Vignette Eli Pov

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“The Echoes of What Once Was”

In the dim glow of my phone, I feel a surge of anticipation as Aurelia's name lights up the screen
with a chat notification. It's become our nightly ritual - catching up with my friend, Aurelia, who is
halfway across the world. During the pandemic, our friendship has become my lifeline amidst
the isolation. Distance seemed irrelevant as we spent the new normal together, virtually finding
solace in each other's company.

We would spend hours engrossed in watching captivating movies and series, engaging in
thrilling games, indulging in deep conversations that stretched up until the late hours of the
night, giggling over each other’s silly thoughts, and constantly updating each other on their
day-to-day activities, creating a bond that was strengthened with each shared experience.

Aurelia had been a beacon of light during my darkest moments. She had been there to catch
me when I fell, to lend a listening ear when the weight of the world felt too heavy to bear. In
my lowest moments, she saved me from multiple suicide attempts and pulled me back from the
brink of despair. Her unwavering support had saved me from the depths of despair, and for
that, I would be forever grateful.

But as the days pass and our conversations deepen, I can't ignore the growing warmth in my
chest whenever I think of Aurelia. Her kindness, her intellect, and her laughter draw me in,
weaving a connection that goes beyond friendship. And though I try to push the feelings aside,
they persist, refusing to be ignored. Yet, as our friendship deepened, so did my feelings. And
one night, with fear and longing, I confessed my love to her, my words hanging heavy in the air.
But Aurelia couldn't reciprocate my feelings. Though she cherished our friendship, her heart
didn't beat for me in the same way.

In the days that followed, we navigated through the awkwardness felt within, tiptoeing through
conversations that once flowed effortlessly. And as the tension mounted, I knew that I had to
make a difficult decision. Finally, with a heavy heart, I made the painful choice to end our
friendship, sparing us both from further heartache. And as we exchanged bittersweet words of
gratitude, I couldn't help but mourn the loss of what once was. For me, it was a heartbreaking
realization that our connection could never be what I had hoped for. And though it pained me to
let go, I knew that it was the right decision for both of us.

As we said our final goodbyes, I couldn't help but wonder what might have been. But deep
down, I knew that some friendships are simply not meant to last. And though our paths may
diverge, and our journeys unfold apart, the memories we shared will still hold the depth
of our hearts and the echoes of what once was.



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