr. fills job, p. 30 S 94
CATTLE holsterers’ strike; Luxembou Palace’s plush
CASSINI, MRS. IGOR (“BOOTSIE”) chairs flea-ridden 2 S 23
Column Washington Whirl bought by King Fea Hybrid cows bred at Department of Agricul-
ture’s Research Center 15 Jl 73 CHALMERS, GORDON K.
tures; hat creations; sketch, p. 19 Ag 60 Sponsors conference of English-Speaking |
Big packers in market boost prices 22 Jl 79
Rushed to stockyards before return of ceilings; ples, p. 14 O 85
Marriage to George Enzinger 9 D 84 CHAMPLAIN COLLEGE
high prices 2 S 77
Swiss farmers revive cow fights in Alps 29 Ji 21 New York State emergency lege at A s
G.l.s at concerts at Salzburg’s Mirabell Castle; Plattsburg barracks 2 S 64
history of 29 Jl 30 “Red Sindhi” bulls arrive from India; to breed
cows to thrive in Gulf Coast states 23 S 97 CHANCE VOUGHT V- in Alt s
Chateau de Mercues: history; turned into hotel, CHANDLER, DOUGLAS
p. 19 Ag 32 40 million beef cattle on ranges; producers hold
back for better price, p. 21 O 24 In U.S. to face treason trial, p. 23 D
Faber Castle housed press corps vering Nirn- CHANDLER, WALTER
berg trials; last press party 16 S 77 T.O. Pride Hereford calf brings $42,600 at
auction; raised by Iowa farm boy 4 N 89 To resign as Mayor of Memphis 19 Ag
Casa Loma in Toronto; history; submarine de- CHANG CHUN
tectors ma in stables 28 O 49 Prevalence of undulant fever; danger of human
infection; new vaccine 18 N 69 Slated for post in new Chinese government;
CATALANOTTI, JOSEPH politics; sketch, p. 2 D 35
Death of 29 Jl 86 On Colorado ranches threatened by blizzard;
ranchers fight to save 25 N 27 CHAPLAINS
CATHEDRALS See Churches A. H. Nesbitt of New York Protestant police
CATHOLIC CHURCH, ROMAN Aberdeen-Angus bull Eileenmere winner at In-
ternational Live Stock Exposition 16 D 90 founded St. George Assn., p. 1 J1 8
Members on New York police force; Protestant 3ritish Chaplain Druitt’s message to f s in
chaplain founds St. George Assn. on pattern Bolivia
Perén cuts off Argentine imports 4 N 42 Germany 19 Ag 74
of Holy Name Society 1 Jl 86 Protestant Ex-Navy Chap] iin John Clark ex
The Golden Book of Catholic Poetry, rev.; Ches- plains report Catholic chaplains d j
terton’s ‘“The Convert’ 1 Jl 9 Movement by truck-trailer, plane to slaughter
houses; government plan, map 16 S 36 in service 9 D 74
Dr. Morrison sees aggressive evangelist pro- CHAPLIN, CHARLES
gram threat to U.S. Protestantism 8 Jl 72 To pay support Berry baby,
Mother Cabrini canonized as first U.S. saint; CAVANAUGH, JOHN J.
3ecomes president of Notre Dame; sketch, p. California Supreme Court 1
process; other new saints 15 Jl 74
Cardinal Hlond of Poland blames Jews for 29 Jl 51 Controls showing of old films
CECIL, LORD DAVID Strained relations in United Artists Corp. agrees
Kielce pogrom; anti-Semitism 22 Jl 36 to oust Selznick, p. 23 D 77
Support of trade union movement; social ency-
Hardy the Novelist, rev. 9 S 108
clicals; Father J. S. Donnelly analyzes views Celebrates recovery of Phillies;
of junior clergy 22 J! 68 Autobiography ill. by Dali, d. 26 Ag 44 management

Dr. Clinchy deplores public disputes between CHAPULTEPEC, ACT OF See Act of Cl
Biologist Thimann reduces to simple cell; use of
Protestant and Catholic churchmen; lists mis-
“growth inhibitor’ 30 D 69 tepec
understandings on Catholics 22 Jl 68 CHARBERT See Parfums Ch rt, Inc
Christian Herald analyzes position toward other CENSORSHIP
U.S. Congress prohibits use of UNRRA funds CHARGE ACCOUNTS See Credit
creeds in U.S.; Paulist pamphlet 29 Jl 56 CHARITIES
Work of Maryknol!l Fathers; conference; aim to in countries refusing free reporting 8 Jl 26
“Military security” secrecy at Oak Ridge pro- Community Chest drives in 808 U.S. cities
Christianize Japan 19 Ag 74 for $165 million for hospitals, U.S.O.,
Value of music in proselyting noted by radio tested by scientists 28 O 65
Books fare agencies 4 N 27
script writer 26 Ag 67 CHARNAY, DAVID B.
Vatican silent on Protestants’ appeal for unity; Forever Amber banned in Massachusetts 15 J1 48
Memoirs of Hecate County suppressed 22 Jl 62 New York Daily News reporter gets story of
Commonweal supports joining of moral forces; nightclub brawl over Peggy Joyce; sket
Protestants fear holy war on Russia 2 S 66
Hearst campaign against salacious novels; old
statute 26 Ag 48 23 D 58
Idea of Episcopal Church as bridge between
Censorship board set up in Memphis; result of CHARTS
Protestantism and Catholicism, called “fiction” See also Diagrams
by Christian Century 16 S 69 mayor’s reading Strange Fruit 11 N 28
Memoirs of Hecate County: court rules obscene; Human “‘progress’’; increase in lif
Bavarian priests founded St. Vincent’s monas-
tery in Pennsylvania; operation of brewery dissention of Justice Perlman 9 D 24 divorce, speed, destructive weapon
Mencken’s Christmas Story: church-owned Ca- U.S. economy 1945 compared to
16 S 69
nadian book firm stops distribution 23 D 42 tion, prices, retail trade 8 Jl 81
Society of Jesus elects Belgian Father Janssens
new General 23 S 73 Magazines Audience reaction to film Jolson Story 22 Jl 94
Artist Elwes plans restoration Fountains Abbey Fall River, Mass. police chief acts to ban Lire’s Soviet Union political setup 19 Ag 27
as Benedictine monastery, retreat; aid from
anniversary issue 2 D 63 Stock market decline in 1946, Dow-Jones index,
Catholic laymen 30 S 32 Moving pictures compared to 1937 9 S 83 ‘
Integrity new magazine attacks U.S. Catholics Breen explains Hollywood Morality
Code to Trail of a spirochete; contact tracing in VD 30
14 O 56 British; New Statesman jingle 5 Ag 98 S 78
Hughes damage suit against Johnston office over Twin Bears; stock market 1919, 1946 30 S 87
Negro priest of Trinidad invited to Detroit to
aid diocesan drive for interracial amity 28 O 72 censorship of Outlaw, p. 23 S 42 Aviation Corp. structure, subsidiaries; ‘‘VE’s”’
Russian U delegation attends Pontifical Mass Pictures empire 7 O 88
Delvaux’ nudes Temptation of St. Anthony; full Cost of living Aug. 1945 to Aug. 1946 14 O 23
at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, p. 4 N 31
Archbishop of York warns Anglicans against reproduction forbidden mails 30 S 53 Troops of U.S., Britain, Russia on foreign soil,
signing Church’s marriage pledge; Catholic map 14 O 31
Question of releasing Rising pulses: moving picture income, costs,
Herald makes retort 4 N 71 pictures of Niirnberg
John Wu’s conversion; translated Psalms with criminals corpses; ban in Germany 4 N 75 attendance, 1940-1946 21 O 88
Methodist Chiang Kai-shek 9 D 73 Tea-drinking in Britain 11 N 34
Radio Addition on abacus 25 N 35
Protestant chaplain on Catholic chaplains, Cath- California stations refuse air time for atheistic
olic rites in war areas 9 D 74 G.M. finances Dec. 1945 to Sept. 1946 18 N 87
views; FCC decision 5 Ag 58 Indonesia’s oil, rubber, quinihe 23 D 3
Canada Stone Cold Dead calypso ditty banned 26 Ag 61
Pastoral letter urges Quebec Catholics return to Sources of U.S. power, coal, water, natural gas,
Great Britain oil, 1900-1945 30 D 69
farms 16 D 42 Press protests police censorship of murderer’s CHASE, ILKA
Chile photograph before arrest 14 O 79 Marriage to Dr. Norton A. Brown 16 D 8
Government’s Annuario D.I.C. denies Chile 90% Lord Chamberlain censors stage lampoon of La-
Catholic; only 25% churchgoers 19 Ag 74 borites 16 D 34 CHATEAUX See Castles
Cardinal Frings at Conference of German 3ish- Nippon Times reprint attacks concept of Mac- Canterbury Tales ill. Szyk; Wife of Bat
ops; warns of inflicting poverty on German Arthur as savior; Willoughby stops presses, 9S 62
people 2 S 25 burns copies 21 O 39 CHAVANTES See Indians—Brazil
Italy Portugal CHAVES, QUEROGO
Priests murdered I anticlerical terrorists; Suippression of press under Salazar 22 Jl 29 Fails in revolutionary coup against Portugal's
Vatican bishop closes churches 8 J] 27 TIME sale rbidden 4 N 18 Salazar regime 21 O 34

») Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)

CHEMEX McCormick grants interview to New York Cities and Towns

or Coffeemaker invention of Schlumbohm; sales 25 Times’s Belair 30 S 27 Anping
N 98 20% wage increase 18 N 55 U.S. marinesambushed by Communists; 3
CHEMICALS Reporter, former dog-catcher, tracks down Mc- killed; 12 wounded 12 Ag 29
Chemical frost for potato harvesting 26 Ag 55 Cormick’s runaway dog; Sun ran story 9 D 49 Kaifeng
2,4-D weed killer; other chemical weeders 9 S 76 CHICHIBU, PRINCE OF JAPAN Communists capture; Nationalists counterattack
On U.S. comic strips 30 D 32 2S 26
Synthetic penicillin; method 18 N 78
CHICKENS See Poultry Kalgan
Threatened by Government armies; Communists’
U.S. proposes treaty to outlaw poison gas 16 D CHICHEN ITZA See Mexico—Yucatan purge, emancipation of prostitutes, rehabilita-
CHILDBIRTH See Obstetrics tion 7 O 38
CHEMISTRY CHILDREN Falls to Nationalists; political import 21 O 36
Production of atomic fission; neutrons experi- Jewish orphan children cared for by Irish Jews Mukden
ments 8 Jl 79 on farm near Belfast 1 Jl 27 Japanese optical goods factory equipment taken
Nobel prize to Sumner and Northrop for work Sex education featured on Boston radio 15 Jl 62 by Russians; Pauley in, p. 5 Ag 28
on enzymes; to Stanley for virus research 25 8-year-old boy leukemia case rushed to California Shanghai
N 56 atom-cyclotron, p. 22 Jl 20 K. C. Wu, Mayor; reconstruction problems; dis-
Elimination oxygen to form hydrocarbons, petro- ‘“‘Nubbins” Hoffman completely recovered from posal of 97,000 bodies, war casualties 2 D 35
leum; test with cyclotron 16 D 54 bladder obstruction, p. 22 Jl 20 Tatung
Process for benzoic acid developed by Conant 23 ll-year-old boy killed in Yosemite Park falls; Nationalists hold fortress 2 S 26
S 54 veteran dies in rescue attempt 22 Jl 21 45-day siege ends victory for Nationalist
CHERNASHOVA AMARA Gesell’s The Child from Five to Ten, rev., be- Fu Tso-yi;
50,000 casualties 7 O 37
Wife of A.P.’s Eddy Gilmore on visit to U.S.; havior guide for parents 5 Ag 75 Constitution
impressions, p. 12 Ag 66 Tony Upton 5-year-old blind boy gains sight; Assembly vote throws out Kuomintang’s amend-
CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILROAD congenital cataracts removed, p. 9 S 27 ment; 151 articles approved 30 D 24
Young’s ads on outmoded sleeping cars, proposes Cf women held for murder of husbands: boy sole Economic conditions
railroads release new cars to pool 5 Ag 79 survivor of plane crash, p. 16 S 24 Devalues Chinese dollar to 3,350 to $1 U.S.;
CHESS Epidemic of scalp ringworm in Hagerstown, Md. imports cut, exports increase 2 S 27
La Guardia plays with Tito, p. 12 Ag 39 30 S 78 Foreign Relations
Reshevsky wins U.S. championship in game with Learning-by hearing, children’s recordings; ques- United States
Ulvestad, p. 25 N 51 tion-answer series; /t’s Fun to Eat 7 O 80 John L. Stuart appointed U.S. Ambassador, p.
CHESTERTON, GILBERT K. New nursery recordings for Christmas trade, 22 Jl 18
Poem “The Convert’’ 1 Jl 90 rev. 7 O 76 Truman sign sislation to aid Chinese naval
CHIANG KAI-SHEK British child psychiatrist on too much sleep 21 establis Ji 14
Demands Communists wit aw from North O 49 U.S. predica > peace and
China; extends truce 1 Jl : At Des Moines orphanage wear gas masks, hel- unity 2 S 26
LaGuardia asks to end graft in UNRRA sup- mets at Halloween party, p. 11 N 28
Chou En-lai demands end of aid to Nationalists
plies distribution 22 Jl 27 Family of ‘“‘Mrs. America’; to accompany 98S 38
Strategy against Communists appraised 29 Jl 30 mother on air tour, p. 25 N 28 U.S. dilemma in China; Wallace’s views 16 S 35
Proposes super-committee to plan coalition gov- Make “Friendship Boxes’ of gifts for children rr an’s statement, failure of Marshall’s mis
ernment 9 S 38 in Europe, Asia; letters 18 N 83
nm; split in State Department 30 D 14
Peace offer to Communists; concessions 28 O 42 Kansas City kindergarten led by British teacher
Foreign trade
Picnic on 60th birthday; hope for united China; under teacher exchange plan, p. 23 D 47
Reaction to influenza vaccine violent 23 D 66
Imports of rice, cotton, gasoline, locomotives cut
public demonstrations 11 N 37 one-third, exports of tea, tungsten, tung oil,
Issues cease-fire order, invites Communists to Student strikes on rise; issues; Sapulpa, Okla. silks increase 2 S 27
National Assembly 18 N 33 fathers apply ‘‘woodshed tactics’’ 30 D 44 United States
Called Assembly in face of Communist boycott; Austria
New trade-pact; on most-favored-nation basis
speech to delegates 25 N 34 Boy gets new shoes, gift of American Red Cross, 18 N 33
At National Assembly; urges adequate, practical p. 30 D 13
constitution, renounces political ambition, p. China
Communists demand admission, price of relax
9 D 34 Patsy Li refugee victim of Singapore attack i hold on communications 12 Ag 29
Edited Wu translation of Psalms; ‘‘Chung- canal 9 S 38 Wellington Koo analyzes Communist demands in
cheng” 9 D 73 Europe _ Stat Council 21 O 39
Aims for democratic constitution, opposes Pestalozzi Children’s Village in Switzerland cen-
National Assembly convenes; aim to supplant
Kuomintang reactionaries 30 D 24 ter for refugee orphans 29 Jl 52
appointees with elected officials 25 N 34
Delegates of Yi and Miao native t: bes demand
WAY CO. German boy s clubs in Bremen area organized by
representation 2 D 35
Out of receivership; faces strike; considers G.L.s 7 ¢ ) 28
Aims of new constitutional democracy; leaders;
liquidation 14 O 92 Group en route to Eire; girl slaps English
Chang Chun heads “Political Science group”
CHICAGO, LLL. woman 23 D 28 2D 35
Convention of Federation of Women’s Clubs 1 Great Britain
National Assembly; Chiang urges adequate con
Jl 24 Kindergarten led by L teacher under ex
Stitution, p. 9 D 34
Resignation of Superintendent of Schools John- change plan; behavior, diet 23 D 47
Assembly to vote on change in 1936 constitution
son forced by NCA report 1 Jl 63 Christmas Pantomime; response 30 D 34 23 D 34
Mayor. Kelly resigns as boss of Cook County Syria
Assembly vote throws out Kuomintang’s amend-
Democratic Committee; Jake Arvey successor Boy found living with herd of gazelles, p. 9 S 34
ment to draft constitution; 151 articles ap-
22 Jl 19 Story of Gazelle Boy proved phony 7 O 73
proved 30 D 24
Heirens confesses lurid crime record; 24 bur- CHILDS, ALBERT C.
Offers Mt. Wilson for sale 26 Ag 88 Industries
glaries, 3 murders 29 Jl 18
Communists’ destruction of plants, equipment in
Union Stockyards in confusion in rush to beat Kalgan retreat 18 N 33
free market deadline 2 S 77 Reports Baruch assured Russia Britain does not
National Resources Commission
Approves purchase of electroencephalograph for have atom bom discloses thorium shipments
Agreement with Westinghouse International for
court’s psychiatric institute; aldermen’s dia- from India to U.S. stopped 2 D 28
plant in China 19 Ag 89
logue 16 S 25 CHILE
Political conditions
Conterence of Progressives in Hotel Continental Government annual denies 90‘ Chileans Cath-
70 25 olic; states 25 churchgoers 19 Ag 74
Odds on war between Government and Com-
munists; Chiang demands Communists with-
U.A.W. pickets at American Auto Devices Co. Gonzalez Videla new President; Communist
draw from North China, extends truce 1 Jl 32
battle police; Mayor Kelly’s comment, p. 14 legislators hail, p. 4 N 42
Crisis appraised by Nanking observer; Chiang’s
Springtime; conditions surveyed 11 N 40
Old First Ward boss Hinky Dink Kenna dies _ Strategy; Mme. Sun Yat-sen’s appeal 29 Jl 30
Inaugural celebrations; .S. carrier Leyte; re-
Communists grip communications; stalemate,
21 O 28 jects Hemisphere Defense Plan 18 N 40
coalition or civil war, map 12 Ag 29
Elsa Maxwell’s attempt to put on Opera Ball Tabloid Ultima Hora popular; ‘Matrimonial
a failure 11 N 49 Marshall, Stuart, joint statement on failure to
Fair” advice to lovelorn 2 D 38 end hostilities in China 19 Ag 36
Kelly’s Democratic control collapses; Republican To improve land, sea links with Argentina, give
Chiang’s ultimatum; Communists answer with
election victories 18 N 29 free port at Valparaiso 23 D 36
call to mobilize; Nationalists hold at Tatung,
Veterans organize squatters movement, move President holds popular audiences 30 D 28
into vacant apartment; arrests 18 N 30
Communists capture Kaifeng, map 2 S 26
Economic conditions Nationalists capture Chengtek, aim to clear
G.O.P. candidate for mayor, Russell Root 9 D 25 Cost of living doubled since 1939; declining in-
Kelly accepts Kennelly Democratic candidate for Peiping-Mukden railroad 16 S 35
dustrial outpt RFC-Development Corpora- Nationalist military victories; Communists refuse
Mayor; Jake Arvey political boss 30 D 17 tion projects 19 Ag 4 to join Committee on coalition government,
CHICAGO, UNIVERSITY OF Finance Minister Wachholtz’s fight against in- threaten secession 23 S 33
Hutchins’ Encyclopaedia Britannica projects for flation; stock market drop 16 D 38 Chou En-lai walks out on peace negotiations,
adult education 30 S 67 Foreign trade charges U.S. aid to civil war; Communist
Fermi teaches elementary physics class 25 N 66 Agreement with Argentina established Cordillera cros road, map 30 S 38
Bishop Angus Dun delivers first of Hoover lec- Libre customs union; loan to Chile to expand Government forces end 45-day siege of Tatung;
tures at Mandel Hall 25 N 75 industries, exchange trade 23 D 36 50,000 casualties; General Fu Tso-yi’s plea to
CHICAGO, U.S.S. Political conditions Mao to end civil war 7 O 37
Crippled at Battle of Savo Island 19 Ag 25 Rios’ death poses election problems; candidates Carlson’s convictions on Kuomintang, on work
CHICAGO HERALD AMERICAN campaign; political, economic chaos 8 Jl 38 for peace (L) 7 O 12
Plays up Heirens as Suzanne Degnan’s mur- Presidential campaign under way, 4 candidates Chiang’s 8-point peace offer to Communists; con-
derer; Craig Rice covers case 29 Jl 61 19 Ag 42 cessions 28 O 42
CHICAGO SUN Radical Gonzalez Videla wins plurality in presi- Kalgan falls to Nationalis s; Communists call for
Education of Marshall Field IV; learning police dential election 16 S 36 guerrilla warfare, urgege separate state 21 O 36
_ reporting 30 S 74 Santiago Welling m Koo analyzes Communist aims 21 O
Opens fire on American Action Inc. 21 O 28 Hydroelectric plant slow-up; aqueduct breaks 36
Staff shakeup; 80 fired; reorganization; Marshall down; effect on horse races 23 S 38 Nationalist Armies break Manchurian stalemate,
Field withdraws financial aid 18 N 55 CHINA capture Antung; Chou back in Nanking for
Runs story of McCormick’s lost dog, tracked 16 million facestarvation; government graft negotiations 4 N 41
down by Tribune reporter 9 D 49 holds UNRRA up
supplies, p. 22 Jl 27 Government forces prepare drive on Harbin,
CHICAGO TIMES Army map 11 N 37
Harvey Fischman to write column; mother for- Government forces drive wedge between Kalgan Chiang issues cease-fire order, invites Commu-
mer staff member 19 Ag 70 and Yenan, map 30 S 38 nists to National Assembly; Reds reject truce
CHICAGO TRIBUNE Breaks siege ring at Tatung; General Fu’s plea i8 N 33
Boasts first newspaper to name murderer to Mao Tse-Tung to end civil war, offers to Communists’ scorched earth retreat from Kalgan;
(Heirens) and detail crimes before confession, give up command 7 O 37 Red guerrilla strength undermined 18 N 33
or indictment 19 Ag 61 Breaks Manchurian stalemate, capture Antung, Convocation of National Constitutional Assem-
Attack on New York press 26 Ag 47 close in on Chefoo 4 N 41 bly; Communist boycott; delegates 25 N 34
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Assembly discussions; Chiang challenged, urges Gosport Meeting House on Star Island; retreat CITIZENSHIP
practical constitution, renounces political ambi- ot Unitarians, Congregationalists 12 Ag 75 70,000 lost U.S. citizenship by voting in Canada
tion, p. 9 D 35 St. Patrick’s Cathedral being repaired; architec- “reyankification” 16 S 40
Kuomintang reactionaries push for more power ture, p. 9 S 62 CITIZENS NATIONAL TRUST AND SAYV-
in Assembly; Chiang opposes 30 D 24 Varga charges Capitalist powers organizing Cath- INGS BANK OF LOS ANGELES
Reconstruction olic, Protestant Churches, Islam against Rus- Fights off Bank of America domination; ¢
Church of Brethren recruits to teach tractor sia 16 S 31 nini buys stock, puts in 6 directors 2 S 82
operation and repair 2 S 69 Protestant Episcopal Church General Conven- CITY COLLEGE (NEW YORK)
Social conditions tion; issue of unity with Presbyterians; bridge 100th anniversary; Baruch, Frankfurter speeches;
In Pavilion of Women, rev. 25 N 110 of Catholicism and Protestantism 16 S 69 famous alumni; students, p. 28 O 85
CHINAWARE . Episcopal Convention debate on merger with
Exhibited at Minneapolis’ Everyday Art Gallery; Presbyterians; votes postponement; 30 S 83
Wright’s utility design, p. 29 Jl 64 Various communions within Catholic Church;
Zeckendorf plans New York redevelopment pr e
CHINESE LANGUAGE on Episcopal stand on church unity (L) 7 O 6 ect on East River; model, r. 14 O 90
Electro-automatic typewriter 15 Jl 73 Presbyterian church shows record growth; statis- CIVIL AERONAUTICS ADMINISTRATION
Cc NATIONAL RELIEF AND RE- tics 7 O 86 See under United States
Cooperation with UNRRA; impeded by govern campaign in Richmond, Va. 21 O 50 TION See under United States
ment graft 22 Jl 2 Lost Treasures of Europe, rev.; picture survey, CIVILIZATION
CHIKICO, GEORGIO DE p. 4 N 63 Sociologist on “‘progress,’’ chart 8 Jl 77
Charges early surrealist paintings counterfeits Archbishop of Canterbury advocates ‘full com- Price in automobile accidents; Toynbee in Stud
in Paris exhibit; self-portrait, Double Dream munion” between Protestant churches 11 N 78 of History 9 S 27
f Spring, r. 26 Ag 42 Bishop Dun gives first Hoover lecture on unity; Hutchinson on end of liberal civilization
CHOATE, ROBERT B. divisions of Christian confession 25 N 7 Europe 21 O 30
Stages celebration 100th birthday Boston 100-year-old St. George’s in New Y rk; Edward Msgr. Knox on religion and civilization 4 N
Herald 2 § 50 Miller, new rector; community projects, p. CIVIL SERVANTS UNION See Unions—G
CHOIRS 25 N 75 Britain
Boy choristers in Leeds given thrillers to read Federal Council of Churches convention; Bishop
i sermons 23 D 68 Oxnam n church leadership; President Canada: employes get cost-of-living bonuses
CHOU EN-LAI Charles Taft on political approach 16 D 61 Ag 38
Dem Is U.S. end aid to Nationalists 9 S 38 Protestant ministers in Steubenville, O. ask to
Wa out on peace negotiations, accuses U.S form armed vice squé turned down; Louis- CLAIRVOYANCE
fanning civil war 30 S ville Council of Churches Committee on In- Tomorrow publisher Mrs. Garrett claims psy¢
To return to Nanking negotiations 28 O 4 stitutions works for penal reforms 23 D 68 powers; “‘controls’” 16 S 77
CHRIST See Jesus Christ Warren County, lowa, Methodist churches lack CLANS }
CHRISTIAN, LINDA ministers; college students fill in 23 D 70 Greek rhlanders meet kilted Scotch in At
Sente: lt > days in jail for speeding; com- Great Britain legend of bagpipe, p. 4 N 39
ment, p. 19 Ag 45 tlican Church of St. Aidan’s; vicar gives CLAPP, GORDON R.
CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE (PERIODICAL) choirboys thrillers to read during sermons 23 To succeed Lilienthal in T.V.A. 4 N 2¢
Editorial on Catholic Church and moral force in D 68 CLAPPER, MRS. RAYMOND
se of peace S 66 Italy Wins court award of doul le indemnity 1
CHRISTIAN CENTURY (PERIODICAL) Theft of consecrated host from Milan churches; band’s accidental death 5 Ag 50
Dr. Morrison « letes series “‘Can Protestant rumored use for Black Mass 5 Ag 60 CLARK, JOHN R.
Win America 8 Jl 72 Peru Protestant Ex-Navy Chaplain on Catholic «
Editorial on proposed union of Pr it Epis Church of the Nazarenas in Lima built to house lains, ritual 9 D 74
Church with Presbyterians ) Our Lord of Miracles painting 28 O 44 CLARK, THOMAS C,
Dr. Sockman on religion in Russia 72 Russia Approves U.S. Steel purchase of Geneva; denies
Pr sts Episcopal Convention’s post ent of Dr. Sockman returns from tour, describes at- combine a monopoly 1 Jl 78
Presbyterian merger 7 O 94 tendance at Russian Orthodox Cathedral in In Stockholm on cartel investigation 2 5
lutchinson’s report “E pe’s Death’”’ 21 O 30 Moscow; Baptist church 23 S 72 Fires Rogge for making speech based on s«
*rotestant Ex-Navy 7. Chaplain explains
i S ort
i Three Russian Orthodox emigré prelates in Ber- report of Nazi intrigue in U.S. politics 4 N
Catholic chaplains did better job 9 D 74 lin investigate; worshipers outside Moscow Gets court injunction restraining Lewis N
CHRISTIANITY church, p. 21 O 50 Opposition to Lewis; sketch 2 D 20
Dr. E. F. Scott’s Man & Society in the New CHURCHILL, MARY CLARKE, RICHARD W.
ment » Jl 70 Engaged to Christopher Soames 18 N 98 Becomes executive editor, boat re
R Charles k advocates “Bill of Spirit CHURCHILL, RANDOLPH New York Daily News; career, p. S 73
Rights yproves Apostles’ Creed 29 Plans U.S. lecture tour 14 O 44 CLAXTON, BROOKE
ll Held for speeding in Connecticut < D 45 Heads Canada’s new Defense Minist in Ca
World Council of Churches calls for CHURCHILL, WINSTON inet shuffle 23 D 41
Catholics and Protestants for peace 1 Statue on Dover cliffs proposed; idea of cigar as CLAY, LUCIUS D.
British Chaplain Druitt’s message to forces in beacon 29 Jl 42 Proposal for 4-zone disarmament investigat
19 Ag 74 Sells Kent estate to friends, to be national memo- opposed by Russians 1 Jl 31
World Council appeal for united Christendom; rial after his death 19 Ag 45 Denies rumors of resignation 14 O 30
Methodist Christian Advocate, Catholic Com Portrayed in Adamic’s Dinner at the White Plan for Germany’s economic administrat
monwe nm joining moral forces S 6 House, rev., p. 2 S 94 16 D 34
Practical projects of Church of the Brethren; Sues Louis Adamic for libel; orders Dinner at CLAYTON, WILL
to teach tractor repair in China 2 S 69 the White House withdrawn 4 N 49 Appointed Under Secretary of State for E
History of rthodoxy emergence from Bible in 72nd birthday party; wears 32 little hats 9 D 44 nomic Affairs 12 Ag 13
Stor f the Faith, rev. 16 S 72 Davis’ project for Dover war memorial; towns Efforts to calm furor over death of U.S. flyers i
Dr \dolph G. Studer’s concept of; Y.M.C.A refuse; model, p. 30 D 21 Yugoslavia 23 S 26
aims 14 O 5S¢ Foreign affairs CLEMENS, DICK
Veteran organizes militant church-going cam Proposes Britain get out of Palestine, if U.S Lion trainer jumps into cage to control 1
paign in Richmond, Va. 21 O 50 refuses to concur in federation plan 12 Ag oR 3 0 tigers in fight, p. 2 D 24
Hoover lectureships on Christian unity; lecture Politics CLERGY
of Bishop Dun 25 N 75 Campaigned for Conservative candidate in Bex- See also Chaplains; Missions and Missionaries aa
Race discrimination in southern churches; action ley, p. 5 Ag 34 Maryville, Mich. minister gives sermon on ra
it Baptists conventions 9 D 73 Speeches intolerance, loses pastorate, p. 1 J] 86
Ameri s’ deep faith; Marian Anderson On Europe; pleads for regional federation, Pp. Alma White founder of Pilla: Fire d C
expresses 30 D 59 U > 29 sketch; son to carry on, p. 8 Jl 73
Japan At Conservative Party conference; assails Labor Father J. F. Donnelly finds Catholic jur
Christian churches conference; Kagawa _ ad- government action in Palestine, India 14 O 33 clergy support labor union movement Ji 68
dresses 1 JI &8 On freeing of Burma; on decline of Empire Charles E. Park retires from Boston's Unitaria
CHRISTIAN VY ERANS OF AMERICA 30 D 24 First Church; sketch, p. 29 Jl 56
Fascist aim charged by Carlson in The Plotters; CHURCHILL, MRS. WINSTON Bishop Lane of Fushun new Supe Gene
N 114 —— honorary law degree from Oxford 8 of Maryknoll Fathers, p. 19 Ag 74
CHRISTIE, AGATHA 1 45 Quentin K. Y. Huang consecrated Epis
Come Te \ How You Live, rev. first travel CHURCHILL, MAN. bishop in U.S.; war work, p. 26 Ag 67
DOOK, | sO 113 Chosen experimental station for joint U.S.- Dr. Louie Newton reports on status of Baptists
CHRISTMAS Canadian defense 23 S 40 in Russia, p. 26 Ag 68
Meaning symbolized in Viennese boy with new CHURCHMAN Rabbis usher in Jewish New Year with pra
shoes, p. 30 D 13 Attacks Episcopal convention postponement of for suffering Jews in Europe, p. 7 O 94
Individual plans for holiday show cross-section action on unity with Presbyterians 30 S 83 A. Powell Davies’ liberal sermons at All 5S
‘ U.S. life 0Di19 CHURCH OF ENGLAND Unitarian Church in Washington 7 O 9
vod prospects in Britain; Strachey grant Shortage of clergymen; drive for recruits among Father Gibson’s Episcopal Cathedral Shelt
sugar, candy tor children and aged; A Christ- servicemen 1 J] 86 Chicago; sketch, p. 28 O 72
mas Carol 30 D 21 Rev. Brian Hession in Hollywood; represents Father Matthews, Negro Benedictine priest ot
Pantomimes on fairy tales children’s attraction British religious film interests 2 S 68 Trinidad, furthers Catholic drive for inter
in Britain 30 D 34 Archbishop of York warns Anglicans against racial amity in Detroit; sketch, p. 28 O 72
CHRISTY, JUNE signing Catholic marriage pledge 4 N 71 Dr. Everett Baker chosen dean of students
Wins Metronome’s girl singer prize; with Ken- CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN M. I. T.; sketch, Pp 16 D 83
ton’s band, p. 23 D 73 Project to teach tractor repair to Chinese in Ministers in Steubenville, O. ask to form arm
CHROMOSOMES Yellow River Valley; recruiting 2 S 69 vice squad, turned down 23 D 68
Harvey proposes centrifuge method of controlling CIANO, EDDA COUNTESS Shortage of Methodist ministers in Warrer
sex; sex cells of fruit fly, diag. 29 Jl 71 Amnesty granted; plans 15 Jl 46 County, la.; college students fill in 23 D 70
Strike in Windsor, Chatham plants, demand for CINECOLOR CORP. Taoist abbot and priest tried on vice charge
$2-a-day raise 1 J] 38 William Loss buys failing company, reorganizes, burned alive by priests 25 N 34
First half earnings report; tax credit puts com- 23 S 88 France
pany in the black 19 Ag 81 CIRCUS, OPERATION See Black Markets Father Grosjean wins French literary award
Walter Reuther threatens to reopen union con- CIRCUSES ararchist philosophy 8 Jl 29
t t 26 Ag 16 Braganza family stage circus in Brazil; Pre- Great Britain
CHURCHES tender boycotts 23 S 42 Church of England short of 4,000 ministers
See al ndividual names; Christianity; Religion CITIES drive for recruits among servicemen 1 J] 86
Dr. Morrison irges united (ecumenical) church See also cities by name Anglican vicar gives choirboys thrillers to read
Cleveland celebrates 150th Anniversary; civic during sermons 23 D 68
Church protests Episcopal Join t Commis- spirit, p. 22 Jl 22 Italy
sion’s plan for merger with Pr ¢c sbyterian Legend of island city sunk off Eire, city reap- Catholic priests victims of anticlerical terrorists
Church 2 Jl 72 pears, proves to be boats 14 D 34 8 Jl 32
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (july 1 December 30 1946, inclusive)

Caravate parishioners rebel at removal popular COCA-COLA coL SAMUEL 8.

priest; Baptist ministers move to make con- Use to develop photo finish films during Santiago Declines reelection on Pan A merican Airways
verts 25 N 76 water famine 23 S 3 }
yoard; protests Trippe’s policies 29 ji 75
Bishop Ruesga protests murder of Protestant See also French Indo-China Mink Slide race TK it killings; trial of 25 Ne-
missionaries by Catholic Indians, p. 9S 80 President Thinh commits suicide; pressure from groes; 23 acquitted 14 O 2 >
Cardinal Hlond blames Jews for Kielce pogrom; COCOA Leases plot on Mount Wilson for television sta-
anti-Semitism, p. 22 Jl 36 Britain to continue control of West Africa trade; tion <6) Ag 90
Russia effect on U.S. imports 2 D 90 Changes WABC stz ation call to WCBS, fears
Three. Russian Orthodox emigré prelates in Ber- Record high price 30 D 73 fre € ad for ABC 7 O 83
lin visit Soviet; investigate church 21 O 50 COFFEE, JOHN M. RCA hopes to influence FCC against cc lor tele-
Soviet liberates Archbishop Victor, absolved by Investigated by Mead Committee; accepted check casting 18 N OF
allegiance to Patriarch Alexei 11 N 37 from Tacoma war contractor 12 Ag 16 Television right to Dodger s home games 16 D 98
ither Tiso puppet president of Slovakia tried Brazil’s market stabilization fails; coffee lands Forced to re ject law school applicants with ex-
tA- tor treason, p. 16 D 37 abandoned 9 S 40 panded enrollment 8 Ji 68
Switzerland Automatic dispenser by Mills Corp.; U.S. drinks Reports 1, 313 students from 80 foreign coun
Dr. Emil Brunner sees “theological awakening” 94 billion cups a year 16 D 92 tries 16 D 84
in U.S.; to resume class in University of COFFEEM: AKE RS COLUMBIANS, INC.
sd Zurich, p. 18 N 74 Schlumbohm’s Tu parte, Chemex 25 N 96 White supremacy group in § outh; leaders ar
Yugosl: ivia COFFIN, HOW ARD A, rested in Atlanta, p. 11 N 25
\rchbishop Stepinac, 1: iests arrested for Elected to Congress, p. 18 N 27 Defy State of Georgia action; rally broken up
riticizing Tito hesaetile 30 S 34 COHALAN, DANIEL F. by tear gas, | . 25 N 27
CLEVELAND, OHIO Death of; Tammany career 25 N 100 COLUMBIA RECORDS
Celebrates 150th anniversary; founding; post COHANE Forced to accede to Petrillo’s wage rais« demand
ar business boom; civic spirit, p. Jl 22 Leaves 1 joins new firm of 28 OZ
s Witnesses world assembly 19 Ag 24 ulliva o 1 Bayles 2 S 78 COLUMBIA STEEL co.
CLEVE AND TRUST CO. COHEN, AL BERTO Consolidated Steel Corp. deal 30 D 73
Spons¢ rs veterans’ housings project 15 Jl 82 Heads U.N. Public Information, p. 25 N 30 COLUMNS, MAGAZINE
CLIFFORD, CLARK M. COLD Th ws Week’s ** Words to Live By’ ; Bart chooses
[ruman names Special Counsel, Foskett succes- “—— lest spot on earth” in Sibe Aristotle precept 30 S 67
sor as Naval Aide 8 Jl 20 egions 30 D 69 COLUM Ss NEWSPAPER
Place in Truman’s Kitchen Cabinet, p. 12 Ag 17 COLE, NAT Daily News O'Donnell reports Truman request
CLINCHY, EVERETT R. ba Sings with King Cole “ ed Supreme Court justices’ resignation; Tr
Deplores public disputes between Catholics and COLEMAN, JOHN 8. nan denies 15 Jl 50
Protestant churchmen 22 Jl 68 New president Burroughs Ad ding Machine Co.; y Rose offers paid ad series Pitching Horse
CLINICS, MEDICAL See Medi ine—Clinics career, p. 28 O 92 shoes free to 100 U.S. papers 15 Jl 50
CLOSED SHOP See Unions COLES, ROBERT Lippmann protests Ehrenburg’s Soviet irnal
CLOTHING On « arth collisions with meteors 5 Ag 72 ism; attacks Russians 15 Jl 50
Industry in California; fashion shows, designers, COLLEGE ENTRANCE BOARD Cr osby’s Herald Tribune radio column; sample
factories; fall shions, p. 23 S 86 Aptitude tests; test factory; sample 18 N 84 i 61
CPA retracts wi thdr: awal L-85 order; problem COLLEGE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Idaho Statesman reproved edi
‘ lage in new dresses 21 O 90 See City College (New York) attack on Governor Will
order 28 O 98 coL LEGES AND UNIVERSITIES g 68
"i ” annual show, elegance » individual colleges inintelligent radio censorship 19
eni ons, p. 11 N 27 Ivania State Colle farms out freshmen
WI! success with luxury to small colleges 8 Tl 67 Fischman to write for Cl Times
neclisian, Cor intess ies a shop, p. 2 D 92 Army and Navy pr , 70
Finland search; regional is; Igor’s “‘Cholly Knickerbocker
\ She rtage; ration examples 5 Ag 34 Vanport Center Coll ; ton Whirl bought by King
\ France boom cit 9 Tl 51
Fashion show in Paris; Schiaparelli mod Army’s ator research laboratory chartered as rn column of Denve
3yrnes, Mrs. Caffery att a. I S Associated rsities, Ir 29 Jl 71 reply to Easter:
Japan Congress v million to aid absorption of speech 2 S 48
Shortage critical; kim« nos sold for food; man Gi."s 3 J Tribune rey son U.S
deludes small ] steals clothes 2 D 36 Strir llow | t art new 9S 29
Ca CLOTHING WORKE RS minion F t endowm ertainment, cheer
Sidney Hillman di 1ion leadership; political Veterans’ al ‘ iad Wilson t ws I
influence,p ji 2 ne typ cas Ag
CLUBS Einstein, ot U.S. Jew id | Dealer ‘Tex Robi 1 dies
Alfalfa 1 rrun attends Ji 20 liberal ts uni versity
Fede \W s Clubs cc n Cl Ove owded; makeshift ur I 1 programs Os
t T sts lass edu ion 1 N s,”’ society gossip Los
r ( Clu lf tour 1ent Colleges of Upper New Y« emer 3 I lie F1 s( n
I Ge e
S. May A lleges on abandone rn Navy in r 210
We 1 ents, press « spondents rtis . rr nduct « $
a I Angeles Times Club Editor in t rs’ ¢ S 59
thall weeke t Yale
Germany pars at Cali 6 voke n ket st New York
G.I.s organize Bremen Boys Club, others iles; ldresses Johns pkins’ students mes O 57
‘ tf Serge Moriarty 7 O 28 v. totalitarian ism 21 O 94 rt ( Ruark, S« Ho t
CLYSTERS Se: Enen iS Coe i sap] by two lead educa r reer 1O
C-99 See Airpl Consolidated C-99 Ss ¢ I 1oted 4 N 69 t newsmiet test col t
COADY, MOSE Ss M. Mult tit tests ( En t loots SI} bl name fot
S Francis Xavier Universit adult stu Board N 8 s months 4 N 79
roups in N Scot 1 5 N 44 I is ar I lalism rtland Ore m dis nes B M r
N ff-beat al s4N
t stit atomic Six Bos ( s with Lowell Institute ly Rose calls } es 1
S t ct tures N 8 rams Pitchin Ix Hubbar
trial ict sl teel Ort > t s course r lumn 18 N 7¢
s 9D 87 Ss D 69 pmant ppra s UD C
N l 4 cl t )D ) ( rt ‘ 1 f enius; | tif D
Labor I Y t D WwW. ¢ Id Br
c rm es | ( | t cl t
\ n » D to 17.8 t D
inds U.M.W. t N [ ( ) W
» th \
Argentina D
- i 45 at Peror 5 Gove Tl 44 r Rooseve M t in
N ( Middle East t | » Ww nh; Ss C W

S otiations s Ua fF « n 1H y H. Ari V B c
‘ Krug-Lewis « ots. 4 t I t A \ I ‘ Nine ’ ] 8) t

n, t \ w \ ] Sam | Dritis
Poland Charl ‘Mrs. H D ¢
é Db ; ‘ Frances Drake a York
' Sal B ’ a M Drew Ne
D2 COLLET, JOUN ©. \ d ws 30 D
\dmuinist t € t \ I ts teammate t Ste in ul R es “to
s out 9 D 21 OW MR 19 A t mes eges D 38
M \\ n nte t COLLIER’sS Br m’s r ¢
} UU t s Walt Davenport, new edit I y RA.s Seatt }
mer D Gurne Williams, humor editor; iys gags 12 0D
il s nt t ‘ it mass ] A 5 Great Britain
tu S ar er s 16D Frar Perkins’ art Roosevelt 5 19 | tracts first c nn I
z , soil 1
I tic br i
x tage 8 Jl 84 3 4
Mines n » Jl 2 céOLONIC IRRIG ATION See Enemas G British, U.S., Russ ttit
S ‘ s 1 of 1 ceOLORADO 4QO 3
1 y Expose f cruelt boys ‘ tories I ‘ possible marria ‘ Prit
COBALT G . Bu Ss s draws jibes i i tes
War created demand for 73 e 19 Ag 38 D1 nce R. § a ealth sade D
COBALT, ONT. t 0 8 Chile
Silver mines; history of boom; revival 19 Ag 38 Blizzard; eff ttle N 27 **Matri Fair” in tabloid Ultima ra
ked up by at Oranienl eld 22 Blue and exp ‘ 18 N 80 coL WE LL, ROBERT T.
ays for qu p. 1: 3 COLT, BARRYMORE J new advertising firm of Sullivan, Stauffer,
rorists COBRA See s and aph records ( med J Drew M lietta ( ‘ Bayles S 80

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

COMBINES See Agriculture—Equipment C.1.0.’s state councils sweep out Reds; Buse Election control; corruption; wins 84% vote 2 D
COMETS defeated in Wisconsin 23 D 18 32
See also Astronomy Brazil Russia
Giacobini-Zinner comet gives meteor display; ex- Chance to win majority of Rio’s council; “Baron Brooks Atkinson charges Politburo a dictator
periments 21 O 60 of Itarare” candidate 30 D 28 ship; religious ideology 15 Jl 27
COMIC BOOKS J Bulgaria Campaign to strengthen position in Soviet Army
From Canada flood Britain; contrasted with Fatherland Front in power; purge of anti-Com- and Navy 29 Jl 29
British product 16 S 79 munist Army officers, officials 16 S 32 Piace in Government structure, chart 19 Ag 27
Campaign tactics against opposition; Dimitroff’s Purge of Party leaders in Ukraine, Crimea;
COMIC STRIPS . 4 warnings to moviemakers, magazines 2 S 28
watning 4 N 39
Al Capp plots British visit for Yokums of Dog- Signs of purge; trend to self-criticism; Bolshe
patch 15 Jl 46 ; Burma
Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League; Aung vik reveals false statistics 9 S 34
Al Capp’s ‘‘deleted” face of Lena the Hyena in Minority rule of masses; purges of collective
L’il Abner characterized in amateur’s prize San leads Rangoon demonstration 9 S 34
Canada farms 30 S 29
drawing 15 Jl 52 Articles in constitution on 16 D 37
Barnaby ghost-written by Ferro and Morley; Spy Gerson convicted, sentenced to 5 years;
silent on Soviet espionage 21 O 42 Spain
Crockett Johnson trained 2 S 49 ; Franco claims central committee arrested in
King Features to run Duchess Hotspur in New Influence in Ottawa housing committee, squat-
ters movement protested, p. 11 N 42 Madrid conspiracy 18 N 37
York Mirror, other Hearst papers 23 S 63 Tunisia
Li’l Abner: Lower Slobbovia’s G.O.S. day; na- Chile
Endorses Gonzalez Videla new President; Reds Agitates for independence; Paris Ce Soir re
tional anthem; cartoon, r. 7 O 33 ; tracts criticism 9 S 34
Terry and the Pirates: Milton Caniff quits as in Congr hail election 4 N 42
cartoonist; George Wunder successor 7 O 74 Three in Cabinet 11 N 40 COMMUNITIES
Prize for ugliest Lena the Hyena in Li’l Abner China Margaree Forks, N S.; builds
) school, adult study
Grip on communications, blocks recovery; losing groups, cooperative s 25 N 45
awarded Basil Wolverton 28 O 58 :
Steve Canyon Milton Caniff’s new strip for among intellectuals, liberals 12 Ag 29 COMMUNITY CHESTS
adults, d. 2 D 61 Red units ambush U.S. Marines at Anping 12 Fund drives in 808 U.S. cities; publicity; lead
Dick’s Adventures in Dreamland: Hearst and Ag 30 ers in; history 4 N 27
King Features letters 16 D 77 Answers Chiang’s ultimatum with call to mobi- COMPANIA MEXICANA DE AVIACION,
COMMERCIAL ERADICATOR See Radio— lize, sets up administration for Manchuria; S.A.
Equipment and parts siege of Tatung; capture Kaifeng, map 2 S 26 Pan Am _ subsidiary’s monopoly protected by
Li Li-san returns from exile to Yenan; fate of Mexican Government; Braniff competition re
German agents from Moscow, p. 9 S 38 jected 11 N 90
General Carlson states only democratic force in COMPOSERS See Musicians
Laymen work for penal reforms, health, child China 16 § 21
care 23 D 68 COMPTON, ARTHUR
Refuse to join discussion on coalition, demand Directs Navy’s atomic power project, p. 29 Jl 68
COMMODITIES ? cease-fire order; threaten to secede; new lead-
Prices rise; food chains attempt to hold line ers 23 S 34
22 yl 79 Military defeats; Chou En-lai walks out on individual countries—Armed Services—Conscrip ~
U.S. to limit export of scarce items to control Nanking negotiations, charges U.S. aid in
domestic supply 22 Jl 85 fanning civil war; crossroads, map 30 S 38 CONANT, JAMES B.
Wartime revealed General
e Foods,
market Defeat at Tatung; casualties; General Fu’s plea Presidency of Harvard; career; sketch, cov
Rice i Co. attempt
to corner market 23 S 83 to Mao to end civil war 7 O 37 23 S 53
Prices drop led by
break; Dow-Jones fu- cotton Kalgan’s purge of Nationalist secret agents; de- CONCERT HALL SOCIETY, INC.
tures index falls 28 O 89 fense construction; emincipation of prosti- Limited edition albums 25 N 65
Prices 01 tton futures drop on exchanges; tutes 7 O 38 CONCERTS
speculators caught 11 N 87 Wellington Koo analyzes aims 21 O 36 Cugat signs contract for symphonic concert tour
28 O 89
Loss of Kalgan; calls for guerrilla warfare, 29 Jl 43
Cotton exchanges close as price cracks for separate Soviet-backed state 21 O 36 U.S. premiére of Shostakovitch’s Ninth Sym
COMMONWEAL (PERIODICAL) ; trategic losses; Chou returns to Nanking for phony by Boston Symphony in Berkshire Mu
On interfaith collaboration for peace 2 S 66 negotiations 4 N 41 sic Shed 5 Ag 52
COMMUNICATIONS Reject Chiang’s truce offer 18 N 33 Pianist Arrau’s Brahms’s concert at Robin Hood
See also Radio; Telephones Scorched earth retreat from Kalgan area; mo- Dell 12 Ag 60
Sritish plans nationalization of worldwide Cable rale weak 18
N 33 Of the week in New York; symphonies; recitals
and W ess Ltd. 29 Jl 23 Czechoslovakia listed 25 N 63
Transatlantic li telephone; radio teletype; Klement Gottwald, Premier; two new posts in Brailowsky’s Chopin cycle at Carnegie Hall 9
TIME use of 30 S 19 Cabinet 15 Jl 33 D 76
COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMER- Dominican Republic Janet Fairbanks’ song recital in New York 16
ICA ae rrujillo enlists aid support from Lombardo To- D 50
New ne of Telephone Workers 25 N 25 ledano’s C.T.A.L., trom Cuban Federation of CONDUCTORS, MUSIC See Musicians
Dominant t position in Balkans; aggression 8 Jl 31 France National Citizen’s P.A.C., C.1.0.’s P.A.C
Brooks Atkinson sees as religion governed by Paris headquarters by Rightists, Marx-stormed 1.C.C.A.5.P. meeting in Chicago; drafts px
dogma in Russia 15 Jl 28 . ist books burned; in new Cabinet 1 Jl 28 litical action 7 O 25
Rev. A. Powell Davies’ sermon ‘‘Communist Duclos efforts to prevent seating of Rightists CONFERENCE OF STUDIO UNIONS
Dynamics” 7 O 96 in Assembly 15 Jl 33 Wins wages-and-huurs demands for Hollywood
Sargeant reports Communist Russia greatest bar Communist jurors strike, suspend trials of Ad- off-production workers in two-day strike 15
to communization of western Europe 21 O 30 mirals, protest acquittals of Vichyites 12 Ag 32 Jl 86
Attlee notes Party’s misuse of ‘‘Democracy,” Left-wing Socialists plan collaboration, protest Jurisdictional dispute with rival I.A.T.S.E.;
protests Soviet policy of secrecy 4 N 34 Blum’s anti-Communism 9 S 33 Sorrell leader; picket line brawls, p. 7 O 22
Catholic « rchman notes world movement hin Demanded imprisonment of Passy, charged anti- CONFIDENCE MEN §S -¢ Fraud
dered by lure of Soviet to respect individ- Communist underground plan 23 CONGREGATIONALIS rs
il ts D 27 Cahiers on problem of colonials d Retreat at Star Island, N.H. 12 Ag / 5
Cell in Mexico: shift ‘to South America; at- Strongest party; gains 20 Assembly sats 18 CONGRESS See under United States
tacked by Messersmith 2 D 24 N 34 CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL OF HONOR See
Conflict with Western ideology in Russia’s fail- Great Britain United States—Awards
ure to join UNESCO 2 D 27 Opposition of Labor government 29 Jl 24 CONGRESS OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZA-
COMMUNIST PARTY Seeks leadership of squatters 16 S 32 TIONS
Senate gives Byrnes power to suspected Tactics in squatters’ revolt; Government threat Schwellenbach plan to appoint C.1.0. member t ce
Communists from State Department 1 Jl 22 ens leaders 23 S 31 1.L.O. conference protested by Green 19 Ag
In C.1.0. Furniture Workers’ Union 15 Jl 22 Decides to move squatters, takes credit for gov Leaders hold meeting to combat rising prices
Poll shows 32% U.S. public want members ernment progress in housing 30 S 32 26 Ag 15 ce
barred from radio broadcasting 15 Jl 26 Greece Operation Dixie wins few recruits; NLRB elec
Control of maritime union despite Curran’s op- Return of monarchy, a vote against spread of tion results in big plants; A.F.L. charges of
position 29 Jl 16 Communism 16 S 30 Communist domination 2 S$ 19
State Department screens staff for members; 40 Reaction to return of King George; guerrilla Fight with A.F.L. for Oak Ridge workers; wins
suspects ousted 26 Ag 16 : operations; take UNRRA supplies 7 O 34 at Carbide and bon Chemical; A.F.L. sues
Foste prescription tot veace; give Russia Italy for libel 23 S 2
free hand in Turkey, Dardanelles 2 S 18 Campaign to discredit democracy; uses low liv- U.E.W convention; Communist do
Protests U.S. warship off Vesuvius 9 S 21 ing standard, strikes 5 Ag 32 5.000 anti-Communist Furniture
Influence in National Committee to Win the 20% of Venezia Guilia population; Tito gives shift to A.F.L. 23 S 24
Peace; General Carlson apostle of Commu new flag; “‘Partisan funerals’ 5 Ag 29 Supports Pittsburgh Duquesne independent union;
nistic causes 16 S 21 Socialists join in “unity of action’; Luigi Longo sympathy strike 7 O 23
Varga's article on struggle in capitalist coun- 11 N 32 Convention in Atlantic City; Murray avoids Red
tries 16 S 31 Korea hunt; to censor industrial councils; resolution
American Legion denies charter to new Duncan- Acts to prevent U.S. plans for popular election, on Communist interference 25 N 24
Paris post, ch s Communist sympathies 23 foments strikes 7 O 38 Begins fight for wage boosts; Nathan
S 24 Latin America showing industry can pay 23 D 17
Of Connecticut expels Ruth McKenney and hus- Political strength anti-U.S. front; tactics 2 D 38 Murray, Reuther, Fitzgerald meet, formulate co
band Richard Bransten for attacking Party Mexico bargaining policy; no-strike theme 30 D 15
line 23 S 24 Diego Rivera reinstatement, seeks
warns Com- State councils’ fight on Reds in Massachusett
Domination in U.E.W.; efforts to bar Commu- munists’ support of Russia 29 Jl 22 New Jersey; Wisconsin ousts leftist Robe Cé
nists from union office 23 S 24 Lombardo changes tactics, calls for national Buse 23 D 18
Bobrowicz joined Democratic Party, won nomi- unity, not class warfare; reproved by Party Political Action Committee
nation for Congress from Milwaukee 30 S 25 Secretary General 30 D 27 Included in House check of election expend
William F. Dunne expelled; Daily Worker Monaco tures 1 Jl 24
statement 7 O 24 Monegasque Party; 13 members; program would Sidney Hillman dies; leadership 22 Jl 21
Bobrowicz dropped from Democratic Party; abolish gambling 23 S 33 Board of directors to include six union chiefs co
Communists as Democrats 14 O 2 Poland Phil Murray on 29 Jl 16
Gerhart Eisler named by Budenz, Ruth Fischer Bierut threatens opposition leaders to cooperate Delegates at Conference of Progressives in Ch co
as No. 1 Communist in U.S.; return to Ger- with coalition 18 N 37 cago 7 O 25
many halted 28 O 29 Philippine Islands American Action Inc. organized to combat 2
In C.1.0.; Murray avoids Red-hunt, to censor Ex-guerrillas in central Luzon defy Roxas re- O 28 co
industrial councils; resolution against Com- sime; Taruc heads block in House 8 Jl 24 Kroll admits drive from 6 million members Re
munist interference 25 N 24 Rumania ted only $170,000 28 O 29 co
Teheran radio reports Communist control of 2% of population; leaders Bodnaras, Luca, Ana Restraint in election campaign; radio recordings
U.S.; confuses Republican victory 18 N 31 Pauker 7 O 34 invoking F.D.R.’s name 4 N 23
Vol. XLVIII INDEX -December 30, 1946, inclusive)


Leads attack on Episcopa! church marriage of Price soars; unprofitable for hogs’ feed 15 Jl 81 Increase with end of OPA public concern, car-
divorced persons 23 S 73 U.S. production to break records 5 Ag 31 toon 15 Jl 19
T CONN. BILLY Rockefeller project in Brazil fosters hybrid corn Rise Aug. 1945 to Aug. 1946; cuts real wages,
Louis knocks out in 8th round; critics blame for production 25 N 42 chart 14 O 23
ny second-rate fight, p. 1 Jl 68 CORNELIAN CORNER + C.1.0. sees 25% rise 11 N 26
CONN, JOSEPH Movement to revive old fashioned maternity Canada
an 9S 65 Rise in 4 months; civil service employes get
27 Radio fan invents electronic commercial eradi-
a; cator 30 S 96 CORNELL UNIVERSITY cost-of-living bonuses 19 Ag 38
Crew wins on Lake Washington 1 Jl 68 Index at 125.5, rising; economy geared to U.S.
Member U.S. delegation U.N. General Assem- disease
bly; ability 11 N 29 COTTON, HENRY
CONTRACTS, GOVERNMENT Loses British Open golf tournament at St. An-
Proposes U.N. Assembly urge Franco to sur-
Senate investigates profiteering on war contracts; drews, p. 15 Jl 57
render powers to provisional government, hold
Garrson brothers’ deals; Congressman May COTTON
election 9 D 27
charged with fraud 15 Jl 20 Price soars; exchange quotes drop; cloth output
Argues with Vishinsky on disarmament and col-
in May ignores subpoena in investigation of Gars- up 15 Jl 81
lective security 9 D son munitions combine 29 Jl 15
T resign as | N. dele ate; oratory confusing Price cracks; exchanges close 28 O 89
Bilbo investigated by Senate on accepting gifts, Prices on futures drop; small speculators
in U.N. 30 campaign funds from war contractors 30 D 16
caught; OPA removes 120-day rule 11 N 87
Great Britain
Democratic favors Snow tor Governor, Federation of Women’s Clubs in Chicago, p.
Bowles for Senate 5 Ag 26 Production slips; exports 8 Jl 84
1 Jl 23
Baldwin agrees to run for Senate in conference COUDERT, FREDERIC R., JR.
At Indianapolis: Midwest Federation of Syrian
with Clare B. Luce 26 Ag 19 Wins G.O.P. nomination for Congress from
Lebanon clubs; G.A.R. Encampment 2 S 20
G.O.P. nominates Baldwin for Senate, McCon- New York City 2 S 19
Of Student Federalists 16 S 22
z hy for G vernor; John D. Lodge for Rep- New York Republicans at Saratoga Springs; COUGHLIN, JOHN (“BA HHOUSE”)
esentative t eplace Clare B. Luce 23 S 26 Democrats at Albany, p. 16 S 23 Partner Hinky Dink Kenna in Chicago's old
Democrats nominate Snow ffor governor to Veterans of Foreign Wars in Boston, p. 16 S 25 First Ward; sketch 21 O 28
oppose McConaughy 30 S 28 General Convention of Protestant Episcopal COUNCIL OF FOREIGN MINISTERS
CONNOLLY, CYRIL Church in Philadelphia 16 S 69 Paris Conference 11; Byrnes’ dinner for Molo-
Condemned I round, rev. 29 Jl 95 United Electrical Workers in Milwaukee 23 S 24 tov; agree to withdraw troops from Italy,
CONOVE HARRY 8. Of United Mine Workers in Atlantic City 14 Bulgaria 1 Jl 26
Marries Candy Jones 15 Jl 79 O 25 Byrnes protests veto; transfer Italian communi-
CONSCRIPTION See_indiv id ial countries Of American Legion in San Francisco; Brad ties to France, Dodecanese to Greece 8 i 27
Armed services—Conscription ley’s speech 14 O 27 Agreement on peace conference, p. 15 Jl 27
CONSOLIDATED C-99 See under Airplanes A.F.L. convention in Chicago; leaders; resolu Molotov, Byrnes, Bevin compromise on inter-
CONSOLIDATED STEEL CORP. tions 21 O 25 nationalization Trieste 15 Jl 33
Accepts U.S. Steel sale offer for; stock jumps Of Telephone Workers in Denver 25 N 25 Molotov blocks discussion of Austrian peace
30 D 73 CORPORATIONS treaty; achievements, cartoon 22 Jl 75
CONSOLIDATED VULTEE AIRCRAFT See also individual companies Molotov submits German reconstruction plan;
CORP. Associated Magazine Contributors, I: writers rejects counter-proposals on zonal unification
Produces XB bomber; building military trans- buy out first stock issue 1 Jl 46
port model C-99, commercial model 37 1 J177 First Boston Corp. absorbs Mellon Securities Big Four draft of peace treaties, settlements 29
Lockheed Aircraft merger; Aviation Corp. con Corp. 8 Jl 88
trol, chart 7 O 87 Investigation of Erie Basin Metal, network ot Start sessions in New York 11 MN 30
CONSOLIDATED XB-36 Sce« inder Airplanes 16 corporations 15 Jil 20 Agreement on minor Italian treaty matters; ta
CONSTABLE, JOHN Congress approves $67 million for government bles Trieste issue 18 N 31
Paint Hay-Wain in Chicago exhibit, r. 28 corporations 29 Jl 15 iscussion of Yugoslav-Italy
indary d ; \
\ 32
() “Collapsible corporations” of independent mov
CONSTELLATION = Sex Airplanes Lockheed 1 1 gal tax dodge 5 1 rait treaties of Molotov’s concessions,
Constellation ‘ ids on ‘I st 5 N 29
CONSTITUTION See Airplanes—Lockheed Con 9 other th Considers restricting U.N. veto; ‘‘majorization”
stitution fabric makers; co1 i wi 5 Ag 86 D 29
CONSTRUCTION See Building Indust: Republic Steel’s nus of $51,000 to Girdler; \ mplishments, compared to London; Molo-
CONSUMER COOPERATIVES See Coopera st lle tests, upheld by court 19 Ag s concessions on Trieste, Danube 9 D 27
tives Reports f first half of 1946; effect of strikes \greements on treaties; to meet in Moscow,
CONSUMER CREDIT See Credit l excess profits tax; reserves, tax March 10 16
D 29
CONSUMER GOODS credits ) 81 Closes New York mecting; Molotov complains
Price trend when OPA controls end 8 Jl 81 1al Theatres Corp. incentive stock plan 19 U.S. press ‘‘one-sided,” p. 23 D 23
OPA raises ceilings; items listed 81 COUNTESS MARA, INC,
LA, Production it ase; CPA repor rican Research and Development Corp. pool Exclusive necktie shop; success 2 D 92
pe CPA | t or roduction level of venture capital 19 Ag 84 COURTLEY, LTD.
Demand I r eX] tation; 1] Los Angeles ll shows public’s misconception Merges with Warner combine; perfume mer
of earnings, t 6 Ag 81 chandising 9 S 88
yood Canada American Anglo-Transvaal Corp. formed to fi COURTS
Production hit |} steel strike 23 S 41 nance South Af: n istry and mining Redin acquitted of espionas charge; thanks
Russia 6A 90 jury for fair trial, p. 29 Jl 19
Items on cooperative stores plan; clothing, uten New T n iu Ket ] ib » 77 San Diego court throws out Boyington’s suit
l re 39 01 compan 10W ts i nder last year; against Mrs. Malcolmson, p. 2 S
New York Times survey; 146, 1919 chart Federal judge reverses verdict in A. & P. anti
Contests 0S 87 trust case 7 O 93
s offer prize trip for Cindy lyrics Aviation C cor t tructure Consoli- Trial of Negroes in Mink Slide race riots;
t V ultee-Lockhe er; Emanuel’s op j selection 14 O 29
ize for ugliest “‘Lena the Hy itior « © 8 Lexington, M trial of five white men for
quart nings re ts 4 N 94 murder of Negro; judge frees two, jury ac
Al 1s-calet contest in Tokyo; abacus wins, f-tl fer stock split quits others 4 N 25
rram 25 N 35 000 to 9 ewis trial for contempt of court; defense
CONTINENTAL AIR LINES fob Hoy 1 f corp escape Judge Goldborough’s ruling on legality of in
D with Sears Roebuck for cargo service 15 high | m tax 18 junction 9 D 21
] 8 Federat nt St option Manhattan court rules Memoirs of Hecate
CONTINENTAL, INC. J) County obscene book; Justice Perlman dis-
Robert E. Fulton Jr.’s enterprise; to produce Nathar rt on profit hows industry can pay sents 9 D 25
“Airphibian” 18 N 90 va ase; case tor cor] tions D 17 Trial of Lewis; U.M.W. fined $3,500,000, Lewis
CONTOUR PLOWING See Plowing tPSES $10,000; sentence 16 D 22
COCKE, ELLIOT D. ing technique to preserve body of Lenin nions file suits against industries for back
Survey of Army psychoneurotics; All but Thee 9 Jl 83 portal-to-portal pay 16 D 90
ind Me 25 N 80 CORRESPONDENTS See Press International
COOKS AND COOKING CORTES, HERNANDO Jackson to close Nurnberg trials; ties up Ger-
ike in London’s West End hotel » p. 21 O 33 Remains found in wall of abandoned church in U man public opinion with war crimes 5 Ag 31
Ne cooking method with radarang 28 O 66 Mexico City 9 D 4: Congress accepts jurisdiction of Worl d i
nion; coo ER, JOHN &. COTEAU, JEAN Court 12 Ag 16
Republican Senator from Kentucky, p. New ballet Nurnberg tribunal sentences top Nazis, 11 to die,
Red 3 acquitted; sentences pronounced by Sir Geot
CASTING, INC. Swiss e Argentina
Goes out of business, clients switch to Hocper orphans, p. 29 Jl 52 Peronist press demands impeachment of four Su
S 96 CORUM, MARTENE W. (“BILL’’) preme Court justices 22 Jl 44
COOPERATIVE COMMONWEALTH FED- To broadcast World Series; style, p. 7 O 83 Canada
ERATION Sce Canada Political conditions; CORWIN, EDWARD 58. Murder trial of Evelyn MacLean Dick, in Ham
tchewan To retire from Princeton 15 Jl ilton, Ont. 28 O 46
COOPERATIV Ss COSMETICS Ontario court voids youth’s murder convict
Gasp fisherm n’s co-op success, p. 9 S 42é William Nassaur merges Courtley, or st ng man; confession forced 2 D 40
’s plan to encourage, offset monopoly of Warner combine: takes over Hudnut’s To- ( mel A. L. Johnson wins test case on veter
te stores 25 N 39 ronto plant 9 S 88 reemployment law 2 D 4
Antigonish Movement in Nova Scotia; result Revlon’s ad campaign for Ultra Violet lipstick -rta’s Supreme Court s ‘
Dr. Coady’s adult study groups 25 N 44 and nail polish 23 S 9% } i ’ unconstitutional 30 D
Premiére of Thirc Symphony 28 O 55 Nuclear | ‘ists plan to ex i smashin Artist wins claim to unfinished works held by
CORD CORP. 22 Ji « ler’s heirs 22 Jl 50
Victor Emanuel’s deal; control; name change COSTA RICA l f landin; defense;
70 90 Revolt fanned | nflict over ] s ny; verdict Ag 3
COREY, STEPHEN M. 8 Jl rial of French Admirals stalled by strike of
Report on education for talent 1 ve tl D 72 COSTIGAN, HOWARD Communist jurors 12 Ag
CORFU STRAIT Fights for Democratic nomination for Congress Germany
British ships fired on by Albanians, crippled by in Seattle; involved Roosevelt family 8 Jl 25 U.S. reverses decision on Berliner killing
Loses primary election 22 Jl 19 OMGUS stenographer’s dog for food 11 N 34

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Spruchkammern to try Von Papen, Fritsche, CROCODILE (PERIODICAL) Guatemala

Schacht 23 D 27 Russian weekly jibes at shortcomings of Five- British banknote salesman offers to print map
Great Britain Year Plan; reports embezzlement 2 S 28 of on British Honduras currency 29 Jl 39
Trial of Neville Heath murderer; press protests CROPS Sce Agriculture Hungary
nsorship of photo h 14 O 78 CROSBY, BING Inflation; pengé at 38 trillion to U.S. dollar
I loses libel suit ist Advertiser 9 D 34 Pays off 1924 debt of $11.04 to college class- 1 Jl 31
Italy mate 15 Jl 48 Over-inflated pengé withdrawn; “index pengd”’
Rritish sentence to death Mackensen, Maeltzer Terms of radio contract with Philco 19 Ag 70 replaces 22 Jl 36
Ardeatine Caves reprisal killings; Kessel- Buys interest in Pittsburgh Pirates 19 Ag 64 Sweden
Kappler, witnesses 9 D 29 In Blue Skies, rev.; dances with Fred Astaire, Value of krona raised 14% 22 Jl 79
Russia p. 14 O 103 CURRENT AFFAIRS
Last enemies of Soviet civil war convicted after New show transcribed; effects 30 D 82 Time's test back in magazine 14 O 113
Moscow trial 9 S 34 show CROSBY, CORNELIA, T. CURRY, JOHN 8.
Yugoslavia Death at 93; Maine guide 25 N 100 Death of 9 S 92
M lovich’s defense in collaborationist trial; CROSBY, JOHN CURTIS PUBLISHING CO.
sentence d to be shot, p. 22 Jl 33 Herald Tribune radio column syndicated; sam- Reorganizes staff of Holiday 8 Jl 48
I of Archbishop Stepinac in Zagreb auditori- ple criticisms, p. 5 Ag 61 CURTISS-WRIGHT AIRCRAFT CORP.
im; rebukes court 14 O 35 Attacks unintelligent radio censorship 19 Ag 70 Rear Admiral Lawrence Richardson becomes ex
COURTS-MARTIAL CROSSLEY, ARCHIBALD M. ecutive assistant to president 12 Ag 82
Ot Captain Garsson; May’s plea to Eisen- Measured radio audiences for Cooperative Anal- CUSTOMS DUTY See Tariffs
Ag 24 ysis of Broadcasting Inc. 30 S 96 CYANIDE, POTASSIUM See Potassium Cyanide
I hfic trial; mild sentence for Kilian; trial a CROSSMAN, RICHARD CYPRUS
travesty; Army policy questioned 9 5 25 Rebuked by Attlee for anti-Bevin move; on U.S. British hold intercepted Jewish refugees in
COUVADE See Rites and Ceremonies economic confusion 9 D 33 camp near Famagusta 19 Ag 37
Represents France at Council of Foreign Min- Exposé of beatings at Colorado boys’ reforma- Relativity interferes with higher speed atom
isters in New York 11 N 31 tories; case of Anthony Lombardi 30 S 26 smashing; FM device to control 22 Jl 65
Smashes world’s walking record on British track Predicts G.O.P. President in 1948 16 S 23 Klement Gottwald, Premier; Fierlinger Vice
8 O 69 Book censorship board in Memphis 11 N 28 Premier; Cabinet changes; Masaryk remains
Mexico South; the Isthmus of Tehuantepec: European priests, laymen make peace pilgrimage Recovery of Bata enterprises in Zlin; national
rev.; painting, r. 18 N 38 to Vezelay, France; St. Bernard preached ization; Jan A. Bata protests 15 Jl 84
COWAN, LOU ; Second Crusade, p. 29 Jl 56 Jachymov spa closed to foreign patients; report
Produced new radio program Fighting Senator; CRUTCHLE V. A. C. Russian scientists at uranium mine 5 Ag 30
success with Quiz Kids, p. 12 Ag 70 sritish Admiral under Turner; failure to ap- LaGuardia greeted at airport with glass of beer,
OWBOYS ; praise Jap action at Savo Island 19 Ag 25 comment 19 Ag 31
Wild-cow milking contest at 61st Calgary Stam- CRUZEN, RICHARD H. Father Tiso puppet president of Slovakia tried
pede, p. 22 Jl 40 To command Navy Task Force 68 in Antarctic for treason 16 D 37
- OWLE, WILLIAM C. : expedition 18 N 30
Deal with Sultan of Sulu for British North CUBA
Borneo Company, p. 1 Jl 35 U.S. signs two-year contract for sugar crop;
OWLES, GARDNER (“MIKE”), JR. price increase 22 Jl 79
Crime wave; Senator’s son killed; Grau places Independent column “Roving with Dadswell’
Divorced by wife; publishing interests 9 S 92 sketch, p. 9 D 49
Takes over as editor of Look, p. 9 D 47 police under Army 23 S 37
Government to take price increase on sugar; DAHL, FRANCIS W.
OWS See Cattle Dahl’s Boston, rev.; Boston Herald cartoons,
~awAOX, JOHN R. f planters protest; demonstration in Havana, p.
4N 78
Painting Wheat wins Carnegie Annual popu- 28 O 44
larity prize 16 D 67 International regatta off Morro Castle at Ha- }
vana 9 D 80 Bulletin on rain damage to Britain's harvest
= ‘RAFTS 23 S 30
Of Ancient Peru_ revived by Truman Bailey; CUGAT, XAVIER
Sued by dress shop for purchases made by Lor- DAILY MAIL (LONDON
workshop, p. 1 Jl 36 Leftist Frank Owen ns staff; shift in e torial
Index of American Design at National Gallery; raine Allen, p. 1 Jl 42
Contract for symphonic concert tour; to feature policy, columns, excerpts 22 Jl 60
WPA artists’ sketches 12 Ag 59 DAILY WORKER
RANES (BIRDS) f ‘ Latin Suite; sketch, p. 29 Jl 43
Wife divorces 14 O 98 Notice of expulsion of Ruth McKenn Richard
Whooping cranes at Aransas Wildlife Refuge; Bransten from Communist Party 2 5
Audubon study, p. 2 D 98 CUIDAD TRUJILLO See Dominican Republic
Statement on expulsion of Dunne trom C¢ mimu
a RAPSHOOTING nist Party 7 O 24
Psychic game, Psychokinesis 19 Ag 95 New columnist on N.Y. Post 7 O 74
RAWFORD, RALSTON Explains Colonel Pass
bstract paintings of Bikini tests Bikini Blast, See also Religious Cults
Theosophical Society founded by Madame Blavat- planned anti-Comm
r. 9 D 61
sky; Priestess of the Occult, rev. 11 N 78 DALE, LAURA A.
CRAWFORD, RICHARD B. Experiment in Psychokinesis 19 Ag 9
Sues ABC Bride and Groom program 28 O 82 Existentialism declines in Paris; new cults,
Lettrists, Sensorialism 2 D 31 DALI, SALVADOR
~ REDIT Illustrates Cellini’s Autobiograph drawing of
B si Treasury problem of unfreezing $750 CULTURE AND LIFE (PERIODICAL)
Attacks Shostakovich’s Ninth Symphony as lack- salamander, r. 26 Ag 44
illion Argentine credit 8 Jl 40 Illustrations for Macl Lad Macbeth, 1
Vardaman tells Morris Plan bankers Federal in ideolos 14 O 36
Criticizes Tass news dispatches 2 D 64 9D 11:
Reserve controls may end; Eccles defends DAMS
MVA project; progress on Republican, Cherry
Son installment buying restrictions lifted 25 Revealed as fraud company in Senate investiga-
N89 tion; Congressman May involved 15 Jl 20 Creek, others; 107 dams, map 29 Jl 18
Olmos Dam holds against heavy rains, floods at
CRICKET y San Antonio 7 0 26
Playlet Santa Claus: a Morality, rev. 23 D 91
Australian team beats English in Sydney 30 Mexico
D 3) Aleman’s program; Lazaro Cardenas, Papaloa
Announces increase in first-class fares 8 Jl 82
Rio del Fuerte,
yee also individual crime; Prisons and Prison- ects; U.S. to share cost 23 D 38
\dministers British policy in Palestine crisis, p.
War crimes 6 Ag 26 DANA PERFUMES, INC.
youth spared as electric chair fails to Order for deportation of Jewish refugees to Speat $2 million on passion ad for
function; court to decide on execution 15 Jl 22 Cy t
prus upheld by Palestine Supreme Court;
25 N 92
New York police shoot gunmen, killers in res- reverses ban 9 D 29 DANCE BANDS See Bands
taurant holdup, p. 22 Jl 21 CURLEY, JAMES M. DANCE HALLS
Robbery, rape by G.l.s overseas; Eichelberger Claims ship tattooed on back 7 O 47 Karzas expands Midwest ballroo
ippeals to men in Japan 22 Jl “a cess in Chicago, p. 30 D 76
Pigeon’s Revenge,”’ cartoon from Dahl’s
Heirens confesses to 24 burglaries, 3 murders; Boston, rev. 4 N 78 DANCING
of Suzanne Degnan Jil CURRAN, JOSEPH Mary Wigman reopens modern dance school;
ony Strallalla;
; Lux
: gambling ship
1 off Los An- Reelected N.M.| president; loses fight to oust years under Nazis, p. 26 Ag 61
ele irged wit criminal conspiracy 19 Communists 29 Jl 16 T hit tu Adios Pampa Mia in Rio; re
N.M.| sreat Lakes strike; demands pla sambas
9 S 96
6 Ag 20 ] Ne revue of Katherinew Dunham,
New York Times against identifying criminals CURRENCY
Negroes 19 A rev., ( ean dances, p. N 67
Internat le cy war threatens; nations
oO mu r indictment Dillinger dis ittempt t x flation 22 Jl 79 American square dance introduced in Nagasaki,
gO 5x Japan by A.M.G. director D 3¢
Silver f lation by U.S. move
rhugs hold up New York delicatessen store; to increase price 29 Jl 75 Ballet
U} nian U.N. d at t; oth crimes Conferer n W Monetary Fund members Serge Lifar hissed by London audien n p
pledge no revaluations 14 O 89
form nce of Afternoon 1 Faun, p.| 8 Jl 92
St enville, QO. ministers off« to form vice Monetary F i fixes exchange rates of 32 na- Ballet Russe at Metropolitan; new numbers;
I sville laymen work f penal re tions in move to stabilize trade 30 D 77 Youskevitch feature ballerino 14 O 70
is 23 D 68 Facsimile new Ballet Theater Gail Nora
Brazil Dollar revalued at par in inflation control plan Kaye ballerina Fancy Free 4 N 5¢
( violer ; boy cuts out girl’s heart; Iva Kitchell Carnegie Hall success; mimics Bal
15 Jl 40
( le t » convene in Rio 1 Jl 36
Rise to U.S. dollar parity; effect on newsprint
let Russe, Martha Graham, p D 7
Canada shipments 19 Ag 38 Cocteau’s Death and the Young Man Paris
\t mb stock swindle in Montreal 8 Jl 42 Peo in Detroit make profit on postal orders Serge Lifar acclaimed at Salle Pleyel 9 D 76
China ‘ ed in Canada; Wa igton acts Ji 79 Jooss ballet performs The Green Table for U.N
I t ta priest tried on vice charges, Saskatchewan’s CCF Treasurer clears profit on
staff and delegates, p. 16 D 50
live 1 priests N } provincial bond deal in U.S. 29 Jl 34 DANUBE RIVER
Cuba China Hungary asks western powers to press for in
Wa { gangster shootings in Havana; son of Dollar devalued to 3,350 CN
to $1 U.S. 2 § 27 ternationalization 1 J] 31
Senat Martin Saenz killed : od Europe Question of free navigation; Russia blocked Big
Difficulties for tourists; French franc, Italian Four decision 29 Jl 20
lira falling; rumor Switzerland to raise franc U.S. policy on internationalization fails; Rus
Purge of medical, housing racketeers; embezzling
y fe
; 9D 90 sia refused 2 S 15
shop directress » 5
Great Britain Tito fights internationalization 16 S 30
CRIPPS, LADY Paris conference votes 8-to-5 for principle of
Vacationists on Continent evade restrictions on
Head British United Aid to China Fund hon capital withdrawals abroad; Lady Sibyl Stan- freedom; Russia and satellites vote no 14 O 30
ored in Nanking 21 O 39 ley, others, fined 9 S 32 Free trade issue in Rumanian treaty 21 O 29
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)

