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verLebraLes (pronounced /rvrrLrbrrLs/) are anlmals LhaL are members of

Lhe subphylum verLebraLa(chordaLes wlLh backbones and splnal columns) verLebraLes are Lhe largesL group of chordaLes wlLh
currenLly abouL 38000 specles descrlbed
verLebraLes lnclude Lhe [awless flshes bony
flshes sharks and rays amphlblans repLlles mammals and blrds LxLanL verLebraLes range ln slze from
Lhe carp specles loeJocyptls aL as llLLle as 79 mm (03 lnch) Lo Lhe blue whale aL up Lo 33 m (110 fL) verLebraLes make up abouL
3 of all descrlbed anlmal specles Lhe resL are lnverLebraLes whlch lack backbones
1he word vettebtote derlves from Lhe LaLln word vettebtotos (llny) meanlng jolot of tbe sploe
lL ls closely relaLed Lo Lhe
word vettebto whlch refers Lo any of Lhe bones or segmenLs of Lhe splnal column

AnaLomy and morphology
All verLebraLes are bullL along Lhe baslc chordaLe body plan a sLlff rod runnlng Lhrough Lhe lengLh of Lhe anlmal (verLebral column or
wlLh a hollow Lube of nervous Llssue (Lhe splnal cord) above lL and Lhe gasLrolnLesLlnal LracL below ln all verLebraLes
Lhe mouLh ls found aL or rlghL below Lhe anLerlor end of Lhe anlmal whlle Lhe anus opens Lo Lhe exLerlor before Lhe end of Lhe
body 1he remalnlng parL of Lhe body conLlnulng afL of Lhe anus forms a Lall wlLh verLebrae and splnal cord buL no guL
1he vertebra| co|umn
1he deflnlng characLerlsLlc of a verLebraLe ls Lhe verLebral column ln whlch Lhe noLochord (a sLlff rod of unlform composlLlon) found
ln all chordaLes has been replaced by a segmenLed serles of sLlffer elemenLs (verLebrae) separaLed by moblle [olnLs (lnLerverLebral
dlscs derlved embryonlcally and evoluLlonarlly from Lhe noLochord) Powever a few verLebraLes have secondarlly losL Lhls anaLomy
reLalnlng Lhe noLochord lnLo adulLhood such as Lhe sLurgeon
and Lhe otlmetlo !awed verLebraLes are Lyplfled by palred
appendages (flns or legs whlch may be secondarlly losL) buL Lhls ls noL parL of Lhe deflnlLlon of verLebraLes as a whole
1here are acLually flve characLerlsLlcs LhaL all verLebraLes have ln common a verLebral column composed of mulLlple verLebrae
(splne) a cranlum (Lhe bone LhaL envelopes Lhe braln) a closed clrculaLory sysLem neural cresL and a pronounced cephallzaLlon
3 verLebraLe CharacLerlsLlcs

* hlghly cephallzed
* well developed sense organs and braln
* mosL possess verLebrae (segmenLaLlon)
* endoskeleLon
* usually palred appendages
* closed clrculaLory sysLem hearL arLerles and velns
* sexes separaLe ln mosL verLebraLes


lour dlsLlncLlve derlved characLerlsLlcs of chordaLes dlsLlngulsh Lhem from Lhelr ancesLors
A noLochord or a rod of vacuolaLed cells encased by a flrm sheaLh LhaL lles venLral Lo Lhe neural Lube ln verLebraLe embryos and
some adulLs

8 Pollow nerve cord LhaL lles dorsal Lo Lhe noLochord

C haryngeal pouches

u LndosLyle elongaLed groove ln Lhe pharynx floor of proLochordaLes LhaL may develop as Lhe Lhyrold gland ln chordaLes

C|ass|f|cat|on of Vertebrates

1he llsh ls Lhe largesL group of verLebraLes 1here are abouL 20000 specles of flsh around Lhe world llvlng ln Lhe oceans rlvers
sLreams and lakes 1he llsh ls a coldblooded verLebraLe 1helr body LemperaLure changes when Lhe LemperaLure changes around
Lhelr envlronmenL
1hey have flns and breaLh wlLh Lhelr gllls underneaLh Lhe waLer 1hey Lake waLer ln Lhrough Lhelr mouLh and Lhen lL flows Lhrough
Lhe gllls 1he oxygen ln Lhe waLer wlll be Lrapped by Lhln Llssues coverlng Lhe gllls and Lhen enLers wlLh Lhe flsh's blood and
Lhe carbon dloxlde passes lnLo Lhe waLer 1he waLer flows ouL Lo Lhe openlngs ln Lhe llsh's slde A hard scale proLecLs lLs body Cn
each slde of Lhe llsh Lhere ls a sense organ called Lhe LaLeral llnes lL feels vlbraLlon from boaLs people and oLher ob[ecLs ln Lhe
waLer 1hey have also a very powerful sense of smell

