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The Enchanted Forest

In a distant land, there would exist an enchanted forest. Nobody had

ever ventured inside because it might be filled with magical creatures.

One day, a courageous explorer named Alex could not resist the allure
of the mysterious woods. "I should explore it," thought Alex. "Who
knows what wonders might be hidden within?"

As Alex walked deeper into the forest, the trees seemed to whisper
ancient secrets. Suddenly, a magical creature appeared. It must have
been a guardian of the enchanted realm.

The creature spoke, "You may pass if you can answer a riddle."
Excitement filled Alex, who would always enjoy a challenge. "Ask
away," Alex replied.

The riddle was tricky, but Alex could solve it. The magical creature,
impressed, allowed passage deeper into the enchanted forest.

Soon, Alex encountered a sparkling pond. A mystical fairy hovered

above the water. The fairy said, "You must make a wish if you want to
continue your journey."

Alex closed their eyes and made a wish. Suddenly, the surroundings
changed. The trees had vibrant colors, and the air smelled like sweet
flowers. The wish had transformed the forest into a breathtaking

As Alex continued the journey, encountering more magical beings, it

became clear that the enchanted forest was a place where dreams
could come true.

Eventually, as the sun set, Alex decided to leave the enchanted forest.
The magical creatures wished Alex farewell, promising that the forest
would always be there for those who sought its wonders.

With a heart full of awe and gratitude, Alex left the enchanted forest,
knowing that the experience would stay in their memory forever.

 You can solve this puzzle if you concentrate.

 We might go to the movies tonight if there's a good film playing.

 She must finish her report before the deadline.

 I will help you with your homework after dinner.

 They should be more careful while crossing the street.

 It could rain later, so take an umbrella just in case.

 You may borrow my book if you promise to return it.

 He ought to apologize for his rude behavior.

 We can't be late for the meeting; it's important.

 I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the amazing view.

 She may join us for lunch if she finishes her work early.

 You shouldn't eat too much junk food; it's not healthy.

 They will visit us next weekend.

 If you study hard, you can pass the exam.

 We might consider going on a vacation next month.

 He must be at the airport by 7 AM to catch his flight.

 I should have called you earlier to let you know about the

change in plans.

 You could try the new restaurant downtown; the food is


 We ought to respect other people's opinions, even if we disagree.

 They will probably arrive late due to heavy traffic.

What do you mean?

Can: ability, capability, or permission.

Example: She can speak three languages.
Could: past ability; polite way to make requests
Example: Could you please pass the salt?
May: permission, possibility, or a wish
Example: May I go to the restroom?
Might: Indicates a lower level of possibility or a more uncertain
situation than "may"
Example: It might rain later.
Will: Indicates future tense, willingness, or a promise.
Example: I will meet you at the library.
Would: Used to express politeness, make requests, or talk about
hypothetical situations
Example: Would you like some tea?
Shall: Can express suggestions, offers, or be used in formal language
Example: Shall we go for a walk?
Should: Indicates advice, obligation, or expectation
Example: You should apologize for your mistake.
Must: Indicates necessity or strong obligation.
Example: You must complete the assignment by Friday.
Ought to: Expresses a sense of duty or moral obligation
Example: You ought to help those in need.

Perfect Practice Makes a Man Perfect


3.1 Fill in the blanks with appropriate Modals

1. You _______ try the new restaurant downtown; the food is excellent.
2. We _______ go to the beach tomorrow if the weather is sunny.
3. She _______ finish her project by Friday to meet the deadline.
4. I _______ have told you about the event earlier; I apologize.
5. They _______ be at the airport by 6 PM to catch their flight.
6. If you study hard, you _______ pass the exam.
7. He _______ bring his passport; it's required for international travel.
8. We _______ consider buying a new car; ours is getting old.
9. She _______ have left her keys at the office; let's check there.
10. You _______ be more patient with yourself; learning takes time.

3.1 Fill in the blanks with appropriate Modals (Make Negatives)

1. You _______ try to fix the computer issue yourself; ask for help.
2. We _______ go to the party if it gets too late.
3. She _______ complete the assignment by tomorrow; the deadline is
4. I _______ attend the meeting last week; there was a scheduling
5. They _______ forget to submit the paperwork by the end of the day.
6. If you study hard, you _______ fail the exam.
7. He _______ bring his passport; it's not necessary for domestic travel.
8. We _______ consider taking a day off; it's not urgent.
9. She _______ leave her phone at home; it's important for the meeting.
10. You _______ be worried about the future; things will work out.

Speaking Time
 Can you swim?

 May I borrow your pen?

 Should we start the meeting now?

 Could you help me with this problem?

 Will you be attending the conference next week?

 Might there be any available appointments tomorrow?

 Would you like some coffee?

 Must I complete the assignment by Friday?

 Can we reschedule our appointment?

 Should he apologize for his mistake?

 May I bring a friend to the party?

 Could we have a moment of your time for a quick survey?

 Will the weather be good for the picnic?

 Would you mind passing me the salt?

 Must we follow these strict rules?

 Can I ask you a personal question?

 Should they consider a different approach to the problem?

 Might she have left her keys at the office?

 Would it be possible to extend the deadline?

 Must everyone attend the language club?


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