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Anta 1

Austin Anta

Professor Sam


28 February 2024

Annotated Bib

Dalomba, Frances, et al. “Pros and Cons of Social Media.” Lifespan, 1 Mar. 2022,

In this article, the author discusses social media use’s pros and cons. The author comes
from an unbiased perspective and tells us his thoughts on using social media. In the introduction
of the article, he talks about the start of social media and how it was not very widely used. He
then shows some statistics that show a major increase in the use of social media. He then talks
about the pros and cons of social media. Some of the pros he mentions are things like staying
connected to others and the world around and also online learning. Some cons he offers are
things like the usage and self-image issues.

I want to use this article for my research paper because I believe that it dives deep into
some of the core problems as well as core benefits of social media and that is what I want to talk
about. In the article, the author gives many statistics and has great reasoning for why he chose
his pros and cons and this will help me when writing the paper. I also really like that the author
offers an unbiased opinion in the article by stating both sides of the argument.

“Social Media: Advantages and Disadvantages: Simplilearn.” Simplilearn.Com, Simplilearn, 18

Jan. 2024,

In this article, the author starts by talking about why the internet is used, and what are the
things that the internet is used for. Some of the things on the list that have the highest percentage
are staying in touch with friends and finding funny or relatable content. In the article, the author
says that social media is shaping major things like politics and everyday life. This is a very good
point and something that holds a lot of value in what my research proposal is about. The article
then goes into talking about some impacts that social media has on the world. The author states
some things like the impact that social media has on politics, society, and work. After talking
about the impacts it has the article then talks about 20 advantages and disadvantages that social
media has.

I am using this article because I like how the article states the impacts that social media
has on the world. Since I am talking about the impacts that social media has, and more
specifically how a certain company uses social media to gain attention and traffic I think this
article holds some very valuable information like statistics and many examples of impacts social
media has. Like the first article I have here, I also think this article will help my research because
Anta 2

it talks about advantages and disadvantages of social media. It will be good to look at this article
as well as the first to compare what they say.

Aggarwal, Nitin. “Datawatch: How Social Media Platforms Keep Us Scrolling.” The Smart
Cube, 13 July 2023,

This article is all about how these social media companies can keep you scrolling on their
websites. The article first talks about an app’s algorithm. The article talks about how each social
media site uses an algorithm but they all use different ones or ways to go about it. An algorithm
that the article uses as an example is the algorithm that Instagram uses. The article then dives
into how AI has an impact on the algorithm. The example the article uses in this section is Meta
and how the AI can recognize every detail about what is being watched. The article then talks
about how these companies are trying to make money at every chance they get. For this part of
the article TikTok is targeted because they are good at being able to integrate their ads with
“organic content”.

I believe that this article will benefit my research because it firstly pretty different than
the first two articles I have, while still having some similarities. Secondly, it will benefit me
because it talks about the main reason that these companies are able to keep you scrolling,
algorithms. This is a very important topic that I need to talk about in my research because I want
to take a look at how specific companies use these social media algorithms to bring traffic to
their sites/stores.

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