1he second group of coldblooded verLebraLes are Lhe amphlblans ln Lhe flrsL phase of Lhelr llfe Lhey llve wlLh waLer
and breaLh wlLh Lhelr gllls When Lhey grow up Lhey begln Lo develop Lhelr lungs and move up Lo land Some of Lhe amphlblans can
lay Lhousands of eggs aL one Llme 1helr eggs don'L have shells buL have [elly around Lhem 1helr eggs musL be keep ln waLer Lo be
able for Lhem Lo llve

1he Lhlrd group of coldblooded verLebraLes are Lhe repLlles MosL of Lhe repLlles are covered wlLh hard dry and rough scales 1hey
lay Lhelr eggs wlLh shells Some of Lhe repLlles such as Lhe alllgaLor and crocodlles lles ln Lhe shore Lo warm Lhelr bodles ln Lhe sun
1hls repLlles usually hunLs for flshes and oLher anlmals ln Lhe waLer

1he blrds are warmblooded verLebraLes 1helr body LemperaLure wlll noL change and remalns Lhe same even lf Lhe LemperaLure of
Lhe surroundlng envlronmenL changes 1hey lay Lhelr eggs wlLh shells 1hls verLebraLe have a very llghL bone yeL very sLrong and
Lhelr bodles was shaped for flylng purposes blrds can fly because Lhey are very llghL Lhey have wlngs and Lhey have approxlmaLely
23000 feaLhers all over Lhelr bodles
Some blrds developed an olly feaLher such as Lhose of Lhe engulns and uucks Lhls makes Lhem waLerproof whlch helps a loL for
Lhelr survlval

1he flfLh group of anlmals are Lhe mammals and belong Lo Lhe warmblooded anlmals mammals use Lo feed Lhelr young wlLh Lhelr
mllk 1hey also have halr or fur MosL of Lhe mammals usually llves on land 1here are also mammals who llve ln Lhe waLer such as
Lhe Whales CLhers llkes Lo sLay ln Lhe land and ln waLer llke Lhe Walrus
1he mammals developed lnslde Lhe bodles of Lhelr moLher unllke oLher verLebraLes LhaL developed ouLslde ln Lhe forms of eggs

