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Dear Admission Team,

I, Kirillova Vera Stepanovna, a biology teacher and class teacher of Nurbobev Shahriyor Shukhratovich
have known this student since August 2016, when he came to our school after graduating from
elementary school in Chita.
During his studies, he demonstrated himself only from the best side. He is a responsible, obligatory, and
very sociable person which makes him a leader in life. He is distinguished by his firmness of character,
persistence, the ability to organize any creative business or project. Shahriyor always has his own point of
view, knows how to justify it, and doesn’t tolerate rudeness, humiliation, insult, and injustice. Plus,
respectful to people of the older generation and women. He was always respected by his classmates and
his opinion was listened to by both students and teachers. In addition to it, he knows how to make friends,
and still maintains close relations with many classmates, although he left Russia after graduating from
middle school in 2021.

Shahriyor is kind, decent, capable of committing more deeds, knows how to rejoice in the successes of
others. It was easy to communicate with such a positive person whether in the classroom, outside of the
classes, or school hours. He is always aware of events not only in the country but also in the world,
meaning he can give them an assessment. Exchanging some great ideas with Shahriyor encouraged me to
search for and put into practice new teaching methods with techniques and search for additional materials
that allowed me to find individual approaches for each student.

When studying the subjects of the school course, Shahriyor paid special attention to the study of foreign
languages: Russian, English and German. Possession of fluent speech helped him to easily find a common
language with people of other nationalities and religions. Shahriyor has been involved in sports for many
years. He had excellent results in competitions of various levels, was awarded medals, diplomas and
certificates, valuable prizes. Boxing helped him to set high goals not only in sports but also in life and
achieve them. He has already decided on his future profession and is resolutely moving towards achieving
his goal.

Shahriyor’s success has always been facilitated by his parents, who supported him in every possible way,
provided assistance in dire times and supported not only him but also the class teacher in the upbringing
of their son. The Nurboboev family has many children, very friendly, and positive in all aspects. Parents
have been an example for the young man.

Vera Kirillova

Biology and classroom teacher

Public school № 18 In Uzbekistan, Tashkent.

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