U.S. to return impounded shipping to Yugo- DE KRUIF, PAUL Schools closed due to coal shortage; homework
slavia, others; Yugoslavia sends bill for dam- Advice on new medical remedies, p. 29 Jl 82 and lectures by radio 9 D 62
nap ages 25 N 29 DE LACY, HUGH DEPARTMENT STORES See Stores
Molotov agrees to freedom of navigation 9 D 27 ——— in Seattle for Democratic nomination DEPRESSIONS See Business and Industry
DANZIG or Congress; Roosevelts involved 8 Jl 25 DEROUNIAN, ARTHUR See Carlson, John R.
llar Wins nomination to Congress 22 J} 19 DE SEVERSKY, ALEXANDER P.
35,000 watch war criminals hung; convicted of
murdering 200,000 Jews, p. 5 Ag 30 DELAWARE STATE SOCIETY FOR MEN- Elected mayor of Asharoken 1 Jl 40
DARDANELLES Sponsors “preventive psychiatry” program in
Russian proposal for direct share in control, re- DETROIT, MICH.
jected by U.S. 2 S 15 public schools 18 N 83 U.S. citizens crowd into Windsor for steak din-
Russian strategy on revision of Montreux Con- DELVAUX, PAUL ners 21 O 42
vention 2 S 22 Painting Temptation of St. Anthony, r.; nudes Hoodlums scar windows of Kosher butcher shops
Turkey rejected Russia’s demands for joint de- draw crowds to Knoedler Galleries 30 S 53 with acid 11 N 25
fense; Soviet’s action, warning 7 O 28 Paintings shown in New York; The Meeting, r.; DEUTSCH, BORIS
Russia’s demands not on Paris agenda, cartoons sketch 30 D 40 Painting wins first prize in Pepsi-Cola show 7 O
DEMEROL See Drugs 67
Russia demanded bases, control in negotiation DEUTSCH, HELENE
with Axis 23 D 26 To replace Varga Girl in Esquire, p. 19 Ag 60 On women’s reaction to painless childbirth in
ex DEMOCRACY Psychology of Women, p. 22 Jl 90
DART, JUSTIN W. Salazar sees “‘citizen’ as 19th Century error 22 DE VALERA, EAMON
President of United-Rexall; sketch, p. 1 Jl 82 Ji 30 Praises British efforts in Europe’s famine 15 Jl
ride DAVENPORT, MARCIA Western-style political parties, constitution in 30
Lists occupational ailments of writers 19 Ag 46 Japan 2 S 27 Striking Dublin schoolteachers demonstrate,
DAVENPORT, WALTER German boys’ clubs organized by G.I.s to teach picket Fianna Fail Party convention 21 O 34
Becomes editor of Collier’s; sketch, p. 22 Jl 59 democratic way of life 7 O 28 DEVINE, MICKEY
DAVIDSON, JO Attlee on Communist Party’s abuse of 4 N 34 Maid wins suit for back pay; hired as bodyguard
om- Amateur politician; chairmanship of I.C.C.A.S.P. DEMOCRATIC PARTY
art career, cov. 9 S 23 during divorce fight 4 N 49
Slaughter’s votes against Truman measures;
machinery in Missouri 1 Jl 24
Vice Sermons at All Souls’ Unitarian Church in DeLacy, Costigan fight for Congressional nomi- Imprisonment; accused of plan for anti-Com-
ains Washington attract crowds; ‘‘radical’’ theol- munist underground; to sue, p. 23 S 33
nation in Washington; Roosevelt family in-
ogy; sketch, p. 7 O 96 volved 8 Jl 25 DEWEY, JOHN
nal Denounces party and cake in shape of atomic DeLacy wins nomination to Congress 22 Jl 19 Marriage to Mrs. Roberta Grant 23 D 22
explosion 18 N 31 Ed Kelly resigns as chairman in Illinois Cook DEWEY, THOMAS E.
port DAVIS, CHARLES H. County; Jake Arvey successor 22 Jl 19 Invokes New York State rent-control law as
}0 Idea for Dover war memorial of Churchill hold- Truman intervenes in Missouri primary cam- OPA expires 8 Jl 20
eer, ing cigar; sketch 30 D 21 paign; attacks Slaughter, endorses Axtell; Gallup poll shows support for presidential candi-
DAVIS, ELLABELLE party rift 29 Jl 13 dacy 29 Jl 16
ried Negro singer acclaimed in title role of Aida in Gallup poll shows decline trend in presidential Attends county fairs, party clambakes; renomi
Mexico City, p. 29 Jl 43 election support 29 Jl 16 nation sure; record 19 Ag 21
DAVIS, GLENN James Roosevelt elected chairman of California Supported Coudert for Congress; with General
In Army-Navy game; to graduate, p. 9 D 78 State Committee; defends party 29 J] 17 Drum, p. 2 S 19
Named “Athlete of the Year’ 30 D 32 Truman in Missouri, backs Axtell, confers with Renominated for Governor of New York; boost
DAVIS, RICHARD H. Pendergast, p. 12 Ag 13 for Drum for Senator fails, picks Irving Ives
U.S. G.I. returns to Stoke, is refused British Primaries in Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky; 16 S 23
citizenship; British people protest 1 Jl 28 McKellar, McCord, May win renomination 12 Gift of toilet seat for executive mansion re-
DAVIS, WILLIAM R. Ag 21 claimed by Tacoma, Wash. donors 21 O 44
Worked with German Government to mediate Primary results in Virginia, West Virginia, Mis- Campaign tour; confident, p. 4 N 23
World War II; Rogge reveals story 4 N 26 souri, Kansas; Byrd, Kilgore renominated; Reelected Governor of New York 18 N 21
DAVIS CUP See Tennis Briggs, Woodring 19 Ag 22 DH-108 See Airplanes—De Havilland DH-108
DAY, CAROLINE New York State; Farley refuses convention
Study of mulatto families, Negroes who passed chairmanship, O’Dwyer accepts 19 Ag 21 A.D.A. meets in Toronto, reports on control of
as white 12 Ag 54 Hannegan’s “‘Hold the line against reaction” 26 new slow-acting insulin; overall death rate in-
vrial DAY, EMILY G. crease 23 S 48
Ag 18
Founded Denver’s Opportunity School; career, Albany convention; Eleanor Roosevelt keynoter; DIAGRAMS See under Drawings
p. 8 Jl 70 nominates Mead for Governor, Lehman for DIAMANTOPOULOS, CIMON P.
har d DAY, LARAINE Greek Ambassador to U.S. dies 16 D 80
Senate, p. 16 S 23
Husband mentions Durocher in answer to di- Truman greets candidates, states only party that DICK, MRS. JOHN
vorce petition 16 D 47 worked for all in U.S. 23 S 21 Found guilty of axe murder of husband in
DDT See Insecticides Campaign to keep control of Congress 23 S 22 Hamilton, Ont.; trial; sketch, p. 28 O 46
DEAFNESS Effect of Wallace-Truman blunder; comments of DICK, WILLIAM F.
rin Radium irradiation to open blocked Eustachian Victim of hitchhikers; $200 stolen 2 D 45
S 33
leaders 30 S 24
tube 30 D 49 Pressure of meat famine; bosses meet, direct DICK, SIR WILLIAM R.
DEAL See Great Britain—Cities and Towns Hannegan confer with Decontrol Board 7 O 21 Statue of F.D.R. in standing position raises
DEATH Senatorial candidates in 14 states; chances of protests; explains 23 D 48
Louisiana youth faces execution in electric defeat, p. 7 O 24 DICKINSON, ROBERT L.
chair; chair fails to function; Supreme Court In Wisconsin expels Bobrowicz, charge Com- Sponsors euthanasia bill in New York State, p.
to decide on facing death twice 15 Jl 22 munist Party member 14 O 27 18 N 70
British surgeon reports anesthesia victims re- Election defeat analyzed; loses big cities to Re- DICTIONARIES
vived by massage exposed heart 4 N 86 publicans; lineup in Congress; governors, car- Of American slang, sell-out in Denmark, Japan;
Arterial transfusion revives profound shock toons 18 N 21 definitions; word coinage 30 D 42
victims; Page-Glasser experiments 18 N 68 Gubernatorial election losses, victories 18 N 28 DIET
“Mercy” killing bill sponsored in New York Big city machines collapse; Ed Kelly in Chicago; Powdered milk-and-egg fed to 92,000 liberated
State by doctors and clergymen 18 N 7 Frank Hague in Jersey; Pendergast in Kansas G.I.s; Dr. Pollack’s report 23 S 50
Deaths of New York: mailman killed City 18 N 29 DIETRICH, OTTO
by woman’s suicide jump 16 D 25 Causes of election defeat; Wallace’s tactics; Manuscript of With Hitler to Ruin, passed
aloa DEATH RATE See Vital Statistics defeatist psychology in campaign 2 D 24 around internment camp 30 S 50
proj DEATH RAYS Eisenhower, possible 1948 presidential candi- DIGBY, EDWARD KENELM, BARON
Prospect for effective weapon with nuclear ra- date; support of C.I.O. noted 2 D 25 Milkman in British village; housewives praise
diation 2 D 99 Ed Kelly capitulates, accepts Kennelly as can service, p. 9 S 32
abu’ DEAUVILLE See France—Cities and Towns didate’ for mayor; Jake Arvey, boss 30 D 17 DILLINGHAM, JAMES B.
DEBATES DEMONS See Secret Societies Death of 9 S 92
Bates College team on British tour loses deci- DENNY, CHARLES R., JR.
sions on issue of capitalism 2 D 72 DIMITROFF, GEORGI
Named FCC chairman; on future of FM and Fatherland Front leader in Bulgaria; campaign
DEBT, PUBLIC See individual countries—Fi- television, p. 16 D 96
nances against opposition 8 Jl 31
DENMARK “Iron broom” purge of anti-Communist army
DECCA RECORDS Daughter born to Crown Prince Frederik and
hool; Representatives meet with Petrillo, forced to officers 16 S 32
Crown Princess Ingrid 9 S 92
accede to wage raise 28 O 24 Faroe Islands elect new parliament; dispute over
DECONTROL BOARD See United States— independence 18 N 34
Death of 2 S 70
ham, On increase; British theory of new strain;
DEER To head new Mellon National Bank & Trust
Hunting season; white-tailed deer plentiful; sea- Co.; sketch, p. 22 Jl 84 slackening of immunization 16 S 48
son in Maine, fatal accidents 9 D 80 DENTISTS AND DENTISTRY
DEFENSES Theory tooth cavities open docr to polio; experi- Son born, 14th child 16 S 98
See also individual countries—Defenses ment with monkeys 12 Ag 89 DIPLOMATS See individual countries Diplo-
Useless in atomic war, notes Baruch; disper- Penicillin lozenges reported cure for teeth in- matic Service
sion of industrial areas, subterranean factories fections 26 Ag 72 DIRAC, PAUL A. M.
93S 31 Navy doctors find poorest teeth in North; Addresses Princeton physicists 7 O 69
Britain plans Anglo-U.S. global defense system fluorine factor in South’s good teeth 7 O 54 DIRIGIBLES
for rocket war, map 4 N 35 Great Britain Surplus Navy ships bought for new sky writing
DEFICIENCY DISEASES Fight National Insurance Ministry in fees for venture; models, p. 28 O 92
Work of Dr. Spies; folic acid remedy for sprue, talse teeth; complete dental care provision of DISARMAMENT
anemia; nicotinic acid cures pellagra 12 Ag 89 National Health Service Bill 23 D 68 Austin voices U.S. support of Russia’s proposal;
DE FOREST, JOHN W. Russia wants international inspection 11 N 29
Volunteer’s Adventures, rev. 21 Jl 99 Stainless steel in bridgework; shortage of porce- U.N. discussion of troop inventories, abolition of
DEGNAN, SUZANNE lain 14 O 36 atomic bomb 9 D 27
Heirens suspected of brutal murder of 29 Jl 18 DENVER, COLO. U.N. discussions; Russia firm against troop cen
Press piays up Heirens as murderer 29 Jl 61 Awarded plaque for safe and sane street traffi sus without survey of armaments 16 D 29
‘rin DE HAVILLAND, GEOFFREY traffic tie-up during award dinner 1 Jl 42 U.N. Assembly resolution on armaments reduc-
Test pilot dies in jet plane explosion 7 O 31 Newspapers deal with newcomers who criticize tion; troop count abandoned 23 D 23
1 Big DE HAVILLAND, OLIVIA Denver manners, speech 2 S 47 DISCIPLES OF CHRIST
Marriage to Marcus Goodrich 2 S 70 Dr. Doreal’s Brotherhood of the White T William Hoover lectureship; Divinity House at
Rus- DE HAVILLAND AIRCRAFT CO. making atomic foxhole in canyon 16 $ University of Chicago, sponsor 25 N 75
Built tailless, jet-propelled DH-108 7 O 31 Papers expose cruelties at Golden reformatory; DISEASES
DE KOCK, GILLES police corruption 30 S 26 See also individual diseases .
le of Scientist to direct South Africa’s war on tsetse Ex-Marine rookie policeman goes berserk in Reported bacterial diseases develop drug resist-
O 30 fly 5 Ag 70 Brown Hotel bar, kills man, p. 14 O 29 ance, sulfa drugs ineffective 15 Jl 94
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Merck outlines U.S. preparations for bacterial DONALD, WILLIAM H. Insulin: isolation by Banting; new slow-acting
warfare, culture of disease germs; plant, cat- Dies in Shanghai hospital; sketch, p. 18 N 33 injections 23 S 48
tle diseases 12 Ag 56 Biographical note, anecdotes, p. (L) 16 D 10 Salicylanilide ointment: cure for scalp ringworm
Infections, diseases cured or arrested by strep- DONNELLY, PHIL M. 30 S 80
tomycin 16 S 55 : Fights union for St. Louis police, p. 9 S 26 Hydrosulphosol treatment for second-degree
Dr. Florence R. Sabin crusades against Colo- Rebukes, disperses veteran bonus seekers at state burns 14 O 51
rado’s high death rate 28 O 78 capitol 7 O 27 Patent medicine prices up 25 N 27
DISEASES, PLANT - DONOVAN, WILLIAM J. Tetraethyl ammonium: nerve-blocking injection
Mosaic disease in tobacco; Stanley wins Nobel Republican boom for nomination to Senate, p. in Buerger’s disease 30 D 49
prize for research 25 N 56 19 Ag 22 Penicillin
DISEASES, TREE . A.F.L. charges anti-labor 2 § 19
Dutch elm disease; DDT spraying 16 D 56 New uses for operations, diphtheria, sinus, heart
DOOLITTLE, JAMES H. disease, anthra mouth infection; weak doses,
DISEASE WARFARE See Bacterial Warfare In Stockholm; comment on rockets 2 S 23 poor results 26 Ag 72
ISHES Penicillin: Its Practical Application, by Sir
Pode rn designs at Minneapolis’ Everyday Art DOPE See Narcotics
Gallery; Wright’s work featured, r. 29 Ji 64 DOREAL, DR. (“ARCHBISHOP”) Alexander Fleming 9 S 64
Emily Post answers Russel Wright on 18th Cen- Founded Denver cult Brotherhood of the White ynthetic; produced by Du Vigneaud biochemical
Temple; sketch, p. 16 S 70 team; radioactive tracer test 18 N 78
tury cups (L) 19 Ag 4 Cure for yaws 2 D 48
Fined, forbidden to publish, sell Memoirs of Sulfa drugs
Studios lay off 450; increased production costs;
new films; animators, p. 12 Ag 86 s Hecate County; to appeal 9 D 25 Bacteria develop resistance 15 Jl 94
Sona of the South on Uncle Remus stories, rev. DOUGLAS, HELEN GAHAGAN Ant?-infection sulfathiazole pills in treatment for
burns 19 Ag 67
18 N 101 bY Delegate to U.N. General Assembly 11 N 30
Promin, diasone, promizole cure leprosy; results
British film critics inhospitable on London visit; DOW CHEMICAL CO.
protest idea for Alice in Wonderland 2 D 31 Develops artificial frost for potatoes 26 Ag 55 at U.S. leprosarium 30 D 49
Asks for Russian royalties due on father’s Sher- United-Rexall to buy Renfro chain in Texas;
DIVINE, FATHER ; Dart’s management 1 Jl 82
Celebrates “spiritual’’ marriage to 21-year-old lock Holmes books 4 N 49
girl, p. 19 Ag 45 7 : ‘
Swiss “heaven” holds meeting in Zurich; on Irish ex-heavyweight arrested in Dublin for Plea for Christian aid to Germany; message to
reincarnation, marriage 14 O 58 striking woman; marriages 30 S 48 sritish occupation forces 19 Ag 74
DIVORCE . DPE See Insecticides
DRAFT See United
for Senate considered by New York
Increase in, 1900-1970, chart 8 Jl 77 ; States—Armed services—
elopement; 1946 divorce Conscription G.O.P., » 2S 19
1939 Herrick-Lowther DRUNKENNESS
rate; one to every three Reports operation on vagus nerve cures stomach See also Alcoholism
In U.S. twice prewar
marriages 23 S 25 ¥-.¥ ulcers 26 Ag 70 Problem Drinkers: Marcu oF Time film, rev ”
p. 8 J1 98
Protestant Episcopal House of Bishops proposed DRATVIN, M. I.
change in canon 23 S 72 Calls for investigation of German Army units in
Italy : British zone 1 Jl 31 Pellets scattered in cloud from plane causes
Move to write divorce law for new Republic; DRAWINGS snowstorm 25 N 57
Christian Family Defense Front, Communists ~ Century Street Scene; clyster tube, r. 1 DUCKS
oppose law 19 Ag 35 660 Truman restrictions on hunting; cuts season,
DOBUJINSKY, MSTISLAV Head of a Girl: by Picasso, shown in Paris, daily bag limit 19 Ag 20
Water colors of Newport houses 9 D 61 gossip on, r. 8 Jl 61 DUGGAN, STEPHEN
DOCTORS ’ : Remington’s black-and-whites ‘on exhibit; Hia- To retire as director Institute of International
A.M.A. disapproves Dr. Fishbein’s campaign watha, The Captive, r. 15 Jl 72 Education; son to succeed, p. 4 N 69
against “socialized” medicine 15 Jl 92 Sketches of American crafts; National Gallery DUMAS, ALEXANDRE
A.M.A. convention in San Francisco; reports collection 12 Ag 59 Manuscript of unpublished novel The Red
on medical progress 15 Jl 92 Zort ae exhibited in Chicago; Shallow, r. Sphinx found in Paris 14 O 46
Doctor’s dilemma in advising patients of fatal 19 Ag 50 DUN, ANGUS, BISHOP
diseases 29 Jl 82 f Thurber’s Psychiatrist and Patient, r. 2 S 73 Hoover lecture on Christian unity 25 N 75
Dr. Walter Alvarez, Mayo diagnostician, on Flage’s sketch of Jane Russell, p. 30 S 53 DUNBAR, RUDOLPH
symptoms of creeping apoplexy 5 Ag 55 Rodin’s on exhibit; Dancing, Flying, r. 21 O 65 Negro conductor leads Hollywood Bowl Sym-
Dr. Tom Spies’ research in deficiency diseases; Renoir Drawings, rev.; The Bathers, r. 11 N 83 phony; sketch, p. 2 S 41
sketch, p. 12 Ag 89 : Picasso’s sketch for Charnel-House, r. 18 N 61 DUNHAM, KATHERINE
Ex-Army psychiatrists charge failure of psy- De Bry engravings of Le Moyne, and White Bal Negre new revue, rev., p. 18 N 67
chiatric techniques in wartime 12 Ag 90. watercolors; Killing Alligators, r. 25 N 49 DUNKERS, CONSERVATIVE See Church of
Shortage of psychiatrists; psychiatry for family Crayons of Lapp life by Nils Skum shown in the Brethren
doctors; psychoanalysts 2 S 73 ; New York; Breaking Camp, r. r. 25 N 49 DUNNE, WILLIAM F.
Victor Porter, company doctor in Colorado min- On Mayan ceremonial vase, r. 9 D 109 Expelled from Communist Party in New York;
ing town; retires; miners honor, p. 2 S 73. Grosz’s The Situation Makes the Man, r. 16 D sketch 7 O 24
Organize Cornelian Corner movement to revive 6) DUPONT DE NEMOURS, E. I. AND CO.
breast feeding 9 S 65 ; ; Moore’s drawings of British bomb shelters; Tube First half earnings report 19 Ag 81
California Physicians Service sets up reciprocal Shelter, r. 30 D 40 DUQUESNE LIGHT CO.
system to offset socialized medicine 11 N 77 Book Illustration Strike for higher wages; Pittsburgh paralyzed;
1,500 New York doctors sponsor ‘“‘mercy” killing Dali drawings for Cellini’s Autobiography; sur- independent union 7 O 2 3
bill 18 N 70 ; es realist salamander, r. 26 Ag 44 DUROCHER, LEO (“LIP”)
Claude Barlow’s fight against schistosomiasis Maria and Lilliputians from Mistress Masham’s Signs new Dodger contract; says McPhail tried
plague in Egypt; snail extermination 9 D 56 Repose, r. 14 O 109 to hire him; with Laraine Day, p. 9 D 42
Women doctors find internships, resident doctor Picasso’s animal drawings for Buffon’s Histoire Hendricks mentions in answer to Lomas Day’s
jobs hard to get; fields limited 16 D 74 Naturelle; Grasshoppers; Horse; Deer, r. 2 divorce petition 16 D 47
Gastric specialists, radiologists conventions 16 D D 53 oo EAST INDIES See Netherlands East
Dali’s illustrations for Macbeth; Lady Macbeth, ndies
Alexander Wiener changes RH baby’s blood, by . > me tee DUTCH ELM DISEASE See Diseases, Tree
complete transfusion, p. 23 D 66 5 : Diagrams DUTRA, EURICO G.
Thomas A. Stanley’s first aid home operation on See also Charts Action to control unrest in Brazil 9 S 40
child’s windpipe 30 D 49 de Extra-atmospheric warfare; weapons 2 S 52 Vargas attacks capitalist democracy 9 D 39
American College of Surgeons meeting in Cleve- Stacking of air traffic 5 Ag 84 DUTY, CUSTOMS See Tariffs
land; new methods 30 D 49 Planetary system, path of rocket, in interplan- DU VIGNEAUD, VINCENT
Great Britain etary travel 21 O 60 Develops synthetic penicillin, p. 18 N 78
B.M.A. votes against National Health Service Addition on abacus 25 N 35 DWYER, WILLIAM V. (“BIG BILL’)
Bill 23 D 68 First uranium pile 9 D 67 Death of 23 D 8&8
Strike in Stockholm government hospital, de- Investigator racetrack fixing 12 Ag 46 First woman deputy to Episcopal General Con-
mand increases, fired 21 O 34 DREAMBOAT See Airplanes—Boeing B-29 vention 23 S 7
Ceded to Greece in Big Four peace treaty draft DRESSMAKERS Truman Bailey revives flower petal dyes of Peru
29 Ji 20 California stylists stage fashion show; Dede 1 Jl 36
DODGE, CHEE, CHIEF OF NAVAJOS Johnson, Zukin, Adrian 23 S 86 E
Pleads for more schools; sketch, p. 12 Ag 42 DRIBERG, TOM EARLHAM COLLEGE
DODGE-CHRYSLER PLANT Column gossip on marriage of Princess Eliza- Thomas E. Jones accepts offer of presidency; en
Lease to Lustron Corp.; Tucker charges NHA beth draws jibes from Laborites 23 D 28 rollment 15 Jl 69
with trick deal 25 N 89 DRINKING Sce Alcoholism; Drunkenness EARTH
DOENITZ, KARL DRINKWATER, TERRELL C. Russian scientist’s theory for remeasurement 22
Sentenced to 10 years at Nurnberg 7 O 30 New president of Western Air Lines, p. 23 D 82 Jl 65
DOG RACING : DRUG ADDICTION Probability of meteor collisions with earth, sun
British crowd at Harringay Stadium protest de- Barney Ross seeks cure at U.S. hospital at Lex- flare-up 5 Ag 72
cision, riot; popularity; betting 5 Ag 66 ington, Ky.; two-part cure; U.S. addiction EARTHQUAKES
DOGS ; , figures 23 S 47 On West Coast; seismologists explain 1 Jl 23
Sheepdog kills 118 sheep in 10 days in Britain’s DRUGS In Caribbean hit Dominican Republic; origin in
North Riding 1 Jl 28 See also Hormones; Narcotics; Serums; Vac- Milwaukee Depth, map, p. 19 Ag 40
Hotel rules against dogs; Mrs. Roosevelt takes cines; Vitamins Reported break in Niagara Falls found to be
Fala to tourist cabin 5 Ag 51 Insulin shock treatment of asthma 1 Jl 66 brontide from earth tremors 30 S 28
Ben, talking dog; conditioned reflex, p. 26 Ag 28 Barbiturates: overdose cause of death, method Tremor in Tuscarora Deep causes tidal wave in
Pet of OMGUS stenographer killed by Berliner of suicide; benzedrine antidote 1 Jl 67 Japan 30 D 24
for food 11 N 34 A.M.A, Journal protests Paul de Kruif’s advice EASTER ISLAND
Colonel McCormick’s dog Lotta runs away, on new remedies in Reader’s Digest; dangers Stone idols, p. 1 Jl 52
tracked down by Tribune reporter 9 D 49 of Demenol, others 29 Jl 82 EASTERN AIR LINES, INC.
Shed wins retriever championship, p. 23 D 63 Prostigmine in treatment of spastics 5 Ag 55 DC-4 collides with Universal plane over Mary-
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC lodophthalein: possible cure in typhoid 5 Ag 56 land 30 D 18
Hit by earthquake, tidal wave; damage to Cuidad Folic acid: remedy for sprue, anemia 12 Ag 89 ECCLES, MARRINER 5S.
Trujillo, p. 19 Ag 40 In treatment of burns, listed 19 Ag 67 Defends Federal Reserve credit controls 4 N 96
Trujillo enlists aid of Communists to appear Heparin frostbite remedy to prevent gangrene ECLIPSES
“‘democratic” 19 Ag 40 26 Ag 74 Artificially effected to study sun 18 N 78
DOMINIONI, CAMILLO CARDINAL Streptomycin: ready for distribution to hospitals; ECONOMIC ADVISERS, COUNCIL OF See
Death of 25 N 100 tests; diseases cured or improved by 16 S 54 United States—Council of Economic Advisers
e) Vol, XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)
— ECONOMICS Journalists in Japan hired on basis of formal Month’s leave of absence; treated for bursitis 16
BAE survey of savings, income, market pros- examination; sample questions; Time used 23 D 48
orm pects 1 JI 77 O 18 EISENHOWER, MRS. IDA 8.
Debt reduction; economics of President’s budget International aspects Death of; funeral in Abilene; sketch; with sons,
gree message 12 Ag 88 | . UNESCO to meet in Paris; U.S. aims; ex- p. 23 S 27
British question building world economy on U.S. change of students, teachers, campaign against EISLER, GERHART | g
stability 23 S 22 illiteracy 11 N 74 Named by Budenz, by sister Ruth F *r, as top
tion Orr’s plan for FAO system to buy surplus crops, Exchange of U.S., British teachers; kinder- Communist in U.S.; sketch, p. 2 29
fix prices 5 Ag 31 garten classes in Kansas City, in London, p. EISTEDDFOD See Rites and Ceremonies
Bear market presages slump; market drop com- 23 D 47 EITINGON MOTTY INC.
eart pared to 1919; stalemate of spiral wage, price Legislation Bankrupt due to overexpansion; loan to aid 30
SES, ceqincrease 30 S 87 i U.S. participation in UNESCO; Fulbright bill ae! . 7 , e
; Declaration of Economic Justice” moral sanc- for war-surplus scholarships; lobbying of EJECTION SEAT See Aircraft Equipment and
Sir tions A for economic
a life
; 28 O 72 a nie} Zook 12ee Ag 45c
A.C.E.’s 7 Parts
Nathan’s report for 1. on wages, profits; Neare ELDER, O. J.
lical economists find flaws 23 17 ae s ‘ q ail s is President of Macfadden Publications launches
ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL OR- sass 7 ene tee 022 Tl leader; Bethune monthly Sport, hires Heyn, editor 2 S 48
GANIZATION See under United Nations ee ee eee ELECTIONS
ECONOMIST (LONDON) . > Scholarships . Views on “‘free voting’’ by Polish Security Police
Britain’s planned economy story ‘“‘Carrot and the American Rhodes Scholarships; survey, choice of chief and Senator Bilbo compared 8 Jl 27
for Stick” 15 Jl 30 candidates1 Jl 64 | ‘ - ‘ De Lacy wins Washington Democratic primary
Attacks Government monopoly of radio 15 Jl 60 Harvard’s National Scholarships to bring = for Congress against Gostigan; ‘Mitchell re-
sults ECTON, ZALES We sterners, balance esthetes 23 S 53 nominated to Senate 22 Jl 19
New Republican Senator from Montana 18 N 26 Stephen Dug gan’s achievement in aponsoring for- Only Negro to vote in Georgia district visited
ECUADOR eign exchange scholarships 4 N 69 _ ‘ by white men, dies of bullet wounds 5 Ag 25
xas; U.S. abandons Galapagos base 15 Jl 45 a to er mg| ane youth for college In McMinn County, Tenn; G. I. Nonpartisan
\ nenmtstes
“— — nt ssen
Assembly nll
elected; one to
swing rig
right 155 48 c
Rhodesg benefits
Scholars 2 chosen;
72 A.V.C.’s E
Bolte, win- Ticke
ha ie :
oe Re count
ee wlth
with auafies
gunfire, ainue
siege of at

e to Velasco Ibarra re-elected President; electors in- ner 23 D 44 . Truman’s candidate Axtell defeats Slaughter in
timidated 2 S 31 . ‘ . , Radio F Missouri primary; cartoon 19 Ag 19
New trade treaty with Argentina 9 S 41 School-of-the-air in Denver; radio programs dur- Primaries in Virginia, West Virginia, Missouri,
York Burham Marijuana ring seized by Guayaquil ing coal shortage 9 D 62 Kansas; Byrd, Kilgore renominated; other
police; sales to U.S. soldiers 14 O 40 ; . Vocational results 19 Ag 22
Springtime; conditions surveyed 11 N 41 American Theater Wing opens theater school for Primaries in Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky;
EDDY, SIR WILFRID EADY show people 22 Jl 66 McKellar, McCord, May renominated 12 Ag 21
rev., Heads British Treasury mission to Argentina, p. Argentina Run-off in Texas nominates Jester for Governor
8 Jl 38 Universities under government control 22 Jl 44 28 18
EDITORS AND EDITING Denmark New York City primary; G.O.P. voters cross off
\uses Walter Davenport becomes editor of Collier’s; People’s High School for adults 15 Jl 69 Marcantonio, Powell; Coudert replaces Bald-
policy, p. 22 Jl 59 France win 2 § 19
Handy of Thomaston (Ga.) Times; editorials on Sale of pirated college entrance exams; Ministry Prospects for G.O.P. Senate; candidates in 14
ason, Talmadge election, on Freedom of Press 5 Ag clerk prosecuted 1 Jl 64 states, listed, p. 7 O 24
90 Germany Gallup poll predicts G.O.P. tide in New York
Margaret Ailshie of Jdaho Statesman; sketch, p. Students’ ideas on Russian control 5 Ag 33 14 O 23
ional 5 Ag 93 U.S. mission reports poor response to democracy Polls show trend to Republican Party; New York
Cartoon editors; buying methods; Williams of training; shortage of teachers 28 O 85 registration shows protest vote 21 O 2
Collier’s, Bailey ot Satevepost 12 Ag 65 Great Britain Governor Martin campaigns for Senate seat;
Red Lenore Kyner, Irena Ingham run Colorado oil 80% leave school at 14; Sir Richard Livingstone possibility of G.O.P. House 28 O 26
boom town News, crusades, p. 9 S 52 sponsors adult education 15 Jl 69 Campaigns; speeches of Mead, Dewey, Martin,
Ken W. Purdy new editor of Parade, p. 7 O 74 Roedean School “‘girls’ Eton” p. 2 D 69 Wallace; Truman silent 4 N 23
Manchester Guardian celebrates 100th anniver- Poland Marcantonio’s campaign in New York; G.O.P.
sary of Scott; Wadsworth carries on policies, University of Lwéw removed to Breslau; stu- opponent Bryan 4 N 25
Sym p. 4 N 75 dents’ problem of learning German 22 Jl 55 Rural papers; indifference to election 11 N 23
Benjamin M. McKelway new editor of Wash- Literacy 50%; teachers’ salaries low 22 Jl 28 Protest vote; 1932, 1946 cartoons 18 N 21
ington Evening Star 11 N 68 Turkey Republican victory; party line-up 18 N 21
Ralph Ingersoll resigns from PM; John P. Lewis Contribution of Robert College; U.S. teachers Arizona, Nebraska, South Dakota, Massachusetts
ch of new editor, p. 11 N 68 to restaff, p. 9 S 59 vote restrictive labor legislation 18 N 23
Sports editors choose All-America football teams; Venezuela Newly elected Senators, Congressmen p. i8 N 25
Grantland Rice’s line-up 16 D 53 Campaign against illiteracy 11 N 40 Results of gubernatorial elections; comments on
York; Geoffrey Parsons Jr. editor of postwar European EDWARDS, CHARLIE Democratic defeat 18 N 28
edition New Yo levald Tribune 30 D 54 Negro impostor arrested in Los Angeles; sketch, Democrats’ big city machines defeated; in Chi
ib EDUCATION » 11 N 26 cago, Kansas City; Hague loses in New Jersey
Equivalency certificates substitute for high school EGUINO, JORGE 18 N 29
diplomas 29 Jl 5 3olivian police chief shot and hanged by mob 69 of 183 veterans elected to Congress; no sign
yzed; Oxford’s Livingstone states views in Atlantic 7 O 40 of bloc 18 N 29
Monthly 15 Jl 69 EGYPT World reaction to Republican gains 18 N 31
Professor of Education propagandizes teachers’ Report of Bevin promising sovereignty of Sudan; Teheran radio misinterprets Republican victory;
tried sill of ts; cites cost v. U.S. liquor bill Britain denies 4 N 35 reports Communists gain control 18 N 31
2 5 Ag 75 Schistosomiasis plague; Barlow’s research, snail Effect on U.S. economy appraised; stock market
Day’s 725 World War II veterans in school or extermination 9 D 54 drop 18 N 87
b training; applications 5 Ag 76 EHRENBURG, ILYA Democrats appraise causes of defeat; poor cam-
East Work of A.C.E., George Zook; lobbying meth- Report on U.S. tour; protests press campaign paign psychology 2 D 24
ods; National Commission on Higher Educa- against Soviet, p. 81 Jl 48 Brazil
e tion; legislation 12 Ag 45 Journaiism attacked by Lippmann; Nation pro Council elections in Rio; 14 parties 30 D 27
U.S. m of f shift from tests c ism of U.S. 15 Jl 50 Bulgaria
Europe’s universities 1¢ Summarizes U.S. trip in Izvestia 29 Jl 40 get two ballots, for Monarchy, for Re-
Conant’s view as social process: Harvard’s pro- EICHELBERGER, ROBERT L. moral support of Red Army 16 S 3:
gra S Appeals to G.I.s in Japan on conduct 22 Jl 22 wr Republic; King Simeon prepares for
Of px e, W to in e societ Hutchins for Praises Army conditions in Japan (L) 5 Ag 12 exile 23 S 3:
adult educati OS ¢ EINFELD, CHARLIE Fatherland Front victory; Communist campaign
Bart s Aristotle precept to U.S. education Ent Pr a “‘collapsible corpora- tactics; Byrnes’ protest 4 N 39
30 S ¢ ti ; illeg: odge, p. 5 Ag 82 ‘ Canada
Learning-by-hearing new fad for children’s re- EINSTEIN, ALBERT CCF Gibson wins Saskatchewan by-election 8 Jl
Con- ce ngs; inswer series 7 O 80 Urged start <« atomic research; Theories 4.
Verbosit ‘ il periodicals criticized by ot Relativity; 1, cov. 1 Jl 5: Liberals defeated in Quebec Pontiac by-election;
Brick 4 Aids founding liberal arts university 2 S 63 Soci: editer Caouette won; 30 S 47
fF Peru Isaiah Bowman advises Johns Hopkins beginners EINSTEIN, ALBERT, FOUNDATION FOR Liberal ated in Toronto-Parkdale, Portage
log HIGHER LEARNING la Prairie by-elections; swing to right 28 O 46
U.S. Office of Edu ! msors literacy proj- To raise $6 million, endow university 2 S 63 Chile
ect for adult N es O EIRE Gonzalez Videla new President, p. 4 N 42
vy: en Coeducation in coll lisapproved by two lead- De Valera praises British efforts to aid Euro- Ecuador
. ing educators of women 4 N 69 pean food shortages 15 Jl 30 Constituent Assembly elected; swing to right;
Education for genius; National Cx ission for Applies for U.N. membership; black-balled by Socialists, Liberals boycott 15 Jl 45
ent 22 Identification of Talented Youth 2 D 72 Russia 19 Ag 30 Velasco Ib a re-elected President; Conservative
Adult Legend of island city sunk off Connemara; Gal- electors intimidated 2 S 31
h. sun Denver’s Opportunity School 8 Jl 70 way fishermen “‘see city reappear’ 16 D 34 France
: Oxford’s Livingstone for a reconditioning school; EISENHOWER, DWIGHT D. Coming referendum on new constitution; vote
Denmark’s People’s High School 15 J! 69 Eisenhower's Own Story of the War, rev. p. 1 distribution 14 O 34
23 Hutchins plans use of Encyclopaedia Britannica Ji 25 Vote for 14th Constitution; by departments 21
igin in _and films 30 S 67 — 5 On fishing trip in Wisconsin with brothérs, p. _O 34
Nova Scotia study clubs organized by Dr. Coady; 29 Jl 40 Communists in lead; gair 0 Assembly seats;
to be result in co-ops 25 N 44 On official Latin American tour; visits Puerto Socialists lose |} ily 18 N 34
Lowell Institute Cooperative Broadcasting Coun- Rico 12 Ag 39 85,000 electors to elect Council of the Republic
rave in cil; learned lectures N Reception in Rio; hand kissed by Brazilian voters protest complexity; 28% abstain;
Einstein’s University Deputy, p. 19 Ag 45 M.R.P. leads 2 D 30
U.S. Jews found university in Waltham, Mass.; In Scotland; honored by University of Edin- Germany
Middlesex campus 2 S 63 burgh; godfather Lord Tedder’s son; guest of Russians demand plebiscite vote in Saxony elec-
Endowments Royal Family, p. 14 O 46 tion for Nazi property transfer; 8 Jl 30
Mary Yaleman Harkness gave Harvard houses on European inspection trip; reception, honorary de- Russian efforts to control pending zonal elections;
Charles River 23 S 58 gree from Cambridge; talks to _ soldiers; re lations; issues 9 S 30
Kenyon College opens drive for over $2 million speeches p. 28 O 25 val elections; limited victory of Russian
tN 96 14 O 85 To resign as Chief of Staff; succeeded by Bradley sponsored SED-Socialist Unity Party 16 S 30
Examinations 4 N 30 Berlin elections to be supervised by four powers
France’s college entrance; pirated advance copies Addresses C.I.O. convention; denies political 21 O 35
IF See 1 jl 64 ambition, p. 2 D 25 Berlin’s municipal elections, SED beaten, Social
sers Multiple-choice _ mechanical aptitude tests of Voted ‘‘Most Exciting Man of 1946’ by school- Democrats win; Sedists’ campaign stunts, p.
C.E.B.; sample; factory 18 N 84 girls’ club 2 D 45 28 O 39
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Great Britain ELWES, SIMON Final report on Russian spy probe; 17 Soviet
Labor Party’s limited victories in Bexley; by- Artist to restore Fountains Abbey as monastery, Embassy officials recalled 29 Jl 34
elections; Churchill campaigned, p. 5 Ag 34 retreat, p. 30 S 32 ESQUIRE
Labor victory in municipal elections; gains 159 EMANUEL, VICTOR Low prices for gag panel cartoons 12 Ag 65
local seats 11 N 33 Aviation Corp. management; mergers; financial De Mers Willis girl to replace Varga girl, |
Laborites win two by-elections; 2 D 32 deals; sketch, cov. 7 O 87 19 Ag 60
Royalist victory in plebiscite expected 9 S 29 Special technique used to preserve body of Lenin
Decisive majority for return of King George; a after autopsy 29 Jl 83 ESTIME, DUMARSAIS
vote against Communism 16 S 30 EMBRYOS Elected President of Haiti 26 Ag 34
Italy Growths found in cancer of testes in G. I. 16 ESTONIANS
Municipal; Communist-Socialist coalition wins; D 74 18 refugees arrive in Miami on Linda 7 O 27
Common Man Party second 25 N 39 EMPLOYMENT Refugees in Miami are refused entry to U.S. 28
Labrador House votes to return U.S. Employment Service O 25
First election; Newfoundland cutter polling to states 22 Jl 18 ETCHINGS See Drawings
ooth; qualified voters 19 Ag 38 Growth, peacetime expansion in Cleveland 2 ETHER
Mexico = Ji 23 Theory of, in physics 1 Jl 54
Aleman claims victory; Padilla charges fraud Estimated 56,740,000 at work; manpower short- Centennial of first use as surgery anesthesia
15 Jl 45 age 5 Ag 82 O 76
Aleman elected president; Padilla dsops fraud In U.S. passes 60 million, rising 19 Ag 19 ETHNOLOGY
charges; honest election 29 Jl 36 At 58 million; 2 million unemployed 7 O 93 Handbook of South American Indians, Vol 1,
Nicaragua — International Trade and Employment Conference The Marginal Tribes, rev. 23 D 50
Set f February; Somoza will not run, favors Preparatory Committee meets in London 28 ETIQUETTE
Arguello; opposition, Aguado 23 S 38 O 33 Books on, Learning How to Behave 9 D 116
Peru T.W.A. layoffs to reach 3,400 due to over-ex- EUROPE
Apra party gains House seats in congressional pansion, pilots’ strike 9 D 87 Balance of power major peace issue; Russian
by-election 15 Jl 45 Layoffs due to coal strike; in railroads, steel dominance, map 29 Jl 20
Poland plants, all industries 9 D 87 Cultural conference of intellectuals at Geneva 23
U.S. note on free-elections, excerpt; supported Canada S 28
by Britain; Warsaw resents 2 S 22 : Jobless youths joining U.S. Army through con- Churchill pleads for a United States of Europe
Government’s moves to prevent free elections; nivance of Toledo draft board 21 O 42 to save culture, maintain peace 30 S 29
Catholic Church urges vote against Com- Howe reports full employment; optimistic on Reports: “Europe’s Life’ by Sargeant; “Eu-
munists 9 D 32 future 2 D 40 rope’s Death” by Hutchinson; ‘“Europe’s
Rumania EMPLOYMENT SERVICE See United States Hope” by Niebuhr 21 O 29
U.S.,. British warnings on free election; new Employment Service Pictorial review Lost Treasures of Europe, rev
lists favor Soviet-supported candidates 7 O 34 ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA p. 4 N 63
Government parties get 84% vote, 348 of 414 Adult education projects; to publish 63-volume
Prospects for summer travel; American Express
Parliament seats; corruption 2 D 32 Great Books; history 30 S 67 plans tours 9 D 8&8
Penicillin cure 26 Ag 72 EUTHANASIA
Heavy vote in first free election; Inénii’s Peo-
ple’s Party remains in power; 29 Jl 29 ENEMAS New Yo doctors and clergymen sponsor bill;
Uruguay Histor y . ] r craze of 17th Century, d., provisions; protests 18 N 70
Parties, presidential candid ates; Berreta favored colonic irrigat’.n 1 Jl 6¢ British mill worker, kills deformed im
over Herrera 25 N 4 ENGINES daughter 2 D 32
See also Aircraft equipment and parts Nuba tribe’s live burial 30 D 23
Tomas Berreta elected President 2 D 38
Venezuela Naval researcl lear-powered marine units EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN
Rémulo Betancourt Provisional President; liberal 29 Jl 68 CHURCH
landslide; control fraud 4 N 42 ENGLISH CHANNEL New denomination result of merger D a

ELECTIONS, UNION See Unions Jerrocta attempts to swim, gives up 19 Ag 64 ASM

A report on June production; items listed 5 American sl: craze in Denmark, Japan; dic- 19 Ag 24
Ag 8 tionaries; word coinage 30 D 42 EVANS, BERGEN
ELECTRICAL WORKERS See United Elec- ENGRAVINGS See Drawings Natural History of Nonsense, rev. 7 O 114
trical Workers ENOLA GAY See Airplanes Boeing B-29 EVATT, HERBERT V.
ELECTRIC POWER ENTOMOLOGY Proposal on Spain, protests Gromyko’s veto 8
MVA project under way; to provi million Life of the Army ant; Schneirla’s report 2 S 52 Ji 28
kw. additional hydro-electric power 29 Jl 18 ENZYMES pokesman for small nations at
Strike at Pittsburgh’s Duquesne Light Co.; Sumner and Northrop win Nobel prize; urease against Russian domination 12 A
offices, stores closed 7 O 23 isolated 25 N 56 EVERSHARP, INC.
NACA seeks block of power for supersonic wind EPIDEMICS New ball pen; radio idvertising 21 O
tunnel project 14 O 80 Threadworm threatens southern Mexico 8 Jl 64
strike; union votes EVOLUTION
Cost of Pittsburgh power Typhus and plague invade U.S. 22 Jl 90 Mutations from radiation Muller’s experiments
return to work 28 O 25 Year’s polio 54% greater than 1945; efforts to 11 N 96
t Britain abate 5 Ag 55
present control 29 Jl 23 EXCHANGE
To be nationalized; Typhoid in Detroit; traced to carrier, member of
ors of rationing cen i by Shinwe 1
Ladies Aid Society 5 Ag 56 pengos 1
Spain Polio in Minneapolis; 290 cases; Fun at Home
Cut off in Madrid; lack of dynamos 30 D 21 Currency war; ]
radio programs 12 Ag 69 Rise of Canada’s dollar to U.S. dollar parity 19 FP
ELECTRIC SHOCK See Shock Polio worst since 1916; 5,622 cases; The Chal-
Ag 38 :
lenge of Polio, rev. 19 Ag 68 Chinese dollar F)
Lionel Corp. runs 16-pa catalogue as ad in Scalp ringworm in Hagerstown, Md.; trace to
Liberty SN 9 imports, prices
barbershop 30 S 78 Difficulties for t F)
‘TROCUTION Doctors anticipate flu epidemic; mass innocula-
youth descri ri Italian 1 1 fallingf 9
tion at Yale with new Army vaccine 7 O 50 International Monetary Fund fixes rates of
hair function 15 fails to Jl 1946 polio record; cases; four-year total 11 N 76
ROENCEPHALOGRAPH See Medicine nations 30 D 77
Inst ts and Equipment Protestant Episcopal Church
Hangman Pierrepont
to teach hum: ne system in Austria 30
on business tour of E
Physicists 1 rt experiments with; wave ‘“‘in- Found Vanport Center College in Oregon ship-
terference”’ pattert Ji 79 EXISTENTIALISTS
yard city; sketch, p. 29 Jl 51 Writer Ventenon found murd« 1 near P
ERICSON, LEIF cultists suspects 2 S 25
Weis nt I s t t tu tomatic
Relics of exploration in Holand’s America: 1355- Karl Jaspers delegate to conference of Eur
I alart A U
1364, rev, p. 9 S 106
Ra mr 1 ¢ tor; turns off sett ERICKSON, LEIF
intellectuals 23 S 28
nd clap 30 S 9¢ Sartre’s followi
Wins Senate nomination in Montana Democratic to new cults 2 D 31
Seize rip] 1 American Farmer; plans on sal primary; political career, p. 29 Jl 16 EXPEDITIO?
va displaced | lw im Ranger 19 Ag 32
senat nvestigates | iteering On war con-
tracts; Garrson brothers’ deals; Congressman Admiral B
May involved 15 Jl 20 Antarctic N ;
University of London to award Bachelor of
Garsson brotl formed tq fill Government Navy’s Antarctic expedition 23 D 52
Mu n Highland reel at Royal Canadian
Ball jl 4 orders 12 Ag EXPLORATION
ERROLL, COUNTESS OF America: 1355-1364, rev.; relics of Norse «
Re| t nj I al life of eligible London FI
Marries Captair UR ipe rt Moncreiffe 30 D 84 plorers; Leif Ericson at ‘“Vinland,” p. 9S
Bolivian pol chief dragged through streets, New York icehouse collapses, crushes t
Rar rs Tr p; makes br aKktast oO \ 0
hanged by mob 7 O 40 p. 23 D 20 FI
At Wels Eisted emlony; t t to
Vote in Labrador’s first election; Moravian see F; FI
R ment f t P ( ece
1 Bucku am Palace 16 S 4¢ Brethren’s missions 19 Ag 38
tag in wild deer chase 21 O 46 ESPIONAGE
marriage to rince Philip; Driberg’s Italian VE ent
charges Monsignor Pucci
column on; New York Times hit with spy 22 J Jl 62 winners, p. 16 D
announcement due to politics, p. 23 D 28 Nikolai Redi juitted of charges 29 Jl 19 EXPLOSIVES
ELIZABETH, QUEEN OF ENGLAND German girl spy for Red Army turns activities Increase in destructive power and human “p1
Fanfare for Elizat 3 v., p. 29 Jl 92 for U.S., Russian lieutenants held; two U.S. ress,” chart 8 Jl 77
At Northumberland wedding; at Tate Gallery; Hilda Kruger, former spy suspect; incidents 12 countries—Foreign trad
Wright’s report 1 Jl 29 Ag 36 EXTRA—ATMOSPHERIC WAR
Celebrates 46th birthday 12 Ag 40 State Department screens staff for Communists Outer ace battle 1 of World W
Injures leg in fall 19 Ag 46 6 Ag 16 weapons, defense, diagram 2 S 52
ELLISON, JEROME Morgan charged Soviet spies in UNRRA; MGB EYES
Forms Associated Magazine Contributors, Inc.; agent, UNRRA employe arrested 2 S 23 Bethesda Hospital seeks sight restoration
plans adless monthly, p. 1 Jl 45 Career of Dewavrin (Colonel Passey) in Gaullist reaching optic nerves with radio waves
ELMAN, ROBERT Intelligence Service 23 S 33 92
Describes simpler method of treating burns 19 Gerson convicted of giving Canadian state sec- Prisoners at Illinois penitentiary pledge e}
Ag 67 rets to Russia 21 O 42 after death to eye bank p. 11 N 7
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)
sketch, p. 30 S 74 On Episcopal-Presbyterian merger 22 Jl
Career on Sun; reporting;
F CASTLE See Castles Signs up U.S. musical stars for concerts in In title role in Ariadne with New .York City
FABIAN SOCIETY Britain; career 8 Jl 92 Opera Company, career; sketch, p. 21 O 82
60th jubilee; Attlee reviews history; Shaw’s mes- FIERLINGER, ZDENEK FLIES
sage 11 N 33 Vice Premier of Czechoslovakia, p 15 Jl 33 Natural History Museum’s experiment with DDT
FAIRBANK, JANET FIGL, LEOPOLD in Bear Mountain Park 16 S 104
Recital in New York; sketch, p. 16 D 50 Bill to nationalize industries passed by Austrian FLOOD CONTROL
FAIRCHILD ENGINE AND AIRPLANE Parliament, p. 5 Ag 34 House approves $900-million project 1 Jl 7.
CORP. Pleads for Austria’s2 freedom 11 N 34 Senate passes $772 million appropriation 22 Jl
Contract with A.A.F.; to develop atomic aircraft Missouri Valley project, map 29 Jl 18
motors 19 Ag 95 Promotes Argentina’s Five-Year Plan; p. 16 D
FAIRCHILD PACKET See under Airplanes In San Antonio; 6 killed; damage; hotel lobby,
FAIRS p. 7 O 26
People’s Fair in Lisbon, Portugal, 22 Ji 28 FINLAND Japan hit by tidal wave; 650 killed 30 D 24
Russia gets Petsamo and lease on Porkala naval
Wild-cow milking contest at 61st Calgary Stam- base under Big Four treaty draft 29 Ji 20 FLUSHING, N.Y.
pede; boy wins cookery contest, p. 22 Jl 40 Recovery _ progress; relations with Russia 5 Ag 34 Zeckendorf plans real estate development; shop-
Illinois State Fair; politics feature; McCormick Sargeant’s report on economic conditions, on
ping center; property purchase 19 Ag 84
speaks, p. 26 Ag 17 sc ul] ture, art, ceramics 21 0 30 U.N. General Assembly to meet on World’s Fair
In Quebec City; midway attractions; industrial site 21 O 32
exhibits 16 S 42 Automatic firealarm, electronic, invention of Paul U.N. General Assembly opens; ceremonies; offer
Italian floating fair in Rio; goods sold on troop- Weisz 5 Ag 70 land for permanent site 28 O 31
ship 23 D 38 In Winecoff Hotel, Atlanta; 120 dead; survivors, FLYING BOAT See Airplanes—Transports
FAITH HALL See Bethun Cookman Institute FLYING WING See under Airplanes
p. 16 D 27
FALLA, MANUEL DE Boys set fire on roof of icehouse in New York; FLYNN, ERROL
Death in Buenos Aires 25 N 100 explosion crushes tenement 23 D 20
FALLACIES See Misbeliefs
Plans to open “‘floating cabaret” off Mexico; trip
FIRST BOSTON CORP. to Tahiti 11 N 49
Lire’s tenth anniversary issue banned 2 D 63
Absorbs Mellon Securities Corp. 8 ji 88 Seaman sues, states harpooned, uncared for on
FISCHER, JOHN Flynn’s yacht 9 D 4
Harper’s articles on Ukraine, excerpts 14 O 36 FOG
The Lowells and Their Seven Worlds, rev. 23
FISCHER, RUTH sritishrailroads experiment with infra-red rays,
S 106
States brother Gerhart Eisler, No. 1 Communist sonar s gnals 11 N 98
in U.S.; expulsion from Party 28 O 29 Three-day heavy fog in southern Britain; ships
Great Britain
Became law in 1945; payments 7 O 31 FISCHMAN, HARVE aground; accidents 23 D 28
To write column for Chicago Times, M.C. radio FOLEY BROS. DRY GOODS CO.
Russia show Quiz Down, p. 19 Ag 70
Allowances for mothers increased 28 O 40 Sells to Federated Department Stores; sales,
FAMINE See Food—Supply
FISH, HAMILTON profits 9 D 92
Suppc ted Mrs. St. George for Congress, p. 2 FOLIC ACID See Drugs
FAO See United Nations— Food and Agriculture
FISH AND FISHING See also individual kinds
Minnesota resorts; radio fishing contest; prize Prices up; meat sags after boost 15 Jl 81
Refuses chairmanship of New York State Demo-
cratic convention 19 Ag 22
atches, p. 22 Jl 75 Produce oppose ceilings at Price Decontrol
h Navy minesweeper studies location of Board hearings; labor’s position 26 Ag 15
s with ADSIC radar device 19 Ag 92 Powdered milk-and-« gg fed to liberated G I.s 23
Portugue se and Spanish trawlers infringe on S 50
Nova Scotia’s quero 26 Ag 36 Court rules A. & P. a monopoly; methods; in-
New Lagting (parliament) elected ; dispute over
independence 18 N 34 California Local 36, I.F.A.W.A. labeled a trade dictments filed against Kroger, Safeway Stores
organization, prosecuted for price-fixing 2 S 84 30 S$ 90
Gaspé cod fishermen’s cooperative in Grand Processing companies’ 1946 earnings up; leading
Orders 25 Cadillac limousines; explains 8 Jl 45
Riviére, p. 9 S 4 companies 4 N 94
Sockeye salmon: record catch of Bligh Island; Supply
H. G. Wells on King George’s support of British
Fraser River run, map 23 S 40 Truman announces world emergency met; record
party; Mosley denies 15 Jl 46
Cuttyhunk Island wins Martha’s Vineyard shipments of grain 8 Jl 26
Portugal under Salazar 22 Jl 28
Striped Bass Derby; “‘bass boats,” p. 28 O 69 Hoover notes improvement in world food situa-
Underground neo-Fascist group in Italy 11 N 32
ific E J.S. Government floating fish tion; overseas shipments by U.S., Canada,
hronicle of Malaparte in Kaputt, rev. 11 N 110
Celebrations of 24th anniversary of Mussolini’s
z operat 4N 90 Australia, Argentina 8 Jl 42
rmen join adult st y 1 45
clubs, U.S. relief shipments of wheat exceed commit-
march on Rome; Common Man Party 25 N 39 ¢
form cooperative producer groups ment; totals 22 J1 19
FASHIONS See Clothing
FISHBEIN, MORRIS World crop estimates; Orr’s plan for FAO
The American, rev. 29 jl 92 A.M.A. disapproves campaign aga inst socialized to buy crops; Illinois harvest, p. 5 Ag 31
medicine, p. 15 Jl 92 Record U crops; estimates on wheat, corn,
Acute shor tage; effect on industrial production FISHER, AVERY fruits, dairy products 19 Ag 19
1 O.85
Invents new radio-phonograph; ForTUNE re- For New York threatened by truck drivers
port 18 N 53 strike 16 S 20
FAY, BERNARD FISHER, GEOFFREY F., ARCHBISHOP OF Orr stat iim of FAO, food board, international
Sentenced to life mprisonment 16 D 47 CAN TE RBURY price stabilization; crop prospects in Europe,
FEARING, KENNETH Atte Protestant scopal convention in Phil- Britain 23 S 30
Big Clock, rev. 7 O 116 U.S. rejects Orr’s World Food Board Plan U.S
FE DE RAL BUDGET See United States—Fi- ; comments p. 30 S 48 tacked by British press, 11 N 31
ns 28 O 36 1946 grain, fruit, vegetable crops break all
FEDE RAL COMMUNIC Seamed COMMIS- A uid ang retort to statement records 30 D 13
SION See und United ates n Catholic Church’s ‘iror irtain’ 4 N 71 Burma
FEDE RAL cou NCIL oF ‘CHURC HES Advocates “full communion” between Protestant Critical rice shortage; Government ceilir and
res Russia abandon
ntoler- hurches 11 N 78 export policy protested 9 S 34
ince war-wi bases 28 O 23 FISHER, vV ARDIS anada
iemOller’s tour, answers Mrs. Attacke 10’s governor in Statesman column, Meat ipply sufficient under rationing: prices
nt 16 D 25
re] in <ditorial, quits,p. 12 Ag 68 stabl 10 42
ttle; new president, Charles FISK I NIV ERSITY
licies 16 D 61 Thomas E. Jones retires as President; growth 15
( m

1 ill tarvir graft and corruption hold

FE DE Rz AL ISM, “WORLD See World Govern jl 69 l RA del es; LaGuardia takes a
ment Charles S. Johnson first Negro president
11 N 74 tic | Jl 27
——— STUDENT See Student Fed- FITZGERALD, ALBERT Europe
At U.E.W. convention; re-elected president, p. De \ 1ises Britain’s efforts 15 ]
FE DE RAL RESERVE BOARD See under 3S Stat D tment proj s food t
United States FITZGERALD, GERALDINE I se f n U.S N
FEDE tAL UNION, INC. r! to Stuart Scheftel 23 S 76
Student deralists’ convent n; delegates; dis- Finland
F iTZ- G IBBON, BERNICE Cal level 1, f tems 5 A :
Denounces “‘over-excited’’ copy at Advertising
Organize I Streit; to p reedom & Agencies meeting; career, p. 2 D 94
( rmany

Union 23 S 63 In te but Ww ] I
\gar t be Britis Isles editor of F? m and of the Air
I D-« Gre ’ im
FIVE TOWNS See Great Britain—Cities and Gc ts t 1 fa price S
FE DE‘RATED ‘DEP ABTME NT STORE Ss Towns—Stoke-on-Trent t Tl
d rt 5 on ron \ er stores;
ys Houst ley Bros 9 D FLAGG,
é and Bu t, rev.; post-
n short
t: f
I Tl
vi DE RATION "OF EUROPE W Jane Russell,
p. 30 S
es oposes nations federate S 30 t t ra ‘ s Pe S
FEISAL ‘H, RING OF oo Reader propo J.N. flag, Arzybasheff’s design
t ) é »

Spends summer in r n, studies industrial 1 tests Ss rtage t

r. (L) 15 Jl
“methods p. 70 31 Times 18 N 34
Pearl at half mas Army com- Wheat m ( below 1 s
FERGUSON, HARRY, INC. memorat ith same flag 16 D 28 I t9S4
rd deal off; farm implement manufacture 2 D FLAGSTAD, KIRSTE N Pr t for ( S s e f
Competition with Traubel, 11 N 61
FERMI, ENRICO A na; ext su] rat s 30 D 21
aches ele tary | s clas t University Wins Junior Tennis Char shit Ag
re quoted, N ¢ . Far threatens; 1 t 15 Jl
Directed control of first nuclear chain reaction, Wins G.O.P I Vermont

p. 9 D 67 primar sketch, 6A 8
Acute sl gal, Madras; wheat from
FI an ANDEZ, EMILIO (EL INDIO) Elect ee Wena 1g N 2% U.S. tie 30 S 37
irects La Perla, rev.; sketch, p. 11 N 1 FLANDIN, PIERRE-ETIENNE
FERTILITY CLINIC "See Medicine Clinics Tr s e Ag 32 LaGuardia warns n ional NRRA sup
FIELD, MARSHALL, Itt FL EITZ, 'G ORG E plies; strikes, riots f re 5S Ag
succ Sets world record at Havana ir cht Wench II
D 80 Gre ater than in China; S. grain shipments 2
Withdraws financial Penicillin: Its Practical Application, rev. p. 9 S Cnn rice harvest removes famine threat;
shakeup, p. 18 N 64 Thanksgiving ceremony 28 O 42

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)


Cos se 441% since
1930 9 D 38 War neurosis reflected in literary awards 8 Jl 29 Return to Paraguay; released from c ncentra
sta “Affaire Stavisky”; fraudulent municipal bonds tion camp, p. 23 S 37
Rationir ntinued ! 1 reserves, crop 26 Ag 28 FRANK, BRUNO
lu > $ Awards Mazgician and Other Stories, rev. 18 N 112
Shortages; government triples prices 30 S 29 and Cross of the Legion of Honor to Mac- FRANK, HANS
$100 million of UNRRA for Ukraine, 50% to Arthur; diamond cross to Marjorie Lawrence Hanged at Niirnberg:; last words 28 O 34
items 14 O 39 23 D 44 . FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN
erative st Boundaries Composition for string quartet 18 N 47
Venezuela awards Italian communities of Tenda FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, U.S.S.
Government plan to m meat t ) coastal cities; At anchor off Mt. Vesuvius; Communists’ pro
iga 8 Jl 27
to 1 se } n s standa il, map 16 S 36 Cities and towns
tests; Halsey’s answer, p. 9 S 21
Deauvill Scientist ptured
TION See United Nations Holds first opening in six years; war damages
repaired 29 Jl 26
Coll re iting; West Point refuses release FRASER RIVER
Marseilles Sockeye salmon rut
to McWilliams 9 S 74
Rossia sails for Russia with 1,740 refugees; chasm, artifici
All-An Football Con Na- Russian church holds service 9 D 28
tional; res, teams, pl Lustig found guilt f def:
Mercues ? 766; tax dodgin tricks 1 Jl 80
Players resigning from lis; > ‘

NI explains
30 S Ancient fort, chateau turned into hotel 19 Ag 32 FRAUD
Frank Not Dame coach; tactics; star Paris See also Forgery; Profiteering
I ers; American University abolishes game, Celebrates Foreign Ministers’ meeting; Byrnes’ Atom-bomb stock swindle Montreal 8 Jl 4
toor 14 O 63 dinner for Molotov 1 Jl 26 Lustig and partners convicted for income tax
weekends; prank O 26 Resistance Day parade; rightists riots; Com- evasion; prison term, fine 85
D s All Eire Gae ils; striking munists headquarters besieged 1 Jl 28 Veterans Administration reve aft ir t
tens s den 34 Opening of Peace Conference; reception of dele- erans on-the-job training program 29 Jl 7¢
\ ‘ M in; star; season’s gates, of Wilson in 1919, p. 5 Ag 29 French Government to make good on municipal
Ss © 81 Sunbathers crowd rooftop, nightclubs jammed pawnshop bonds; “affaire Stavisky’”’ swindle
We St. Mary’s star halfback; mid-season p. 26 Ag 31 26 Ag :

t s ame es 5 8 © 69
Celebrates 2 years of liberation; Molotov leaves Jap terrorists in Brazil swindle compatriots; 76
public meeting S 24 deported 26 Ag 34
Russia; Moscow
Spart lefeat Tiflis Dyr s4N 39 Police search murderer of Existentialist writer British vacationists dodge restriction and spend
2$ 2: ing abroad; Lady Sibyl Stanley, Anton Bon
P ts Navy: method, p. 4 N 52
A tor eats Pent Coach Caldwell’s tactics, Fashion show: Mrs. Byrnes, Mrs. Caffery at- fined 9 S 32
lefens ist T fe ym, p. 11 N 52 tend, p. 16 S 32 ; Abraham Sycowski, confidence man, poses as
Notre Dame scoreless tie 18 ] Maxim’s reopens; famed guests; history; paint- Count Navarro in Montreal 14 0 4
U.C.E.d unbeaten n teams; ing, r. 7 O 32 Charlie Edwards Negro impostor arrested in Los
sta rs; ( 1 Bucherie 2 5 Decline of Existentialism noted by waiter in Angeles; sketch, p. 11 N 26
Latin Quarter ; new cults, Lettrists, Sensorial- OPA uncovers Harwood’s whiskey false price
Ur t f D team little champion;
efeats Muhlenbe D 85 ists 2 D 31 lists 11 N 42
Cocteau’s new ballet; Serge Lifar acclaimed at FRAZER, JOSEPH W.
Rose Bow ! ils; Big } sign wit Pacific
Salle Pleyel 9 D 76 Displays first Kaiser-Frazer cars 8 J] 8&8
( st Conference; U.C.L.A. beats U.S.C. p
UNESCO meeting votes Julian Huxley director- FREDERIK, CROWN PRINCE OF DEN-
Art heats Navy 21-to-18; end of Army’s rreat- general 16 D 83 MARK
t im; changes n college a S47 ID 78
Ragpickers protest police order forbidding rum- Daughter born 9 S 92
por rts writers choose All-Americas; Grantland maging in garbage cans, p. 30 D 22 FREEDOM
Rice line, p.
16 D 5: 3 Colonies and Possessions Willkie’s message carved in stone book in Rush

Pitts Steelers fold up; New York Giants Viet Nam demand for independent status in ville Cemetery 14 O 28
win Eastern championship; Chicago Bears, Indo-Chinese Federation rejected 9 S 34 FREEDOM AND UNION (PERIODICAL)
Western 16 D 53 Tunisians agitate for independence; move to Launched by Streit; voice of Federal Union, In
New York Giants defeated | Chicago Bears reinstate Bey 9 S 37 23 S 63
+-to-14; player bribe investi n 23 D 63 Economic policy Agar to be British Isles editor 9 D 48
Giants ramblin scandal; 1 Paris fixer; Left wing Socialists press for nationalization FREEDOM OF RELIGION
9 <>
players’ failure to report bribes 30 D 38 Jd Catholic Church’s position on analyzed in Chris
Education Ministry tian Herald 29 Jl 56
FORBIDDEN CITY OF LHASA See Tibet Corruption in; clerk seils advance copy of col- FREEDOM OF SPEECH
FORD MOTOR CO. lege entrance exams 1 Jl 64 Polls show 32% U.S. public disapprove the
Discontinues division to make small car 23 S 84 Foreign Relations 15 Jl 26
Prod ict n; losses; wins 6% boost 30 S 87 Opposition to Russia over Ruhr issue 22 Jl 25 FREEDOM OF THE AIR
Soybean projects discontinued 4 N 98 Agreement abolishing visa requirements for Five freedoms, listed; in future U.S British
Breech announces losses; shelves research pro- French, British citizens 23 D 28 iteral agreements 30 S 93
gram; economies in auto p 5 N 90 Government FR DOM OF THE PRESS
Deal with Ferguson off; s new tractor Assembly debate on constitution, presidential Suppression in Portugal under Salazar Ji 29
company 2 D 95 powers; De Gaulle’smppraisal 23 S 33 Hardy of Thomaston (Ga.) Times defies pres
FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS See Press Lack of unity in Constituent Assembly; Al- sure for retraction on Talmadge elect 5
Foreign correspondents gerian’s attack on colonialism 14 O 34 Ag 90
FOREIGN EXCHANGE See Exchange High Court Proposal U.N. radio network to destroy state
FOREIGN SERVICE See United States—Diplo- Trial of Admirals suspended by strike of Com- news m nopolies 11 N 74
tic service munist jurors 12 Ag 32 FREE ENTERPRISE See Capitalism
Wave of despondency; nightclubs as refuge 26 Joy killed in Yosemite Park falls; rescue fails
President signs bill establishing ms 26 Ag 17
Ag 31 2 Jl 21
Foreis Service
FREIGHT See Aviation; Railroads; Shi;
Admirals to be tried for scuttling French fleet FRENCH ACADEMY
os TRADE See individual countries— 12 Ag 32 Jules Romains initiated into 18 N 47
eign trade Minesweeper Siam studies location of fish with FRENCH CANADIANS See Canada
TUTE FOR Sce American Institute for For- Political conditions
Rightist riots in Paris; attacks on Communists; Paris con ference on Viet Nam; Ho’s terms
I j
De Gaulle’s speech; Bidault forms coalition jected; seeks annexation of Cochin-Cl 1
nblower, rev.
7 O 11¢€ Cabinet 1 Jl 28 war on French 9 S 34
FOREST HILLS, N. Y. Communists move to prevent seating of elected Cochin China’s government fails; Thinh attacked
Global tennis returns; stadium courts readied for Rightists in Assembly 15 Jl 33 as Quisling, commits suicide; D’Argenlieu
U.S. Singles; Cooke-Betz 1945 final, p S 57 Split in Socialist Party; left wing protests turns to duties as monk 25 N 34
U.S Singles Championships; Kramer, Betz Blum’s anti-Communism 9 § 33 FREQUENCY MODULATION See under Ra
wit rs 16 S 80 M.R.P.-Communist debate on Constitution; De FRICK, WILHELM
FORGERY Gaulle’s appraisal; Gaullist Union Party 23 S Sentenced to death 7 O 30
( ‘ harges forgeries of his paintings 26 Ag
Hanged at Nirnberg; last words 28 O 34
L’ Affaire Passy: Dewavrin pawn in Communist- FRIDEN CALCULATING MACHINE CO.
Paris police trace forged Utrillo paintings to M.R.P. duel for power 23 S 33 Electric calculator loses in contest with Japa
el ly woman “Zizi” 4 N 64 De Gaulle attacks proposed c
tDutcl n constitution, abacus
25 N 35
tist copies Verneer painting in cell to Duclos appeal for left-wing unity 30 S 33 FRIEDMAN, MILTON
rove torgery p. 18 N 61 Lack of unity despite Assembly’s majority vote Report on cancer of testes 16 D 74
FORTUNE (PERIODICAL) for new constitution 14 O 34 FRIENDS, SOCIETY OF
“What's Wrong with the Airlines?” lists ] issen 14th Constitution adopted; 30% voters absent Reunion of “Orthodox” and ‘“‘Hicksite’’ Quakers
r evances 5 Ag 84 : 1 O 34 in Philadelphia; schism reviewed, p. 18 N
On Fisher radio-phonograph, excerpt 18 N 53 Pétain prisoner
at Isle d’ Yeu Fortress; com- FRINGS, JOSEPH CARDINAL
"47 =I MAGAZINE OF THE YEAR ments De Gaulle on 28 O 36 Criticizes plan to resettle Germans in Reich; at
\dless monthly; writers buy stock 1 Jl 45 Coming lection; Socialists d party; De Fulda Conference 2 S 25
FOSTER, WILLIAM Z. Gaulle rallies opposition 11 N FRITZSCHE, HANS
Presc1 m for world peace 2 S 18 Comn junists lead M.R.P. in election 18 N 34 Acquitted by Nirnberg tribunal 7 O 30
FOUNTAIN PENS B t for 85,000 electors for Council M.R.P. FROST
Reynolds Pen Co. markets Packet Ball Pen cheap leads D 30 Chemical frost to speed potato harvest 26 Ag 55
1 el 15 Jl 86
Radicals, Communists clash on Rightists in Permafrost in ground construction, obstacle
I Co. producer of r y pen; Cabinet; Blum’s proposal 23 D 28 Alaska; U.S. Army insulation project 4 N 6¢
ies Reynolds claims 16 S FRANCIS, WILLIE FROSTBITE
I markets new ball n; other com- Spared from execution as electric chair fails to Heparin, anti-blood-clottins substance to avo
models 21 O 8 function 15 Jl 22 gangrene 26 Ag 74
M ( el compete ls for ball-point pen RANCO, FRANCISCO FRYE, JACK
» D 4 10th anniversary of rise to power; boasts only Firm against T.W.A, salary increase for pilots,
FOUNTAINS ABBEY Spain, Russia sure of goals 14 O 35 p. 4 N 29
I re 1 monastery, war me- Uncovers Communist plot in Madrid 18 N 37 On T.W.A sses, blames grounding of Con
1 of artist,I s, p.
p 30
S 32 Proposal U.N. Assembly urge Franco to sur- stellations 9 D 87
448 See lr ticid render powers, hold election 9 D 27 FULBRIGHT, J. WILLIAM
FRACTURES ipport in army; hailed | inti-U.N. dem- Suggests Truman appoint Republican secretary
Na 1m tion; Bohler
t nique
9 S 66 rs 30 D f State and resign, p. 18 N 22

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)

FULTON, ROBERT E., JR. GARDEN SPRAYS Falls to disappear in 12,000 years 30 S 28
tra Invents ‘‘Airphibian’’ convertible plane-automo- Chemical frost to speed potato harvesting Dow- Origin of petroleum; scientists test theory of
bile, p. 18 N 90 spray 66 Improved 26 Ag 55 radioactivity 16 D 54
FUND-RAISING GARDINER, ROBERT KWEKU ATTA Study of Antarctica; once tropical; coal seam;
Kenyon College endowment drive; conference of Native Gold Coast spokesman calls for industrial possible oil, mineral, uranium deposits 23 D 52
English-Speaking Peoples 14 O 85 system, self-government; speech in New York, GEORGE, HAROLD L.
Community Chest drives for $165 million; meth- p. 16 D 31 3ecomes board chairman, president of Peruvian
ods; publicity 4 N 27 GARDNER, 0. MAX International Airways 25 N 96
FUNERALS Named Ambassador to Britain; career, p. 9 D 26 GEORGE VI, KING OF GREAT BRITAIN
Party leaders at Kalinin’s bier, p. 19 Ag 28 On U.S.-British relations; sketch, p. 23 D 22 At Northumberland wedding, at Tate Gallery;
Burial service from air for dead of Etre crash GARMENT TRADE See Clothing Workers bearing, clothing; Wright’s report 1 Jl 29
in Newfoundland 14 O 26 GARRETT, MRS. EILEEN J. H. G. Wells on King’s support of British Fascist
Of Chicago’s Ward boss Kenna 21 O 28 Publisher of Tomorrow; claims psychic powers, party, recommends exile 15 Jl 46
FUNK, WALTHER p. 16 S 77 Entertains General Eisenhower in Balmoral
Sentenced to life imprisonment 7 O 30 GARSSON, MURRAY W. Castle, Scotland 14 O 46
FURNACES Senate investigates profiteering
on war contracts; Ordered substitute stanza for God Save the
Midget gas-burning unit produced by Stewart- link with underworld 15 Jl 20 King; attends St. Paul’s service for U.N.
Warner 9 D 88 Senate hearings on munitions case; son’s court- 28 O 36 ‘
FURNES See Belgium martial case 5 Ag 23 Opens Parliament; speech; procession 25 N 36
FURNITURE Investigation continues; paper munitions com- Celebrates 51st birthday 23 D 42
International Home Furnishings Ma t; prices, panies; tie-up with May; sketch, p. 12 Ag 14 GEORGE Il, KING OF GREECE
production, styles 22 Jl 82 GARSSON MUNITIONS Greeks to vote on return; issues 9 S 30
FURS CWS report on casualties from faulty mortar Plebiscite votes 70% for return of rule 16 S 30
} Motty Eitingon
Prices cut; buying rush ends; fire 16 S 24 London gossip on English mistress, p. 30 S 34
bankrupt 30 D 74 GAS Flies to Greece, to take throne for third time;
FURTWANGLER, WILHELM See also Mustard Gas; Poison Gas formal entrance into Athens, p. 7 O 33
Russians invite return to Berlin as cultural ad- Britain plans nationalization 29 Jl 23 GEORGIA
viser; U.S. opposed 5 Ag 54 Congress passes 12.5% royalty on gas and oil Gene Talmadge wins Democratic gubernatorial
Acquitted of Nazi collaboration by Berlin Tribu- leases on public domain 5 Ag 24 primary in electoral vote, p. 29 Jl 17
nal 30 D 56 Gas companies bid for Big Inch and Little Big Negroes killed by lynch mob; Negro dies of
FU TSO-YI Inch pipelines 12 Ag 79 bullet wounds after voting 5 Ag 25
Victory at Tatung; plea to Mao to end civil war, Mexico plans $8 million natural gas pipeline Columbians, white supremacy group; le aders
ffers command 7 O 37 from Poza Rica to Mexico City 30 D 27 arrested in Atlanta demonstration; member
Outstanding Chinese leader 2 D 36 Natural gas source of U.S. power, 1900-1945, with baby, p. 11 N 25
chart 30 D 69 Columbians defy state action; rally broken up
G GAS MASKS by tear gas 25 N 27
Bought at surplus sale gift to Des Moines Governor-elect Talmadge dies; no provision in
orphanage for Halloween party, p. 11 N 28 constitution for successor 30 D 18
Reactocaster records audience reaction 23 S 69
price Electronics eradicator of radio commercials 30 GASPE GERIATRICS (PERIODICAL)
S 96 Grand Riviére cod fishermen’s cooperative, p. 9 Dr. Alvarez on creeping apoplexy, blo 1 clots in
Schlumbohm’s inventions; Tubadipdrip, Tempot, S 42 brain 5 Ag 55
EN- GAFFEY, HUGH J. On Italy’s living standard and Communist cam- Nazis in Mexico; Bevin charges only 76 de-
Death in plane crash 1 Jl 70 paign; asks LaGuardia’s aid for U.S. loan, ported 28 O 44
Galley-proof monthly for cartoonists 12 Ag 65 Visit to Vatican with Nicola 19 Ag 35 Molotov submits peace plan to Big Four; pro-
GAG CARTOONS See Cartoons Faces Socialist-Communist coalition for “unity of visions 22 Jl 25
GAGNON, HENRI action” 11 N 32 Deutschland Erwache (1946): Stanton’s press
Communist leader of Montreal squatters move- GAULLE, CHARLES DE tour report on Russian zone; morale under
ment, p. 11 N 42 On F ce’s need for strong president 1 Jl 28 defeat 22 Jl 34
Calls for Western European bloc; on U.S., U.S. to resist Russia for control of; Soviet aims;
Russia as new worlds 5 Ag 28 Byrnes demands economic unification 9 S 29
U.S. abandons Seymour base; Ecuador unable Trades Cadillac, gift from Eisenhower, for 3
to maintain; wartime life on 15 Jl 45 Elliston on lack of U.S. progress 7 O 29
cars 5 Ag 50 U.S. mission reports on prospects for education
GALAXIES See Astronomy Attacks M.R.P. draft constitution; Gaullist
in democracy 28 O 85
Union Party 23 S 33 Stalin sponsors political, economic unity 11 N 29
Sp with gloved octopus in Seattle tank 12 On dangers of proposed constitution 36 S 33
Ag 39 Prospect for peace treaty settlement; Russia
In Journey Down a Blind Alley, rev. p. 30 S makes concessions; reparations demand 2 D 27
GALLAGHER, WILLIAM J. 112 Boundaries
Death of 26 Ag 92 Large “‘no” vote on Constitution shows political Byrnes’ proposals: Konigsberg areas to Russia;
GALLIENNE, WILFRED H. strength, p. 21 O 34 Saar to France; Ruhr Rhineland to remain
Consul returns to Britain; advice on approach Pétain’s comment 28 O 39 German 16 §S 20
to U.S. businessmen 12 Ag 86 GAULLIST UNION PARTY See France—Po- Cities and Towns
GALLOWAY, MRs. LILY litical conditions Berlin
Marries William D. Upshaw 21 O 9¢ GAUSS, CHRISTIAN Secret poll shows only 18% more friendly to
GALLUP POLL See Polls To retire from Princeton 15 Jl 69 Russia than to Western Powers 12 Ag 23
GAMBLING GAVAM, AHMAD Sign in Russian sector on German people signed
In Montreal; Cote St. Luc House; Barbotte, Includes pro-Soviet Tudehs in Iranian cabinet by Stalin, p. 23 S 28
Balbo games 5 Ag 40 12 Ag 24 Berliners demanding death for all Niirnberg de-
British Churches’ Committee on Gambling esti- Sends troops to Azerbaijan to supervise elec- fendants, p. 21 O 32
nates betting in dog races 5 Ag 68 tions, measures against Tudeh Party 23 D 25 Newspaper ridicules promises of SED (Socialist
Policemen veterans in Central Falls, R. I. raid GAZELLE BOY Unity Party) 21 O 35
slot machine gambling outfits 19 Ag 23 Found living with herd of gazelles in Syria, p. SED defeated in municipal elections; p lis, Pp.
Tony Stralla’s gambling ship Lux; water-taximen 9 S 29
28 O 39
irrested, patrons marooned, p. 19 Ag 23 Story proved phony 7 O 4 w German kills U.S. stenographer’s dos for family
Monte Carlo Casino clientele falls off due to GEIGER COUNTER food 11 N 34
British currency restrictions 23 S 33 Use at Oak Ridge uranium pile; precaution for Hamburg
Record of Benny the Meatball in Los Angeles workers 12 Ag 5 3 Civilians demonstrate against British housing
14 O 26 Test of radioactivity, p. 19 Ag 90 order 8 Jl 30
Attempt to bribe Giants pro football players to GELATIN ; Kénigsberg
throw game with Bears 23 D 63 Gelatin sponge to stop bleeding in surgery 2 D 46
scar lal
Name changed to Kaliningrad 15 J] 34
in sports; reported Jersey ring backs GENERAL FOODS CORP. Munich
Alvin Paris pro football fixer 30 D 38 Attempt to corner rye market during war 23 § Return to gaiety horse racing; restaurants,
GAMES 83 beer gardens, theaters 7 O 32
See also individual games e.g. Chess GENERAL MILLS INC. Stuttgart
Psychokinesis; Rhine theory; Dale experiment Earnings report; profits up 19 Ag 81 Byrnes’ address on U.S. policy toward German
19 Ag 95 Interest in home-appliances; “‘Tru-Heat”’ electric government, industries, territory 16 S 20
Japanese national game go; former champion iron; decline in flour business 18 N 88 Cultural conditions
stages comeback 30 S 56 GENERAL MOTORS CORP. Theater, music flourishing; Sargeant’s report 21
GAMMA RAYS First half earnings report 19 Ag &1 O 30
Penetration; action on blood corpuscl s 19 Ag 90 Profit for July, August; year in red; Wilson on Disarmament
GAMMEXANE See Insecticides production, drop in worker efficiency 16 S 89 1urchill on; pleads for end of retribution after
GANDER See Newfoundland Discontinues small car division 23 S 84 war guilty punished 30 S 30
GANDHI, MANILAL To float $100 million preferred stock issue; re- Economic cor ions
In jail for trespassing on public land in South sources decline, chart 18 N 87 British zone to “nationalize’’ heavy industry;
Africa 4 N 49 New stock issue rises 1% points 9 D 88 slow recovery in Ruhr; shortages 4 N 36
GANDHI, MOHANDAS Shelves plans for 1948 models of C hevrolets, British zone recovery slow, food shorta ;
Insists British name Moslem
roup 1 Jl 32
to Congress Party Pontiacs, Oldsmobiles; Cadillac, Bru tick 1948 Robertson bizonal merger plan 16 D 34
models in fall 16 D 88 Foreign relations
\ 1e on British plan for Indian self-govern- “— brief restricting labor unions’ power 30 France
ment, 8 Jl 35 ) 73 Churchill proposes partnership, first step toward
On sexual continence among disciples 22 Jl 38 GENETICS federated Europe 30 S 30
Advice on Moslem-Hindu riots, on methods Harvey’s theory on sex control; sex cells of fruit Russia
inst crop-raiding monkeys, p. 12 26 fly, diag. 29 Jl 71 Documents reveal 1940 Russian plan to join
\dvises ministers against large retinues spiritual Theories on amalgamation of U.S. white popu- axis, map D 25
iuthority 30 S 37 on with Negroes; on atavistic black baby United States
Advice to Hindu women to avoid dishonor 12 Ag 54 Revealed fund in Washington to campaign
8 O 40
Mutations from radiation; experiments, discov- against Roosevelt’s re-election 15 Jl 48
Settles in Moslem village, visits Moslem fam- eries of A. J. Muller 11 N 96 Industries
ilies, | 6 D 3 GENEVA See Switzerland Singer factory in Wittenberg “‘evacuated” to
pilots, GANN, MRS. DOLLY GENEVA STEEL CO. Russia 1 Jl 80
Back in news; greets Mrs. Truman, p. 18 N 47 Purchase hy U.S. Steel 1 Jl 78 Recovery in Russian zone; reparations factory
f Con GAPA See Grou to Air Pilotless Aircraft GEODETICS disma Jl 34
GARBETT, CYRIL F., ARCHBISHOP OF Russian scientist announces new theory for re- Russians cartel Sowjetische Industrie
YORK neasut nt earth J A.G 6 Ag
cretary Warns against signing Cat c marriage pledge; GEOLOGY Byrnes’ Stuttgart speech promises restoration of
Catholic Herali tort 4 N 7] Reports of break in Niagara Falls explained; all but war industries 16 S 20
Vol, XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)
Russians order further plant removals to Soviet; GIBSON, DAVID E. GOTTWALD, KLEMENT
U.S., British protests 4 N 36 Success with Episcopal Cathedral Shelter in Chi- Becomes Premier of Czechoslovakia; philosophy
Heavy industry to be nationalized in British zone cago; sketch, p. 28 O 72 p. 15 Jl 33
Russia lessens reparations demands 11'N 31 Translation of Hamlet successful Paris produc- Wife divorces 22 Jl 86
Russia agrees to increase output 2 D 27 tion, rev., p. 28 O 63 GOURMET (PERIODICAL)
a Morale : GIFFORD, WILLIAM A. Appeals to German youth in Frankfurt library;
ee Story of the Faith 16 S 72 excerpt 8 Jl 28
_ ee,»
Menstien be neve af Cteing s suicide; triumph ' ot aa a of native’s ocean canoe trip London Times editorial on modern imperialism;
cn N: tional Socialist Party to Tarawa 29 Jl 32 a perttegs 9 Ss 32 I satiate 2 ;
Wartime intrigue in U.S. politics 4 N 2¢ GILDERSLEEVE, VIRGINIA EC —_— oO oe Justice aD 92" reé
Defense of women’s colleges 4 N 69 ' for ms vased on moral sanctions 28 O 7%
Russians demand inquir into British zone’s GILMORE, EDDY GOVERNMENT CONTRAC TS See ( ontracts
German army units, refuse all-zone disarma And Russian wife in U.S.; wife’s impressions of GOVERNMENT CONTROL See Business and
ment check 1 Jl 31 U.S. scene, p. 12 Ag 66 Industry—Regulation
To merge U.S.-British zones; Molotov rejects GIMBEL BROS. GOVERNMENT PROPERTY See Property,
central control 22 Jl 25 S ; Challenges Macy’s on business volume; under- _ Government _
British-U.S. zone merger; meaning in East-West selling; newspapers reject 18 N 92 GOV ERNORS
conflict; Russian booty, political propagandz Bernice Fitz-Gibbon advertising director de- 34 state governors newly elected; Bradford in
12 Ag 22 re nounces “‘over-excited” copy 2 D 94 Massachusetts; Herbert in Ohio; others, p.
Girl spy for Red Army turns activities for U.S.; Competes with Macy’s in ads for ball-point pen; 18 N 28 | . ’
Russian lieutenants held; U.S. officers held by peace poem ad 9 D 94 GPU See Russia- Secret police
Russians 12 Ag 30 a ; = , GIRDLER, TOM GRACE, w. R., AND co. ,
—— - . Ss. progress; Siioten . en 2 7 =” $51,000 bonus protested by Republic Steel stock- — So — an Am., signs 99-year agree-
nvestigation commission to check on arms pro beldees geusk amdege ‘ i. hn ne 2 Ag 8:
a oe as ' GLASSER, OTTO 1? Ag GRACIDA BROTHERS es. oss
Awering of zona arriers, condition of stee i in Da a . . ei . Mexican polo team beaten by U.S. 23 S 75
delivery to Soviet zone 11 N 31 ae = rim ort gj égt Profound shock (¢RAEBNER, MARTIN
Russia consents e joint administration; price in GLIDERS AND GLIDING Te ee — colle ge education on
reparations 2 27 ace in: » “ke? ‘dea: ¢ : . a. 1.1. allowance, family, p. 26 Ag 77
US. Britain sign pact for joint economic — Stinnett im interpion GRAHAM, PHILIP 4
administration 9 D 27 . GLOBE AIRCRAFT CORP. Succeeds Eugene Meyer as publisher of Wash-
Clay-Robertson plan; committees 16 D 34 Cuts production of Swift 20%; limited demand sngton Post; sketch, p. 1 Ji 45
British zone 18 N 90 GRAHAM-PAIGE MOTORS CORP.
Hamburg civilians protest housing
eviction order GO (GAME) Kaiser-Fraser takes over bonded indebtedness,
8 Jl 30 : nae a al i a Bi a assets, automaking; interest in K-F 23 D 78
Plans nationaliz ition of heavy industry 4 N 36 a ne. Se cachampion We anges GRAIN
Russian sone 6 GODFREY, ARTHUR Record relief shipments; 1946 crop commit
Singer factory in Wittenberg “evacuated to
Radio programs; ridicules commercials; Talent ments 8 Jl 26
U.S.S.R. 1 Jl 80 Scout 7 Senator Tobey protests New England shortage
Civilians in Saxony vote aj proval of public “GOD SAV E THE KING” Sce National anthems in letter to Truman; reply, quoted 8 Jl 26
transfer of Nazi property 8 Jl 29 FRAU PAUL JOSEPH World crop estimates; higher than 1945; Lllinois
Deutschland Erwache (1946) Stanton’s press ore Hitler ose p. 21 oO 44 harvest, p. 5 Ag 31 . :
tour repsats Russian aoa sogeeatel re- GOETHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG bey ae anes a an e and
covery; factory dismantlement 22 Jl 3+ Sho noe Soatlal me 12 0. attempt to corner market 23 S 83
Russians live off land, take industrial production Goprz WILLIAM es 1) N 3 GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC
12 Ag 23 . Me rger of "International Pictures with Uni 80th Encampment at Indian apolis; 12 of 84 sur
Reports Russians using Sweden testing ground versal; president of new U-I 12 Ag 88 viving members 2 S 20
for rockets 19 Ag 36 ; GOITERS si GRANIK, THEODORE
Election propaganda; support of Socialist Unity Badin ctive iodine reported cure 15 Jl 92 Denies Tucker’s story of NHA shakedown at
Party; Dresden posters 9 S 30 Gol D ; es ; ee _ > tempt 25 N 90
U.S., Britain charge Red Army spurring pro- us promises to return $32 million Hungarian GRANTHAM PRODUCTIONS
duction war materials 14 O 31 oar a 7 31 ; ass : — Fails; Kendall’s financing; production of Pec
Newin sharp
election defeat ofGerman
Argentine hoard stored in U.S. released 8 JI 40
company ‘in 2 evelop Oran or’ ies State GRAVEL,
ple’s CarFERN
9 D 94
reaction 4 N 36 " Field: deal with British 26 Ag 90 pe Oh Millersvillei; James Hall confesses author-
United States Zone Ontario gold strike at Mackeith Lake; prospector ship 23'S 42
Russians dismantie power plant for reparations foe Burke S 34 GRAVES, ROBERT
_5 Ag 28 , o a South African Negro miners strike; demand $2 King Jesus, rev., p. 30 S 106
German boys taught baseball by G.I.s 23 S 30 1 day, earn 46¢; police actior crushes 4 40 On Time’s review of King Jesus (L) 28 O 12
G.1.s in Bremen area organize boys’ clubs 7 O 28 GOLD co AST AFRICA , , - Religious Book Club’s selection of King Jesus
Schools opened for children of occupation forces Agitatic a fos ‘eel government: native spokesman protested 4 N 72
Gardiner, speech in New York 16 D 31 GRAZIANO, ROCKY q ai
Berliner kills OMGUS stenographer’s dog for Natives « nvicted for ritual murders seek ap- Knocked out by Tony Zale, p. 7 O 61
food 11 N 34 peals 26 Ag 3 GREAT BRITAIN
School of Advanced Studies to train German I
teachers 23 D 47 ( ders Lewis to court hearing, sketch, p. 2 D 20 Chaplain’s message to forces in Germany 19 Ag
Marriages of G.I.s and Army-employed civilians Cc
to German girls now allowed 30 D 15
Lewis with contempt of court 9 D 21 <- . . e '
ids U.M.W., Lewis in contempt; sentence, Troops on foreign soil total 915,000, chart, map
olitical conditions aucted. 9. 16 D 2 14 O 31
Hamburg demonstration test British housing GOLF a a Officers
order 8 Jl 30 Snead wins British Open 15 Jl 57 6 kidnaped in Palestine as hostages 1 J1 29
Russians sponsor ision Party 22 Jl 34 ear a lala Tene CPGieater Sonce ent: George Colonel Webb in Palestine detains foreign cor-
Berlin students discuss Russian control 5 Ag 33 “c Ma promote -- § Ag 66 ee hag respondents; General Barker recalled; urged
Russians favor Socialist Unity Party (SED); Portland, ’ Ore. n tional
. ther part es 9 S . i eeen wine Gunite 9 Ss 57 : pro championships;
— 4 : boycott i of Jewish Awards
merchants, 4 N 41
Municipal elections; victory for Russian-spon : Hie ac tis toe a Order of the Garter to war leaders 16 D 48
__Sor 1 SED; Saxony results 16 S 30 — : s 7. Seen Sete See M.B.E. to
Thornton Wilder 23 D 44
SED mpaign promuecs tr _— non-Lom harias in semifinals, p. 26 Ag 64 Cabinet om
munist press 21 O 35 : Ted Bishop wins U.S. Amateur Championship Attlee reorganizes; McNeil, Minister of State;
iten - tions, So- at Baltusrol, p. 23 S 74 Sir h s- S, on re Ministry of
8 , Dae ons ms North ead Sout ™ . e- efense, headed by Alexander 14 O 33
peal to Ger- pnd - at Pinel = 18 N 50) ath Open tourne Cities and Towns
: , ito GONZALEZ VIDELA, GABRIEL Ceianien , P Blac t te . , hey
Wins plurality in Chile’s election; sketch, p. 16 onservative arty conference; Churchill's
S 3 speech 14 O 33

declared President
of Chile
4 N 42 De-
Tablet of Julius
eet 2,000th
: anniversary of
‘ rogress fense Plan 18 N 40 , , Roman invasion 2 S 32
Hol popul audiences 30 D 28 London
GOODLIN, CHALMERS Sanitary sewerage system sponsored by Mo
ir reaction Bell test pilot flies rocket-propelled XS-I; reports _ Tison 29 Jl ;
aonentina , p. 23 D 21 Squatters move in on Cricklewood Park. S. 24
s; French fa GORDON, RI Besieged squatters, supporters; police break up
Naw Ween ‘ a : ~ rioting; Communist strategy, p. 23 S 31
N pecific plan for revitalization 7 O 29 Phen a yo, rev. 16 D 70 Nightclubs return to prewar ahi sphere 23 S 3
Slow recovery, shortages 4 N 3¢ GORING, HE RMANN Ps Government injunction 1inst squatters ; marched
Reconstruction slow under Brit war coal, Sent n t ¢ nged 7 O 3 : out of Duchess of Bedford House 30 S 32
steel, | ron production 16 D 34 Suicide cheats ullows; han ed in effigy by Ger Ravens of London Tx Green; legend; pair
GERMS See Bacteria _S in childretr 2 Mabel and Gripp disappear7 O 32 ;
i Xeport on suicide, ack Of security measures; Sec 1 of pea } lors: ear
( f 1 to len, p Ag 7 Gert reaction, p. 28 O 35 cook 14 oO r oe ~_
GHOST TOWNS Met concealing poison revealed 4 N 35 Royal proces to Parliament of tl
Cobalt, Ont revival with production cobalt, Faked versi nord g “appeal te _ ut rman na Guard search of Westminster 2
ilver 19 Age 38 ,. tion” circulated in Germany 18 N 34 Conferer of British Cabinet M th Ir
GIANNINI, AMADEO P. GORING, FRAU HERMANN lian leaders; reception at Ind House, Buck
Maneuvers for ntrol of Citizens National bank, Give linner parties in Bavarian chalet 5 Ag 33 ingham Palace 16 D 3
; S 8 oe Apt t to return to stage fused by denazi- Kindergarten led by U.S. teacher 23 D 47
Loan to Trousdale, housing construction operator fication board 14 O 44 Grosvenor Square statue of Roosevelt; protests
D 90 GORIZIA See | Cities and towns against stand D 48
Uomo Qualunque (Common Man) Party ga : emint nces, rev., excerpts, p. 15 Jl 100 Ex-G.I. returns to settle down; ordered
to leav
appeal to Fascists; sketch, > N ) GOSHEN, N.Y. Five Towns people protest 1 Jl z
GIBSON, COLIN Hambletonian won by bay colt Chestertown; Stevenage ;
Becomes Car s Secretary of State in Cabinet i I ear-old Tom Berry 19 Ag, 64 Residents change town signs to “Silkingrad’
shuffle 23 D 41 GOSPORT MEETING HOUSE Sce Churches protest reconstruction plan 30 D 21
Vol. XLVITI INDEX (July 1— December: 30, 1946, inclusive)
—_ — SS