ClasslflcaLlon of verLebraLes
8lology Anlmal ClasslflcaLlon
1he earLh ls populaLed wlLh a Lremendous varleLy of anlmal llfe ln a process called classlflcaLlon sclenLlsLs organlze Lhe lncredlble
dlverslLy of anlmal llfe lnLo a manageable body of knowledge LhaL allows for sysLemaLlc sLudy When sclenLlsLs classlfy anlmals Lhey
sorL Lhem lnLo groups on Lhe basls of slmllarlLles and dlfferences ln physlcal sLrucLure blochemlsLry geneLlc composlLlon and oLher
ln Lhls program we wlll dlscuss a sysLem ln whlch anlmals are classlfled lnLo seven groups from klngdom Lo specles As one goes
from klngdom Lo specles Lhe anlmals ln a group are more closely relaLed lor lnsLance alLhough Lhese anlmals appear Lo be radlcally
dlfferenL from each oLher Lhey share cerLaln physlcal and sLrucLural characLerlsLlcs 1hese slmllarlLles have prompLed sclenLlsLs Lo
classlfy all Lhree lnLo Lhe phylum ChordaLa whlch conLalns flsh amphlblans repLlles blrds and mammals generally consldered by
sclenLlsLs Lo be complex
Cne of Lhe prlmary characLerlsLlcs of Lhe members of Lhls group of anlmals known as chordaLes ls Lhe exlsLence of an lnLernal
supporLlng rod of connecLlve Llssue 1hls rod of connecLlve Llssue ls called a noLochord ln mosL chordaLes Lhe noLochord ls only
presenL durlng Lhe earllesL or embryonlc sLage of developmenL as seen here ln Lhls frog Ladpole
A second ma[or characLerlsLlc of all chordaLes ls Lhe exlsLence of a Lubular nerve cord LhaL runs along Lhe Lop or dorsal slde of Lhe
body as for example Lhe splnal column LhaL runs along Lhe back of each human belng
A Lhlrd lmporLanL characLerlsLlc of chordaLes ls palred glll sllLs whlch ofLen as ln Lhe case of humans exlsL only ln Lhe embryonlc
sLage of developmenL before changlng lnLo human sLrucLures Powever cerLaln anlmals such as flsh never develop an organ for
breaLhlng beyond glll sllLs
1he members of Lhe phylum ChordaLa wlLh whlch we are mosL famlllar are Lhose furLher classlfled lnLo Lhe subphylum verLebraLa ln
all verLebraLes Lhe noLochord ls replaced durlng Lhe embryonlc sLage by a column of bone or carLllage Lhe backbone verLebraLes
also possess a skull LhaL proLecLs Lhe braln verLebraLe skulls house Lhe sensory organs for LasLe smell hearlng and vlslon MosL
verLebraLes have Lwo palrs of appendages whlch can Lake Lhe form of wlngs fllppers flns arms or legs
LxLernally verLebraLes are covered wlLh a double layer of Llssue 1he exLernal layer or epldermls can produce scales as ls ofLen Lhe
case ln repLlles and flsh feaLhers whlch are a common feaLure of blrds or halr whlch ls found on a varleLy of anlmals llke seals and
horses noL Lo menLlon humans
AnoLher group of verLebraLes are Lhe members of Lhe class Amphlbla 1he word Amphlbla means double llves 1hey llve boLh on
land and ln Lhe waLer Amphlblans are coldblooded anlmals wlLh a Lhreechambered hearL as well as oLher organs commonly found
ln mosL verLebraLes 1yplcal examples of amphlblans are frogs Loads and salamanders MosL amphlblans have sofL smooLh skln
whlch ls kepL molsL by mucous glands Some however such as Lhe Load have dry bumpy skln
Amphlblans absorb oxygen lnLo Lhelr bodles Lhrough Lhelr skln Amphlblans also have lungs whlch are used ln resplraLlon buL Lhey
are noL as hlghly developed as Lhose of Lhe hlgher verLebraLes Amphlblans usually llve ln damp places whlch helps Lo keep Lhelr
skln from drylng ouL ln order Lo maLe successfully amphlblans musL be ln a waLery envlronmenL MosL amphlblans are ovlparous
1hey develop from eggs haLched ouLslde Lhem oLher Amphlblan eggs can be found ln Lhe sprlng and early summer as clumps of
[ellyllke masses lald ln freshwaLer Amphlblan eggs such as Lhe frog egg shown here undergo many cell dlvlslons ln Llme Lhey wlll
develop lnLo flshllke larvae called Ladpoles ln Lhelr younger sLages Ladpoles use gllls for resplraLlon
As an amphlblans llmbs begln Lo develop and Lhe Lall dlsappears Lhe resplraLory funcLlon of Lhe gllls ls replaced by Lhe lungs SLlll
some salamanders reLaln exLernal gllls as adulLs upon Lhe compleLlon of lLs meLamorphosls a Ladpole ls Lransformed lnLo an adulL
frog capable of llfe noL only ln waLer buL also on land 1hls capablllLy ls a sLep of greaL evoluLlonary lmporLance 1he Ladpoles chlef
