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PART Other Laws he Consumer protection Act, 1986 ns and service, The Comal Govermet mt hove eietin iva Gas exempt ny prods eve [Se nj ofthe Aet ss of th Act re a ellos ter protection of interests of camvumers. The Act secs to pve fo De ee Evatt tte ef eonsars Far thtprpose the Ata provi ie imc of Consumer Come ad eer sti far he teen of come inputs a ox mts connect thet rebleth AS) retin af right of consumer The Actes ner alla, promi ant pot ich oh poate aginst mating of ods er srvices which ahaa and prope 1) he it be ifomed abt he gy, gi, tens, ry, tds rere eeadcor ce so ant pete cosumes ges wf ae Pe 1s) te mab to be ane wherever pon ett godrand sees acne 0 omer . a (Gh Heh be bear nd 1 be sed ht conse intr wit ¢{See 2.0) mean a enero sept etd coma Yee Poy ne By copii ©) tet sek tes ssn ii ice rats o eth — or mcrpolows explain of consumer and Phy P sight consumes ection, ‘Consumer Protection Council The shove sbets ae wus wo be rtd by he Consumes Poem Conc sinha a the Com we Daneel me ‘machinery for speedy rere of consumes spate The. rove seedy ud spe redresal to cosine opt Forth pupng et yh. Setup s uasijudcal machinery a the Disc. State and Comal eee ‘erees mentioned i the compli ape ence oi (genta Boies ae upon stcre p of na ee 1b or ner ny bre beta eg oe “a 1s) donne te dra peg pe (©) tope me ose n.d "Sopa n pes steady hme et eng (©) tomar wherever apo, competion) sane ae esis for noncompact orcs by he sulci adi ) sped betwen he pais Sepia i vs nh bebo ads aero a eg te Extent and Application 11 sont con fy sd i ty rts i The Atentends othe whole fd cx the St fn nd Kashi So 1. “ceviche miei oe (ofthe tern ae DEFINITIONS conte wee : ee on ee! EE See eee ee = aren ae aa < : ne ii Cer oe eee ae ST co eo re eee ty goods wth view wo determining whether uch goods sue oman "ot be made with tb approval he bape 2 Complainant Sex 2(1) (0). Corpsman means Consumer" does not into a pero who cin gods fr rele fr any (@) consumer, or - “omer ope Persons buying goat for ei rel oe we lar ee ‘vottmaking activity wilt be conser eile poston ane be Ac a (0) any volar consumer ssociaon registered under the Companies A 156 Kumars € Herma 2001) (1) (PRA Unde any ther aw forthe ine being it oes or ct trou sly (© te Cena Goveranet ray St Govern who which mes OE soa popes oemnag ein (@ ne ox more consume, wher he ae merous commer ving te ioe a (@) incase of death of consume, seal es representative. 3 - Eek prin Ts eciny men hove sca “services for consideration pand or ae on: panty ‘paid and partly prone th Ane any son fees pay ut, ch erics me age ek wher i he os og bey Sree pre 5: ont opt 20) fm tc ee eee a ea «Dee 20) yk rn te a Pepa srioie oh rl enn oa {Setanta ens c ne pam nmneer incon wy ro 7 eng 20 men kpc ni rig Stan ay ub tin nae coe ae tere pom osc or icrae roto yan aa ‘eet beets hee aa ‘fahnb a So 94 CP I Dat Roremlse 20) ten oer i Form) el iS tes Rees Forum ii 8 Goods |S. 2( (1). means good as defined inthe Sale of Gods Act 193, {See 2 (ofthe Sale of Goods Act, 1930, gos ean: “Every kindof ‘tert tabi cin and mony, nce soks a shares, Bowie ‘ass andhings attached woo oming prof and which ar agtead to Desenel Se orunir the cont fae, 10, Mamatactrer (Sc. 2(1)(/)} "Manuf means person who— (@) does ot make or manuacurer any gods but asembles pars therfore de Imaufcred by tro (5) as or causes tbe pu his own mark on any goods made o manuf By (her mansfacte, r Mallet Commision (Sec. 2 (1) (“National Commision’ means the Nas Gooner Dies Redrevl Commisiow’ Qs National Commission eabedads see 910 12, Person {S.21) “eran (@) afi wheter piste or at (6) a Hinds wide fay (©) aco-perive ciety. (2) every ther sition of penons whether rgisered une the Socces Resa AACLISWO oe ne bs. cs ahaa ao nn e unjust cost or ston an shall hc cm cn Stems er a a gl Mh in ving vce which requires a consume " ‘ue a aay pd rier ay yen i ae inane mame heme eee i Sc te bad rl be a ee mt cee oided by Telecommunction Deputme Development Board failiy i conection with a oases and pls y the "Site fwev dos ot inde herein fay sss fhe der “hat of sonal serie, Definton of erie can be dln thet ‘ou pet) the incisive pat and (che exclasonay par Many sons hee EE Sis and eg servees although nical ate lt pota eee isdn provided they should nt be feof harp and ar notes seonnctot rao eal wv” sob apie fe ct po ists tence isa a a “aed ne ota oa eal ee Bleep ae “cn ovat oe pea ee Ba tt nto fer, Sc ie dng ema aes ad “ert hth mela pal Udon Made doin Se 198 ‘yo nos an serv S20) The mn cg evi ih mind oe pe bt hy la “sre om Se 2() (9). Cones pe Re Cain St Comino lei en 865 90) ae (2 (“Tad aon ny ods en pa hw Stacy nf Nall ect ch ts Wh ch chess pgs Heer “rade pret (See. 2 (1 (Him nde pce ih ae ‘romain el oy oe i ey {TSS dopts any unfair method or unfair or deceptive practice, It sncludes any ‘wi ec me {Rgpsvotmakinga statement whol erinwtingrky viblerresenaon iy. goin ee, (9) fy represented ‘npsiton syleormede (© ey eprsens ha es eae pe yh nh ag ee sn ons ro bcs wh Sc a ha, eo pie ea a .._e oS eco or ora = = oo... eects es Be eee ee ee ee tana een oe a nn ee oe eee ae eee fase. oe a feo. = —— eee | eae (4 exprewed on anything atch, sere no acompenying a played fo sale. ron aything on wich heat mount Sisor (i cotaie nn syting tt sl, et, delivered anand oF whatever male vibe tos member fe pub egard to the a Prbection at 1986 508. ee me ove hat stated in any ‘nay Meme Semen bea aan rie, by refs oan nena rand to be a bargin price ba ersemen, wuld asnaby ce os ee wnramaacacp ig ie eed eeating impression th ee ee liege SSS.TES STay Slaten te ie «a em owing det the sl us or spy fay poder ty bse ne aa a ee ee “cine wher such esl ae within aeons tine ube promot oe capo pa vate et eee mcs re a a eae i ae =o “sts os imlended 1 ae, he ost of aster il gods sees sutsize of spurious gods o ofeing wich goad fr leo adap deceive "ntact provision of eevee ‘notin Derogation of any other Law (Se. 3) ‘The Centra Consumer sattiment Sc. 4) ‘oom te Com ‘nn Ata << Mewsbership. The Central Counc shal consis of he following members mumaty (@) the Minister inchage of he Consume Affine Cesta Gove he ag, ‘Chairman, nd : (0 seh mnberofateroior no fii ments PTI HSA ey rested Acting io Rule 3 ofthe Consus Preton Res 197, th Cea Cou sal ean, ‘tte following 150 member ely E (@) the Misses n charg ofthe Consus Afri the Cental Goverment, who the Chemin of the Cena Counc =" (0) the Minster of Site (where he mt hlding independent charge) o Deputy the Deparment of Civil Supls wh shal be the Vie-Chaieman of the Conta (© te Minter of Fo an Civil Suis or Minister in cage of Coser Afi g (@ igh Mars o Paaect, fom he ok stn ad ce fom te Raa Sith, {6 the Commision for Sshele Cses ad Schl Thies OP sepecscntaives of the Cental Goverment Deparment, sono orp rmered with Coster interest exceeding 7, (@) repreennives of he Conse Oganissions consumers es th 38, (Oy reeesenaves of women tte 1: (0 repesernvsof firms, rad nd industri xeon 20; (0) peoesapble of epresating consents ot pe nea ncn (the Seerey inthe Dearne of Cl Supls sal the member sey ie Cental Coun The erm ofthe Counc sal ee ears ‘Any meer may, by wig unde is and othe Chia ofthe Cental oun ee fom he Coun The vacates so case er tere sal be il fom he ame se by the Cental Goverment The pee shal oi oc olan she member wha Pe Als would hve ben etd to Bloc, the acne had ot ceed, Procedure for meting of he Central Coun (Sex 5) The Cetra Coane all st and when neesar. aa len onc ming te Conn shal be held every ee al Ie at sch ine and pace a the Charan ay tik nl hall bere meh ‘Spd the transaction of ts nner sy be rested. ‘Objects ofthe Central Coun Sec The objet fhe Cental Coun al bea pai and rot he gh of he conan ch ay (@) Mh right oe potted agin the mtg of ods nd series which av Baz totem proper (© the ight e informed about he gsi, gusty, pen pur, sandal ad _oos or serves oa opt the conus uf wae pats (© the ight be sre, wher poste acs on ec soup pre on The Caer Paton Aa 97 > be heard and 1 be asd hat ppp Frans Sonsumen ines wil eve doe eed ie mt eee i eo" sep overs cosine satan coal eens ILE Ca aca gee es mte coae ee sate Consume Protection Councils (Ses 7 and 8) en (Sec 7) The State Goverment salty stiaion,eablsh with eet vey apes in sch netic, a Counc a Be noon te Css Coun fe, (fered to asthe Ste Cun, ‘tp The St Cou salons of te wing ene aly — sae arte charge of consumers asin he Ste Gave mo sal be is ante foe oficial r non of member peeing sch ncrss ty ious by the Sat Goverent mis of other oficial or sonal members, wot exceeding 10, «5 may be shy the Cental Goverment vin Te State Coun shall meet a and when nese Butt thn two ecg Tons place of meting and procedare. The St Cou mest such in nd san tik and sal bservesoch cede in za othe aston "scien he posted y the Ste Gover “hj ofthe State Coun Sc.) The objets of every Sate Cul shal bo ODE slic in the Sate the ight of the cnsuers snd do nS. "be Distrit Consumer Protection Counell > Sate Government shall establish for every istrict, by " oe = ron Consumer Protein Coun with fit Hom uch he et my ey 8 Dict Consumer Protection Coane (herein ee be "it he og ene an |» Meller f the ditt (by whatever same called, who stl bits Chairman an |

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