Colonies and Dominions Family Allowance Plan; payments 7 O 31 At A.F.L convention; attacks labor’s Com-
See also British Empire Lord Chamberlain censors stage lampoon of munists 21 O 25
hy, Cabinet mission leaves India; long-term plan for Laborites 16 D 34 GREENBERGS See Baseball—Japan
central government 8 Jl 35 History GREENSLET, FERRIS
Sir Hubert E. Rance new Koyal Governor of Fanfare for Elizabeth, rev.; Henry VIII's reign The Lowells and Their Seven Worlds, rev. 23,5
Burma; nationalist demonstration 9 S 34 29 Ji 92 106
Empire troubles; native opposition in Nigeria, 2,000th anniversary of Roman invasion; town GRE ENWOOD (MISS.) MORNING STAR
Gold Coast; cost of colonial education 16 D 30 site of landing unveils memorial 9 S 32 I aunched by veterans; scoop story on lynching
Defenses Immigration and Emigration 12 Ag 68
Plan global rocket-line defense system based in Refuses citizenship to ex-G.l., orders to leave GREENWOOD, RUTH
Africa, map 4 N 35 1 Jl 28 Bobby-soxer on student ministry team 23 D 70
Economie conditions Industries GREER, MRS. MABEL 8.
Economist attacks lack of initiative in planned Production lags; lack of machinery; manpower Revealed as mother of Harold Segur; Daily
economy; “‘Carrot and the Stick’ 15 Jl 29 shortage 8 Jl 84 Mirror on secret marriage to George V 2 D 26
Problems in steel, coal; bread rationing con- Nationalization program; “‘working parties’ in GREGORY, EDMUND B.
troversy 2 S 24 vestigate industries 29 J] 23 Resigns WAA due to “ill health” 8 Jl 86
and Naylor family; collections under family allow- GREGORY, HORACE
Mixed economy; Government drops plan to na-
ance plan 7 O 31 tionalize steel industry 2 S 24 History of American Poetry 1900-1940; rev. 18
rty, Slogan “Starve with Strachey, shiver with Shin- Shortage effects industrial stocks; Shinwell ad N 112
well” food
prospect for Christmas 30 D 21 mits danger of breakdown 21 O 33 GREISER, ARTHUR
Economic policy
Morale Hanged in Poznan 29 Jl 86
in Nationalization program’s first year; public re- GREYHOUND RACES See Dog Racing
p. Frank Owen retracts criticism of postwar “de-
action 29 Jl 23 GRIERSON, JOHN
generation of behavior”’ Ji 60
Electricity, inland transport to be nationalized; Gloom over shortages; dissatisfaction with So Originator of “documentary” film Grierson on
delay on gas industry, steel 25 N 39 cialist program 29 Jl 26 Documentary, excerpts, p. 16 D 101
Declares free market in rubber; state trading GRIFFIN PRODUCTIONS
ree- withdrawn 18 N 94 Parliament Backs summer theater group 1 Jl 50
Finances A. P. Herbert’s Point of Parliament, procedure GRIFFITH, JOHN QUINTIN, JR.
U.S. lean passes Congress 22 Jl 17 on bill “Ivy’s Christmas Dinner’’ 25 N 36 Discovery of synthetic hormone pitressin to re-
Dalton announces domestic loan over-subscribed_ —King George opens; Outlawries Bill; Labor re- duce high blood pressure 2 S 75
22 Jl 38 volt against Bevin’s anti-Russian policy; Bevin GRIFFITH, PAUL H.
Foreign poticy~ gets vote of confidence 25 N 39
Elected National Commander of American
Of Labor government analyzed; Bevin’s leader- House of Commons Legion; platform, p. 14 O 27
ship 29 Jl 24 “Kitchen Committee” © promises better food; GRIGNON, CLAUDE-HENRI
Churchill assails Labor Party’s policy on Pales- Labor left-wingers turn on War Minister French-Canadian radio serial; sketch 23 S 70
tine, India 14 O 33 Bellinger 21 O 33 GROMY KO, ANDREI
Bevin outlines before House; concedes U.S. Proposal German P.W.s be encouraged to stay, Vetoes U.N. discussion on Spain 1 Jl 27
leadership; asserts Britain’s rights 4 N 34 marry British women 28 O 3: Explains Soviet position on atomic energy con-
Foreign relations Approves end of Nelson pension 16.D 48 trol 29 Jl 22
Conflict with U.S. on air policy; signs agree- House of Lords Debates admission new countries to U.N ; reads
mit- ments with Mexico, Argentina 26 Ag 81 Lord Darnley’s proposal on Christian neighbor comic strips, p. 9 S 31
Albania liness 22 Jl 26 Wants treaty to outlaw atomic bomb 5 Ag 30
tage British ships fired on, crippled by mines in
Peerage Objects to Baruch’s ultimatium on A.E.C.; re
26 Strait of Corfu 25 N 32 Baron Digby as village milkman, p. 9 S 3: fuses to discuss, p. 30 D 20
nois Argentina Political conditions GROSJEAN, JEAN N.
Economic stake; trade missions 8 Jl 38 French priest wins Pléiade prize for poem;
Tories campaign to discredit Labor
and France anarchist views 8 Jl 29
Agreement abolishing visa requirements for
8 Jl 29
Tory tactics against Labor government ineffec GROSZ, GEORGE
French, British crossing Channel 23 D 28 Autobiography A Little Yes and a Big No, rev.
tive 29 Jl 25
Greece painting Nude in the Dunes, drawing, r., p
Labor Party’s limited victories in Bexley; Ponty-
Protests maneuver to control plebiscite; inter 16 D 67
pool, North Battersea by-elections; Churchill
vention policy criticized 8 Jl 31 GROUND TO AIR PILOTLESS AIRCRAFT
campaigned, p. 5 Ag
at Policy in support of Greek Rightists 9 S 29 U.S. Army’s GAPA rocket defense 2 S 52
Conservative Party conference at Blackpool;
Churchill’s speech assails policy in Palestine, GRUMMAN AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING
Guatemala threatens to break relations over re- CORP.
Peo fusal to cede British Honduras 29 Jl 39
India 14 O 33
Labor government victory in mt inicipal elections; Mallard, commercial amphibian; market 14 O 96
Palestine G-SUITS
Comm sts lose 11 N
Military action in effort to control riots 8 Jl 30 Laborites win two by-celect D 32 Protection for jet pilots 23 S 98
thor- Cruiser Ajar at Haifa; to end illegal immigra- GUADALCANAL See Solomon Islands
Anti-Bevin rebellion in Labor Party, cartoon 9
tion 19 Ag 37 GUAM See Marianas Islands
Crisis on refugee immigration; issues; policy
D 33
toward Jews, Arabs 26 Ag 25 Royal family
Arévalo’s labor support opposed; counter-revolu
) 12 Conference: Arabs from Middle East; boycotted See also individual members
tion plot fails 8 Jl 36
esus by Palestinian Arabs, Jews 16 S 30 At Northumberland wedding; at Tate Gallery;
Strained relations with Britain over British
Military force to quell terrorism 4 N 41 Wright describes 1 J] 29
Honduras; map on currency 29 Jl 39
Poland Buckingham Palace servants join Civil Servants
Claim to British Honduras before International
Britain’s note on free elections, threatens to Union 7 O Court of Justice 30 S 40
hold back Polish gold 2 S 2 Entertains Eise1 ower and family at Balmoral
Arévalo confers with El Salvador’s Guerrero on
Russia Castle 14 O 46
Central American unity 30 S 40
Revolt against Bevin’s anti-Russian policy; No courts to be held next year; to hold garden
Arévalo settles United Fruit Co. strike; meeting
Bevin gets vote of confidence 25 N 39 parties 18 N 47
with Avila Camacho 18 N 38
map United States Social customs GUBBINS, NAT
Strained over Palestine problem; reply to Tru- Hour-by-hour tea-drinking analyzed by Mass On British, U.S., Russian attitudes 14 O 31
man’s demand 15 Jl 29 Observation Polls, chart 11 N 34 GUNNISON, ROYAL ARCH
Congress passes loan bill 22 Jl 17 Royal procession to Parliament; Yeomen of the Death of 7 O 98
cor- Truman’s call on Britain to permit immigration Guard search of Westminster 25 N 36 GUSTAV V, KING OF SWEDEN
irged of Jews; Attlee’s protest note 14 O 30 Yorkshire Collapses in tennis game 29 Jl 40
Pact for joint economic administration in Ger- Villagers track down sheep-killing dog 1 Jl 29 Presents Nobel Chemistry Prize to U.S. winners,
many 9 D 27 GREAT EAST See Indonesian Rey p. 23 D 50
Crossman on British entanglement in U.S. eco- GREAT LAKES
nomic confusion 9 D 33 Shippi strike; Canadian Government seizes H
U.S., Britain, Canada planning, arms standardi companies, runs freighters 1° Jl 38
zation for economy 16 D 30 GREECE HAAKON VII, KING OF NORWAY
Britons resent dependence on U.S., distrust U.S. Big Four agrees to return of Dodecanese 8 Jl 27 74 years old; celebration 70th birthday, forbidden
economy; resent }
Empire-baiting 16 D 30 Bulgar asks Paris Conference for eastern luring occupation 12 Ag 40
O. Max Gardner new U.S. Ambassador to Thrace, map 2 S HABERMEYER, ALAN
Britain; on U.S.-British relations 23 D King George seeks to bring English mistress to Soy leukemia case rushed to California atom-
Foreign trade Greece; London rumors 30 S 34 yclotron, p > 11 70
Ahead of schedule on exports program; U.S. King Georg: 1 entrance into HADFIELD SPEARS HOSPITAL UNIT See
market competition 8 J] 83 Athens; ceremonie ) 34 Hospital
Control of West Africa cocoa trade . a ce 1 Pindus Mountain hi nders meet Scotch coun HAGANAH See Jews Palestine
efiect on U.S. market 2 D 90 terparts; legend, p. N 39 HAGERSTOWN, MD
Argentina Epidemic of scaly t
Ambassador t U.S., Diamant ilos dies of
Board of Trade and Treasury m nj lems; trace infections .to barbershops 30 S 78
heart attack 16 D 80
to unfreeze war credits 8 Jl 38 HAGUE, FRANK
Foreign relations
Trade mission proposals rejected by Perén 29 bania
Democratic control collapses, p. 18 N
ts to U.N es nst Albania;
Mission balked by Perén’s tactics 9 S 41 Heads Hungarian delegation t
Agreement igned; prov ons mn meat exports,
l der its
‘ l¢ >» 30
». 1 S131
sterling credit, ys 30 § 4: HAHN, EMILY
I'saldaris t s Yu lavia training, rearming
Canada Raffles
of Singapore, rev. 18 N 106
Gree errillas, ; U.N nvestigation 23
Wheat deal off; accedes to U.S. protest 8 J1 4 HAIFA See Palestine
D z
Gets only 52 million bu. of wheat 9 D 40 U.N. vote nvestigation | v itions; Yugo HAIR
United States lav troop movements in Vardar Valley 30 D From Mohamerl’s ut stolen from Istanbul
Lifts imports ban on U.S. semi-luxuries 15 Jl 88 0
yf the British consul advises Britons on approach to Political conditions Sealp ringworm; use of salicylanilide ointment
U.S. businessmen 12 A 6 Extre Right in nt Premie I'saldaris
h Ir Limits magazine imports from U.S. 16 S tator; civil war threatens HW: HAITI
Buck ; Government Assembly elects D timé President;
Ple te turn of K U.S., British posi
First year of Labor government; Morrison's role: t »
nationalization program 29 Jl Votes { returr monart 16 S 30 e, luxuries,
otests White Paper on King Dav Ge re I] returns; Liberals, § alis ened; w prices: Estime tionalists from
Ag 33
Communist-led guerrillas in Thess O 3: Cabinet 4 N 4
London Times editorial on t t of imperial GREEN, WILLIAM 80 people flicted wit yaws; U.S. Sanitary
leav ism, tradition 9 S 3 Letter to Truman attacks Schw 19 Ag 21 Mission’s Clinic; reinfection problem 2 D 48
Court injunction against atters: | re in Warns Sleeping Car Porter Cor nists 23 HAI AFAX, EDWARD F. L. WOOD, EARL
wuusing 30 S 32 » + Ils country estate; servant problem 4 N 49
Voi. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)

HALL, DAVID HEART DISEASES Report son born to Frau Goebbels, p. 21 O 44

Paraplegic learned to walk; demonstration before Dr. W. D. Stroud warns doctors against in- Art collection shown at U.S. National Gallery
medical group, p. 16 S 53 validing minor cardiac cases; on coronary 16 D 68
HALL, JAMES M. occlusion 15 Jl 92 Offered Russia plan in Axis; documents cap-
Literary hoax “Oh Millersville!” 23 S 42 Research for rheumatic fever cure; deceptive tured in Germany 23 D 26
Children in Des Moines orphanage party wear Cure of subacute form of bacterial endocarditis Blames Jews for Kielce pogrom; anti-Semitism
gas masks, helmets, p. 11 N 28 with penicillin 26 Ag 72 record 22 Jl 36
HALLOWELL, JOHN W. Of coronary arteries; increase in death rate ex- HOBBS BILL
New headmaster of Western Reserve Academy, plained; Army studies 23 S 47 Passes Senate; anti-racketeering clause 1 J] 21
HALSEY, WILLIAM F. Murder trial in Britain; press protests censor- Tokyo Romance, rev.; novel for the Japanese, p
Joins Pan American as vice president; on rock- ship of photograph 14 O 79 28 O 56
ing horse, p. 12 Ag 82 HEATING EQUIPMENT
Answer to criticism on U.S warship off Vesu- Midget gas burning furnace 9 D 88
Convention in Britt, Ia.; Bo Sigurd Simmons
vius, p. 9 S 21 HE CHIN MINH
elected king; rules 9 S 26
Relieved from active duty 16 D 48 ‘“*President’”’ of Viet Nam demands full inde-
pendence for ‘“‘Republic’’; sketch 9 S 37 HOCKEY
HEDLEY, GEORGE F. Toronto Maple Leafs lead; Lady Byng trophy
Death of 30 S 84
Sermons at Mills College; The Christian Heri- won by Blake of Canadiens 25 N 50
Fred Snite Jr. ends tenth year in iron lung; in- tage in America, p. 5 Ag 58 HOFFMAN, FREDERICK J.
terests, p. 18 N 68 HEGGEN, THOMAS Co-author of The Little Magazine, rev. 1 Jl 98
HANGMEN . Mister Roberts, rev. 2 S 100 HOFFMAN, JACK
Pierrepont on tour of Europe; to teach humane HEIDT, HORACE M. lowa farm boy gets $42,600 for prize calf, p.
system 30 S 30 Clash with Stein; West Coast real estate deals; 4 N 89
U.S. Army executioner at Nurnberg comments bandleader career; sketch, p. 16 S 90 HOGAN, BEN
on hangings, p. 28 O 34 HEIFETZ, JASHA Wins North and South Open golf tournament at
HANNA, A. J. Disagreement with Hollywood Bowl management Pinehurst 18 N 50
Prince in Their Midst, rev. 18 N 109 238 36 HOLAND, HJALMAR R.
HANSON, JOSEPH M. Revealed as writer of song hit 21 O 83 America: 1355-1364, rev. p. 9 S 106
Conquest of the Missouri, reissue, rev. 19 Ag HEINZ, H. , CO. HOLIDAY (PERIODICAL)
104 First public stock offer; founding, family enter- Circulation declines; Patrick new editor 8 Jl 48
Giants player ruled out pending gambling in- HEIRENS, WILLIAM Discredits radio commercial on newscast; ABC
vestigation 23 D 63 Arrested in Chicago, blames murders on alter fires 26 Ag 56
HARDY, J. B. ego; suspect in Degnan murder, p. 29 Jl 18 Back on WJZ; improved commercial 23 S 69
Thomaston (Ga.) Times editor defies mob de- Chicago press plays up as murderer of Suzanne HOLLYWOOD, CALIF.
mand for retraction on Talmadge 5 Ag 90 Degnan; Craig Rice defends 29 Jl 61 Church of England’s Rev. Brian Hession visits
Hardy in America, by Carl J. Weber, rev. 22 U.N. considers for bird sanctuary 22 Jl 26 Political interests 9 S 24
yl 99 HELLINGER, MARK Rival union dispute; Warner, M-G-M picketed;
Hardy the Novelist, rev. 9 S 108 Produces The Killers, rev.; sketch, p. 9 S 100 incidents, p. 7 O 22
HARE, JAMES H. HELICOPTERS Labor disputes at studios; picket line brawls;
Death of veteran news photographer 8 Jl 90 Use in rescue survivors of Gander plane crash Deputy Sheriff attacked 14 O 25
First Commander Duncan-Paris Post of Ameri- HEPARIN See Drugs HOMER
can Legion; admits Communists in post, p. 23 HEPATITIS Odyssey; Rieu trans., others 23 D 92
S 24 Infectious hepatitis; jaundice symptom; cause 16 HONDURAS
HARRIMAN, W. AVERELL S 54 New wave of terror; oppositionist Edmund Mejia
Gives Fourth of July party in London Embassy; HERBERT, A. P. arrested 8 Jl 36
contrast to Winant 15 Jl 30 Play Big Ben opens in London 29 Jl 40 HOOPER, CHARLES E.
Truman appoints Secretary of Commerce, p. 30 Point of Parliament, rev. p. 25 N 36 Poll of radio audiences, gets ©-A-B. clients 30
HARRIS, STANLEY (“BUCKY”) Elected Governor of Ohio, p. 18 N 28 Answers charge Hooperatings inaccurate,
Named 1947 manager of Yankees, p. 11 N 52 HERLIE, EILEEN D 82
HARRIS, WILLIAM, JR. British actress acclaimed in London, in The HOOVER, HERBERT
Death of 16 S 98 Eagle Has Two Heads; sketch, p. 30 S 61 Speech at Ottawa on world food situation 8 JI 4:
Marriage to’Kitty Carlisle 19 Ag 1939 tabloid sensation elopement; sues for di Buys interest in Cleveland Indians 1 Jl 69
Play Christopher Blake, rev. 9 D 8 vorce 16 S 23 In Monsieur Beaucaire, rev., p. 2 § 91
HART, WILLIAM 8. HERSEY, JOHN Forms corporations to escape high income tax;
Death of 1 Jl 70 Report on atom bombing of Hiroshima in New on bicycle, p. 18 N 94
Son disinherited; estate for public park 8 J1 46 Yorker 9 S 50 HOPKINS, HARRY
HARTFORD, JOHN A. HERTZLER, ARTHUR E. Death of; career in New Deal 11 F 22
Guilty of monopoly conspiracy; statement on Death of 23 S 76 HORAN, ROGER
mass retailing, p. 30 S 90 HESS, MYRA New York policeman captures Central Park m
HARVARD UNIVERSITY Recital in New York; British award 21 O 83 derers; sketch; family, p. 1 Jl 21
Veteran professors Ralph B. Perry, Sydney B. HESS, RUDOLF HORMONES
Fay to retire 15 Jl 69 Sentenced to life imprisonment 7 O 30 Synthetic pitressin injections reduce high blood
Record enrollment; 11,700 veterans; Conant’s HESSE, HERMANN pressure 2 S$ 75
administration; teaching program; Nieman Awarded Nobel Prize for Literature 25 N 33 HORSE RACING
Fellows; alumni, overseers, p. 23 S 53 HESSION, BRIAN Dude wins Arlington Classic; Assault dead last
Library receives Reisner collection of detective Church of England clergyman in Hollywood to Fred Astaire’s Triplicate wins Hollywood Gold
stories 9 D 62 promote Protestant films, p. 2 S 68 Cup 5 Ag 66
To discontinue S.B. degree 16 D 83 HESSION, JACK Drayton investigator for Thoroughbred Racing
HARVEY, E. NEWTON Mail-Me-Monday bookkeeping service 25 N 94 Assn.; case of Jockey Keane, of Sea Com-
Method to control sex chromosomes 29 Jl 71 HEYN, ERNEST V. mand 12 Ag 46
HATS Ex-Liberty editor to edit Sport 2 S 49 At Saratoga; record crowds: Hambletonian won
Collection of “‘Bootsie” Cassini, p. 19 Ag 60 HICKS, GRANVILLE by Chestertown 19 Ag 64
Stetson buys out Mallory Hat Co.; company Small Town, rev. 23 D 98 Narragansett won by Lucky Draw 23 S 74
history; management 26 Ag 8&4 HICKSITES See Society of Friends School Tie wins Lawrence at Belmont; Mahout
Strike of sugar workers; business crippled; HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Stymie wins Gallant Fox Handicap at Jamaica;
Bridges’ power 4 N 25 Griffith’s experiments with pitressin injections record earnings 4 N 52
HAWAII UNIVERSITY 2 $ 75 Eddie Arcaro rides Assault to victory in Pimlico
Swim Club breaks Olympic and U.S. records 29 Nerve-blocking injection of tetraethyl ammonium Special, wins Marguerite Stakes on Cosmic
Jl 46 relieves pain 30 D 49 Missile, p. 11 N 54
Swim Club wins A.A.U. outdoor at San Diego; HIGH SCHOOLS See Schools—High Willie Molter, trainer; Bay Meadows stable 2 D
sill Smith, champ 12 Ag 4¢ HIGHWAYS See Roads 85
Protests cost of medical care in U.S. in address HILL, GEORGE WASHINGTON Sunday racing at Hipddromo, Hipico; water
to medical students 14 O 51 Policy as President of American Tobacco Co.; famine; photo finish films developed in Coca-
HAYA DE LA TORRE, VICTOR R. sketch, p. 9 S 86 Cola 23 S 38
Tour of Latin America; Apra policies; sketch, Death of heart attack in Quebec fishing camp; Germany
p. 14 O 40 sketch 23 S 84 Returns to Munich’s Riems track; betting high
Appears with daughter in Alice Sit-by-the-Fire, Death of; labor statesman; sketch, p. 22 Jl 21 Russia
p. 29 Jl 42 HIPPOPOTAMI Revival; gambling; favorite horses 4 N 40
ln Happy Birthday, rev. p. 11 N 56 New York ZOO solves problem of weighing, p. HORSES
HEALTH See Public Health 22 Jl 65 Owner Mink ran Sea Command under name of
HEALTH INSURANCE See Insurance—Health HIROHITO, EMPEROR OF JAPAN long-shot Allpulch; Drayton exposes 12 Ag 46
HEARST, WILLIAM RANDOLPH New Imperial Household Law forbids abdication; Polo ponies: Argentine sales; performance of
New York Journal-American’s tribute to 14 O 78 daughters work in kitchen 26 32 Texas cow pony 23 S 76
Orders new gossipy society column for Los An- Seeks woman tutor for Crown Prince, specifies La Don grand champion Percheron of Live Stock
geles Examiner 21 O 55 type 9 S 59 Exposition; entries, p. 16 D 90
—. to King Features on new comic strip 16 Proclaims democracy; Shinto ceremony 11 N 38 HORSE SHOWS
)7 Inspects primary school, p. 18 N 8: New York: Morton Smith wins jumping cham
HEARST PUBLICATIONS HIROSHIMA See Japan—Cities and Towns pionship with Chamarro, p. 18 N 50
Campaign against ‘“‘filthy’’ books 26 Ag 48 HISTORY HOSPITALS
Los Angeles Herald & Express strike; suspen- The Meeting of East and West: analysis of cul Barnard Skin and Cancer Hospital buys first
sion of publication 23 S 63 tures 12 Ag 96 by-product of atomic bomb, millicurie of C-14
HEART HITCHHIKING for research 12 Ag 89
Theory life prolonged by slowing heartbeat 30 S “Susan Bower” arrested in New Jersey; pro- Overcrowding; Truman signs Government-aid
78 tests win release 18 N 30 building program 26 Ag 70
Calcium shell encloses boy’s heart; retarded HITLER, ADOLF U.S. Lexington Hospital for narcotics; two-part
growth; surgery 30 S 80 Physical condition described by U.S. Army medi- cure; Barney Ross volunteer patient 23 S 47
Massage of exposed heart restores beat in anes- cal research 1 Jl 40 Hadfield Spears hospital unit in Journey Down
thesia victim 4 N 86 Yacht Grille up for auction in Britain 19 Ag 45 a Blina Alley 30 S 114
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Critical nurse shortage; day’s routine of head Haiti U.S. Office of Education sponsors literacy pro-
nurse in New York hospital 7 O 50 Luxury for low rental in American colony in gram for adult Negroes 28 O 86
Pereira designs Beverly Hills Hospital Memo- Port-au-Prince 4 N 42 Venezuela’s campaign against 11 N 40
rial Medical Center 14 O 94 Italy ILLUSTRATIONS See Drawings—Book illustra-
Carville, La. U.S. leprosarium; cures, treatment, Artist refuses to vacate Rome studio, landlord’s tion
social activities Christmas tree, p. 30 D 49 persecutions 30 D 23 ILSEY, JAMES
Mental Japan
Relieved of Canadian Finance Ministry, be-
Poor conditions in state hospitals; public in- comes Minister of Justice 23 D 41
Lack of winter shelter; makeshifts; Tokyo lot-
difference, p. 11 N 76 IMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION See un-
tery new houses 2 D 36
Toledo therapist explains postures of patients der individual countries
(L) 16D9 Squatters occupy U.S. embassy; Ambassador
London Times editorial on 9 S 32
Lane in two rooms in hotel 23 D 27 INCENTIVE STOCK PLAN See Stocks
Musicians’ strike cuts off bands from 50 New Russia
York hotels; Pegler’s comment 16 S 20 INCENTIVE SYSTEM See Labor—Industrial
Effects of war devastation; Army officer returns relations
Heidt’s purchases; Lone Palm Hotel; Nevada to destroyed home 4 N 36
Biltmore in Las Vegas 16 S 91 INCOME
HOWARD, MARY Half of national income in top fifth of salary
Blue Bonnet Hotel in San Antonio; lobby Radio recording engineer; sketch 30 D 82
flooded in rainstorm, p. 7 O 26 bracket 1 Jl 77
HOWE, HELEN To individuals over $12 billion in May 22 Jl 80
Ben Bodne buys New York’s Algonquin Hotel; We Happy Few, rev. 15 Jl 100
Frank Case’s management 21 O 91 INCOME TAX See Taxation
a Winecoff Hotel fire kills 120, p. 16 D Pastor California church consecrated Episcopal OF THE ARTS, SCIENCES AND PRO-
bishop; aided relief for China, p. 26 Ag 67 FESSIONS
Schine buys control of Los Angeles’ Ambassador HUDSON RIVER
Hotel; profits 23 D 83 Political strength; Jo Davidson chairman; mem-
View in scope of ship’s radar, map, p. 9 S 76 bership; Hollywood interest 9 5 2
Brazil HUGHES, HOWARD Joins Conference of Progressives 7 O 25
it Quitandinha failure, p. 9 S 40 Truman wires assurance; recuperative powers INDIA
Great Britain 22 Jl 46 Government invalidates freak nomination paper
Strike of cooks, waiters, bus boys in London’s Leaves hospital; super-adjustable hospital bed for Constituent Assembly 29 Jl 26
West End hotels, p. 21 O 33 own invention 26 Ag 41 Kumar of Bhowal wins 25-year-old claim to
Palestine Flies to New York; suit against Johnston office Darjeeling estate; rescue from funeral pyre,
King David Hotel in Jerusalem wrecked in over censorship of Outlaw, p. 23 S 42 life among beggars 12 Ag 25
terrorist explosion; 80 dead 5 Ag 33 Partnership with Preston Sturges broken 11 N 49 U.S. columnist discloses thorium shipments
HOUDE, CAMILLIEN HUMBERT, KING See Umberto, Ex-King of stopped; Maharaja’s nuclear project D 28
Montreal’s Mayor; administration; sketch, cov. Italy Calcutta
5 Ag 40 HUNGARY Hindu-Moslem rioting, death toll 4,000; hun-
HOURS Extreme inflation; U.S. promises on property, ger » oC
Teachers average 70 hours; ‘Bill of Rights” gold, credit; delegation asks support on repa- Economic conditions
calls for 45-hour week 5 Ag 75 rations moratorium 1 Jl 31 Famine threatens; malnutrition tim, p. 15
Lewis demands 40-hour week tor miners 25 N 23 Russia lemands ‘“‘lines of communications” Ji 3¢
lorces in <2 Ji <V Acut shortages; 1 strikes; grain ship-
Pressed Steel Car to produce electric ranges Withdraws over-inflated pengd; “index pengo”’ I nts yed 35U SD.
8 Jl 82 replaces 2 Jl 36 reign relations
General Electric to hold down prices; increased U.S*% note to Moscow protests heavy reparations; Presents to U.N. charges of South Africa’s ra-
production of washing machines, refrigerators states gold on way back to Budapest 5 Ag 37 cial discrimination 1 Jl 32
22 Ji 80 HUNTING Portuguese colony of Goa acts against National
CPA report on June production of washing ma- Restrictions ¢ 1946 duck hunting 19 Ag 20 Congress agitation, imprisons leader 26 Ag 32
chines, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, stoves St. Louis bu SS man tries tor ig game, bear
U.S. sends
mission on air traffic rights 26 Ag 81
5 Ag 82 hunt in Minnesota; lion hunt foiled by news- Political conditions
Radarange for speedy cooking 28 O 66 man 7 O 64 Gandhi demands Moslem in interim government;
General Mills markets Tru-Heat electric iron Season opens; rabbits, ducks, deer; record fatali- Nehru arrested in Kashmir; w rs strike
18 N 88 ties 9 D 78
1 Jl 32
Schlumbohm’s inventions: Tubadipdrip, Tempot, HUROK, SOL British mission leaves; agreement n plan for
others 25 N 96 Opens Ballet Russe at Metropolita: competi- central government 8 Jl 35
HOUSE OF REPRES NTATIVES See United tion with Ballet Theater 14 O 70 61 Moslems renounce British titles 12 Ag 26
States—Congress HURRICANES Akali Party punishes members who supported
HOUSES From West Indies threatens New England 23 Congress Party; penances 19 Ag 36
S 92
Loeb country house designed by ank Lloyd Jinnah “Direct Action Day” against sritish
Wright; modern features, model, 1 Jl 73 HUSING, EDWARD B. (“TED”) plan; Hindu-Moslem riot in ( alcutta; 3,000
BAE survey on market 1 Jl 77 Turns “disc
jockey’; radio records program; killed 26 Ag 32
Barbara Hutton gives Regents Park mansion to areer, p. 11 N 73 Calcutta riots; Bengal threat to secede; Execu
U.S. 12 Ag 39 HUTCHINS, ROBERT M. tive Council ‘“‘caretaker” gover nt, includes
Prefabricated Encyclopaedia Britannica tilm and Great Books Moslems S 26
Strandlund idea houses of enameled steel sheets; project for adult education 30 S 67 ts in Bo ; Moslems’ contempt camp n;
Lustron Corp. deal 11 N 94 Outlook on future in atomic age 28 O 50 dead in Calcutta, p. 9 S 33
In Levitt’s Westbury, L.I. development; parts HUTCHINSON, PAUL Ministers confer with Gandhi; Cz t; Moslem
in own factory; costs, p. 23 D 8 “Europe’s Death” report in ( istian Century; boycotts; dead in Bombay riots, p.
HOUSING on moral collapse 21 O 30
Low-cost veterans project sponsored y Temple- HUTTON, BARBARA J rees to name Moslems All-India
ton Cleveland banker 15 J1 8 Demands London Tatler pay off for false report ss; Moslems massacre Hindus in Ben-
Chicago bum reflects on increase in board rates on marriage to McEvoy 8 Jl 4¢ gal 28 O 40
at flop houses 22 Jl 20 Gives London mansion U.S. for Aml issadors Wavell refuses to postpone Constituent Assem-
Wyatt emergency program lags; pric rities exX- 12 Ag 39 bly, Congress Party cooperates 2 D 36
tended 26 Ag 81 3uys house in Casbah; injured in sleepwalking Leaders at | on contferen Jinnah wins on
Deluxe trailer gift to couple at University of accident 30 S 50 Assembly vot y provinces » D 32
Missouri; Army barracks on campus 9 S 59 HUXLEY, ALDOUS INDIANS
Wyatt’s report on building progress; reports Introduction to new edition of Brave New Navajos tribal council conclave; servation,
from major U.S. areas; material shortage; World, p. 30 S 110 schools inadequate; Chief Chee Dodge, p.
makeshift shelters 7 O 27 HUXLEY, JULIAN
Wyatt directs Tucker Corp. to t over WAA Urges Soviet participation in UNESCO2 D 27 lian culture in U.S.; lroquois pat
plant to Lustron Corp. to produce prefabri Elected director-general UNESCO; sketch, p. (
cated units 11 N 92 16D 8 : Argentina
Squatters outbreak in Chicago; veterans move HYDROELECTRIC POWER See Electric as trek to protest absentee ownership
into apartment project; arrests 18 N 30 Power 4 Ag Sl

R.F.C. refuses loan to prefabricated house manu- HYPERTHYROIDISM Brazil

facturers; Tucker charges trick deal on Lus Radioactive isotopes treatment 14 O 5 Chavantes enemies of white man; Rondon’s In-
tron 25 N 89 HYPNOTISM dian Service; first amicable meeting 2 S 32
Problem of maintaining $10,000 ceiling on new Produced by television; British radio bans hyp-
houses seen with decontrol 18 N 21 notists trom telecasting 0VDS8
Nas iis Indians to vote aboard
In overcrowded colleges; makeshift facilities New ter 19 Ag 38
18 N 83 Mexico
Trousdale Co. plans to develop Baldwin Hills IBARRA See Velasco Ibarra Archeological discoveries on Mixtecs, Zapotecs,
tract near Los Angeles; other projects 2 D 92 IBN SAUD, KING OF ARABIA La Ventas, Huastecas 7 O 68
Failure of Wyatt’s program; new demands for Oil concess to St rd Oil (Cal.) 23 D 77
funds, veteran priorities 9 D 24 Morley’s The Ancient Maya, rev. 9 D 109
IBSEN, HENRIK Tehuanas culture ‘in Meri Sout the Isth-
Truman’s housing program drops veterans’ pri- John Gabriel Borkman, rev.; produced by Amer-
orities, $10,000 limit; system of federal per-
mus of Tehuantepec, by Covarrubias; paint-
ican Repertory Theatre 25 N 55 ing, 38 r. 18 N
mits 23 D 19 ICE, DRY See Dry Ice
Canada South America
ICELAND The Marginal Tribes, rev.; rites, taboos 23 D 50
Veterans’ Housing League takes over Kildare l for U.N. membe
4 Barracks, moves in families; King plans hous- U.S. gives up bases;
INDO-CHINA See French Indo-China
to man
ing in empty Government buildir 16 S 40 Keflavik airdrome 30 S 26 INDONESIA, REPUBLIC OF
Squatters’ invasion of Carleton barracks, riots; Becomes member of U.N.; del igns 2 D 29 See also Netherla East Indies
Vancouver squatters in Army barracks 7 O 42 ICE SKATING See Skating Truce; Van Mook’s banquet for “Prime Minis-
Homeless Veteran’s League leads squatters move- ICKES, HAROLD L. ter Sjharir; Soekarno aloof 28 O 40
ment in Montreal, take ov empty gambling For Federal owner 1 land beneath Comprised of Java, Sumatra, Madura; division
joints; Communist influence 11 N 4 coastal waters; clash in U.S.I. 25 N 36
y 5 Ag 23 Double rule; proposed pact with Du Govern
Nationwide squatters’ revolt; veterans move in Mrs. Ailshie publisher; history 5 Ag 93 ment; Soekarno’s power: Sjahrir’s role, may
_on Army camps, parks 2 S 24 Vardis Fisher columns; reproved for attack on 23 D 31
Communists lead squatter movement, move fam- Governor Williams; Fisher quits 12 Ag 68 INDONESIA, UNITED STATES OF
ilies into Kensington flats 16 S 32 ILLINOIS Indonesian Rept >, Borneo “Great East” equal
-aid ©quatters encamped in luxury flats; Government Politics feature of State Fair; Colonel McCor- partners in |
action; supporters block traffic 23 § 31 mick speaks 26 Ag 17 Proposed federation,
part Squatters moved out by court injunction; Com- ILLITERACY INDUSTRIAL RELA’
+7 munist Party maneuvers; Government pro- Among Navajos 80%; 57% cannot speak Eng- Bowles asks C.1.0., A.F.L. chiefs year of
own gram 30 S 32 lish 12 Ag 42 industrial peace 1 J! 21

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Hillman’s role; compromise philosophy 22 Jl 21 INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL EDU- Paris Peace Conference problems; agenda, map
Presidential fact-finding board upholds Air Line CATION 29 Ji 20
Pilots’ right to bargain 22 Jl 82 Stephen Duggan to retire; son to succeed as De Gaulle calls for Western European bloc on
Labor leaders against overall strikes during price director 4 N 70 U.S., Russia as new worlds 5 Ag 28
rise period 12 Ag 13 INSURANCE Agreement to merge U.S. and British zones of
Government board grants Western Union em Court rejects claim against Mutual Life for dis Germany; meaning in East West conflict 1
ployees further wage raise; answers company ability benefits for alcoholic’s wife 14 O 5 Ag 22
9 S 84 Health Shooting down of U.S. planes by Yugoslavia
G.M.’s Wilson on labor inefficiency and produc Saskatchewan’s $5-per-person tax to finance hos- creates diplomatic crisis 23S 21
tion lag 16 S 89 pitalization plan 7 O 44 U.S., Britain disapprove Russia’s demand for
tritish retailer institutes incentive plan to r Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York joint control of Dardanelles; Turks reject,
vive courtesy 4 N 98 approved by City; other plans 4 N 85 map 2 S 22
Cost Savings Sharing Plan success at Bundy California Physicians Service; reciprocal system U.S. decision to resist Russia in control of
TPubin o.; U.A.W. acc edes to incentive sys to offset socialized medicine 11 N 77 Germany analyzed by Alsop 9 S$ 29
tem 4 N 96 Britain’s National Health Insurance system; fee Balkan salient; Yugoslav, j un moves for Ik
Allis-Chalmers de strategy; break in nego haggling 23 D 68 federation; territorial demands 16 S 29
tiations, p. 11 Life Wallace’s speech stirs furor in Britain 23 S 28
Lewis reopens coal né¢ ytiations; threat of new Mrs. Clapper wins court award of double in- Nat Gubbins on British, U.S., Russian attitudes Ik
strike; tactics with Krug; injunction against demnity for husband’s death despite “air on world peace 14 O 31
Lewis 25 N } clause” 5 Ag 50 Commission to investigate arms production in
N.A.M.'s new conciliatory labor policy 6D 87 all zones of Germany; troop locations, num
bers around world, map, chart 14 O 31 IR
Jack and Heintz changes employe program, drops
Lloyd’s issues first policy ag 1inst squatter dam-
! bonuses, fre¢ Florida vacations World Bank and Monetary Fund conference
age; stiff terms 30 S 3
ends; achievements 14 O 89
1 pottery plant bonuses; 88 employes Social Cleavage between East, West in Danube trade
et $3,500 each 30 D 17 Alberta’s Supreme Court rules Social Credit discussions 21 O 29 IS
Sloan files G.M. brief restricting union power, “Bill of Rights’’ unconstitutional 30 D 30 Byrnes speech on firm U.S policy, Russia’s dis
defends rights of employers and employes, Britain’s National Insurance Bill provides ‘“‘cra- trust; Federal Council of Churches plea 28
opposes closed shop 30 D 7 dle to grave’ security 29 Jl 23 O 23 Is
New cooperative policy at S. Buc hsbaum and EGRITY (PERIODICAL) U.S. policy clarified, firmness, patience v. Rus
Co.; union relations 30 D 78 New Catholic publication; first issue 14 O 56 sian expansionism 28 O 31
Canada INTELLECTUALS “Declaration of Economic Justice” outlines Is
Government, steel union deadlocked on wage Writers, historians, philosophers of Europe hold moral sanctions 28 O 72
1 n strike crisis 9 S 4 conference in Geneva; delegates, p. 23 S 28 Plan Anglo-U.S lobal rocket defense system
Strikes settled; pulp producers meet union de INTELLIGENCE, MILITARY based in Central Africa, map 4 N 35
! 1 G.M. and Ford sign with UV.A.W.; Activities between U.S. and Russian zones; Molotov wants imme ite disarmament, collal
ther agreements 11 N 42 German girl spy 12 Ag 32 ration between different political, social sys
Great Britain INTELLIGENCE TESTS See Psychology tems 11 N 29
mist on lack of incentives in planned econ- INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT COM- UNESCO objectives, rev on of world’s text
‘ 15 Jl 30 MISSION books 11 N 74
Absence ot postwar crises laid to Labor gov- Creates local crafts industry in Peru; Truman Rockefeller’s American International Associa-
ernment’s policy 29 Jl 24 Bailey’s workshop, p. 1 Jl 36 tion for Economic and Social Development
| !
lemic 50 greater than 1945; dusting with MA CITY) U.N. progress toward compromise; passes di
DDT, draining of swamps ineffectual 5 Ag 55 Haya de la Torre receives honory degree; speech armament res¢ 23 D 23
to students 14 O 40 U.N. votes commission to investigate Balkan
Epidemic in Minneapolis; 290 cases 12 Ag 69
INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORT AS- border violations 30 D 20
rheory tooth cavities open dor to polio; experi SOCIATION
nent with monkeys 1 Ag 89 INTERNATIONAL TELEPHONE AND
Five Freedoms Agreement a failure; U.S. to TELEGRAPH CoO.
5,6 cases; research progress, failures in The withdraw 5 Ag 84
Challenge f Polio; vir tests 19 Ag 68
Liquidation of foreign investments to forestall 1
INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE OF THE- expropriation; sale in Argentina 16 S 96
Film Sister ens rev.; Kenny record in treat- ATRICAL STAGE EMPLOYEES
ment 30 S 101 Jurisdictional dispute with C.S.U.; clashes at
1946 epidemic record cases; four-year total; M-G-M 7 O
MENT CONFERENCE See under United Na
th rate cut 11 N 7¢ é d ONAL BANK FOR RE-CON-
Fred Snite Jr. polio vict nds tenth year in STRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT
Harold D. Smith, vice-president 1 Jl 20 INTERPLANETARY TRAVEL
iron lung; normal inte , p. 18 N 68 Gliding space ship predicted by Samuel Herrick,
INFANT MORTALITY See Vital Statistics Bank open; prospective loans 14 O 89
Meyer resigns presidency; bank operation de- chart 21 O 61
INFECTIOUS HEPATITIS Sce Hepatitis lay; states’ laws on investments 16 D 94 INVENTIONS
INFLATION Presidency har« 1 to fill; Graham Towers refuses Electro-cellist developed by Benioff 15 Jl 64
See also countries—Economic conditions; Cur- 23 D 77 Electro-automatic Chinese typewriter 15 Jl 73
Prestige drops; problem of president; Vice Presi- ‘“‘Linear Accelerator’’ to extend atom-smashing;
Threat of, with end of OPA 15 J1 19 dent Smith’s resignation bungled 30 D 77 FM device for cyclotron 22 Jl 65
World-wide threat in currency war 22 jl 79 INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION OR- Isophone, telephone recording device 29 Jl 68
INFLUENZA GANIZATION Ray-catching tube, automatic fire alarm 5 Ag 70
Mass inoculation at Yale with Army-tested vac- For safety and navigation standards; U.S. to Portable artificial respirator, p. 26 Ag 74
cine 7 O 50 participate 5 Ag 84 Pilot ejection seat; automatic bail-out S 20
New vaccine produces violent reaction in chil- INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF SUR- Reactocaster records audience reaction 23 S 69
dren; doctors advise for adults only 23 D 66 GEONS Radio commercial eradicator 30 S 96
Drop in cases; no prospect of epidemic 30 D 50 Meeting at Detroit hospital; reports on surgery At National Business Show; listed 14 O 93
INFRA-RED RAYS pr ress 4 N 8&5 Rad developed by Raytheon 28 O 66
Photography of Milky Way nuclei 23 S 94 INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE Schlumbohm’s gadgets: Tubadipdrip, Tempot,
In railroad signal device 1 fog 11 N 98 To review Guatemala’s claim to British Hon Chemex coffee-maker, others 25 N 96
INGERSOLL, RALPH M. duras; Belize citizens object 30 S 40 Walter’s machine analyzes brain waves recorded
Re ns PM; protests pol to take advertising, INTERNATIONAL FISHERMEN AND AL- by electroencephalograph 16 D 73
p. 11 N 68 LIED WORKERS OF AMERICA Automatic coffee vendor; slot machines, coin
On lecture tour; projects planned 18 N 56 Operates as labor union; Justice Department changers, slug rejectors 16 D 92
prosecute for price-fixing 2 S 84 INVERCHAPEL, LORD
INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZA- Notes informality cf U.S. diplomatic conventions
Su s is publisher of Rangely (Colo.) News
ION 7 O 47
Schwellenbach plan to appoint C.I.O. member Visits lowa farm on hoy’s invitation 4 N 49
INKOGRAPH CO., INC, delegate protested by Green 19 Ag 20 INVESTMENT BANKING
Pr icers non-capillar pen; ad_ burlesques INTERNATIONAL LAW See Law First Boston Corp. absorbs Mellon Securities
laims of ball-pen makers 16 S 90 Corp. 8 Jl 88
INONU, ISMET AND WAREHOUSEMEN’S UNION Merger Union Trust Co. of Pittsburgh and
Wins su t wr reelection as irkey’s Presi Strike of Hawaiian sugar workers; wage, hour, Mellon Bank; to compete for industrial 1loans
nt. 1 > I 29 closed shop demand Bridges’ control 4 N 25 22 Jl 84
INSANITY Hawaii sugar workers ended; wins American Research and Development Corp
National Mental Health Act provisions 8 Jl 64 wwe increase, loses on closed shop 25 N 25 of venture pital 19 Ag 86
Ir ‘ n Portugal; 5,800 new cas in month INTERNATIONAL LONGSHOREMEN’S INVESTMENTS
Ji 28 ASSN. Workers form Postwar Investment Co.: set P
P care for patients in state asylums; blame Ban n shi loadiz UNRRA supplies for Accounting Corp. of America 25 N 94
public indifference, p. 11 N 76 Yugoslavia; New York Times deplores action American Anglo-Transvaal Corp. formed to pro
Woman criminal undergo lobot personal mote South African mining 26 Ag 90
ty changes; use in mental diseases 23 D 66 INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND I.T. & T. policy of liquidating foreign su
INSECTICIDES Operation delayed; unable to control currency aries to forestall expropriation 16 S 97
Db! ts a nst flies at Bear Mountain Park; wal V1 ) IODOPHTHALEIN Sce Drugs
DPE } nosq larv ter; #448 U.S nferet ends; pledge 1 currency re- IOWA
repellent 16 S 104 valuatior 14 O 89 State Fair Board discards WPA mural
Fixes sulting 8 Jl 61
Brazil's fight against locusts; Sao Paulo Bio- 0 Dcurren
77 exchange rates of nations
I tut ‘ cts insecticide 21 O 40 Village of Britt we mes hoboes at first post
DDT, em hexachlori (Gam xane) INTERNATIONAL PICTURES CORP. war convention 6

against Dutch elm disc 16 D 5 Merger with Universal Pictures 12 Ag 88 Warren County Methodist church lack m
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ters; college students fill in 23 D 70
See » Unit Nations; Council of Foreign IPSOPHONE
Swarm of May flies plague car in Wisconsin, p. M inist Paris Peace Conferenc: Swiss telephor iph recording device > Jl 68
ji 21 Big | gree or l-nation peace conference IRAN
Army ant; biological mechanism 2 S 52 l J Tudeh-staged strike, riots, at Anglo-Iranian Oil
U.S m experiment on mosquitoes to find
ellent, p 14 0 81
Brook Atkinson charges Russia blocks amicable Co.; murders of Arabs in revenge for looting
relations; at pea nly } 5 Jl 28 by pirates 12 Ag 24
INSTALLMENT BUYING of Foreign Ministers achievement con Princes Ashraf returns from Russia; S t
Or n consumer good purchases
1 Jl77 between Russia and West, cartoon 22 honors 30 S 30
s trictions lifte N 89 , Jl 25 Qashqai, Bakhtiari tribesmen want a
INSTITUTE FOR THE CRIPPLED AND U.N. Health Assembly ‘mental disarmament’ battle Government forces 7 O 34
DISABLED program; proposal in British House of Lords Government troops in Azerbaijan to super ¢
Para irn to wall »S for Christian neighborliness 22 Jl 26 elections; Pishevari defeat 23 D

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

IKAQ : IVES, IRVING M. : House girls,

geishas organize prosti- defrocked
King Feisal spends summer in sritain studying New York Republicans nominate for Senate 16 tutes’ ask SCAP aid 16 § 35 union
industrial methods 7 O 31 S 23 Social customs
U.S. mission raised to embassy 2 D 21 Elected to Senate, p. 18 N 26 Moon Viewing Festival 23 S 34
IKELAND J Zaibatsu
e also Eire Mitsuis dissolve constitution; to liquidate hold-
Farm sanctuary for refugee Jew- TRIES, INC.
h orphans; legend of Gaels 1 Jl 27 JAPANESE AMERICANS
Prescribe year’s leave of absence for Bill Jack; Heroes of Army’s 442nd Combat Team receive
IRGUN ZVAI LEUMI Sce Jews—Palestine Foy takes over 23 D 80
Presidential Unit Citation; morale record, p.
tain’s nationalization plan 29 Jl 23 Replaced by Foy; resented change in employe
yrtage of scrap; ships to yield 700,000 tons Sakamoto’s success with Hawaii Swim Club, p.
program; son, secretary resign 23 D 80 9 Jl 46
IRON LUNGS On prejudice in New England; returns to New Terrorists in Shindo Remmei swindle compa-
Fred Snite, Jr. ends tenth year in; norma York City 12 Ag 40 triots; killings; 76 deported 26 Ag 34
life, p. 18 N 68 Fall of Valor, rev., p. 7 O 108 "ANESE L ANGUAGE
IRONS JACKSON, ROBERT H. se book t U.S. soldiers in Japan 15
ru-Heat” electric ron marketed | General To close Niirnberg trials; ties up German public 1
n Mills 18 N 88 opinion, finance, with war crimes 5 Ag 31 JAUNDICI
Address t University of Buffalo; justifies Popular name for infectious
IRRIGATION hepatitis; inci-
MVA project r way > Jl 1 furnberg judgments 14 O 3: nce, polluted drinking water;
Mexican progr ; reclamat da R Bravo Hon ry LL.D. from Western Maryland 16 \ my inve tigation 16 S 54
D 48
(Grande) project D 36 JAVA Se Netherlands East Indies
ISLAM JAVA MAN See Man, Prehistoric
rusalem as traditional shrine; Ran im cele
Thunder Out
1, rev., Pp. 2 O 110
JAZZ See Music—Jazz
bration; conflict with Jew 6 A $ JEANS, SIR JAMES H.
Acts to end maritime unions’ picketing of New
ISLANDS Death of; theories, bool sketch, p. 30 S 63
York Times,p. 21 O 58
Legend of sunken island t ft Eire; Galway JAMES, HENRY
fishermen see “reappear” 16 D 34 Assem)h] t Cleveland; 75,000 attend; evan-
American Scene reissue, rev.; new editions;
Relism, baptism
] in Lake Erie, p.i 19 Ag 24
ISOTOPES critical work » 110 JELLINEK, ELVIN M.
production JANNEY, RUSS! Director Yale Plan alcoholic studies, p 5 N 82
™m Novel The Miracle of the Bells, rev., p. 168 110 JENNINGS, JOHN
JANSSENS, JOHN B., S.J. N l m I ate, rev. 19 Ag 108
Electe ral of Society of Jesus 23 S 73 JERSEY CITY, N.J.
Pays f call on |] XII, »)S 83
H political control collapses
18 N
thdraw 1 Jl 26 JAPAN JERUSALEM See Palestine
Premier de Gasperi visit four-power nt pact | ed |
Byrt Jl 2¢
Wins nomination r Governor of Texas; sketch,
Boundaries Der t t Western-st political par
I Four agrees to transfer Tenda and Briga ties, n; MacArthur etorms 2 S 27
JESUITS Sce Society of Jesus
Severe winter; ta 1 r t shelter; re
to France; discuss Trie 8 Jl 27 JESUS CHRIST
lo keep South T 1; Briga, la to France; construction D 3¢
R t Grav ‘ rev.;
on origin of
I Ww: kill j 0; dest ction
['rieste to be internationali » Jl 20 rt n n; Ciseri painting, r 0S 106
< home 0D {
lito offers to abandon Trieste claim; wants O f Mi proce in Lima; leg-
Army) ‘ oO
Gorizia, map 18 N 3
Russia tion (
Caravatée Religious Book Club’s selection of King Jesus
Removal of popular priest; citizens rebel, follow | test 1 oN
M or “M at b eo ot niesses to cannibalism or
Baptists, boycott mass 25 N 76 JET-PROPELLED PLANES See under Air-
odies of U.S. flyer n Bonins 16 S 24
Gortzia planes
Cities and Towns
lito asks for Yugoslavcor trol, map 18 N 32 JEWELRY
ima M to | rl t in pan;
Milan Rev ] w; Cat chu first build (1 ° t¥ S 8&4
s of B Ma ] Demons Lp. iS J
ety rat st trom Ar t I I I vic
D f W ed of ,0 of jewels;
: ' t < es
j ca pl 9 Ag 6 4)
m He t tor I f re M Kavanaugl wel et
( i eceives | 1 Remus replica ¢ $ E D

s. vet } otest f ) trom

l t é ts «
Att ts to lar I tir captured
lic works 1 t O ‘ | t > vo
N enset Mace t nt to death nN ‘ D 3¢
\ ti ( } 9 D )
In N \ t
rt tist t te stu I ré x S 44
D 23
| J in
rieste Vat n tne W M Ss ¢
( t givit to Yu V 1 Jl 2¢ '
t ( nr t | S
t : U.N nt ) 31 20 | l \ é
| ( t \.M. Commu | | re
l New Year wit i
Partis igainst t ;
1 © {
\ ) I osuka ( t
| t U.S.-¥ t S. 88th Japanese women greet 1 Navy wives 1 Jl 25 I iO
D t S Constitution
ittach n A.M.( iH ‘ it
Keonomic conditions 1 lé
I 1 ndar UNRRA er seeks : te ¢
loar \ ( t tior DD
J P ¢
Volitical conditions Economic conditions )
Constituent Assembly elects Er o de Nicola | m-
r ]
( h j } + ts
I t
tr test t i ition of
l ric J Imperial family
‘ ‘ I ‘ { ite<
N ’ ‘ ( D
s P {1 |
é t I Co ( y tT
Lngl é war; 1ganan
R Ww s fre Industries
“ oO M l 1 J )
t- 1 . a nah
‘ 1 N MfM
’ 1130
( support Tit al for Gorizia; I t D Hotel; t
( nist-S t el N t Impe tr £\
tions 18 N I \ ‘ v; Brit off
] t M ‘ Navy t vis t es; inti
I ( M pi N 39 ( \ V d as
Keconstruction . »D
| Taal ¢ t. ele British halt ill i ition, to l ef
Occupation ( rus 19
wer, cI s \ to aid ( t } i 1inst
Royal family Ji 38 tion 1 inde it
Ex-QO n Maria josé ar in Portug M s ( ( ef « rs re ips, | 6 Ag 4
t Salazar; Um to t title Ce t Partition plan splits rank Irgun Zvai Leumi,
f irre 1 J ( Re { bo yment Stern ( ist appeas »S 37
Social conditions British tactics t bt ism; | ibs explode
h to write div law attack sermons near t p roadblocks ¢ 41
t demonstrations; ( law | conditions Irgun ui Leumi threatens to extend violence
> Ag 3 1 e of new democratic to N 39
Venezia Guilia tions 11 N 38 Conf in Tel-Aviv aganah urges curb
To go to Yugosiavia; polit nditions; Tito’s Keconstruction on violence; Jrgun Zvai Leumi, Stern Gang
strategy 5 Ag 29
Delays; shortages, occupation demands
2 D 36 refuse 25 N 40
IVANISSEVICH, OSCAR Social conditions Poland
Argentine Ambassador to U.S. welcome by Tru Women in polit igitate for end of concul in- Pogrom in Kielce incited by boy; 41 Jews killed
man, p. 16S age, tor I red divorce WS S 28 in riot 15 Jl 3¢
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December $0, 1946, inclusive)

Cardinal Hlond blames Jews for Kielce pogrom; K “KILROY WAS HERE”
Jews flee country 22 Jl 36 Theories on origin; appearances at VA clinics
Anti-Semitic stories of Jews torturing Poles in KABAT, HERMAN on battleship at Bikini 19 Ag 68
Radom 9 D 3 , Clinic for spastics; therapy; sketch, p. 5 Ag 55 Kilroy wins street car prize for explaining ori
Japanese news agency hit by reporters’ clubs Addresses Tokyo Christian conference 1 Jl 88 KIMMEL, HUSBAND E.
monopoly 19 Ag 62 KAHN, ROBERT Charged with laxity by Pearl Harbor investiga-
* Mail-order sales of weather-houses, p. 2 S 80
JIMENEZ, ENRIQUE tion 29 Jl 15
Cuts Panama Government salaries, including KAISER, HENRY J. KING, ERNEST J.
own 9 D 39 Permanente builds aluminum-magnesium, 40- Statement on Savo Island disaster 19 Ag 25
JINNAH, MOHAMED ALI passenger bus 29 Jl 80 Charged with concealing blunder of fellow offi-
Works for Pakistan, Moslem autonomy 8 Jl 35 KAISER-FRAZER CORP. cer by Senate Committee 9 S 22
Proclaims “Direct Action Day” against British Frazer displays first cars; Willow Run assem- KING, WILLIAM L. MACKENZIE
plan; Hindu-Moslem riots result, p. 26 Ag 32 bly line operates by hand, p. 8 Jl 88 Report to Commons on conditions in England,
At London conference; stand on majority vote First anniversary; publicity; production; financ- in Europe 1 J! 38
wins British support; talks with Nehru, p. ing 19 Ag 84 To represent Canada at Paris Peace Conference;
16 D 32 Deal with Graham Paige 23 D 78 formulates peace policy 22 Jl 40
JOAD, CYRIL E, M. KAISER-WILHELM INSTITUTE Announces results of Soviet espionage probe
Explains British tolerance of decolleté film ac- Russians confiscated cyclotron, shipped to Rus- 29 Jl 34
tresses 18 N 47 sia, captured scientists 28 O 35 Returns from Paris Conference to act in strike
Eddie Arcaro rides Assault to Pimlico victory; Funeral; Stalin, Party leaders at bier, p. 19 Speech at dinner for St. Laurent; political por-
style; earnings, p. 11 N 54 Ag 28 tion in press; attacks Quebec’s political par-
Sentenced to death 7 O 29 Sentenced to death 7 O 30 Press conference; Cabinet shuffle 23 D 41
Hanged at Nirnberg 28 O 34 Hanged at Niirnberg; last words 28 O 34 KING DAVID HOTEL Sce Hotels—Palestine
Rush Lake Berwick firm; Joe Burke prospector Farmers harvest bumper wheat crop; Frank An- Comic-strip rights to Duchess Hotspur 23 S 63
to get 15% stock 2 S 34 derson’s farm, p. 15 Jl 21 Hearst letters to Gortatowsky, Greene, on new
JOHN, GWENDOLEN M. Carlson G.O.P. nominee for Governor; Wood-
“God’s Little Artist’; paintings exhibited in comic strip 16 D 78
ring to oppose 19 Ag 22 KITCHELL, IVA
London; sketch 30 S 53 Woodring attacks dry law as failure 9 S 25
JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Satirical ballet Carnegie Hall success; sket
Research for rheumatic fever cure in Children’s Pendergast machine defeated 18 N 29
Heart Clinic 22 Jl 88 KITCHEN COMMITTEE See Great Britain
Kindergarten led by British teacher 23 D 47
Bowman advises beginners on education aims Parliament
JOUNSON, ALFRED L. Progress in cancer researc h, p. 30 D 50
Former executive of Marathon Paper Mills wins Expands Midwest ballroom chain, p. 30 D 76
court award on veterans’ reemployment issue Conducts Amsterdam Concertgebouw; sketch, p
2D 42 5 Ag 52
Merger with May Department Stores Co. 5 Ag 86
Surgeon removes calcium shell from boy’s heart, Gear painting wins first prize at Carnegie an
Asylum Piece, rev. 2 S 96
nual show, r. 21 O 65
Becomes first Negro president of Fisk Univer- Newspaper
Recovers jeweled bracelet lost at opera; awards
sity; sketch, p. 11 N 74 KNIGHT, EVELYN
finder $250, p. 2 D 45
Popularity; singing style, p. 1 Ji 60
Comic strip Barnaby rhost-written; trained Hanged at Niirnberg; last words 28 O 34 KNIGHT, SIR HENRY
Ferro and Morley, p. 2 S 49 New Governor of Burma to fight subversive
JOHNSON, KEEN tivity 1 Jl 32
To campaign for G.O.P., p. 7 O 47
Appointed Under Secretary of Labor 12 Ag 13 KELLY, EDWARD J.
To take over administrative function from Secures resignation of Superintendent of Schools On religion in decadent civilization 4 N 72
Schwellenbach; salve to A.F.L. 19 Ag 21 Johnson 1 Jl 63 KNOX, WILLIAM E.
Resigns as boss of Cook County Democratic President Westinghouse International; China
Vox Pop M.C. on audience-participation, Pp. deal 19 Ag 88
Committee; Jake Arvey successor, p. 22 Jl 19
, Ss 86
Democratic machine control of Chicago collapses Outlines foreign trade plan 2 D 89
18 N 29
Death of; baseball strike-out king 23 D 88
Capitulates on Kennelly’s candidacy for mayor; To head House Ways and Means Ci mmiuttee
sketch, p. 30 D 17
Forced to resign as Superintendent of Chicago KOENIGSWALD, G. H. RALPH VON
schools; N.C.A. charges, p. 1 Jl 63 Fatal Weakness, rev. 2 D 54 Exhibits skull of Java Man, bones of Java
JOHNSTON OFFICE giant, p. 30 S 62
Breen explains Hollywood Morality Code to New theory on modern man’s size; Java fossil
Wheat Queen of North America; award for
British 5 Ag 98
hand-harvested 16 D 44 research 28 O 66
TEE See Germany—Economic conditions Thieves in the Night, rev. 4N 110
New Republican Senator from Missouri, p. 18
BOARDeSee under United States
N 26
October 10 speech; analyzes Communist aims,
JOINT U.S.-CANADA PERMANENT DE- excerpts, p. 21 O 36
Grantham Productions fails; sketch, p. 9 D 94
Recommended Churchill, Man. for experimental U.S. reaffirms Cairo, Potsdam pledges; hints
station 23 S 40 Death of Chicago’s old First Ward boss; fu-
neral, p. 21 O 28
Russians to blame for chaos 9 § 21
JOLSON, AL Communists hinder U.S. plans for popular el
Film biography Jolson Story, rev., p. 7 O 101 tion; foment strikes 7 O 38
JONES, ARTHUR CREECH News jump on surrender story vindicated; A.P. Riots in U.S. zone at Taegu, Seoul; protest U.S
severance pay, p. 5 Ag 88
British Colonial Secretary; program, p. 16 D 31 imperialism; Pauley’s report; women demon
Managing editor of Santa Barbara News Press,
p. 28 O 58 strators, p. 14 O 39
Elected t Congress; defeated De Lacy, p. 18 KORNEICHUK, ALEXANDER Y.
N 27 To attend all-Slav ¢ rress in New York 25
JONES, PERRY Wins Democratic nomination for Congress from
Dictator Southern California junior tennis, Massachusetts llth District, p. 1 J! 23
Dies after jeep accident in Germany 16 D
p. 12 Ag 46 Elected to Congress, p. 18 N 28
Democratic candidate for Mayor of Chicago; Madist wood Ilpture, r. 16 D 38
Speal t Society of Friends meeting, p. 18 N 73 KOSTELAN D
JONES, THOMAS E., record of civic reform, p. 30 D 17
KENNY, ELIZABETH Conducts concert in London; program 8 J]
Retires from presidency of Fisk University, goes
Arrives from Australia; in Minneapolis to eval- KOUSSEVITZKY, SERGE
to Earlham College, p. 15 Jl 69 Reopens Tanglewood Music Center, p. 22 J!
JOOSS, KURT uate technicians 5 Ag 56
Film biography Sister Kenny, rev., p. 30 S 101 Criticizes limited broadcasting of classical 1
Ballet touring U.S., performs The Green Table p. 14 O 86
‘ U.N. delegates 16 D 50 KENSINGTON STONE
Origin in America: 1355-1364, rev. 9 S 106 Conducts world premiére of Copland’s
KENTON, STAN Symphony 28 O 55
Cotton speculation; $5 million loss, p. 28 O 89
JORDAN, W. 4. Wins Metronome’s band-of-the-year; sketch, p. KRAMER, JACK
23 D 73 Defeats Tom Brown at Forest Hills, wins U.S ;
New Zealand delegate at Paris, attacks Russian
Stalling tactics 26 Ag KENTUCKY Singles Championship, p. 16 S 80
results; May renominated
Mead, G.O.P. nominee
for Con-
12 Ag 21
Wins from Sweden’s team in Davis Cu
zone finals at Forest Hills 23 S 75
Stendhal, rev. 21 O 106
JOURNALISM KENYON COLLEGE To play Bromwich for Davis Cup title in Aus i
Verbose cational periodicals criticized by Conference of English Speaking Peoples opens tralia; style; sketch, p. 30 D 37
Brickman 14 O 85 endowment drive; founding, p. 14 O 85 KRAVCHENKO, VICTOR
JOYCE, PEGGY HOPKINS KERSH, GERALD I Chose Freedom, rev. 8 Jl 102 |
Stranger es in nightclub; Daily News story Weak and the Strong, rev. 4 N 116 KREBS, RICHARD See Valtin, Jan
of ensuing brawl, p. 23 D 58 KEYS, CLEMENT M. KREISLER, FRITZ
JUDA, CHIEF OF BIKINIANS Airline promoter started Peruvian International Recovering from appendectomy 1 Jl 40
Plea for his people’s return home, p. 11 N 31 Airways, p. 25 N 96 KRIEGHOFF, CORNELIUS
JUDAISM See Rel Judaism KHRUSCHEV, NIKITA Early Canadian painter; Merrymaking, r. 2 S 44
See Orchestras Described by Fischer, p. 14 O 36 Attempts to hold price line; advocates OPA re
Pearl king Mikimoto puts on act for employes, Kierkegaard Anthology, rev.; portrait, r. 16 D 62 KRONENBERGER, LOUIS R
p. 1 Ji 32 KILGORE, HARLEY M. Anthology, Pleasure of Their Company 30 S 114 x
URKEBOXES Wins Democratic renomination for Senate in KR SERUM See Serums \
onversion” gadgets to take dimes 2 D / / West Virginia primary 19 Ag 22 KRUEGER, KARL
JUVENILE DELINQUENCY KILIAN, JAMES A, Returns to U.S., brings original score of Merr)
Career of Anthony Lombardi: beaten into illness Receives mild sentence in Lichfield trial; plans Widow overture; signs up Eva Prchlikova
t Colorado reformatory 30 S 26 court-martial of prosecutor, p. 9 S 28 Czech singer 8 JI 92

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)


Eskimos entertain at dinner on Alaskan trip Wages inadequate; control by fascist govern- Skum’s drawings of Lapp life, reindeer herds on
26 Ag 38 ment 22 Jl 28 exhibit in New York 25 N 49
Tours Alaska; hears grievances, p. 2 S 17 South Africa LARDNER, RINGGOLD W., JR.
Embarrassed by Lewis’ demand for new U.Z A.W. Negro gold miners strike, demand $2 a day; Marries brother’s war widow 7 O 98
contract 4 N 30 earn 46¢; police action crushes, p. 4 N 40 LASKI, HAROLD |
Compromise negotiation plan refused by Lewis; LABORATORIES On Stalin’s responsibility to Politburo team 28
freezes coal supply 25 N 23 Manhattan District plans chain, / ronne Labora- O 40
Opposition to Lewis; sketch D 20 tories, center; Sandy Hook laboratory pro Loses libel suit against Newark Advertisers;
KRUGER, HILDA posed 8 Jl 77 courtroom lectures, p. 9 D 34
Career as cinema actress, success in Mexico; Clinton Laboratories relax security ruling; radio- LASSO, MARIO
book Eliza Lynch, p. Ag 36 active isotopes rushed to hospitals, laboratories, Padilla’s nephew held as conspirator in plot to
KU KLUX KLAN p. 28 O 65 kill Aleman, Serrano 19 Ag 40
Bilbo Klan No. 40; Bilbo admits membership War Department-G.E. nuclear research labora- LATIN AMERICA
19 Ag 20 tory at Schenectady, N.Y. 18 N 80 See also individual countries
KULTURA I ZHIZN (PERIODICAL) Of Dr. Schlubohn, inventor 25 N 96 Bolivian revolt blow to Perén’s dream of Bloque
New Soviet prop la organ 15 Jl 34 LABOR DEPARTMENT See under United Austral 5 Ag 47
KUOMINTANG ‘5 China—Political « litions States Signs of political stability; three orderly elections
15 Jl 45
Success as conductor of Kansas City Philhar-
United States
Labor shortage retards industry, agriculture plan
monic; sketch, p. 2 D 77
LABRADOR to admit European refugees 29 Jl 39
First election; Newfoundland cutter polling
Russian ship Baku in Brazil; Soviet purchases 2
Publisher of R rely (Colo.) News; buys S 31
booth; voters 19 Ag 38
from oil pré ter, p. 9 S 5 Argentina approves Act of Chapultepec and U.N.
Advertising record for single issue 23 S 6
Idea of Bloque Austral weakened; democratic
LABOR trend 9 § 41
Marriage to Violet Loomis 16 S 98 Chilean President rejects Hemisphere Defense
See also Employment; Industrial relations; udden Guest, rev. 23 S 108
Strikes; Unions; Wages Plan; opposes armaments race 18 N 40
Social and economic conference at Camp Tai- LAFAYETTE, COLO. Pan-American Union: Rocha new chairman;
mant 1 Jl 21 Mining town honors company doctor $7 functions 18 N 40
Psychological difficulty; worker productivity low L’AFFAIRE PASSY Messersmith re-affirms Good Neighbor Policy;
30 S 87 Dewavrin imprisonme
t nt; p: iwn in C mmunist Hemisphere conference delayed 2 D 22
Election protest; loss of support in Congress M.R.P. duel 23 S 3 Decline of social oligarchies; Communists’ posi-
18 N 23 LA FOLLETTE, ROBERT M., JR. tion 2 D 38
Arbitration Defeated in Wisconsin primary for menate re- Chilean-Argentina trade agreement establishes
James Fly arranges maritime wage dispute 30 nomination 26 Ag 18 ywrdillera libre customs union 23 D 36
International Addresses Federation of Women’s Clubs 1 Jl 24 LABOR
1.L.0O. conference in Montreal in nber Action on UNRRA supplies distribution in China Costa Rica conference favored protective tariffs;
appointment C.1.0. member | 22 Jl 27 swing to national unity 30 D 27
Green 19 Ag 20 Addresses Italy’s Constituent Assembly; warns LATIN LANGUAGE
Legislation no additional UNRRA aid; on U.S. loan; S. B. degree discontinued at Harvard, denotes
Senators Taft, Ball, ask Labor’s help in draft- “Little Flour” 5 Ag 3: “merely ignorance of Latin’’ 16 D 83
ing measures; Hobbs anti-1 teering bill Wears business suit to Opera in Paris, cowboy LA TOUR, JULIETTE C. (“ZIZI’")
passes Senate ji 21 hat in Geneva; plays chess with Tito, p. 12 Paris police trace forged Utrillo paintings to
G.O.P. Senate committee to study labor ] Ag 39 4 N 64
tion 25 N 2¢ At UNNRA conterence in tseneva; on D.P LAW
Norris-LaGuardia anti-injunction act cited by problem: welcomed at Prague with a glass of See also Courts
Lewis’ defense; legality of i: iction 9 D 22 beer 19 Ag 31 Taft on Nurnberg trials, violation of American
Federal Court rules Lea act violates Ist, 5th New York Democratic move to nominate tor law; ex post facto statute; Jackson’s defense
Senate 19 Ag 22 14 O 29
and 13th Amendments; throws out charges
against P« trillo 9 D 23 Attacks Chicago Tribune; on release of Morgan Jackson justifies Nirnberg judgment; principle
Government weapon in Smith-Connally from UNNRA; dancing, p. 2 S of outlawing aggressive war 14 O 32
D Assails UNRRA colleagues on failures 26 Stimson defines International law as growth in
Ball drafting
re form legislatio: would ou Proposal for $400 million international moral judgments, defends Nurnberg verdicts
ciosed shop, overhaul Wagner Act 23 D 18 turned down by State Department 25 3 D 27
Political activities
House resolution to check into election expe ndi- “Artie Angeleno,” society gossip column on Los Gets court injunction against Pittsburgh’s Du-
tures; slap at P.A.C. 1 Jl 24 Angeles Examiner 21 O 56 quesne power strike 7 O 23
Hillman, head of FP.A.C. dies; leadersh ip, power LAKE ERIE LAWRENCE, ELLIOT
22 Jl 21 Jehovah’s Witnesses convene on shores; bap- Dance band hit on collegiate circuit; sketch, 1
tisms, p. 19 Ag 24 4 N 56
Manpower shortage, productio m 5 Ag 82 LAKE SUCCESS, L.I. LAWRENCE, SIR GEOFFREY
Allied countries use of P.W.’s as labor force; New home of U.N.; Lincoln Warchouse Corp Pronounces Nurnberg sentences 7 O 30
offers to move U.N. for 19 Ag 24 LAWRENCE, MARJORIE
numbers in Russia, Britair France, other
intries 235 Y 32 Economic and Social Council meets 14 O 30 Awarded diamond Cross of the Legion of Honor
3 D 44
Argentina LAMA, WILLIAM E.
Murderer of wife ar 1 child caught in LAWYERS
immi n of former Polish Corps members
‘“‘Wandering Lama” 11 N 44 Columbia forced to reject Law Schovl applicants;
to solve shortage 29 Ji 39
LAMAR, MO. danger of too many in profession 8 Jl 68
18,000 wartime rubber worker cruits disappear Cottage birthplace of Truman; owner to show LAXNESS, HALLDOR
in jungle; mistreatment 22 Jl 44 tourists Truman room 9 § Independent Pe rev., p. 5 Ag 102
Shortage; plan immigration of European refu LAMAR (MO.) DAILY DEMOCRAT LAZARUS, FRED, JR.
gees 29 Jl 39 Plain-spoken journalism; excerpt 8 J] President Federated Department Stores reports
Canada LA MOYNE, JACQUES high sales, profit, expansion 9 D 90
Steel strike national disaster; k on wage Painting of North America: engravings in The LAZZERI, TONY
ssue; Government tactics ineftective 9 S 4: New World 25 N 49 Death of 19 Ag 77
Strike wave ebbs; agreement Vage increases; LAND, EMORY 8. LEA ACT
gnored strike 11 N 42 Charged with waste in Maritime Commiss Chicago Federal Court rules Act violates (
Howe reports full employment D 40 shipbuilding 29 Jl 80 stitution 9 D 23
Bogota bus, taxi drivers strike in sympathy with se so Real Estate Record high price 30 D 73
1 workers 1 N 41 Dust Bowl to be reclaimed in Missouri Valley LEAHY, FRANK
France ect, map 29 Jl 18 Notre Dame football coach; recruitir
l'reasury employes on strike; Gov nt re Issue of Stat r Fe N p of sub- cov 14 O 63

fuses wage raise; Education employes, police met i land, tideland s; Con ss votes LEATHER
threaten to join 30 S 33 , favor of States 5 Ag : Short hides and leather; tanners, manufa
Ministry of Labor rules month’s notice must Argentina rs protest ceiling clamp 19 Ag 89
precede lay-off 4 N 29 Ind 8 bsentee ownership; apy pria- iction hit by hides shortage; OWMR
Germany tions for small tarmers 12 Ag 36 purchase in world market 21 O 85
Mass deportation to Russ I Italy CORBUSIER
ice; reaction 4 N 36
German I workers expropriation m ted by ygestions for U.N. headquarters 4 N 34
at Britain Cor nists; seizure of Lat farm CANADA
Manpower shortage threatens ctor Ji 84 lays white role in Duchess of Malfi, p. 7 O 48
Labor government’s recx » Jl 24 Mexico LE GALLIENNE, EVA
Government involved closed spute Reclamation by irrigation; Aleman’s program 23 Organizer American Repertory Theater,
transport workers dispute 9 S D 3¢ N 64
<ingham Palace servants join Civil Servants LANDMAN, ISAAC LEGENDS
Union 7 O 31 f 165 98 Of King Tiridates, Armenia's conversion

Guatemala ARTHUR B. Christianity 12 Ag 24

nited Fruit strike settlement 18 N 35 U.S. Embassy in Warsaw occupied by squatters; Of islagd city sunk of C mnemara 16 D 34
Iran juarters in third-rate hotel, p. 23 D LEGRAND, JEAN
Pro-Soviet Tudehs stage st at A lranian LANE, MARGARET Founds Sensorialism new cul
Oil Co.; riots, pillage 1 + Ta of Beatrix Potter, rev. 11 N LEHAR, FRANZ
Latin America LANE, RAYMOND A., BISHOP Composes overture for M erry Widow; gives t
Lombardo Toledano’s C.T.A.I imitted Tru Chosen Superior General of Maryknoll Fathers Krueger 8 Jl 92
jillo’s fak nions; Cuban Federation of Labor ly g 74 Music tor Yours is My Heart, rev. 16 S 8¢
19 Ag LANGEVIN, PAUL Recovers from eye operation; in ]
Mexico Death of 30 D 84 on 34th operetta 28 O 50
S Rivera warns of labor sabotag« I vent of war LANVIN, JEANNE LEIGH, DOUGLAS
against Russia 29 Jl Death of 15 J1 7 “Flying spectaculars” advertising by dirigibles;
Monterrey’s industrial workers; 1 benefits LA PAZ See Bolivia skywriting 28 O 92
Mexican Confederat f L CTM) strike LAPHAM, ROGER D. LEIGH, VIVIEN
Merr) at glass factory 7 O 41 Return to England with husband Lauren
' ' San Francisco mayor; plot to
thlikova Olivier; plane crash, p. 1 Jl 40
Lomba do c I national i nistration; sketch, cov. 15 Jl
unity; to re . 30 D 27 Wins recall vote 29 J! 17 In Caesar and Cleopatra, rev., p. 19 Ag 98