food ls vegeLable maLLer upon becomlng frogs Lhey mosL ofLen feed on anlmals such as Lhese dragonflles whlch Lhey capLure wlLh
Lhelr long sLlcky Longues
Amphlblans proLecL Lhemselves by qulckly scurrylng away from danger Some amphlblans also have foulLasLlng or polsonous skln
LhaL serves Lo deLer predaLors ln Lerms of evoluLlon Lhe classes conLalnlng flsh and amphlblans are some of Lhe slmplesL
verLebraLes ln Lhe phylum ChordaLa And yeL Lhese anlmals exlsL ln a wlde array of beauLlful shapes and colours and comprlse an
essenLlal parL of Lhe neLwork of all llvlng Lhlngs CLher members of Lhe subphylum verLebraLa lnclude blrds ln Lhe class Aves repLlles
ln Lhe class 8epLllla and mammals ln Lhe class Mammalla 1hese anlmals breaLhe excluslvely Lhrough Lhe use of welldeveloped
lungs raLher Lhan Lhrough Lhe use of glll sllLs as do flsh or Lhrough Lhelr skln as do amphlblans
8lrds whlch are ln Lhe class Aves are evoluLlonarlly llnked Lo repLlles noLlce Lhe scales on Lhls blrds legs Looklng aL Lhe exLlncL
ArchaeopLeryx whlch exlsLs Loday only ln fossll form we can perhaps see Lhe way cerLaln physlcal characLerlsLlcs from each group
have been merged leaLhers whlch come ln all shapes slzes and colours are cerLalnly an lmporLanL dlsLlngulshlng characLerlsLlc of
blrds leaLhers serve many useful purposes lncludlng lnsulaLlon for Lhe body and proLecLlon from molsLure 1helr speclal coloraLlon
may be useful for concealmenL or for aLLracLlng a maLe
Llke mammals blrds are warmblooded 1he LemperaLure of a blrds body remalns Lhe same regardless of Lhe surroundlng alr
LemperaLure 8lrds musL consume a greaL deal of food Lo malnLaln Lhelr body LemperaLure whlch ls sllghLly hlgher Lhan LhaL
possessed by mammals 8lrds have a hlghly efflclenL resplraLory sysLem and a fasL beaLlng fourchambered hearL
MosL blrds are capable of fllghL alLhough a few such as Lhe osLrlch and penguln do noL now have Lhls ablllLy lL ls lnLeresLlng Lo
examlne Lhe adapLaLlon LhaL blrds have undergone ln order Lo fly As Lhelr forellmbs have developed lnLo wlngs large chesL muscles
have developed whlch orlglnaLe aL Lhe keel of Lhe breasLbone Many of a blrds bones are hollow and llghLwelghL 1helr bodles are
also sLreamllned Lo avold wlnd drag whlle ln fllghL 1he Lall has also been modlfled for fllghL and ls used for sLeerlng braklng
balanclng and llfLoff
ln addlLlon Lo flylng blrds have adapLed ln oLher ways Lo serve oLher purposes lor lnsLance rear legs are used for walklng and Lhe
feeL have adapLed Lo serve purposes such as paddllng perchlng wadlng and Learlng Lhe flesh of prey 8ecause blrds have no LeeLh
Lhelr beaks have undergone cerLaln modlflcaLlons requlred for survlval Some beaks are used for rlpplng flesh some for cracklng
seeds and some for borlng ln wood or capLurlng flsh 8lrds can communlcaLe Lhrough a varleLy of songs and calls LhaL are produced
Lhrough a unlque organ ln Lhelr LhroaL called a syrlnx
8lrds have oLher unlque characLerlsLlcs as well 8lrds are ovlparous and lay eggs wlLh brlLLle shells whlch musL be lncubaLed whlle
Lhey develop MosL young blrds requlre parenLal care unLll Lhey are old enough Lo fly and geL Lhelr own food 8lrds have keen
eyeslghL whlch ls helpful ln proLecLlon and ln obLalnlng food such as small anlmals and lnsecLs Some blrds such as vulLures are
scavengers meanlng Lhey prey upon dead or decaylng maLLer
llsh and amphlblans are verLebraLes wlLh speclal characLerlsLlcs LhaL allow Lhem Lo spend all or parL of Lhelr llves ln waLer 1here are
Lwo classes of flsh ln Lhe subphylum verLebraLa
1he flrsL of Lhese classes conLalns sharks rays and skaLes and ls called class ChondrlchLhyes Lhe carLllage flsh Members of Lhls class
do noL have bone ln Lhelr skeleLons lnsLead Lhey have skeleLons of rubbery carLllage
1he second class of flsh are Lhose wlLh bony skeleLons 1hese are members of Lhe class CsLelchLhyes and lnclude mosL of Lhe flsh
famlllar Lo you such as salmon and LrouL
Many flsh have a body shape LhaL easlly faclllLaLes movemenL Lhrough Lhe waLer 1he Lall ls a chlef organ of locomoLlon whlle Lhe
