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A Project Synopsis


Passkey Password Manager

For the Degree of
Bachelor of Technology


Computer Science and Engineering


Yashraj Suhas Rane (22510123)

Under the Guidance of

Resp. Amruta Chimanna

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
(AY 2023-24)
Passkey Password Manager
Project Domain : Managing numerous complex passwords across various
accounts is a significant challenge. Weak or reused passwords leave us vulnerable
to data breaches and identity theft. StashKey addresses this critical need by
offering a secure and convenient password management solution for Android
users. By simplifying password storage, generating strong passwords, and enabling
secure access across devices, StashKey empowers users to protect their online
identities. This project is particularly relevant as the number of online accounts and
importance of strong passwords continues to rise.

1. Introduction :
 Password Management Challenge : In today's digital age, individuals
face the daunting task of managing a myriad of passwords across
various online accounts. From banking to social media, each platform
demands a unique and secure access code, complicating the user
experience and posing significant security risks.
 StashKey Solution : StashKey emerges as a beacon of relief amidst this
password chaos. It stands as an innovative Android application
meticulously crafted to revolutionize password management. With
StashKey, users can securely store, generate, and access their login
credentials, all within a seamlessly integrated ecosystem designed for
utmost convenience.
 Empowering Users : More than just a password vault, StashKey
empowers users to take control of their digital identities. By offering
advanced features such as biometric authentication, password sharing,
and proactive breach checking, StashKey equips users with the tools
needed to navigate the digital landscape with confidence and peace of

2. Literature Survey :
 Password Management Landscape:
Analysis of existing password management solutions reveals a diverse
landscape dominated by platforms like LastPass, Dashlane, and
1Password. These applications offer a range of features including
password storage, generation, and synchronization across devices.
While these solutions cater to general password management needs,
they often fall short in providing robust security measures and user-
friendly interfaces tailored specifically for Android users.

 Security and Authentication:

Research into password security protocols, such as zero-trust
encryption and biometric authentication, highlights emerging trends in
safeguarding user credentials. Principles like Kerckhoffs' principle
underscore the importance of transparent security practices, ensuring
resilience against potential breaches.Examining security white papers
from leading password management services provides insights into
industry best practices, encryption algorithms, and data protection
measures essential for building a secure password management
application like Passkey.

 User Experience and Convenience:

A review of user feedback and market trends emphasizes the growing
demand for intuitive and convenient password management solutions.
Features such as password strength analysis, breach checking, and
seamless synchronization across devices emerge as key considerations
for enhancing user experience.Benchmarking against successful
applications in related fields, such as mobile banking and
authentication services, offers valuable insights into designing a user-
centric interface optimized for accessibility, functionality, and ease of
use on Android devices.

3 . Problem Statement :
The growing number of online accounts and increasing importance of
strong passwords create a challenge for users to manage passwords
securely and conveniently. Existing solutions often are close-sourced
making it impossible to verify security practices, or missing many features
such as password reminders, checking for password breaches among
others. StashKey aims to address these challenges by providing an
Android-based password manager that is secure, accessible, and user-

3.1 Objectives :
1. Azero trust encryption based password storage solution
2. AnOpt-in Password storage and breach checking solution
3. Allowing users to develop secure online habits by creating secure
passwords, and reminding them to change those regularly.

4. Proposed Approach/Methodology :
1. Requirements Gathering: Identify and analyze the needs of users requiring a
secure password management solution, including features like biometric
authentication, password sharing, reminders and password strength analysis.
2. Platform Development: Develop an intuitive and user-friendly platform for
StashKey, ensuring seamless communication between users across different
Android devices.
3. System Design: Design the system architecture and user interface based on the
gathered requirements, using appropriate technologies and platforms to ensure
scalability, security, and user accessibility.
4. Development: Code the various components of StashKey, including the user
interface, database management system, encryption algorithms for password
security, and synchronization mechanisms for multi-device support.
5. Testing: Conduct comprehensive testing of StashKey to ensure its functionality,
reliability, and security. This includes unit testing of individual components,
integration testing to ensure seamless interaction between different modules, and
system testing to validate the overall performance of the application.

6. Deployment: Configure the StashKey system for production, deploying it to a

secure server infrastructure, and making it accessible to users through various
distribution channels such as app stores and online platforms.

5. Expected Outcomes :
1. A zero-trust encryption-based password storage solution ensuring
maximum security for user credentials.

2. An opt-in password storage and breach checking feature, empowering

users to proactively monitor the security of their accounts.

3. Features encouraging secure online habits, such as password strength

analysis and regular reminders to update passwords.

4. StashKey facilitates secure password sharing among trusted contacts,

streamlining collaboration while maintaining the integrity and
confidentiality of shared credentials.

5. StashKey offers seamless access to stored passwords across various

devices and platforms, enabling users to manage their credentials
effortlessly and securely.

6. StashKey employs state-of-the-art encryption algorithms to secure user

passwords, ensuring maximum protection against unauthorized access
and data breaches.

6. Hardware / Software Specification :

6.1 Hardware Speciation :
 Mobile Devices (Android) for app usage.
 Minimum RAM requirement: 4 GB
 Minimum storage requirement: 64 GB

6.2 Software Speciation :

 Programming Languages: Kotlin (Android), JavaScript (Backend).
 Frameworks: React Native, Node.js.
 Databases: Oracle for data storage.
 Tools: Xcode, Android Studio, Visual Studio Code.

7. References :
[1] Kerckhoffs' principle : Wikipedia

[2] Bitwarden Security White Paper : Bitwarden Help Center

[3]Guidance on Password Managers - Carnegie Mellon University :

Carnegie Mellon University (

[4] "Password Managers: Under the Hood of Secrets Management" -

IEEE Security & Privacy : IEEE Xplore

[5] "Modern Password Security: A Survey and Analysis" - ACM

Computing Surveys: ACM Digital Library

Resp. Amruta Chimanna Dr. Medha A. Shah


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