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive) i

LENA, THE HYENA See Comic Strips Tenth anniversary: first issue; circulation, ad- LOCKWOOD, MARGARET
LENIN, NIKOLAI vertising, feature; Thorndike, new managing In Wicked Lady; gown cut too low for U.S.
technique preserved body editor 25 N 69 | : ; Johnston Office, p. 5 Ag 98 I
Special embalming
after autopsy 29 Jl 83 Tenth anniversary issue banned in Fall River, LODGE, HENRY C., JR.
Influence on modern art; painting Lenin in Mass. 2 D 63 Campaign for Senate seat from Massachusetts; I
Smolny, r. 11 N 83 LIFE EXPECTANCY See Vital Statistics speech, p. 4 N 24
LENINGRAD See Russia—Cities and Towns LIGHT Elected to Senate, p. 18 N 25
Infra-red filter, photo electric cell to make Milky LODGE, JOHN D.
LENINGRAD (PERIODICAL) Connecticut G.O.P.s nominate for Representative
Suspended for ignoring Soviet ideology 2 S$ 2 Way nuclei visible; “diffraction bands” 23 S
92 to fill Clara B. Luce’s place 23 S 27
LEOPOLD III, KING OF BELGIUM Elected to Congress, p. 18 N 27
Return favored by Catholic party 22 Jl 38 LILIENTHAL, DAVID E.
To head U.S. Atomic Energy Commission; suc- LOEB, WILLIAM
LEPERS ceeded by Clapp in T.V.A., p. 4 N 26 Takes over Manchester Leader, calls in Ridder I
Patients at Carville praise report of Hornbostel Speech to A.E.C. at Oak Ridge, quoted 30 D 13 Bros. investment 25 N 70
case (L) 1 JI 8 LOGAN, HARLAN I
In Burma strike for better treatment, leave LI LI-SAN As Look editor, p. 9 D 47
compound, camp in cemetery 9 D 34 Exiled Communist back in Yenan, p. 9S 38 LOLLI, GIORGIO
Sapphire keepsake from son stolen 14 O 44
Medical director of Yale Plan Clinic; treatment I
Adults resistant, children susceptible states Cu- of alcoholics 25 N 80
lion doctor (L) 5 Ag 11 LILLIPUTIANS LOLOS See Tribes
Sulfa drugs, promin, diasone hope of cure; ex- In Mistress Masham’s Repose, rev., d. 14 O 108 LOMBARDI, ANTHONY, JR. I
periments at Carville; attitude towards lepers; LIMA See Peru Boy with weak heart beaten at Colorado re-
cases in U.S., p. 30 D 49 LINCOLN, ABRAHAM formatory: delinquency career 30 S 26
LETTRISTS Lincoln’s Other Mary, rev., letters, p. 8 Jl 102
Abraham Lincoln: His Speeches and Writings,
Death of; mother’s comment 7 O 98
New poetry cult in Paris; Isou founder 2D 31
rev. 14 O 109 To run Long Island Airlines 1 Jl 42
LEUKEMIA ae Communist Russian-language paper praises
atom-cyclo- Wins national motor boat sweepstakes 26 Ag 38 I
8-year-old boy rushed to California Gettysburg Address; “government from the LOMBARDO TOLEDANO, VINCENTE "
tron in hope for cure, p. 22 Jl 20 people’ 2 D 28
Radioactive phosphorus in treatment 14 O 54 Change in tactics, calls for Mexico’s national
LINCOLN WAREHOUSE CORP. unity not class warfare; Communist activities,
radio budget 12 Ag 69
Offers to move U.N. to Lake Success, L.I. for 30 D 27 :
$1; U.N. accepts 19 Ag 24 LONDON See Great Britain—Cities and Towns ;
Welcome Home wins Carnegie prize, r. 21 O 65 Arrives in Miami with 18 Estonian refugees 7 LONDON ECONOMIST See Economist
Westbury, L.I. housing development; semi-pre- LINDFORS, VIVECA Portrayed in All the King’s Men, p. 26 Ag 98
fabricated houses 23 D 83 In Appassionata, rev.; sketch, p. 9 D 104 LONG BEACH, CALIF.
LEWIS, JOHN L. . LINEA AEROPOSTAL VENEZOLANO Stralla’s Lux gambling ship 19 Ag 23 °* L
Appendectomy; son witnesses 7 O 48 — service New York to Caracas 23 LONGCHAMPS RESTAURANTS, INC.
Absent from U.M.W. convention; salary raise; 36 Lustig guilty of tax fraud; methods 1 Jl 80
birthday, Feb. 12, age 66 14 O 25 LINEAR ACCELERATOR Henry Lustig and partners get prison sentences, L
Demands U.M.W. contract be reopened; means Extends atom-smashing to protons 22 Jl 65 fines for tax evasion 22 Jl 85
strike threat 4 N 29 LIONEL CORP. LONG ISLAND
Demands hours reduction for coal miners; con- Christmas catalogue of toy electric trains runs as Levitt housing at Westbury, p 23 D 83
fers with Krug 11 N 2 16-page ad in Liberty 25 N 92 LONG ISLAND AIRLINES
Reopens negotiations; Government injunction, p. LIONS For Manhattan commuters; Guy Lombardo, oper L
25 N 23 Trainer jumps into cage to control fight with ator 1 Jl 42
Court hearing; counsel protests injunction; tigers; cubs killed, p. 2 D 25 LONGO, LUIGI L
U.M.W. power; new demands, p. 2 D 19. LIPPMAN, WALTER Negotiated Italian Socialist-Communist fusion, + I
Charged with contempt of court in ignoring Criticizes Truman’s press conferences 21 O 55 11 N 32
strike injunction; trial; Padway’s defense, p Appraises Democratic election defeat 2 D 25 LONGSHOREMEN’S UNION See International
9D 21 LIPSTICK See Cosmetics Longshoremen’s Assn. ,
Trial of; fined $10,000; ordered miners back to LIQUOR LOOK (PERIODICAL) .
work, cov. 16 D 22 W.C.T.U. president protests Shirley Temple tak- Elliott Roosevelt’s report on F.D.R. at Atlanti
LEWIS, WALTER, JR. _ ing drink in new picture 2 S 36 conference 2 § 19
Wins ding thy race at Calif ornia’s Newport Har Distillers purchase surplus potatoes from Agri Cowles takes over editorsh Ps book projects
bor 19 Ag 64 culture Department 2 S 78 dropped; Logan’s editorship 9 D 47
LHASA, CITY See Tibet Kansas dry law attacked as failure by Woodring; LOOS, ANITA
Li, PATSY Democratic repeal platform 9 S 25 Scores bobby-soxers, p. 26 Ag 38
Lost Chinese war refugee claimed by mother on Champagne prices in Britain; laws forbid sales LOOS, ORVILLE
Guadalcanal 9 S 38 after 11 P.M.; “‘bottleparty’” dodge 23 S 32 Killed in attempt to rescue boy in Y« semite Par
LIBEL ; Only on “doctor’s” prescription on Prince falls 22 Jl 21
Churchill sues Adamic for characterization in Edward Island; Alcoholics Anonymous branches LOS ANGELES, CALIF.
Dinner at the Whitehouse 4 N 49 21 O 4 Stralla’s gambling ship Lux; water-taxi opera
Laski loses sui t against Newark Advertisers Co Two Germans in Berlin siphon antifreeze from tors arrested, patrons marooned 19 Ag
> D 34 car to make sc hr 1apps 4 72 Automobile Row; used-car dealers arrested for
LIBERIA o United Distiller irwood’s export brand whis- selling over ceiling prices 23 S 83
( sell’s appeal for justice at U.N key; false price lists for U.S. trade 11 N 42 Gangsters Benny the Meatball, Levinson mut
LITTLE BIG INCH See Oil Pipelines dered; gambling in 14 O 2
pre ~~ Briskin management;
Apt pointed
War Assets Administrator 8 Jl 86 Awards news tip prize to ex-Army pilot 1 rt
Capra, Stevens, yler, directors 23 D 54 Supedites surplus property sales; reorganizes ing plane about to crash 1 Jl 45
LIBERTY aumiaanaate> oh te WAA 9 §S 90 New society gossip column; Jack Lait, Jr. editor M:
Runs 16-page ad, catalogue of Lionel Corp. toy Announces WAA called off oil pipe line bids, p. 210 55 |
electric trains 25 N 92 2D 89 LOS ANGELES HERALD AND EXPR ESS
LIBRARIES ; LITVINOV, MAXIM Str oe oF Sere per Guild ; suspension of publ
American I rary open Frankfurt; German Replaced by Gusev, Malik as Deputy Foreign cation called lock out 23 S 63
urmet 8 Jl 28 Minister 2 S 28 Strike in ninth week 18 N 54
Franklin D. R osevelt Library at Hyde Park LIVERPOOL DAILY POST Strike settled for 14% pay boost 16 D 76
Roosevelt papers open to scholars 19 Ag 10
Headline, story of British war brides returnin LOS ANGELES TIMES
In ooklyn refuse to answer telephone queries
from Canada 23 D 41 Features reporter’s stunt meal to aid famine
f idio q 1iz fans 7 O 84
LIVESTOCK lief 26 Ag 50
New Bodleian Li brary annex at Oxford 11 N 74
See also Cattle; Hogs Club Editor Bess Wilson addresses clubwomer
Harvard library receives Reisner ¢ 1 <
hed to king plants in fear of OPA re amateur press correspondents 30 S 7
detective stories 9 D 62 p. 29 Jl 75
Mild sentence for Kilian; trial a travesty; Kilian 1 International Live Stock Exposition in Chi Success with Cinecolor Corp., p. 23 S 8
ans counter court-martial 9 S 28
ca ; winners, p. 16 D 90
LIE, TRYGVE LIVING CHU RCH (PERIODICAL) Knock it Billy Conn in 8th round, 1 ji ¢ i
Address in San Fran sco on U.N. anniversary Protests plan for Episcopal-Pre« ter merger Competes in Tam O’Shanter golf tournament 5
22 Ji 72 Ag 66 Mc
Pp. & Ji 20 .
Calls on U.N. for action in Spain 4 N 31 LIVINGSTONE , SIR RICHARD Knocks out Mauriello in first round, p. 30 S :
Stopped for speeding in New Rochelle; court Vice-chancello; of Oxford; gives Aids anti-venereal drive, knocks VD effi I Mc
for chauffeur 11 N cation, p. 15 Ji 69 21 O 46 \
of U.N. Secretariat; staff; sketch, LOANS LOUIS II, PRINCE OF MONA(C oO
cc 5 N 29 See also Credit Marriage to Ghyslaine Domanget Ag 87
Paid fine for speeding, fails to claim immunit Congress pas es British loan 22 Jl LOUISVILLE, KY. caches Me
9D4 Britain’s £415 million domestic loan over-sub- Laymen form Committee on Institutions, I
LIEBERMAN, WILLIAM scribed 22 Jl 38 prison reforms 23 D 68
Article on the enema 1 J] 66 Congress votes $75 million RFC loan to Philip LOWELL, AMY Mc
LIFAR, SERGE pine Republic 5 Ag 24 Sketch in The Lowells and Their S n Wor '
Londor n audie¢ nce hiisses in pertormar e o! After De Gasperi asks LaGuardia aid for U.S. loan rev., p. 23 S 106
noon of a Faun, p. 8 JI 9 5 Ag 32 LOWELL INSTITUTE Me!
Suspension ended, dances in Paris 9 D 76 Argentina’s $75 million loan to Chile 23 D 36 Cooperative Broadcasting Council to broadcast -
LIFE LOBOTOMY See Surgery lectures; founding 25 N 85 ;
Increase in life empemanty, measure of human LOCKE, JOHN LOW THER, GEORGE Ill
‘progress, 1910-1970, chart 8 Jl 77 Philosophical method in The Meeting of East and 1939 tabloid sensation elopement with Eileen
Oldfield’s theory life shortened by faster heart- West, rev.; portrait, r. 12 Ag 96 Herrick; sued for divorce 16 S 23 I
beat 30 S 78 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. Wife divorces 7 O 98 )
Biologist reduces to simple cell; “‘inhibitor’’ 30 Displays supertransport Constitution; Navy or LUCE, CLARE B.
D 69 der 26 Ag 84 On radioactivity to transform men and women
LIFE (PERIODICAL) Merger with Consolidated Vultee; Aviation Corp. 29 Jl 42 MA
Lire International: first issue; circulation in 70 control 7 O 87 Declines candidacy for U.S. Senate; to retire E
countries; features 5 Ag 94 LOCUSTS from politics; career, p. 26 Ag 19
Review of Night and Day protested by Warner Scourge in Brazil; destroy towns, crops; flame- LUCERNE See Switzerland MA
Bros.; staff barred from studios 26 Ag 50 throwers from U.S., p. 21 O 40 LUCKMAN, CHARLES 7 }
Niebuhr’s article ““Europe’s Hope”’ 21 O 30 Plague in South America 11 N 40 Cut Lever Bros. radio budget 12 Ag 69

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Warns Big Business and Big Labor to cooperate McFEE, WILLIAM College magazines revived; humor; M.I.T. Voo
on social legislation, p. 18 N 87 In the First Watch, rev. 15 Jl 107 Doo staff hangs Harvard Lampoon in effigy
On Notre Dame football team, p. 14 O 69 Death of Venezuelan Ambassador 12 Ag 72 Lire 10 years old; first issue; advertising;
LUMBER MACHINERY Thorndike, new managing editor 25 N 69
Canada’s West Coast strike settled; lumbermen Britain boosts exports; shortage impedes indus- Lire’s tenth anniversary issue banned in Fall
win 15¢-an-hour raise, 44-hour week 1 Jl 38 trial production 8 Jl 84 A
River, Mass. 2 D 63
Canada’s record summer log drive; newsprint MACHINES Orwell analyzes Vogue's articles, advertising in
shipments to U.S., p. 19 Ag 38 See also Vending Machines New Republic article 9 D 25
Northern Ontario strike settled; meet union de- Combination office gadgets on display at Na- Cowles takes over editorship of Look 9 D 47
mands 11 N 42 tional Business Show 14 O 93 Agar to be British Isles editor of Freedom and
McINTIRE, ROSS T. Union 9 D 48
White House Physician, rev., p. 4 N 114 Town & Country, centenary issue; features;
Analyzes doctor’s dilemma in advising patients
of fatal illnesses-29 Jl 82
MecINTOSH, MILLICENT C. Henry A. Bull, editor; history 16 D 76
Appointed dean of Barnard College; sketch, p. First Wallace issue of New Republic; editorial
Calls strike of seamen on West Coast; comment
9D 63 quoted 16 D 80
on Schwellenbach 16 S 19
Gold strike by prospector Joe Burke; 1,000 Fontaine prints Picasso’s poem on caramels 30
LUNG DISEASE claims staked 2 S 34
Employe sues Westinghouse, charges illness S 50
caused by uranium radiation 9 D 26
Renominated for Senate 12 Ag 21 Reprint of New Yorker cartoon in Heute puzzles
Portable artificial respirator, emergency substi- German readers 7 O 74
New editor Washington Evening Star, p. 11 N mls Great Britain
tute for iron lung, p. 26 Ag 74
68 Limit on U.S. imports, agrees to admit Empire
First woman elected to Congress from New McKENNY, RUTH publications; pulps from Canada 16 S 79
Expelled from Communist Party of Connecticut,
Mexico 18 N 27 p. 23 S 24 , f Russia
LUSTIG, HENRY MACK ‘SEN, EBERHARD VON Kultura i Zhizn new propaganda organ 15 Jl 34
Found guilty of tax evasion, p. 1 J] 80 Trial for Rome reprisal killings; sentenced to Crocodile jibes at shortcomings of Five-Year
al Sentenced to 4-year prison term, fined $115,000 Plan; Leningrad, Zvezda condemned for ignor-
death 9 D 29
22 Jl 85 McLANE, JIMMY
ing Soviet political policy 2 S 28
LUSTRON CORP. Wins National A.A.U. outdoor swimming events Article in Komsomolskaya Pravda (Youth’s
Idea to mass-produce housing of enameled steel Truth) blasts magazine Oktyabr 9 S 33
12 Ag 46
sheets gets NHA support; RFC rejects loan 11 MacLEAN, EVELYN See Dick, Mrs. John Bolshevik reveals false statistics on industry;
N 94
MacLENNAN, HUGH Pravda scores children’s magazines for print-
Wyatt plans R.F.C. loan and lease of Dodge- On Canada as better place to live than U.S., p. ing fairy tales 9 S 34
8 Chrysler plant; Tucker charges trick deal MAGNESIUM
30 D 30
25 N 89 Permanente builds aluminum-magnesium, 40-
LUTHERAN CHURCH MacLennan’s article on Canada 30 D 30 passenger bus, p. 29 Jl 80
War Veteran organizes church-going campaign MAGNETIC POLE
in Richmond, Va. 21 O 50 Madill confirms report on changed position;
British Tory leader campaigns to revive party,
LUX (SHIP) cartoon 8 Jl 29 drift; magnetic force charted, map 4 N 65
Tony Stralla’s gambling casino off Los Angeles;
MecMILLIN, MARY MAIL See Postal Service
water-taximen arrested, customers marooned,
Loses in western Amateur Golf Tournament to MAIL-ME-MONDAY
P- 19 Ag 23 Louise Suggs; sketch, p. 26 Ag 64 Bookkeeping service for small businesses 25 N 94
Removed to Breslau, Germany 2 Jl 55 At Paris Conference, stand-in for Bevin; career, Alden’s buys out Chicago’s Boston Store 29 J1 78
Irish tenor success in U.S.; sketch, p. 7 O 76 rU PAUL V. Hunting season; 17 fatalities 9 D 80
LYNCH, PHILIP Ambassador to Philippine Republic; MALAPARTE, CURZIO
New York City teacher takes after-hours bar- reads Truman’s proclamation 8 Jl ; Kaputt, rev., sketch, p. 11 N 110
tender job, p. 23 D 47 Hails Philippine Republic 15 Jl 38 MALCOLMSON, MRS. LUCY
LYNCHINGS McPHEE, COLIN Court decides against Boyington’s suit to re-
Two Negroes and wives killed by mol A House in Bali, rev. 30 S 68 cover $20,000, p. 2 S 20
Monroe, Ga.; Negro dies of bullet wounds McREYNOLDS, JAMES C. ao (PLANE) See Airplanes—Grumman
after voting 5 Ag 25 Death of fort Supreme Court Justice S 70 Mailara
Negro farmer lynched in Holmes County Direction for burial in will; bequests 9 S 48 MALONE, GEORGE W.
Negro shot by sheriff in cafe fracas 1: Elected Senator from Nevada, p. 18 N 26
Negro veteran victim of stealthy lynchi MALLORY HAT CoO.
Stockholders advised company expects isiness
Louisi llage 26 Ag 21 Stetson Co. buys out business 26 Ag 84
Negroes beat by mob on charges of drunken
11 N 87
hallenges on sales volum rselling MALNUTRITION
employer 28 O 30
Powdered milk-z egg diet meets protein need;
Trial of 5 white men for murder Negro in Lex- Dr. Pollack’s report 23 S 50
ington, Miss.; freed 4 N 25 Competes with Gimbel in s nt pen
9 D 94 MAN
Bolivia See also Men
Mob lynches, shoots Oblitas, two Villarroel po- MADILL, RUSSELL
Confirms airman’s report on magnetic pole’s shift Stewart’s Man: An Autobiography, rev. 16 S 114
lice chiefs 7 O 40
4N 65 Von Koenigswald theory on size of modern man
28 O 66
M MADISM See Art—Modern
Primitive culture in The Marginal Tribes, rev
Missionary work in Belgian Cx Portrayed in film The Magnificent Il rev., MAN, PREHISTORIC
74 t ttend confers nce, | portr r. 16 D 101 Bones of Meganthropus, Java giant arrive at
MacARTHUR, DOUG LAS MADURA See Netherlands East In Natural History Museum; skull of Java Man,
Ce mngratulates Aguinal l at Philippine independ MAELTZER, KURT n 2 S ¢
Trial for Ron eprisal killings; sentenced
th 9 D 100th anniv rv f Edit Scott’s birth: re
Year’s occupatior Japan; Suff ken arm; age 84 14 O 44 MANCHESTER (N.H.) LEADER
to curb SCAP power 2 S MAGAZINES Purchased Loeb and Ridder Bros.; circula-
Acts in Jap. seamen’ ke; forbids work stop Associated Maga zine Contr itors, Inc. pocket tior 5 N 70
pages sabe i 93 37 s writers I c MANCHURIA
Nippon , Li 1 ¢ i lio Russiar ting of M n optical Is factory;
Arthur a rat ll P iley s p A ,

Attends Russian n « I . es: ste an 8 71 48 Punpr t es at I wa nes

Russian Er D t lic signs I er f series

Awarded French Grand Cross of the Legion of es | Cc ct ‘ sional administ "
Honor 23 D 44 Lit I nat l s 4 1; fea fas S
MacARTHUR, MARY tures A } Nationalist A s 4N 41
First stage appearar in Ali Sit-by-the-Fire G cartoor buying metl ; Gagazine Government fore la Sx c
with ther, | > 714 B ns of Collier’s p. 12 Ag 65 Antung 11 N 37
McBRIDE, MARY MARGARET Macl n¢ mpetition agree MANHATTAN DISTRICT See United States
Radio c mercials; style; sketch, p. 2 D 8 n t, Bernarr Macfadden’s Detex War Departmerent t
Wins G.O.P. sen il nomination in Wiscon Air A rs founded by Padridge; contributors; Leads homeless British veterans, seizes deserted
sin, defeats Lal »?P Ag 18 I s s 26 £ 47 Army Camp, moves in 120 families 2 S 24
Electedto Senate, N 26 Art < 2 evelt: | Perkins in Collier’s; MANNERS See Etiquette
McC LUSKIE by Elliott Roosevelt in Look 2 S 19 MANOLETE (MANUEL RODRIGUEZ)
British psyc rist disapproves too much sleep Macfadden Publications launches 25¢ monthly Defends claim as foremost matador, p. 14 O 44
for children 21 O 49 Sport; Heyr dit S 48 MAO TSE-TUNG
MceCONAUGHY, JAMES L. New Yorker devotes issue to Hersey’s report on General Fu asks to end civil war 7 O 37
Wins G.O.P. nomination for governor of Con Hiroshima 9 S 50 MANPOWER See Labor—Supply
necticut 23 S 2¢ Tomorrox Mrs. Garrett’s publicat n; chang MANSFIELD, PAT
McCORMICK, ROBERT R. in ¢ s 16 S 77 Sheriff of McMinn County, Tenn. ousted by
Speaks at Illinois State Fair on politics, p. 26 Freedom & nion launched by Streit’s Federal G.I.s in Athens riots 12 Ag 20
Ag 17 Union, Inc. 23 S 63 MANTZ, PAUL
Rejects idea of taking over New York Daily United 1s World weekly to report, in- Movie stunt pilot wins Bendix Trophy Race, p
News, criticizes New York press 26 Ag 47 terpret U.N tairs 23 S 64 9S 79

Interview to New York Times’ Belair; on Re- Parade a success; Motley advertising manager, MANUILSKY, DMITRI
publican politics 30 S 27 Purdy new editor 7 O 74 Accused of propaganda aims; protests wall of
Offers reward for return of runaway dog; Sun Integrity new Catholic publication 14 O 5¢ votes against Soviet Union 23 S 30
runs story 9 D 49 Verbosity in educational periodicals criticized 14 MANVILLE, TOMMY
MACFADDEN, BERNARR O 85 Has wife jailed for disorderly conduct 23 D 42
End of 5-year agreement on no competition; to Wallace to be editor, guiding head of New Re- MAPS
launch Bernarr Macfadden’s Detective Maga- public; offered old job with Wallaces’ Farmer Missouri Valley flood control 29 Jl 18
zine 12 Ag 69 1 O 25 Radar view of lower New York harbor 9 S 76
MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS Wolseley criticizes limited scope of religious Africa
Elder launches 25¢ monthly Sport 2 S 48 journals 4 N 71 British plan for national defense system 4 N 35
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)


Location of magnetic pole; shift 4 N 65 Bikini Wins Republican nomination for Congressman
Balkans A-day program for bombing; beach, p. 1 Jl 52 from Kentucky; to oppose May 12 Ag 21
Yugoslavia, Russian demands; proposed Federa- Atomic bomb test; effects of explosion; atomic Elected to Congress, p. 18 N 27
tion boundary 16 S 27 cloud over, p. 8 Jl 20 MEASURES See Weights and Measures
Canada King Juda appeals for return of his people; island MEAT
British Columbia sockeye salmon run 23 S 40 undamaged; radioactivity danger 11 N 31 Prices jump with end of OPA; sag with in
Caribbean MARTIN, CARLES H. creased supplies 15 Jl 81
Milwaukee Depth source of earthquake, tidal Death of 7 O 98 Retail price up 50% in New York; packers boost
wave 19 Ag 40 MARTIN, JOSEPH W., JR. cattle prices 22 Jl 79
Central America Radio speech outlines G.O.P. program 4 N 23 Wholesale supplies rise as livestock rushed t
Inter-American highway project 22 Jl 44 New Speaker of House; problems; sketch, cov. packing houses; prices level off, p. 29 Jl 75
Inter-American Highway; pictorial 30 S 40 Industry protests return of ceilings at Price De
18 N 23
Land of the Mayas 9 D 109 control Board hearing 26 Ag 15
Floating polling booth for Labrador’s first elec- Hogs and steers rushed to stockyards to beat
Communist grip on communications 12 Ag 29 free market deadline 2 S 77
Arte railroads; control strategy 2 S 26 tion 19 Ag 38
Decontrol Board returns price ceilings; subsidy
Comn ist crisis; Nationalists Army victories 30 MARX, WILHELM cut off 2S 16
» 38 Death of 19 Ag 77 OPA revises ceilings to conform to increase on
Nationalist Armies capture Kalgan, Antung war MARYKNOLL FATHERS livestock 9 S 22
11 N 37 Conference; missionary work; Bishop Lane of Another shortage; packing plants closing; await
Europe Fushun, new superior general 19 Ag 74 another free market 16 S 93
Boundary problems for Paris Peace Conference MARYLAND Ceiling prices return; OPA crackdown on black
29 Jl 20 Governor O’Conor candidate for Senate, Balti- marketeers; meat famine 23 S 27
Italy more’s Mayor McKeldin running for Governor Politics of ; Democratic bosses meet, Truman ex
Tito abandons Trieste claim; wants Gorizia; 70 25 plains shortage 7 O 21
OUulC ries 18 N 32 MASKIN, MEYER Widespread famine, only 6 U.S. cities escape
Middle East On failure of psychiatric technique in wartime 36,000 butchers closed; supply for hospitals;
*s drive for control of Dardanelles 2 S 22 Army 12 Ag 90 horse meat; exports cut off 30 S 27
tussia’s demand in negotiations with Axis 23 D MASON, JAMES Anderson’s purchase plan; Porter attacks; 15%
6 In They were Sisters, rev. 9 S 102 increase on meat dishes in restaurants 14 O 27
Pacific MASON, LOWELL B. Hippopotamus meat chart, r. 14 O 79
Battle of Savo Island 19 Ag 25 FTC Commissioner leads “Inspirational Break- U.S. consumer reaction to shortage, high prices
Proposed United States of Indonesia; divisions fasts” for bureau employees, p. 2 D 75 bear roasts, venison; queue at New York
D MASS See Rites and Ceremonies market, p. 21 O 23
Palestine MASSACHUSETTS People blame government for shortage; Truman
Proposed tripartite federation 5 Ag 33 Eleventh District primary; Kennedy elected con- reverses stand, lifts controls, cartoon 21 O 24
Philippine Islands gressman 1 Jl 23 Decontrol order brings out supplies; prices soar
Philippine Republic 8 Jl 23 Lodge’s campaign against David lI. Walsh for in two-day buying spree 28 O 24
Portugal Senate seat 4 N 24 Argentina
Features; pictorial 22 Jl 29 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECH- Perén controls exports; wants price rise 9 S 41
South America NOLOGY Bulk to go to Britain under new trade agreement
Paraguay’s »« sition 23 S 37 Clergyman, Dr Everett Baker new dean of stu- 30 S 42
Venezuela dents 16 D 83 Canada
Beef Revolution: movement of cattle 16 S 36 MATERNAL DEATH RATE See Vital Statis- Rationing continues; U.S. tourists crowd border
World tics cities for steaks,
attempt to smuggle 21 O 42
Troops of | }.S., Britain, Russia on foreign soil MATERNITY See Mothers Venezuela
14 O 31 *+
rnment program; movement of Cattic
British Empire: Sunset? 16 D 30 truck-trailer, beef by plane, map 16 S
Mission nurse Marie Schultze pioneers in San-
tiago, Chile 26 Ag 67 MEDALS See individual countries—Awards
Former executive wins court award on veterans’
Work of Medical Mission Sisters in New Mex- MEDICAL CARE
reemployments issue 2 D 42
ico; schools for midwives 9 D 53 Hawley protests cost in U.S.; urges doctors act
Campaign in New York’s East Harlem; patron- MATHEMATICS to prevent socialization 14 O 51
Contest between Japanese abacus and Friden California Physicians Service to offset socialized
age machine, p. 4 N 2
calculator; abacus wins; diagram 25 N 35 medicine 11 N 77
Dr. Coady organizes adult study groups; co-ops
In “Paris School” exhibit; 76 years old 1 Jl 73 Work to reduce infant mortality in New Mex
result 25 N 44
MARIA JOSE, EX-QUEEN OF ITALY Confesses to cannibalistic practices on bodies of
Residence in !Portugal; now Countess of Sarre; MEDICAL SCHOOLS See Schools Medical
U.S. flyers 16 S 24
Salazar calls on 1 Jl 30 MEDICINE
See also Amputations; Burns; Diseases; Dru
Guam: trial of Jap officers; confessions of can- Hormones; Obstetrics; Surgery; Vaccir
nibalistic practices on bodies of U.S. flyers 16 Negro Benedictine priest of Trinidad to aid in- Wounds
S 24 terracial amity in Detroit; sketch, p. 28 O 72
d Aviation
MARIJUANA Tests for anoxia at high altitudes; ex periment, |
Burham ring in Ecuador; arrests; sales to U.S. Report from Lower Slobbovia 7 O 33 12 Ag 53
soldiers; song 14 O 40 Clinics
MARINE ENGINEERS See Maritime Unions Dr. Kabat’s clinic for spastics, p. 5 Ag 5
Trip to Pacific Coast; job as Time Managing VA’s mental-hygiene clinic in New York: treat \
MARINE LYNX (SHIP) Editor, p. 1 Jl 17 ment; Psychiatrist Charles Brown, p. 19
Held up im San Francisco by Marine strike; MAUGHAM, SOMERSET
Returns to French villa; plans his last book 30 Fertility clinic in Cleveland studies sterilit )
China-bound missionaries delayed 23 S 72
D 32
problem 7 O 53
MARINE SALVAGE See Salvaging, Marine
MARITIME UNIONS Dr. Walter Alvarez on symptoms of creepit ‘
A.F.L. strike ties up East, West Coast shipping Woman of the Pharisees, rev. 21 O 110
apoplexy; Woodrow Wilson case¢ Ag 55 y
16 § 21 MAURIELLO,
with Joe Louis; knocked out in first Changing @@ncepts of heart disease 23 S 47
A.F.L. seamen’s demand for $22.50-$27.50 boost round
30 S 56 Of cancer with cancer serum; Russian doctor's
ile revailing Government rate; N.M.U research 30 D 5:2 y
strike equal rate 23 S 23 MAXIM’S
Reopens in Paris; famed guests; history; paint Gastroenterology 7
A.F.L. Masters, Mates and Pilots, C.1.0. Marine
ing, r. 7 O 32 History of the enema (clyster); modern u y
Engineers strike over union preterence 14 0

Picket New York Times to protest Attempt to stage Opera Ball in Chicago fails, p. Instruments and Equipment y
column 21 O 57 11 N 49 In VA clinic: electroencephalograph; equipment N
MAY, ANDREW J. for electric, insulin shock 19 Ag 68
bel I hter, rev. 11 N 112 Charged with aiding Garrson brothers on war Electroencephalograph: Chicago City Council a
MARRIAGE contracts; Senate investigation 15 Jl 20 proves purchase 16 S 25
1939 Hert k-Lowther elopement aided by New Evidence of graft deals 29 Jl 15 Electroencephalograph brain wave record
York ail Vews; 1946 divorce suit 16 S 23 Too ill to appear at Senate hearings on Garsson analyzed by Walter’s machine, p. 16 D
U.S one d ce tor every three marriages in cast ; letter to Eisenhower on behalf of young Military
19 S Garsson 5 Ag 23 Ex-Army psychiatrists charge failure of psy
E convention action on church marriages Deals with Garsson; embraced Garsson’s atric technique in wartime 12 Ag 90 M
of vorced persons 23 S 72 daughter, p. 12 g 14 Orthopedics
Fertility Clinic in Cleveland studies sterility Renominated in Kentucky primary 12 Ag 21 Dr. Lorenz Bohler’s nail operation t
problem 7 O 5 Defeated by W. H. Meade for Congress 18 N 27 fractures 9 S 66
ishop of York warns Anglicans against MAY, GEORGE 8 Research
iing Catholic marriage pledge; Catholic Promoter of Chicago’s Tam O’Shanter golf tour- Russian experiment to cure cancer; develop KI M
Herald's retort, 4 N 71 nament 5 Ag 66 solution 8 Jl 63
MARSEILLES See France Cities and Towns
MAYAS Johns Hopkins work in rheumatic fever test t
The Ancient Maya, rev. map, p. 9 D 109 ory of antibodies 22 Jl | M
MAY DEPARTMENT STORES CO. In anoxia at high altitudes; test chamber
Biography in Conquest of the Missouri, rev. 19 Merger with Kaufmann’s 5 Ag 86 Pensacola Naval Air Station, p. 12 Ag 53
Ag 104 MAYFIELD, MRS. MOLLY Of Dr. Tom Spies in deficiency disez ar M
MARSHALL, GEORGE C. Lovelorn column in Denver Rocky Mountain vitamins 12 Ag 89
Poster-portrait welcomes in Kuling 29 J] 30 News; reply to Easterner’s dig at Denver Experiment on monkeys with pol virus it
Joint statement with Stuart on failure of truce speech S 48 tooth cavities 12 Ag 89 M
in China, p. 19 Ag 36 MEAD, GEORGE H. Millicurie of C-14 by-product of atom bomb
Won respect of Chinese Nationalists and Com- Nominated to OPA Decont ol Board, p. 5 Ag 22 leased to Barnard Skin and Cancer Hospital
munists 25 N 34 MEAD, JAMES M. 12 Ag 89 M
Portrayed in wife’s book; football gam ina Investigation Committee’s cases against Demo- Progress, failure, cost in The Challenge of P M
N 110 crats 12 Ag 16 rev. 19 Ag 68
MARSHALL, KATHERINE TUPPER Democratic nominee for Governor of New York, Dr. Griffith’s experiment with pitressin to reduce
Together: Annals of an Army Wife, rev., p. 25 p. 19 Ag 22 high blood pressure 2 S 75
N 110 Visits Roosevelt's grave, campaign speech at Exper nt with caudal analgesia in childbirth M
MARSHALL, RUTH Poughke psie 3‘ 5 M
U.S. teacher in London Kindergarten under ex- MEAD COMMITTEE See United States—Con Mustard gas experiments
t in cancer therapy
change plan, p. 23>2 D 47 gress »enate O 49

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)

-ublic Health Service to try BCG anti-TB vac- MERCY KILLING Industries
an cine in community immunization 11 N 76 New York doctors and clergymen sponsor bill; oS in Monterrey; brewery key industry 7
Page-Glasser experiments in arterial transfusion protests 18 N 70 41
for shock 18 N 68 British mill worker kills deformed imbecile Boom in war years; steel plants, cement, textile
Synthetic penicillin; method; radioactive tracer daughter 2 D 32 mills; industrialists demand high tariffs 9 D 38
to test 18 N 78 MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE CO. Pelitical conditions
Experiments with gelatin sponge to stop bleed- Cashier’s $800,000 embezzlement 11 N 27 Aleman wins public support 8 Jl 36
ing; value in surgery 2 D 46 MERGER OF ARMED SERVICES See United — election sure; Padilla charges ‘‘fraud’”’
Barlow’s research in schistosomiasis, Egyptian States—Armed services 15 45
fluke cycle; self-experiment 9 D 54 Aleman elected; Padilla drops fraud charges;
Mumps vaccine successful on monkeys, tested MERWIN, LORING (“BUD”)
Publisher Bloomington (lIIl.) Pantagraph, p. honest election 29 Jl 36
on humans; virus cultured in chick embryos Padilla’s nephew held as conspirator in plot to
9D 53 2 D 62
MESONS kill Aleman, Serrano 19 Ag 40
Gastric specialists urge U.S. cancer education
campaign 16 D 74 Subatomic particle key to study ultra-nucleonics Tehuantepec
Russian progress in cancer therapy; Doctors 30 S 62 Mexico South: the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, by
Roskin, Klyueva report 30 D 50 Russian physicists report experiments 2 D 98 Covarrubias, rev.; paintings, r. 18 N 38
Socialized MESSERSMITH, GEORGE D. Yucatan
A.M.A. disapproves Dr. Fishbein’s campaign Perén compliments diplomacy 29 Jl 36 Mayan ruins at Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Mayapan;
against 15 Jl 92 Said Russo-American war inevitable, charges map, p. 9 D 109
Hawley warns doctors of prospects in U.S. Pravda; denies 16 S 22 MEYER, EUGENE
14 O 51 Success as Ambassador to Argentina; mission Turns over Washington Post to son-in-law,
California Physicians Service to offset 11 N 77 aims; sketch, cov. cartoon 2 D 22 Philip Graham 1 Jl 45
Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan of Great- Thanksgiving Day speech, cites benefits of Capi- Resigns presidency of World Bank, p. 16 D 94
er New York approved by City 4 N 85 talism 9 D 39 MGB See Russia—Secret Police
Great Britain METALS MICE
National Health Service by 1948 planned 29 Shortages curtail industrial production 14 O 89 Mouseboat racing, mouse wheel racing new
Jl 23 METALS RESERVE CO. See under United sports in Britain; protests of cruelty 23 S 31
B.M.A. votes against National Health Service States MICHIGAN
Bill; provisions 23 D 68 METCALF, CHARLES W.
\Sigler G.O.P. candidate for governor; Demo-
Treatment Side speculation in rye during war 23 S 83 crats renominate Van Wagoner 1 Jl 22
Insulin shock for bronchial asthma 1 J] 66 \ TEOROLOGY Deer season; 90,000 bucks in week 9 D 80
History of the enema; modern use 1 J] 66 See also Weather MICKEY, HAROLD —
Doctors report progress in methods at A.M.A. Schaefer experiment with dry-ice pellets in Appeals to Argentine Supreme Cotrt for right
meeting 15 Jl 92 clouds to cause snow storms 25 N 57 to choose name for his twins 21 O 40
Doctor’s dilemma in advising patients of fatal World’s “source regions” of cold air 30 D 69
diseases 29 Jl 82 METEORS See Astronomy
METHODIST CHURCH Arab nationalist outbreak feared 15 J] 29
Of spastics at Dr. Kabat’s clinic; muscular edu- Armenians in; Russia opens door to refugees;
cation, drug prostigmine 5 Ag 5 Of Marysville, Mich. asks removal of pastor
for speech against Negro discrimination 1 Jl 86 claim to Kars and Ardahan; Turks uneasy 12
In Berg’s The Challenge of Polio; Kenny physi- Ag 24
cal therapy, nerve crushing technique of Christian Advocate on Catholic Church and unity
for peace 2 S 66 Russia demands joint control of Dardanelles;
Billig 19 Ag 69 Turks reject; Bulgaria asks for eastern
Simple treatment of burns 19 Ag 67 Merger with Episcopal Church proposed by C. S.
Lowell 2 D 76
Thrace, map 2 S 22
Portable respirator, emergency substitute for U.S. teachers sail to restaff American universi-
iron lung, p. 26 Ag 74 5 age of ministers in Warren County, Ia.;
ties; Robert College, p. 9 S 59
Penicillin: Its Practical Application 9 S 64 ze student teams fill in 23 D 70
) Similarity of U.S., ‘British interest 16 D 30
Lexington two-part cure for drug addiction 23 METRIC SYSTEM Russia’s demands in 1940 negotiations with
S 47 Accurate meter determined by light waves; Germany; captured documents, maps 23 D 26
Strides in operative therapy reported at Loe. standards in Paris vault 11 N 96
meeting 4 N_86
C.S.U. pickets studio, protests firing carpenters, Our Share of Night, rev., p. 4 N 110
Arterial transfusion method revives profound
act hock
victims 18 N 68 painters; brawls 7 O 22 MIDGET FURNACES See Furnaces
block anesthesia; cure for sciatica, neu- tritish film critic sues 14 O 44 MIDWIVES
‘ , twitchir action of alec vocaine METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. Medical Mission Sisters’ schools for midwives;
injections 9 D 53 Statistics on life expectancy 1 Jl 66 work in New Mexico 9 D 53
Tartar emetic in schistosomiasis 9 D 56 jacks Flushing real estate development 19 Ag 84 MIHAILOVICH, DRAJA
Nerve-blocking injection in impeded bl lood cir- Bulletin on heart disease, change in diagnosis Final defense at Yugoslav treason trial; death
culation; radium for deafness 30 D 49 23>2 S 47 sentence, p. 22 Jl 33
Great Britain METROPOLITAN OPERA CO. Death by firing squad 29 Jl 86
B.M.A. against National Health Service; fee Firing of choristers protested by Musical Art- MIKIMOTO, KOKICHI
haggling under Health Insurance D 68 ists Guild; Sloan’s letter to subscribers 26 Pearl king puts on juggling act for employes,
Russia Ag 61 p. 1 Jl 32
Doctors report success in cancer experiments Boxes held by society, listed 11 N 50 Leads culture-pearl industry in Japan; sketch,
8 Jl 63 Plans opening; Helen Traubel leading Wag- p. 9 S 84
Dr Alexander Bogomolets dies, discoverer of nerian prima donna; view from stage, p. 11 MIKOLAJCZYK, STANISLAW
ACS serum 29 Jl 86 N 61 Peasant Party deprived of right to campaign on
Progress on cancer cure; Doctors Roskin, Klyu- Opens 62nd season with Lily Pons in Lakme natienal referendum 8 Jl 32
eva report on KR and toxins 30 D 50 5N 6 Continues Peasant Party campaign; safety
MEDITERRANEAN First production of Mozart’s Abduction from threatened 9 D 33
U.S. to maintain Twelfth Fleet 30 S 26 the Seraglio 9 D 76 MILAN See Italy—Cities and towns
MEEGEREN, HANS VAN Leads Boston Symphony in world premiére of
Annual meeting; reports on excavations 7 O 68
Copies Vermeer painting to prove forgery rec- Symphony No. 2; sketch, p. 30 D 56
ord; Jesus in the Temple, r., p. 18 N 61 MEXICO
Aleman elected president 29 Jl 36 MILITARY BASES See individual countries
MEGANTHROPUS See Man, Prehistoric Plan to develop 7,250 new oil wells, allow for- Defenses
MELCHIOR, LAURITZ eign companies to bid in 5 Ag 48 MILITARY OCCUPATION
Leading Wagnerian singer at Met relations Archeological discoveries in Monte Alban ruins See also Germany, Japan—Occupation
with Helen Traubel, p. 11 N 61 on Mixtecs, Zapotecs; “‘La Venta” relics, p. Withdrawal of Allied troops from ex-enemy Eu
MELLON NATIONAL BANK 7 O 68 ropean countries; draft treaties on 29 Jl 20
To merge with Union Trust Co. 22 Jl 84 Bevin charges only 76 Nazis deported; Depart- MILITARY SCIENCE
MELLON SECURITIES CORP. ment of Interior explains 28 O 44 jritain plans global rocket-line defense system,
Merged with First Boston Corp. 8 Jl 88 Aleman’s inauguration ceremonies; Cabinet; map 4 N 35
MEMORIALS See War Memorials program; to purge Government of graft 9 D 38 MILITARY TRAINING, COMPULSORY See
MEMPHIS, TENN. Bones of Cortes found in church wall; church United States—Armed Services—Conscription
Chandler to resign as Mayor; Commercial Af to be national monument 9 D 42 MILK
peal’s plea for information on successor 19 Cabinet Baron Digby milkman in British village,
9 S 32
Ag 62 Ruiz Galindo, National Economy; Garcia Lopez,
A.P. photographer’s camera smashed in fracas Communications; Bermudez to direct PEMEX Powdered milk-and-egg fed to liberated G.I.’s;
at football game 23 S 66 9 D 38 value in malnutrition cases 23 S 50
Cr p sets board to censor books; film cen Cities and Towns Production falls off 40% in Gulf Coast states;
sorship 11 N 28 Mexico City plan Sindhi-Jersey breed to withstand heat
MEN Anti-noise laws to be enforced after independ- 23 S 97
See also Man ence celebration 23 S 37 MILK, MOTHERS’
Average American; Average Frenchman 25 N 46 Monterrey Doctors’ crusade to revive breast feeding; psy-
Eugene O'Neill, others with era] Sex Ap Oth anniversary; growth of industry, brewery, chic importance 9 S 65
peal” listed by artists’ agent lass factory, p. 7 O 40 MILKY WAY See Astronomy
MENCKEN, H. L. Economic conditions MILLER, EDWARD
Christmas Story, rev. 18 N 106; Chur »wned Nightclub, bullfight prices; food costs rising, New rector of St. George’s in New York, p
Canadian book firm stops distribution 23 D 42 441% since 1930; Aleman’s program 9 D 38 25 N 75
Reply to Ubhler’s charges on psychiatrists in Guatemalan president stages cordial meeting French society sues for obscenity 18 N 48
Army 12 Ag 90 vith Avila Camacho, p. 18 N 38 MILLER, ZITA
MENTAL DISEASES Government Finishes novel, mislays manuscript 19 Ag 4¢
New National Health Act provisions; extent of Rivera warns of labor support of Russia in MILLS, BERT E., CORP.
8 Jl 64 event of war 29 Jl 22 Produces automatic coffee vendor 16 D 92
MENTAL HEALTH Refuses routes to Braniff Airways subsidiary in MILLS COLLEGE
8 million U.S. citizens neurotic; Mental Health r of Pan Am 11 N 90 Dr. George Hedley’s sermons on sectarianism ir
Council plans 2 S 73 } er of Deputies examines credentials of The Christian Heritage in America 5 Ag 58
MENTAL HOSPITALS See Hospitals new members 9 S 40 91-year-old alumna takes refresher courses 19
MERCHANDISING Aleman asks Congress amend Constitution, re- Ag 57
See also Stores move threat of expropriation, extend vote to MILNE, A. A.
Retailers slash prices; bargain sales ahead of women 16 D 38 Chloe Marr, rev., p. 2 S 98
scheduie 30 D 73 Aleman wants Government control of irrigation; MILTON, ABBY ROCKEFELLER
MERCHANT MARINE See Shipping dam projects; Hydraulic Resources headed by Marries Dr. Irving H. Pardee 14 O 98
Story of U.S. preparation for bacterial warfare Declares Pemex oil workers’ strike illegal; calls Communist Bobrowicz holds Democratic nomina
12 Ag 56 out troops; Pemex program 30 D 27 tion to Congress 30 S 25

ol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

MILWAUKEE DEPTH Agrees to French proposal to internationalize MOOREHEAD, ALAN

Drop in ocean floor discovered by U.S.S. Mil- Trieste 15 Jl 33 300k Montgomery; Express warns not authentic
waukee officers; origin of earthquake, tidal Submits peace plan for Germany 22 Jl 25 9 D 47
wave, map 19 Ag 40 Speech at Paris Conference; sharp exchange MOREELL, BEN :
MINERALS with Byrnes; position in Soviet hierarchy, Coal-mines administrator pleads for labor set-
Mineral rights to land beneath coastal waters chart; sketch, cov. 19 Ag 26 tlement, return of mines to owners, p. 2 S 17
voted to States by Congress; Navy, Ickes, Attack on peace treaty draft; distortion of U.S. MORGAN, SIR FREDERICK
Pauley case 5 Ag 23 motives assailed by Byrnes; p. 26 Ag 22 Released as UNRRA director for Germany;
MINES AND MINING Piqued at seating arrangement, leaves Paris
charged Soviet spies in UNRRA 2 S 23
See also Coal; United Mine Workers; Muni liberation meeting 2 S 24
tions— Mines MORGAN, HENRY
Disclosure of Russian aims in Germany precipi-
Jachymov uranium mine; report of Russian ex- tated U.S. action 9 S 29
Program on ABC; satire on radio; sketch, p.
perts at 5 Ag 30 New plan to put Trieste undet Yugoslav con- 16 S 48
Wales: 11,000 miners attend Eisteddfod; Prin- trol; declares Poland to keep present fron- MORGAN, THOMAS A.
cess Elizabeth's tribute 19 Ag 31 tiers 23 S 30 Declines reelection on Pan Am board, protests
Canada’s silver mines reopened; Cobalt, Ont. Denounces Peace Conference vote; charts East- Trippe’s policies, p. 29 Jl 75
revives silver, cobalt production 19 Ag 38 West conflict in discussions on Danube 21 O 29 MORGENTHAU, HENRY, SR.
Orange Free State gold field; Wall Street in- Insistence on two-thirds majority; friendly ges- Death of 2 D 100
terests form company to promote 26 Ag 90 ture to McNeil 19 Ag 30 MORLEY, SYLVANUS (¢
Gold strike at Mackeith Lake, Ont.; Joe Burke At opening of U.N. Assembly in New York, p. Archaeological research in Yucatan; The An
Gold Mines 2 S 34 4N 31 cient Maya, rev. 9 D 109
South African Negro gold miners’ strike crushed Proposes disarmament in U.N. Assembly speech; MORRISON, CHARLES C.
by police; miner’s family, p. 4 N 40 denounces U.S., British imperialism 11 N 29 Completes Christian Century articles “Can
MINISTERS See Clergy Concessions on Trieste 25 N 29 Protestantism Win America?, ” p. 8 Jl 72
MINK SLIDE See Columbia, Tenn. Confers with Byrnes; at Big Four lunch; agree- MORRISON, HERBERT
MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. ment 9 D 27 Administration of Britain’s postwar economy;
Polio epidemic; radio stations start children’s On Soviet concessions; invites Foreign Minis nationalization program; sketch, cov. 29 Jl 2
programs for stay-at-homes 12 Ag 69 ters to meet in Moscow 16 D 29 Deplores General Barker’s anti-Semitic lan-
MINNESOTA Explains misunderstanding on veto in disarma guage; defends federation for Palestine 12
Shipstead’s campaign for G.O.P. senatorial nom ment program 16 D 29
Ag 30
ination 8 Jl 25 Dratt plan with Ribbentrop to make Russia
Faces Labor left-wingers; Tories question 21
Thye wins G.O.P. Senate nomination; Luther member of Axis 23 D 26 O 33
Youngdah!l nominated Governor; Stassen’s MOLTER, WILLIE
MORRIS PLAN See Banks and Banking
campaign 22 Jl 19 Race horse trainer; sketch, p. 2 D 85
MORTARS See Munitions—Mortars
Fishing resorts jammed; Radio Station fishing MONACO
contest 22 Jl 75 Marriage of Prince Louis II 5 Ag 87
Centennial of first experiment in surgery anes
MINNIE See Cats Monte Carlo Casino clientele falls off; Commu
thesia, p. 28 O 76
MISBELI ; nist Party would abolish gambling 23 S 33
MONASTERIES MOSCOW See Russia—Cities and Towns
Natural History of Nonsense, popular fallacies,
Bavarian priests founded St. Vincent’s in Penn- MOSLEMS
listed 7 O 114
sylvania 16 S 69 Ramadan celebration in Jerusalem; struggle with
MISS AMERICA, 1946 Jews for shrine city 26 Ag 24
Marilyn Buferd wins title, p. 16 S 45 Plan to restore Fountains Abbey as Benedictine
monastery, retreat, p. 50 DS 32 Theft of sacred hairs from Moh amed’s beard,
MISSIONS AND MISSIONARIES from Istanbul mosque 16 S 32
Mother Cabrini founder Catholic missionary or See also Coins; Currency; Fund-raising Jinnah agrees to name to All-India Congress;
der made saint; work in U.S. 15 Jl 74 Lord Beaverbrook’s advice How To Win a For- attacks on Nehru’s caravan; massacre of Hin
Catherine Mabie’s work in Belgian Congo; at dus in Bengal 28 O 40
tune 5 N 72
tends Missionary Conference; discussions 5 MONGOLIA MOSQUITOES
Ag 58 Tannu Tuva to join Soviet Union, th: inks Stalin Larvae killed by DPE sprayed on water; repel
Work of Maryknoll Fathers; conference; aim lent #448 16 S 104
26 Ag 31
to Christianize Japan 19 Ag 74 MONGOLIA, OUTER U.S. Army experiments for a repellent; find
Marie Schultze Presbyterian mission nurse gets Applies for U.N. membership; sponsored by ings on sex, hum, sting 14 O 81
Chilean award for baby clinic 26 Ag 67 MOTHERS
Russia, blackballed by West 19 Ag 30
Two Protestant missionaries murdered by Cath- Cornelian Corner vement; doctors urge breast
Delegates to U.N. arrive in New York; country
olic Indians in Me¢ 9S 80 feed and cuc ig 9 S 65
by m 1ritime
not admitted to U.N., p. 9 S, 31
Await return to China; delayed Psychiatrist blames ‘*Momism”’ widespread
strike; Chapman, Newbern, others, p. S 72 MONJE GUTIERREZ, TOMAS
psychoneurosis in Their Mothers’ Sor 1s 25 N 80
Father Gibson's iscopal Cathedral Shelter in Inaugural as president of Bolivia's junta 2 S 31
Chicago, p. 28 7 Attempt on life; would-be assassin lynched by
MISSISSIPPI Breen explains Hollywood Morality Code t
Bilbo’s cam} t. r renomination; appeal to MONKEYS
British 5 Ag 98
Peckerwe 1 Ji 22 Gandhi’s advice on dealing with crop raiding MOTLEY, ARTHUR H.
Bil nd Rankin e-elected to Congress; press monkeys 12 Ag 26 New on Parade; to share in ownershi;
nents 15 Jl 25 MONOPOLIES
County lynching of Negro by four white See also Trusts, Industrial 30 S 90 MOT =
Fears of Big Steel and Bethlehem control of Wins Nobel Peace prize; sketch, p.
baptized into Baptist West Coast supply 1 Jl 78
State monopoly ot British Broadcasting Corp.; MOTTA SILVA, ALVARO A. DA
bo investiga y Senate committees on in Government White detends 15 jl 60 As chairman U.N. Ati mic Energy Commis
‘timi dating Negroes against voting 16 D 25 Ogilvie attacks Bri system, calls for sion; speech 29 Jl 22
MISSOURI other services 12 Ag 70 MOL ae Cc IMBING
Con sman Slaughter’s speech for Case Bill; California Fishermen's “‘Local 36’’ operates as Swiss Alpinists rescue plane crash survivors or
ir iman home territory 1 Jl 24 union; prosecuted for price-fixing 2 S 84 Al ouster 2 D 30
Trur ntervenes in Democratic primary; en Court rules A. & P. a food mor method, MOUNTBATTE * PATRICIA E. V.
dorses Axtell 29 Jl 13 indictments against Kroger, Safeway Stores Marries Baron Brabourne 4 N 100
Truman to vote in prim repudiates Slaugh- 30 S 90
ter, foun Axtell 12 ie Ys Verdict reversed in A. & P. antitrust case 7 O 93 Owner « rs for sale; broadcasting compan
ies; Democrats nomin Frank P. MONTANA buy 1 ho stel, observatory, p. 26 Ag 88
Briggs, Republicans James P. Kem, for U.S Leif Erickson wins Senate nomination in Demo- MOUSE RACING
Senate 19 Ag 22 cratic primary; Wheeler’s defeat, record 29 New sport in Britain; Hobbies article arous
Slaughter defeated by Axtell; Pendergast ma- Jl 16 R.5.F.C.A.
23 § 31
chit cartoon 19 Ag 19 MONTE CARLO See Monaco MOVERS
Govern Donnelly fights move to unionize St. MONTE LIBRETTI See Italy—Cities and O’Neill’s Lincoln Warehouse Corp. to mov
Louis police 9 S 26 Towns U.N. from Hunter to Lake Success, L.I. f
Veterans storm state capitol demand special ses- MONTERREY See Mexico—Cities and Towns
$1 fee 19 Ag 24
sion to vote bonus; Governor D« lly rebukes MONTGOMERY, SIR BERNARD L. MOVING PI¢ TURE INDUSTRY
7 O 27 Eisenhower's appraisal in report on the war, p. Market value of new films analyzed by Audier
MISSOL =, UNIVERSITY OF 1 Jl 25 Research Inc.; chart 22 Jl 94
Heavy enrollment; Army barracks on campus to In U.S.; tour of military posts; comments, inci Ind producers ‘collapsible r
Ive housing; trailer 9 S 59 dents, p. 23 S 25 called illegal tax dodge;
MISSOL RI RIVE R Moorehead’s biog y Mont. gomery ; Express method \g 80
Flood nt project under way; dams, mar warns not authentic; Churchill’s protest 9 D 47 .y idios ] lay « + produ tionn costs+ 12 7
History f steamboating in Conquest of the Knocks out Allie Stolz, defends title 8 Jl 58 nationa
Missouri, 1 ) Ag i04 MONTREAL, QUE. ite Rank an
MISSOU Ri y AL im EY AUTHORITY See under Attracts tourists; points of interest; government;
United States Mayor Houde, p. 5 Ag 40 MeTS, ry; ventures in soun
MISS SHANGHAI Confidence man poses as Count Navarro; fiinan- yfitable management 12 Ax 3
Chosen for personality, p. 16 S 35 cial deals 14 O 42 Brothers bar Lire and TiMeE staffs
MITCHEL WILLIAM L. Veterans’ squatters movement led by Commu 10S, previews; protest review, story
House authorizes sj il Congressional Medal nist Henri Gagnon 11 N 42
f Hor ‘Ag 50 MONTREUX CONVENTION reorganizes Cinecolor Corp.; cor
MITSUI Confirmed Turkey sole guardian of Da 1 Tecl olor Inc. 23 S 88
Jay batsu clan dissolves, liquidates holdings; nelles; Potsdam agreement on revision 2 S Pereira signs RKO contract as producer; stud
war losses, p. 29 Jl 3 Russian strategy on revision 2 S 22 lesign mount experimental theater
——— hairs from prophet’s beard stolen from Banquet for Sjharir, Prime Minister of Indo Profits for 1946 forecast; operating costs, ma
Istanbul mosque 16 S 32 nesian Republic celebrates truce 28 O 40 ket, chart 21 O 88
MOHAMED AL-RASCHID II, EMIR MOON John Mason Brown charges glamour films rea
Protests divorce settlement favoring wife; claim Rocket experiment planned by U.S. Army 9 S 76 son for high costs 4 N 104
to Turkish throne 21 O 46 Japanese “Moon Viewing Festival’’ 23 S 34 Hope Enterprises venture of Bob Hope 18 N 9
MOHOLY-NAGY, LASZLO MOONEY, JOE Liberty Films independent producer; Brisk
Death of 2 D 100 Quartet new jazz band hit; sketch, p. 28 O 55 management 23 D 54
MOLOTOV, VIACHESLAV MOORE, HENRY United Artists Corp.: Chaplin, Mary Pickford
At Big Four Paris conference 1 Jl 26 Sculpture on exhibit in New York; sketch 30 oust Selznick; stock-ownership dispute 23 D 77
Accedes to 2l-nation peace conference; charged D 40 Labor ‘
with blocking peace, p. 15 Jl 27 MOORE, JOHN C.S.U. off-production workers win wage-an
Compromise plan for Trieste control 8 Jl2 The Fair Field, rev. 9 D 109 hour demands in two-day strike 15 Jl 86
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)

C.S.U. and I.A.T.S.E. jurisdictional dispute at Chase: rev. 18 N 101 MURALS

Warners, M-G-M; C2U.’s Sorrell, p. 7 O 22 Claudia and David: rev. 9 S 105 WPA mural portraying Iowa’s history discard-
C.S.U.-1.A.T.S.E. riots at studios 14 O 25 Cloak and Dagger: rev. 21 O 100 ed as insulting 8 Jl 61
MOVING PICTURES Cockeyed Miracle: rev. 14 O 103 MURAT, ACHILLE
Audience Research, Inc. analyzes box-office ap- Crack-Up: rev. 16 S 106 me at Prince in Their Midst, rev., d. 18
vel Hopkins Televoting System, chart 21 Dark Mirror: rev., p. 21 O 99 N 109
4 Dead of Night: rev. 15 J1 98 MURAT, PRINCESS LEATITIA
History of sound film; Warner Brothers venture Deception: rev. 4 N 104 Marries Lt. Charles R. Codman, Jr. 29 Jl 86
in 1926; “trend” films 12 Ag 93 Duel in the Sun: advertising hyperbole 12 Ag 93 MURDER
Midsummer box office winners; Variety’s list Easy to Wed: rev. 15 J1 97 Veteran beaten to death in Central Park, As-
19 Ag 98 Gallant Journey: rev. 7 O 104 toria man shot; police trace to thug trio 1 J] 21
Processing of color films; Cinecolor’s speed proc- Great Dictator: shown in Berlin, p. 19 Ag 36 Heirens suspected of murder of 5-year-old Su-
ess 23 S 88 Her Sister's Secret: rev. 21 O 100 zanne Degnan, others 29 Jl 18
Variety’s list of summer’s end hits 23 S 102 Holiday in Mexico: rev. 2 S 91 Chicago press plays up Heirens as murderer of
Decrease in new films; box-office take, attend- Home Sweet Homicide: rev., p. 16 S 106 Suzanne Degnan; Craig Rice defends 29 Jl 61
ance, costs, 1940-1946, chart 21 O 88 Is Everybody Happy?: rev. 16 S 109 Man shot by rival in Los Angeles bowling alley
Museum of Modern Art’s Film Library: course It’s A Wonderful Life: rev., p. 23 D 54 bar, p. 19 Ag 21
in History of Motion Pictures 28 O 103 I’ve Always Loved You: rev., p. 16 S 106 Elizabeth O’Leary charged with killing husband,
Films adapted from books, plays; title changes Jolson Story: audience reaction, chart 22 Jl 94; freed, greets children; Bridget Waters, Irish
4N 103 rev., p. 7 O 101 war bride, shoots husband 16 S 24
Poll shows moviegoers indifferent to film critics’ Killers: rev. 9 S 100 Los Angeles gangsters shot and killed in hotel
reviews 4 N 103 Lady Luck: rev. 30 S 102 room 14 O 26
John Mason Brown praises realism in foreign La Perla: rev. 11 N 101 Ex-Marine rookie policeman in Denver goes
films, criticizes Hollywood’s emphasis on Les Enfants du Paradis: rev., p. 25 N 104 berserk, kills patron in hotel bar, p. 14 O 29
glamour 4 N 104 Magnificent Doll: rev., p. 16 D 101 Trial of 25 Negroes for attempted murder in
Admission price up; most popular films reported Margie: rev., p. 28 O 104 Columbia, Tenn.; two guilty 14 O 29
by Variety 11 N 101 Monsieur Beaucaire: rev., p. 2 S 91 Trial of 5 white men for murder of Negro ten-
Financial success of westerns, “‘oaters’”’ 9 D 101 Mr. Ace: rev. 12 Ag 94 ant farmer in Lexington, Miss. 4 N 25
Grierson’s views on, quoted 16 D 102 My Darling Clementine: rev. 11 N 104 Drunken man shoots passenger in Times Square
Best films 1946 listed 30 D 66 Never Say Goodbye: rev. 9 D 102 subway 16 D 25
Actors and Actresses Night and Day: rev. 8 Jl 98; Warner Bros. Africa
Ingrid Bergman, others in independent
produc- protest Lire review 26 Ag 50 Gold Coast natives convicted for ritual murders
ers’ collapsible corporations, p. 5 Ag 82 Nobody Lives Forever: rev. 18 N 104 26 Ag 31
British actresses Margaret Lockwood, Patricia Nocturne: rev. 4 N 104 Nuba tribesmen arrested for murder; euthanasia
Roc, Googie Withers; gowns cut too low for No Leave, No Love: rev. 4 N 104
U.S. Johnston Office Code, p. 5 Ag 98 live burial 30 D 23
Notorious: rev., p. 19 Ag 98
German Hilda Kruger’s career; former spy sus- : ; Austria
Notorious Gentleman: rev. 30 S 101
pect, p. 12 Ag 36 Motorbike riders shot by car driver 28 O 32
Of Human Bondage: rev. 15 Jl 98
Cartoon Outlaw: censorship; Hughes sues Johnston office ' Canada
Disney Studios lay off 450; production costs; ;S 4 Two Nazis in Alberta prison camp sentenced
studio, p. 12 86 Overlanders: rev., p. 2 D 104 for murder of fellow prisoner 8 J] 42
Song of the South new Disney film on Uncle Pearl: rev., Mexican film 11 N 101 Evelyn MacLean Dick sentenced to hang for
Remus stories, p. 18 N 101 Problem Drinkers: rev. 8 Jl 98 murder of husband 28 O 46
London film critics inhospitable to Walt Disney; Raider: rev. 28 O 106 William E. Lama elusive murderer of wife and
concern over Alice in |V onderland production; Razor’s Edge: rev., p. 9 D 101 child in Ontario township, arrested 11 N 44
comments 2 D 32 Scandal in Paris: rev. 26 Ag 95 Ontario court voids murder conviction, protests
Documentary Searching Wind: rev., p. 1 Jl 94 third-degree forcing of confession 2 D 40
March of Time Atomic Power, rev. 12 Ag 23 Sister Kenny: rev. 30 5 101 Cuba
Nobody Lives Forever, rev.; on gangsters 18 Smoky: rev., p. 8 Jl 98 Wave of gangster shootings in Havana, son of
N 104 So Dark the Night: rev. 25 N 104 Senator Martinez Saenz killed 23 S 37
March of Time, The American Cop, rev. 9 D Song of the South: rev., p. 18 N 101 France
102 Spellbound: Rozsa’s sound-track 16 S 61 Existentialist writer found, body blackened;
Grierson pioneer in; The World To-day, Inc.; Stairway to Heaven: rev., p. 30 D 66 mystery of death cause 2 § 25
Grierson on Documentary, excerpts 16 D 101 Stormy Waters: rev., p. 1 Jl 94 Great Britain
Educational Strange Love of Martha Ivers: rev. 29 Jl 88 Sentence of Neville Heath; press protests police
Hutchins plans revision Britannica films, new, Strange Woman: rev. 28 O 106 censorship 14 O 79
cheaper projectors
30 S 67 Suspense: rev. 1 Jl 97 3ritish mill worker kills imbecile daughter as
Music tion: rev. 2 D 103 “mercy” act 2 D 32
Rozsa’s sound-track scores; technique; electronic rennan Girl: rev. 2 D 103 Russia
device theremin 16 S 61 They Were Sisters: rev. 9 S 102 Girl murderer; body of husband found in cel-
Religious Three Little Girls in Blue: rev. 7 O 102 lar; story of Serafima 15 Jl 34
Rev. Brian Hession in Hollywood to promote Three Wise Fools: rev., p. 23 S 102 MURPHY, ERNEST
Protestant films 2 S 68 Till the End of Time: rev. 15 Jl 97 Management of Pressed Steel Car Co., p. 8 J1 82
Theaters Time of Their Lives: rev. 23 S 102 MURPHY, WILLIAM J.
Experimental theater for Paramount 14 O 94 Turning Point: rev. 18 N 102 Founds VIP Service, Inc., with wife, p. 11 N 92
New York Park Avenue Theater for exclusive Two Years Before the Mast: rev. 2 S 91 MURRAY, ALBERT F.
clientele; love seats, p. 11 N 90 rcurrent: rev. 11 N 102 Investigated death ray inventions for Govern-
Australia rev. 30 D 66 ment, p. 2 D 99
Overlanders, rev.; Chips Rafferty star, p. 2 D igger’s Daughter: rev. 23 S 105 MURRAY, PHILIP
104 1 Tie and Tails: rev. 21 O 100 On new P.A.C. board of directors 29 Jl 16
France ked Lady: rev. 2 D 104 At C.1.0. convention; avoids Red hunt; effort
The Welldigger’s Daughter, rev.; Pagnol pro- MOYES, BILL to limit Communist influence, p. 25 N 24
duction 23 S 105 Portland Oregonian disciplines for political 1 Reuther, Fitzgerald to formulate bar-
Les Enfants du Paradis, rev.; leading actors, jibes; radio column 4 N 82 z policy 30 D 15
producer, cast 25 N 104 MOZA RT, WOLFGANG ADAMEUS
Great Britain Salzburg festival opens with Don Giovanni 12 See also Art—Museums
Breen explains Hollywood Morality Code to Ag 62 Smithsonian Institution centennial; founding,
British; 4 British films 5 Ag 98 uction from the Seraglio at the Met; Koch- research, stuffed animal exhibit, p. 26 Ag 55
Brief Encounter and They Were Sisters rev.; el’s catalogue 9 D 77 MUSIC
examples of British films 9 S 10: MRS. AMERICA See also Bands; Concerts; Musicians; Opera;
War documentary Western Approaches retitled Janice Pollock wins beauty contest; husband ob- Orchestras
for U.S. The Raider, rev. 28 O 106 jects to tour, p. 25 N Influence of U.S. popular lyrics in postwar
Cyril Joad explains British tolerance of decol- Title and prize to Mrs. Fr dda Acker; first win- world 29 Jl 21
leté film actresses, quoted 18 N 47 ner declines 2 D 45 Koussevitzky criticizes limited broadcasting of
tritish film critics lash at Walt Disney; on MUELLER, GEORGE classical music 14 O 86
Alice in Wonderland production 2 D 31 Strike leader at Pittsburgh’s Duqt Week’s program in New York; operas, sympho-
Wicked Lady revised for U.S., rev. 2 D 104 Co.; jailed for ignoring injunction, p. 7 nies, recitals; artists, listed 25 N 63
Stairway .to Heaven U.S. version of Matter of MUKDEN See China—Cities and Towns Calypso
Life and Death, rev.; Pressburger Powell MULLER, HERMANN J. Houdini, King of Calypso; wins Port-au-Spain
team, p. 30 D 66 Aw Nobel Prize; work < in radioactive bio- carnival 26 Ag 61
Mexico logical mutations, p. 11 N 96 Compositions
Fernandez directs La Perla, rev.; plans U.S.- MULTI PLE SCLEROSIS Cable’s Jingles All The Way No. 2 suite based
Mexican collaboration 11 N 101 A ff ‘ted organize to promote research; symp- on singing commercials 23 D 64
ial; Russia t s 140 51 Spellbound Concerto: By Rozsa; record sales 16
and Soviet organ denounces historical films; Jvan MUMPS S 61
the Terrible, Part II withheld 15 Jl 34 Vaccine successf il with monkeys, Festivals
un Turning Point, rev.; on siege of Stalingrad 18 sterility i l att Tanglewood Music Center; Boston Symphony
N 102 MUNICH See Germany—Cities and series of concerts 22 Jl 56
Moving Pictures MUNITIONS Salzburg Mozart festival; audience; performers
Abie’s Irish Rose: rev. 30 D 66 war investiga- 12 Ag 60
American Cop: rev. 9 D 10 9 jl 15 Instruments
ingel on My Shoulder: rev. 14 O 103 asin Metal tro-cello invented; design 15 Jl 64
Appassionata: rev. 9 D 102 jucts, Inc. 12 Ag 14 1in: electronic device for movie music 16
Atomic Power: rev. 12 Ag 23
Bachelor’s Daughters: rev. 21 O 99 flutes, fegogan, angklung, gang-
Bedelia: British productior f -lysmic meson ml S 62 A House in Bali 30 S 68
est Years of Our Lives: rev., p. 25 N 103 Jazz
Big Sleep: rev., p. 26 Ag 95 to be radio-con State jazz Orchestra of White Russia; J]zvestia
irth of a Nation: showings withdrawn at Film blasts imitation of U.S. jazz 2 § 41
rary; anti-Negro bias 28 O 103 lane collision Swing bands give way to more sedate music
Angel: rev. 2 S 92 9 S 94
Skies: rev. 14 O 103 c system based in Central Joe Mooney Quartet new hit at Dixon’s in New
rief Encounter: rev. 9 S 10 cket fire field, map 4 N York 28 O 5
zesar and Cleopatra: rev., p. 19 Ag 98 Mortars Django Reinhardt French jazz guitarist makes
inyon Passage: rey., p. 5 Ag 98 CWS’s 4.2 mortars; G.l.s killed by premature U.S. debut, p. 18 N 53
Carmen: rev.; based on Merrimee; Argentine explosions 5 d Moving Picture
film 2 D 104 CWS reports defects in fuses, not in Garsson Rozsa’s sound track scores; technique; theremin
ntennt al Summer rev é } yi 5S shhel 1 6S : 24 16 S 61

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

o Negro MUSSOLINI, DONNA RACHELLE Louisiana youth spared execution as electric

Spirituals; origin; Marian Anderson's interpre- Amnesty granted 15 Jl 46 Se fails; comments on prospect of death 15
tations 30 D
60 Living on island of Ischia; at sewing machine,
Religious p. 23 S 32 Mary McLeod Bethune: founding of Faith Hall,
Value in winning converts; use on Catholic MUSTARD GAS Bethune-Cookman college 22 Jl 55
radio programs 26 Ag 67 Nitrogen mustard in cancer treatment 21 O 49 In opera: Ellabelle Davis acclaimed in Mexico
Austria MUSTER, MORRIS City, p. 29 Jl 43
Salzburg Mozart festival; audiences; performers Resigns as President of United Furniture Work- Four killed by lynch mob near Monroe, Ga.;
12 Ag 60 ers; protests Communist faction, p. 15 Jl 22 Negro who voted in South Georgia, killed by
Bali MYRDAL, GUNNAR white men 5 Ag 25
Rhythm, melodies, instruments described by Theories on amalgamation of U.S. white popu- Use of ‘‘Negress” (L) 12 Ag 4
McPhee in A House in Bali 30 S 68 lation with Negroes 12 Ag 54 Lynchings in Mississippi; farmhand flogged by
Brazil white men, body found in bayou; Negro shot
Tango hit tune, Adios, Pampa Mia replaces N in cafe fracas 12 Ag 20
popular sambas 9 S 96 Negro attempted to vote in Athens, Tenn., shot
France by Sheriff’s deputy 12 Ag 20
Heads Hungarian delegation to Western capi-
Darius Milhaud, composer, conducts new Sym- tals, p. 1 Jl 31 Asbury estimates on Negroes who pass as white;
phony No. 2 in Boston 30 D 56 NAILS Burma refutes; racial intermarriage Myrdal’s
Great Britain theory 12 Ag 54
Harry Fielding imports U.S. classical stars
Nail device used in orthopedic surgery 9 S 66
Shortage acute 21 O 85 New York Times editorial stand against identi-
8 Jl 92 fying criminals as Negroes 19 Ag 60
Mexico Johnson lynching in Louisiana 26 Ag 21
Ellabeile Davis first Negro in Aida title role U.S. bandleader in Buenos Aires, appeals for
right to choose name for his twins 21 O 40 Rudolph Dunbar’s U.S. debut; conducts Holly-
29 Jl 43 wood Bowl Symphony Orchestra; sketch, p.
Russia 28 41
State Jazz Orchestra of White Russia; Eddy Federal Narcotics Commission warns on use of ss
demerol 29 Jl 82 Camilla Williams with New York City Opera
Rozner, leader; Utesov’s Merry Lads, p. Co., p. 30 S 68
28 41 Barney Ross reports himself an addict; seeks
cure at Lexington; U.S. addiction 23 S 47 Canada Lee plays white role in Duchess of
Musicians Malfi; theater cancels engagement, p. 7 O 48
Koussevitzsky reopens Tanglewood music colony; Peddlers buy surplus life rafts for morphine in
medicine kits 21 O 86 Trial of 25 for attempted murder in Columbia,
stati; students 22 Jl 56 Tenn. race riot; jury acquits 23 14 O 29
Claudio Arrau gives double Brahms concert at Father Divine’s Swiss “‘heaven’’; symbolism of
Robin Hood Dell; sketch, p. 12 Ag 60 Succeeds Dr. Drury as rector of St. Paul’s
School; speech 7 O 78 marriage to white girl 14 O 58
Performers, visitors at Salzburg Mozart festival Near-lynching in Mount Pleasant, Tenn. on ws
Cosmetics business merger; perfume merchan- faked charges of drunken white man 28 O 30
Heifetz revealed as writer of new song hit 21 Father Matthews of Trinidad to aid Detroit
O 83
dising 9 S 88
NASSER KHAN, MOHAMED Catholic drive for interracial amity; sketch,
Myra Hess gives piano recital in New York; p. 28 O 72
British award 21 O 83 Leader Iran’s Qashqai tribe revolt, p. 7 O 34
NATHAN, ROBERT Government sponsors project to wipe out adult
Django Reinhardt French jazz guitarist; U.S. illiteracy 28 O 86
debut in Cleveland 18 N 53 Firm’s report for C.I.O. on wages, profits; ca-
reer in New Deal; sketch, p. 23 D 17 Body of Negro found in Mississippi bayou; five
Polish pianist Andre Wasowski greatest player white men tried, acquitted 4 N 2 5
of Chopin; concert in Rome; sketch, p. 25 Charlie Edwards imposter arrested in Los An-
N 63 God Save the King: substitute stanza 28 O 36
Indonesia Raja, excerpt 23 D 32 geles; sketch, p. 11 N 26
Brailowsky performs Chopin piano cycle, p. Columbians in Georgia demonstrate against
9 D 76 Negro tenant in Atlanta 11 N 25
Composers Paley addresses convention; attacks radio ad-
vertising 4 N 80 Barred in Washington, D.C. theater for opening
Miklos Rozsa’s movie sound-track score; tech- of Joan of Lorraine 11 N 55
Meeting in New York; speakers; new labor Charles S. Johnson, first Negro president of Fisk
Shostakovich’s Ninth Symphony lacks ideology; University, sketch, p. 11 N 74
policy; Earl Bunting, new president 16 D 87
writing opera; declines offer to conduct in Georgia’s Baptist convention against race dis-
Boston, p. 14 O 36 crimination; North Carolina Baptists reverse
Aaron Copland’s Third Symphony premiére; Demonstrates Schwerin System for audience
testing 23 S 69 stand on racial churches 9 D 73
style 28 O 55 Bilbo charged with intimidating Negroes against
Darius Milhaud’s new Symphony No. 2; sketch, WEAF station call changed to WNBC 7 O 83
p. 30 D 56 Sobel refuses Leon Beard entry in Toronto
Course in “practical politics,” lectures 8 Jl 25 bridge tournament; press reaction 16 D 42
Otto Klemperer makes European comeback; con- Marian Anderson expresses Negro Americans’
cert in Interlaken; sketch, p. 5 Ag 52 Delegates at Conference of Progressives in Chi-
cago 7 O 25 religious, esthetic achievements 30 D 59
Herbert von Karajan banned from conducting South Africa
at Salzburg festival 12 Ag 62 NATIONAL COMMISSION ON HIGHER
EDUCATION Oppressive treatment; miners’ strike crushed by
Negro Rudolph Dunbar leads Hollywood Bowl police, p. 4 N 40
Symphony; sketch, p. 2 S 41 Appointed by Truman; Zook presides at first
meeting 12 Ag 45 Racial discrimination subject of U.N. debate;
William Steinberg conductor San Francisco op- Herero chief’s cable; bushmen, p. 25 N 32 NI
era; career under Nazis, p. 23 S 80
Efrem Kurtz’s success with Kansas City Phil-
Corey proposes organization 2 D 72 Arrested in Kashmir; workers protest 1 Jl 3
harmonic, p. 2 D 78
NATIONAL COMMITTEE TO WIN THE Sister at U.N. Assembly to protest South Afri-
Furtwangler acquitted of Nazi collaboration;
PEACE ca’s persecution 4 N 32
testimony 30 D 56
General Carlson, Paul Robeson co-chairmen; At London conference, loses bid for separate
Singers Communist elements, members 16 S 21 Assam vote; talks to Jinnah 16 D 32
Tito Schipa sings in Paris; explains wartime
concerts in Italy 1 Jl 60
TIANS AND JEWS Moslems attack caravan 28 O 40
Jo Stafford: sketch; other popular singers, p. President deplores Catholic-Protestant disputes;
lists misunderstandings 22 Jl 68 Loses to Oliver in Portland, Ore. tournament
British impresario signs up U.S. stars, Lily NATIONAL COUNCIL OF AMERICAN-
Pons, Jeannette MacDonald, Deanna Durbin 238 57
8 Jil 92 Saltonstall, other “sponsors” withdraw names;
Eva Prchlikova young Czech soprano wins U.S. Commons approves end of pension to brother's
Reporter's pro-Russian stand 4 N 30 descendants 16 N 48
contract 8 Jl 92 NATIONAL DEBT See United States—Finances
Ellabelle Davis in role of Aida in Mexico City; NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION NENNI, PIETRO
other Negroes in opera roles, p. 29 Jl 43 Charges against Chicago’s school superintendent Attempt to fuse Italian Socialists with Com-
At Salzburg festival; Hans Hotter, Anton Der- 1 Jl 63
munists; with Togliatti, p. 11 N 32
mota, Ljuba Welitsch 12 Ag 62 Report on teacher shortage 25 N 66 NERVE BLOCK See Anesthesia
Bidu Sayao in‘ Pelléas et Melisande in Rio; NATIONAL FEDERATION OF TELE- NERVES
greeted by Gabriella Besanzoni 19 Ag 52 PHONE WORKERS Operation to cut vagus nerve may cure stomach
Musical Artists Guild protests firing 16 Metro- Convention in Denver, new name Communica- ulcers, diag. 26 Ag 70
politan Opera choristers 26 Ag 61 tions Workers of America; demands 25 N 25 Cutting sympathetic nerves to relieve pain of
Houdini, King of Calypso wins Port-au-Spain NATIONAL MARITIME UNION angina pectoris, cancer 4 N 86
carnival; sketch, p. 26 Ag 61 Curran reelected president; loses fight to oust NERVOUS DISEASES
Jean Sablon: U.S. radio program; sketch, p. Communists 29 Jl 16 Multiple sclerosis, symptoms, causes 14 O 51
Strike threatens Great Lakes shipping; issues
Camilla Williams, Negro prima donna with New 26 Ag 20 Protestant chaplain in New York's police founded
York City Opera Co.; sketch, p. 30 S 68 Repudiates contract, strikes for wage boost to St. George Assn., p. 1 Jl 86
Christopher Lynch new Irish tenor sutcess in equal A.F.L. seamen 23 S 23 NETHERLANDS
U.S.; sketch, p. 7 O 76 , NATIONAL MENTAL HEALTH ACT Amsterdam stockbrokers want ban lifted from
Elia Flesch in Ariadne with New York City Congress passes; provisions 8 Jl 64 trading in U.S. securities 21 O 34
Opera Company; career, p. 21 O 82 NATIONAL PARKS Rubber deal with U.S. 7 O 92
Helen Traubel Metropolitan Opera’s Wagnerian Truman vetoes bill for Theodore Roosevelt Na- Colonies
prima donna; compared to Flagstad; work tional Park in North Dakota 19 Ag 20 Parliament establishes commission to deal with
with Melchior; sketch, p. 11 N 61 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL See under Indonesian Republic 28 O 40
Janet Fairbank recital; songs of living com- United States Proposed pact on Republic of Indonesia; record
yosers; sketch, p. 16 D 50 NATIONAL SLUG REJECTORS, INC. ot colonial rule 23 D 31
Lily Pons sings Lakme at Metropolitan opening; Vending machine parts; plans meat and fish, NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES
return from India, costumes, p. 25 N 63 soft drink dispensers 16 D 92 See also Indonesian Republic
June Christy wins Metronome poll; Nat Cole of NATIONAL THEATRES CORP. E Truce in Java, Sumatra; Van Mook’s banquet
King Cole Trio, p. 23 D 73 Stock bought by Skouras, others on incentive for Sjharir; Sockarno aloof 28 O 40
Marian Anderson world’s greatest contralto; plan; for resale at high profit 19 Ag 81 Japanese commander of Batavia prison camp gets
sketch, cov. 30 D 59 NATIVE TRIBES See Tribes death sentence 16 D 37
MUSICIANS UNION NAVAJOS See Indians Indonesian Republic, Borneo, “Great East’’ part
Demands wage increases for New York night- NAVARRO, COUNT See Sycowski, Abraham ners in United States of Indonesia 25 N 36
club musicians 26 Ag 20 NECKTIES Pact recognizes Sumatra, Java, Madura as Re-
Strike for 25% more pay cuts off music from Mrs. Lucilla Whitman’s success with luxury public of Indonesia; record of Dutch rule;
New York hotels; Pegler’s comment 16 S 20 line, p. 2 D 92 resources; Soekarno’s power, map 23 D 31
Petrillo negotiates with record companies, forces NEGROES NEURATH, CONSTANTIN VON
hourly increase of 37%% 28 O 24 Intolerance in Marysville, Mich. attacked by Sentenced to 20 years 7 O 30 P
MUSSOLINI, BENITO Methodist Minister; church votes new pastor NEUROSURGERY See Surgery
Inexpensive gifts to mistress 1 Jl 40 1 Jl 86 NEUROSES See Psychiatry

