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Source: Fripp, G. (2012). Self-concept and purchases

Introduction: Is there a relationship between a consumer’s personality/self-concept

and the products that they purchase? If yes, elaborate how personality/self-concept
influences consumer behavior. Listed below are three shopping baskets containing
items purchased at a local supermarket. Your task is to analyze and profile each of
the three consumers based on their grocery purchases.

Consumer A
One kilo of budget ground beef
Two loaves of white bread
One kilo of ‘generic’ flour
Two cans of peaches
Three kilos of potatoes
One jar of instant coffee

Consumer B
One kilo of T-bone steak
A loaf of high-fiber bread
One can of Indian curry
Two cans of smoked oysters
Three avocados
One jar of gourmet coffee

Consumer C
Soy milk
Herbal tea
One kilo of bananas
Two packets of ‘cup-of-soup’


1) Discuss with group members:

a) Using your knowledge of self-concept and personality theories, create a
detailed description or profile each of the three consumers. Explain how each
consumer’s self-concept and personality relate to their shopping behavior as
evidenced by the products bought.
b) Based on the profile you made for each consumer, predict what other kind of
products, services, or products do you think each consumer buys or uses (i.e.,
non-grocery shopping products).
c) Also, hypothesize what kind of travel behavior (e.g., preferred travel
destinations and travel/leisure activities) you think each consumer prefers.
Explain your hypothesis.
2) Based on your analysis above, design a print ad targeting each of the three
consumers (i.e., create 3 ad copies) with the aim of promoting Macau as a tourist
destination. Prepare to present your ideas on presentation day.
3) Submit written report detailing your responses to the above tasks.

Use these notes to answer the five questions above

Self concept and personality are 5. That is;
 Nature and defining self that is self-concept (malleable)
 Origin of self-concept that is feared self, actual self and ideal self (religion etc)
 Theories of self behavior consumption including symbolic self completion
theory, mirror of reflect theory, public vs private self, multiple selves and
extended self.
 Personality; traits we acquire to cope. Coping mechanism, packaging.
 Big 5 dimensions- consciousness (disciplined vs casual), openness to
experience (alternative vs tradition), neurotism (emotional, calm, stable),
agreeableness (cooperative vs competitive)
 Extraverts vs introvertism

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