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

NEUTRONS Pulliam buys Phoenix (Ariz.) Republic and East Harlem; Marcantonio’s patronage machine
Physicists report experiments 8 Jl 78 Gazette; other newspaper enterprises 4 N 79 4 N 24
Destructive radiation; action, duration; defense Rural papers show indifference to politics elec- Approves Health Insurance Plan of Greater New
measures 19 Ag 90 tion week 11 N 23 York 4 N 85
NEVADA, U.S.S. Washington Evening Star names Benjamin M. Park Avenue Theater for exclusive clientele 11
Target ship in atomic bomb test at Bikini 8 J] 20 McKelway new editor; traditions 11 N 68 N 90
Damages in atomic bomb test 15 Jl 26 Ingersoll resigns PM ; protests new policy to take Former Mayor Walker dies; record 25 N 28
NEVINS, ALLAN advertising 11 N 68 Thugs hold up delicatessen store; Ukrainian
“Information and culture” chief at London Em- Philadelphia Record and Camden (N.J.) In- U.N. delegate shot; other crimes 2 D 29
bassy 8 Jl 45 yuirer resist Guild demand for $100 a week Deaths of violence; shootings; mailman killed by
Wins $10,000 prize for Ordeal of the Union 18 to reporters; Los Angeles Herald and Express woman’s suicide jump 16 D 25
N 47 strike 18 N 54 As host to 1 ; Press cool 9 D 26
NEWBURY, MRS. MOLLIE N. Chicago Sun reorganization; campaign against East Side area Rockefeller gift for U.N. site;
Sells out Boston Store to Alden’s syndicate; Tribune fails 18 N 55 purchase; slum section developments, aerial
sketch, p. 29 Jl 78 Manchester Leader and Un bought by Loeb view, p. 23 D 19
NEW ENGLAND and Ridder Bros.; Ridder newspaper empire, Tenement crushed by collapsing icehouse; 37
Vacationers’ impression of cold summer ; actual history, holdings 25 N 70 dead, p. 23 D 20
temperature, rain 23 S 92 Oakland (la.) Acorn editor protests criticism Losing teachers because of low salaries; Philip
NEWFOUNDLAND rural papers (L) 2 D 6 Lynch, teacher and bartender, p. 23 D 47
Customs cutter polling booth for Labrador’s elec- Bloomington (Ill.) Pantagraph one of best rurals Fifth Avenue buses; passenger discomfort; new
tion 19 Ag 38 in U.S. 2 D 62 single deckers 30 D 18
Belgian plane crash near Gander 30 S 44 Chicago Sun runs story of McCormick’s lost NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD
Airplanes crashes 14 O 25 dog, tracked down by Tribune reporter 9 D 49 Seeks freight rate increase; Metzman on losses
National convention rejects proposal to join Guild strike at Philadelphia Record, Camden 30 S 87
Canada; fiscal position 18 N 42 Courier-Post; executives put out regular edi-
tions 16 D 76 Casting of Negroes in operas roles 29 Jl 43
100th Anniversary; Swiss settlement; pageant, New York Herald Tribune’s European edition
p. 26 Ag 21 Opens season with Madame Butterfly, Negro
changes from prewar paper 30 D 54 Camilla Williams in lead role 30 S 68
Dedicates battleground at Princeton as state park Strauss’s Ariadne; Ella Flesch in title role, p.
Communist New Austria editor Heinz suspended 21 O 82
28 O 30 30 S 31
Hague’s Democratic machine collapses; Driscoll NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE
elected governor 18 N 29 Closes as price of cotton cracks 28 O 89
Advice to lovelorn in Chilean tabloid Ultima
Chavez opposed by Pat Hurley for Sen ite; Gov- Germany
Survey shows nickel not worth five cents 25 N 27
ernor Dempsey’s machine 7 O 25 Berliner’s non-Communist press ridicules SED NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Ernest Thompson Seton dies in Seton Village; O 35 s< oops rruman asks four Supreme Court jus
cult of Indian lore 4 N 30 tices
to resign; Tr lan brands lie 15 Jl 50
Georgia Lusk first woman elected to Congress Roy C. Hollis killed in auto crash; Inviting the
Postwar Paris papers; types; circulation 8 Jl 5:
from 18 N 27 Undertaker, cartoons Batchelor series 9 S 54
Great Britain
Work of Medical Mission Sisters to reduce in- Leftist Frank Owen joins London Daily Mail Aided Herrick-Lowther elopement 16 S 23
fant and maternal death rate 9 D § 2 Jl 60 Richard Clarke becomes executive editor; staff
NEWPORT HARBOR, CALIF. Reaction to Wallace speech; editorials 23 S 28 30 S 73
Annual dinghy race, p. 19 Ag 64 Goverr nt raises news 1 ] Caniff to quit as cartoonist of Terry and the
NEWPORT, R.1. ings 7 O 73 Pirates; George Wunder, successor 7 O 74
Dobujinsky’s watercolors; Henry Jam descrip- London dailies protest poli censorship of Story of nightclub brawl over Peggy Joyce;
tion 9 D 61 Neville Heath’s picture 14 O 79 Charnay’s reporting 23 D 58
NEW ORLEANS, LA. Manchester Guardian 100th birt! anniversary NEW YORKER
Meeting of 34 Senators, Representatives to pro litor Charles P. Scott; liberal policies 4 Issue features Hersey’s report on atomic bomb-
test Truman’s economy drive 30 S 28 Ss ing of Hiroshima 9 S 50
WAA store sells surpluses to veterans in empty Lord >
Beaverbrook’s articles How to Win a For- E. B. White’s editorials collected in Wild Flag,
hangar 30 S 90 tune in London Recorder; circulation jumps rev. 11 N 109
Garbage-workers’ strike; mayor helps out at dis
posal plant 11 N 50
Liverpool Daily Post report on war brides re- Veterans’ summer stock company 1 Jl 50
turning from Canada 23 D 41 NEW YORK GIANTS See Baseball; Football
Signs up Earl Browder for series of articles; Letters-to-the-editors columns flooded with pro-
editorial policy 22 Jl 58 NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE
tests on F.D.R.’s statu D 48 Bigart reports from Warsaw; Grosz charges
Wallace accepts editorship; Croly, founder 21 O Italy paper unfriendly, confuses with Washington
Rome Daily American tabloid started by G.I.’s Star 1 Jl 48
Wallace new editor, speech; Straight plans 18 N 54
change in’ format 25 N 69 Crosby's radio column syndicated 5 Ag 61
mo Qualunque largest circulation, appeal to Crosby attacks radio censorship 19 Ag 70
First issue under Wallace; ads, rate, new con Fascists 25 N 39
tributors 16 D 80 Book section; mass appeal in ads 16 S 77
NEWS AGENCIES Japan Postwar European edition; Parsons, editor;
See also Press Associations Major Imboden orders reform of reporters’ changed policy 30 D 54
Japan’s Jiji hit by reporters’ clubs monopoly 19 lubs; Jiji news agency; Asahi Shimbun 19 NEW YORK JOURNAL-AMERICAN
Ag 62 Ag 61 50th anniversary of MHearst’s management;
NEWS OF THE WORLD (NEWSPAPER) Tokyo’s tabloid Sun Photo News features Nudist record 14 O 78
London’s scandal paper; crime coverage; circu amp in U.S., p. 9 S 50 NEW YORK MIRROR
lation; Skelton new editor 2 D 63 Nippon Times reprint from Jiji Shimpo on Mac- Hit by newsprint shortage, cuts to 8 pages; box
NEWSPAPER COLUMNS See Columns, News- Arthur; Willoughby stops presses 21 O 39 on Mirror as collector’s item 23 S 66
Spain Publicizes Budenz’s Catholic reconversion 7 O 73
(sovernment censors warn not to pu NEW YORK POST
NEWSPAPER GUILD See American Newspaper
Guild graphs of girls in bathing suits 1°‘ Opens fire on American Action Inc. 21 O 28
‘-EWSPAPERS NEWSPRINT See Paper Sam Boal’s column from London, reports through
See also individual names; Columns; Press NEWTON, SIR ISAAC Charlady “Mrs. Hunkle” 23 D 60
mar, Mo. Daily Democrat plain talk rural Basic laws; use by physicists 1 J] 53 Ely Culbertson new columnist 7 O 74
aper; story of village drunk 8 Jl 5 NEWTON, LOUIE DE V. NEW YORK SOCIETY FOR THE SUP-
Chicago News
Ne and Herald imerica? play up Investigates status of Baptists in Russia as guest PRESSION OF VICE
Heirens as murderer of Suzanne Degnan 29 ot Soviet Government; report, p. 26 Ag 68 Moves to suppress Memoirs of Hecate County
Ji 61 NEW YEAR 22 Ji 62
Thomaston (Ga.) limes editorial on Talmadge Rosh Hashana Jewish New Year; prayer for NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE
election; editor defies demand for retraction 5 Jews in Europe 7 O 94 Flood of selling; industrials drop 5 Ag 79
Ag 90 NEW YORK (STATE) Heavy selling; break in industrial average,
Mrs. Ailshie Idaho publisher
Statesman, Twin Dewey invokes rent control law with end of OPA causes 2 S$ 77 |
mach Sharpest break in 19 years; reasons; end of
Falls Telegram; editorial policy 5 Ag 93 8 Jl 20
Three veterans launched Greenwood (Miss.) Political prospects; Democrats sure to nominate bull market, cartoon 16 S 89
Morning Star; scoop on lynching 12 Ag 68 Mead for Governor 19 Ag Financial employees threaten strike 18 N 96
McCormick attacks New York press 26 47 G.O.P. Senatorial choice: Donovan, Drum 2 § NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO.
Hearst press campaign against “filthy’’ books; 19 Reports rise in phone calls, conversations longet
Seattle Post Intelligencer finds old statute 26 Oper emergency colleges on abandoned Army, 28 O 30
Ag 48 Vv sites 2 S 64 NEW YORK TIMES
Hit by strike embargo on Press Wireless over Political conventions Republicans renominate Pravda attacks Brooks Atkinson’s report on Rus
seas news 26 Ag 50 Dewey, Ives for Senator; Democrats, Mead, sia 22 Jl 26
Denver papers deal with criticisms of Governor; Lehman, Senator 16 S 23 Rome bureau chief. ousted Monsignor Pucci as
ianners; Rocky Mountain News 5 Dewey reelected governor 18 N 21 Vatican news tipster 22 Jl 62
Boston Herald celebrates 100th birtl other Irving Ives elected to Senate 18 N 26 Editorial stand against headlining criminals as
joston papers 2 S 50 NEW YORK (CITY) Negroes 19 Ag 60
Rangely (Colo.) News bought by sisters 9 S 52 Harlem celebrates Joe Louis’ victory 1 Jl 68 Baldwin deplores Longshoremen’s ban on ships
Los Angeles Herald & Express strike; suspen- Police force: number of Catholics, Protestants; loading UNRRA supplies to Yugoslavia 23 S
on af publication called lockout 23 S 63 St. George Assn. 1 Jl 86 26
Newsprint to New York frozen by truck drivers’ St. Patrick’s Cathedral being repaired; city land- On wage increases, price increases 14 O 23
ike; drop ads; Mirror cut 23 S 66 mark; real estate value, p. 9 S 6 Sunday Book Review 50 years old 14 O 75
Conflicting columns, editorials, on Wallace speech r in scope of approaching ship’s radar, Maritime unions picket to protest Baldwin’s
0S 73 ip, p. 9 S 76 attack on strike; disavows article 21 O 57
New York Times Sunday ,00k Review’s 50th 1 strike affects hotels; Pegler’s com- Bureau head calls for shorter sentences in news
ear; notes bestsellers 14 O 75 reports 28 O 55
American Press Institute seminar tor newsmen s’ strike hits city’s food, mercantile Annual “Fashions of the Times” show 11 N 27
+ O75 supplies; 40 strikes in one day 16 S 20 Reston’s letter to editor denies influence on
Strike on Springfield, Mass. Republican, Union, ruck str threatens fo i supply; Tobin steps Vandenberg 25 N 69
zily News; jurisdictional dispute 14 O 76 in; food chains close 730 stores 23 S 23 NIAGARA FALLS
New York Journal-American: 50th anniversary River redevelopment project; real estate Panic reports of break; found only brontide 30
f Hearst management 14 O 78 deal; model, r. 14 O 90 S 28
paign for shorter sentences in news reports Telephones: waiting list; new exchange; daily NICARAGUA
8 O 56 ills 28 O 30 Somoza’s dictatorship; public enterprises; sur-
Pictures of corpses of hanged war criminals, Welcomes Trygve Lie, offers Flushing Meadow plus goods from U.S. base at Corinto 8 Jl 36
New York Times, Herald Tribune withhold; Park for U.N. site; Gromyko’s house, p. 28 Somoza’s control from sickbed; Arguello, Aguado
ournal American publicizes 4 N 75 O 31 presidential candidates 23 S 38

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)


Arrested for $800,000 embezzlement at Mergen- See also Diet; Vitamins Metropolitan gets little competition; New York
thaler Linotype Co., p. 11 N 27 Rockefeller plan to improve in Brazil 25 N 42 City Opera Co.’s success 30 S 68
NICOLA, ENRICO DE NUTRITIONAL DISEASES Italian company plans outdoor performances in
Elected Italy’s first President; sketch 8 Jl 31 Work of Dr. Spies; folic acid remedy for sprue, Rio 23 8
Calls on Pope Pius XII, p. 19 Ag 35 anemia; nicotinic acid cures pellagra 12 Ag 89 OPERA HOUSES
NICOLSON, HAROLD La Scala: Toscanini gets guarantee of rebuilding
Congress of Vienna, rev. 28 O 115 o fund for concerts in Lucerne 15 Jl 64
“Europe’s Hope’; on Russian expansion, on Scientists confer, protest military secrecy; stu- Abduction from the Seraglio: at Metropolitan;
avoiding war, excerpts 21 O 31 dent groups; isotopes from uranium pile, p. criticism 9 D 77
Estimate of Kierkegaard 16 D 62 28 O 65 Aida: Ellabelle Davis in title role acclaimed in
NIEMOLLER, MARTIN Research program in biological effects of atomic Mexico City 29 Jl 43
Mrs. Roosevelt’s remark on Nazi sympathies; power 11 N 96 Ariadne auf Naxos: New York City Opera Co.;
record 16 D 25 . Uranium pile in action; radioactive isotope for Ella Flesch in title role, p. 21 O 82
At Federal Council of Churches convention, p. research; plant, workers, precautions 12 Ag 53 Don Giovanni: at Salzburg festival 12 Ag 60
NLRB elections at atomic bomb plants 2 S 19 Lakme: Lily Pons sings at Metropolitan opening
16 D 61
“Zik” native spokesman, calls for independence; On Mount Wilson; tourist attraction; mountain Lohengrin: Steinberg to conduct in San Fran-
for sale, p. 26 Ag 88 cisco 23 9
native tribes quarrel 16 D 31
OBSTETRICS Madame Butterfly: Camilla Williams acclaimed
NIGHTCLUBS : Psychological approach in Childbirth without in star role 30 S 68
Attraction in Montreal; Tic Toc; Chez Maurice Fear, rev.; effects of painless delivery 22 Jl 88 Pelleas et Melisande: Bidu Sayao sings in Rio
5 Ag 40 Mission nurse Marie Schultze’s clinic in San- 19 Ag 52
In New York: Petrillo demands wage increases tiago, Chile hospital 26 Ag 67 Peter Grimes: British opera performed at
for musicians, Copacabana chorus girls dis- Caudal analgesia reduces death rate of babies 23 Tanglewood; composer Britten, p. 19 Ag 52
missed, p. 26 Ag 20 OPERETTAS
In Moscow; revelry at Aurora, p. 26 Ag 31 Medical Mission Sisters work to reduce infant
London clubs back to normalcy; “‘bottle party” Lehar’s Yours is My Heart, rev. 16 S 86
mortality, maternal death rate in New Mexico; Gypsy Lady: rev. 30 S 61
dodge 23 S 32 schools for midwives 9 D 53
Club des Cinq in Paris; fight fans hear news of Radio Mikado by Fred Allen, rev. 21 O 66
Cerdan victory 16 D 54 Piccard plans to explore ocean depths by bathy-
sphere 8 Jl 77
Item on MacArthur; U.S. authorities stop Blue color explained 18 N 80 ee SCHOOL See Schools—Voca
presses, burn copies 21 O 39 OCEANIA , iona!
NISEI See Japanese Americans Gilbert Islands saga of native’s ocean canoe trip ORCHESTRAS
NIXON, RICHARD M. Fe to escape Japanese 29 Jl 32 See also Bands; String quartets
Elected to Congress; campaign, p. 18 N 26 OCCUPATION, MILITARY See Military Occu- Boston Symphony Orchestra: Tanglewood Music
NKVD See Russia—Secret police pation; Germany; Japan 7 concert series; premiere features 22 Jl
Peace prize to John Mott and Emily Balch; Reports Truman asked justices to resign; Presi- Xavier Cugat comments; contract for symphonic
Literature Prize to Hermann Hesse 25 N dent brands a lie, p. 15 Jl 50 concert tour 29 Jl 43
Physics and Chemistry prizes to Bridgman, O’DWYER, KATHLEEN Amsterdam Concertgebouw Orchestra: Klem-
Sumner, Northrop, Stanley 25 N 56 Irish customs men seize 500 pairs undeclared perer conducts in Interlaken 5 Ag 52
Medicine, physiology prize to Hermann J. Muller nylons 23 S 44 Robin Hood Dell Orchestra: Mitropoulos con-
O'DWYER, WILLIAM ducts for Arrau concert 12 Ag 60
11 N 96
King Gustav presents Chemistry Prize, p. 23 D Accepts chairmanship of New York State Demo- State Jazz Orchestra of White Russia: Eddy
50 cratic Convention 19 Ag 22 Rozner, leader 2 S 41
Takes rest in California 28 O 50 Hollywood Bowl Symphony Orchestra: Dunbar
NOBLE, EDWARD J. conducts Afro-American Symphony 2 S 41
ABC expansion plans; career 29 Jl 81 Royal Philharmonic: Sir Thomas Beecham’s
Death of 21 O 96
NOISE OFFICE MACHINES sixth orchestra; Craydon opening 23 S 79
Mexico City to enforce anti-noise statute; auto See also Adding Machines; Business Machines Judische Kulturbund Orchestra: Steinberg or-
horns a “national egomania” 23 S 37 Combination gadgets at National Business Show ganized in Frankfurt 23 S 80
NORMANDIE, 8.58. 14 O 93 Palestine Symphony Orchestra: organized by
U.S. Maritime Commission asks bids, p. 16 S 94 OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH See Steinberg, Hubermann; invited Toscanini to
Sold for scrap to Lipsett, Inc. 14 O 93 United States—Scientific Research conduct, in Tel Aviv 23 S 80
At Port Newark for scrapping; sale price; price OHIO Boston Symphony: world premiére of Aaron
paid to French line, p. 9 D 87 Thomas J. Herbert elected governor; defeats _Copland’s Third Symphony 28 O 55
NORSEMEN Lausche 18 N 28 Kansas City Philharmonic: Efrem Kurtz’s suc-
America: 1355-1364, rev.; Holand reports on OIL cess as conductor 2 D 77
relics of Norse explorers 9 S 106 Congress votes state ownership of oil from sub- 7 — for symphony orchestras; attendance
NORTH CAROLINA merged lands; Ickes-Pauley clash; California
Rabbit hunting season opens 9 D 78 Tideland Wells, p. 5 Ag 23 Boston Symphony Orchestra: Milhaud conducts
NORTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF COL- Royalty on gas and oil leases on public domain premiére of new symphony from chair 30 D 56
Threatens to discredit Chicago high schools, Truman vetoes Tidelands Oil Bill renouncing Pestalozzi Children’s Village in Switzerland for
forces removal of Johnson 1 Jl 63 Federal claim 12 Ag 13 refugees; model, p. 29 Jl 52
NORTHROP, F.S.C. Origin of petroleum; theory of radioactivity; ORR, SIR JOHN B.
The Meeting of East and West, rev. p. 12 Ag 96 tests with cyclotron beam 16 D 54 Plan for FAO to buy surplus crops, fix prices 5
NORTHROP, JOHN H. Source of U.S. power, 1900-1945, chart 30 D 69 Ag 31
Part of Nobel chemistry prize for work on Iran States aim of FAO world-wide regulation of
enzymes, p. 25 N 56 Pro-Soviet Tudehs stage strike at Anglo-Iranian farming 23 S 30
Receives Nobel award from King Gustav, p. 23 Oil Co.’s Abadan plant 12 Ag 24 Devised World Food Board Plan, rejected by
D 50 Mexico
U.S. and British, p. 11 N 31 :
NORTHWEST AIRLINES, INC. Pemex failure; oilfield overworked; considers
new wells, foreign companies’ bids 5 Ag 48 ORTON, WILLIAM A.
CAB grants northern trans-Pacific route to Speech at Columbia’s Conference on Religion 2
Orient 12 Ag 80 Pemex mismanaged; shortage kerosene, gasoline
14 O 40 D 69
Defenses inspected by Canadian Army’s ‘‘Opera- Pemex oil workers strike; Government calls out
troops; plans 50 new wildcat wells 30 D 27 Analysis of Vogue, type of beauty featured, ad-
tion North” 9 S 44 vertising 9 D 25
Alaska Highway pictures released; not yet open Saudi Arabia
to tourists 14 O 42 Arabian-American Oil Co. concessions, produc- OSCILLOSCOPE
NORWALK, CONN. tion; Jersey Standard, Socony buy 40% in- Aids calculation of star diameter 23 S 92
Principals and teachers refuse to start fall term, terest 23 D 77 OTTAWA, ONT.
demand pay increase 16 S 75 OIL PIPELINES Veterans’ Housing League moves families into
NOTRE DAME, UNIVERSITY OF Big Inch and Little Big Inch; bids of gas and vacant Kildare Barracks 16 S 40
John J. Cavanaugh becomes president 29 Jl 51 oil companies; quips on use of pipelines 12 Squatters led by Hanratty invade Carleton bar-
Frank Leahy tootbail coach; team; tactics; re- Ag 79 racks, fight mounties 7 O 42
cruiting; Knute Rockne’s record, Four Horse- WAA blunder in Big Inch, Little Big Inch deal; Communist influence in Veterans’ Housing
men, p. 14 O 63 Congressional hearing 2 D 89 League protested 11 N 42
NOVA SCOTIA 1200-mile Persian Gulf to Haifa pipeline planned OUTER MONGOLIA See Mongolia, Outer
Portuguese, Spanish trawlers infringe on Quero by Arabian-American Oil Co. 23 D 77 OWEN, FRANK
fishing bank 26 Ag 36 OLD DOMINION FOUNDATION
Endowment for new college on order of St.
Joins staff of London Daily Mail; retracts first
Dr. Coady’s adult education program; co-ops, column; sketch, p. 22 Jl 60
members 25 N 44 John’s 19 Ag 58
NOVIKOV, NIKOLAI V. Bolts Mexican League; story of scare methods,
Customs inspection at New York airport; Soviet Death of 14 O 98
OLD VIC THEATER See Theater—Great p. 19 Ag 62
Embassy protests 21 O 44 OWENS, MARY
OLIVER, VIC Lincoln’s Other Mary, rev., p. 8 Jl 102
Edited The Golden Book of Catholic Poetry, OXFORD GROUP
rev. 1 Jl 90 Marries Natalie F. Conder 14 O 98
OLIVIER, LAURENCE Purchases hotel in Caux, Switzerland; Buch-
NUDISTS man’s headquarters for postwar drive 2 S 36
Indiana nudist camp featured in Tokyo tabloid, Return to England; plane crashes in Connecti-
cut, uninjured, p. 1 Jl 40 OXFORD UNIVERSITY Ae
p. 9 S 50 American Rhodes Scholarships; survey of
King Lear success in London 7 O 56
NUNS achievements, professions 1 Jl 64
Medical Mission Sisters work to reduce infant Vice-chancellor Livingstone’s views on education
., Mortality in New Mexico, p. 9 D 5 In New York for rehearsals of The Iceman 15 Ji 69
NURNBERG TRIALS See War Crimes Cometh; press interview 16 S 45 Walt W. Rostow becomes new Harmsworth pro
NURSES AND NURSING Return to Broadway with The Iceman Cometh, fessor 7 O 79
Mission nurse Marie Schultze wins Chilean rev.; illness; philosophy; sketch, cov. 21 O 71 New Bodleian Library dedicated 11 N 74
award for baby clinic in Santiago, p. 26 Ag 67 ONTARIO OXNAM, G. BROMLEY, BISHOP
siennial convention considers critical sucrtage, Schools on wheels for isolated hamlets; converted Speech at Federal Council convention; rejects
poor salaries; routine day of Nurse Betty; rail coaches 2 S 34 N.A.M. and Communist economics 16 D 61
student nurses, p. 7 O 50 Gold strike at Mackeith Lake 2 S 34 OXYGEN
Medical Mission Sisters, nurse-midwives; work Toronto-Parkdale by-election ceded to Tories 30 Ground-level test chamber at Pensacola; experi
in New Mexico 9 D 53 S 47 ment for stages of anoxia 12 Ag 53

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

P Wheat: by Cox wins Carnegie popularity prize, PARCELS POST SERVICE

r. 16 D 67 Congress authorizes establishment of air service
P.A.C. See Congress of Industrial Organizations; Wife of Bath: by Arthur Szyk, r. 9 S 62 29 jl 15
National Citizen’s Political Action Committee PALESTINE PARDRIDGE, WILLIAM D.
PACIFIC COAST Threat of Anglo-Jewish war; Haganah violence; Success with Air Affairs, p. 26 Ag 47
Earthquake at Washington, British Columbia, Irgun Zvat Leumi kidnaps British officers;
ing Oregon; no deaths 1 Jl 23 PARFUMS, CHARBERT, INC.
illegal immigrant ship seized-by British 1 Jl 29 Parodied Dana ‘“‘Tabu” ad in ad for “Breath-
PACIFIC EXPLORER (SHIP) sritish strike at Jewish Agency and Haganah less,” d. 25 N 92
First U.S. Government floating fish cannery 4 underground, raid headquarters 8 Jl 30
N 90 Issues in Arab-Jew dispute; British position;
Truman demands transfer of 100,000 Jewish Pro football fixer reported backed by Jersey
PACIFIC OCEAN gambling ring; in jail 30 D 38
Scientific foundation to study area as war memo- immigrants 15 Jl 29
rial project; sponsors 11 N 98 Terrorist explosion in King David Hotel; Anglo- PARIS See France—Cities and Towns
U.S. Cabinet Committee proposes tripartite PARIS CONFERENCE OF FOREIGN MIN
ing B-29 federation, map 5 Ag 33 ISTERS See Council of Foreign Ministers
British search Tel-Aviv for terrorists, weapons; PARIS HERALD
General Barker orders boycott Jewish stores a edition second anniversary; changes 30
Campaign for Mexico’s presidency 8 Jl 36
Charges election “‘fraud” 15 Jl 45
12 Ag 30 54
sritish cruiser Ajax at Haifa; to end illegal PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE
Loses election; drops fraud charges against Ale- immigration; refugees on Cyprus 19 Ag 37
man 29 Jl 36 King to represent Canada; policy 22 Jl 40
3ritish edict against illegal immigration pro- 3ig Four draft treaties on reparations, arma-
Nephew held as conspirator in plot to kill Ale-
vokes crisis; roots of conflict; “‘federal”’ plan ments, boundaries, occupation, map 29 Ji 20
man 19 Ag 40
rejected; underground terrorists, cov. 26 Ag Opening session in Luxembourg Palace; Bidault’s
PADWAY, JOSEPH A. 3ritish Government conference; Jewish, Pales-
Defense lawyer for Lewis; career, p. 9 D 22 opening speech 5 Ag 29
tinian Arab delegates boycott meeting 16 S 30 Small nations protest two-thirds majority rule;
PAGANINI QUARTET See String quartets Plan for federation fading; Arabs’ counter-plan; rotating chairmanship, p. 12 Ag 2
PAIN Jews lean to outright partition 30 S 34 Plenary session; Molotov wins against simple
Cutting sympathetic nerves relieves extreme pain Truman demand Britain admit 100,000 Jews majority rule; clashes with Byrnes 19 Ag 26
of angina pectoris, cancer 4 N 86 called bid for New York Jewish vote 14 O 23 Debate in Rules Committee on voting procedure;
Nerve block cure for sprains, hiccups, nerve dis- Truman’s demand angers Britons, Arabs 14 O 30 McNeil attacks Russian position 19 Ag 30
omb orders 9 D 53 Plea for Jewish national home in Thieves in The Austria asks for new deal on South Tyrol; vote
T AINESVILLE Night, rev.; farm girl, p. 4 N 110
F CIVIC HOUSING CO. on preamble wording 2 S 23
Founding; building project 15 Jl 82 sritish military policy rough to curb terrorism; Zinchenko heads Soviet press relations2 S 47
I AINTINGS Arthur Creech Jones protests outrages post- Molotov leaves; flies to Moscow; speculation on
See also Art—Exhibits pone just settlement 4 N 41 motives 9 S 29
Authenticity of Rubens’ paintings questioned; Tel Aviv conference; Haganah urges curb on vio- Final week: agreements on reparations; action
art factory 12 Ag 59 lence; Jrgun Zvai Leumi, Stern Gang refuse; on Danube; fails to settle Trieste 14 O 30
‘usic new wave of terrorism 25 N 40
Chirico charges early surrealist paintings for- PARK, CHARLES E.
2 ji Jewish Asse _— refugee ship, British intercept;
geries 26 Ag 42 ; ; ' Retires as Boston’s Unitarian First Church min-
Picasso’s portrait of Gertrude Stein left to hand-to-hand fighting 9 D 28 ister; sketch, p. 29 Jl 56
ionic Jews turn against terrorists; Stern gang attacks
Metropolitan Museum of Art in writer’s will PARK AVENUE THEATER
26 Ag 42 in Jerusalem; U.S. for partition 16 D 33 Exclusive movie theater opens in New York; love
lem- Cities and towns
Delvaux’ nudes cause stir in New York; full re- seats, p. 11 N 90
production forbidden the mails 30 S 53 Jerusalem PARKS, OL 7 ER L.
con- Zionist terrorist explosion in King David Hotel Gives Parks Air College to St. Louis University;
Prize-winners at Carnegic Institute show; Gear
by Karl Knaths, r. 21 O 65 5 Ag 33 sketch, p. 2 S 63
Eddy Holy City shrine; traditions; dominates struggle
Paris police trace forged Utrillos to elderly PARKS
for Palestine, cov. 26 Ag
inbar woman 4 N 64 New Jersey dedicates battleground at Princeton
Picture history of Russian painting in Art of 3ritish soldiers rout Jews out of Ibed to ransack as state park 28 O 30
2| homes 4 N 41
lam’s Russia, rev. 11 N 83 PARKS AIR COLLEGE See Schools—Aviation
) Zerbe’s encaustic medium, beeswax 11 N 84 Proposal to name new streets after Ten Com-
z or- Dutch artist copies Vermeer painting in cell to An Afternoon, short stories, rev. 23 S 112
mandments 30 D 23
prove forgery record, p. 18 N 61 PARSONS, GEOFFREY, JR.
d by Delvaux’s nudes; censorship rules; self-portraits Editor European edition New York Herald Trib-
Attacks radio advertising at Broadcasters’ con-
ni t 0 30 D 40 une, p. 30 D 54
vention, p. 4 N 80
Adam and Eve: r. 7 O 54 PALSY, CEREBRAL See Cerebral palsy
\aron Aging Harlequin: by Zerbe, r. 11 N 84 PASCAL, GABRIEL
Ann Boleyn and Henry VIII: by Hogarth, r. Production of Caesar and Cleopatra, rev. 19 Ag
Haya de la Torre speaks at Panama City’s Inter-
29 Jl 92 American University 14 O 40 98
Bataan Death March: by Mukei, r. 16 S 56 PASSY, COLONEL See Dewavrin, André
President Jiménez cuts Government salaries, in- PASQUEL, JORGE
Bikini Blast: by Crawford, r. 9 D 61 cluding own 9 D 38
joat Ride: by Bonnard, r. 5 Ag 65 Mexican League players; treatment 12 Ag 46
oy Leading A Horse: by Picasso, r. 18 N 61 PATENT MEDICINE See Drugs
Two board members decline reelection in move
( aptit ve: by Remington, r. 15 Jl 72 PATRICK, TED
to break Trippe’s control 29 Jl 75
rd Players: by Ayres, r. 5 Ag 65 New editor of Holiday; policy, p. 8 Jl 48
Ends battle with Grace Co over Panag ra routes
Fonda by Beckmann bought by Iowa State 12 Ag 82
University, r. 29 Jl 64 CAB certifies South Atlantic routes via Brazil At 91 years takes courses at Mills College 19
Cathedral: by Utrillo, r. 1 Ji 73 Ag 58
26 Ag 81
Cigar Store Squaw: from Index of American Petitions CAB for domestic routes plans sleeper PAULEY, EDWIN W.
ices 5 Design, r. 12 Ag 59 Advocated state ownership of submerged coastal
planes 23 S 8¢
Dash for Timber: by Remington, sold for Mexican Government protects monop ly, rejects
land; interest in California tidelands oil fields
on of 5 Ag 23
$23,000 15 Jl 72 Braniff application 11 N 90
Deadly Struggle in the Jungle: by Sato, r. 16 S PAN AMERICAN WORL D AIRWAYS
In Mukden; charges on Russia’s looting of Man-
ed by churia, p. 5 Ag 28
Adwiri il Halsey vice president 12 Ag 8
Dinner for Threshers: by Grant Wood, r. 19 Ag AB grants extension routes to Orient 12 Ag 80 Report to Truman on Korea 14 O 39
Double Dream of Spring: by Chirico, r. 26 Ag chai man; See also World Wz eace
Names Antonio Rocha Braden de-
clined 18 N 40 Methodist Christian Advocate, Catholic Com-
Ecce Homo: by Ciseri, r. 30 S 106 PANDIT, MRS. VIJAYA LAKSHMI
monweal on joining moral forces 2 S 66
Garrick: portrait by Gainsborough destroyed by Nehru’s sister, leads Indian delegation to U.N.; Conference of Europe’s intellectuals at Geneva;
fire, r. 16 D 47 protests South Africa’s persecution 4 N 32 for pan-European peace of the mind 23 S 28
Gear: by Kni iths wins Carnegie prize, r. 21 O 65 PANTAGRAPH (BLOOMINGTON, ILL.)
Stalin sees no real danger of war; on atom bomb
General Attack on Hong Kong: by Yamaguchi, 100th anniversary of rural daily 2 D 62 threat to world peace 7 O 28
16 § 56 Reports: “Europe's Life”’ by Sargeant;
Giantess: by Picasso, r. 1 Jl 73
U.N. considers for bird ‘Europe’s Death” by Hutchinson; ‘‘Europe’s
Harlequin: by Dufy, r. 1 J1 73
sanctuary, p. 22 Jl 26 Hope” by Niebuhr 21 O 29
and Pearl Feather: by Ret ngton, rf. Federal Council of Churches formula, tolerance
Popular in B ristmas shows Cinderella
on both sides 28 O 23
tavorite, p.
I Terrible and His Son: by llya Repin, PAPASHVILY, G EORG E Sermon of Archbishop of Canterbury, at service
11 N 83 Yes and No Stories. rev. 4 N 118 of world concord 28 O 36
sus in the Temple: Dutch artist copies Ver- PAPEN, FRANZ VON Nobel Prize to John Mott and Emily Balch 25
meer, r. 18 N 61
Acquitted by Ntirnberg tribunal 7 O 30
N 33
Kee-a-kee-ka-sa-coo-way: by Kane, r. S 44 PAPER PEARL HARBOR DAY
Last Supper: saved from bombs, ruined by Canadian newsprint production ; shipments to U.S. Army commemorates day with same tat-
umpness, r. 9 D 61 U.S.; price 19 Ag tered flag at half-mast 16 D 28
in in Smolny: by Isaac Brodsky, r. 11 N 83 Newsprint supply to ey York frozen by truck PEARL HARBOR INVESTIGATION
Merrymaking: by Krieghoff, r. 2 S 44 drivers’ strike 23 S 66 Final report; conclusions 29 Jl 15
Nude in the Dunes: by Grosz, r. 16 D 67 Lord Rothermere envies volume in New York Zacharias expands testimony in Secret Missions,
Our Lord of Miracles: survived Lima’s 1746 papers 4 N 79 rev. 23 D 91
arthquake; in religious procession 28 O 44 PAPPIN, WILLIAM PEARLS
] Island: by Harris, r. 2 S 44 Canadian passport clerk arrested as agent in Mikimoto, world’s pearl king; jug ling
act for
Queen Elisabeth: r. 29 Jl 92 Soviet espionage ring, p. 29 Jl 34 employes 1 Jl 32
25 36 Rape of Europa: by Picasso, r. 8 Jl 61 Mikimoto culture-pearl industry in Ja pan; vol-
Reading from Homer: by Alma-Tadema, r. 8 Motley to head advertising; share ownership; ume sales to G.I.s 9 S 84
vey ol
Purdy new editor 7 O 74 PEARLY QUEEN
R ns’ Self Portrait with Family: r. 12 Ag 59 PARAGUAY At festival of London pearl button vendors, p.
lucation Siqueiros’ Self Portrait: r. 19 Ag 48 Lit eral Party welcomes Guggiari, clashes with 14 O 34
§ of the Banning Cocq Company: by Rem- college students; Morinigo suspends Party PEARSON, DREW
rth ndt, being restored 28 O 52 activities9 S 41 Ignores Ku Klux death threat; speech in Atlanta
5 r: by Millet, popular appeal 8 Jl 61 Constituent Assembly to be elected; Paraguay- 29 Jl 40
1 tation of St. Anthony: by Delvaux, r.; Post ans’ fighting spirit; cultural, economic con Broadcast on American Action Inc. 21 O 28
e condemns 30 § 53 litions, map 23 S 37 PEARSON, HESKETH
re T h-Carnival: by Beckmann, r. 29 Jl 64 Oscar Wilde: His Life and Wit, rev. 15 Jl 103
Springtime; locusts plague 11 N 40
D Welcome Home: by Levine wins Carnegie prize, PARALYSIS PEARSON, LESTER B.
1 O 65 Dr. Kabat’s therapy with spastics, p. 5 Ag 55 Becomes Canada’s Under Secretary of External
What Atomic War Will Do To You: by Boris Paraplegic learns to walk at Institute for the Affairs; replaced by Hume Wrong as Ambas-
Jeutsch, wins Pepsi-Cola prize, r. 7 O 67 ppled and Disabled, p. 16 S 53 sador to U.S. 16 S 40
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)

PEGLER, WESTBROOK PESTALOZZI CHILDREN’S VILLAGE Discoveries utilized during war; return to re-
Cheers musicians’ strike; lashes at hotel enter- Swiss orphanage rehabilitation center for refu- search projects; scientists ‘plan for war beyond
tainment, 16 S 20 gees; Corti sponsor; model, r. 29 Jl 52 atmosphere 2 S 52
P-80 See Airplanes—Lockheed P-80 PETERSON, HOUSTON Ultra-nucleonics new study of physicists; study
PELLAGRA Great Teachers; anthology, rev. 8 Jl 67 of Meson V-2 instrument tests of cosmic ray
Nicotinic acid cure for; discovery of Dr. Spies PETRA, YVONNE 30 S 62
12 Ag 89 Mysteries of atomic physics; Dirac and Bohr
Wins Wimbledon tennis finals, p. 15 Jl 57
PEMEX discuss electron particle research 7 O 69
Mismanagement; losses; shortage kerosene, gaso- PETRILLO, JAMES C.*
Demands wage increase for New York nightclub Interplanetary gliding space ship predicted; the-
line 14 O 40 ory, chart 21 O 60
Oil workers’ strike declared illegal; musicians 26 Ag 20
Bermudez Scientists confer in Oak Ridge on peaceful ap-
new head; 1947 program 30 D 27 In New York to enforce music stoppage in ho-
tels; interviewed by Earl Wilson 16 S 20 plication of nuclear physics 28 O 65
PENGUIN BOOKS Shift in position of magnetic pole; cycle theory;
New translations of Classics; Odyssey, others; Negotiates for wage raises with record compa-
magnetic force charted, map 4 N 65 Pé
rivals in 25¢ book field 23 D 92 nies, forces increase 28 O 24
Federal Court throws out charges, rules Lea act Nobel prize awarded Percy Bridgman for dis-
PENICILLIN See Drugs coveries in high pressure 25 N 56
PENNSYLVANIA unconstitutional 9 D 23
Enrico Fermi’s class at University of Chicago PC
Bavarian priest founded St. Vincent’s monastery PETROLEUM See Oil
25 N 66
16 S 69 PHILADELPHIA RECORD Russian physicists report on subnuclear mesons
Governor Martin campaigns for Senate seat; Re- Resists Guild wage campaign; protests strike 2D 98
publican state machine, leaders 28 O 26 threat 18 N 54
PENNSYLVANIA, UNIVERSITY OF Guild strike for $100 weekly for reporters; ex-
Paintings in “Paris School’ exhibit, Giantess,
Pranks, riots, vandalism; President McClelland ecutives put out regular editions 16 D 76
r.; 64 years old, new girl friend 1 Jl 73
suspends leaders 25 N 66 PHILIP, PRINCE OF GREECE One-man show in Paris; criticism; Rape of
PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Possible marriage to Princess Elizabeth; Dri- Europa, Head of a Girl, r. 8 Ji 61
Golden Triangle wreck; 19 dead 23 D 20 berg’s column on, p. 23 D 28 Gertrude Stein’s portrait willed to Metropolitan
Farms out freshmen to small colleges; largest Proclaimed Philippine Republic; Manuel Roxas Poem on caramels in French Fontaine 30 S 50
class in history 8 Jl 67 first President; reconstruction problems; his- Picasso, 50 Years of His Art, rev.; sketch;
PENSACOLA NAVAL AIR STATION See tory, map 8 Jl 22 paintings, r. 18 N 61 ; :
United States—Armed Services establishments Republic hailed; MacArthur greets General Illustrations for Buffon’s Histoire Naturelle
PENSIONS, VETERANS’ See Veterans—Pen- Aguinaldo 15 Jl 38 shown in New York; etchings, r. 2 D 53
sions U.S. Congress votes $75 million RFC loan to PICCARD, AUGUSTE
PEOPLE’S HIGH SCHOOL See Schools—Den- Philippine Republic 5 Ag 24 ° Plans expedition to explore ocean depths; de-
mark Hukbalahap gangs attempt to enforce crop divi- signs bathysphere, p. 8 Jl 77
PEPPER, MRS. CLAUDE sion; Roxas settles in landlord-sharecropper PICKFORD, MARY
In Paris for People’s Mandate Committee; in- conference 5 Ag 38 Films at Museum of Modern Art; to give latest
terview with Molotov 2 S 23 Treaty in U.S. Senate to establish formal rela- films to Library of Congress, p. 28 O 103
PEPSI-COLA CO. tions 12 Ag 13 Agrees with Chaplin to oust Selznick from
Annual art show held at National Academy of PHILOSOPHERS United Artists Corp.; company with Lester
Design in New York; prizewinners 7 O 67 At Geneva conference of Europe’s intellectuals; Cowan, p. 23 D 77
PEREIRA, WILLIAM L. Raymond, Lukacs, Existentialist Jasper, De
Architecture, moving picture projects; hospital PIERREPONT, ALBERT
Rougemont 23 S 28 Britain’s hangman tours Europe; humane sys-
design; sketch, p. 14 O 94 PHILOSOPHY tem; to retire, open pub 30 S 30
Of anarchism in postwar France reflected in PIGEON RACES
Keep It Crisp, rev. 26 Ag 102 literary awards 8 Jl 29
PERFUMES Revived by British club 29 Jl 21
The Meeting of East and West... rev.; Aris- PIKE, SUMNER T.
Nassaur merges Courtley, Ltd. with Warner totelian system 12 Ag 96
cosmetics combine 9 S 88 Appointed member U.S. Atomic Energy Com
Of Theosophical Society; origin; Madame Bla- mission 4 N 26
Dana Perfumes spent $2 million on ad for vatsky’s doctrine in Priestess of the Occult,
“Tabu”; Charbert’s cartoon ad for “Breath- PILGRIMAGES
rev. 11 N 78 European priests, laymen make peace pilgrim:
less,” r. 25 N 92 Decline of Sartre’s Existentialist following not-
PERKINS, FRANCES age to Vezelay, France, p. 29 Jl 56
ed by waiter in Paris; new cults, Lettrists, PILLAR OF FIRE
Collier's article on Roosevelt 2 S 19 Sensorialists 2 D 31
Reminiscences of Roosevelt: appointed by Tru- Founder Alma White dies; leadership of sect;
Madism in Argentina: expression in art forms son to carry on 8 Jl 73
man to Civil Service Commission 23 S 25 16 D 38
Kierkegaard’s existential philosophy of subjec- Equipment and Parts
Dissents on court ruling Memoirs of Hecate tivity; influence in Barth, Unamuno 16 D 62
County obscene book, quoted 9 D 25 PINCHOT, GIFFORD
an (ARIZ.) REPUBLIC AND GA- Death of 14 90 98
PERMANENTE METALS CORP. Pulliam buys; policies 4 N 79 PINERO, JESUS T.
Builds aluminum-magnesium, 40-passenger bus PHONOGRAPHS AND PHONOGRAPH Truman appoints governor of Puerto Ric §
29 Ji 80 RECORDS Ag 24
PERON, JUAN D. Jo Stafford’s recordings; Symphony sold 500,000 PIOBAIREACHD SOCIETY
Stiffens totalitarian controls, p. 22 Jl 44 1 Jl 60 First postwar bagpiper’s contest in Scotland
Announces Argentina to collaborate with U.S. New records, rev. 8 Jl 95 30 S 70
. event of war; compliments Messersmith 29 New records, rev. 5 Ag 54 PIPELINES See Gas Pipelines; Oil pipelines
36 Victor releases 4 Rachmaninoff Concerto; Rubin- PISHEVARI, JAFAR 3
Inspired Indians march on capital to protest stein, Freddy Martin versions 16 S 62 Azerbaijan leader loses Russian support, capitu-
absentee ownership of land 12 Ag 36 New records, rev.; albums for children 7 O 76 lates 23 D 25
Orders supporters in Congress to ratify Act of Learning-by-hearing in children’s records; PITTSBURGH, PA.
Chapultepec, U.N. Charter; promises to deal Graphic’s question-answer series; Jt’s Fun to Crippled by strike at Duquesne Light Co.;
with Nazis 2 § 31 Eat album 7 O 80 Mayor Lawrence gets court imjunction on
Refuses to oust Nazi friends; hostile to British Recording musicians get increase 28 O 24 strike 7 O 23
trade mission; influence in South America de- Fisher radio-phonograph; Fortune report on “New Ghost Town, Pa.’’; Mueller’s union sub- P
clines 9 S 40 18 N 53 mits to wage arbitration, returns to work 28
Five-year plan; public health, exports, national Hope Records to record Bob Hope’s broadcasts O 25
defense 14 O 40 18 N 95 PIUS XII, POPE
Reprisals against Bolivia to force trade treaty Concert Hall Society, Inc.; limited editions of Proclaims Mother Cabrini, three others, saints
4N 42 previously unrecorded music; cuts from mas- 15 Jl 74
Agrees to purchase of $100 million Spanish ters; new records, rev. 25 N 65 Visited by President de Nicola, Premier de
bonds to facilitate trade; clears Ludwig Freude Zenith’s Cobra; tone arm, response curve (L) Gasperi 19 Ag 35
of Nazi charges 11 N 40 9 D 12 Receives new Society of Jesus General Father
Messersmith’s relations with, p. 2 D 22 New records, rev.; Victor’s Heritage Series, Janssens 30 S 83
States capitalism dying 9 D 39 opera reissues 23 D 73 Represented by Bishop Hurley at Stepinac’s
C 7 Figuerola to promote Five-Year Plan 16 PHOTOGRAPHY trial; comment 14 O 35
See also Press—Photographers PLAGUE See Bubonic Plague
PERON, SENORA JUAN (EVA DUARTE) Publishing of sensational snaps of Brazilian PLASTICS
Assumes role of Presidenta; sketch, p. 26 Ag 34 Soybean research project at Ford Motor Co
Congressman arouses colleagues, p. 29 Jl 36
PERSHING, JOHN J. Automatic camera record of Bikini underwater discontinued 4 N 98
Congress passes special Medal of Award 5 Ag 24 atomic-bomb test, p. 12 Ag 21 PLASTIC SURGERY See Medicine—Surgery
86th Birthday; Truman visits at Walter Reed Radar view of New York harbor, r. 9 S 76 PLOWING r
23 S 22 Processing of color movie films; Cinecolor’s Contour plowing U.S. soii conservation project;
PERSIA See Iran speed method 23 S 88 technique, p. 14 O 81
Of Milky Way with photo-electric cell, infra- PM (NEWSPAPER)
PERSONAL SERVICE BUREAUS Crockett Johnson’s ghost-writtenBarnaby
VIP Service, Inc. founded by veteran and wife red filter on telescopes 23 S 92
Aubrey Bodine’s abstract picture wins Camera Ferro and Morley 2 S 49 -
1 N 92 Opens fire on American Action, Inc. 21 O 28
PERU magazine contest, r. 18 N 62
PHUMIPHON, KING OF SIAM Ralph Ingersoll resigns, protests advertising
Truman Baily revives local crafts, textiles, dyes; Marshall Field support ends; Lewis new editor
project of Inter-American Development Com-
Successor to throne on death of brother to ‘‘fin-
11 N 68
mission, p. 1 Jl 36 ish studies” in Switzerland, p. 8 Jl 35
Apra party gains seats in House; re-servicing of Sold 152 million in 7 years; rivals, Bantam
U.S. bonds chief issue 15 Jl 45 Theories of Relativity; Einstein, father of
atomic research; ether theory; measurement Books, Penguin Books 23 D 92
Haya states Apra party goals in Latin American POEMS
of speed, of light; photons and quanta 1 Jl 53
tour; industrial, irrigation, Indian-aid projects Lusiad by Camoens, excerpt 22 Jl 30
14 O 40 Army and Navy to promote nuclear research
8 Jl 77 Jingle on injustice in Lichfield sentences (L
Lima observes 200th religious festival of Our How chain reacting pile effects atomic fission; 30 S 6 s
Lord of Miracles; procession 28 O 44 Picasso’s poem on caramels 30 S 50
findings of atomic physicists 8 J] 78
Springtime; conditions; Santa Valley hydro- Poem in honor of Lady Cripps 21 O 39
Nuclear physicists to extend atom-smashing to
electric project; Indian labor problem 11 N 40 Verse review of Macbeth ill. by Dali 9 D 11
sub particles, duplicate cosmic ray action; new
PERUVIAN INTERNATIONAL AIRWAYS machines 22 Jl 65 Pravda’s doggerel on Baruch’s proposals 16 D 2?
Started by Clement Keys; General George, board Archimedes’ principle of weight displacement POETRY .
, chairman, president 25 N 96 applied to weighing of zoo hippopotamus 22 The Golden Book of Catholic Poetry, rev., Ches
PETAIN, HENRI P. Jl 65 terton’s “The Convert’’ 1 Jl 90
Terre du Temps by Father Grosjean wins
Prisoner at Isle d’ Yeu Fortress; cell; daily Radiation of flame in far ultraviolet; electronic
routine; comment on De Gaulle 28 O 36 fire alarm 5 Ag 72 French literary award 8 J] 29

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Oh Millersville! by “child poetess Gravel’; Gallup on G.O.P. Presidential candidate; Dewey PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH
Hall confesses to authorship 23 $42 leads with 52% 16 D 26 Union with Protestant Episcopal Church issue
History of American Poetry »1900-1940, rev., Gallup: reports 79% believe next President a of Episcopal General Convention 16 S 69
excerpts 18 N 112 Republican; Roper reports veterans would not Episcopal Convention debate on merger, votes
oe new cult; theory; typical poem, quoted support a general 23 D 22 postponement; The Churchman on 30 §S 83
2D 31 Canada Rejection merger plan protested by Christian
Selected Writings of Dylan Thomas, rev.; Gallup poll on vote if federal election held now; Century; Living Church defends 7 O 94
Welsh background 2 D 112 Liberals lead 7 O 44 Record growth; statistics 7 O 96
Books of 1946, briefly rev. 16 D 116 Germany PRESIDIO See United States—Armed services
E. E. Cummings’ playlet Santa Claus: a Moral- Secret poll of Berliners show 18% more friendly establishments
t rev., excerpt 23 D 91 to Russia than to Western Powers 12 Ag 23 PRESS
POISONS Great Britain See also Freedom of the Press; Newspapers
Cyanide’s: deadly effects 28 O 76 Mass-Observation Poll analyzes tea-drinking, Visiting Russian journalist protests U.S. press
POISON GAS chart 11 N 34
Lewisite gas in World War I; **Mousetrap”
campaign against Soviet 8 Jl 51
POLO Meet the Press radio program, Martha
laboratory 23 S 56 Roun-
U.S. team defeats Mexicans at International tree’s idea 29 Jl 54
POLAND Field; Cecil Smith, Stu Iglehart, Gracida
Argentina plans immigration of former Polish Chicago press plays up Heirens as murderer of
brothers, p. 23 S 75 Suzanne Degnan 29 Jl 61
Corps members 29 Jl 39 PONIES See Horses Hearst press campaign against “filthy” books
Aristocrat arrested for attempt to remove fam-
PONS, LILY 26 Ag 48
ily art collection from country; Prince Radzi-
will in Communist government 11 N 37 Contract with British impresario; critics cool to Coverage of Niirnberg trials; quarters in Faber
opening program 8 Jl 92 Castle 16 S 77
Warsaw regime thwarted by London Poles in
Cancels Mexico City opera engagement, reason American Press Institute opens at Columbia
attempt to get art treasures in Canada released
18 N 42 high altitude; sings at last performance 2 S 38 University; seminar for newsmen 14 O 75
Returns to Metropolitan Opera, sings Lakme at Rural papers indifferent to politics election week;
Cities and Towns opening; costumes, p. 25 N 63 emphasis on local incidents 11 N 23
Luc Hodding Carter warns North’s journalistic ‘‘med-
Ceded to Russia in exchange for Breslau; uni- dling” in South fosters racial prejudices 11
Strike of 500 municipal workers hits sanitation;
versity removed 2 Jl 55
Mayor Law threatened with C.1.0. sympathy
strike by Sidney Christmas faction 30 S ad 27 Proposed U.N. radio network to destroy state
Squatters occt U.S. embassy; Ambassador news monopolies 11 N 74
Lane in two hotel rooms 23 D 27
POPULATION See under individual countries Foreign correspondents
Foreign relations
PORTAL-TO-PORTAL PAY See Wages Homer Bigart reports Warsaw government con-
de- U.S., British notes on free elections;
calls insult to Polish sovereignty 2 S 22 PORT-AU-PRINCE See Haiti
trol over reporters, p. 1 Jl 48
Markham of Christian Science Monitor ex-
Answer U.S. note on free elections 9 S 21 PORTER, PAUL
U.S. protests violation of Yalta provision for
pelled from Rumania 8 Jl 31
test Attacks Government purchase of meat, pleads Sherrod’s assignment in Far East 8 Jl 17
3 free election 9 D 33 for support of price control 14 O 28
Political conditions PM’s 1. F. Stone joined illegal Jewish refugee
rom Resigns from OPA; seeks rest, p. 2 D 25 ship 15 Jl 50
ster Bigart’s report; correspondents biased 1 Jl 48 PORTER, VICTOR W.
Communists rally vote on referendum to abolish Brooks Atkinson reports on Russia, attacks So-
Company doctor in Lafayette, Colo., mining viet Government 15 Jl 27
ee Peasant Party forbidden to campaign town retires; miners honor; sketch, p. 2 S 73 John Scott reports session with Russian secret
Ss >
PORTLAND OREGONIAN police in Poland; arrest; release 15 Jl 34
Scott reports session with Bezpieczenstwo Rus- Disciplines Bill Moyes for off-beat political jibes Pravda’s Zaslavsky attacks Atkinson’s report 22
sian secret police; explains election terrorism 4N 82 Ji 26
15 Jl 34 PORTUGAL At Paris conference; interview Zinchenko of
Pogrom in Kielce incited by boy 15 Jl 36 Cintra villa of Italy’s royal family; Salazar Soviet press relations 2 S 47
Cardinal Hlond blames Jews for Kielce pogrom calls on Ex-Queen Maria José 1 Jl 30
>om Bill Price dies in plane crash in Egypt 23S 70
2 ji 3 Salazar’s dictatorship threatened by M.U.D.;
Bierut threatens opposition delegation to cooper-
Nurnberg press corps housed in Faber Castle;
rise to power; poverty widespread 22 Jl 28 language difficulties; social life 16 S 78
ate with coalition 18 N 37 Attitudes on modesty in beach bathing; inci- Time's Lisbon correspondent Saporiti ordered
Arrests of Government’s political opponents; dents on Lisbon beaches, docks 19 Ag 35 out of Portugal 4 N 18
Catholic clergy urge vote against Communists Applies for U.N. membership 19 Ag 30 British Army officer in Palestine detains ten
> D 32 Rebels attempt capture of Salazar; coup fails; newsmen 4 N 41
POLICE President Carmona’s strategy; opposition 21 Robert Best, Douglas Chandler, in U.S. to face
New York’s Roger Horan captures Central Park O 34 treason trial, p. 23 D 42
murderers; sketch, p. 1 Jl 21 Time’s Lisbon correspondent ordered out of New York Post’s Sam Boal reports on British
New York force; number of Catholics, Protes- Portugal; Time story on Salazar disapproved people through “Mrs. Hunkle” 23 D 60
tants; Chaplain Nesbitt founded St. George 4N 18
Assn. 1 Jl 86 Photographers
Four veterans rookies in Central Falls, R.I., “Business as usual” shot of bar, waitress walk-
Goa acts against Indian National Congress ac- ing around murdered corpse, p. 19 Ag 21
fight for pay raise, suspended after gambling tivities 26 Ag 32
raids 19 Ag 22 A.P.’s Allen Snipes’ fracas with Rankin at
POST, EMILY polls, fight at Memphis football game 23 S 66
Missouri governor fights move to unionize St. Answers Russel Wright on 18th Century cups
Louis force 9 S 26 Reporters and Reporting
(L) 19 Ag 4 German reporters at Niirnberg Trials protest
U.A.W. picketers attack in Chicago, p. 14 O 25 POSTAGE STAMPS
Rookie in Denver goes berserk in Brown Palace food shortage 1 Jl 45
Roosevelt collection in estate assets; brought Truman brands as ‘‘damned lie’ Daily News
Hotel bar, shoots patrons, kills one, p. 14 O 29 $212,847 at auction 7 O 26 “Scoop” he asked justices to resign 15 J] 50
POSTAL SERVICE James Bell reports interview with Chicago bum
Mounties battle with Ottawa squatters at Carle- Congress authorizes air parcel post 29 Jl 15 on inflation 22 Jl 20
ton barracks; jail Hanratty 7 O 42 POSTERS Walter Davenport roving political reporter og
Ontario court protests third-degree methods to Work of Flagg; World War I poster; ads for Collier’s becomes editor 22 Jl 60
rce youth’s confession of murder 2 D 40 Rosalind Russell films, p. 30 S 54 Monsignor Pucci, Vatican news tipster ousted
Great Britain Army’s enlistment poster “‘Want to retire at by New York Times; false reports, p. 22 J1 60
Press protests Scotland Yard’s censorship of 37°”, r. 21 O 27 Agness Underwood throws fish at editor for re-
Neville Heath’s picture 14 O 79 POSTWAR INVESTMENT CORP. fusing her a day off 29 Jl 61
Russia Buys idea for bookkeeping-by-mail service 25 Herald Tribune’s Stephen White describes Bi-
Secret Police name changes; CHEKA, GPU, N 94 kini explosion 5 Ag 88
NKVD, now MGB (Ministry of State Se- POSTWAR PLANNING Baldwin attacks slipshod work, sensationalism,
r de curity) 12 Ag 30 Cleveland’s program to promote city as business bad conduct at Bikini test 12 Ag 65
POLIOMYELITIS See Infantile Paralysis location brings results 22 Jl 23 320-lb. Tom Bridges eats huge meal to tempt
athe man on hunger strike to aid world famine, p.
gress of Industrial Organizations; National Deadly effects listed; use in Géring’s suicide 26 Ag 50
nac’s Citizens Political Action Committee 28 O 76 Amateur press correspondents, addressed by Bess
POLITICS POTATOES Wilson; warned on fancy writing 30 S 73
See individual countries, states, political par- Chemical frost to facilitate harvesting; Dow-
ties; Elections
Story of Gazelle Boy in Syria proved phony by
spray 66 Improved 26 Ag 55 A.P. 7 OG 73
Lo POLLACK, CHANNING Bumper crop due to Government price incen-
Guild demands $100 weekly in contract with
Deatii of 26 Ag 92 tive; Department of Agriculture sells surplus
POLLOCK, MRS. MARION 8. to whiskey distillers, p. 2 S 77 Los Angeles Herald & Express, calls strike;
t rates in other cities 23 S 63
Wins *‘Mrs. America” beauty cx ntest; husband’s POTOCKI, ANDREW
oject bjection to tour, p. 25 N 28 Arrested for attempt to remove family art col- New York Times bureau head calls for shorter
POLLS lection from Poland 11 N 37 sentences in news reports 28 O 56
National Opinion Center shows 32% of U.S. POTOFSKY, JACOB 8. Coverage of Niirnberg executions confused; false
n by public disapprove freedom of speech 15ar Jl 26 New President of Amalgamated Clothing Work- flashes; speculation on Goring’s suicide 28 O 56
Audience Research, Inc. analyzes movie box ers; succeeds Hillman 29 Jl 15 U.N. correspondents charged with posing as dele-
) 28 fice appeal; methods, chart 22 Jl 94 POTTER, BEATRIX gates to get rides home; charge delegates posed
Gallup shows Republican trend 29 Jl 16 Biography, Tale of Beatrix Potter, rev., p. 11 as reporters 25 N 32
editor Gallup on duration of price rise 19 Ag 21 N 106 Guild strike at Philadelphia Record, and Camden
Republican; Truman defeat in 1948 19 Ag 21 POTTERY Courier Post; demand $100 a week for re-
Los Angeles Merchants Assn. polls public on Lou Reese’s Scio plant made $3% million; em- porters 16 D 76
employers’ profits 26 Ag 81 ployes bonuses 30 D 17 Damon Runyon dies; newspaper career, p. 23
Gallup: 60% expect depression by 1951 9 S 28 POU, CHARLES D 57
Variety survey shows decline in radio audience Of new Greenwood Morning Star; st 4 te °3 Charnay of New York Daily News gets story of
S 69 lynching 12 Ag 68 nightclub brawl over Peggy Joyce; sketch, p.
Cooperative Broadcasting goes out of business; POULTRY 23 D 58
juplicated Hooper poll 30 S 96 ‘“‘Pecking order’ of chickens; experiments at War Correspondents
Gallup polls on removal meat price controls; on Kansas Agricultural Station 21 O 61 Kennedy vindicated on news jump of surrender
election 14 O 23 POWER story; A.P. handling of job angle 5 Ag 88
Research Center shows public uninformed on See also Electric Power
Bill of Rights 14 O 85 U.S. sources, 1900-1945; units of energy pro No Woman’s World, rev. Iris Carpenter’s ex-
Gallup: Republicans favored; polls in duced, chart 30 D 69 periences 9 S 112
on presidential election 21 O n PRAVDA Experiences, trials in Thunder Out of China,
Gallup: Truman’s score with voters drops to Zaslavsky attacks Brooks Atkinson’s report on by T. H. White and Annalee Jacoby, rev. p.
32% 21 O 23 Russia, excerpts 22 Jl 26 28 O 110
Advertising Research: M) y column first in Cartoon of Baruch in Atomic bomb garden, Drew Middleton's combat report in Our Share
women reader appeal; rs-up 16 D 25 verse on 16 D 29 of Night, rev.
4 N 110

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Washington correspondents Truman orders controls removed except on sug- PROMOTERS

Lippmann criticizes conduct of presidential con- ar, rice, rent; blames Congress for “‘unwork- Harry Fielding signs up U.S. musical stars
ferences 21 O 55 able law” 18 N 21 8 jl 92
Gridiron Dinner; newsmen sing tribute to Tru- Proposed adjustment on rent controls; overall George S. May’s promotion of Chicago’s Tam
man 23 D 19 15% increase 25 N 26 O’ Shanter golf tournament 5 Ag 66
France Brazil PROPAGANDA
Martin-Chauffier in U.S. sums up American so- Riots in Rio protest inflation, 50% slash de- Russian journalist protests U.S. press campaign
ciety, deplores lack of leisure 8 Jl 51 manded 9 S 40 ; against Russia 8 Jl 51
Great Britain Ceiling on rice protested; consumer goods prices North’s journalistic pressure campaign on South
Reaction to Wallace speech; editorials, quoted soar 9 S 34 11 N 24
23 S 28 Canada Germany
Reaction to U.S. election results; Osborne’s re- To maintain rigid controls to cushion effects of Revealed funds in Washington to fight Roose-
port 18 N 31 U.S. price rises 15 Jl 40 velt’s re-election 15 Jl 48
Film critics inhospitable to Walt Disney; criti- Price boosts follow wage raises; government Faked version of Goring’s dying “appeal to
cisms 2 D 32 control plan 14 O 42 German nation” circulated 18 N 34
Japan Meat prices stable at ceilings, due to rationing Russia
Control by’ reporters’ clubs; Civil Information 21 O 42 Campaign to strengthen Communist Party in
Chief orders reform 19 Ag 61 To keep modified controls 9 D 40 armed forces 29 Jl 29
Journalists hired on basis of examination; sam- Haiti Losing campaign in Germany 12 Ag 23
ple questions 28 O 18 Low prices afford luxury living in American Purge of industry officials; writers, magazines
Russia colony 4 N 42 barred for lack of ideology 2 S 28
Ehrenburg ends U.S. tour; report protests press Portugal In German election campaign; posters 9 S 30
campaign against Soviet 8 Jl 48 Inflation; 112% rise in retail index; wages lag School textbooks; geographies of 1934; passage
Walter Lippmann attacks Ehrenburg’s Soviet 22 Jl 28 _on U.S. 16 S 75
journalism 15 Jl 50 Russia Campaign of SED in Berlin; distribute gifts
Pravda’s Zaslavsky attacks Atkinson report on Government triples price of rationed food, shoes 21 O 35
Soviet 22 Jl 26 $167 a pair 30 S 29 PROPERTY, GOVERNMENT
Ehrenburg summarizes U.S. trip in Jzvestia PRIESTLEY, B. Geneva Steel purchased by U.S. Steel 1 Jl 78
29 Jl 40 Bright Day, rev. 21 O 112 U.S. credit to Hungary to purchase U.S. sur-
Dodd reports on Redin espionage trial for Tass; PRIESTS See Clergy pluses 1 Jl 31
operations of Tass U.S. branch 29 Jl 61 PRIMITIVE MAN See Man WAA sells Pennsylvania steel plants to Carne-
Publishes Byrnes’ rebuttal of Molotov charges PRIMITIVE TRIBES See Tribes gie-Illinois Steel Corp. 8 Jl 86
at Byrnes challenge 19 Ag 28 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND FLC report on sales of surplus abroad; $98 mil-
Zinchenko heads Foreign Ministry’s press sec- Prohibition province; Alcoholics Anonymous lion transferred to UNRRA 5 Ag 79
tion; at Paris Conference 2 S 47 branches 21 O 42 Proposed sale of synthetic rubber plants to pri-
Trend toward self-criticism 9 S 34 PRINCETON, N.J. vate industry; Port Neches plant, p. 12 Ag 79
Misrepresentation of outside world, censorship Revolutionary battleground dedicated as state WAA announces bids for Big Inch and Little
policy, protested by Bevin 4 N 34 park 28 O 30 Big Inch pipelines 12 Ag 79
Tass agency criticized by Culture and Life 2 PRINCETON UNIVERSITY Thunderbird Field sold to American Institute
D 64 Reunion week; 10,000 alumni; costumes; parade for Foreign Trade less ‘‘100% discount” 26
Tass, Soviet Agency, operations, management Christian Gauss, Edward S. Corwin to retire WAA disposes of 20,960 war planes; gasoline
29 Jl 61 15 Jl 69 in tanks overlooked, p. 9 S 90
Press wireless hit by strike protesting layoffs; Yalemen’s pranks on football weekend; seizure WAA opens department store in airplane hangar
union embargo on overseas services 26 Ag 48 radio station 25 2 N 66 to sell to veterans; iten prices 30 S 90
PRESSED STEEL CAR CO., INC. PRISONS AND PRISONERS WAA reorganizes surplus sales division; exam-
Enters home appliance field; to produce electric See also World War II—Prisons and Prisoners ples of mismanagement 21 O 86
ranges 8 Jl 82 Negro youth spared from execution for murder WAA blunder in oil pipe lines deal; Littlejohn
PRICE, WILLIAM H. in es electric chair fails to function announces bids off; politics charged 2 D 89
Dies in plane crash in Egypt 2 S 70 15 Jl 22 $91 million Chicago plant sold to Republic Steel
Public baptism of inmates of Mississippi penal Corp. for $35 million 30 D 74
under United States PROSTIGMINE See Drugs
Inmates at Clinton Prison took Time Current PROSTITUTION
PRICE DECONTROL BOARD See under Affairs Test 23 S 19 Japan: Prostitutes’ union; letter to MacArthur
United States Exposé of cruelties in Colorado reformatories 16 S 35
PRICES 30 S 26 In Kalgan; emancipation by Communist decree
Outlook with end of OPA; index after World At Illinois Statesville Penitentiary pledge eyes 7 0
War I and Il compared, chart 8 Jl 81 after death for me al science, p. 11 N 75 PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH
On basic materials, commodities soar with return Louisville county jail; church Committee on In- Living Church protests plan to merge with
of free market 15 Ji 81 stitutions studies routine, recommends re- Presbyterians 22 Jl 7
Rise slower; buyers’ slowdown; ““The Same Old forms, p. 23 D 70 Quentin Huang consecrated bishop 26 Ag 67
Thing,” cartoon 22 Jl 17 PROCESSIONS, RELIGIOUS Bishop Tucl answers Protestants’ fears of
On food jump; Kroger chain stores limits in- Annual march to Calvary at Furnes, Belgium, unity with Catholics S 66
creases 22 Jl 79 p. 12 Ag 75 General Convention in Philadelphia; issue of
Price Decontrol Board’s public hearing on re- Our Lord of Miracles procession in Lima; leg- union with Presbyterians 16 S 69
turn to ceilings; 13.8% jump in month on end 28 O 44 Convention: proposed canon on divorce, study
retail food prices 19 Ag 21 PRODUCTION of merger with Presbyterians 23 S 72
On cattle hides rise in tree market purchases Postwar recovery slow; CPA report; chart 8 Convention elects Henry K. Sherrill, Presiding
19 Ag 89 jl 81 Bishop; postpones merger with Presbyterians;
Record rush of cattle, hogs to stockyards at all- Progress in U.S.; Federal Reserve Board, CPA PL
Churchman on merger debate 30 S 83
time-high prices 2 S 77 estimates 5 Ag 82 Christian Century protests rejection of merger
Government guaranteed 90% of parity on pota- Mead Committee survey of war production 9 S Pl
plan; Living Church dete is 7 O 94
toes; result in surplus crops, wastage 2 5 77 23
3ishop Sherrill seeks home in New York; pro-
Decontrol Board returns ceilings to meats, leaves CPA reports overall climb; statistics 9 S 83 poses Church buy estate; idea of ‘‘Episco-
dairy products control-free 2 S 16 Labor productivity down 30 S 87 palian U.N.” 7 O 94
G.M.’s Wilson blames Administration’s wage- Signs of increase in CPA report 7 O 93 Father Gibson’s success with Cathedral Shelter
price policies for confusion 16 S 90 Curtailed by metals shortage; layoffs 14 O 89 in Chicago, p. 5 O
Los Angeles black market in used cars; OPA Hit by secondary shortages; controls bungling Methodist merger proposed 2 D 7¢€
arrests; prices drop overnight 23 S 83 blamed 21 O 85
Spiral of wages, prices 30 S 88 CPA report no large increase for 1946 4 N 89
Of surplus items on sale to veterans 30 S 90 Dr. Morrison's articles “Can
New records on durable, non-durable goods, sags Ameri ” wa $ t Cathe
Democratic bosses seek 60-day suspension meat du coal "
strike 9 D 21
Dr. Clinchy dey c wbli
ceilings, Truman refuses 7 O 21 Hit | val i sarron index drops to 175.3;
Anderson’s plan for Government purchase of Protestant and Catholic c
slump in steel,
railroads, autos 9 D 87
WorldCouncil of Churches
meat 14 O 27 Canada
Customer reaction to high prices of meat, con- |
Bottlenecks due to steel strikes; consumer goods
sumer goods; incidents 21 O 23
Catholic Ind
cut off 23 S 41
Rise on meat, lard as controls lifted; consumer aries murdered 9
Great Britain
Catholic ‘ . of Canter-
resistan 8 O 24 Lags due
to machinery shortage 8 Jl 64
bury’s n irtain” a st
Of es drop as tton price cracks 28 Latin America
Labor shortage retards output 29 Jl 39 Protesta
Archl ( advocates “full com
Outlook for slump; cor attitude, cartoon PROFITEERING
mun ] 78
4N 89 Senate investigates war contracts, Erie Basin S U.S D 76
OPA uncovers fraud in pricit ‘ rwood’s Metals Co., Garsson brothers deals; Congress-
In n of scriminat in
whiskey; false price lists for S N 42 man May involved 15 Jl 20
On cotton futures drop; small speculators caught Garsson munitions combine investigation; graft
cl it Baptist conventions 9 D 73
11 N 87 deals with May 29 Jl 15 Japan
Increases with lifting of controls on various Garsson munitions case; G.I.s by faulty Christian churches nfere ; plan to build
items 18 N 87 mortars; Army officers questio 5 Ag 23 churches; 20 ) Protestants 1 J1 8
In New York; Daily Mirror survey on former Garsson brothers’ shady deals, profit on shells PROTESTANT WAR VETERANS OF THE
nickel items 25 N 27 12 Ag 14 UNITED STATES
Jump in consumer goods, metals; steel holds Coffee’s deal with war contractor questioned 12 Discrimination charged by Carlson in The Plot-
line; consumer resistance; cartoon 25 N 89 Ag 16 ters; E. J. Smytl nfluence 25 N 114
Retailers slash prices; bargain sales 30 D 73 Mead Committee survey on war costs; charges PSYCHIATRY
On furs cut; industry hit 30 D 74 blunders, mismanagement 9 S 22 Provisions of new National Mental Health Act;
Regulation PROFITS refresher 1 t staffs
8 Jl 64
Price ceilings off with end of OPA 8 Jl 19 Public’s misconception of emp! rs’ profits, in Lurid ‘ ( to duo-per
Public attitude on lifting of controls 15 J] 19 poll 26 Ag 8 sonality; alter « 29 Ji
Senate passes weak OPA bill; only rent controls PROGRESS, HUMAN See Civilization Maski nd Uhler on failure « psychiatric
left 22 Jl 17 PROGRESSIVES tec in Army 1 Ag 90
Barkley’s compromise OPA bill; Decontrol Conference in Chicago; drafts plan of political VA’s New York mental-hygiene clinic; psycho
fJoard authority; 29 Jl 14 action 7 O 25 neurotic cases; equipment,
I p. 19 Ag 68
Truman signs new OPA bill, ay PROHIBITION Costs of treatment; neurotics in U cures; >
Board; Porter warns rise i Ag Kansas dry law attacked as failure by Wood- plan of Mental Health C il, cartoon 2 S 73
Decontrol Board hearings or nstating ceil- ring; Democratic election platform for repeal Mental cases in U.S. occupation Army in Ger-
ings; labor’s position 26 Ag 15 9 S 25 many 9 S 28
Ceilings revised; rollback on meats 9 S In Prince Edward Island; Alcoholics Anony- Emotional maladjustments traced to separating
Bungling controls blamed for shortages 21 O 85 mous establish branches 21 O 42 babies from mothers 9 S 65

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Court opposes psychiatrist’s opinion on alcohol- PUCCI, ENRICO California stations refuse air time for atheistic
ism as mental disease 14 O 52 Former Vatican news tipster charged with spy views 5 Ag 58
British child psychiatrist finds too much sleep service for Mussolini, p. 22 Jl 60 Newscaster Don Hollenbeck scoffs at singing
for babies causes neuroses 21 O 49 PUERTO RICO commercial, fired 26 Ag 56
National Committee on Mental Hygiene indicts Tugwell resigns as Governor 8 Jl 20 Value of music in Catholic proselyting programs
poor care for insane in state asylums, p. 11 Truman appoints Jesus Pifiero governor, first 26 Ag 67
ign N 76 native to hold post 5 Ag 24 Mount Wilson plots for line-of-sight broadcast-
“Preventive psychiatry’”’ experiment in Delaware PULLIAM, EUGENE C. ing for television, FM 26 Ag 88
public schools 18 N 83 Buys Phoenix, Ariz. Republic and Gazette 4 N 79 7 oo to cover World Series baseball 7
Army survey of psychoneurotics in Cooke’s All PULPWOOD mi}

But Thee and Me; Strecker gives causes in Record summer log drive in Canada; stored for William S. Paley attacks advertising excesses in
Their Mothers’ Sons 25 N 80 newsprint, p. 19 Ag 38 National Association of Broadcasters’ conven
Yale Clinic group therapy for alcoholics; drink- PURDY, KEN W. tion speech 4 N 80
ing result of neurosis 25 N 82 Named new editor of Parade; career, p. 7 O 74 “Ted” Husing turns disc jockey; career as
Woman criminal reforms after lobotomy; use in PU YI, HENRY sports announcer, p. 11 N 73
schizophrenia 23 D 66 Russians lend for testimony at Tokyo war crimes Proposed U.N. network; aim to destroy state
PSYCHOANALYSIS trials, p. 19 Ag 30 news monopolies 11 N 74
Various schools; analyst’s fees; practitioners Testifies at Tokyo trials; states Hirohito or- Lowell Institute Cooperative Broadcasting Coun-
2S 73 dered him to Shinto-ize Manchukuo 2 S 23 cil; 7 lectures, program 25 N 85
ines PSYCHOKINESIS See Psychology Atheist Scott on KQW;; listeners protest 2 D 75
PSYCHOLOGY Q Winnick compares to British system 9 D 96
Jingles All The Way No. 2 suite based on sing-
it} U.N. Health Assembly approves psychological QASHQAI TRIBE See Tribes
sage attack on world problems 22 Jl 2¢ QUAKERS See Friends, Society of ing commercials; Boston ‘‘Pops” Orchestra to
Psychological approach in obstetrics in Child- broadcast 23 D 64
zitts birth without Fear 22 Jl 90 U.S. tourists flock to; Houde’s politics; French- Contests
Intelligence tests basis for awarding equivalency Canadian customs, birthrate; new industries For Cindy lyrics; prize New York trip 1 Jl 60
certificates 29 Jl 5 5 Ag 40 Summer fishing contest on KSTP in Minneapo-
| 78 Psychokinesis (PK); Rhine’s theory of will Annual provincial exposition shows industrial lis, p. 22 J1 75
sur- power control of dice 19 Ag 95 trend; paper, textile plants 16 S 42 Education
U.S. Army’s psychological experiments on mos- Pontiac by-election turns out Liberals, elects So- School-of-the-air in Denver during coal shortage
\rne- quitoes to find repellent 14 O 82 cial Crediter Caouette 30 S 47 9 D 62
Aptitude tests devised by College Entrance King appeals for support of Liberals, scores : _, Entertainers
Board; sample questions 18 N 84 Duplessis, confusion of political parties 9 D 40 Jo Stafford; Cindy contest; sketch; other popu-
Tests to identify talented for ition Catholic Church urges return to farms; Provin- _lar singers, p. 1 Jl 60
enefits; top tenth of 1% genius < cial government’s incentives; rural, urban Van Deventer’s radio quiz based on old-fash-
Child population 16 D 42 ioned parlor game, p. 15 Jl 60
Gesell’s The Child from Five to Ten; behavior QUEBEC, QUE. Peggy Webber's dialect, character parts; sketch,
biographies 5 Ag 75 Attraction to U.S. tourists; aerial photograph, p. p. 5 Ag 61 °
tute PSYCHONEUROTICS See Psychiatry Ag 42 High-priced talent fails to get sponsors;
* 26
PSYCHOSURGERY See Surgery QUEEN ELIZABETH, 8.58. shows, artists listed 19 Ag 70
PUBLIC HEALTH : Maiden commercial voyage; passengers enjoy Arthur Godfrey’s morning programs; evening
oline Efforts to abate polio epi dusting with luxury food items, p. 28 O 89 show Talent Scout, p. 2 S 87
aining swamps, no effect on disease QUESADA, ELWOOD R. Jean Sablon French troubadour on CBS series,
5 Ag 5 Marries Kate D. Putnam 21 O 96 p. 9 S 69
In Pontiac, Mich. thre 1ed by strike of mu QUICK, SMILEY Henry Morgan; radio satire; sketch, p. 16 S 48
xam- cipal employes, garba accumulation 30 S 27 Loses to Bishop in U.S. Amateur Golf Cham- 30b Hope forms trio of corporations to escape
7 Control of Venereal Disease; gains ; failures pionships; game, p. 23 S 75 high personal income tax, p. 18 N 94
john 0S 78 Hoagy Carmichael; sketch, p. 25 N 85
) 89 Dr. Florence Sabin crusades against Colorado’s Equipment and parts
Steel lisease death rate 28 O 78
RACE PROBLEMS ‘Voice Radio,” radio teletype 30 S 19
Chile Commercial eradicator, electronics gadget 30 S 96
T.B., infant mortality rate, alcoholism 19 See also individual countries—Race problems
“White supremacy” in South Africa against Portable wireless receiver for language transla-
4 tion 14 O 93
rthur Great Britain U.N. Charter’s “Declaration of Human
Rights’; case for Russian propaganda 4 N 40 Fisher radio-phonograph; advantages 18 N 53
National Health Service planned Morrison atid Networks
ecree nsors sanitary sewerage system 29 Jl 25 RACHMANINOFF, SERGEI
Piano Concerto No. 2; melodies popularized on FCC approves ABC’s expansion plan; program
Haiti reviewed; growth 29 Jl 81
8 afflicted with yaws; U.S. Sanitary Mis radio, jukeboxes; Full Moon and Empty
with Arms, records 16 § 6: British Broadcasting Corporation attacked by
on’s clinic futile D 48 Ogilvie as monopoly 12 Ag 70
Hobbs anti-racketeering bill passes Senate; labor CBS changes WABC station call to WCBS;
Poor level; tuberculosis, venereal disease, insan-
union obstruction clause 1 Jl 21 fear free ad for ABC 7 O 83
ty prevalent 22 Jl 28
Russia Garsson brothers’ shady financial deals, under- Programs
Campaign against cancer; research 30 D 50 world connections 12 Ag 14 See also Program Preview in each issue
South Africa RADAR Mutual’s Bulotti listens to dance band yrograms;
Government plans war on tsetse fly See also Sonar orders end of chit-chat, whistling 1 Jl 85
African sleeping sickness to driv W Use in study of thunderstorms, control station Sex education for children featured on Boston
siding mals into reserve 5 Ag 70 Ivy 5 Ag 68 station 15 Jl 62
rians; PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE See u ADSIC submarir hunting device to locate Crosby’s criticism in Herald Tribune; lists
schools of herring; French project 19 Ag 92 weaknesses 5 Ag 61
lerger PUBLIC OPINION In tography; New York harbor in scope of Gag shows losing appeal; more audience-partici
See also Polls ship’s radar, map, p. 9 S 76 pation shows 19 Ag 70
Reaction to end of OPA price controls 8 Jl 19 Experiments with meteors; radarscope penetrates Audience participation shows; Parks Johnson
On price trend; fear of 1 ) clouds 21 O 60 criticizes 2 S 86
Reactions to atomic bomb test Jiz Submarine detectors made in Toronto’s Casa Target of cartoonist Webster, cartoon 9 S 69
Attitude of U.S. citize m Russia; effect « Loma stables 28 O 49 Brooklyn libraries to refuse quiz fans telephone
Wallace speech 30 Radarange developed by Rayt ym Co.; speedy inquiries; WOR’s Tello-Test 7 O 84
Blames Democrats for ire ums cooking 28 O 66 Ruark criticizes poor humor, excerpts 7 O 83
meat shortage 4 Listening posts as U.S.-Canadian defense meas Koussevitzky criticizes small ratio of classical
International reaction t elect vic ure 4 N 44 music programs 14 O 86
ry 18 N 31 RADIATION See Radioactivity Sarnoff attributes limitations to frequent show
Germany RADIATION SICKNESS changes; radio “doing excellent job” 14 O 86
Reaction to Molotov’s peace plan, Russian domi- Goat on yet ship in Bikini test s; white Paley urges improved Code of Standards; FCC
ition 22 Jl corpuscle count at zero 15 Jl chief supports 4 N 80
Berlin students on Russian control 5 Ag 33 Animal survivors of 3ikini tests studied at “Ted” Husing as disc jockey; records played,
On news of Goring’s suicide gO 3 Naval Research Center 16 S 100 p. 11 N 73
Great Britain RADIO tilly Rose suggests comedians use horse sense
On Labor
sab Government’s first of socialism See also Adv Radio; Televis 18 N 76
29 Jl 23 Crosby’s Hera Tribune radio column synd Mary Margaret McBride successful commercial;
PUBLIC UTILITIES cated; sample criticism 5 Ag 61 style, p. 2 D 80
See also Electric Power Crosby attacks unintelligent censorship; exam- Use of recordings; 43% programs transcribed;
Holding company deals of Victor Emanuel and ples of word, song change; NBC re es 19 Mary Howard key engineer 30 D 82
. C. Allyn 7 O 88 Ag 70 Bride and Groom: Crawtord sues ABC for pro
PUBLISHING Testing experimental anes by remote con- gram withdrawal 28 O 82
See also Newspapers; Magazines trol; technique 26 Carrington Playhouse: success as script contest
Macfadden ends 5-year no competition agr es
R. Denny Jr ad FCC; on radio’s 26 Ag 56 y
ent 12 Ag 69 ibility to public D 9¢ Fighting Senator: produced by Lou Cowan 12
lridge founds r Affairs; financing 26 Ag 47 Studio audiences favored; audience-participation Ag 69
Mrs. Garrett’s difficulties with staff, finances of shows S 86 Fun at Home: Minneapolis children’s programs
morrow magazine 16 S 77 Variety poll shows decline in audience appeal during polio epidemic 12 Ag 69
itice-Hall promotion stunts for novel The 9S 69 Arthur Godfrey, morning program; ridicules
Miracle of the Bellis 16 S 110 Webster’s The Unseen Audience, irtoon, { commercials; evening show Jalent Scout 2 S 87
Encyclopaedia Britannica plans 63-volume set of 9 S 69 Henry Morgan Show: satire on radio 16 S 48
Great Books 30 S 67 Schwerin System, reactocaster for audience test- Hit Parade: 90% to commercials; Will’s com-
Japanese best-seller yo Romance published ing, p. 23 S 69 ment 23 S 86
n Tokyo; U.S. foreign correspondent’s idea Cooperative Analysis of Broadcastir Inc. goes Leave It to the Girls: produced by Martha
8 O 56 mut of business, clients switch to Hooper 30 Rountree 29 Jl 54
British Annual Register oldest continuing pub S 98 Light of the World: Adam and Eve sequence
on (L) 4 N 11 Listeners tired of Sinatra fan screaming; Sina- likened to soap opera, actors, p. 16 D 96
»f-the-Month Club success; Scherman’s tra ends studio audience 9 D 9¢ Man and His Sin (Un Homme et Son Peche):
rol 11 N 90 Hooperatings inaccurate states Murcott; Hoop- popular serial in Quebec 23 S 69 ;
H Corp. new enterprise of Bob Hope 18 N 95 er’s reply 30 D 82 Man Called X: Peggy Webber new role in 5
Survey of 1946 books; sales high; books of 1919 Broadcasting Ag 61
D 108 ‘ Summer season; James Roosevelt to broadcast Meet the Press: Martha Rountree’s production
Penguin Books launches new translations of series 5 Ji Ce 29 Jl 54; Bilbo on 19 Ag 20
Classics; Odyssey, others; rivals in 25¢ book ABC plans chain of television and FM stations Music Halil de Paris: entertainers; studio audi-
Id 23 D 92 ence 23 D 64

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Quiz Down: Harve Fischman to M.C. 19 Ag 70 Annual revenue to increase by $1 billion; rail REFORM SCHOOLS See Schools—Reform
Radio Mikado: rev. 21 O 66 stocks up 16 D 92 REFUGEES
Sinatra ends studio audience; listeners tired of Freight D.P.s of 55 nations problem at end of UNRRA;
fan screaming 9 D 96 Rate increase of 6% 1 Jl 82 U.N. organization 19 Ag 31
Suspense: audience rating 9 S 69 Shortage of cars threatens transport crisis; Gov- Armenians transported in Russian ships, wel-
Talent Scout: Arthur Godfrey show 2 S 88 ernment acts 9 S 83 comedin Armenian S.S.R. 12 Ag 24
Third Program: BBC’s classics venture failure 1.C.C. grants 17.6% rate increase 16 D 92 China
4N 81 Argentina Child lost in flight from Singapore attack claimed
Twenty Questions: Van Deventer’s parlor game Argentine company to buy out $1 billion British at Guadalcanal by mother 9 S 38
quiz 15 Jl 60 railways in Argentina 30 S 42 Europe
Vox Pop: M. C. Parks Johnson on audience- Brazil Jewish orphan children cared for by Irish Jews
participation shows 2 S 86 Poor service, equipment, Don Pedro II Station on farm near Belfast 1 Jl 27
Script writers in Rio, p. 14 O 40 British halt illegal immigration to Palestine, to
Claude-Henri Grignon; French Canadian serial; China hold Jewish refugees on Cyprus; Russia aids
sketch 23 S 70 Communist, Nationalist strategy for control; 19 Ag 37
Stations fighting along Lunghai Railroad, map 2 S 26 47 Estonians and Finn in Miami are refused
KSTP Minneapolis fishing contest 22 Jl 75 Nationalists gain control Peiping-Chengteh rail- entry to U.S. 28 O 25
ABC plans national chain of television and FM road 23 S 34 U.N. Assembly approved International Refugee
stations 29 Jl 81 Great Britain Organization 23 D 25
California stations refuse air time to atheist 5 Nationalization program 29 Jl 23 Jewish Assembly attempts to land 3,854 in Pal-
Ag 58 Experiment with fog control devices 11 N 98 estine; deported to Cyprus 9 D 28
WABC call changed to WCBS; WEAF becomes Russia Poland
WNBC 7 O 83 American traveler describes rail trip; two-class Remnants of Jews flee country following Kielce
KOW gives atheist time; listeners protest 2 D 75 system 22 Jl 33 pogrom 22 Jl 36
WBAL Baltimore: Pearson and Allen ask FCC RAILWAYS, STREET Argentina to accept former Polish Corps mem
for license 30 S 96 Mayor of San Francisco raises fare 3¢; public bers 29 Jl 39
Transmission protest; Market St. Railway merger, p. 15 Russia
Army moon rocket experiment; to broadcast Jl 24 Aged man fearful of return to Russia 23 S 28
lunar conditions to earth 9 S 76 RAIMU (JULES MURAIRE) Rossia sails from Marseilles with 1,740 returr
Brazil Death of heart attack in France 30 S 84 ig to Russia 9 D 28
Foreigners forbidden to own stock in stations RAIN REHABILITATION See Social Welfare
30 S 40
Hits British harvest; crops ruined 23 S 30 REINHARDT, DJANGO
France In New England gives impression of cold sum- French jazz guitarist makes U.S. debut in
Radio Diffusion Francaise; program Music Hall mer 23 S 92 Cleveland 18 N 53
Paris; studio audience, entertainers, cartoon Heavy storms cause floods in San Antonio 7 O 26 REISNER, GEORGE A.
23 D 64 RAINEY, HOMER P. Willed detective story collection to Harvard
Great Britain : brary 9 D 62
Texas Democrats’ second choice for Governor;
State monopoly of BBC; Government defends; RELATIVITY See Physics
programs 15 Jl 60 ; ; C.1.0.-P.A.C., Negro support 5 Ag 26
Defeated by Beauford Jester in run-off primary RELIEF
BBC charter renewed under nationalization pro- See also Food Supply; United Nations Relief &
235 18
gram 29 Jl 23 Rehabilitati Administration
BBC monopoly; Ogilvie calls for other networks Named president of Stephens College, p. 2 D 71
RAKOSI, MATYAS Mackenzie King on need in Europe 1 Jl 38
12 Ag 70 U.S. rejects world Food Board plan allocating
BBC’s “Third Program” venture in classics Hungary’s Communist vice premier; seeks U.S.
surpluses to needy nations 11 N 31
failure 4 N 81 ‘¢ economic aid, p. 1 Jl 31
La Guardia proposes $400-million international
Winnick in U.S.; compares U.S. and British RAND, PAUL fund; State Department proposes food-short
broadcasting; disadvantages of BBC 9 D 96 Advertising artist; Thoughts on Design, rev. nations purchase from U.S. 25 N 33
BBC bans hypnotists from telecasting 30 D 82 sketch 23 D 48 U.N. Assembly’s Special Technical Committee t
RADIOACTIVITY RAND, SALLY survey needs; U.S. share reduced 23 D 25
Goat on target ship at Bikini dies from radiation Arrested twice in week in San Francisco; judge RELIGION
15 Jl 26 dismisses charges, p. 8 Jl 45 See also Rites and ceremonies
Uranium pile production of radioactive isotope Arrested in Los Angeles 11 N 49 See also individual churches; Christianity;
for research; precaution 12 Ag 53 RANGELY (COLO.) NEWS Churches; Religious Sects
Millicurie of radioactive carbon C-14 released Two sisters buy boom town paper 9 S 52 Dr. Morrison’s articles; urges united church;
for medical research 12 Ag 39 RANKIN, JOHN warns of Catholic threat 8 Jl 72
Destructive radiation; duration; safety measures; Votes in Tupelo, Miss.; fight with press photog- Protestant individualism, Catholic social con-
Geiger counter test, p. 19 Ag 90 rapher 23 S 66
cept in Man & Soctety in the New Testa-
Radioactive isotopes in treatment of hyperthy- Re-elected to Congress 15 Jl 25 ment, rev. 2 Ji 70
roidism, polycythemia, in cancer research 14 RAVENS
Roman Catholic position toward other creeds in
O 54 Mabel and Gripp disappear from Tower of Lon U.S. analyzed 29 Jl 56
Animal survivors of Bikini tests to be studied don; legend 7 O 32 Rev. Charles E. Park advocates “Bill of S;
radiation sickness 16 S 100 RAYTHEON CO. ual Rights” 29 Jl 56
Power-producing pile to yield high pressure Develops radarange for cooking 28 O 66 European priests, laymen make peace
steam for turbines; isotopes rushed to hospi- REACTOCASTER age to Vezelay, France, p. 29 Jl 56
tals for research; “‘tracers,” p. 28 O 65 Device to record radio audience reaction 23 S 69 Dr. George Hedley’s The Christian Heritage in
Radiation effects on biological mutations 11 N 96 READ, GRANTLY D. America; U.S. sectarianism 5 Ag 58
Employe sues Westinghouse, charges lung illness Childbirth Without Fear, rev. 22 Jl 88 Star Island ret ; pr im; services 12 Ag 75
from uranium radiation 9 D 26 READE, WALTER, SR. Philosophy of in Meeting of East and liest
Possible agent in formation of petroleum; tests Park Avenue Theater interest 11 N 90 rev. 12 Ag 96
with cyclotron 16 D 54 READER’S DIGEST Value of music in conveying religious message;
Ri im irradiation cures deafness caused by Paul de Kruif’s advice on new medical remedies Catholic radio programs 26 Ag 67
blocked Eustachian tube 30 D 49 condemned by A.M.A. Journal 29 Jl 82 History of orthodoxy emergence from Bible
TOR DIVISION Development in Flushing planned by Zecken- Rev. A. Powell Davies outstanding lil
Forced to accede to wage raise for recording mu- dorf; shopping center 19 Ag 82 “radical” theology 7 O 96
sicians 28 O 24 Mount Wilson for sale; broadcasting companies Moral laws basis of economic life, social reforms
Television market; sales 18 N 96 buy acreage 26 Ag 88 in “Declaration of Economic Justice” 28 O
RADIUM Horace Heidt’s success with West Coast deals Msgr. Knox on religion and civilization 4 N
Irradiation treatment for deafness 30 D 49 16 S 91 **Theological awakening” in U.S. observed by
RAEDER, ERICH Webb and Knapp plan New York East River Swiss neo-orthodox theologian, p. 18 N 74
Sentenced to life imprisonment by Nirnberg redevelopment 14 O 90
tribunal 7 O 30
Orton disapproves college courses in; speec
Option on New York East Side sold to Rocke- Columbia University Conference on Rel
RAGLAND, JOHN M. (“RAGS”) feller for U.N. site, p. 23 D 19 2 D 69
Death of 2 S 70
Westbury, L.I. Levitt development; sale price Protestant Ex-Navy Chaplain cites drama
RAGPICKERS to veterans, p. 23 D 83
Of Paris protest police order turbidding rum- Catholic ritual in emotional stress 9 D 74
maging in garbage cans, p. 30 D 22 RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE CORP. See Kierkegaard’s existential philosophy 16 D 62
RAILROADS under United States Marian Anderson expresses Negro Americans
Robert R. Young quits A.A.R.; withdraws RECORDER (LONDON) religious faith 30 D 59
three roads; protests practices, quoted 28 O 98 Reprints Lord Beaverbrook’s How to Win a Judaism
Hit by coal strike; layoffs 9 D 87 Fortune, jumps circulation 25 N 72 Rabbis usher in Rosh Hashana New Year wit
Accidents RECORDING prayer for refugee Jews, p. 7 O 94
Pennsylvania’s Golden Triangle crashes into oe ¥ new automatic teiephonograph device Belgium
wrecked freights; 19 dead 23 D 20 2y 68 Annual march to Calvary, in drama of Bib
Equipment Use in radio programs; Mary Howard engineer, episodes, p. 12 Ag 75
Pressed Steel Car Co. freight car production re- on defects 30 D 82 Chile
5%: Gi
covery 8 Jl 84 RECORDS See Phonographs and Phonograph Freethinkers, 75%; Catholics, 2
Bob Young’s campaign for modern sleeping cars; records ment bureau statistics 19 Ag 74
suggests pool, cartoon 5 Ag 79 RED CROSS China
Freight car shortage; effect of steel strike; hits “Operation Shamrock” brings German children Quentin Huang consecrated Episcopal bish«
steel production 5 Ag 82 to Eire 23 D 28 reward for war work 26 Ag 67
School cars of Ontario Government; converted Gift of shoes to Viennese boy, p. 30 D 13 Japan
rail coaches; teacher quarters, p. 2 S 34 Kagawa addresses Christian churches confe
British roads experiment with fog signals based ence; evange l program 1 Jl 8&8
on infra-red rays and supersonics 11 N 98 Acquitted of espionage charge, thanks jury for
fair trial, p. 29 Jl 19 Pu-yi states Hir to ordered him to Shinto-iz
Fares Manchukuo; mirror, sword symbols 2 S 23
Southern Pacific ad challenges airline slogan RED SINDHIS See Cattle
Jiwu cult of Buddhism; lifts ban on go gam
“It’s Cheaper by Air’? 2 S 80 REECE, B. CARROLL
30 S 56
Finance Sounds election keynote, scores radical influ- Latin America
Congress passes Wheeler-Reed bill; reorganizing ence in Democratic Party 26 Ag 18
Attitudes toward church going; many Cat}
bankrupt roads 12 Ag 84 * At )
Republican National Committee Dinner, in name only 19 Ag 74
Seek 25% rate increase; predict losses; 1946, quoted, p. 16 D 26
1919, chart 30 S 87 REESE, LOU Catholic-Protestant conflict; Protestant miss
Chicago, Aurora and Elgin reorganized; fiscal Pottery plant at Scio, O., gives $705,000 to aries murdered by Catholic Indians 9 S
position; considers liquidation 14 O 92 employes 30 D 17 Peru ;
Earnings reports show sharp drop; New York REEVES, ALBERT L., JR. 200th religious festival of Our Lord of Mira
Central in red 4 N 94 Elected to Congress, p. 18 N 27 cles; legend 28 O 44
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Russia Truman attacks Reece-Taft-Crawford program; RIBBENTROP, JOACHIM VON

Dr. Louie Newton gives report on tour, on Rus- Stassen’s plea for Republican Congress 7 O 21 Sentenced to death 7 O 30
sian Baptists 26 Ag 68 “New Neighborhood Market,” cartoon 21 O 24 Hanged at Niirnberg; last words 28 O 34
tA: Dr. Sockman reports visit to Russian Orthodox In Pennsylvania; Gov. Martin’s campaign for Drafted plan for Russia fourth member of Axis
Cathedral in Moscow 23 S 72 Senate seat; Penrose machine, cartoon 28 O 26 23 D 26
wel- Russian Orthodox prelates in Berlin investigate Prediction of control of House; gains in crucial RICE, CRAIG
church’s condition; Soviet policy; Moscow states 28 O 28 Covers William Heirens crime case in Chicago,
church, p. 21 O 50 Dewey’s campaign; Martin outlines program, re- p. 29 Jl 61
med Soviet liberates Archbishop Victor from Chinese moval of wartime controls, lower taxes 4 N 23 RICE, DANIEL F. AND CO.
jail; allegiance to Patriarch Alexei, p. 11 N 38 Lodge’s campaign for Senator from Massachu- Attempt to corner wartime rye market; hired by
RELIGIOUS BOOK CLUB setts; slogan ‘‘Had Enough?” 4 N 24 General Foods 23 S 83
Selection of Robert Graves’s King Jesus pro- 3ryan opposing Marcantonio in New York’s East RICE, GRANTLAND
tested 4 N 72 Harlem 4 N 25 Line-up for All-America football team 16 D 53
to RELIGIOUS CULTS Election victory analyzed; lineup in Congress, Comment on sports gambling fix 30 D 38
aids Brotherhood of the White Temple founded by p. 18 N 21 RICE
Dr. Doreal 16 S 70 Gubernatorial election victories 13 N 28
Father Divine’s Swiss “heaven” holds meetings Breaks Democrats’ big city machines; victories Philippine crop division settled in landlord-share-
14 O 58 in Chicago, Kansas City, New Jersey 18 N 29 cropper-Government conference 5 Ag 38
Theosophical Society, Madame Blavatsky in International reaction to election; British press
Shortage in Burma critical; Government policy
ugee protested 9 S 34
Priestess of the Occult, rev. 11 N 78 comments 18 N 31
Harvest in Japan removes fear of famine 8
Pal- RELIGIOUS DRAMA SOCIETY Congressional leaders prepare program; action O 42
Course at Sheffield City Training College; plays; on Bilbo 25 N 26
Martin Browne director 12 Ag 76 National Committee dinner in Washington;
RELIGIOUS ORDERS Reece on election verdict 16 D 26 Newspaper empire; founding; aats-Zeitus
ielce buys into Manchester Leader 25 N 70
Work of Maryknoll Fathers; conference; aim to Stassen announces candidacy for President; Van-
Christianize Japan 19 Ag 74 RIEU, E. V.
denberg says not a candidate 30 D 15
St. Vincent’s Benedictine monastery; founding; REPUBLIC STEEL CORP.
Translation Homer’s Odyssey in 25¢ edition
tradition 16 S 69 Court rules profits for stock holders, orders D 92
RELIGIOUS SECTS Girdler return $51,000 bonus 19 Ag 81
Pillar of Fire’s Alma White dies; founding, Buys Chicago plant fom WAA 30 D 74 Wins national pro tennis championship, 22
leadership of sect; son to carry on 8 Jl 73 RESCUES
Ji 49
The Christian Heritage in America, rev. 5 Ag 58 Veteran meets death in attempt to escue boy
Jehovah’s Witnesses hold conclave in Cleveland; in Yosemite Park 1
Scalp ringworm, cure; Hagerstown, Md. epi-
baptisms in Lake Erie, p. 19 Ag 24 demic traced to barbershops 30 S 78
Of survivors of Gander plane crash described,
eunion of “Orthodox” and “‘Hicksite’’ Quakers p. 30 S 44
at Philadelphia meeting; schism reviewed 18 Of plane crash survivors marooned on Alps
N 73 glaciers 2 D 30 U.S.-Mexican irrigation scheme 23 D 38
United Brethren and Evangelical Church merge RESEARCH
2D 75 See also individual sciences; Laboratories President of Chile dies; question of successor
8 Jl 38
REMINGTON, FREDERIC American Research and Development Corp.; pool
Leading Wild West illustrator; exhibit; sketch; of venture capit l by businessmen, educators,
drawings, r. 15 Jl 72 scientists 19 Ag 84
Veterans oust Democratic machine in Athens,
REMINGTON RAND INC. Of Smithsonian Institution 26 Ag 55
Tenn., gunfire; siege of jail, p. 12 Ag 20
“Vericon” new factory television system 14 O 93 In extra-atmospheric war weapons 2 S 52 RITES AND CEREMONIES
RENFRO DRUG CO. INC. Proposed science nter at Harvard, d. 23 S Bolivians attend High Mass for the dead in 1
United-Rexall Drug to buy Texas chain 1 Jl 82 Scientific foundation to study P acimic aré a in
ution; men kneel to Host 5 Ag 47
President on purchase by United-Rexall (L) 29 N 98 Rumored revival Black Mass in Milan; ritual
11 6 Bush reports on applied . basic
bi science; job of lescribed 5 Ag 60
RENOIR, PIERRE A, Joint Research and Development Board 23 Baptism of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Lake Erie,
Renoir Drawings, rev.; sketch of The Bathers, D 50 ] 19 Ag 24
r. 11 N 83 RESHEVSKY, SAMUEL Welsh Eisteddfod at Mountain Ash; Princess
RENT Wins U.S. chess championship in game with Elizabeth, p. 19 Ag 31
15% increase predicted; 35% boost in Des Ulvestad, p. 25 N 51 Gold Coast natives convicted of ritual murders,
Moines; New York State control 8 Jl 20 RESPIRATION, ARTIFICIAL seek appeals 26 Ag 31
Increases reported; efforts to force evictions Portable respirator, emergency substitute for Public baptism of prisoners at Mississippi per
15 Jl 19 n lung, p. 26 Ag 74 farm, p. 2 S 66
OPA’s proposed overall 15% increase 25 N 26 RESTAURANTS Election of “Black Pope,’’ General of the So-
RENTS AND PRIORITIES, OFFICE OF See Heidt’s business ventures, Beverly Hills Steak ciety of Jesus 23 S 73
under United States House, others 16 S 91 Japan’s Kannamesai thanksgiving 28 O 4.
REPARATIONS See World War II-—Peace— Canada Our Lord of Miracles procession in Lima; les
Terms In Montreal; tourists’ favorites, p. 5 Ag 40 28 O 44
REPIN, ILYA Parliamentary Restaurant reports silverware t priests propitiate gods, burn al
Ivan the Terrible and His Son, painting, r. 11 missing 2 S 34 1 abbot and priest 25 N 34
N 83 Germany mitive South American in The Indians
REPORTER (PERIODICAL) Munich tearooms; restaurants serve dinners in ial Tribes, rev.; ‘‘couvade’’ 23 D 50
Dr. Melish editor; pro-Russian stand 4 N 30 side rooms 7 O 32 besmen bury crippled alive, with belled
REPORTERS AND REPORTING See Press RESTON, JAMES goat; ceremony 30 D 23
REPRODUCTION Wallace credits with converting Vandenberg to RIVERA, DIEGO
Tecl — method to control sex; theory, diagram internationalism; denie N 69 Seeks reinstatement in Communist Party, p. 29
9 71 RETAIL STORES See Stores Jl 22
1g seasons’ in birds, animals; control by RETAIL TRADE Absent from Mexico’s National Art contest
artificial daylight 16 S$ 103 Trend after World War I and II, chart 8 Jl 81 protests slight to architecture 19 Ag 48
Fertility Clinic in Cleveland studies sterility Shift to buyers’ market; ury goods hit 4 N 89 ROADS
problem 7 O 53 Automatic vend rs; makers; grosses $500 million Inter-American Highway; U.S. aid; p ess
H. J. Muller discovers radiation causes muta- year 16 D 9 on, map 22 Jl 44
tion of genes 11 N 96 ‘ prices; bar sales; slump anticipated Alaskans demand better roads 2 § 18
Parthenogenesis in cancerous testes 16 D 74 0D Alaska Highway inspected by Canadian Arn
REPUBLICAN PARTY REYNOI tour “Operation North” 9 S 44
Stassen’s campaign wins Minnesota Senatorial Driberg’s « in on marriage of Princess Elizz Pictures Alaska Highway, released; still not
primary for Ednd Thye; Shipstead loses 2222 J1 19 beth draws jibes from Laborites; answer 23 open to tourists, p. 14 O 42
Gallup poll shows trend to support in presidential D In Alaska insulated against “permafrost” 4 N 6¢
election; Dewey preferred 29 Jl 16 RH FACTOR See Blood adaj agrees to duty-free transport of U.S
Charles S. Thomas starts reorganization in Los RETREATS goods on Alaskan Highway 11 N 43
Angeles County; appeal to middle income Star Island summ retreat of I tarians, Con ROBBERY
groups; Barcome aids 5 Ag 25 gregationalists; progr services 12 Ag 75 Beatrice Lillie loses sapphire keepsake from son
Republican poll on 1948 election 19 Ag 21 REUTHER, WALTER in London theft 14 O 44
Dewey stronger candidate than in 1942; boom Threatens to reopen wage neg¢ 15 Jl 19 Duchess of Windsor robbed of $80,000 of jew
t Donovan for Senate 19 Ag 22 Rallies Detroit consumers to OPA re- elry at Ednam Lodge 28 O 36
Primary results in West Virginia, M issouri, vival 29 Jl 14 William A. Nickel arrested for $800,000 em-
Kansas 19 Ag 2 REVLON PRODUCTS CORP. bezzlement at Merganthaler Linotype Co. 11
In Illinois; at St Fair; McCormick scores Ad npaign for Ultra Violet lipstick and nail N 27
eastern Republicans; on presidential candi- polish; financial success 23 S 90 Thugs hold up New York delicatessen store;
dates 26 Ag 17 REXALL DRUG CO. See United-Rexall Drug Ukrainian U.N. delegate shot; plot to rob
Ralph E. Flanders wins Vermont senatorial pri- REYNOLDS, MRS. ROBERT R. Ukrainian Church 2 D 29
mary 26 Ag 18 Death from overdose of ying pills 30 S 84 William F. Dick victim of hitchhiker holdup
McCarthy defeats LaFollette in Wisconsin sena- REYNOLDS INTERNATIONAL PEN CO. 2D 45
torial primary 26 Ag 18 Markets new Pocket Ball Pen at $5.85 15 Jl 86 Toronto taxi driver shot and killed resisting
Reece sounds election keynote; scores radical Rocket Pen; year’s profits; claims burlesqued in holdup 16 D 44
nfluence in Democratic party 26 Ag 18 Inkograph ad 16 S 90 ROBERT COLLEGE
Baldwin to run for U.S. Senator from Connecti- RHEUMATIC FEVER Leading Near East College; teachers sail to re-
( it; Clare B. Luce reaffirms plan to retire Johns Hopkins research; deceptive symptoms staff, p. 9 S 59
rom politics 26 Ag 19 Ji 88 ROBERTS, WALTER O. | ee
Mrs. St. George wins nomination for Congress RHINE, JOSEPH B. Reports on solar research in Rockies 18 N 78
; conte from New York’s 29th District; Ham Fish Psychic game Psychokinesis (PK); control of
support 2S 18
fall of dice 19 Ag 95
New York City primary: Senatorial Clay-Robertson plan for Germany’s economic ad-
Shinto-12 nomination RHODE ISLAND
battle, Donovan v. Drum 2 § 19 Democrat J. Howard McGrath elected governor ministration, p. 16 D 34
S 23
In Kansas evades issue of dry law repeal 9 S 26 18 N 26 ROBERTSON, NORMAN A.
go gam* Appointed Canada’s High Commissioner to Lon-
New York Saratoga Springs convention; renomi- RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS
nates Dewey; Ives for Senate 16 S 23 Scholar p fund; aim 1 Jl 64 don; sketch 16 S 40
eece sets slogan Democrats responsible for A.V.C.’s Bolte in first group chosen since 1939 ROBINSON, JACK R.
“Controls, Confusion, Corruption and Com- 23 D 44 Negro rookie of Brooklyn’s Montreal club;
_munism” 16 S 24 RHOADS, CORNELIUS P. sketch, p. 26 Ag 63
miss Connecticut nominates Baldwin for Senate, Mc- U.N. report on atomic energy possible cure for ROBINSON, SUGAR RAY
D> Conaughy for governor, Lodge for Congress- cancer 14 O 52 Bout with Servo, called off by Servo’s manager;
man 23 S 26 RHUBARB sketch, p. 16 S 82
of Mira Needs to gain 10 Senate seats to control; pros- Imported from Canada; Customs calls vegetable New welterweight champion; defeats Bell, p.
pects in 14 states, candidate, p. 7 O 24 at 50% duty 25 N 44 30 D 38
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

ROCHA, ANTONIO ROOT, RUSSELL W. Government parties victory; corruption; voters

Named chairman Pan-American Union 18 N 40 G.O.P. candidate for mayor of Chicago; career disfranchized 2 D 32
Gift of New York East Side area for U.N. site ROSE, BILLY Lennart Strand wins National A.A.U. mile 8 J]
23D 19 Offers editorial Pitching Horseshoes ads free to 58
ROCKEFELLER, NELSON press 15 Jl 50 Japan’s elderly athlete, record, p. 23 S 38
Sponsors American International Assn. for Eco- Calls for horse sense in radio programs in RUNYON, DAMON
nomic and Social Development; project in Pitching Horseshoes column 18 N 76 Divorced 1 Jl 70
Brazil, p. 25 N 42 ROSENBERG, ALFRED he career; writings; sketch, p. 23
ROCKET PEN See Fountain Pens Hanged at Nurnberg 28 O 34
V-4s: high-altitude magnetic; work of German Death of 29 Jl 86 In Sister Kenny, rev.; director of Kenny Foun-
scientists under Soviet 1 Jl 31 ROSENMAN, SAMUEL I. dation, p. 30 S 101
Test of German V-2 at White Sands, N.M.; fuel Truman names Clifford to replace 8 Jl 20 RUSSIA
19 Ag 92 ROSENTHAL, MORIZ Lippman attacks isolationism, superiority atti-
Reported over Swedish territory; from Baltic Death of; pupil of Liszt; weight-lifting prowess; tude 15 Jl 50
coast 19 Ag 36 sketch, p. 16 S 64 American traveler’s notes on train trip incidents
Chemical-fueled; V-2; German designs; defense 22 Jl 33
rocket GAPA, diagram 2 S 52 Tanna Tuva to join Soviet Union 26 Ag 31
Reports cancer cure with new KR solution;
U.S. Army plans moon experiment; radio -ta- experiment 8 Jl 63 Signs of weaknesses in Soviet system; purge for
tion to be rocketed to planet 9 S 76 incompetence 9 S 34
Progress in cancer research; KR, toxin, and
V-2 ins‘ruments measure cosmic rays 30 S 62 Varga warns Russians of encirclement by capi-
Interplanetary gliding space ship wredicted by
serum experiments, p. 30 D 50
talist countries, reactionary forces, cartoon 16
Herrick, diagram 21 O 60
Reports himself a drug addict, seeks cure at S 31
German V-2 project “E.W.”; scientists, blue Attention to internal affairs; Zdhanov’s cultural
prints seized by U.S. Army; at work at Fort U.S. Lexington hospital, p. 23 S 47 purge 9 D 30
Bliss, White Sands 9 D 70 ROSS, HAROLD
ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS Features Hersey’s report on Hiroshima in New Stalin orders respect for officers, Courts of
“Molly Mayfield’s” lovelorn column; slaps back Yorker; editorship, p. 9 S 50 Honor to guard rank; estimates of occupation
at Easterner’s criticism of Denver 2 S 48 ROSSIA (SHIP) forces 1 Jl 30
RODIN, AUGUSTE Sails from Marseilles with 1,740 refugees re- Zhukov command shifted; Communist organiza-
Drawings on view; Dancing, Flying, r. 21 O 65 turning to Russia 9 D 28 tion 29 Jl 29
RODRIGUEZ, JOSLILLO (LITTLE JOE) ROSTOW, WALT W. Stalin in direct command, General Bulganin first
Success as novice bullfighter in Mexico City, p. Becomes Harmsworth professor at Oxford; deputy 19 Ag 27
18 N 50 sketch, p. 7 O 78 Zhukov inspecting forces in Balkans; rumored
RODZINSKI, ARTUR Death of 21 O 96 Troops on foreign soil total 1,936,000, chart,
Sells Berkshire Hills farm, moves to escape ROTHERMERE, ESMOND C. HARMS- map 14 O 31
music lovers 19 Ag 45 WORTH, VISCOUNT Officers at Lenin’s tomb, p. 9 D 30
ROEDEAN SCHOOL See Schools -Great Brit ‘—- leftist Frank Owen on Daily Mail; 22 Awards
ain 60 Medal of Maternal Glory for bearing five or
ROGERS, WILL, JR. In Montreal; envies size of New York papers 4 more children 28 O 40
Campaign for Senate seat, p. 4 N 24 N 79 Donbas
Loses election; wires to Kenny 18 N 28 ROUAULT, GEORGES Recovery rate; UNRRA relief 14 O 36
ROGERSVILLE, TENN. Paintings in “Paris School’ exhibit; 75 years Cities and Towns
Students strike, demand more and better teach- old 1 Jl 73 Leningrad
ers 25 N 66 French court upholds claim to unfinished works Purge; writers barred for lack of ideology; mag-
ROGGE, 0. JOHN held by dealer’s heirs; self-portrait, r. 22 Jl 50 azines suspended 2 § 28
Speech on Nazi intrigue in U.S. politics used
secret report; fired 4 N 26 Moscow
Existentialist psychiatrist questioned in murder Attempts to forget postwar hardships in night-
of Francois Vintenon 2 S 25 club, p. 26 Ag 31
Escape in Passion, rev., p. 5 Ag 106 ROUNTREE, MARTHA
Criticizes writer’s status in U.S. 28 O 50 Austria’s diplomatic mission homeless, without
Success as radio program producer, p. 29 Jl 54 money 23 D 27
Initiated into French Academy 18 N 47
ROUNDUPS U.S. Embassy leaves front door unlocked; Soviet
Seventh October, rev. 2 D 116
61st Calgary Stampede; wild-cow milking con penalty for entering 22 Jl 27
ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Sce Catholic test, p. 22 Jl 40
Church, Roman Sukhum
ROWING German scientists installed in atomic research
ROME See lItaly—Cities and Towns
Cornell wins in Lake Washington race; Wash- laboratory 28 O 35
RONDON, CANDIDO ington third; Conibear stroke 1 Jl 68
Brazi'’s Indian expert; career 2 S 32 Constitution
ROXAS, MANUEL A. Stalin’s power in, chart 19 Ag 27
ROOSEVELT, ELLIOTT First President of Philippine Republic; Inde-
Pays fine for speeding; tribute to father’s lead- Crimea
pendence Day speech; war role; sketch, cov. Officials fired for failure to strengthen collective
ership 8 Jl 46 8 Jl 22
As He Saw It, rev. 7 O 108 farms; “‘autonomous” republic ends 2 S 28
Crushes revolt of Huks, settles crop division in Cultural conditions
Reports on Atlantic conference on Augusta 2
landlord-sharecropper conference 5 Ag 38 Kultura i Zhizn to foster political ideology in
5 19
ROYALTY arts; cinema called ‘“‘anti-historical” 15 Jl 34
Criticism of U.S. at Moscow reception; News- See also individual rulers
week publishes; denials 9 D 29 Rev. Louie Newton’s tour; sees Soviet opposed
News items on 12 Ag 40 to religious coercion 26 Ag 68
Criticisms of U.S. reported by ex-WAC 16 D 47 Ex-King Carol and Magda attend circus staged
RUOSEVELT, FRANKLIN D. “Bourgeois sentimentality” in magazine 9 S 33
by Brazilian Braganzas 23 S 42 Purge of intellectual front for relaxing ideology;
Exonerated of Pearl Harbor debacle in final re-
ROY, KUMAR OF BHOWAL periodicals, films suspended 14 O 35
port 29 Ji 15
Wins 25-year-old claim to Darjeeling estate; Russian Orthodox prelates investigate church;
New books on, by Elliott Roosevelt, others; left
no autobiography; Roosevelt papers in Hyde Soviet policy on religion 21 O 52
Park library 19 Ag 102
Pp. 12 Ag 25 Masses show sports enthusiasm; Soviet awards
Portrayed in Dinner at the White House, rev.; ROZNER, EDDY 4N 39
comment on Carol of Rumania, p. 2 S 94 State jazz Orchestra of White Russia 2 S 41 Zhdanov’s purge of writers, artists deviating
Magazine articles on; in Collier's; in Look 2S 19 ROZSA, MIKLOS from Party policy 9 D 30
Frances Perkins’ reminiscences of 23 S 25 Hollywood’s sound-track composer; sketch, p. 16 Diplomatic service
As He Saw It, by Elliott Roosevelt, rev.; with S 61 Final report on Canadian spy probe; 17 embassy
Stalin at Yalta, p. 7 O 108 RUARK, ROBERT C. officials recalled 29 Jl 34
Recording of speech in U.E.W. film 4 N 24 Criticizes humor in radio programs 7 O 83 Mikhail Sergeev new Ambassador to Argentina
McIntire’s close-up in White House Physician, Scripps-Howard column; crusades; sketch, p. 21 arrives in Rio 9 S 41
rev.; p. 4 N 114 O 58 Novikov subjected to routine immigration in
Portrayed in Tugwell’s Stricken Land, p. 30 RUBBER spection at New York airport; Embassy pro
D 84 World price for Far Eastern rubber; estimated tests 21 O 44
Estate U.S. import; U.S. synthetic rubber plants In Latin America to confer with Molotov; anti W
Second richest U.S. President; gross estate, shut down 1 Jl 84 American line 2 D 38
$1,940,999 7 O 26 Labor army of 18,000 in Brazil disappears; mis- Economic conditions
treatment 22 Jl 44
Memorials Government purge decree attacks private proj
Statue in London; Geiger protests standing posi- Ecuador signs deal with Argentina 9 S 41
Crude supplies ample; price drops; RFC deal erty movement on collective farms; food prices
tion, p. 25 N 46 tripled 30 S 29
with Netherlands 7 O 92
London’s statue raises protests 23 D 48 Signs of internal stress; shortages 4 N 36
Britain declares free market 18 N 94 Inflation, shortages, increased food prices
Argued for free expression in Economic and Zhdanov’s efforts to end grumbling 9 D 30
Production in I. G. Farben plant in Russian zone
Social Council 1 Jl 27 of Germany 22 Jl 34 Economic policy
And Fala spent night in Maine tourist cabin; Proposed sale of Government-owned butadiene Shortcomings of Five-Year plan; industria
hotel ruled against dog 5 Ag 51 and copolymer plants; cost of production; Port purge; failures in manufacture, food produc
Recovers from auto smashup; new teeth 26 Ag Neches plant, p. 12 Ag 79 tion, collective farms 2 S 28
38 RUBENS, PETER PAUL Action against monopoly of state stores; em
On refusal to run for public office; to keynote Antwerp home restored as museum; authenticity courages consumer cooperatives 25 N 39
Democratic Convention, p. 9 S 47 of paintings questioned; sketch; Self Por- Finances
62nd Birthday (Oct. 11), quoted 28 O 30 trait, r. 12 Ag 59 1946 budget; State income, family allotments 2
Answers news query on diet 28 O 50 RUESGA, DAVID, BISHOP O 39
Popularity as U.N. General Assembly delegate Protests murder of Protestant missionaries by Foreign policy
11 N 30 Catholic Indians in Mexico 9 S 80 Threat to use veto power to oppose U.N
Remark on Pastor Niemédller’s U.S. lecture RUHR See Germany—Ruhr majority will 1 Jl 27
tour; activities, My Day reader appeal; an- RUMANIA Molotov offers compromise Itale-Yugoslav con
swers gossip, p. 16 D 25 Groza postpones elections; U.S. correspondent trol for Trieste; agrees to territorial tran
ROOSEVELT, JAMES expelled for “misrepresenting” 8 Jl 31 fers; Byrnes protests veto position 8 Jl 27
In Democratic campaign in Washington, en- Bessarabia territory to Russia under Big Four Accedes to 21-nation peace conference; charge
dorses Hugh De Lacey 8 Jl 25 treaty draft; Dobruja to Bulgaria; regains with blocking peace 15 Jl 27
News commentator with California radio station, Transylvania, map 29 Jl 20 Conflict with West at Big Four session in Paris
p. 8 Jl 62 Maniu, Bratianu charge electoral lists favor cartoon 22 Jl 25
Elected Chairman of California Democratic Soviet-supported candidates; only 2% Com- Reparations, territorial gains in draft treaties
State Committee 29 Jl 17 munist 7 O 34 opposed free Danube proposal 29 Jl 20 Pol
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Looting of Manchuria’s industry 5 Ag 28 10th anniversary ot Constitution; Supreme SALAZAR, ANTONIO DE OLIVEIRA
Refuses U.S. otter tor international atomic con- Soviet’s actual power 16 D 37 Calls on Ex-Queen Maria José 1 Jl 30
trol, wants treaty to outlaw bomb, destroy Report Stalin named successors Molotov, Beria, Fascist control of Portugal; rise to power;
tockpiles 5 Ag 30 others 23 D 31 sketch, cov. 22 Jl 28
Russians aided passage of Jews to underground Industries Army officers’ plot to capture fails; anti-Salazar
19 Ag 37 Statistics falsified in effort to meet Five Year groups O 34
Stalls Paris Peace Conference; moves to bar Plan; Stalinogorsk Coal Trust 9 S 34 TiME story disapproved; magazine banned 4 N 18
France from treaty commissions on eastern Recovery progress in Ukraine, in Donbas; Ma- SALMON
Europe 26 Ag 22 keevka Steel Mills; Lend-Lease machinery 14 Fraser River run biggest in 4 years; record
Strategy on revision of Montreux Convention; O 39 catches, map 23 S 40
eeks control of Dardanelles, map 2 S 22 Political conditions SALTONSTALL, LEVERETT
Soviet aims in Germany; tactics 9 S 29 Industrial purge; Chechens and Tartars ex- Withdraws name from “‘sponsors” of American-
Bl at Paris Peace Conference; walkout on punged for Nazi collaboration 8 Jl 32 Soviet Friendship Council; letter 4 N 30
scussion of Greek claims; 10-point plan on Last enemies of civil war convicted 9 S 34 SALVADOR, EL
rrieste 23 S 29 Nationwide purge; unrest in Ural, riots in Guerrero invites heads of Central American
Manuilsky protests wall of votes against Soviet Ukraine; 10 to 15 million in jails, forced countries to discuss reunion 30 S 40
Union 23 S 30 labor camps 30 S 29 SALVAGING, MARINE
Wallace wants end of U.S. resistance to “‘se- Secret police British Elizabete and American Ranger battle
rity system’’; Soviet use of veto, territorial Kravchenko’s experiences in NKVD, in J Chose over cargo of damaged American Farmer;
tor xpansion 30 § 22 Freedom, rev. 8 Jl 102 salvage treaty 19 Ag 32
n’s peace talk 7 O 28 NKVD in Canadian espionage ring 29 Jl 34 SALZBURG Sce Austria
Methods of control of satellites 7 O 34 Name changes since 1917: CHEKA, GPU, SAMPSON COLLEGE
Niebuhr’s views on expansion drive 21 O 31 NKVD, now MGB (Ministry of State Se- New York State emergency college 2 S 64
Failure SED campaign in Germany 21 O 35 curity) 12 Ag 30 SAN ANTONIO, TEX.
Cc liatory line at opening of U.N. Assembly in MGB agent in UNNRA arrested 2 S 23 Rain storms cause floods; 6 killed, wn 5,000 home-
New York 4 N 31 Siberia less; Blue Bonnet Hotel lobby, p. 7 O 26
Isolationism, censorship policy on Soviet system World’s dest spot reported by Moscow radio SANDBURG, CARL
otested by Bevin 4 N 34 ) D 69 Birthplace restored; dedication as shrine 95 48
Stalin reasserts mild policy; Molotov ca Ils for Ukraine SANDERSON, IVAN T.
sarmament, collaboration 11 N 29 Purge of Party officials; schools to train new Animal Tales, rev. 21 O 114
Cooperation on Germany; lessens reparations de- leac rs 2 S 2825 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.
ands 11 N.31 U.N. delegate Manuilsky protests wall of votes Plot to oust Mayor Lapham; transit pr
O x Church as tool to implement policies against Soviet Union 23 S 30 ity’s culture; Golden Gate, p. 15 Jl 2
N37 Fischer concludes Harper’s articles; describes Mayor Lapham wins recall vote 29 |]
Zhdanov outlines peace policy 18 N 37 Communist lead ; UNRRA relief, indus- U.S. opera season starts 23 S 79
Concessions on Germany; reparations demand 2 tries, roads 14 O 36 U.N. delegation inspects offered site
Expansionism halted to improve internal condi- Death of Metropolitan Eulogius 19 Ag 77 In Pontiac, Mich. threatened by strike of mu-
tions 9 D 30 Dr. Sockman reports visit to Moscow Cathedral; nicipal employes 30 S ;
1940 negotiations with Germany; demands in ncomes of priests, bishops 23 S 72 SAN JUAN SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDI-
Middle East prevented Axis membership, map Emigré prelates investigate church; Soviet CINE See Schools—Medical
D 25 policy; crowded Moscow church, p. 21 O 50 SANTA FE, N.MEX.
Foreign relations Soviet rescues Archbishop Victor from Chinese Work of Medical Mi n Sisters to ré luce in
Brooks Atkinson on Soviet anti-foreign isolation- jail for Jap collaboration; allegiance to Patri fant and maternal death rate 9 D 53
sm 15 Jl arch Alexei 11 N 37 SAPORITI, PIERO
Scott reports session wit ecret police in RUSSIANS Time's correspondent ordered out of Portugal
Poland; foreign intervention policy defended 170 ¢ lian residents plan return to U.S.S.R., 4 N 18
mag- Ji 34 rest se to offer of citizenship 22 Jl 43 SARATOGA, N.Y.
Pravda attacks Atkinson’s re port 2 Jl 26 RUTHRAUFF AND RYAN, INC. Horse racing after years laps« United States
Mysterious missil Officers walk it, take key men, leading ac Hotel site a parking lot 19 Ag 64
nts Swedish cre¢ nts; form new agency of Sullivan, Stauffe: SARATOGA, U.S.S.
Extensions of ntrol spher to Dardanelles, Colwell at Bayles 2 S 78 Sunk in atomic bomb underwater test Ag 27
tern Mediterran in, Middle East opposed RYE SARBACHER, CAPTAIN GEORGE, JR.
by U.S., Britain 9 S 29 Wartime speculation: General Foods, Rice and Elected to Congre p.- 18 N 27
Alexandrov denounces press misinterpretation on
ton plan 4 N 34 In Stockholm; comment on rockets » 23
Attributes radio’s limitations to frequent show
SABIN, FLORENCE R. changes 14 O 8&¢
R en ent; ( propaganda
4) Crus igainst ¢ ido’s | t te; me SARTRE, JEAN-PAUL
vements, p. 28 O 3 Death without Burial, Respectful Prostitute
SABLON, JEAN pen in Paris; audience reaction 18 N 47
Honor Mont CBS Existentialism on decline in Paris 2 D 31
lective Play No-Evxit, rev. 9 D
8 R s let t ic iy censorship; SAILING Book Portrait of t {nti-Semite, rev., } D
ations Ag Bermu t ‘ t wins
jl 34

v’s Fin
> D
Cor 1 ( 1issiot ttle in- Ji
Ant £4 New t CCF’s James Gibson v by-election 8 Jl 4
pposed sermany H : 1 Wa Lew wins Profit on U.S. bond issue deal 29 J] 34
D ients re ] 140 plan to Axis; de \ New yearly $5-per-person tax t nance hospi
ISH sin M East 1 by H maj Int 1 t t Havar Fleit sets zation plan 7 O 44
eology; D world 1 ' n Hi hjJjI9D SATAN, DR. See Roumeguere, Pierre
‘hurch; M volt t Be anti-R i licy xter r lult study grouy inder Dr. ¢ ly; Dictionary f Curr t {meri sm Nex
N 5 sin Nov Scotia N 44 Words, Slan rev. 30 D 4
R tions; fact re vals; Red Army takes Stringf Barr t LV t \ lege Hang t Nirnbe last w oO
Rumania ST. GEORGE, MRS. KATHARINE Arabian-American Oil ( Jers . d,
( is policy in Rumania 7 O 34 Wins Repu n nomination for Congress; cam Socony buy 40 nterest; Ibn Sau ties
»mbassy Turkey I I Ham I support, } — 3 Di
Tu uneas ver Russia’s transport of Ar- lected to Congress, p. 18 N 27 SAVINGS
rgentina nians to Armenian S.S.R Turks to fight ’. GEORGE ASSOCIATION In U.S. $130 li only 1 in w salary
to hold Kars Ardahan 12 Ag 24 ‘ounded New York Protestant pol chap- br te.i Je Fa
tion im Russia demands joint control of Straits, right lait 1 | é
ssy pro to military bases in Turkey; Turks reject ST. GEORGE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Convalescing trom k amputation tim 1,
New tor Edward Mille col nity and
iV; antl W against Turkish milit lliance witl alt ts, J > N
U.S., Britain; million Turkish troops alerted ST. LAURENT, LOUIS 8. SAVO- ISLAND, BATTLE OF
O 28 Honors it I r in QO ec; Kir secks t Nav pens s n case los ot 4 cr sers;
fail f Allied commar a A t
te proj United ates i n Cabinet, D
E ‘ s U.S. tour, charges press dis- Heads Exterr s M V C SAVOY HOTEL »« Hote Great Britain
rd j
facts on Soviet; warning 8 Jl 51 Just Minist S 4 SAYAO, BALDWINA DE OLIVEIRA
\ t s Russia for Hungary’s economic ST. LOUIS, MO. (“BIDU”)
t, wers Sovict charges Ag 37 M t inior police; Gover Db ielly ings Pell t Me in Ric ec 1
< s Mess« tt et Argen Gabriella Besanzoni 1 Ag 5
Pr s Russia from ally t intagonist; op- Rece ft of P s Air Col S ¢ SCARECROWS :
s of Russian apy ement called war- ST. PATRICK’sS CATHEDRAL Native folk art in Japan; contest i Narita
rs 30 S Kepair Ww \ cost; a € Ne
W < reass I views prop against Yor ndmat S SCHACHT, HJALMAR
1 4 1 1 su S R U.N tior te I Acaquitted by Nurnberg tribunal 7 O
i Wallace row on U.S. 1 mn atomic Freed from Nirnberg prison, arrested by Ge
14 O 24 ST. PAUL, MINN. man police, p. 14 O 3
OU 1 efense, attack on Wallace’s theories Schooltea rs_ st lemand salary raises 9 SCHERMAN, HARRY
2108 D ¢ Book-of-the-Mont Clu 1cce N
R in ship Baku in Braz takes on coffee, Service of intercession for U.N. 28 O 36 Buys surplu t om Government; drying
S$; no imports for Latins; purchases from ST. PAUL’S SCHOOL 5S« School—Private process, p. 2 S 78
Pl trade treaty with Argentina; sends news- 100th anniversary of foundi by Father Wim- Suys control of Los Angel Ambassador Ho-
print cargo 9 S 41 mer; activities of monks 16 S 69 tel; other hotel holdings; sketch, p. 23 D 83
The Party, State, Army; tie-up with Stalin; Mother Cabrini anonized; first U.S. saint; Sings in Paris, explains wartime singing in
livisions; members, chart 19 Ag 27 canonization procedure, p. 15 Jl 74 Italy 1 Jl 60
me Soviet approves 1946 budget, criticizes SAKAMOTO, SOICHI SCHIRACH, BALDUR VON
. treaties xity of finance officials 28 O 39 Success with Hawaii Swim Club, protégés, p Sentenced to 20 years by Niirnberg tribunal
20 uro leaders; Zhdanov’s place in, p 9D 32 9 Tl 46 7 O 30

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

SCHISTOSOMIASIS , Japan Mayan Corn-God, p. 9 D 109

Plague in Egypt; caused by snail fluke; Bar- Makeshift class in bombed-out Hiroshima, p. Madism new form; Kosice’s creation, p. 16 D 38
low’s research; G.I.s infected in Philippines 15 Jl 38 London’s statue of F.D.R. raises protests; ™m,
9D 54 Hirohito inspects Kyomachi Primary School, p. Sculptor Dick’s comment 23 D 48
SCHLESINGER, ARTHUR M., SR. 18 N 83 Brandt-Erickson model for Churchill statue, p. m>
Learning How to Behave, rev. 9 D 116 Mrs. Vining reports on peers’ and peeresses’ 30 D 21
SCHLUMBOHN, PETER schools 9 D 64 Henry Moore British sculptor; New York ex-
Inventions: Tubadipdrip, Tempot, others; suc- Russia hibit; Reclining Figure, p. 30 D 40
cess with Chemex, p. 25 N 96 30 million children return to schools; textbooks SEAMEN’S UNION See Maritime Unions
SCHNEIRLA, THEODORE C. dated propaganda, passage on U.S. 16 S 75 SEARS, RONALD G.
Study of the army ant 2 § 52 Switzerland Ontario court voids youth’s murder conviction;
SCHOLARSHIPS See Education—Scholarships Pestalozzi Children’s Village training center for confession forced, p. 2 D 40
SCHOOL OF ADVANCED STUDIES orphaned refugees; model, p. 29 Jl 52
In U.S. zone in Germany; to train German SCHRAM, EMIL
Starts airborne merchandise delivery 15 J! 81
teachers 23 D 47 Offers 10% increase to Stock Exchange em-
SCHOOLS ployes; on threatened strike 18 N 96 SEASONS nm
“Friendship Boxes” for children in Europe, SCHULTZE, MARIE Mating seasons in birds, animals; control by arti-
Asia project in U.S. schools; sample letters Mission nurse wins Chilean award for baby ficial daylight 16 S 103
18 N 83 clinic, p. 26 Ag 67 SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER
; Aviation . ; ; SCHUMACHER, KURZ Royal Brougham sports editor honored by city;
Parks Air College: presented to St. Louis Uni- London press conference; urges German unity, column 30 D 52
versity; founding 2 S 63 p. 9 D 34 SEA WATER
Dramatic SCHWELLENSACH, LEWIS B. Blue color explained 18 N 80
American Theater Wing school; faculty; stu- Truman ignored advice; Johnson appointed to SECRET SOCIETIES
dents 22 Jl 66 take over administrative work, p. 19 Ag 20 Rumor of Milan ‘Demons’ practicing Black
Foreign Service SCHWENTKER, FRANCIS Mass 5 Ag 60
U. of Virginia’s Woodrow Wilson School of Directs rheumatic fever research campaign at SECRET WEAPONS See Arms Equipment
Foreign Service and International Affairs 19 Johns Hopkins, p. 22 Jl 88 SECURITIES
Ag 57 SCHWERIN, HORACE (“DOC”) States’ laws against savings banks buying World
Foreign Service Institute planned 26 Ag 17 System for radio audience reaction; sketch 23 Bank securities; Wisconsin’s action 16 D 94
American tute for Foreign Trade; “Thun- S 69 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMIS-
derbird (¢ ege’’; to train for Latin American SCIENCE SION See under United States
career 26 Ag 77 See also individual sciences; Atomic power SECURITY COUNCIL See under United Na
High OSRD liquidated; Army and Navy to carry on tions
In Chicago; N.A.C. threatens to disaccredit; basic research 8 Jl 77 SED See Germany—Political conditions
Johnson forced to resign 1 Jl 63 Philosophy of in The Meeting of East and West, SEGUR, HAROLD A.
Equivalency certificates substitute for diplomas; rev. 12 Ag 96 Orphan learns parentage at 58; Mrs. Mabel S
} ased on intelligence tests 29 Jl 52 Proposed research center at Harvard; Conant’s Greer mother, p. 2 D 26
Rogersville, Tenn. students strike for more and wartime activities 23 S 54 SELECTIVE SERVICE See United States
better teachers 25 N 66 Golden Age; Sir James Jean interpreter; popu- Armed services—Conscription
Indian larized science books 30 S 63 SELZNICK, DAVID O.
Reservation schools for Navajos; 20 of 50 closed Truman creates 12-man Presidential Research Forced out of United Artists Corp. by Chaplin,
during lormitory, p. 12 Ag 42 Board 28 O 24 Mary Pickford, p. 23 D 77
Kindergarten Bush reports emphasis on military aspects only SEMANTICS
Teacher e ng plan; London class, U.S. temporary 23 D 50 East-West clash on “equality,” “imperialism,”
class, p. D 47 Pacific Ocean Foundation to study area; spon- “slavery” 21 O 29
Law sors 11 N 98 SENATE See United States—Congress
w School forced to reject appli- Russia SENIN, I. 8S.
nt heavy 8 Jl 68 Report on subnuclear mesons at Academy of Vice chairman Ukraine’s Council; sketch 14 O 3¢
Medical Sciences 2 D 98 SENSORIALISM
San Juan S$ ol of Tropical Medicine; research SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, OFFICE OF See New cult in Paris; theory 2 D 31
on sprue scovery of remedy folic acid 12 under United States SERGEEV, MIKHAIL 7
Ag & SCIENTISTS New Russian Ambassador to Argentina 9 S 41
Femal nt increases; difficult to get in- Piccard plans expedition to explore ocean depths; SERUMS
ternships 16 D 74 bathysphere design, p. 8 Jl 77 KR solution developed by Russian doctors; can
Music Physicists meet in Chicago; report on nuclear cer cure tests 8 Jl 63
Tanglew Music Center reopened; sessions; research, neutrons experiments 8 Jl 78 Research progress in KR; cancer serum for
staff; students; financing, p. 22 Jl 56 Nuclear physicists report plans, develop new diagnosis 30 D 50
Negro machines 22 Jl 65 -RVANTS
Hall for girls; Mary Bethune’s leader- In film, Atomic Power; Conant, Bush, p. 12 Buckingham Palace domestics join Civil Serv:
students, p. 22 Jl 55 Ag 23 ants Union 7 O 31
Private Report to Baruch on atomic power for indus SERVO, MARTY
Western Reserve Academy, “Vale of the trial use 16 S 100 Calls off bout with Robinson; N.Y.A.C. takes
West”; Harvardman John Hallowell new Activities of Conant in two wars 23 S 54 away welterweight title 16 S 82
headmaster 2 S 63 Advisory board to U.S. Atomic Ener Com- SETON, ERNEST THOMPSON
Webb School of Tennessee: scholastic tradi- mission 23 D 19 ; Death in New Mexico; books, career, p. 4 N
tion; iron pedagogy of founder **‘Sawney” Physicists meet in New York; discuss ultra- SEWING MACHINES
I p. 16 S 75 nucleonics, the meson 30 S 62 Singer factory in Wittenberg “evacuated” t
Shang ai American School reopens; American Death of Sir James Jeans 30 S 63 U.S.S.R. 1 Jl 80
curriculum, sports; wartime use by Japs, by Germany SEX .
Marines, p. 30 S 67 Baron von Ardenne, 130 others seized by Rus- Boston radio features children’s education
St. Paul’s School: Dr. Nash new rector attacks sians, installed in laboratory at Sukhum 28 gram 15 Jl 62
“independent” school in address at Choate O 35 Gandhi on sexual continence, preparation
School 7 O 78 Captured V-2 scientists at work in U.S.; families public service 22 Jl 38
Cardigan Mountain School: for younger boys in to be brought to U.S. 9 D 67 Centrifuge method of controlling sex cl
Hampshire; “practical” education aim; SC1O, OHIO ; somes; sex cells of fruit fly, diag. 29 Jl 71
financing, p. 30 D 44 Lou Reese’s pottery plant Christmas bonuses SEYSS-INQUART, ARTHUR
Public 30 D 17 Sentenced to death 7 O 30
“Preventive psychiatry” program in Delaware SCLEROSIS, MULTIPLE See Multiple Sclero- SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM
schools 18 N 83 sis King Lear: Olivier’s London production ac Ita
Denver schools closed due to coal shortage; SCOTCH HIGHLANDERS claimed 7 O 56
school-of-the-air radio programs 9 D 62 Meet Greek highlanders of Athens Palace Hamlet in French, André Gide translator; pro
Student strikes on increase; issues; 1,200 in Guard, p. 4 N 39 duced in Paris 28 O 63
Jersey Cit Sapulpa, Okla. fathers break SCOTLAND
First folio Macbeth auctioned for $22,000
strike, use ‘‘woodshed tactics’ 30 D 44 N 49
Piobaireachd Society’s bagpipe competition 30
Reform S 70 Henry VIII produced by American Rep:
Colorado Industrial School for Boys: cruelties; Theater, rev. 18 N 64
boy with weak heart beaten 30 S 26; victim Petrillo declares Evan’s Hamlet a musical
Explains censorship of picture of murderer at
of flogging dies 7 O 98 large 14 O 79
D 47
Rural Macbeth, ill. by Dali; verse rev. 9 D 11:
1,700 in Iowa closed since 1941; teacher short-
Manchester Guardian celebrates 100th anniver- Schools—Private
age; 96,000 in U.S. 26 Ag 77
sary of birth 4 N 75 SHARP, MARGERY
Denver’s Opportunity School, achievement of SCOTT, ERNEST F. Britannia Mews, rev. 8 Jl 108
Emily G. Day 8 Jl 70 Man and Society in the New Testament, rev. SHAW, ARTIE
Canada career, p. 22 Jl 70 Wife divorces 4 N 100
Ontario Government’s schools in rail coaches; SCOTT, JOHN Marries Kathleen Winsor 11 N 49
circuit of isolated hamlets; teachers; equip- Reports arrest by Russian secret police in Po- SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD
ment, p. 25 34 land 15 Jl 34 90th birthday, visitors; epigrams, p. 5 A
China SCOTT, ROBERT H. Caesar and Cleopatra, film version, rev. 19 Ag 98
Shanghai An ierican School reopens, p. 30 S 67 Atheist petitions FCC to revoke licenses of radio Selected Novels, rev. 7 O 110
Denmark stations refusing air time 5 Ag 58 Comment on hanging of Nazi war criminals 14
“People’s High School” for adults 15 Jl 69 Atheist broadcast; excerpts; protests, p. 2 D 75 O 44
Germany SCRAP IRON See Iron Recovers from fall; on old age; p. 21 O 44
U.S. Military government school for German SCULPTURE Unable to attend Fabian Society jubilee; mes
girls; girl spies for Russians 12 Ag 30 Easter Island stone idol, p. 1 Jl 52 sage to 11 N 33
Berlin school for children of U.S. occupation Essen Madonna recovered from wartime hideout Refuses aid to evangelists’ school; comment ot
forces 21 O 95 in Germany, p. 29 Jl 66 Christianity D 45
U.S. mission reports on shortage of equipment, Cigar Store Squaw, painting of, r. 12 Ag 59 Androcles and the Lion produced by Americat
tea rs 28 O 85 Stones of Willkie Memorial in Rushville Ceme- Repertory Theatre, rev. 30 D 34
School of Advanced Studies planned for U.S. tery by Malvina Hoffman 14 O 28 SHAWCROSS, SIR HARTLEY
to train
German teachers 23 D 47 Life by Jack Bilbo; British woman emerging Attacks Russian proposals on troop inventories
Great Britain from blitz ruins, p. 14 O 34 abolition of bomb 9 D 27
School ‘“‘girls’ Eton’; Miss Tanner Statue of Franklin D. Roosevelt in London, Clash with Molotov; hastily worded resoi
stress to retire, p. 2 D 69 standit position protested, p. 25 N 46 causes furor, p. 23 D 24
Southfield Road Infants’ School gets U.S. teach- Nottingham alabasters recovered, on exhibit, p. SHEAFFER, WALTER
er on exchange plan, p. 23 D 47 2D 53 Death of 1 Jl 70
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)

SHEFFIELD CITY TRAINING COLLEGE Rossia sails from Marseilles with 1,740 refu- SKUM, NILS NILSSON
Course in religious drama 12 Ag 76 gees returning to Russia 9 D 28 Laplander’s drawings shown in New York;
SHEPARD, ODELL Yachts sketch 25 N 49
Holdfast Gaines rev. 18 N 109 Hitler’s Grille up for auction in Britain 19 Ag 45 SKY WRITING
SHERRILL, HENRY K., BISHOP 28 Star Class competition in Havana regatta; “Flying spectaculars” new advertising venture
Elected Presiding Bishop of Protestant Episco- Wench II sets world record 9 D 80 of Douglas Leigh 28 O 92
pal Convention; sketch, p. 30 S 83 SHIPSTEAD, HENRIK SLANG
Seeks home; proposes Church buy estate 7 O 94 Senatorial campaign; isolationist policy, p. 8 J1 25 American slang craze in Denmark, Japan; ex-
SHERROD, ROBERT amples; U.S.A.—Slang 30 D 42
Loses Minnesota primary to Ed Thye 22 Jl 19
Retells saga of Gilbert Islanders’ ocean canoe SLAUGHTER, ROGER C.
rip 29 Jl 32 SHIPWRECKS
on; American Farmer crippled in collision with Rid- Censured by Democrats, voted against Truman
SHINTO See Religion—Japan measures; sketch, p. 1 Jl 24
SHINWELL, EMANUEL dle off Land’s End, p. 19 Ag 32
Ti attacks renomination for Congress 29
Difficulties in coal nationalization program, p. SHOALS, ISLES OF 3
2S 24 Star Island retreat of Unitarians, Congrega- Truman repudiates, supports opposing candidate
SHIPBUILDING tionalists; history, services 12 Ag 75 Axtell 12 Ag 13
arti- Investigation of Maritime Commission’s war SHOCK Defeated in Missouri primary, cartoon 19 Ag 19
program; wasteful management charged 29 Equipment for electric and insulin shock in VA SLAV CONGRESS
yl 80 mental-hygiene clinic 19 Ag 68 In New York; hiss Truman, Byrnes; Soviet
SHIPPING Arterial blood transfusion; Page-Glasser experi- sends representatives, p. 30 S 31
Cunard White Star Line increase in first-class ments 18 N 68 SLEEP
fares; airlines’ competition 8 J1 82 SHOES British psychiatrist on too much sleep for babies
Congressional investigation of Maritime Com- Bata in Czechoslovakia protests nationalization; as cause of neuroses 21 O 49
mission; exorbitant charter fees 29 Jl 80 overseas plants, p. 15 Jl 84 SLEEPING CARS See Railroads—Equipment
lack merchant ship
Ips collide off Land’s End; Shortage hides and leathers; manufacturers de- SLOAN, ALFRED P. JR.
British, U.S. ships battle over salvage, p. 19 mand decontrol or price increase 19 Ag 89 3oston speech; on restricting labor unions’
Ag 32 Viennese boy gets new shoes for Christmas, p. power, p. 30 D 73
Maritime Commission seeks to sell liner Amer- 30 D 13 SLOBBOVIA, LOWER See Comic Strips
‘orld ica; postpones building luxury liners 16 S 94 SHOOTING STAR See Airplanes—Lockheed SLOT MACHINES
) 94 Queen Elizabeth reconditioned from war serv- P-80 See also Vending Machines
[1s- ice, p. 28 O 89 SHOR, TOOTS On Stralla’s gambling ship Lux, p. 19 Ag 23
Labor Boston newsmen blue-pencil name in columns SLOVAKIA See Czechoslovakia
Na N.M.U. strike threatens to paralyze Great Lakes 4 N 79 SMALL, JOHN
shipping 26 Ag 20 SHORLING, RALEIGH Reports on civilian production 8 Jl 81
New wage scale spells doom of Merchant Ma- Campaign for 12-point Bill of Rights for teach CPA report; statistics 9 S 83
rine (L) 2S 4 ers 5 Ag 75 oa to resign CPA post; may head new ORP
A.F.L. seamen in East and West Coast strike; SHORT, WALTER
block overseas relief shipments, p. 16 S 19 Charged with laxity in Pearl Harbor investiga- SMITH, H. ALLEN
A.F.L. seamen get wage boost by Government tion, final report 29 Jl 15 Rhubarb, rev. 5 Ag 108
maneuver et strike; N.M.U. strikes for SHOSTAKOVITCH, DMITRI SMITH, HAROLD D.
equal boost 23 S 23 U.S. premiére of Ninth Symphony at Tangle- Resigns as director of U.S. Budget to become
Strike ends; ships move 30 S 28 wood, p. 5 Ag 52 vice-president of World Bank; salary motive;
A.F.L. Masters, Mates and Pilots, C.1.0. Ma- Ninth Symphony held as lacking ideological letter 1 Jl 20
rine-Engineers, strike over union preference conviction; declines to conduct in Boston, p Resignation from World Bank bungled 30 D 78
in hiring 14 O 25 14 O 36 SMITH, HOLLAND M.
Canada SHOULDERS, HARRISON H. Retired at 64, rank of 4-star general 19 Ag 45
Government seizes strike-bound c: mpanies, oper New President of A.M.A.; advises doctors’ SMITH, LEATHEM D.
ates freighters 1 Jl 38 wives to propagandize against socialized medi- Drowned as sloop capsizes 1 Jl 70
O % Japan cine 15 Jl 92 SMITH, LILLIAN
Seamen’s Union strike ties up transport of re- SIAM Contracts fever in India; with food mission
patriates; MacArthur demands Government King assassinated, doctors’ verdict; Ph miphon 8 Jl 45
action 9 S 37 to study in Switzerland; royal family, p. 8 SMITH, MORTON (“CAPPY”)
S 41 SHIPS jl 35 Wins jumping championship at New York horse
See also Boats Applies for U.N. membership 19 Ag 30 show, p. 18 N 50
In atomic bomb test at Bikini; extent of dam- SIAM (SHIP) SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION
ages 8 Jl 22 French Navy minesweeper to hunt fish with Celebrates centennial; research 26 Ag 55
Five ships sunk in Bikini test 15 Jl 26 ADSIC 19 Ag 92 SMUGGLING
Navy research in nuclear-powe1 units 29 Jl 68 SIBERIA See Russia—Siberia Across French-Belgian frontier during strike of
In Bikini lagoon underwater atomic bomb test; SIKHS French Treasury employes 30 S 33
irkansas, Saratoga, Nagato s 5 Ag 27 In India’s Akali Party; punished for support- SMUTS, JAN CHRISTIAN
Photographed at Bikini underwater atomic bomb ing Congress Party candidate 19 Ag 36 Sponsors incorporation of South-West Africa in
st, p. 12 Ag 21 SILK Union of South Africa at U.N. session 4 N 32
iy Stralla’s gambling ship Lus off Los An-
Japanese developed new hybrid super-worms 11 Dual policies as champion of world order and
geles; water-taximen arrested, cust ners ma-
N 38 “white supremacy”; immigration campaign,
oned,- p. 19 Ag 23
SILVER p. 4 N 40
.S. ships sunk at Battle of Savo Island, map Visits White House 9 D 24
Silver Bloc pushes bill through Congress to
19 Ag 25 boost price 29 Jl 75 SMYTHE, CONN
ter Marvita floating polling booth tor Labra- Management of Toronto Maple Leafs; sketch,
Canadian Mines reopened in 3ritish Columbia,
yr’s first election 19 Ag 38 at Cobalt, Ont. 19 Ag 38 » 25 N 50
Scrubbing of radioactive deck ineffective, p.
19 Ag 90
Bookkeeping service by mail, Accounting Corp British Snail-Watching Society; snail’s habits,
280 ships to be scrapped; escort carriers, mer- of America 25 N 94 reproductive mechanism 16 § 32
chant ships at Baltimore dock, p. 2 S 84
SIMEON II, KING OF BULGARIA Produce flukes, cause of schistomiasis; exter-
Christenings: Mead Committee investigates ship Reign ends; mor hy voted out; to join Victor mination program in Egypt 9 D 54
builders’ gifts to christeners, p. 23 S 26
Emmanuel in pt 23 S 32 SNEAD, SAMMY
Linda arrives in Miami with 18 Estonian refu SIMMONS, ERNEST J. Wins British Open golf championship at St.
gees 7 O 27 Andrews 15 Jl 58
Leo Tolstoy, rev. 2 D 109
Pacific Explorer, U.S. floating fish cannery 4 SNIPES, ALLEN
N 90 Students organize ministry service for Meth A.P. photographer loses pictures in bouts with
British ships fired on, crippled by mines in odist churches 23 D 70 Rankin at polls, with officers at football game
Italian Lugano floating fair at Rio docks 23 D 38 SINATRA, FRANK 23 S 66
Strait of Corfu 25 N 32
Quarrel with wife; seen at party with Lana SNITD, FRED, JR.
Aircraft carriers
Turner 21 O 44 Polio victim’s tenth year in iron lung; interests;
Franklin D. Roosevelt, off Mt. Vesuvius; to
Reconciliation with wife 4 N 49 family, p. 18 N 68
move to Piraeus after Greek plebiscite, p. Ends studio audience and fan screaming; fans’ SNOW
9S 21 ten commandments 9 D 96 3lizzard in Colorado threatens cattle; rescue
Freighters Threatens Columnist Erskin Johnson 16 D 47 operations 25 N 27.
American Farmer crippled in llision; British SINCLAIR, MAY Experiment with dry-ice pellets in clouds to
Elizabete, American Ranger battle over sal- Death of 25 N 100 cause snowstorms 25 N 57
vage 19 Ag 32 SINCLAIR, UPTON Record storm hits western Canada 2 D 40
Russian Baku Brazil, first since 1917; takes Libel suit against publishers of Dragon Harvest SNYDER, JOHN W.
on coffee, hides 2 S 31 18 N 47 Place in Truman’s Kitchen Cabinet, p. 12 Ag 18
Liners SINGERS See Musicians Singers Predicts $1.9 billion budget deficit 21 O 25
Maritime Commission seeks to sell America; SINUSITIS SOAP
postpones building luxury liners 16 S 94 Penicillin aerosol spray in tre tment of 26 Ag Tallow supply low; Procter and Gamble predict
Normandie sold for scrap 14 O 93 SIQUEIROS, DAVID A. shortage 23 S 83
Queen Elizabeth makes maiden commercial voy Paintings shown at Mexico's Nat nal Art con- Shortage acute 21 O 85
age, p. 28 O 89 test; lf-Portrait, r. 19 Ag < SOARES, MACEDO
Normandie at Port Newark for scrapping; sold SITWELL, EDITH Engineer of Brazil’s Volta Redonda steel plant
to junkman for $161,600, p. 9 D 87 Fanfare for Elizabet 21 O 40
French Navy’s Siam; project to hunt fish with Attends Van Mook’s banquet to celebrate truce Directing Toronto bridge tournament, refuses
ADSIC 19 Ag 92 28 O 40 entry to Negro player 16 D 42
Submarines Role of Prime Minister of Indonesia; sketch, p. SOCIAL CREDIT See Canada—Political condi
Bathysphere designed by Piccard 8 Jl 77 23 D 33 tions
U.S.S. Skate destroyed in atomic bomb test, p. SKATING SOCIAL INSURANCE See Insurance—Social
16 Jl 26 Success of ice shows; Icetime, rev., p. 1 Jl 50 SOCIALISM
Nazi U-2513 with Schnorkel device U.S. war Montreal’s Mayor Houde skating with children, “Declaration of Economic Justice” of U.S.
prize; President on test dive 2 D 21 p. 5 Ag 44 Protestants, Catholics, Jews 28 O 72
Transports SKELTON, ROBERT L. France
Haviva Reik carrying illegal Jewish immigrants, New editor of London's News of the World; Party split; left wing protests Blum’s anti
seized by British at Haifa, p. 1 Jl 30 career, p. 2 D 63 Communism 9 § 33
Marine Lynx held up by strike; China-bound SKIN DISEASES Dying party; lacks dynamism 11 N
_ missionaries delayed 23 S 72 Yaws prevalent in Haiti; treatment 2 D 48 Great Britain
Jewish Assembly attempts to land refugees in SKOURAS, CHARLES P. Tories campaign to discredit Government; Mac-
Palestine; captured by British destroyers 9 Bought stock in National Theatres under incen- Millan states opposition 8 Jl 29
D 28 tive plan, offers resale, p. 19 Ag 81 First year program; public attitude 29 Jl 23

Vol. XLVIII [INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Victory in municipal elections 11 N 33 SOUTH AFRICA, UNION OF SQUATTER MOVEMENT See Housing
Fabian Society celebrates 60th jubilee; doctrine India protests to U.N., charges racial discrimi- STADNIK, GREGORY
f gradual revolution 11 N 33 nation laws covering Indian nationals 1 Jl 32 Ukrainian U.N. delegate shot in New York deli-
Italy Government to drive wild animals into reserve catessen store holdup, p. 2 T) 29
Join Communists in pact for ‘unity of action” to end tsetse fly menace 5 Ag 70 STALIN, JOSEPH
11 N 32 Smuts sponsors incorporation of South-West New Army regulations, orders respect for officers
SOCIALIST UNITY PARTY See Germany- Africa, at U.N. session; calls persecution of 1 Jl 30
Political conditions Indian minority “interhal affair” 4 N 32 Image in vase, p. 8 Jl 32
SOCIALIZED MEDICINE See Medicine—So Blacks oppose South-West Africa merger; op- Holds reins of Party, State, Army; personal
cialized pressive treatment; miners’ strike crushed 4 secretariat chief, Poskrebyshev, chart 19 Ag 27
SOCIAL SECURITY See Insurance—Social N 40 Peace talk answer to Werth’s questions; asserts
SOCIAL WELFARE 19 nations denounce plan to annex South West ae real danger of war; on atomic bomb, p. 7
Work for down-and-outers at Episcopal Cathe- Africa; native representation 25 N 31 28
dral in Chicago 28 O 72 U.N. Assembly action on India’s charges of Powers curtailed, say Martel, Laski 28 O 40
Louisville Committee on Institutions works for discrimination; refused annexation of South Reasserts mild international policy, answers
penal, health, child care reforms 23 D 68 West Africa 23 D 24 questions by U.P.’s Hugh Baillie 11 N 29
SOCIETY SOUTH AMERICA Absent from Moscow on Revolution anniversat
Socialites dropped from 1947 New York Social See also individual countries at Black Sea resort for health 18 N 37
Register, listed, p. 16 D 28 Perén’s idea of Bloque Austral weakened; demo- 1940 correspondence with Ribbentrop 23 D 26
Argentina cratic trend 9 S 41 Reported victim of angina pectoris, chooses suc
Peron moves in on Sociedad Rural 22 Jl 44 Springtime; conditions in various countries; cessors before death D 31
Germany map 11 N 40 67th birthday; Elliott Roosevelt’s visit; 1} )
Frau Géring, other wives of Niirnberg defend- SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD scope, p. 30 D 22
ants give partics; U.S. officers attend 5 Ag 33 Challenges airline slogan “‘It’s Cheaper by Air” STAMPS Sce Postage Stamps
Elects Belgian Father Janssens General; election Sherrod retells saga of native’s canoe trip to Holdings in Arabian-American Oil Co.; brings
ceremony of “Black Pope” 23 S 73 escape Japanese 29 Jl 30 in Jersey Standard, Socony 23 D 77
Negroes, who pass as white; mulatto families Jan ( Smuts sponsors incorporation in South Bayonne laboratory cat Minnie, dies; on pa ll
12 Ag 54 African Union at U.N. session 4 N 32 as ratter; son Esso, Jr. fills job 30 S 94
SOCKEYE SALMON Sce Salmon Merger opposed by blacks 4 N 40 STANFORD UNIVERSITY
SOCKMAN, RALPH W. SOWJETISCHE INDUSTRIE A.G. Professors Guerard, Addis to retire 15 Jl 69
Reports on religion in Russia 23 S 72 German cartel organized by Russians; Resnikov STANLEY, SIBYL, LADY
SOCONY-VACUUM OIL CO. heads 13 trusts 26 Ag 23 Fined for evading restriction on eign s{ 1
Buys into Arabian-American Oil Co. 23 D 7/ SOYBEANS ing 9 S 32
SOEKAKNO Ford’s discovery, research; projects discon STANLEY, WENDELL M.
Aloof from Sjharir’s negotiations with the
tinued; plant sold to Soybrands, Inc. 4 N 98 Wins quarter of Nobel chemistry prize for virus
Dutch, p. 28 O 40 ; research, p. 25 N 56
Power in Indonesia; pact with Dutch govern SPAAK, PAUL-HENRI
On unfair voting rules on small nations 12 Ag Nobel Prize from King Gustav, p. 23> D 50
ment; sketch, cov. 23 D 31
Bennett warns of erosion danger; conservation
Happy over U.N. progress; holiday greetings to Press tour report on Russian zone in Germany
rusade; contour
plowing, p. 14 O 80 Americans 30 D 32 22 Jl 34
Aleman’s soil study
program tor Mexico 23 D 38 SPACE SHIPS STAR ISLAND
SOKOLOVSKY, VASSILI Gliding ships for interplanetary travel predicted New Hampshire at of Unitarians, (¢ re
Made Marshal of the Soviet Union; against in Herrick, chart 21 O 60 gationalists 12 Ag 75
vestigation of Russian zone 1 Jl 30 SPAIN STAR OF LISBON See Lo« ed
Orders mass deportation of German labor to Gromyko vetoes plan for General Assembly dis- Constellation
Russia, p. 4 N 36 cussion 1 Jl 27 STARS
SOLOMON ISLANDS Government’s bathing beach modesty campaign Galaxies’ nuclei, clusters; tudic th
Guadalcanal 19 Ag 3 infra-red light; measurement; star clots
Battle of Savo Island: Navy opens books; ships I.T.&T. weathered Civil war, sale of subsidiary Milky Way, p. 23 S 92
lost, map 19 Ag 24 to Franco Government 16 S 97 STARVATION See Malnutrition
SOMERVELL, BREHION B. Franco celebrates 10th anniversary of rise to STASSEN, HAROLD
Charged with mismanagement of Canol Project power 14 O 35 Addresses Federation of Women’s Clubs 1 J! 24
y + Trygve Lie calls for U.N. action; Arce defends Directs Ed Thye’s campaign 8 Jl
SOMOZA, ANASTASIO Franco 4 N 3 “Paul Revere’s Ride’’ campaign in Minnesota
N raguan dictator continues in power; public Guernica rebuilding complete; honors Franco 22 Jl 19
vorks8 Jl 36 4N 36 Announces candidacy for G.O.P.’
In Boston; control of Nicaraguan government Argentine purchase of Spanish bonds to promote nomination, p. 30 D 15
from sickbed 23 S 38 trade 11 N 40 STATE DEPARTMENT Sce United Stat
SONAR Franco claims Communist Party’s central com- STATISTICS
Fog signal device; British railroads experiment mittee bagged in Madrid conspiracy 18 N 37 See also Vital Statistics
l N 98 U.N. Assembly discussion on Franco regime 9 Nathan report on wages, profits; ecor 1ists find SS]
SONGS oa . aa flaws 23 D 17
See also National anthems Spanish Embassy and Spanish exiles in Buenos STATUES
U.S. popular favorites’ influence in postwar Aires clash over return of body of De Falla See also Sculpture
world; Russian song 29 Jl 21 to Spain 9 D 42 Essen Madonna rescued from hideout in Ger-
ldios, Pampa Mia; tango hit in Rio 9 S 96 U.N. Assembly action on 23 D 24 many, p. 29 Jl 66
Marching song for U.S. MPs in Berlin 25 N 46 Economic deterioration; high food prices; Madrid Of Roosevelt in London; standing position pro
Hloa Carmichael’s hit songs 25 N 85 demonstration against U.N., p. 30 D 21 tested, p. 25 N 46
By little known composers, on Janet Fairbank Barea’s Forging of a Rebel, rev. 30 D 88 Protests on Roosevelt statue; sculptor’s answer
programs Ili¢ D U SPASTICS 23 D 48
Negro spirituals; Marion Anderson’s singing Victims of cerebral palsy; Dr. Ka bat’s clinic, p Of Churchill holding cigar, proposed as Dover
ce A n 30 D € 5 Ag 55 war memorial; model, p. 30 D 21
Cind popularity, radio contest 1 Jl 60 SPEER, ALBERT
Varyaret: Herbie Fields’ song to Margaret Tru- French Government offers t r e { or
Nazi sentenced to 20 years 7 O 30
man 5 Ag ( municipal bond swindle 26 A
Stone Cold Dead: Calypso hit by Houdini 26 SPENDER, STEPHEN STEEL
European Witness, rev. p. 23 D 97 U Steel buys Geneva plant
\g 61
l e O’Grad Songwriter Nugent loses SPENDING Coast monopoly 1 Jl 78
t against 20th Century-Fox 12 Ag 40 Consumers spend $12 6 billion a year 14 O 23 Carnegie-Illinois buys Government-ow1 ts
ich His Own: N 1 hit ft Evans and SPIES, TOM D. in Pennsylvania 8 Jl 88
I ngston; sung by Eddie Howard 23 S 79 Research in sprue, other deficiency diseases; Industry cautious on price rises I
| s, Who'll Buy My Violets? sc in Rev sketch, p. 12 Ag Production 90.5% of capacity; hit by tr t «
umpai S 90 SPIES See Espiona; shortage 5
Wi Vake Il to Me new hit; Heifetz SPIRITUALS Sce M Negro Shortage of scrap shuts down furna
vealed s writer
21 O 83 SPIRITUALISM yield 700,000 tons S 84
SONNETT, JOHN Priestess of the O it, rev., Madame Blavatsky; Shortage curtails industrial produ
P itic n Lewis ntempt trial; etch, p. doctrine; followers 11 N 78 strikes 14 O 89
D Earnings reports; Republic and U.S. St
Theor n star clots S 94 up 4 N 94
On Cait cri 1 jl 3 Companies absorb inc rease in pri ot
SORRELL, HERBERT K. line on prices
( { f wins wage-and-hour de s for hed y M len Publications; Heyn,
Pr iction slump, 9 D 87
H t-production workers 15 Jl 8¢ Loss of million t igh coal st ‘
I i I of Stud Unions; strike at SPORTS n 87
\\ M-G-M; sketch, p. 7 O 22 See also individual sports, e.g. Baseball Pr icts es rise ap si 0D
SOROBAN 5S \ s British pigeon race w fights in & s Alps Cor ited Steel Corp. ac s
SOUND-TRACK MUSIC See Mu Moving revived <9 Ji
for to West Coast subsidia 0D
Pict Gamblin scandal; bribery; Grantland Rice Repub! Steel Cory ys Chica |
SOUND WAVES mes colleges 30 D 38 WAA 30 D 74
I t t t peed; theory 21 O 6 Australia Brazil
SOUTH Publ enthu ss pitality t S. Davis Volta R nda’s official opening; work
Neg vet S sev- ( tear I Ashe ‘ et mat D 37 1 ore, Coal y 21 O 40
ent ! leath in thr week 6 Ag 21 Russia Canada
A.F.L.-C.1.0. fight to unionize; Oak Ridge { ! I mot 1 riyv ° awa i Strih threatens; Government §s r
workers lack interest 2 § 19 for athletic skill; futbal game; song 4 N 39 raises > formula 22 Jl 40
H t Cart charges North’s irnalistic SPRING Strike national disaster; deadlock on w
meddlit fosters racial idice N 24 In Southern Hem ere; reports countries Io 4
Columbians new white supremacy group in Geor 11 N 40 luction bottleneck due to steel strike t
gia; Atlanta monstration, 11 N SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN S 41
Protestants tace problem of race discrimination Closed down in |. T. U.-Guild jut ictional dis- End of strike; Government raises offer t
in churche iD 73 pute 14 O 7: hour; umion accepts 7 O 40
U.S. financial interests form company to pro- Symptoms; prevalent in Puerto Rico; folic acid Nationalization plan before Parliament 29
mote industt gold mining 26 Ag 90 remedy Industry fights nationalization > 4
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)
STEELE, WILBUR D. Kaiser-Fraser deal with Graham-Paige; Graham Truck drivers strike in New York, block non-
est Stories rev. 29 Jl 96 to get 750,000 shares of K-F 23 D 78 strikers, threaten food supply; United Parcel
Place in Truman's Kitchen Cabinet; power over Chicago’s Union Stockyards, between free mar- A.F.L. seamen get wage boost, ends strike;
itional economy, p. 12 Ag 17
ket and new ceilings; prices 2 S 77 N.M.U. strikes for equal boost 23 S 23
Ruling on rates for seamen, p. 23 S 23
STOKE-ON-TRENT See Great Britain Cities Los Angeles Herald & Express strike of C.1.O
OWMR report on U.S. employment, production, newspaper Guild S 63
come 14 O 23 and wns
STOLL, GEORGE W. Truck drivers’ strike freezes newsprint supply
sonal STEEN, MARGUERITE to New York dailies 23 S 66
Novel Bell Timson, rev. 12 Ag 96 Organizes Louisville Committee on Institutions,
\g 27 Pontiac, Mich. municipal workers; threatens
STEIN, GERTRUDE work for prison reform, p. 23 D 68
serts sanitation; politics 30 S 27
On G.I. behavior, quoted 29 Jl 40 STORES
Sears Roebuck starts airborne delivery from
Maritime strike ends 30 S 28
Death of; sketch 5 Ag 87
wste and Willie, rev.; in Army chow warehouses 15 Jl 81 Warner, M-G-M studios picketed by C.S.U.;
line, p. dispute with I.A.T.S.E.; picket line brawls, p
10 WAA “department” store for sale surpluses to 7 O 22
Bequeaths Picasso portrait to Metropolitan Mu veterans 30 S 90
Shift to buyers market; prepare for slow down
At Pittsburgh’s Duquesne Light Co.; demands;
seum of Art; book Picasso, p. 26 Ag 42 Mayor gets out court injunction; sympathy
strikes 7 O 23
Scandinavian trip 11 N 49 Countess Mara exclusive necktie shop; customers
Violence on labor front maritime officers’
strike, p. 14 O 25
Toscanini favorite, conductor San Francisco Pr cut; bargain sales 30 D 73
On Chicago, Aurora and Elgin Railroad 14 O 92
Opera; career, p. 23 S 80 Prices on furs cut; buying rush ends 30 D 74
Butcher shops Maritime unions picket New York Times to pro
test Baldwin's column attacking stril 10 57
Attacks Bradley on limit n of veterans on-the 6,0 lose
) d to meat tamine; ( ncinnati
Pittsburgh power strike ends; $400 million
tr nin I i4 UO features Mary leading lamb, p. 30 S 27
in wages, lost isiness 28 ©
United-Rexall to buy Renfro chain in Texas;
T.W.A. Ipilots ‘ wag S|pute 28 O 25
I ap Alexander H tephens, rev. 16
S 112 T.W.A. strike: Frye lays off 1 5,000; jobless
STEPHENS COLLEGE Dart’s management 1 Jl 82
picket pilots’ houses, p. 4 N 29
D Wood to retire as president; Homer P. Kroger food chain attempts to hold price line
U.M.W. mass picketing of Allis-Chalmers Wis-
Rair es t I n hon king?
consin plant provokes riot, p. 11 N 25
lectior t nts, p. “D 70 Court rules A. & P. a monopoly; purchase, dis-
Publisher of Philadelphia Record and Camden
STEPINAC, ALOY SIUS, ARCHBISHOP tribution method 30 S 90
(N.J.) Inquirer resists Guild threats; editors
69 ted t lit tatorship; Department publish papers 18 N 54
tcl 5 + Cl s Boston Store ld to Alder syndicate
New York Stock Exchange emp! es threaten
I I Zz s 1 cx n ot mer lising | c ) Jl 78 P strike 18 N 96
bs; Vatica llies protest 14 O Pitts s Kaufman r « t May Co
Lewis serves notice on end of Kru wis con
Sentenced to | ars 21 O 36 Ag 86
tract; Government injunction; 000 miners
STERILITY Buyers | test | 1prices; lu t4N walk out N 23
Fertility Clinic in Cleveland studies problem; Students strike in Rogersvill lent demand
if s {)
Gu challenges Ma s more and better teachers N 66
STERN, J. DAVID r I wsp rs re t G i 8
Re ts Newspaper Guild wage cam; n against Ma (a l « ete i ‘ poin
T.W.A. pilots’ stril ends in tru ss in
pers; protests threat tactics, p. 18 N 54 revenue, wages 25 N
RN GANG Sce Jews—Palesti Coal strike; Lewis protests injunction, ordered
rTINIUS, EDWARD RK., JR. to trial D 19
Named rector of Univ ty of Virginia; sketch, Japan Miners’ reaction to coal strike in Bentleyville,
p. 19 Ag 57 uidates control; Tokyo store, 1 Pa. 2 D 20
STETSON, JOHN B., CO. Coal strike; operators Administra fine miners
Buys out Mallory Hat Co.; history 26 Ag 84 Great Britain tion firm; industry layoffs 9 D 21
STEUBENVILLE, O. Hull reta s entive
plan to revive courtesy St. Paul, Minn. teachers strike, demat alary
M ters ask to torm armed vic juad; turned raises; picket lines 9 D 63
wn D 68 Russia Coal strike hits industrial production; | es in
STEVE CANYON See Comic Strips State stor monopoly; new incentive plan for steel railroads, autos 9 D 87
STEVENAGE Se Great Britain—Cities and
Town End of ke triumph for Truman; ad
ministration njunction, fine 16 D
STEVENS, J. P., AND CO. B ul rricar
Combine with 9 fabric manufact Ag 86 Strike at Philadelphia Record, Camden ( irier-
1 Nav U.S. Weather Post; executives put out editions; Los Angeles
l delegate U.N. Genera \ ; career Herald & Express strike settled 16 D 76
onow t Car 1; towns isolated End f coal strike; cost U.S. $700 million in
1 N 30
2-D goods and services 16 D
STOVES Senator Ball would revise Wagner Act to pre
Man: An Autobiography, rev 5 fad eedy cookin 8 O 66
STEWART-WARNER CORP. vent jurisdictional strikes;
on employer's rights
Mexico in long strikes D 12
P ices midget ¢ burning furnace 9 D 88
Ket 1 stoves placed charcoal braziers Antioch College t redit student-worker picket
isewite in kerosene queue
14 O 41 ing Philadelphia Record 30 D 42
Death of world-famed photographer Ji 86
STILWELL, JOSEPH W. STOWE, IRELAND Student strikes on increase; issues; in Jersey
Death of; Burma campaigns, career; awarded
While Time Remains, rev., p. 26 Ag 98 City; Sapulpa, Okla fathers us« ““woodshed
Combat Infantryman Badge, p 1 O 27 STRACHEY, JOHN 8. tactics’”’ 30 D 44
STIMSON, I NRY L. F 1 Minister; ke job in Britain’s Labor gov Burma
Defense Nurnberg verdict in / of ernment, p. 29 Jl 25 Ranvoon ley strike for tter treatment; leave
nes international
law, excerpt, | D 27 Savi through bread rationing challenged by compound, camp in cemet 9D 34
STOCKHOLM See Sweder fories, by bakers2 S 24 Canada
STOCKMAN, LOWEL riff with M.P. in House of Commons 23 D 42 Great Lakes shippi: trike; Government seizes,
Congressman conducts Washington t parties STRAIGHT, MICHAEL W. operates freight ; luml tr ettled;
improve public speaking 26 Ag 38 Plans weekly United Nations World, p. 23 S 64 strike at Chrysler 1 Jl
STOCK MARKET In steel threatens; peaenaek eel plants;
Reaction to liquidation of OPA; rising prices 15 Wins A.A.| mile; “‘Hagg Rabbit” 8 Jl 58 wage dis]
Steel strike national sastetr leadlock on wage
Heavy selling, deep break in industrial averages, issue 9 S 4
Electedto Congress,
p. 18 N 27
causes 2 S$ 77 Steel strike in 9th week; Government wage offer
D ne appraised, chart 9 S 83 STRAUS, JACK IL. rejected; other strikes ;S 41
S break in st
19 years; explanations; end
Advises Macy stockholders company expects re-
Steel strike ends; nion accepts Government's
| market, cartoon 16 S 89 cession, p. 11 N 87 13¢-an-hour offer 7 O 40
Outburst t selling, week slump wipes out 9 STRAUSS, LEWIS L. Strike wave ebbs; wage increases; pulp pro
paper values 23 S 79 Appointed to U.S. Atomic Energy Commission ducers meet union demands |
4N 26
St es fall, 6th successive week; bear mar- Colombia
presag slump; compared to 1919, chart STRAUSS, MARTIN L., I Bogota bus, taxi drivers strike in s mpathy with
S Management, cxpansion of Inc.; pro-
oil workers 11 N 41
D S; iction to election 18 N 87 motion of ball pen, p. «
Chile STRECKER, EDWARD A. picket
teaches TS, pa ice
A nflation decrees cause drop; Fir e Min- Their Mother's Sons blam ! 1ism”’ for wide-
of speculating 16 D I 1 psychoneurosis N 8
Netherlands STR ET CARS Sce Railways, Street iry employes on strike; wave of smuggling;
\ 1 tockl k $ t t lo trading STREICHER JULIUS
ation employes, police threaten to jom 30
til ban lifted from tradu in U.S. secur Hanged at Nurnberg; last words O 34
STOCKS lo Freedom « ion: journal of World
Welsh miners end strike in day at Gover nents
American Airlit new issue; sale slow 1 Jl 77 Re lic; sketch 2
plea 29 Jl 24
Writers buy issue of Associated Magazine Con STREILT’S FEDERAL UNION, INC.
Wildcat strikes on increase; tie-up milk deliv-
utors, Inc. 1 jl 4 Student Federalists nvention 16 5S22
eries in London 2 S 24
Atom-bomb stock swit Montreal 8 Jl 42 STRIKES Of cooks, waiters, bus boys in London’s West
Flood of selling 90 f listed shares down; C.S.U. two-day strike at Hollywood 15 Jl 86
End hotels 21 O 33
w issue of International Harvester 5 Ag 79 N.M.U. Great Lakes strike ) d Guatemala
Skouras offers return sale of st to National Of Machinists at United Arjrcraft, Electrical ettlement
Arévalo effects United Fruit strike
Cheaters Corp.; bought on incentive plan 19 1 s at Rex 26 A )
18 N 38
A T. new issue f expansion; stock dives; nces 26 Ag 48 Hawaii
Of Upholstere it K hler Co s up U.N Bridges’ I.L.W.U. sugar workers’ strike; plant
tor, steel stocks drop 2 5S ers balk at union shop 4 N 25
Chrysler, Du Pont typical losses in market slu
5S 79 S s t auto | tion 2 S 84 Bridge
ff sugarworkers’
on closed shop
strike, wins wage
H Heinz Co., sale to public 30 S 9 A.F.L. s« en strike; East at West coast tie
Be of-the-Month Cl first public e1 .
New \ A.F.1 ' 1its « food, Pro-S t Tudehs stage strike at Anglo-lranian
stock split 11 N 9 Oil ¢ ts, pillage 12 A 4
T.W.A,. stock down; I lans W s 9D ) strike t S 20
New Italy
In 1 Mant lemand more bread; jobless
ie ral Motors’ new j fer 1 stock 9 D
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Japan Boy’s heart encased in calcium shell; surgeon TALBERT, BILL

Seamen’s walkout ties up repatriates’ transport; cracks with forceps 30 S 80 Wins from Sweden’s team in Davis Cup inter-
MacArthur forbids strikes sabotaging occupa- Centennial of first use of anesthesia celebrated zone finals 23 S 75
tion 9 S 37 at Massachusetts General Hospital, p. 28 O 76 Diabetic; Australians watch tennis practice, p.
Korea Progress reports of 1.C.S.; massage of exposed 23 D 44
Railroad workers strike, demand 100% wage in- heart, plastic surgery, nerves 4 N 85 TALMADGE, GENE
creases 7 O 38 Gelatin sponge to stop bleeding 2 D 46 Wins Democratic gubernatorial primary in
Mexico Change of RH baby’s blood, by complete trans- Georgia; campaign, p. 29 Jl 17
Pemex oil workers in 24-hour walkouts; Govern- fusion, p. 23 D 66 Death of; political career; problem of successor;
ment calls out troops 30 D 27 Woman criminal transformed after psychosur- sketch, p. 30 D 18
Netherlands gery; pre-frontal lobotomy, neurosurgical oper- TALMADGE, NORMA
Of Amsterdam stockbrokers; want ban on trad- ation 23 D 66 Marriage to Dr. Carvel James 16 D 80
ing in U.S. securities lifted 21 O 34 College of Surgeons meeting; progress reports; TAM O’SHANTER COUNTRY CLUB See
South Africa plastic surgery, lucite tube to patch break in Clubs
Negro gold miners strike; demand $2 a day; aorta artery 30 D 49 TANGIER
earn 46¢ 4 N 40 First aid home operation on child’s windpipe 30 Barbara Hutton buys $75,000 palace in Casbah
Sweden D 49 30 S 50
Doctors in government hospital strike for higher SURPLUS PROPERTY See Property, Govern- TANGLEWOOD, MASS.
wages 21 O 34 Berkshire Music Center reopens; staff; students
Paganini Quartet concert in Berkeley Calif.; SURREALIST ART See Art—Modern
Berkshire Music Shed; U.S. premiére of Shosto-
members 14 O 70 SWANCUTT, WOODROW P. kovitch’ Ninth Symphony 5 Ag 52
STROKE Pilots Dave’s Dream B-29 in atomic bomb test Performance of opera Peter Grimes, p. 19 Ag 52
Blood clots in brain; series cause creeping apo- at Bikini, p. 8 Jl 20 TANGUAY, EVA
plexy 5 Ag 55 SWEDEN 68 years old, crippled; wants $150,000 for life
STUART, JOHN L. Fragments of aerial bombs discovered 22 Jl 26 story 12 Ag 39
Appointed U.S. Ambassador to China; role of Boosts currency valuation 14% 22 Jl 79 TANKS
mediator, p. 22 Jl 18 Applies for U.N. membership 19 Ag 30 Army Ordnance shows 100-tank, p. 14 O 28
Joint statement with Marshall on failure in Bears approach villages, attack cattle, humans; TANNER, EMMELINE
China 19 Ag 36 rockets from Baltic coast 19 Ag 36 To retire as headmistress of Roedean School;
STUDEBAKER SALES CORP. OF AMERICA Mysterious missiles kill flyers; “Russian V-4s”’ administration, p. 2 D 69
Newest model of 1947 Champion, production, p. 26 Ag 24 TANNIC ACID See Drugs
709 U.S. reprimand on trade agreement with Russia; TANNU TUVA
STUDENT FEDERALISTS curt reply 9 S 21 To join Soviet Union; thanks Stalin; economic
Convention; discussions on world government; Strike of Stockholm’s government hospital doc- progress 26 Ag 31
speakers 16 S 22 tors 21 O 34 TARIFFS
Founder Wofford, contributing editor of Free- Becomes member of United Nations 2 D 29 Red tape absurdities in U.S. regulations on
dom & Union 23 S 63 SWIFT, MRS. LOUIS, JR. Canadian imports 21 O 42
President Prentice presents charter (L) 7 O 8 Humane society protests pig in pen at horse- British distrust U.S. aim to lower tariffs; Presi-
STUDER, ADOLPH G. show, p. 4 N 49 dent’s power 28 O 33
Retires as Detroit’s Y.M.C.A. secretary; sketch, SWIMMING Canada agrees to duty-free transport of U.S
p. 14 O 56 Hawaii Swim Club breaks Olympic and U.S. goods to Alaska on new highway 11 N 44
STURGES, PRESTON records in Waikiki meet, p. 29 Jl 46 Taft hints at action to curb presidential power
Breaks partnership with Howard Hughes; dis- Jimmy McLane wins National A.A.U. outdoor; on 25 N 26
pute over new film 11 N 49 best team Sakamoto’s Hawaii University Swim U.S. canners clash with U.S. Customs over duty
SUBMARINE DETECTORS Club 12 Ag 46 on rhubarb from Canada 25 N 44
Made in stables of Toronto’s Casa L« ia during Berroeta fails attempt at English Channel cross Chile, Argentina establish Cordillera Libre cus
war 28 O 49 ing 19 Ag 64 toms unions 23 D 36
SUDAN See Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 100th Anniversary of settlement in New Glarus, William E. Dodd, Jr. rep rts on Redin trial;
SUGAR Wis.; pageant, p. 26 Ag 21 operations of U.S. branch 29 Jl 6
U.S. contract for Cuban crops; price ip; ration SWITZERLAND TATE GALLERY See Art M useums

ing continues 22 Jl 79 Refuses permission Security Council meet- TAUSSIG, HELEN

Cuban planters protest Government plan to take ings as breach of neutrality 1 Jl 27 Directs Johns Hopkins research for eumatic
price increase 28 O 44 Pestalozzi Children’s Village in Trogen for war fever cure; sketch, p. 22 Jl 88
Hawaii workers strike; crops ruined 4 N 25 phans of Europe 29 Jl 52 TAXATION
Loss of 180,850 tons in Hawaii strike; Bridges 655th anniversary of independence; prosperity; No reduction for two years, Truman pro n 22 A
wins on wages 25 N 25 fortifications, atomic research 12 Ag 34 Ji 18
SUICIDE Father Divine’s Swiss ‘“‘heaven’’; meeting in Excise
Géring takes potassium cyanide, cheats gallows Zurich 14 O 58 $100 million in alcohol tax to offset loss in sale
28 O 34 U.S. Army plane crashes in Alps; all survive; of surplus potatoes to distillers 2 S 77
Woman’s suicide jump kills mailman 16 D 25 Swiss rescue, p. 2 D 30 Income
SUKHUM See Russia—Cities and Towns Geneva Lustig found guilty of tax evasion 1 Jl 80
UNNRA conference; employes’ boat ride on Independent movie producers “‘collapsible corp
SULFA DRUGS See Drugs rations” called illegal tax dodge 5 Ag 80
Las Léman 19 Ag 31 ;
SULFATHIAZOLE See Drugs Conference of Europe’s intellectuals 23 S 28 $170 million additional from 111,000 conscience-
SULLIVAN, STAUFFER, COLWELL AND SYCOWSKI, ABRAHAM stricken taxpayers; penalties, taxes from de-
BAYLES, INC. Bogus “‘Count Navarro” arrested by FBI; deals tected cheaters 19 Ag 21
New advertising agency formed by former Ruth- in Montreal, p. 14 O 42 Lustig and partners; prison terms; fines 22 JI 85
rauff and Ryan officers 2 S 78 Bob Hope torms trio of corporations to escape
Cugat plans symphonic concert tour; Latin Suite high personal tax 18 N 94
Ceded North Borneo to British syndicate 1872, 9 Jl 44 G.O.P. leaders approve 20% act »8s-the-board cut
p. 1 Jl 35 25 N 26
Klemperer conducted Bruckner’s Second Sym-
SUMATRA See Netherlands East Indies phony in Paris 5 Ag 52 Canada
SUMNER, JAMES B. Saskatchewan starts yearly $5-per-person tax to
Shostakovitch’s Ninth Symphony: U.S. premiére
Wins half of Nobel chemistry prize for research
by Boston Symphony at Tanglewood 5 Ag 52;
finance hospitalization 7 O 44
on enzymes, p. 25 N 56 Russia
Soviet Culture and Life brands as lacking
Receives Nobel Prize from King Gustav, p. 23 State income profit from; individual income tax
ideological conviction 14 O 36
D 50 cut 28 O 39
Afro-American Symphony: Dunbar conducts in
Hollywood Bowl 2 S 42 1)
In U.S.; vacations; treak news incidents; base- Copland’s Third Symphony: premiére by Boston Alfred Reddish killed resisting holdup in To
ball fans, p. 1 Jl 19 ronto; record against criminals 16 D 44
Symphony 28 O
U.S. east coast weather; vacationers’ impression Milhaud leads Boston Symphony in_ world TAYLOR, GLEN
of cold 23 S 9:
premiére of new Symphony No. 2 30 D 56
Amateur radio program 8 Jl 4
SUMNER, JOHN 8. On writing gossip column; substitutes for Leon
Moves to ban Memoirs of Hecate County 22 Jl SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAS See Orchestras ard Lyons 26 Ag 38
On fashion trends 28 O 50 SYPHILIS Death of; acting career 16 D 80
SUN Cases drop; penicillin treatment; contact tracing TAYLOR, MAXWELL D.
Artificial eclipses, solar research, p. 18 N 78 by Public Health Service, chart 30 S 78 Defends West Point’s football policy, p. 9 S 64
Werth’s questions answered by Stalin in peace 3oy found living with herd of gazelles; story, p. To return to Vatican; mission limited to 30 days
talk 7 O 28 9S 34 2D 21
Pocket sundial solves watch shortage in Germany
To illustrate Canterbury Tales; paintings ex- Files bankruptcy reorganization petition 18 N 90
8 Ji 30 hibit; career; Wife of Bath, r. 9 S 62 TEA
BUN YAT-SEN, MME. Tea-drinking in Great Britain analyzed, chart
Public statement on crisis in China 29 Jl 30 11 N 34
Charles Luckman addresses; sees business TABER, JOHN Emily G. Day honored by Denver Kiwanis Club;
doubled 18 N 87 To head Appropriations Committee in House; Opportunity School; career, p. 8 Jl 70
SUPERSONICS record 18 N 24 Great Teachers Portrayed by Those Who Studied
Sonar device for fog signal; British railroads TAFT, CHARLES P. Under Them, rev. 8 Jl 67
experiment 11 N 98 Layman elected president of Federal Council of Veteran professors retire; Gauss, Corwin from
SUPERSONIC SPEED See Aviation—Speed Churches; outlines policies, p. 16 D 61 Princeton; Harvard’s Perry, Fay; Stanford's
Nuba tribesmen believe djinns inhabit bodies of Addresses labor conference, invites aid in draft- Sir Richard Livingstone classicist vice-chancellor
crippled; bury alive to banish spirit 30 D 23 ing labor legislation 1 Jl 21 of Oxford; views on education, p. 15 J! 69
SUPREME COURT See under United States Denies Truman’s charge against OPA bill Schorling’s 12-point Bill of Rights; 600,000 de
SURGERY amendment, p. 8 Jl 19 serted profession since 1939; averas pay*
Cutting vagus nerve cure for stomach ulcers, Speech at Kenyon College denounces Nirnberg $1,900 a year 5 Ag 75
diag. 26 Ag 70 trials as violation principle of American law Mrs. Elizabeth G. Vining chosen as woman tutor
Neck operation to remove rose cane from jaw 14 O 29 for Crown Prince of Japan; sketch, p. 9 5%
26 Ag 74 Executive functions in the Senate as leader of Problem of future shortage; decline in number
Value of penicillin in 9 S 64 G.O.P. majority 18 N 2 training 9 S 59
Nail oper ‘tion for fractured bones; technique Confers with Senate steering committee; on 59 U.S. teachers sail to restafi Near East col
9S 66 budget cut, tariffs, p. 25 N 26 leges; Bliss family 9 S 59

( III I N D EK za ( Jul y l D eceml 2€ I 30,’ 1946 , in Cclu sive
V )

Strike . in Ne
Norwalkpay: increa se
Conn., demand 7” ruman oe Peruvi
. sley :
ives ancient eaed a
ce te 2 D 1122
W. Rostowowlk,new < Harmsn worth pr fes Ae i RT Rg
, rev Writ
Walaltt S75
. . ing, Tn noe 1 Jl36 er wey D.d sketch, p. N 9
sor at hair shroud TH a, EL BE
l Evans 18
British caper’ s —limited byy mac naanon She
; ie ct
sket pro machinery
i O78 y shortage Mzemnaaieee
Dr. Norman
B. Nach 7
of St. Paul’s 8 Ji1 84 s Sete dae wmm
n 8 N 98
d for = rectorchers 7_07 a l
ai ie ee 9 fabric man u- sma on {oa)
2 Scheet: on nee etter tea s7f oe . 5, F Benman
Sas ane Editorial election;
” er rnmen
espond ‘c to ghi i fcomori
an %0 stafit Sennen of rayon, cot- demz almadge wey oo
: — tia
lfcen 7 Oo 95 mills 5 Ag — mob ay for apologyos 446
of rur al falcon ae 25 on ? ‘ N, ,
-E.A. report
N age a revival: star on to22 OPAA * Decontrol Bi oard; on policy,
to fh S pan actors: Nom inated ,
Sentence rsville demand
— . = =
1 ji rs; veterans p. 5 Ag ~
oge am ‘ lish ¢
ae WeWing ope alien ea Board’s
son eee tea
chers; N
American 66 pens theater
school ation Decont rol
i's decision
ducts 2 =S ry
e 25
slebeet eater me de
eee 22 Jl ate
In St ey on at,
ee strike minimum $2,400; for st ee pro
z ¢
a. 59 D 63
for , e aaa The r: fi
s productio. ns, woe SUN,
re : peers’ pe on
; first with ee and °
onng life we .=yo
Mrs. hool, Vini resses
: ‘ a 64 —- ee arpenter
and children
p. 15 it 46.
Actre caer
a} x 64 sses ,
bl, clon ies; *tors and stage
ah York Cit Lok
, teachers Ss summer e
ens eo onan”
ogy Pr 1 Ji 50
ing are in listed
aft, er-hours ty los
, een and vanies,
po r :
r hilipI Lyn e h, teacher
ync erlie
accl: eT in press no- N
is t disclose
columnnnis pments to U.S
S; oe p. 23 D 47 viicens;
tice > scloses shi33 28 ‘S. from
india stopped; a.
e in S 61 2 D
i Brivart
tish at
. . dergertners
hin » p. 30 ___ U-2 =
SKrR yo
- > y
> sas .S.City,excPe e
hange Pla ; TH OR ND IK E
ck, JO SE PH J.
New managi g editor of Lire, p. 25 N 7 0
Kan ) 47 Broadway 22 Jl 66 e
. sondon, Pp. < . R roadway landmarks 38 O shows bias New ng »

Canad:ada tez ype ie on Broadwayay 28 O 63: T

man Draytonn re
Deion co
J o’’s ened sch ool -car th Lion:
and the TT >
Ontari ling living Androcles to uncover rac gem
D. > 34 : sme
ario e and Reper Hir ess ex-FBI
52 quart s_trav car, p. 2S 34 teachers; > on: ire yto
arters in eet
tet-t. B.,of 30the
Arival, r Sti
tl For a aaa . ixing 12 Ag over Sa
rm. any : est
fe ad missio Ge
ical shortage; sc ainaats
Parna of ee 26
30S 61
ut fairrep 28s O 4crit
d U.S.v- ission repoort r
ge; screer 1ing 8 pertor Epidem ic soutl ico;; symptoms;
eileen— serierev. 9 D — emic threatens
Mex ico
“method ela s southern fex
8 a Chrimat a , in a §8 Ji 64
caines Te So = iin, orig‘Ss
( serm a Schnool e . Bergerac:c: José Ferrerrer iva l, THU
ton Olea de £ See American
an revviva An
to tonk de See
Studies in 0.5 sume.
—" : rev., p 21 ¢ ) asks EGE In-
23 D 47 achers ed of: Malfi
i :
a. itute afo ica
ign Tra
Eire Duchess
Eile e
Eile ea[RSTore
e See S
Dub_lin’s s triking
oe 21 -achher
er s, foot ball finals
le 1 per
Eaglor tee Two
¢ Heed s:
ileen |
; T Tall iikhez
See Storms
varad picketing
formance, rev. ulah Ban
ead to nes
= mdn
IOsN dngiie ditu
_play lead
in New Y -;
ork 30 S 61 Wins G.O .P. Senat nomination in Min
MS in RS
0 TE n’s camp:ag be 22 Jl 19
rA ™
¢ 5,00 N
I > w Y aks s strike 23 S <
23 Fatal Weaknes #4 Stasse
d to Sen
TECHNO JOGY Flag Is Bor n: . - v.p. 2D16 S 85 85
e of human “ reviv:z rev. 16 S GI
a As mea sur e
g TT “progress
,” Har t's inte
r Front Page: Lady iv THYROID ox e

goiter; surger
pretation, chart Gypsy ctive
TEE1 mr See
Dentists :
s and Dentis
jo omg
e’s nyheter be 61
;3 Gide’ s transla-
nec ary 15

ee ee
tion, rev.
f hyperthy-
a isotope s Pp in .
trereatment ne
PEC : 28 O ay: re he 3“— cti
Radroid ve 4
See Mexico W tion ;
TEL-AVIV S EC Happy Birthd 56
14 O
S estine VIII: » Ames rica
, n Reper rtory .T Theate
ter pro.
oa an
GR:AP Hce Pal
TEtLE rytion;
Henduc oe
gy2 story of G
Lodge |velow
eth:" thy»
Dr. Doreal’s sente it
Western U ireat Whi sot
mane: Com
s defi cit; »; Gor ernment gr
Icetim 7
70 y¢of Lhasa,
ds to
16 S Cit
wer faceFCC yack
t den
Govrarth grants u
ne Tibebid
wage inarease;
rel us¢ ensdan donesactSOVIE’ lce
1 Ji ev., p. Pe 10
D 5
AC 2 2 D 54
83 p. riDAL
TELEGRAPSceH Lorraine: kmarev.,
ty THE n. p.
Y 73 killled; ed; 2 2 mane
iIENCY¥ OF ie Bor N 55 ara a
Sweeps a Don lnican
7 — IET Gabriel evs p. Re
ous : U NION “oF ohn
Lear Olivies =
production, »
rev |
1 map, p. 1Rep ubl:ic;
TELEPH ONES ondon rev.
someless,$s, Kii Sey Lit ’ Ag ay ae ction °
= t
: In Japan s
Sw '
killed; destru
tel p
Ipsoph 1utomatic
ation 29 | 68 aph,; oper
t 8 O 63 ps 30 D 24..
aANDs,S shiOI
1 River er PlPlat
lls sub: sidiary
= ells e . TI OIL
to Argseisent United
[— rT & F . —— . s stz ILL P Pauley
+, feleph : one Co. . to
io “tale ntina
16 S 96
th the Ozar 8 Congress vote _—— ownership; P> I ckes-
, Vaughtininy-Naug nh 5is Agg <0
Transatlantic rad Rad
Rad io”;
io” h
2S , Pe clas how 13>
— “Vo ice
Exit OugNE: TeV. D 83 If 1. GERS
etoes 12 Ag
etype 30,* S 3
» w telYo s f
No e ,
warev. p. 9 14 O TI
York City; cstaas ion:nue
0,000 applicant
In } 100 ¢ age
lephon itis”
- Parl
nue: Fev. 18
N 64 Dick Clemen ee jum_ ps into toc
28 O 30 Ave mau
_ Phones;e “‘te
ark 4 herce eeq 25 ge to
ots World lions 2D
22 a Broadadez
American usti ne Co. plans chain
ai of the Western
oT 4.N 557 D
rIME (PER L)agin
ns 29 Jl 81 sta- rev. es 30 3
Editor: sketc p.
tio itm Ss Demi and: r. , agine sketch,
tal airp! ah leg Laug 1 . i] = tthews
To test experimen
: sent “ggg +E " 1 Jl 48 de
ote con- Watch op the Khine: Tokantl eo 4 Jt researc
. eale nes ‘ by rem
ote ocr Composite eat te
. ”
55 panaliesairpla W He hat _t ry Woman /! ws: ricz er teams WarWac
p. iB - Rep
ed’ from ner Brot
ae 6 Ag 5 oecom
roadcasting %
forfeetstat= ions 26 A
buy plots onm Mount
1eat a indi duces,
pro rev.,
N 64 hclAg hemm
50 peuee stuc
Years Ago
Wil son
at Metieesl Mane: oe D 7 Of oe
lang uage prob l translators;
sine in easwe th O8 tem
sys — Kouts le IsJ a new. > 16%
a ee Foreign file
R phy
2 S problems; TS, DlogTa-
omSusi igi newssta:
blA sales;d hop es for FCC usReliDr ama tel Society’ n <
Tae gateor; ofRC
Bse:go g 0 is Drama society§ " anes, on Ger
Reappeara Weiden-
Ne ae
cisipon in1: fav
. ans
Popacti rityes, in she
ulaviti ol s a mn
memes styis
16S 17. ands;
mSade- 96 12 Ag 76
of black N plz .
n to
tiees 18 be tele- ays, pugrim play ers Brazil Current
Test to return
pri nted
to pri issue;
98 ague
rk Dbig-le ne all gam
a 23 D 38
history 23 c iS
isedd 16
Tee fails in Rio Current Affai:
y jioa8s Gre:
girl sagt = reg
en a
nce . s Test ‘14 O ) 1111
BBC features sets in in a F rench Fra
successful Pari MEe
on 1 diving suit; . let
HamSaat an aris productioron, er e
af.3 D 80 D 82 5 itorial on mod awnis oe N lism, ex
rd cut f m telecasting 30
s fro sia 69 Germa vote
vans hypnotati ao Thu me ny = MA Tae
TE) . huringian
theaters zone; recon- ne
st fo,
er d |sponsors low-co iL * issian dies
et lan
eve creame housing proj n of Nation <e22 TINI ”
tax to Jl 82 ( .
15 p. o— in Weimar Metals Reserve ri “
olivian in-
eterans, : eater Milit
TEMPOT ir 8 Bol
5 jibes at terest
- = . + h:
M e
In e
; sat plays; z itary
Tin baron rule santa mens! Pa-
Combination ohm e «
1 Bolivia; ta members
ne tax byye Schlumbol hsch hild 2 S 31 J
we, Britain
invented a ia so, sEr
EE gadget Wart a . Ag Tri
TE IN a 96 yus dri os 76 of S
allot count by id ent
* re s
or luce E .
pre sid
r eiieiiania “he , The il pres tried for
of jail 1 ‘ fai eenspuppet
é ns
omp any Eile {i as 7
p ganic . < ige p. 16 D
7 30 5 61i _
r medat dV M ARSHAL
4 | renomi
k g accLea
psa. MccKellar, McCord Kin TITStO, si
ction; inOlivIier inin ic’snew AL
na? eleAg 21 thea ce
renter 2 in T rs Guil :
) asant; white
atom e Strategy Price te. in Venezia uilia 5 Ag .29
| pan attracti “avs chess La Guaosr =:
Ple 1 I
m .
’s ¢ ave
cha s d pro
rgerte in
ved fz int
, Christmas is favori
s . children’s
30 D 34 attraction; Comp! with
with U.S ms, relea é
iplied mil ter
= man
ake 28 O 30 Cinderelliea
ane an’s avorite, | -». t r $s re
: cords honors fror
game s57
8Jl Japan ] 7 military lead
W imb ledon cha m pionship
1am ee f
revived; Zenshi nza pan}y
compan produces
atch on the planes, p. 2 S 15
le ishi hoot ng 4 d«down of f U.S.
Saa Ti e
’ bledon B |
; Wim
a, Kramer, Brown, Os-
Rhi ne
1 jl 48 2 S$sho21oti g
Witned ssed rt near
S 64 borne, Betz win win p. 1515 Jl 57r,
s nerNs, p. l pro champio , THEATE
ERS ice shows;
Ble $ aes
Bobt Rie es at
Theatr e k: success of
N - Neate to US. State artrn
Deppart a
1 Jl 50New vy Yor
odby ati ona pionship Center shows; Park . >
Hills, def
< ] s eae . o.
, defeats
B .
22 Jl . 48 planes vio
SOV ; political
30 days N Bee | _ ni Champion
tare . q .
pay » COV. 16sv S 26
Herl ie
I Flam wins ee sake at ashin ngton D.C. o
power;arres 12
Cal ave rni
ifo ona
n.’s Per . Os sd
opening - of
} inac,
Archbishop Step
the rn Ass cas ae Orders A
one’ weer
shipi Sou Tennis of Ll tof
Ag 4¢ a s Joan 5 2
ae Jones, p. 12 ann 11
s ater for
N cinema opet
in New 30 S 34
us ee )
Par\k Av a pens
Included. in Chu rct ion
8 N 90
e’s excommunicat
Singles to ; ' of Rome’s
.». start 2 nam
s; big star es; . : features love-seats rch
ools re
st Hill ures; -hu 36
ions :a er; former s . I See Sch lamation21 O
F ae Betz’ are » P- THEOLOGICA AL SCHOOLS steniesceeciinliaianel of roc cl G izia;
wants s Gor
i, chart 57
ological ndon Trieste claim;
Us. _¥ w
Kramer 16
Betz ; wins : oo to aba map p 118 Nries3 te
58 finals; hesategy,
sy, ma
Sing THEO!
ingles; OGY. on PusStr Assemblyy
wom'sen's DavSing les,Ss, p p. 16 S 80 Sas h 16
s Cl gSweden i defeated byy U.S ery - ica Religi
l l ¢ eggs 9
eae iinet, dee a
D 37co alization bill throug
Hills sCup team U.S. at hecllog vee
Emi F
potestTalb lox premises SN ‘
in =
died e “- ‘aber 75 ‘us ” ns’ , interest CIE"
SOtin Cigaret pric es be Reynolds’ 21
Billy ic; Australia ICtctAL a ‘ boosted; R. e J. ynolds’ action
xe y D
3talb 44
ert, dia bet
ee y’ a
avatsk s leader- O 91 prices ‘
in l
, Parker ag Muloe — for
in Prie stecs < as Occult — 78 Mosai
Mosaic diseass:
SER ; ys. sneener earcn ofr oiesuses
amer, Schroeder
Cup finals Australia 2 Sp IN
See ss ofic—the
I1 , rev. 11 N ?
7 D cf Davis ainst - IM
wee Mus—— ist ruments 29Y, NW
lack Kramer faces Br :
in A . TH
>gs et
a ersiis © ac pastes a
—_ic process;
cell experi Publicises Ps
y to prot
esident’stagerepl | Jl) 26protest on
;J Jack er
style: oth
plz : sromwich
p. 3 37 Australia;
F ilicov
Sicdin S 69
xperiments; Encland in shor
graee F. ge 8
TO Golangland
i players, sndividual NGUYEN
en a etinn AN iES Vask:
t eee ochin ANCh ina suicide; ‘
Wit heeuniin s . lee
r es
ount sident
Preae of commits patrs
hy teal—— . oo
rk to end sym-
25 0 34
ufor oud ach kes 23 S 23
fightit for
for ggovernorship; 26 Beaauf ord Jester, e. aeLEK
lead 5 Ag f
Cola umn Mass
Live By’’; 2° St: ringfellow Barr ion as ae Gov—err
ri seed — Governor to

diosd ,18 AL_N_EX28IS D I

ina tio n for
“ is —_ oO aed
nom choos es Aristotle precep
rocat Rt Bea
wins ae
p?> S 18 Jester , S 0
cf ’ _
CHARLES“. §. we Ma les C JLE 4
On n Rus. sia_and Ame
.P. in Los Ange les County;
East as new w
cat S , oo rica quoted
a) G.O
instorms ause floods Antonio; 6 o reorgani
an Be Gaal 28
7 O é 6 in
5 by 5 Ag
killed: Ag 25 aulle, p.
ed; 5,000 homeless |
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

TOGLIATTI, PALMIRO TRAUBEL, HELEN Rebuffs to Schwellenbach; appointment of Keen

Attempt to fuse Italian Communists, Socialists Metropolitan Opera leading Wagnerian prima Johnson as Under-Secretary, salve to A.F.L.
hindered by Trieste issue; with Nenni, p. 11 donna; compared to Flagstad; sketch, cov. 11 19 Ag 20
N 32 N 61 Signs bill to raise salaries, improve standards in
Deal wth Tito for exchange of Trieste claim for TRAVEL diplomatic service 26 Ag 16
Gorizia; Communists support 18 N 32 Cunard White Star Line increases first-class Postal department appointment made for former
TOKYO See Japan—Cities and Towns transatlantic fare 8 Jl, 84 sergeant in Truman’s old Battery D 2 S 16
TOLEDO, O. Canadian tourist trade $150 million 15 Jl 40 Blunder in “approving’’ Wallace’s speech on
Draft boards piece out quotas with jobless Cana- Canada’s resort spots; attractions in Montreal, foreign policy; dodges issue; reaction abroad
dians 21 O 42 and Quebec 5 Ag 40 23 S 21
TOLSTOY, LEO VIP Service, specialized agency 11 N 92 Names Frances Perkins to Civil Service Com-
Reminiscences of, by Maxim Gorky, rev., p. Prospects for summer travel in Europe; Ameri- mission 23 S 25
15 Jl 100 can Express plans tours; conditions 9 D 88 Alarmed over release Wallace memo; confers
Biography Leo Tolstoy, rev., p. 2 D 109 Agreement abolishing visas for French, British with Byrnes, calls for Wallace’s resignation,
TOMBS citizens crossing Channel 23 D 28 cartoon 30 § 21
Bones of Cortez in crystal casket, discovered in TREASON Picks W. Averell Harriman for Secretary of
wall of Mexico City church 9 D 42 Russia charges 400,000 Chechens and Tartars Commerce; Cabinet changes from Roosevelt
TOMORROW (PERIODICAL) : with Nazi collaboration 8 Jl 32 group 30 S 25
Mrs. Garrett’s publication; changes in editors; Mihailovich denies German collaboration in final Score with voters 32%; drop from 87% in first
spiral motif; finances 16 S 77 defense; sentenced to be shot 22 Jl 33 months in office 21 O 23
TOOTSIE ROLLS Trial of Vichy Foreign Minister Flandin; ver- Boasted budget balance by end of year; Snyder
50th anniversary; hotel party 28 O 90 dict; sentence suspended 5 Ag 32 predicts deficit 21 O 25
TORONTO, ONT. French Admirals Marquis, Abrial on trial for Creates Presidential Research Board 28 O 24
Casa Loma; wartime use of stables to make conspiracy to keep French Navy from Allies; Appoiniment to U.S. Atomic Energy Commis
radar equipment 28 O 49 Communist jurors strike 12 Ag 32 sion, Lilienthal, others; names Gordon Clap
Toronto Whist Club’s tournament rejects Negro Father Tiso on trial before Slovak National to TVA 4 N 26
entry; press reaction 16 D 42 Court 16 D 37 Problems same as Hoover's in 1930, results of
Taxidriver shot and killed resisting holdup; rec- Bernard Fay sentenced to life imprisonment 16 election, cartoon 18 N 21
ord against criminals 16 D 44 D 47 Fulbright suggests President resign, appoint Re
TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS See Hockey Best and Chandler returned to U.S., to face trial publican Secretary of State to succeed 18 N 22
TOSCANINI, ARTURO for Berlin broadcasts 23 D 42 Accepts Democratic defeat; asserts national poli-
Buys $100,000 home in suburban New York 1 TREATIES cies unchanged; pledges cooperation, p. 18 N
ji 42 sig Four draft of peace treaties on Paris Peace
Cancels concerts in Paris and London to protest Conference agenda 29 Jl 20 Problems of Minority president; leaves action on
transfer Italian communities to France 8 Jl 28 Danube clause in Rumanian treaty 21 O 29 rents, coal crisis to OPA and Krug 25 N 25
Agrees to conduct two concerts at Lucerne, U.S. “Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and ORP proposed to absorb expiring wartime agen
funds to aid La Scala Opera House 15 Jl 64 Navigation” with China 18 N 33 cies 2 D 25
TOURISTS Big Four scans draft treaties; Italian treaty Orders Taylor return to Vatican; creates Iraq
See also Travel discussion 25 N 29 embassy, Wadsworth Ambassador 2 D 21
From U.S. seek steak dinners in Canada; at- Prospects on German peace treaty; Russia’s con- Sets up Vanech committee on subversive em
tempts to smuggle meat 21 O 42 cessions 2 D 27 ployes in federal service; names William C
Efforts to lift ban on travel in Europe; Ameri- Molotov’s concession on Italian treaty; nations Foster Under Secretary of Commerce 9 D 24
can Express plans tours 9 D 88 refusing to sign to get no benefits 9 D 27 Names O. Max Gardner Ambassador to Britain
9 D 26
Advisers divided on coal strike 16 D 21
Ravens of Tower Green; war casualties; pair Dutch elm disease spreads; experiments with
Prestige rises after stand against Lewis; ap
Mabel and Gripp disappear 7 O 32 DDT, with resistant varieties 16 D 56 points advisory board to Atomic Energy Com
Centenary issue; features; Henry A. Bull edi- In Jcetime, rev., p. 1 Jl 50 Appoints G-man commission to draft U.S. un
tor, founding, history 16 D 76 TRIALS Sce Courts versal training plan, report of Council of
TOYS rRIBES Economic Advisers 30 D 13
Production: for Christmas trade; new items; See also Indians Cartoons
German shipments, p. 28 O 96 Iran’s Qashqai nomads led by Nasser Khan;
Lionel Corp. places 16-page catalogue of electric “Make ’em Give You a Good One, Harry!,
join Bakhtiari tribesmen revolt 7 O 34
trains as ad in Liberty 25 N 9 “Booby-trap OPA bill” 29 Jl 14
Lolos in western China accused of keeping U.S. “Good Vacation’: Slaughter’s hide, trophy 19
TRACK See Running Army pilots as slaves, p. 7 O 37
Lolos aid expedition in search of lost airmen, p. “What Next?’’; in clay 7 O 21
Brethren project to teach operation and repair 11 N 30
to Chinese 2 S 69 Taping lips; silence on election 4 N 23
Marginal Tribes, rev. 23 D 50 “Mr. Truman’s troubles”: election 18 N
Ferguson hydraulic tractor enterprise split from Nuba tribesmen practice cuthanasia; ceremony;
Ford Co. 2 D 95 22 arrested for murder 30 D 23 Comments and Criticism
TRADE See individual countries—Foreign trade; TRIESTE See Italy—Cities and Towns Denies Daily News “‘scoop’”’ he asked justices t
World trade resign 15 Jl 50
TRIESTE, FREE TERRITORY OF Jeered in press for Wallace blunder; Grafton
TRADE, RETAIL See Retail Trade; Stores
Big Four discuss U.N.-appointed governor’s Dixon comments; compared to Mortimer Sner
powers; Molotov’s concessions 25 N 29 7021
Deluxe model gift to couple at University of
Missouri; features 9 S 59 TRIPPE, JUAN T. Draws verbal abuse; La Guardia calls “Re
TRAIN WRECKS See Railroads—Accidents Pan Am. board members oppose monopoly policy; Riegels’”’ 28 O 23
TRANSCONTINENTAL AND WESTERN keeps top posts 29 Jl 75 Congress
AIR, INC, TRITTON, SIR WILLIAM A. Gap widens; snubbed by Barkley for rejectior
Constellation “Star of Lisbon’’ crashes; CAA Death of 7 O 98 of OPA advice 8 Jl 20
—_ planes grounded pending investigation TROPICAL MEDICINE, SCHOOL OF (SAN House disapproves plan for reorganization of
22 24 JUAN) See Schools—Medical Government bureaus 8 J] 26
CAB hearing on crash of Star of Lisbon; TROUSDALE, PAUL W., CONSTRUCTION Senate passes weak OPA bill in defiance of de
grounding order to be rescinded 12 Ag 21 co. / mands; loss of leadership 22 Jl 17 TI
CAB extends North Atlantic route from Bom- Gets $50 million bank loan for housing develop- Praises Barkley’s aid to legislative program; re
bay to Shanghai 12 Ag 80 ment near Los Angeles 2 D 92 pudiates Slaughter 12 Ag 13
Rear Admiral Harold B. Miller new vice presi- TRUCK DRIVERS Yields to pork-barrelers, approves $635 million
dent 12 Ag 82 12,000 A.F.L. drivers strike in New York, hold for public works, flood control 28 O 24
Pilots strike; demands for 29.1% more pay to up supplies, demand 30% pay increase 16 S 20 Policy in dealing with Republican oppositior T I
handle Skymasters, Constellations 28 O 25 Strike in New York: teamsters locals threaten majority 18 N 22
Frye firm against pilots’ wage demands, lays off food supply; Tobin orders end sympathy walk- Domestic affairs
15,000; jobless picket strikers’ houses 4 N 29 outs 23 S 23
Vetoes OPA bill; public radio appeal, p. 8 Jl!
Pilot explains issues in wage controversy (L) TRUCULENT TURTLE See Airplanes—Lock- TR
Program to balance debt; no tax reductions
18 N ll heed Neptune economy in government spending 22 Jl 18
Richter signs truce with Airline Pilots to end TRUMAN, HARRY 58.
Vetoes Tidelands Oil Bill; orders cutback¢ TR
strike; no decision on pay; loss of $7 million Sees Byrnes off to Paris Peace Conference; $2.2 billion in government spending 12 Ag !
revenue 25 N 25 change in prestige in year, p. 5 Ag 21
Explains terminal leave pay bill upset budge
Financial losses; over-expansion, pilots’ strike; Cottage in Lamar, Mo., birthplace; owner to
estimates 19 Ag 20
seeks R.F.C. loan, new stock issue 9 D 87 show tourists Truman room 9 S 22
Wage stabilization policy hit by maritime strik
TRANS-JORDAN Trip on war prize Nazi U-boat; member of
23 S 23
Applies for U.N. membership 19 Ag 30 Royal Order of Deep Dunkers 2 D 21 Economy drive protested 30 S 28
TRANSPORTS See Airplanes; Ships Christmas message to U.S. war-wounded 30 D 13
Explains meat shortage, predicts end of
TRANSPORTATION Administration refuses to play politics 7 O 21
See also Aviation; Railroads; Shipping Names C. M. Clifford Special Counsel to replace Statement on Steelman’s report, emphasizes pr
San Francisco transit problem; trolley fare Rosenman; Foskett, Naval Aide 8 Jl 20 duction to prevent price rise 14 O 23 ;
rise; municipal lines take over Market St. Reply to Senator Tobey on grain shortage 8 Jl 26 Reverses stand, decontrols meat; blames ¢
Railway, p. 15 Jl 24 Renominates E. M. Hanrahan to SE SC; obtains gress, opposition for failure 21 O 24
Railroad challenges ‘‘Cheaper by Air’ slogan, Purcell’s resignation 8 Jl 86 Proclaims Thanksgiving Day date 11 N
cites bus fares to airports 2 S 80 Appoints Dr. John L. Stuart Ambassador to Firm policy in coal strike crisis 2 D 19
New York’s Fifth Ave. buses; passenger dis- China 22 Jl 18 Orders price controls removed except on suga
comfort 30 D 18 Nominates Warren R. Austin to head U.S. dele-
rice, rent; comments 18 N 21
gation to U.N. Assembly 29 Jl 14 Conference on coal strike 2 D 21
Inadequate facilities hinder distribution of Gallup poll shows drop in popularity 29 Jl 16 End of coal strike, triumph for Truman 16 D2
UNRRA supplies, p. 22 Jl 27 Signs new OPA bill; appoints Roy Thompson, Housing program 23 D 19
Europe George Mead, Daniel Bell to Decontrol Board
Free navigation of Danube major issue at Paris Family
5 Ag 22
Peace Conference 29 Jl 21 Appoints native Puerto Rican Pifiero as gover- Visits mother in Grandview; joins wife in In
Great Britain nor 5 Ag 4 ; : pendence; attends dinner for Mrs. Truman
Inland transport to be nationalized 25 N 39 mother 12 Ag 14 z TU
Aids SEC choice of Caffrey as Chairman 5 Ag
Russia d 79 Thanksgiving dinner; daughter remains in Ne C

Poor facilities noted by American traveler 22 York 9 D 23 TU

Appoints Will Clayton Under Secretary of State N
Jl 34 for Economic Affairs, Keen Johnson Under Foreign affairs
TRANSYLVANIA Secretary of Labor 12 Ag i3 Announces world food emergency met 8 J! 26
Hungary wants revision of award to Rumania Advisers: “‘Kitchen Cabinet’; Allen, Steelman, Demands transfer of 100,000 Jewish immigram P
1 jl 31 Snyder, Clifford 12 Ag 17 to Palestine; British reaction 15 Jl 29
TRANS WORLD AIRLINE See Transconti- All-out war on government spending 12 Ag 19 States U.S. wants no territory, power or repa%
nental and Western Air, In Appoints Collet to OWMR 19 Ag 20 tions 12 A

Vol, XLVIII INDEX (July 1 December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Policy in Palestine crisis; refused to indorse TUBES Curran reelected N.M.U. president; loses fight
een federation plan 26 Ag 7 Ray-c hing, automatic fire alarm 5 Ag 70 to oust Communists 29 Jl 16
FL Welcomes Argentina’s new Ambassador; expres- TUCKER, HENRY 5&., BISHOP Schwellenbach plan to appoint C.1.0. member
ns of good will 16 S Answers Protestants’ fears of holy war on Rus- to I.L.O. conference; Green protests to Tru-
in D t Britain admit 100,000 Jews to Pales sia S 66 man 19 Ag 20
mediately 14 O 23 Presides over House of Bishops at Episcopal C.1.0. problem to replace Hillman on P.A.C.;
mer D on imm tion of Jews arouses Britons; convention; to retire, p. 23 S 72 Clothing Workers choose Potofsky president
16 ttlee sends pt note 14 O 30 TUCKER, PRESTON > Jl ie
on Statement on U.S. policy in China 30 D 14 Charges NHA trick deal, involves Granik, p. C.1.0. leaders hold strateg meeting to protest
road Health 5 N 89 rising prices; formulate policy Ag 15
W stands strain; physician’s appraisal 15 Jl 20 TUCKER CORP. ‘ American Communications Assn rotests lavoffs
om Military Affairs New auto company, radical car design 14 O 96 at Press Wireless, orders embargo on overseas
A is Presidential Unit Citation to Japanese- Protests NHA order to turn over WAA-leased services 26 Ag 48
ifers American 442nd Regimental Combat Team p. plant to Lustron Corp. 11 N 9 California Local 36 I.F.A.W.A. operates as
tion, Jl 2 TU DEH PARTY See Iran inion; Justice Department prosecutes for
Authorizes Selective Service to lower draft age TUGWELL, REXFORD G. price-fixing 2 S 84
of to 19-to-29 29 Jl 14 Resigns as Governor of Puerto Rico; to go to A.F.L.-C.1.O. fight to recruit in South; 40% Oak
evelt P tes Foskett t rear admiral; appoints University of Chicago 8 Jl 20 Ridge workers vote no union; NLRB election
Swanson Navy Surgeon General } Stricken Land, rev.; history of Puerto Rican ults 2 S§ 19
first Politics 7 governorship, p. 30 D 86 i governor fights move to organize St.
Int nes in Missouri; protests Slaughter’s re- PUNISIA s police 9 S 26
ler ! nation, endorses Axtell 29 Jl 13 Communist Party promotes ce n i harges, libel suit in A.F.L., C.1.O. drive
I to Missouri to vote in 7] iries; re ment; agitates tor re ol 1 ) organize South; Oak Ridge results 23 S 23
' s hter; confers with Pendergast 1: ae Mohamed as Bey 25 34 U.E.W. Communist-dominated; A.F warning
nmis Answet Republican Clarence Brown’s ¢ TUNNEY, JAMES J. | ‘4 to Sleeping Car Porters; anti-Communist
Clapr deceit in budget promise 1 In Mexico City; planning luxury air service to Furniture Workers shift to A.F 3 S 24
Car late Axtell wins in Missout I ary, car U.S. and Canada 1 Jl 40 Conference of Studio Unions, International Alli-
Its of t 19 Ag 19 TURBO-JET ENGINE See Aircraft equipment ances of Theatrical Stage Employees it ita
Re es Democratic Party cz l 23 S 22 and parts dicti ispute at Warner, M-G-M, p. 7 O
it Re ] an poll on chances in ) Ag 21 TURKEY : s 0s .
N 22 Ref s to inject politics into meat problem; plea First free election held; President Inonii’s Peo- In lent union at Pitts! h’s Duquesne
| poli ‘ Democratic Congress 7 O 21 _ples Party remains in power 29 Jl 29 4 Light Ce strike; court injunction; M ler’s
8 N Hears Bloom on Palestine issue and Jewish Uneasy over Russia’s transport of Armenians to strategy 7 O 23
14 O 23 s Armenian S.S.R.; fight to hold Kars Ardahan United Mine Workers 39th convention: new
1 on Fears \ ’ reaction to meat shortage, lifts con- 12 A ' wage, hour demands; increase Lewis lary;
5 ‘ j ‘ R s joint control
of Straits, right to holiday on Lewis’ birthday 14 O "?
n chances in 1948 21 O in Turkey; Turkey rejects 2 5 A.F.L. “Masters, Mates and Pilots, C.1.0.
Ir to vote; silence on election issues, 7 ‘ P ; Marine Engineers, strike over unior fer
Iraq Istanbul mosques robbed of relics, hairs from ence in hiring 14 O 2
On Democratic election defeat, p. 18 N 21 Mohamed’s beard 16 ; ? il “+ <7 © 1.T.1 ind Newspaper Guild in trisdictional
“ Press conferences s , Russia warns
Br itain: Purl against
ah Dhmilitary
“ -alliance
iad 3 ‘ . with | ; A ¥ L ite
put at

. wo Par 7= ’ v a
\ inswers t newsmen on domestic crises, _ d ntion in ll o; h nr u
to ° Baby, d. 16 S 19 TURNER, LANA ; 5 tions; name change for Plumbers and Steam-
meat shortage 7 O 21 EVOS SUL WHSISTAS GINS; WHE Caugmer, p tters
ent on Steelman’s report; asks newsmen amcenia D 18 a " Maritime unions picket N.Y. Times, protest
k to facts 14 O rURNER, RICHMOND KELLY as Manshing shvtien: gatiel nr acola
ap ociticlan conferences recommends Failure to appraise Jap action at Sav Island; 57

— us be eubenitted in writing 21 © 59
Recreation Ou.
is Sor Vaamasiontel and Wests Ale, "ied is , tot tana
io Gem DCS <o Rae
>. un Att Alfalfa Club picr it Frederick, Md.; TWAIN, MARK Hawai in ir workers in Bridges’ I.L.W.U.,
° end at Shangri-La 1 0 r Mocacanas # al eptineah Sox €2:408 1 Strike; | out for closed p 4
I th of July weekend vacation at Shangri-La a iad manuscript auctioned tor 92,400 16 — ot en N none , South
faite Gettveburg 1 1] ‘ ~ il kota vote to bar closed shop; issachusetts’
i S ae teen ui ‘awaits _ union responsibility” referendum 18 N 23
t in I 40 Ele tr ut m ti machine to spe p Chinese Unite 1 Financ ial Employes nion threater New
1 R I ‘ asm for a aa 15 7 7: , . I York Stock Exc hanj e strike 18
swimmin pI S < At National Rusinces Show; portable 1 alia wis serves notice on end of Kr ‘ con-
Att m avy
Gecaumaininn football game, p. 9 D 23 "
i eee chine; machine ‘to write
Se in03 Englis
ae Russian
wraes, C.1.0. 2 convention; eS
Murray avoids Senn Commu-
A | aoe — Ps 1J.S. wants no terri- es Assyrian Cuneiform 14 O nist measures; new labor policy 25 {
a : "i ver mgd Acre a: 1 ys 1 F ; = earn —— : : Natior al Fe deration of Telephone We kers con
tices t Te * Staff ” Ata pres is “ry venes in Denver; votes new name, Communi-
, tate rk Clifford spe | unsel. p. 12 Ag Se ae ee ® itions Workers of America 25 N
‘raftor b Clack Coord a eT en: ee TYPHUS Mary,” other¢ na an =calls:for reforms
or refo ms 0 of Big
sig Labor
a 01 18 N 8
f 7
r Sner Raises Dr. Walla G m t nk of brigadier Invades U.S.: 5,18 cases 1945; Public ou rearing; trial set; power as union
: 5 Hea Service statistics 22 J] 90 |
3 Travels os TYROL See Austria Jum ¢ . orough on _ dictatorship threat;
R 1 trip on William irg; in Bermuda; rides M fined ;$3,500,000; previous fines on
r ms 1¢ 3
jrandvi } ther on
U: :
: :
cers, U. A. W. sue industries for mil-
D 21 U-BOATS See Ships—Submarines lions back portal-to-portal pay 16 D 90
tion « In |] trip on
U-boat 2 D 21 t HLER, CLAUDE Z . C.1.0.’s anti-Communist resolution; state coun
: Visitors Charges failure of psychiatr procedures in cils sweep out Reds 23 D 18
of de I | dinner for ylomats 9 D Army 1 Ag 90 S nator Ball would outlaw closed shop D 18
TRUMAN, MRS. HARRY 8S. ULCERS : Start new wage demands, based on Nathan's re-
um: re Gives birthday dinner for mother Mrs. Wallace Cure for stomach ulcers by cutting vagus nerve, _ port industr) can pay 23 D 18 s ,
A . liag. 26 Ag 70 : C.1.0. heads plan bargaining on no-strike theme
million Greets Mrs. Dolly Gann at Washington Club, ULRICH, CAROLYN F., ‘ = ) Dp 15
4 1 N 4 . ( ithor of é ittle Magazine, rev. 1 Jl 98 Sloan outlines G.M. brief restricting union
position §=TRUMAN, MARGARET ULTIMA HORA (NEWSPAP power; opposes closed shop 30 D 73
B er’s son sraaret, 1 A vice to lov column 2 D S. Buchsbaum and Co. shift from anti-union
S M ri vacatior tu 1 v e; stage policy 30 D 78
1] “nat Mar mt W: e 206A 8 F ULTRA-NUCLEONICS Canada
sefion: TRUMAN, MRS. MARTH New stud physicists; meson, key to problem Union-government dea ock in steel strike 9 S 42
- 3a i4th birthday: son visits D 21 , : Lumber and Sawmill Workers demands met;
i ok ( TRUSTEESHIPS ULVESTAD, OLAI ’ ' ic French nadians ignored union's strike;
‘A U.N. General Assen Committee considers; Vet — oe vsky for U.S. chess cham G.M. and Ford sign with U.A.W. 11 N 42
i:1u§ '
South-West Africa question N > Cea
deorernteres, q
- .
— i ‘ }
Great Britain
i , j
U.S posed sole trustec p of strat Pacific U _— ee KING OF ETA ¥ 7. Iblem of union leaders’ loyalty to Socialist
atrik Is - South-West Africa d ted N 30 * — 1 ortugal, takes titie ol oun rnment 2 S 24
. embly action on D Vi] re Free oa v. closed shop dispute involves G rn
IRUSTS, INDUSTRIAL ea nt; Transport Workers’ case 9 S
R I organize 1 cart Sowjetische In t eee AGNESS f ‘ tor 29 ] gham Palace servants join Civil Servants
e A.G. in Germany; 1 Il. G = a , a Union 7 O 31
sppr PE semana
: Ss
Hotel en
: eee
re rnition
of as

Cor D 1 rule in Greece; limits plel

te; t “for ttle 18 N - Le et eee . : Japan
of monarch 8 Jl er no ak UNEMPLOYMENT Sce Employment Membership increa ; railway workers blow
Pr newsman’s it ry o1 VRRA supplies UNESCO S lTnite Natior Educational. Sci whistles to dramatize grievance S 28
1 Ji entif walt C'cdtnens Oreaniention All-Japan Seamen’s Union strike ties up trans-
( e il ( t 1¢ lla oan on aa.ied nen . of repatriates; sabotage of occupation by
; a
i ain
with M
Mette ll 84 Congress
BreDig. wre
of International
Ag 9
Unions S 37
( Se tv ( ! charges Yugo- UNIONS oa —-" Prostitutes organize; house girl sk SCAP aid
D2 ons Greek ue I 3 D 25 ae phen tints sill aia i: Bik Millia against competitic vo str¢ etwalkers 16 S 35
SETSE I bile Workers South Africa
Car 1 sleepit ness, South Threaten further wage demands with end of Native Mineworkers’ Union strike; ind $2 a
In A n Government starts year war on 95 OPA d sing prices 11 1 iy; earn 46¢; police suppress 0
[ruman 5 ‘ C.1.0. Furniture Workers’ President resigns; UNITARIANS
TUBADIPDRIP protests Communist faction 1 1] Charles E. Park retires; unorthodox theology 29
s New Gadget invented by Schlumbohm 25 N 96 Cc wins wage and hour demands for Holly- _ Jl 56
Tt BERCULOSIS ; d off-production workers: Boss Sorrell’s 50th anniversary summer mecting at Star Island
National Research Cour ports streptomycin tactics 15 Jl 8¢ retreat; history; services 12 Ag 7
g 1] 2%6 ts; Hir iw’s exper nts at Mayo Clinic Sidney Hillman of Amalgamated Clothing Work A.Powell Da es outstanding liberal: sermons
n rat . ers, dies; union leadership 22 JI at All Souls’ in Washington 7 O 96
) Put Health Service to try BCG vaccine in Position of Catholic Church in support of; liberal UNITED AIR LINES
pa inity immunization 11 N 7¢ attitude of junior clergy 2 Jl 68 Awarded San Francisco-Honolulu route 15 Jl 82
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)

UNITED AMERICAN VETERANS Educational, Scientific and Cultural Year of peace; labor strife; racial problems; in-
vue aim charged by Carlson in The Plotters Organization ternational affairs; morale 5 Ag 21
25 N 114 Plan to turn Pantelleria and Helgoland into bird Novelist prefers Canada as place to live; cites
UNITED ARTISTS CORP. sanctuaries 22 Jl 26 U.S. national psychology, government 30 D 30
Mary Pickford, Chaplin to oust Selznick; stock Congress votes U.S. participation 5 Ag 24 Agricultural Economics, Bureau of
ownership dispute 23 D 77 Prepares for first meeting in Paris; aims; Ben- Survey of U.S. economy; savings, income, mar-
UNITED AUTOMOBILE WORKERS ton heads U.S. delegation 11 N 74 kets 1 Jl 77
Threatens new wage demands 2 S 84 Meeting in Paris; discuss Russia’s failure to Agriculture, Department of
Accedes to incentive wage plan at Bundy Tubing join - D 27 Experiments in hybridizing cows 15 Jl 73
Co. 4 N 96 Julian Huxley elected director-general 16 D 83 Predicts record crops; estimates 19 Ag 19
Picketing of Allis-Chalmers Wisconsin plant pro- Food and Agriculture Organization Authority over OPA; orders livestock ceilings
vokes riot, p. 11 N 25 Orr’s plan to buy surplus crops, fix prices 5 Ag lifted 9 S 22
Drive for 23'4¢-an-hour wage rise 23 D 18 31 Plan for Government purchase of meat 14 O 27
UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Meets in Copenhagen; plans world food board, Warns Dutch Elm disease spreading; experi-
Unites with Evangelical Church 2 D 75 regulation of farming 23 S 30 ments 16 D 56
Food control plan rejected by U.S. and British
UNITED ELECTRICAL WORKERS delegates 11 N 31 Air Force, Army
Convention in Milwaukee; Communist domina- General Assembly Major Swanscutt pilots Dave’s Dream Super-
tion; Fitzgerald reelected president 23 S 24 Austin to head U.S. delegation 29 Jl 14
fortress at Bikini test 8 Jl 19
UNITED FINANCIAL EMPLOYES UNION Arabs move to bring Palestine issue 5 Ag 34 39th Anniversary dinner; Truman’s speech 12
Threatens New York Stock Exchange strike 18 Ag 13
51 nations to meet in Flushing, N.Y.; subjects
N 96 on agenda 21 O 32 Flyers killed, injured in shooting down of U.S.
ee, FRUIT CO. Truman welcomes delegates; offer of permanent
transports by Yugoslavs, p. 2 S 21
ike settled; Guatemalan president’s strategy site; housing; U.S. delegation, p. 28 O 31 Bodies of 5 flyers shot down in Yugoslavia re-
"18 N Function; supervises U.N. agencies; legislative — to Washington; ceremony at airport 23
S 26
AMERICA Opening session; Russian gestures of concilia- Pilot describes sensations in jet-propelled plane
23 S 98
Muster resigns as President, protests Communist tion; Vishinsky leads delegation to attend
faction 15 Jl Mass at St. Patrick’s 4 N 31 Pilots reported to be held as slaves by Lolos 7
O 37
t NITED MINE Ww ORKERS Discussions on Spain, on South Africa merger,
minority persecution; Liberian Cassell’s appeal Makes bid to substitute B-29s for ships in trouble
Convention in Atlantic City; resolutions honor spots 21 O 26
Lewis 14 O 25 for justice; delegates, p. 4 N 31
Prayer omitted at opening session in New York; Cancels global aerial show 11 N 28
Lewis to reopen contract, strike threat 4 N 29 Expedition aided by Lolos discovers 1945 wreck
Lewis reopens negotiations; 32,000 miners walk Truman prays at close of address 4 N 71
Molotov proposes immediate disarmament; de- age of B-29, bodies of four airmen, p. 11 N 30
out despite injunction against Lewis 25 N 23 Plane crashes in Alps; all survive; rescue from
Lewis battle with Government; court hearing; nounces U.S., British imperialism 11 N 29
glacier by Alpinists, p. 2 D 30
power; gains; new demands 2 D 19 Austin voices U.S. policy on disarmament, veto
Air Force, Navy
Miners’ reaction to coal strike in Bentleyville, as answer to Molotov 11 N 29
Six major committees to handle Lake Success Centrifuge to test effect speed, high altitude on
Pa. 2 D 20 pilots; reactions, pilot, p. 30 S 63
Strike; operators fine miners; 400,000 miners out sessions; difficulties of statesmen 11 N 30
Land-based aviation, anti-submarine patrol, to be
9D 21 Lebanon’s proposal for great books in all lan- under Air Force in merger 9 D 24
Ruled in contempt of court, fined $3,500,000; guages; discusses admissions 18 N 32
Alien Property Custodian
history; return to work 16 D 22 19 nations denounce Smuts’ plan for annexation
South-West Africa; clashes on racial dis- Truman abolishes, transfers powers to Depart
UNITED NATIONS ment of Justice 28 O 24
First anniversary; year’s gloomy record; exer- crimination 25 N 32
Indian delegate’s idea to entertain with ventrilo- Armed services
cise of veto 8 Jl 28 Wartime hardships at Galapagos base 15 J! 45
Reader proposes U.N. flag; Artzybasheff’s idea, quism; Dulles objects2 D 28
Resolution urging Franco to surrender powers Senate committee charges mismanagement in war
r. (L) 15 Jl 9 production program 9 S 22
Health Assembly approves ‘‘mental proposed by Connally 9 D 27
disarma- Navy’s land-based aviation under new Air Force,
ment” 22 Jl 26 Adopts resolution on disarmament; troop count
abandoned; Shawcross’ resolution; Byrnes last issue in merger settlement 9 D 24
Moves to Lake Success, L.I.; Lincoln Ware- Conscription
house to do moving job for $1 19 Ag 24
gives U.S. troop census 23 D 23
Achievements of New York meeting listed 23 D Draft age lowered to 19-to-29 29 Jl 14
Nine small countries apply for membership 19 24 Congress buried universal military training law
Ag 30 International Court of Justice 12 Ag 16
Afghanistan, Sweden, Iceland admitted; Outer U.S. Congress accepts jurisdiction 12 Ag 16 Selective Service compromise on 19-year-olds,
Mongolia and others rejected, p. 9 S 31 International Trade and Employment lobbied by Zook 12 Ag 45
Straight, others plan weekly United Nations Conference 25,000 19-to-29-year-olds tor Army’s September
World 23 S 64 Preparatory Commission meets in London; Rus- quota; exemptions extends deferments 9 S 27
Le Corbusier's ideas for headquarters 4 N 34 sia declined to attend 28 O 33 Suspends inductions until 1947 21 O 27
Secretary-General Trygve Lie’s contribution; Secretariat Toledo draft boards pieced out quotas with job
present status, issues, chart 25 N 29 Trygve Lie’s administration; offices at Lake Suc- less Canadians 21 O 42
Philadelphia bids for headquarters site; dele- cess; Assistant Secretaries-General, duties, p. Enlistments
gates use helicopter, greet farmers, p. D 21 25 N 30 In Army lag; recruiting campaign fails 9 S 27
Sweden, Iceland, Afghanistan new members; Security Council Pay
other applications returned to Security Coun- Russia’s use of veto 1 Jl 27 Truman signed terminal-leave pay bill 19 Ag 2
cil 2 D 29 Switzerland refused permission to hold meetings Armed services establishments
“ =
Little progress; veto restriction; majorization in Geneva 1 Jl 27 Pensacola Naval Air Station
2 D 29 Gromyko blocks moves on Spanish issue 8 Jl 28 High altitude test chamber; experiment for
New York as host; odd sights; headquarters Balkan problems; reports charge Greek-Albanian anoxia, p. 12 Ag 53
site recommendations 9 D 26 border incidents 16 S 31 Presidio
Russia accepts principle on troop inventories, Lake Success debate on Greece 23 S 30 Austin offers as U.N. site 16 D 26
disarmaments, proposes inventory of weapons Small nations want veto modified 4 N 33 White Sands Proving Grounds
9 D 27 U.S. supports Russia opposing abolishing veto Captured German scientists taught Americans t
Battle over permanent site; Austin’s offer of 11 N 29 re V-2s; growth of laboratory 9 D 68
Army's Presidio; Russian, British choices 16 Belgium, Colombia, Syria _ elected coqgneery Wright Field
D 26 members, to replace Netherlands, Mexico, A.A.F. testing of pilot ejection seat 2 S 20
Molotov explains veto on disarmament program Egypt 2 D 29 German air scientists at work 9 D 70
116 D 29 V.S. proposes treaties outlawing atomic weapons, Armed services in
Delegates, staff members attend Jooss ballet The guided missiles, poison gas, disease warfare Austria
reen Table 16 D 50 16 D 29 G.I.s transform Vienna, Salburg; replica
Gets permanent site in New York’s East Side, Support of Iran’s sovereignty in Azerbaijan; to drugstore, conduct record, p. 29 Jl 29
gift of John D. Rockefeller 23 D 19 investigate charges Yugoslavia training Greek China
Progress toward compromise; Byrnes, Bevin, guerrillas 23 D 25 Marine detachment by Comm ambushed
Molotov speeches at Flushing 23 D 2 Votes commission to investigate Balkan border 3 killed 12 Ag 29
Vandenberg, Connally to resign as delegates, re- violations; abstention v. veto 30 D 20 Germany
turn to Senate duties 30 D 14 UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND RE- Venereal disease rate up among G.I.’s Ji 22
Anti-U.N. demonstrations in Madrid 30 D 22 HABILITATION ADMINISTRATION Officers attend parties given by wives of Nurn
LaGuardia on aid to Italy 5 Ag 32 berg defendants 5 Ag 33
Atomic Energy Commission
Congress prohibits use of funds in countries re- Mental cases; venereal disease rate soars 9 5 2
Russia insists on veto power over control meas-
ures 1 Jl 27 fusing tree reporting 8 Jl 26 G.I.s allowed to marry German girls 30 D 15
LaGuardia acts on supplies in China; discov-
Gromyko explains Soviet position; Alvaro da Italy
ered corruption and graft 22 Ji 27
Motta Silva, chairman, speech 29 Jl 22
Council meeting in Geneva; LaGuardia’s recom- 88th Division parade in Trieste 2 S 22
Gromyko refuses U.S. offer, wants treaty to end Japan a
mendations 19 Ag 31
atomic bomb 5 Ag 30
charge Men joined by families; accommodations 1 Jl 2:
La Guardia on administration failures; Japanese ne use book to aid soldiers in frater
Baruch receives cartoon of A.E.C. delegates, r.
258 36 agency used to cover Russian espionage, smug-
nizing Jl 38
Baruch report no defenses against atom bombs gling 26 Ag 22 General ENiehelbe rger appeals to men to end dis
General Morgan removed as director for Ger-
9 $ 31 many, charged Soviet spies in UNRRA; arrest
orderly conduct 22 Jl-22
Alexandrov s “balance sheet’ of atomic Eichelberger on Army conditions (L) 5 A
of Soviet MGB agent 2 S 23 G.l.s friendly with Japanese girls, children,P
resources 4 N 34
Baruch outlines findings, repeats demands; Longshoremen’s ban on ships loading supplies
2S 27
for Yugoslavia 23 S 26
Pravda’s cartoon, r. 16 D 29 Army
Baruch demands U.N. Atomic Energy Commis- Meat exports cut off 30 S 28 Suiensite research; to expand nuclear am
sion approve U.S. proposals; inflexibility criti- Extent of relief in Ukraine 14 O 36 8 Jl 77 5
Ends Dec. 31; spent $3,693,000,000 25 N 33 Gala apago9s base abandoned; G.I. wartime
cized; agrees to revision, p. 30 D 20
ynomic and Social Council UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Ji 45
Unauthorized strike in New York 23 S 23 Japanese American 442nd Regimental Comba
liary agencies; members representatives of
governments 1 Jl 27 UNITED PRESS Team wins Presidential Unit Citation, m
Report on Europe’s economy; recommends all- Hugh Baillie gets answer from Stalin on Rus- record, p. 22 Jl 22
European Economic Commission 7 O 30 sian policy 11 N 29 Pearl Backes investigation final report « lud
Meetings at Lake Success; Russia blocks pro- UNITED REXALL DRUG CO. General Short was remiss, War Plans Div
posals on European economic « ssion, on New stock issue to buy Texas Renfro chain; sion lax 29 Jl 15
Danube 14 O 30 affiliated druggists; Dart’s management 1 Jl 82 Manhattan District’s new atomic laboratory, AS
Slav bloc supports Russian opposition to free UNITED STATES sociated Universities, Inc. 29 Jl 71 ;
multilater trade O 29 Russian journalist’s observations; ‘“‘di icult to Enlistments slow; new draft quota of 19-to-<
Report on devastated areas 11 N 30 understand’; tour report 8 J] 48 year-olds 9 S 27

e) Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Cooperates with physicists; V-2 rocket instru- Commerce Department War Investigating Committee hearing on Bilbo’s
ments measure effect of cosmic rays 30 S 62 Releases Wallace letter to Truman on foreign deals with war contractors; problem of unseat-
Troops on foreign soil total 689,200, chart, map affairs; Wallace forced to resign 30 S 21 ing 30 D 16
14 O 31 W. Averill Harriman new Secretary 30 S 25 Constitution
Releases story of first nuclear chain reaction at Congress Amendment to grant “equality of rights under
University of Chicago 9 D 67 Passes National Mental Health Act 8 Jl 64 the law’? to women rejected by Senate 29 Jl
Reports on German scientists captured by Army Action on new OPA bill 8 Jl 19 15
Ordnance teams 9 D 67 Joint Committee investigating Pearl Harbor files Federal court rules Lea act violates 9 D 23
Chemical Warfare Service final report 29 Jl 15 Council of Economic Advisers
Waitt admits faulty mortars killed G.I.s; Cap- Silver Bloc wins bill to boost silver price 29 Jl Report admits possible business recession; Tru-
tain Garsson’s court-martial 5 Ag 23 42 man criticizes 30 D 14
Garsson influence in 12 Ag 15 Passes congressional reorganization bill; salary Cultural conditions
Prepared disease germs for bacterial warfare; raise 5 Ag 23 Mecca for foreign students; shift to U.S from
Merck’s story 12 Ag 56 Legislation on gas and oil royalties, UNESCO, old world centers 16 S 76
Reports on mortar defects 16 S 24 aid to colleges; extends R.F.C.; loan to Philip- Customs Department
Discharges pines 5 Ag 24 Classifies rhubarb as vegetable subject to 50%
600,000 psychoneurotics discharged 25 N 80 Passes bill for domestic control of atomic power duty; U.S. canners take to court 25 N 44
Discipline 5 Ag 24 Defenses
Lichfield trial gives mild sentence to Kilian; 79th Congress adjourns; outstanding legislation Abandons Galapagos base 15 Jl 45
trial a travesty 9 S 28 votes limited acceptance of World Court; Churchill, Man., joint U.S.-Canadian experi-
Divisions Senators, p. 12 Ag 16 mental station 23 S 40
24th Infantry’s Philippine campaign, Children 34 Senators, Representatives meet in New Or- Gives up Iceland bases except use of Keflavik
of Yesterday, rev. 19 Ag 102 leans, protest Truman’s economy order; pork- airdrome; to maintain Twelfth Fleet in Medi-
88th Division in Trieste 2 S 22 barrelers, p. 30 S 28 terranean 30 S 26
Enlistments Truman asks U.S. elect pro-Democratic Con- Joint U.S.-Canadian Board discusses coopera-
General Fitch on volunteers; denies )rogram
& gress'7 O 22 tive Arctic bases; issues 4 N 44
failing (L) 30S 8 G.O.P. Congress result of election 18 N 21 Proposed sole trusteeship of strategic Pacific
Voluntary enlistments on increase; inductions Republican leaders meet: program on income Islands 2! N 30
suspended; veterans re-enlisting 21 O 27 tax, budget, labor legislation, tariffs; action Diplomatic service
Medical and Sanitary Affairs on Bilbo 25 N 26
Paul McNutt first Ambassador to Philippines
Ex-Army psychiatrists charge failure of psy- House of Representatives Republic 8 Jl 22
chiatric technique in wartime 12 Ag 90 Senate-House conferees agree on draft bill; ap- Harriman gives Fourth of July party in London
Venereal disease rate soars in Germany; mental proves flood control project 1 Jl 22 Embassy 15 Jl 30
N 30 cases 9 S 28 Slaughter votes against Truman m« asures; de- {one L. Stuart, Ambassador to China 22 J] 18
from Traces infectious hepatitis (jaundice ) to polluted mands check of labor’s election expenditures Embassy in Moscow leaves door unlocked; stiff
drinking water; research at children’s camp 1 Jl 24 Soviet penalty for entering 22 Jl 27
16 S 54 : Passes $726 million appropriation bill 8 Jl 26 James C. Dunn, Ambassador to Italy 29 Jl 14
e on Case studies of deaths from coronary artery Sustains President’s veto of OPA bill 8 Jl 19 Congress approves increase for embassies; bill te
disease 23 S 47 5 May charged with fraud in Garsson brothers’ reorganize service 29 Jl 15
to be Liberated G.1.’s fed powdered-milk-and-egg in profiteering deals 15 Jl 20 Barbara Hutton gives Regents’ Park mansion te
malnutrition cases 23 S 50 Passes British loan 22 Jl 17 U.S. for Ambassadors 12 Ag 39
ey of Army psychoneurotics in All But Votes to return U.S. Employment Service to U.S. Ambassador bringing Tommy gun, gift to
‘part e and Me 25 N 80 states 22 Jl 18 Tito 19 Ag 45
X-ray treatment of cancer of testes in G.I.s; Appropriations, items; measures on foreign serv- President signs bill to raise salaries, improve
tumors resembling
embryos 16 D 74 ice, on Army officers, air parcels post, silver standards; Foreign Service Institute 26 Ag 16
Morale price rise 29 Jl 15 Training for Latin American career at American
Disorderly conduct of occupation G.I.’s; Ejichel- Committee hears report on war shipbuilding pro- Institute for Foreign Trade, near Phoenix,
berger.appeals to men in Japan 22 Jl 22 gram 29 Jl 80 Ariz. 26 Ag 77
Conduct record of G.I.s in Austria 29 Jl 30 Congressman May too ill to year at Garsson Informality noted by British Ambassador 7 O 47
Lowered morale, mental cases, venereal disease hearings; letter to Eisenhower on young Gars- Iraq mission raised to embassy, Wadsworth
among G.I.s in Germany 9 S 28 son’s court-martial 5 Ag 23 named Ambassador 2 D 21
Officers Congressional reorganization bill; provisions on Messersmith’s success as Ambassador to Argen-
Congress approves increase in commissioned offi- salary, committees, lobbyists 5 Ag 23 tina; Embassy, p. 2 D 22
ers 29 Ji 15 Coffee investigated by Mead Committee on ac- Max Gardner appointed Ambassador to Britain,
Major General Waitt, Porter at Senate hearings cepting check from war contractor 12 Ag 16 p. 9 D 26
Garsson case; testimony on C iptain Gars- Committee rebukes RFC for poor accounting Gardner on U.S.-British relations; sketch, p.
son’s court-martial, p. 5 Ag 24 system 19 Ag 86 23 D 22
Captain Cobin, Lieut. Wyatt held and questioned Clare B. Luce reaffirms plan to retire; record as Ambassador Lane returns to Warsaw, finds Em-
by Russians, p. 12 Ag 32 Congresswoman 26 Ag 19 bassy occupied by squatters; quarters in third-
of General Stilwell; sketch, p. 21 ¢ Possible Republican control; Joe Martin would rate hotel 23 D 26
nhower to resign as Chief of Staff, be suc- be Speaker, committee changes 28 O 26 Economic conditions
ceeded by Bradley 4 N 30 Joe Martin new Speaker, G.O.P. majority 18 N BAE survey on savings, national income, market
Atomic Energy Commissi 33
for cars, houses 1 Jl 77
Ti in appoints 5-man board; Lilic Newly elected members; leading Republicans, Outlook for economy with end of OPA price
man 4 'N 26 listed p. 18 N 26 controls; trend after World War I and II,
visory board, members listed 23 D 19 Taber to head Appropriations Committee; Hal- chart 8 Jl 81
take over Army’s Manhattan District; Lilien- leck-Brown rivalry for majority leader 25 N 26 End of OPA controls; public reaction 8 Jl 19
thal’s speech 30 D 13 Senate Public fears inflation; cost-of-living rise; labor
Awards Legislation on the draft, Communists in State threatens action 15 Jl 19
lential Unit Citation to Japanese-American Department; permits entry aliens engaged to Suspense in face of free economy; buyers’ slow-
d Regimental Combat Team, p. 22 Jl 22 U.S. servicemen 1 Jl 2: down, cartoon 22 Jl 17
lential citations to heroes ot Ss aircraft Passes Hobbs anti-racketeering bill 1 Jl 21 Food prices jump; efforts to hold levels; threat
carriers 29 J] 14 Rejects resolution to extend OPA 8 Jl 19 of inflation 22 Jl 80
Cong ess passes spec ial Medal of Award for Tobey publicizes Truman’s letter on New Eng- Record crops in prospect; employment passes
Pershing 5 Ag 24 land grain shortage 8 Jl 26 60 million 19 Ag 19
use authorizes special Congressional Medal of Military appropriations; legislative supply bill; Production rising; full employment 12 Ag 13
Honor for “Billy”? Mitchell 5 Ag 50 allowances for Senators; extends RFC 8 Jl 26 Gallup Poll shows depression expected by 1951
Budget, Bureau of Barkley maneuvers approval of new OPA for- 9S 28
Director Harold D. Smith resigns to take vice- mula 15 Jl 19 CPA report; production climbs; transport short
presidency of World Bank 1 Jl 20 Mead Committee investigates Garsson brothers age; stock market decline 9 S 83
James E. Webb new
director 5 Ag 22 war contracts, Congressman May involved 15 Stock market slump; rising costs; wage raises;
Cabinet Ji 20 peak production, small profit, cartcon 16 S 89
Votes down federation for Palestine 12 Ag 30 silbo re-elected 15 Jl 25 Economist questions building world economy on
Truman’s rebuffs to Labor Secretary Schwellen- Passes weak OPA bill 22 Jl 17 U.S. instability; rising prices, strikes, car-
bach; Johnson to take over administrative Armed services appropriations 22 Jl 18 toon 23 S 22
functions 19 Ag 20 Barkley breaks stalemate on OPA revival; com- Bear iuiarket presages slump; drop in labor effi-
Truman ousts Wallace from Commerce 30 S 21 promise bill, provisions 29 Jl 14 ciency; theory of depressions, booms 30 S 87
Harriman new Secretary of Commerce; changes Appropriations; opposes new Constitutional OWMR report; employment, income, spending;
from Roosevelt Cabinet, gains, losses 30 S 25 amendment; McMahon atomic energy bill 29 cost of living rise, chart 14 O 23
Census ji 15 Layoffs; effect of strikes 14 O 89
Estimated at 140,386,509; up 8.7 million Democrats celebrate Barkley’s ninth year as Shortages in foods, liquor, consumer goods;
1940 22 Ji 21 Majority Leader; Truman praises 12 Ag 13 store, market incidents; high prices; barter
Estimates of Negroes passing as white 12 Ag 54 Mead Committee hearings on Garsson munitions; system 21 O 23
Civil Aeronautics Administration bribe offer to soft pedal case 12 14 Drop in commodity prices, depression threat 28
Investigates crash of T.W.A. Constellation; One-third running ffor_ re-election; Barkley, O 89
orders planes grounded 22 J1 24 others, p. 12 Ag 16 Turn of tide in retail trade; shift to buyers’
Civil Aeronautics Board Mead Committee’s investigation of Democrats market, cartoon 4 N 89
Hearing on Constellation crash; t rescind case against John M. Coffee 12 Ag 16 Prospects for a depression 11 N 87
grounding order 12 Ag 21 Mead Committee reports on costly blunders in Damaging effects of coal strike; industry shut-
Conflict with other U.S. agencies on overseas war projects 9 S 22 downs 2 D 19
»P Prospects for Republi 1 control; need gain of Retail prices slashed; declining market 30 D 73
routes 26 Ag 81
Reports airlines losing money, may approve “‘no 10 seats; candidates in 14 states, p. 7 O 24 Economic policy
show” penalties 16 S 97 Newly elected members; politics; youth; Re- Truman orders broad price decontrol, blames
am publicans, listed, p. 18 N 25
Civili Production Administration “unworkable law” on Congress 18 N 21
ns to control domestic supply of con lities, Steering committee headed by Taft; Vandenberg Compromise OPA bill drafted; Decontrol Board
on exports 22 Jl 85 to preside over Senate; Wallace White, major- top authority 29 Jl 14
Comba On production of household equipment 5 Ag 82 ity leader; Wherry, party whip 25 N 26 Limits export of scarce commodities 22 Jl 85
rale Report on overall production increase; statistics Mead Committee looks to lavish gifts from Signs five freedoms of the air pact with Brazil
9S 83 shipbuilders to women christeners of ships 23 30 S 93
Retractions on L-85 order confuses clothing in- S 26 Uncertainty on U.S. policies in Europe, Asia
s Div dustry 21 O 90 Committees investigate Bilbo on intimidating 18 N 31
Lifts L-85 order restricting materials in women’s Negroes against voting, on deals with war Education, Office of 7
As clothing 28 O 98 contractors 16 D 25 Sponsors literacy project for adult Negroes 28
Coal Mines Administration Vandenberg, Connally resign U.N.; Vandenberg, O 86
19-to-2 Moreell wants return of mines t wners, man- chairman Foreign Relations Committee 30 D Employment Service
agement record 2 S 17 14 House votes to return service to states 2 Jl 18
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)
asain itaaiatieatteadi nate aie eee
Federal Communications Commission Messersmith’s diplomacy; aims 2 > D 229 Cocoa import market hit by British price-rigging
Denies atheist’s petition to revoke licenses of Brazil in West Africa trade 2 D 90
radio stations refusing air time 5 Ag 58 Rockefeller project to expand Brazil’s food pro- Canada
Refuses Western Union further rate increase; duction, implement to U.S. policy 25 N 42
opinion 9 S 84 Comat plan to hedge against U.S. price rises
Canada 15 40
“Blue Book” on station’s preference to commer- 100 years of peace; Blaine, Wash. celebrates
cials 30 S 9¢ $200 million in August; red tape, absurdities
49th parallel border settlement, p. 1 Jl 38 in customs regulations 21 O 42
Charles Denny, Jr. named chairman, helped Joint military experimental station; U.S. mili-
write “‘Blue Book’; on FCC objectives 16 D U.S. canners clash with U.S. Customs over
tary attachés in Ottawa 23 S 40 duty on rhubarb 25 N 44
96 Joint Defense Board discusses cooperative Arctic
Federal Reserve Board bases 4 N 44 China
Vardaman’s opposition to Regulation W on con- Canada agrees to duty-free transport of Alaska- New trade-pact signed; safeguards U.S. invest:
sumer credit; Eccles defends 4 N 96. bound goods on Alaskan Highway 11 N 43 ments 18 N 33
Lifts some restrictions on installment buying, U.S., Britain, Canada planning arms standardi- Great Britain
charge accounts 25 N 89 zation 16 D 30 British consul general advises Britons on ap.
Finances Chile proach to U.S. businessmen 12 Ag 86
Military appropriations; legislative supply, de- Admiral Leahy attends President’s inaugural; Britain limits magazine imports from U.S.; sus
ficiency appropriation bills; funds for atomic Gonzalez Videla rejects Hemisphere Defense picion of U.S. firms using Canadian exporters
lelegation 8 Jl 26 16 S 79
Plan 18 N 40
Treasury-Post office government corporations, China : General Accounting Office
Labor-Federal Security appropriations 29 Jl 15 Truman appoints mission educator Dr. John L. Comptroller Warren finds RFC books in tangled
$800 million paid out by Veterans Administration Stuart Ambassador 22 Jl 18 mess 19 Ag 88
for death benefits, disability awards 22 Jl 18 Truman signs legislation to aid Chinese naval Government
Truman’s fiscal program to balance budget; Gov- establishment 29 Jl 14 Able officials resigning posts for better-paying
ernment economy 22 Jl 18 U.S. dilemma in China situation 16 S 35 jobs; Budget Director Smith 1 Jl 20
Appropriations for military, Rivers and Harbors, Truman’s statement; failure of Marshall’s mis- Senate rejects Truman’s proposal to consolidate
flood control 22 Jl 18 sion; split in State Department 30 D 14 housing agencies 29 Jl 15
Truman message to Cabinet, federal departments, Germany Congress disapproves presidential plan to re
agencies; orders cutback in spending 12 Ag 13 Byrnes’ Stuttgart speech offers Germans chance organize bureaus 8 Jl 26
Truman’s economy order; to cut national debt to reform nation 16 § 21 $67 million appropriation for Government cor
—_ Treasury’s cash surplus; debt total 12 Great Britain porations 29 Jl 15
Ag 19 Strained over Palestine problem; New York Mead Committee charges costly bungling in war
Debt reduction; economics of President’s budget Zionists demonstrate against loan, p. 15 Jl 29 production program 9 S 22
message 12 Ag 88 Congress passes loan bill 22 Jl 17 Robert R. Young attacks abuses in 14 O 89
Truman answers Clarence Brown’s charges on Pact for joint economic administration in Ger- Problem of Democratic President and Republi
budget message 19 Ag 20 many 9 D 27 can Congress; Fulbright suggests Truman re
RFC ordered to overhaul accounting system 19 Crossman on British entanglement in U.S. eco- sign 18 N 22
Ag 86 nomic confusion 9 D 33 G.O.P. plan to reduce functions, fire 1 mill
Truman’s economy order protested by porkbarrel U.S., Britain, Canada, planning arms standardi- employes to cut budget 25 N 26
Congressmen 30 S 28 zation 16 D 30 Use of injunction in coal strike crisis appraised;
Korean occupation cost $322 million 7 O 38 Britons resent dependence on U.S.; distrust U.S. “sovereign” above laws for private citizens
Truman predicted balanced budget at year’s end; economy; resent Empire-baiting 16 D 30 2D 19
Snyder sees deficit 21 O 25 Bevin emphasizes Anglo-U.S. solidarity on world Proposed ORP to ck work of expiring war
G.O.P. program to slash $9 million from federal issues; concedes
U.S. leadership 4 N 34 time agencies D 25
budget; items for appropriation cuts 25 N 26 Greece Publications
Foreign Liquidation Commission Policy in support of Greek Rightists; aircraft Handbook of South American Indians, \ I,
Report on sales of surplus property abroad 5 Ag carrier at Piraeus 9 S 29 The Marginal Tribes, rev. 23 D 50
Latin America History
Foreign policy Uncertain policy encourages dictatorships 8 Jl 36 100th anniversary of U.S.-Canadian west coast
*hilippine independence; aid in reconstruction; Dual diplomacy hinders Good Neighbor Policy; border settlement; ‘54° 40’ or Fight’ 1 Jl 38
free trade plan 8 Jl 22 State Department policy; Hemisphere confer- Volunteer’s Adventures in Civil War, rev
3yrnes wants treaties with Axis satellites set- ence delayed
2 D 22 Union dead at Gettysburg, p. Ji 99
tled 8 Jl 27 Palestine Conquest of the Missouri, rev. 19 Ag 104
3yrnes assails Molotov’s distortion of motives, Truman’s policy; refused to endorse plan for America: 1355-1364, rev.; Norse explorers 9 §
quoted 26 Ag 22 106
“federal” state 26 Ag 27
Film of Bikini test shown in Paris; “atomic Truman urges British expedite transfer of 100,- Album of American History, rev. Civil War 14
diplomacy” 26 Ag 23 O 106
000 Jewish immigrants 15 Jl 29
Ultimatum to Tito, stand on free elections in Philippine Republic Battle of Princeton, painting; battleground dedi
Poland, rejection Russia’s bid to fortify Dar- Paul McNutt first Ambassador 8 Jl 22 cated as state park 28 O 30
danelles 2 S 15 Treaty in Senate to establish formal relations Joint Research and Development, Offi of
Decision to resist Russia on policy in Germany 12 Ag 13 Function; Chairman Vannevar Bush on applied
analyzed by Alsop 9 S 29 Poland v. basic research 23 D 50
Byrnes’ Stuttgart speech offers Germans chance U.S. note on free elections, excerpt; Warsaw Immigration and Emigration
to build democratic state 16 S 21 calls insult to Polish sovereignty 2 S 22 Senate passes bill permitting entry of aliens en
Viewed by Soviet Varga in World Economics Poles warn U.S. to stay out of Poland’s internal gaged to U.S. servicemen 1 J! 22
16 S 31 affairs 9 S 21 Estonian refugees in Miami pier warehouse
Henry Wallace’s speech; “approved” by Tru- U.S. protests violation of Yalta provision for seek entry to U.S.; quota filled; move to lib
man; Byrnes angered; damage to U.S. prestige free election 9 D 33 eralize law 7 O 27
abroad 23 S 21 Estonian refugees are refused entry to U.S. 28
Russia O 25
Wallace’s speech stirs furor in Britain; vaporizes U.S. note to Moscow blames
Russia for Hun-
policy achieved by Byrnes 23 S 28 Truman criticizes delay in immigrants’ trans
gary’s economic plight, cites heavy repara- portation; shippers cite 20,000 brought ¢
Attitude of U.S. citizens on Russia; effect of
tions, answers Soviet charges 5 Ag 37 U.S. 30 D 13
Wallace speech 30 S 21
Decision to oppose Soviet in struggle for con-
Wallace’s credo; views of State Department, of Interior, Department of
l Public 30 S 22
trol of Germany analyzed by Alsop 9 S 29
Secretary Krug tours Alaska, hears Alaskans
Jaruch-Wallace clash on U.S. atomic policy 14 Pravda charges Messersmith stated Russo-
grievances 2 S 17
American war inevitable 16 S 22
O 24 Internal Revenue, Commissioner of
Opinions on Wallace’s theories, foreign policies Russia, from ally to antagonist; Wallace fol-
lowers on warmongers 30 S 21 Charges independent moving picture p1
L) 1O6
War danger; views of Eastern European diplo- with illegal tax dodge 5 Ag 80
Niebuhr’s views in “Europe’s Hope” 21 O 31 Justice, Department of
Byrnes’ speech pledges firm non-partisan foreign mat, of U.S. naval expert 30 S 31
Baruch-Wallace row on U.S. policy on atomic Rogge fired for speech based on quashex
policy; Vandenberg’s statement; Federal Coun- 4N 26
cil of Churches plea 28 O 23 control 14 O 24
Interstate Commerce Commission
Clarified in year between U.N. Assembly meet- Defense, attack of Wallace’s theories (L) 2108 Allows railroads 6% increase in freight rates
ings; U.S. firm policy v. Russian expansion- Sweden
1 jis
ism 28 O 31 U.S. reprimands on trade agreement with Rus- Grants railroads 17.6% freight rat I ease
Byrnes’ firm stand on Europe, Germany; Rus- sia; reply 9 S 21 16 D 9 '
sia conciliatory 4 N 31 Vatican Labor Department
Manchester Guardian criticizes 4 N 76 Truman orders Taylor to return as Special En- Truman appoints Keen Johnson First t
Austin voices peace policy at U.N. Assembly, voy 2 D 21 Secretary of Labor 12 Ag 13
supports disarmament 11 N 29 Yugoslavia Schwellenbach’s job; rebuffs from Tru
Truman asserts no change due to election re- U.S. ultimatum demands redress for attack on Ag 20
sults 18 N 22 U.S. plane; UNRRA supplies to Yugoslavs, Labor Statistics, Bureau of
Byrnes-Vandenberg bipartisan policy firm; for- cartoon 2 § 15 Figures on price rise on basic com es
eign reaction to G.O.P. victory 18 N 31 Second shooting down of U.S. transport planes; tood 19 Ag 21
Elliott Roosevelt criticized U.S. at Moscow re- U.S. flyers killed; Tito’s reaction; Trieste Laws
ception 9 D 29 focal point of trouble 2 S 21 Senate extends Second War Powers Act 1 J! 2
Foreign Relations U.S. demands indemnity for flyers killed, planes
National Mental Health Act passed; provisions
500,000 tons food sent to famine areas 22 Jl 19 lost 9 S 21 :
8 Jl 64
Efforts toward peace in world 5 Ag 21 Tito’s note to U.S. charges U.S. airforces vio- Truth in Securities Act: Bob Young notes value
Action on Sweden, Yugoslavia, Poland, Korea; lated Yugoslav sovereignty; U.S. reply note calls for Truth in Politics Act to cover gov
Communists protest carrier Roosevelt off Vesuvi- 16 S 27 ernment abuses 14 O 89
us; Halsey’s reply 9 S 21 Tension over flyers’ deaths; A.F.L. longshore- Wagner Act: amendment asked by Alfred F
Diplomatic moves: on world trade, Iceland bases, men ban ships loading UNRRA supplies for Sloan Jr. 30 D 73
U.S. Fleet in Mediterranean 30 S 26 Yugoslavia; stoning of Yugoslay Embassy by
Marine Corps ‘
A.A.F. bid to use planes to show U.S. force in ex-G.1.’s 23 S 26
Foreign trade Detachment in China ambushed by Communists
trouble spots 21 O 26
Expects 145,000 tons of Far Eastern rubber at Anping; 3 killed, 12 wounded 12 Ag
Eisenhower's European trip, good will tour 28 O
5 1 Jl 84 Lieut. General Holland Smith retired, rank 0
4-star general 19 Ag 45 ies
Political angle of relief plans 25 N 33 Pissfer Philippines free trade; Bell Act provi-
sions; graduated tariff 8 Jl 25 Carlson’s Gung Ho Raiders; war record; Car '
U.S. asks permission to land destroyers to pick Protests Canadian-British wheat deal as counter son resigned to push Communist caus
up U.S. mission; Hoxha refuses 25 N 32 to free trade; tariff policy, sugar agreement China 16 § 21
Argentina with Cuba 8 Jl 42 Maritime Commission
Perén announces collaboration in event of war; To limit exports of scarce commodities; Office Congressional Committee investigating w pre
compliments Messersmith 29 Jl 36 of International Trade protests 22 Jl 85 gram; charges of waste 29 J1 80 _
Problem of selling luxury liners; S.5. Amersct
Ivanissevich new Ambassador to U.S. welcomed Exports up 300% over prewar; imports lag 2 D S94
by Truman 16 S 22»? 89 refitted; asks bids to scrap Normandi

ive) Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)
Metals Reserve Co. Price Administration, Office of Veterans Administration
Tin contract with Bolivian interests 26 Ag 88 Truman vetoes bill to revise; protests Taft Pays out $800 million for death benefits, dis-
Missouri Valley Authority amendment; Senate rejects temporary exten- ability awards 22 Jl 18
Project under way; General Lewis Pick directs; sion 8 Jl 19 Investigates abuses in on-the-job training pro-
dispute on plans, map 29 Jl 18 Public protests on end of; Barkley gets ap- gram 29 Jl 76
ties National Advisory Committee for Ae autics proval on new OPA formula 15 Jl 19 Statistics on World War II veterans in school
Project for cluster of supersonic wind tunnels; Senate passes weak OPA bill subject to Decon- _or job training 5 Ag 76
over seeks “‘block of power” 14 O 80 trol Board 22 Jl 17 New York mental-hygiene clinic; staff; equip-
National Housing Agency Barkley breaks stalemate on OPA revival; com- ment 19 Ag 68
Wyatt’s report on completion of dwelling units promise bill 29 Jl 14 Bradley reports veterans draw unemployment
ivest- illenged 7 O 2 Truman signs new bill; provides Decontrol benefits (‘‘52-20 clubs”) in preference to low-
Wyatt directs Tucker Corp. to turn over WAA- Board 5 Ag 22 paid jobs 26 Ag 17
leased plant to Lustron Corp. for pre-fabricated Raises ceilings on consumer goods 19 Ag 21 Bradley to resign, become Army Chief of Staff
ising production 11 N 94 Task of setting new meat ceilings; enforcement 4N 30
budget 2 S 16
Wyatt’s plan for RFC loan of $90 million to State Department
Lustron accused of trick deal in lease of plant Revises ceilings in accordance with Department
of Agriculture’s orders 9 S 22 Senate gives Byrnes power to fire suspected
25 N 89 Communists 1 Jl 22
National Research Council Raids automobile black market in South Caro-
lina village 9 S 26 Newly created Under Secretary of State for
Keefer committee tests of streptomycin in T.B. Economic Affairs; Truman appoints Will
i 6S 54 Enforcement methods; admits agents carry arms
23 S 27 Clayton 12 Ag 13
Sponsors scientific foundation as Pacific War Screens staff for Communists; 40 suspects
Memorial 11 N 98 Agents raid Los Angeles used-car market; arrest
ousted 26 Ag 16
77; strong arm method, p. 23 S 83
Navy Presses for Brazilian air agreement; confusion
Formula to insure meat supply to hospitals;
Able Day for Operation Crossroads; atomic blamed for meat famine 30 S 27 with CAB; overseas mission 26 Ag 81
mb test at Bikini described; damage to Re action to Anderson’s meat purchase plan; Asserts strong U.S. policy: notes to Yugoslavia,
ships8 Jl 20 rter pleads for controls 14 O 27 Russia, Poland S 15
Contracts with u promote scientific Blamed for secondary shortages, curtailed pro- Backs Venezuela’s economic program 16 S 36
research 8 Jl 7 duction 21 O 85 Failed to clear Wallace speech; Clayton pro 1
On results of O; ssroads, atomic Remaining local boards closed; achievements; tested to Ross 23 S 22
1mi test; damages ps; Test Baker personnel 11 N 28 Clayton’s efforts to clam furor over U.S. flyers
ider-water detonation Uncovers fraud in pricing of Harwood’s ex- shot down in Yugoslavia 23 S 26
Harbor investigation il report; con- port br: 11 N 4 No specific plan for revived Germany; Hilldring
ludes Admiral Kimmel was remiss 29 Jl 15 Proposex on rent controls; 15% in- on Ruhr coal, steel 7 O 29
reseal h project at Washington Univer- crease
Symington proposes A.A.F. and B-29s replace
for nuclear-powered ships 29 Jl 68 ORP proposed new agency to absorh; Porter re- Navy as “strong right arm” 21 O 26
Project with A.A.F., U.S. Weather Bureau to Position ( on world food control; disapproved Ort
studythunderstorms 5 Ag 68 plan 11 N 31
ice Decontrol Board
1 ks on Battle of Savo 4 cruis- Closes negotiations on Albania, asks to land de-
sed Truman ppoints Roy Thompson, George Mead,
officers and men lost sr, Crutch- stroyers to pick up U.S. mis sion; Hoxha re-
tizens Daniel Bell to Decontrol Board; function 5 fuses 25 N 32
cleared of blame 19 Ag 25
Closes down separ: ym ce nters; figures on de- Proposes | U.S. food by food-short
hearings on return of price ceilings 19
mobilization S nations
velfth Fleet to remaini in Mediterranean; s continue; meat industry testifies 26
Dual He mist here di y; Latin American
Roosevelt replaced by Ranc l 30 S 26 ference delayed; clash of personalities 2
To build centrifuge test gadg Johnsville, 1
I t 1dacast t nation; returns
Pa. 30 S 63 at 25 16
Vincent-Acheson split over U.S. China policy
rd to conduct Task Force 68 Ant- 30 D 14
m; Cruzen in direct command Public Health Service Supreme Court
Hospital for drug addicts in Lexington, Ky.; Daily News columnist char Truman request
two-part cure +
to Navy’s land-based ed four re ations; President brands a lie
ition der new orce 9 D Report Control of
Venereal Disease 30 S 78 15 Jl 50
Expedition to Antarct sites for military Resear at Oal ige on biological Justices call at White House, p. 28 O
nm power 11 N 96
ses; search for oil, um deposits; study Territories
veather, magnetism 23 D 5 Comm xperiment with BCG vaccine
11 ‘ See also Alaska; Hawaii; Philippine Isla
Medical and sanitar 1 ffairs Truman appoints Jesus Pifiero Gover
Ground-level test chamber at Pensacola: experi- Repor imp vaccine 9 D 53
Race Problems Puerto Ric first native to hold post 5 A 4
nt for stages of anoxia, p. 12 Ag 53 Secretary Krug tours Alaska, advocates State-
» Negroes
Officers See al
hood S 17
R.O.T.C. legislation passes Congress 12 Ag 45 Mary lle, Mich. minister loses pastorate for
I n int lerance Treasury
1 Jl 86
Admirals take jobs in civil aviation; Muller,
lynched in Holmes County Miss., ruman plans to .t 10 n of cash sur
Richardson, Halsey 12 Ag 82
found in bayou; Negro shot by riff in
plus to reduce national 12 Ag 19
Political conditions Treasury gets $170 million from conscience
See also individual states; political parties; Mink Slide mur- stricken taxpayers 19 Ag 21
oes in
Elections Snyder predicts deficit of . on 21 O 25
N.C.P.A.C. course in “practical politics’ 8 Jl 26 Negro priest of 1 Detroit Catholic War Assets Administration
Gallup poll shows Republican trend 29 Jl 1leé drive for interr: O 75 Gregory resigns, Littlejohn successor; Congres-
G.l. Nonpartisan Ticket eaks up Democratic Atlanta police arre sional investigations 8 J] 86
machine in McMinn County, Tenn.; gunfire, white supremacy Sells Pennsylvania steel plants to Carnegie-
ts, p. 12 A y 0
Illinois Steel Corp. 8 Jl 88
Ge 1’s Baptist conventior ction against race
Four veterans rookie policemen arouse town to 1 minati North ina Baptists re- Ann es bidids tor Big Inch and Little Big
i government battle 19 Ag 22 v e stan 1 racial chur 9 D 73 Inch pipelines 12 Ag 79
Independent Citizens’ Committee of Arts, Detroit di scar kos! shops with Disposes of 20,960 war planes 9 S 90
Sciences and Professions, amateur liberal or- d 1iN 25 Littlejohn reorganizes, expedites surplus prop
lization 9 S 23 erty sales 9 S 90
t of Wallace-Truman blunder on Demo Reconstruction Finance Corp.
George Allen’s as d tor 12 Ag 19 Opens st in New Orleans to sell surpluses to
tic Party; G.O.P. slogan “Had Enough? veter ; overall program 30 S 90
ie 8 tre 1 counting 19
Ag 8 Shake 10n; new fixed fee; ex
Prospects f Republican control; candidates in 2ubbe 1 wit nds 7 gement 21 O 86
states, p. 7 O
Refuses t n C for Corp. lease for automo
Politics of meat; Dem t sses confer 7 O bile pl 94
WAA plant
Rents and Priorities, Office of Blunder i lines deal; Littlejohn testi-
Polls show Democratice strength, lowest in 16 fies in congressional hearing 2 D 89
21 O 25 Proposed to take over w me agencies 2 D 25
Resources Sells $91 million Chicago steel plant to Repub
Republican strength in Pennsylvania; cl e of lic Steel for $35 million 30 D 74
G.O.P. control of H se, Senate, cart n 28 Sources f power, 1900-1945;
O % art 30 D 69 War Department
Rural press reflects indifference to politics elec- Scientific Res rch, Office of Releases it-final figures on World War II
t week 11 N 23 and Navy to carry
Sw ing Republic: tory; box score for 1 work 8 Jl 77 rict program in nuclear research
Senate, Hous iors 18 N 21 laboratories, Argonn Laboratories
Securities and Exchange Commission ji 77
Der rats’ big city es collapse in ele man nominates E. M. Hanrahan to replace
18 N 29 roves lion appropriation 18
Brit M.P. ideology 5 Ag 79 cont of atomic projects and
sees J. Caffrey new chairman, p. occupation expenses 14
r “‘whirlwind brewing” r Pike resigned; note to Trt nan 4 N 26 Manhattan District atomic Il: y, Ass
Population Social conditions ated Universities, Inc. 29
Estimated at 140,386,509; up co since Summer activi ties; vacation boom; freak news; Involved in mismanagement \
19 22 ji 21 s, p. 1 Jl 19 program; Senate investigation 9 S 23
ry estimates 5 to 8 iillion in U.S., sup Vi ench rnalist plores lack of lei- To finance nuclear research laboratory in Sche
1 to be white, possess Negro blood; Burma nectady, N.Y. 18 N 80
tes 12 Ag 54 of life in news camera shots, p. 22 Jl 21 War Information, Office of
Post Office Department l
Gilmore’s Russian wife on friendliness in Weidman’s satire Too Early to Tell, rev. N
t rcel post service 29 Jl 15 1, easy lot of U.S. women 12 Ag 66 114
World War II veteran’s appointment as post- Football weeker returns; gaiety, high jinks 21 w ar Mobilization and Reconversion, Office of
master at Clinton, Mo. withdrawn to make O 26 Truman appoints Collet 19 Ag 20
way for Truman’s choice 2 S 16 Rural n¢« ws reflects small-town indifference to Report on U.S. employment, production, income,
Presidents politics; local news items 11 N 23 spending 14 O 23
Jack i's Kitchen Cabinet; Teddy Roosevelt’s
Customs, manners, morals reflected in press re- War Production Board
Te s ( inet; Harding’s, Wilson’s, Frank- ports; incidents 23 D 21 Problems in war program revealed by Senate
lin Roosevelt’s advisers 12 Ag 17 Plans for Christmas; show cross section of U.S.; committee; conflict with War and Navy De-
Fulbright’s suggestion Truman resign; to recom- stories 30 D 19 partments 9 S 23
mend presidential election simultaneous with Soil Conservation Service Weather Bureau
Congress to avoid party deadlock 18 N 22 Warns of’ soil abuses and erosion danger; con- Project with A.A.F., Navy to study thunder-
nerses Presidential Research Board servation crusade 14 O 80 storms 5 / 68
S 94 creates to spur scientific development Spruce Production Corp. Reports on summer in eastern U.S. 23 S 92
Congress liqu dates World War I agency 1 J1 21 View of unseas ble autumn 11 N 24

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Works Projects Administration VANDALISM VA’s new York mental-hygiene clinic; psycho-
Art project mural discarded by lowa State Fair Detroit hoodlum? scar kosher butcher shop win- neurotic cases, p. 19 Ag 68
Board 8 Jl 61 dows with acid 11 N 25 Fewer drug addicts than after World War I;
Artists’ record of American crafts collected for VANDENBERG, ARTHUR H. Barney Ross reports himself tor Lexington
National Gallery 12 Ag 59 Clash with Molotov over free trade on Danube cure 23 S 47
UNITED STATES-CANADIAN PERMA- 21 O 29 WAA opens department store to sell surplus
NENT JOINT DEFENSE BOARD Defends Byrnes’ policy of firmness, warns property; 4,000 customer-veterans 30 S 90
Discusses cooperative Canadian Arctic bases; against partisan squabbles 28 O 23 Charles K. Woltz organizes Lutheran church-
problems 4 N 44 Delegate to U.N. Assembly; career 11 N 29 going campaign in Richmond, Va. 21 O 50
UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY Conversion to internationalism; Wallace credits Bonuses
General Taylor defends policy on football play- Reston; Reston denies 25 N 69 350 veterans storm Missouri capitol, demand|
ers 9 S 64 To resign as U.N. delegate; chairman of Senate special session of legislature to vote $400 cas! o
Montgomery watches football practice, reviews Foreign Relations Committee 30 D 14 bonus; Governor Donnelly disperses 7 O 27
cadets, p. 23 S 25 VANDERBILT, ALFRED, G. JR. Illinois, Michigan, Rhode Island vote fo: bene.
Loss of McWilliams; Vaughan’s comment 30 “Dilatory domiciles’”’ listing in Social Register, fits; women eligible 18 N 29
S 56
p. 16 D 28 Disabled
Truman visits; speech to cadets; reviews pa- VANDERBILT, CONSUELO Plight of 100% disability cases (L) 14 O 6
rade, p- 7 O 21
Divorces William Warburton 8 Jl 90 Truman’s Christmas message to 30 D 14
Football team 3-year records; 8 players to grad- VANDERBILT, CORNELIUS, JR.
Marriage to Maria Pablos 16 S 98 Education
uate, p. 9 D 78 American Theater Wing opens theater school
for show people 22 Jl 66
Churchill proposes regional federation to save Marries Anita Z. Howard 29 Jl 86 Equivalency certificates substitute for high
culture, maintain peace 30 S 29 VANDERBILT, MRS. GLORIA
school diplomas; average education of World
UNITED STATES OF INDONESIA See In- Opens perfume shop, p. 29 Jl 40
War II, of World War I veterans 29 Jl 52
donesia, United States of VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY
Harvie Sranscomb succeeds Carmichael as Number in school or job training at U.S. ex
Buys Geneva plant for $47,500,000; to expand Chancellor 19 Ag 57
G.I.: allowance 3 inadequate f or college educa-
Columbia Steel; charges of monopoly 1 Jl 78 VAN DEVENTER, FRED
Twenty Questions radio quiz success, p. 15 Jl 60 tion; Martin Graebner, typical case 26 Ag 77
Subsidiary buys Government-owned steel plants Employment
in Pennsylvania 8 Jl 88 VAN GELDER, ROBERT
Writers and Writing, rev. 22 Jl 104 Abuses in on-the-job training program 29 Jl 76
F irst half earnings report 19 Ag 81
VAN HOUTEN, MRS. HARRIET Number on unemployment benetit rolls (“<4
Third-quarter profits up; highest since 1941 11 20 clubs’) grows; preferred to low-paid
Army wife and baby killed in air crash in New- jobs
N 87 26 Ag 17
Consolidated Steel Corp. accepts subsidiary sale foundland, p. 14 O 26
offer 30 D 73 VANPORT CENTER COLLEGE Housing
Founded in deserted war boom city in Oregon Low-cost project sponsored by Cleveland banker
Suits against Carnegie-Illinois, other companies 29 Jl 51 15 Jl 82
VARDAMAN, JAMES K. Emergency building schedule lags; Wyatt ex
for back portal-to-portal pay 16 D 90 tends priorities 26 Ag 81
Demands wage increase, portal-to-portal pay, Advises Morris plan bankers on prospect of end
of Federal Reserve credit curbs, p. 4 N 96 NHA report on progress: housing in Cambridge,
inion shop; Murray’s no-strike plan 30 D 15 Boston 7 O 27
Article in Soviet World Economics and World Squatters outbreak in Chicago; move into va-
Politics warns of Capitalist encirclement; cant apartment project; six arrested 18 N ‘30
Formed by merger Universal with Goetz’s In-
sketch, p. 16 S 31 Trousdale Construction Co. project in California
ternational 12 Ag 88
Large circulation in Italy; appeal to Fascists Severed connection with Esquire, plans new, Levitt’s “Kilroy” developme nt at Westbury,
decent Varga girl 19 Ag 60 L.I. 23 D 83
25 N 39
ION Bid for return to power; attacks Dutra gov- Of 79th Congress; appropriation to bu y cars

Strike at Kroehler Co. holds up U.N. order for ernment 9 D 39 for amputees 12 Ag 16
plush chairs 2 S 23 VASARI, GIORGIO : Truman signs terminal leave pay, pens n

UPSHAW, WILLIAM D. Lives of the Most Eminent Architects, Painters crease, on-the-job training bills 19 Ag
Marries Mrs. Lily Galloway 21 O 96 and Sculptors of Italy, abridged, rev. 29 Jl 64 Occupation
URANIUM VASES cs Form summer theatrical companies 1 Jl
Three veterans launched
Possibility of use for ship power 29 Jl 68 Eight-foot vase made in Russia glorifies Stalin, Greenwood ( Miss.
Jachymov mines closed to foreign visitors; te p. 8 Jl 32 Morning Star; scoop on lynching 12 Ag 68
port Russian experts at 5 Ag 30 VATICAN
Pardridge founds aviation magazine; success 26
Oak Ridge pile in action; production of radio- See also Pius XII; Catholic Church, Roman _ Ag 47
active isotope for research; precautions 12 Canonization of Mother Cabrini as first U.S. William J. Murphy’s success with VIP Service;
Ag 53 saint 15 Jl 74 . : specialized personal service, DP. ll N 9:
Westinghouse sued by employe charging illness Monsignor Pucci former news tipster to foreign G.IL.s on Stars and Stripes staff Start English
caused by radiation 9 D 26 correspondents charged with spy service for language tabloid in Rome 18 N 54
First pile at University of Chicago; construc- Mussolini 22 Jl 60 F Organization
tion, control, Army releases description, d. President de Nicola, Premier de Gasperi call on V.F.W. convention in Boston; resolutions 16 §
9 D 67 Pius XII; Swiss guard, p. 19 Ag 35 25
URUGUAY Osservatore Romano comment on arrest of Arch- Duncan-Paris Post of American Legion denied
Pro-Argentine nationalists; police and military bishop Stepinac 30 S 37 : charter on basis of Communist sympathies
plotters arrested 8 Jl 36 Myron C. Taylor to return as U.S. Special En- 23 S 24
Trade treaty with Russia; limited trade 2 S 31 voy; 30-day limit on mission 2 D 21 American Legion convention World War Il J
Springtime; conditions surveyed 11 N 40 veterans 20% of voting strength 14 O :
Presidential candidates: Colorado Party’s Be- 3uys interest in Cleveland Indians; success Pensions
rreta favored; Herrera, Blanco’s candidate 25 with Milwaukee Brewers 1 Jl 69 20% increase in disability pensions for veterans }
N 42 of World Wars I and II 19 Ag 20
Tomas Berreta elected President 2 D 38 VELASCO IBARRA, JOSE MARIA F Political activities
Madists exhibit new art forms in Montevideo Re-elected President of Ecuador; supporters in- John F. Kennedy wins Democratic nomination
16 D 38 timidate electors, p. 2 S 31 for Congress in Massachusetts 11th District
UREY, HAROLD C. VENDING MACHINES veterans’ support, p. 1 Jl 23
Addresses Federation of Women’s Clubs 1 Jl 24 Automatic coffee dispenser product of Bert E. G.I. Nonpartisan Ticket in McMinn (
UTENSILS, HOUSEHOLD See Household Ap- Mills Corp.; vendors, leading makers; Slug Tenn. ousts Democratic machine;
pliances Rejectors 16 D 92 ballot count by gunfire, p. 12 Ag 20
UTESOV, LEONID VENEREAL DISEASE Four rookie policemen in Central Falls, R.1
Soviet jazz band. Merry Lads, p. 258 41 Case rate up among G.I.s in Germany 22 Jl 22 arouse town to good government battle 19 WACI
UTRILLO, MAURICE Rate soars in U.S. forces in Germany; mental Ag 22 Chile
Paris police trace forged paintings to elderly problem; infected women posted 9 S 28 69 of 183 Congressional candidates win election of
woman 4 N 64 Public Health Service report The Control of no sign of political bloc 18 N 29 WADs
Venereal Disease; failure of Army _ prophy- Man,
_ Canada
laxis campaign; contact tracing 30 S 78 | N
Veterans’ Housing League takes over Kildare
Vv VENEZIA GUILIA See Italy—Venezia Guilia
Barracks, in Ottawa moves in families 16 S 4 | WAGE
VACATIONS Government program on meat supplies, cattle Hanratty leads squatters’ invasion of Carleton |
U.S. boom; resorts crowded; automobile travel ranches; land redistribution, irrigation; peon’s barracks, fight Mounties 7 0 42 15
1 jl 19 food supply, map 16 S 36 Homeless Veterans’ League leads squatter ve Reut!
Americans on; millions head for Canada; re- ment in Montreal 11 N 42 pri
Romula Betancourt elected Provisional Presi- resi
sorts; Montreal, Quebec attractions 5 Ag 40 Col. Jchnson wins case against paper
dent; liberal landslide in Constituent Assem- Pil
American Express plans European tours; pros- bly election 4 N 42
for refusal to reemploy 2 D 42
pects for summer travel 9 D 88 Great Britain Drop
Harvest time; boom in Caracas; oil specula- C.]
VACCINES tion; campaign against illiteracy 11 N 40 Church of England’s drive for recruits t
New vaccine for major types of flu 7 O 50 for clergy 1 Jl 86 Petri
Accién Democratica outorganizes Communists clu
Public Health Service to try BCG anti-tubercu- 2 D 38 Lead squatters’ revolt; move families
osis vaccine in community immunization; re- serted Army camps; ex-Commando-ma1 Gove
Army faction in one day revolt; rebel planes Un
sults in Denmark 11 N 76 bomb Maracay Airport; Betancourt’s state- at Vache Park 2 S 24
New vaccine for undulant fever in cattle 18 N 69 Wave
Stanley’s research on influenza and Japanese United States
encephalitis vaccine 25 N 56 VENTRILOQUISM
Indian delegate at U.N. has idea to entertain Ken for
~— vaccine: virus cultured in chick embryos
meeting; show called off 2 D 28 Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. post supports Ja
9 D 53 nedy for Congress, p. 1 Jl 23 pre
nfluenza vaccine produces violent reaction in VERMEER, JAN é ; Convention in Boston; horseplay; Starr electe Wage
children 23 D 66 Dutch artist copies Jesus in the Temple in National Commander; parade, p. 16S 25 Mu ll

VAGRANCY prison to prove forgery case 18 N 61 VICTOR, ARCHBISHOP


Girl hitchhiker “Susan Bower” arrested in New VERMONT Prelate of Russian Orthodox Church rated Incre
Jersey 18 N 30 Ralph E. Flanders wins G.O.P. senatorial nom- from Chinese jail; declared allegiance to Pa hon
VAGUS NERVE ination; expected to succeed Austin 26 Ag 18 triarch of Moscow, p. 11 N 38 Recor
Revolutionary operation reported cure for stom- VETERANS VIET NAM, “REPUBLIC” OF den
ach ulcers, diag. 26 Ag 70 Ex-soldier returns to Stoke, is refused British Air
Ho demands full independence from France
VALENTINE, LEWIS J. citizenship, ordered to leave; British people annexation of Cochin-China 9 S 34 29.
Death of 23 D 88 protest 1 Jl 28 VILLARROEL, GUALBERT 0 Stel
VALTIN, JAN (RICHARD KREBS) VA pays out $800 million in death benefits, President of Bolivia killed in political revolt UA.)
Children of Yesterday, rev., p. 19 Ag 102 disability awards 22 Jl 18 29 Jl 36 Tul

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1—December 30, 1946, inclusive)

Body hung from lamp post, p. 5 Af 47 1947 basic increase demand $2 a day; C.1.0. Danzig hanging of 11 for murder of 200,000
VINCI, LEONARDO DA advance demands 11 N 26 Jews; 35,000 watch, p. 5 Ag 30
Fresco Last Supper ruined by dampness, r. News publisher resists Guild campaign for Puppet ruler Pu-yi lent by Russians for testi-
9 D 61 $100 weekly wage 18 N 54 mony at Tokyo trials 19 Ag 30
VINING, MRS. ELIZABETH G. New York Stock Exchange offers 10% increase, Pu-Yi testifies Hirohito Shinto- ordered him to
Chosen as tutor for Crown Prince of Japan; union demands 25% 18 N 96 ize Manchukuo 2 § 23
sketch, p. 9 S 59 Average pay for miners, steelworkers, auto Machida appeals to former U.S. prisoner to
Starts work with Akihito, p. 4 N 49 workers 16 D 22 save life; rebuffed 9 S 81
Reports on peers and peeresses schools; on Unions file back portal-to-portal pay suits Guam trials of 17 Japanese for crimes includ-
hardships 9 D 64 against industries 16 D 90 ing cannibalism; three to be hanged 14 O 28
VINTENON, FRANCOIS Nathan report shows industry can pay 21% to Jackson to close Niirnberg trials; ties up Ger-
25% boost 23 D 17 man public opinion, finance, with war crimes
Existentialist writer; mystery of death cause; Steelworkers to ask increases, guaranteed an- 5 Ag 31
sketch 2 § 25 nual wage, portal-to-portal pay 30 D 15 Niirnberg accused make last 1
pleas; length of
Special personal service bureau founded by vet-
Reese pottery gives all over 20¢-an-hour raise, trial 9 S 31
eran; clients 11 N 92 $l-an-hour minimum 30 D 17 Nurnberg Trials press coverage ; correspondents
Canada in Faber Castle 16 S 78
VIRGINIA Demands for wage increases, Government atti- Top Nazis sentenced at Nirnberg: Goring, Rib-
Byrd wins renomination for Senate over Hutch- tude 1 Jl 38
inson 19 Ag 22 bentrop, 9 others to hang; Schacht, Fritzsche,
Steel dispute over government 10¢ increase; Papen acquitted; wives’ farewell visits 7 O 30
A. Willis Robertson to succeed to Senate seat
raised to 12¢ 22 Jl 40 Taft denounces Niirnberg trial, hangings as
of Carter Glass 16 S 24
Government offers steelworkers 13¢ an hour violation principle of American law 14 O 29
VIRGINIA, UNIVERSITY OF raise; strike committee accepts 7 O 42
Stettinius made rector; Woodrow Wilson School World reaction to Niirnberg sentences: satirical
1ises bring price increases; Government to report of “hanging of U.S. war criminals’:
of Foreign Service 19 Ag 57 op wage controls 14 O 42 Jackson’s defense 14 O 32 F
Conference; End of Government controls; labor satisfied Nazi war criminals await execution; hel .
Attempts to get floor at Paris yenaviol
with wage boosts 9 D 40 opinions on sentences 21 O 32
Bidault’s stand on parliamentary order 19
Chile Ten top Nazis hanged in Niirnberg prisons; last
Ag 28
Comment on Italians’ lack of fighting spirit; Average $1 a day; 75¢ a day in undersea coal words; Goring commits suicide, clx ats gi
mines 19 Ag 42 lows; bungling charged 28 O 34
challenged to duels, p. 16 S 31 News
Portugal on Nurnberg executions confused; specu
Leads Soviet delegation attending St. Patrick’s
Cathedral Mass, p. 4 N 31 Low level; inadequate to cost. of living 22 Jl 28 lation on Géring suicide 28 O 56
Russia Goring’s method of concealing poison 4 N 35
Average life span exceeds 65 years; life ex-
Average earnings, compared to incomes of Question of releasing news pictures hanged
pectancy of 20-year-olds 1 Jl 66 priests 23 S 72 Ntirnberg criminals’ corpses 4 N 7
WAGES AND HOURS ACT (1938) Mackensen, Maeltzer; sentenced to death for Ar-
U.S. infant mortality in first week, 125,000
annually 23 S 47
Unions involve in portal-to-portal pay suits 16 deatine Caves reprisal killings 9 D 29
D 90 Stimson defends Niirnberg verdicts, defines in-
Overall death rate from diabetes increase to
WAGNER ACT ternational law; 3 acquitted to he tried by
5% from 1.4% in 1920 23 S 50
2.5 billion heartbeats to human lifetime; theory Senator Ball would overhaul to outlaw jurisdic- German court 23 D 27 ?
tional strikes 23 D 18 Furtwangler acquitted of Nazi collabo: ition by
British Doctor 30 S 78
Amendment asked by Sloan 30 D 73 3erlin tribunal 30 D 56 ,
Dr. Florence Sabin crusades inst Colorado’s
WAITT, ALDEN H. WAR DEPARTMENT See under [ ted States
high death rate; survey 28 O 78
Testimony at Senate hearings on Garsson muni- WAR INDUSTRIES
U.S. birth rate up; 28 per 1,000 population in
September; 3% drop in death rate 9 D 24 tions case, p. 5 Ag 24 Senate investigates profiteering Erie Basin
WAKEMAN, FREDERIC Metals Co. operations 15 Jl 20
Fe County: infant mortality, maternal
ath rate, highest in U.S. 9 D 53 The Hucksters, rev. 9 S 86 Garsson munitions combine: Senate i: sstigation
80,000 deaths yearly in U.S. from gastric cancer WALDBRUNNER, KARL 29 J1 15
16 D 73
Minister to Moscow, homeless, without funds, Mead Committee charges armed forces , Govern-
returns to Vienna, resigns 23 D 27 ment agencies with costly yunders praises
WALES industry 9 § 3 ;
Work of Dr. Tom Spies; folic acid in B com-
plex, remedy for sprue, anemia; nicotinic ddfod at Mountain Ash; poetry awards; WAR INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE See
acid of B-2 cures pellagra 12 Ag 89 rincess Elizabeth pays tribute to miners, p. United States—Congress—Senate
WALKER, JAMES J. Pacific war memorial to be scientific founda-
Orwell analyzes articles, photographs, advertis-
ing, cover, r. 9 D 25 Death a as New York’s mayor; sketch, tion 11 N 98
oS 2s mm Ze Davis’ project for statue of Churchill holding
VOICE RADIO See Radio- Equipment and parts
WALKING cigar; Dover’s mayor disapproves, p. 30 D 21
Ukrainian U.N. delegate involved in New York
Bert Couzens smashes world’s record on British WAR MOBILIZATION AND RECONVER-
track 28 O 69 SION, OFFICE OF See under United States
store holdup 2 D 29
Heirs lose claim to unfinished works of Rouault Sponsors experiments in hybridizing cows; suc- Buys Courtley, Ltd.; deal with Nassaur 9 S 88
22 Jl 50 cess in cross breeding corn 15 Jl 73 WARNER BROTHERS
YON ABELE, RUDOLPH Speech on U.S. foreign policy, ‘‘approved’” by Pioneers in sound film; 20th anniversary; man-
Alexander H, Stephens, rev. 16 S 112 Truman; press reaction; Truman’s statement, agement, films; p. 12 Ag 93 ,
1 2. ae
VOTING Bar Lire, Time staffs from studios, previews
See also Elections “The Speech” stirred furor in Britain 23 S 28 26 Ag OU

Views on “free voting’’ by Polish Security Po- Letter to Truman on U.S. policy toward Rus- C.S.U. pickets studio; protest firing carpenters,
llice chief and Senator Bilbo compared 8 Jl 27 sia leaks out to press; resigns Cabinet at Tru- painters 7 O
Only Negro to vote in Georgia district visited man’s request, cartoons, sketch, cov. 30 S 21 WAR PLANTS
by white men, dies of bullet wounds 5 Ag 25 Effect of foreign policy speech on Democratic Geneva Steel purchased by U.S. Steel Ji 78
70,000 U.S. citizens voted in Canada, lost citi- Party 30 S 24 Government steel plants in Pennsylvania sold to
zenship; repatriation process 16 S 40 Row with Baruch over letter on U.S. atomic Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp. 8 JI 8&8
Venezuela devises method for illiterates; iden- icy, p. 14 O 24
Proposed sale synthetic rubber plants to private
tifying voters to prevent fraud 4 N 42 Becomes editor of New Republic; offered old industry; Port Neches plant, p. 12 Ag 79
Aleman asks Mexican Congress for Women’s job with Wallace’s Farmer 21 O 25
RFC rebuked for poor accounting of invest-
' suffrage 16 D 40 Speech on behalf of Will Rogers, Jr. 4 N 23 ments, rents 19 Ag 88
F V-2 See Rockets Take over editorship of New Republic; speech Canada
hallenges G.O.P. 25 N 69
Submarine detectors made in stable of Toronto's
First Wallace issue of Nez Republic, editorial
Casa Loma; secrecy measure 28 O 49
w quoted; ad 16 D 80
le 1 WACHHOLTZ, ROBERTO WALL STREET See New York Stock Exchange Senate approves extension, prohibits use to en
Chile’s Finance Minister fights inflation; accused WALSH, DAVID 1. force price ceilings 1 Jl 22
of speculating; fist fight with Vial 16 D 38 Candidate for re-election to Senate from Massa- WARREN, LINDSAY
WADSWORTH, ALFRED P. chusetts; Lodge opposing; record 4 N 24 Reports on Maritime Commission’s war ship
Manchester Guardian editorship; sketch, p. 4 WALSKA, GANNA building program 29 Jl 80
, N 76 Divorces Yogi Theos Bernard; offers $1,500 Audit of RFC books; complaints to ( gress
¢ 4) | WAGES monthly alimony 22 Jl 46 p. 19 Ag 86
rlet Hollywood off-production workers win demands WAL WILLIAM G. WARREN, ROBERT P.
15 Jl 86 Invents machine to ani lyze electroencephalo- All the King’s Men, rev., p 6 Ag 98
Reuther threatens further demands; wages vs. graph, p. 16 D 73 WASHINGTON, GEORGE
prices, cartoon 22 Jl 17 WALTHAM, MASS. Victory in Battle of Princeton, Trumbull’s paint
Presidential board recommendations in Air Lines Site of new Jewish-sponsored universtiy 2 S 63 ing, r. 28 O 30
Pilots’ dispute 22 Jl 82 WASHINGTON (STATE)
Drop in take-home pay due to rising prices; WAR
See also World War Earthquake; seismologists explain 1 J! 2
C.1.0. threatens to reopen wage issue 26 Ag 15
Petrillo demands increase for New York night- Scientists planning for extra-atmospheric war; De Lacy and Costigan fight for Democratic
study of space missiles, diagram 2 S 52 Congressional nomination; Rovse\ it Tamils
F } club musicians 26 Ag 20 s
ver| Government board grants raise to Western Baruch warns of uselessness of defenses in support 8 Jl 25
atomic war 9 § 31 Hugh De Lacy wins Democratic nomination to
a Union employees 9 S 83
ler Wave of raises, soaring costs and prices, car- Protestant Episcopal Convention denounces idea Congress, Mitchell renominated to Senate 22
of war with Russia; Wallace speech quoted ji 19
= tcon 16 S 89
Newspaper Guild strike for $100 top-minimum
Ker for reporters at Los Angeles Herald & Ex- Danger of war between Russia and western Negroes barred from opening of Joan of Lor
F press 23 S 63 Allies; opinions 30 S 31 raine 11 N 55
ect Wage-price spiral 30 S 88 Stalin sees no real danger of war 7 O 28 White House reopened to public 18 N 22
Niebuhr’s views on avoiding war 21 O 31 WASHINGTON, UNIVERSITY OF
7 Mueller’s union at Duquesne demands 20% wage
sas boost; triple time for holidays 7 O 23 Byrnes on Russia's belief war inevitable 28 O 23 Crew loses to Cornell; history of ( ynibear’s
‘ Increases forcing price rise; 8.5% drop in take- sritain plans Anglo-U.S. global defense system coaching 1 Jl 68
on home pay 14 O 23 for rocket war; strategy, map 4 N 35 WASHINGTON EVENING STAR
; Recording musicians get increase at Petrillo WAR BRIDES See Women McKelway named new editor; circulation 11
demands 28 O 24 WAR CASUALTIES See World War II—Cas- N 68
France Air Line Pilots strike at T.W.A., demand ualties WASHINGTON POST
7 29.1% increase to handle Skymasters, Con- WAR CONTRACTS See Contracts, Government Meyer resigns as publisher; succeeded by son
_Stellations 28 O 25 WAR CRIMES in-law Philip Graham 1 Jl 15
revolt U.A.W. accedes to incentive wage plan at Bundy Matsuoka dies on sick leave from Tokyo trial Editorial on lack of U.S. progress toward re
Tubing Co. 4 N 96 8 Jl 90 vival of Germany 7 O 29

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)


LEGE Too Early to Tell, rev. 25 N 114 Thunder Out of China, rev., p. 28 O 110
James H. Case, Jr. becomes new president; in- WEIGHT LIFTING WHITE HOUSE
augural 4 N 69 Japan’s elderly athlete Matsumoto 30 S 38 Work begun on modernizing elevator; renovation
Atomic power research for ship propulsion 29 New method of determining standard meter by Reopened to public 18 N 22
jl 68 a waves; official standards in Paris vault Full-dress U.S. diplomatic dinner; McKinley
WASILEWSKA, WANDA N 6 gold flatware, Franklin Roosevelt china 9 D 23
Red Army Colonel to attend all-Slavy Congress WEISENBURGER, WALTER B. Christmas decorations 30 D,13
in New York; novel Rainbow, p. 2 S 22 N.A.M. convention speech on labor policy, p. WHITFORD, A. E.
WASON, ROBERT R. 16 D 87 Report to A.A.S. on Mt. Wilson study 23 S 92
Charges government sold out to labor; comment WEIZMAN, CHAIM
Distrusted as pro-British; WHITMAN, MRS. MALCOLM (LUCILLA
on Truman, p. 16 D 87 Zionists to elect new
WASOWSKI, ANDRE president 16 D 33 MARA)
Polish pianist greatest player “ Chopin; con- WELLES, ORSON
Success with exclusive necktie shop, p. 2D 9
cert in Rome; sketch, p. 25 } Reconciled with wife Rita Hayworth 21 O 44 WHITMAN, R. L.
WATCHES WELLINGTON, DUKE OF Leader of Columbians arrested in Atlanta dem.
Pocket sundial solves shortage in Berlin 8 Jl] 30 Pays King annual rent of small French flag on onstration; has baby witness riot, p. 11 N 25
WATER Strathfield Saye 1 Jl 40 bad al ‘MRS. CORNELIUS VANDER-
Issue of State v. Federal ownership = sub- WELLS, HERBERT G. ILT
merged land under coastal waters 5 Ag 23 Raises question of British King’s support of Wins prize as best-dressed woman in ready-to. wi
Polluted drinking water source of infectious Fascism 15 Jl 46 wear garment 7 O 47 N
hepatitis (jaundice); superchlorination 16 S 54 Death; contribution to English literature; sketch WHITTLE, FRANK
Blue color of deep water Souleleed 18 N 80 26 Ag 28 Inventor of turbo-jet engine in U.S. to receive
WATER POWER Will; estate; tribute to children’s affection 2 Legion of Merit; comments, p. 25 N 58 wo
Source of U.S. energy, 1900 1945, chart 30 D 69 D 45 WIENER, ALEXANDER
WATERS, MRS. FRANK K. WENCH II (YACHT) Changes blood of Rh baby by complete transfu. we
Irish war bride imprisoned for killing husband; Sets world record at Havana international re- sion, p. 23 D 66 L
ullowed to visit baby, p. 16 S 24 gatta 9 D 80 WIGMAN, MARY
WATER SUPPLY WERMUTH, ARTHUR , Living in Leipzig; letter to U.S. friend 12 Ag 39 woF
Lack of rainfall slowed Santiago, Chile hydro- Engaged to circus parachutist; Filipino nurse Reopens dance school in Berlin: p. 26 Ag 61
electric plants; aqueduct breaks down 23 S 38 suing for annulment; U.S. wife’s comment WILDE, OSCAR
WATERWAYS 1 Jl 40 Oscar Wilde: His Life and Wit by Hesketh
U.S. for internationalization of Europe’s vital WERNHER, HILDA Pearson, rev., p. 15 Jl 103
iterways; failure of Danube policy 2 S 15 Co-author of The Land and the Weill, rev. 23 S Lady Windermere’s Fan revived on Broadway,
Ww AUGH, EVELYN 112 rev. 28 O 63
Edmund Campion, rev. 1 Jl 102 WERTH, ALEXANDER WILDER, THORNTON
Satirical plan for retirement of British upper Stalin answers questions in peace talk 7 O 28 Awarded M.B.E. for war aid 2 D 44
classes 30 S 48 WESTBURY, N.Y. WILDLIFE
WAVELL, ARCHIBALD P., VISCOUNT Levitt’s housing development on Long Island, U.N. considers Pantelle ria and Helgoland for
Appoints temporary “‘caretaker’’ government in p. 23 D 83 bird sanctuaries 22
India 8 Jl 35 WESTERN AIR LINES, INC. Whooping cranes at Aransas Wildlife Refuge;
Appoints Executive Council to take over care- Financial losses; Coulter resigns; stock issue Audubon study, p. 2 D 98
taker ¢ ernment 2 S 26 23 D 82 WILHELMINA, QUEEN OF THE NETH-
Refuses to postpone Constituent Assembly; WESTERN RESERVE ACADEMY See Schools ERLANDS
Nehru to cooperate with 2 D 36 —Private Gift of coach and cavalry horses t King
Appointed to U.S. Atomic Energy Commission PANY WILLIAMS, CAMILLA
iN r Government recommends wage increase; FCC Negro prima donna with New York City Opera
WAYS, MAX refuses rate increase 9 S 83 Co.; sketch, p. 30 S 68
sian expatriate 23 S Sued by laboratory employe charging illness Cartoon editor of Collier’s; method of ng
WEAPONS Sce Arms Equipment; Munitions caused by uranian radiation 9 D 26 gag panels; book J Meet Such People, 1
Thunderstorms: A.A.F., Navy, U.S. Weather TIONAL CO. WILLIAMS, GERTRUDE M.
Bureau study; origin, intensity 5 Ag 68 William Knox new president; to set up plant Priestess of the Occult, rev. 11 N 78
U.S. Weather Bureau reports July, August in China 19 Ag 88 WILLIAMS, MRS. HARRISON
cooler, 67% more rain in New England; “Ber- WESTON, CHRISTINE x0es to Capri, p. 2 S 36
muda highs” 23 S 92 Dark Wood, rev.; sketch, p. 23 S 110 Returns to U.S.; reports things missing from
PICAO establishes 13 weather ships in North WEST POINT See United States Military Acad- Capri villa, p. 9 D 42 M:
Atlantic as navigation aid 7 O 70 emy WILLIAMS, TED ‘

We: ather stations in Arctic planned by Joint Home-run record on return to Red Sox; hitting Ch
U.S.-C anadian Defense Board 4 N 44 record; sketch, p. 22 Jl 48
Refitted as liner America; Maritime Commis-
Unseasonable autumn; high temperatures; frost Star in final game with Cards; Babe Ruth's
sion seeks to sell 16 S 94
in California; blizzard in Rocky Mountains comment 21 O 81
Dry-ice pellets in clouds cause snowstorms 25 Primaries results; Democrats renominate Kil- Death of 2 D 100
N ‘57 gore, Republican Sweeney to oppose 19 Ag 22
Record snowstorms and low temperatures hit WHEAT Memorial in Rushville cemetery; stones by Mal
western Canada; towns isolated 2 D 40 3ritain and . anada call off bilaters al deal; ac- vina Hoffman; message on freedom carved or
Three-day heavy fog in southern Britain; acci- cede to U.S. protest 8 Jl4 stone book 14 O 28
lents 23 D 28 Kansas farmers start to harvest bumper crop; WILLS
Navy to study effect of Antarctic currents on Frank Anderson’s farm, profits, p. 15 Jl 21 Mrs. Mabel S. Greer leaves estate to Harvard
climate of South America, Australia, Africa Price soars; freight car shortage; stored in question of illegitimate son’s claim 2 D 26
; D §2 fields; rains spoil, p. 15 Jl 81 WILLYS-OVERLAND
“Coldest spot on earth” in Siberia; world’s U.S. relief shipments exceed commitments 22 Jl New car design; financing; stock issue 14 O %
source regions of cold air 30 D 69 19
WEATHER HOUSES World crop estimates; Orr’s plan for FAO pur- Los Angeles Times club editor addresses club
Bob Kahn’s mail order business; models, p. 2 -hase U.S. —— 5 Ag 31 women on press notices, p. 30 S 73 Mc
S 8U Shipr nent tied ‘up by rail car shortage, p. 9S 83 WILSON, CHARLES EDWARD
WEAVING Bolivia Wants prices held at prewar levels 22 J! 80 Ho
Truman Bailey revives ancient backstrap-loom U.S. import deal; Perén’s tactics in withhold- Warns price controls and labor costs threat t
weaving in Peru 1 Jl 36 ing shipment foiled 9 S 41 business, in Chicago Economic Club address,p
WEBB, BEATRICE Canada 21 O 85 Ty;
Early activity in Fabian Society according to Rustproof strains developed by Experimental WILSON, CHARLES ERWIN
Shaw, p. 11 N 33 Farms Service; Redman Rescue; crop sav- On G.M. production, on drop in worker eff J i B

WEBB, G iL LIAN ings 1 Jl 38 ciency; blames Administration, p. 16 S 89 [|

BBC television stunt; sketch, p. 2 D 80 Shipments to Britain below promises 9 D 40 En:
WEBB, JAMES E. British Columbia farm wife wins title Wheat Memoirs of Hecate County suppressed Jl 6
Truman appoints Director of Budget; sketch, p Queen with hand-harvested red wheat 16 D 44
Wife sued for separation, charged cruelty 16 $
> Ag 2 Russia 45
WEBB, RICHARD H. L. Russian crop hit by drought 9 S 34 Memoirs of Hecate County ruled obscene by
British Colonel’s tactics against Jerusalem Jews WHEELER-REED BILL New York Co pss defended by Justice Per
+ N 41 Congress passes; provisions on bankrupt rail- man, p. 9 D 2
WEBB, SIDNEY (BARON PASSFIELD) roads 12 Ag 84 Marriage to M: s. Elena Thornton, few hours
Unable to attend 60th jubilee of Fabian Society;
early days, Shaw’s account, p. 11 N 33
WHEELOCK, LUCY after divorce; clash with reporters D
Death of 14 O 100 WILSON, WOODROW
Founder Webb School of Tennessee; iron peda- WHISKEY See Liquor In Great Teachers, rev. 8 Jl 67 V Eve
gogy; investment, p. 16 S 75 WHITE, ALMA B. Reception in Paris in 1919, p. 5 Ag 29
WEBB AND KNAPP, INC. Founder of Pillar of Fire dies; religious philos- WINCHELL, WALTER
Plans Flushing real estate development, p. 19 ophy; sketch, p. 8 Jl 73 Hints of war; New York Times blames for start
\g 84 WHITE, E. B. ing stock market sltump; comment 16 5S 89
Plan for New York City redevelopment proj- Wild Flag, rev. 11 N 109 WINDSOR, EDWARD, DUKE
ect; Zeckendorf’s operations 14 O 92 w a TE, GEORGE With Duchess entertains press party at Rivier
WEBBER, PEGGY Fined $600 for hit-and-run driving; fine paid chateau; food editor’s comment 22 Jl 4¢
Radio success with dialect, character parts; in by ex-Marine 2 S 38 Farm in Canada vacant five years; comments
The Man Called X; skeich, p. 5 Ag 61 WHITE, JOHN S 47
WEBB SCHOOL OF TENNESSEE 5S . Painting of North America; engrz ae reissued Guest of Lord Dudley at Ednam Lodge; chance
—Private in book The New World 25 N 4 of Governor Generalship of Australia hurt by}
WEBER, CARL J. WHITE, MARGOT C. (LADY = AW HAW) publicity on jewel robbery 28 O 36
Hardy in America, rev. 22 Jl 99 Fate of; sketch, p. 8 Jl 29 Chats with Clement Attlee in London; expectet J
Director in new American pomeen Theater; Report on Bikini explosion 5 Ag 88 Arrives in New York with Duchess 18 N 47
Henry VIII production, rev WHITE, STEWART E. Tenth anniversary of abdication; quoted
WEED KILLERS Death of 30 S 84 marital happiness 16 D 47
2,4-D effective against bindweed in western WHITE, T. H. Dances with Duchess at New York’s Hote
Plaza, p. 23 > D 42
grain fields 9 S 76 Mistress Masham’s Repose, rev. 14 O 108
Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

WINDSOR, DUCHESS OF Marriages with German P.W.s urged; surplus Axis cooperation
In Britain; luggage; comment on high prices in 200,000 women 28 O 32 Germany offered Russia membership in Axis;
Paris, p. 21 O 33 50 war brides return from Canada, complain of facts in captured documents 23 D 26
Robbed of $80,000 of jewelry; excluded from conditions, people; Liverpool Daily Post re- Casualties
tion visit to King, p. 28 O 36 port; others arrive in Canada, p. 23 D 41 United States
Judges Little Sister Beauty Contest in New Japan
York, p. 16 D 47 Yokasuka Women’s Assn. delegates welcome U.S. War Department figures; 308,978 total dead;
WINECOFF HOTEL Navy wives 1 Jl 25 losses by states 8 Jl 22
Fire kills 120, p. 16 D 27 Prostitutes’ union formed; new U.S. fraterniza- 952 lost at Battle of Savo Island 19 Ag 25
WINNICK, MAURICE tion rules; most beautiful woman in Japanese War dead in Pacific islands, reburied in Hawaii;
On disadvantages of BBC monopoly 9 D 96 Diet, p. 16 S 35 next of kin to be polled on shipment from Ha-
WINSOR, KATHLEEN Korea waiian, Belgian cemeteries 9 S 27
Marries Artie Shaw, p. 11 N 49 Demonstrators in Seoul, p. 14 O 39 Army CWS reports total of 38 killed, 127
WIND TUNNELS ; Mexico wounded by faulty mortar fire 16 S 24
NACA plan for cluster of supersonic tunnels; Aleman urges vote, right to hold office; Women’s Cost
power requirements 14 O 80 Party meeting 16 D 40 U.S. pays out $800 million in death benefits,
WINSLOW, C. E. A. Rus disability awards 22 Jl 18
On polio epidemic 5 Ag 56 Serafima murders husband 15 Jl 34 Destruction of property
WIN THE PEACE COMMITTEE Se« National Tamara Chernashova contrasts easy lot of U.S. Lost Treasures of Europe, rev.; worst damages
Committee to Win the Peace women with Russian women 12 Ag 66 architectural, p. 4 N 63
WISCONSIN Mothers get Medal of Maternal Glory for bear-
Naval operations
McCarthy defeats LaFollette in Republican sena- ing five or more children 28 O 40
torial primary 26 Ag 18 Battle of Savo Island: Navy opens books; opera-
WOMEN’S CLUBS, GENERAL FEDERA- tions, ships lost, map 19 Ag 24
Deer season; fatalities 9 D 80 TION OF
WODEHOUSE, P. G. Convention in Chicago; guest speakers; resolu-
Joy in the Morning, rev., p. 26 Ag 100 tions; officers, p. 1 Jl 24 Brooks Atkinson sees armed peace only hope;
WOLTZ, CHARLES K. WONG YUNG-MAI blames Russian foreign policy 15 Jl 28
Lutheran church-going campaign in Richmond, Miss Shanghai of 1946, p. 16 S 35 Settlements deferred; complex issues 11 N 30
Va. 21 O 50 WOOD, GRANT Peace Conferences
WOMEN Painting Dinner for Threshers, r. 19 Ag 19 Foreign Ministers Paris Conference II; agree-
Federation of Women’s Clubs convenes in Chi- WOOD, JAMES M. ments; U.S. insists on 21-nation peace con
cago; Fannie Hurst on women in politics; offi To retire as president of Stephens College; ad ference 1 Jl 26
cers, p. 1 Jl 24 ministration, theory, p. 2 D 70 Molotov bmits German reconstruction plan,
U.S. Navy wives arrive in Yokasuka; greeted WOOD, MYRON R. rejects counter-proposal on zonal administra
by Japanese women 1 Jl 25 Death of 11 N 84 tion 22 Jl
Nightclub singers; Jo Stafford, others, p. 1 Jl 60 woop Council of Foreign Ministers agrees to 21-nation
Average length of life for white females 68.95 Record summer log drive in Canada; pulpwood peace conference on July 20; Big Four, p. 15
years 1 Jl 66 stored for newsprint, p. 19 Ag 38 Jl 27
Mary Bethune Negro woman educator; sketch, WOODRING, HARRY H. Molotov, Bevin, Byrnes compromise on French
p. 22 Jl 55 Democratic candidate for Governor of Kansas 19 proposal to internationalize Trieste 15 Jl 33
Constitutional amendment to grant “equality Ag 22 Paris Council of Foreign Ministers adjourns;
of rights under the law” rejected by Senate Attacks state dry law as failure, p. 9 S 25 achievement, cartoon 22 Jl 25
29 ji 15 WOODS, JOHN C. Big Four ree to minor Italian treaty matters;
|TH- Mrs. Mollie Newbury sells out Chicago’s Boston U.S. Army executioner at Niirnberg; comments table Trieste issue 18 N 31
Store; sketch, p. 29 Jl 78 on hangings, p. 28 O 34 Cultural conference of Europe’s intellectuals at
K ng Mrs. Margaret Ailshie publisher Jdaho States WOODROW WILSON SCHOOL OF FOR- Geneva 23 S 28
man; career, sketch p. 5 Ag 93 EIGN SERVICE AND INTERNATIONAL Foreign Ministers’ 115th session ends; agree-
Ciare B. Luce reaffirms plan to retire from polli- AFFAIRS ments on treaties; to meet in Moscow, March
tics; record as Congresswoman, p. 26 Ag 19 Endowment; Col. Dillard, director 19 Ag 57 10 16 D 26
Mrs. St. George wins G.O.P. nomination for WOOLTON, LORD Paris Peace Conference
( gress; on women in politics, p. 2 S_18 Named chairman of Conservative party in MacKenzie King to represent Canada, formu
Tennis stars; game introduced to U.S. by Mary Britain, cartoon 8 Jl 29 lates policy 22 Jl 40
Outerbridge; Betz Club, p. 2 S 57 WORDS Agenda: Big Four draft treaties, map 29 Jl 20
Two sisters take over Colorado oil boom town “Ingannation,”” “obfuscation” defined; Clarence Ot 21 nations opened by Bidault 5 Ag 29
News, p. 9 S 52 Brown, Truman exchange 19 Ag 20 Small nations protest two-thirds majority rule;
Iris Carpenter
reports on war experiences in In Vogue’s advertising 9 D 25 treaty sketch, 26 questions open, p. 12 Ag 22
No Woman's |} J orld rev. 9 S 112 Dresden police forbid use of Jawahl as Nazi ver- Molotov attacks draft of Italian peace treaty;
Actresses, wives of officials received lavish gifts sion of Ja 23 D 28 Byrnes assails distortion of U.S. policy; Rus-
for christening ships, p. 23 S 26 American slang craze in Denmark, Japan; word sians’ rude behavior, p. 26 Ag 22
Mrs. Randolph Dyer first woman deputy to Epis coinage, examples 30 D 42 Lack of agreement on peace treaties; Russian
copal General Convention 23 S 72 “WORDS TO LIVE BY” Sec Columns, Maga bloc on Greek claims, on Trieste 23 S 29
Clubwomen, amateur press correspondents, ad zine Closing days; vote against Russia and satellites;
dressed by Los Angeles Times Club Editor, WORLD BANK See International Bank for Re Molotov-Vandenberg clash on Danube free
Bess Wilson 30 S 73 construction and Development trade 21 O 29
Passengers killed in crash of Berlin-bound trans WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES Peace terms
port in Newfoundland; Army wives with chil Meeting in London; calls for unity of Catholics
dren, p. 14 O 26 Tenda and Brida to France; return Dodecanese
and Protestants 12 Ag 75 to Greece; Austrian demand for south Tyrol
Various estimates; British sculpture; London Appeal for united Christendom for peace; Metho
Pearly Queen; Australian girl in French bath dist Christian Advocate, Catholic (
rejected 8 Jl 28
Mal ommon
Big Four agree to internationalize Trieste 15 Jl
ing suit, p. 14 O 34 weal on joining moral forces 2 S 66
Dr. Florence R. Sabin crusades against Colo
WORLD COURT See United Nations Interna

rado’s high death rate; medical achievement, Molotov plan for Germany; government, recon
tional Court of Justice struction, $10 billion reparations 22 Jl 25
p. 28 O 78
WORLD ECONOMICS AND WORLD POLI- Pauley charges against Russia; tie-in of repara
“Susan Bower” girl hitchhiker arrested in Ne Ww
TICS (PERIODICAL) tions 5 Ag 28
Jersey , refuses to talk, p. 18 N 30 Official Soviet magazine; Varga warns of en Finland’s reparations bill to Russia 5 Ag 34
Jani n Pollock wins ‘Mrs. America” beauty con circlement by Capitalist countries 16 S$ 31
test; with family, p. 25 N 28 Hungary’s rej tions to Russia 5 Ag 37
WORLD FEDERATION See World Govern Reparations agreement at Paris Conference;
Maine guide Crosby dies at 93 25 N 100 ment
Mother of four declines Mrs. America prize; amounts from Italy, Hungary, Rumania, Bul
WORLD FEDERATION OF TRADE garia, Finland 14 O 30
second best named winner 2 D 45
UNIONS German reparations; Russia demands $2 billion
Homemaking training objective of Stephens Col
Russia proposes participation in Economic and worth goods annually 2 D 27
lege; candidates chosen on “‘comeliness,”’ popu-
Social Council; Council turns down 1 Jl 27 Peace Treaties
larity, p. 2 D 71
Type of beauty featured by Vogue; Orwell's sig Four draft of treaties on Paris Peace Con
U.S. rejects Orr plan for food control 11 N 31
ysis; cover, symbol, r. 9 D 2: ference agenda; settlements reviewed 29 Jl 20
of Our Time” in centenary Issuc¢ ol Return of U.S.-impounded Danubian shipping;
Discussions at Student Federalists convention;
Town and Country, p. 16 D 76
speakers Adler, Ruml, Finletter 16 S 22 - Italian treaty discussion; Molotov’s conces
Enrollment in medical schools increases; intern sions, demands on Trieste N 29
Streit’s Federal Union, Inc.; to publish Freedom
ships, jobs as resident doctors, fields, limited Prisons and Prisoners
nion 23 S 63
16 D 74 Co l
Mary Howard leading radio recording engineer,
Student Federalists’ Charter (L) 7 O 8
Agar to be British Isles editor of Streit’s Free Ex-U.S. prisoner rebuffs appeal to help save life
sketch, p. 30 D 82
dom and Union 9 D 48 at war crime trial 9 S 81
Eva Perén assumes role of Presidenta; public WORLD'S FAIR SITE Sce Flushing, N.Y. William H. Donald dies; duped Japan on iden-
activities, p 26 Ag 34
WORLD TODAY, INC. tity 18N 34
U.S.-Canadian-British company to make interna United Nations
Canada tional fact films; Grierson organizes 16 D 102
Marion Saver proclaimed Miss Canada; Muriel Two Nazis murder fellow prisoner in Canadian
WORLD TRADE camp 8 Jl 42
Hunter runner-up, p. 15 Jl 40 Collapse threatened; export controls to offset
Evelyn MacLean Dick sentenced to hang for Russia delays repatriation Japs; Kwantung
inflation 22 Jl 79 Army veterans captured in Manchuria; Japa-
murder of husband; , four women under death U.S. State Department proposes charter com
sel tence 28 O 46 nese parents’ petition 23 S 34
mon code 30 S 26 German P.W.s may be encouraged to stay, marry
Farm wife Amy Kelsey, wins title Wheat Queen U.S., Britain press for free trade on Danube;
of North America 16 D 44 British women; labor force; U.S. repatriation;
Russia fights 21 O 29 German repatriates, p. 28 O 32
China Preparatory Committee of I.T.E.C. meets in
Wong Yung-mai, Miss Shanghai of 1946 16 S 35 Canada ships last of German P.W.s; allows 200
London; British mistrust U.S. policy on tariffs to remain 23 D 41
In Pearl Buck's Pavillion of Women, rev. 25 8 O 3
110 Strategy
Tentative charter agreement at London confe1
In Eisenhower’s Orn Siory of the War, rev. 1
ence 2 D 89 1"
Frau Goring, other wives of Niirnberg defend International Monetary Fund fixes currenay ex
ants give gay parties 5 Ag 33 Von Rundstedt gives credit for Ardennes coun
change rates, first step to stabilize 30 D 77 terattack to Hitler 15 Jl 46
Kathe, student at U.S. training school, spy for WORLD WAR I
Russians, then for U.S. 12 Ag 30 Tardy liquidation of U.S. war agency 1 Jl 21 WORLD WAR III
Allowed to marry G.I.s, Army-employed civilians WORLD WAR Il
Extra-atmospheric warfare; planes, rockets; re
30 D 15 Atrocities search projects, diagram 2 S 52
. Great Britain Jap major confesses to cannibalistic practices on WORLD ZIONIST CONGRESS
English woman reported mistress to King George bodies of U.S. flyers in Bonin Islands 16 S 24 fo meet in Basel 25 N 40
ot Greece 30 S 34 Ardeatine Caves reprisal killings; Mackensen, Discusses Palestine partition; candidates for
Gwendolen John’s paintings exhibited 30 S 53 Maeltzer sentenced to death 9 D 29 president, p. 16 D 33

Vol. XLVIII INDEX (July 1— December 30, 1946, inclusive)

WOUNDS XUMA, ALFRED B. Archbishop Stepinac sentenced to 16 years; Tito

See also Fractures President of African National Congress on opposition 21 O 36
Gelatin sponge to stop bleeding, help healing 2 fronts Smuts at U.N. meeting 25 N 32 Assembly passes nationalization bill 16 D 37
D 46 Secret Police
Plastic surgery to rebuild shattered hand; war- Y OZNA liquidated 200,000; arrests 16 S 29
time surgery saved 96% wounded 30 D 49 YACHT RACES See Boat Races
Jap Sumo wrestlers join baseball team, Green- Clinics in five states; New Haven Clinic; treat- ZACHARIAS, ELLIS M.
Some 21 O 39 ment, group therapy 25 N 80 Secret Missions, rev.; expands Pearl Harbor
Tries big game hunting in U.S.; Minnesota bear Clinic of Child Development in Gesell’s The ZAHARIAS, MILDRED
hunt, lion hunt 7 O 64 Child from Five to Ten 5 Ag 75
Loses in Western Amateur to newcomer Mary
WRIGHT, FRANK LLOYD Students retaliate Princeton raid on Yale Bowl, McMillin, p. 26 Ag 64
Designs country house for Gerald Loeb; model vandalism on Princeton campus 25 N 66
at Museum of Modern Art 1 Jl 73 Knocks out Rocky Graziano, p. 7 O 61
WRIGHT, RUSSEL Declared most beautiful woman in Japanese
Diet, p. 16 S 35 ZASLAVSKY, DAVID
Dinnerware featured at Minneapolis Everyday Attacks Brooks Atkinson’s report on Russia,
Art Gallery; utility design, p. 29 Jl 52 YAMAZAKI, IPPO
Field Marshal MacArthur; best-seller in Japan quoted, p. 22 Jl 26
WRIGHT FIELD See United States—Armed 5 Ag 102 ZATURENSKA, MARYA
services establishments YAWS History of American Poetry 1900-1940, rev. 18
WRITERS In Haiti; symptoms; treatment; penicillin cure; N 112
Buy stock in Associated Magazine Contributors, U.S. Sanitary Mission’s clinic 2 D 48 ZECKENDORF, WILLIAM
Inc. 1 Jl 45 YELLOW RIVER VALLEY Plans Flushing real estate development; fr
In The Little Magazine, rev.; lists, p. 1 Jl 98 Church of Brethren recruits to teach tractor nancing, operating plans, p. 19 Ag 84
Writers and Writing, rev.; 22 Jl 104 operation and repair to Chinese 2 S 69 Management of Webb and Knapp; New York
Condemned Playground, Connolly on art of writ- YORK, ARCHBISHOP OF See Garbett, Cyril F. redevelopment projects; sketch, p. 14 O 92
ing, rev. 29 Jl 95 YOUNG, ROBERT R. Sells option on New York East Side area to
News items on O'Neill, others 12 Ag 40 Campaigns for modern sleeping cars, pool of Rockefeller for U.N. site, p. 23 D 19
Occupational ailments listed by Marcia Daven- equipment, cartoon 5 Ag 79 ZENSHENZA COMPANY
C. & O. report wins Financial World award; Tokyo production of Watch on the Rhine 1 Jl 48
port 19 Ag 46 °
attacks government abuses 14 O 89 ZERBE, KARL
Bernanos, Silone, Spender attend Geneva con- Resigns A.A.R.; protests policies 28 O 98
ference of Europe’s intellectuals 23 S 28 Paintings on exhibit in New Yor k, Boston;
YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSN. Aging Harlequin, r. 11 N 84
Jules Romains criticizes writer’s status in U.S. Dr. Adolph G. Studer of Detroit Y retires after ZHDANOV, ANDREI
28 O 50 55 years service; sketch, p. 14 O 56 Politburo member ruies Leningrad; purge of
Harrison Smith protests young writers’ easy YOUSKEVITCH, IGOR writers for lack of ideology, p. 2 S 28
money; writers’ needs 18 N 47 Ballerino of Ballet Theater; sketch, p. 14 O 70 Outlines Russian peace policy in Moscow ad-
Canada YOUTH dress; rumored to succeed Stalin, p. 18 N 37
MacLennan’s article on Canada as better place Anita Loos scores younger gencration; Ernest T. Executor of Politburo’s domestic policy; cul
to live than U.S. 30 D 30 Seton, optimistic on 26 Ag 38 tural purge; sketch, cov. 9 D 30 e
Russia Simpson students fill in for ministers in Warren ZHUKOV, GEORGI
County, Ia. 23 D 70 Reported shifted to command Odessa military
Barred for lack of ideology; Leningrad writers’ Canada
union to abandon theory of pure art 2 S 28 district 29 Jl 29
Young men joining U.S. Army; immigration Inspecting Soviet troops in Balkans 30 S 30
Purge continues; ideology in literature; writers’ authorities stop; deports, p. 21 O 42
union shake-up 14 O 35 ZIK (NNAMDI AZIKIWE)
YUCATAN See Mexico—Yucatan Nigerian editor, native spokesman; calls for
Canadian Ambassador to U.S., replacing Pear- independence; sketch 16 D 31
To have Venezia Guilia; zone administration; ZINCHENKO, CONSTANTINE
son; sketch, p. 16 S 40 Tito’s strategy; opposition to AMG 5 Ag 29 Heads Soviet Foreign Ministry’s press section;
WU, JOHN C. H. Emergence of Broz as Marshal Tito; political at Paris conference; sketch, p. 2 S 47
Chinese translation of Psalms 9 D 73 conditions; reconstruction; foreign relations; ZIONISM
WU, K. C. Balkan salient, map, p. 16 S 26 Loses world sympathy by terrorist acts in Pales-
Outstanding Chinese leader; as mayor of Shang Foreign relations tine 5 Ag 33
hai, p. 2 D 35 3ulgaria drops territorial claims 8 Jl] 31 Movement appraised; roots of struggle for Pales-
WYATT, GEORGE Molotov’s plan to put Trieste under Tito’s con- tine 26 Ag 26
Picked up by Russians at Oranienburg, held 22 trol 23 S 30 ZIONISTS
days, p. 12 Ag 32 Tito abandons Trieste claim; wants Gorizia; Seek participation in London Conference on
WYATT, WILSON W. strategy, map 18 N 32 Palestine 30 S 37
Emergency housing program inadequate; meas- Denies charges of training, rearming Greek New York Zionist Actions Committee ad in
ures to speed building 26 Ag 81 guerrillas 23 D 25 New York Times to attack Democrats 14 O 23
NHA report on building 7 O 27 U.N. votes commission to investigate Balkan Attitudes on extremists; World Zionist Congress
Directs turn-over WAA-leased automobile plant border violations 30 D 20 to meet in Basel 25 N 40
to Lustron Corp. prefabricator 11 N 92 United States Moderates combat terrorists in Palestine; World
Plan for $90-million R.F.C. loan to Lustron; U.S. demands redress for attack on U.S. plane; Congress in Basel, p. 16 D 33
Allen refuses; Tucker charges trick deal in wartime Lend-Lease; UNNRA supplies, car- ZIZI See La Tour, Juliette C.
plant lease, p. 25 N 89 toon 2 § 15 ZOOK, GEORGE
Failure of housing plans; brings demands to Second shooting down of U.S. transport plane; Presides at National Commission on Higher
Truman, p. 9 D 24 U.S. flyers killed;
Tito’s reaction to U.S. Education; lob! bying; career, p. 12 Ag 42
note; Trieste trouble spot 2 S 21 ZOOLOGY
U.S. demands indemnity for flyers killed, planes Research foundation in Pacific area as waf
x lost 9 S 21
Tension over flyers’ deaths; A.F.L. bans ships;
memorial 11 N 98
XB-36 See Airplanes—Consolidated XB-36 indemnity to airmen’s families; stoning of New York’s Bronx Zoo weighs hippopotamus 22
X RAY ; Yugoslav Embassy 23 S 26 Ji 65
Radiation experiments, biological mutations from Political Conditions ZORN, ANDERS
11 N 96 Mihailovich denies German collaboration, sen Etchings shown in Chicago; Shallow, r. 19 Ag 50
Specialists urge frequent examinations for gas- tenced to be shot 22 Jl 33 ZULUS
tric cancer; million-volt “Big Bertha” arrests Arrests of Archbishop Stepinac, 12 priests for Enlisted in South African war against Tsetse
cancer of testes 16 D 73 condemning Communist outrages 30 S 34 fly 5 Ag 70
Shows nickel in child’s throat; doctors operate Archbishop Stepinac’s trial; denies forced con ZWEIG, ST ‘AN
find 15¢ 23 D 100 version of Serbs 14 O 35 Balzac, rev. 25 N 114

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