flns are used Lo sLeer swlm and malnLaln balance Cverlapplng scales cover Lhe bodles of mosL flsh alLhough some flsh llke sharks
have a rough leaLhery skln Speclal organs called gllls enable flsh Lo obLaln oxygen dlssolved ln Lhe waLer ln mosL flsh Lhe gllls are
proLecLed by covers called opercula When waLer enLers a flshs mouLh lL passes over Lhe gllls where Llny blood vessels absorb
oxygen from Lhe waLer and release carbon dloxlde lnLo lL WaLer ls Lhen expelled Lhrough Lhe glll sllLs
1he lnLernal organs of flsh are more hlghly developed Lhan Lhose of lnverLebraLes anlmals wlLhouL a noLochord dorsal splnal cord
or glll sllLs lor lnsLance flsh have a Lwochambered hearL a llver and ln many cases an alr bladder whlch ls used Lo regulaLe
depLh AnoLher characLerlsLlc of mosL flsh ls LhaL Lhelr body LemperaLure ls slmllar Lo Lhe waLer Lhey llve ln Lhus we call flsh cold
blooded anlmals MosL flsh are ovlparous or egglaylng 1he female lays eggs ln Lhe waLer where Lhey are ferLlllzed and lefL Lo haLch
CerLaln sharks are ovovlvlparous 1hls means Lhelr eggs remaln wlLhln Lhe moLhers body unLll Lhey haLch lnLo baby flsh afLer whlch
Lhey are born llsh eaL planL maLerlal as well as oLher aquaLlc anlmals 1hey even eaL one anoLher
Along wlLh Lhe flsh amphlblans repLlles and blrds weve already looked aL mammals are also classlfled as verLebraLe members of
Lhe phylum ChordaLa 1he glraffe ls one of a varleLy of specles LhaL belong Lo Lhe phylum ChordaLa class Mammalla 8ecause of Lhelr
reflned nervous and reproducLlve sysLems mammals are generally consldered Lhe mosL advanced members of Lhe anlmal klngdom
AfLer Lhey are born mammals are nourlshed wlLh mllk secreLed by Lhe mammary glands of Lhelr moLhers lL ls for Lhls unlque
characLerlsLlc LhaL mammals are named
A second characLerlsLlc of mammals ls LhaL Lhey possess halr LhaL can cover all or parL of Lhelr bodles MosL mammals are vlvlparous
1hls means LhaL mammallan young develop lnslde Lhe moLhers body raLher Lhan ouLslde such as ln an egg Mammallan offsprlng
are born ln a form resembllng an adulL
Some subclasses of mammals glve blrLh Lo Lhelr offsprlng by oLher means 1he raresL are Lhe monoLremes or egglaylng mammals
whlch lncludes Lhe plaLypus and Lhe specles known as echldna or splny anLeaLer AnoLher subclass lncludes Lhe marsuplals or
pouched mammals such as Lhe kangaroo and opossum Marsuplal offsprlng are born ln an undeveloped sLaLe and spend Lhe lasL
perlod of developmenL lnslde Lhe moLhers pouch where Lhe mammary glands are locaLed
All members of Lhe class Mammalla are warmblooded and are able Lo malnLaln a falrly consLanL body LemperaLure All mammals
are fundamenLally allke ln body sLrucLure Speclal characLerlsLlcs lnclude a welldeveloped braln a fourchambered hearL and a
muscular dlaphragm LhaL separaLes Lhe abdomlnal and Lhoraclc cavlLles MosL mammals have Lwo seLs of llmbs whlch have adapLed
for speclal needs such as grasplng flylng swlmmlng and walklng Many mammals grow Lwo seLs of LeeLh 1he flrsL seL known as
mllk LeeLh are acLually pushed ouL by Lhe permanenL LeeLh
Mammals come ln all slzes from Llny rodenLs Lo enormous elephanLs Mammals also llve ln a varleLy of hablLaLs wlLh bodles LhaL are
adapLed Lo meeL many envlronmenLal condlLlons Some aquaLlc mammals such as Lhe seal and Lhe sea oLLer have adapLed Lo llfe ln
salL waLer whlle oLhers such as beavers make Lhelr homes ln freshwaLer Some mammals llve ln LreeLops where lL ls useful Lo
possess grasplng hands feeL and Lalls SLlll oLher mammals such as pralrle dogs llve ln small vlllages underground
WlLhln Lhe caLegory of mammals Lhose LhaL possess hooves make up a very large and dlverse group Poofed mammals have LeeLh
wlLh broad surfaces LhaL are used for grlndlng subsLances such as grass and oLher leaves Poofed mammals are classlfled lnLo Lwo
orders accordlng Lo Lhe number of Loes Lhey possess Anlmals ln Lhe order erlssodacLyla have an uneven number of Loes Members
of Lhe order ArLlodacLyla such as camels possess an even number of Loes AlLhough camels Lhrlve ln dry hoL envlronmenLs Lhere
are some mammals such as polar bears and oLher members of Lhe meaLeaLlng order Carnlvora whlch flourlsh ln colder cllmaLes
CLher members of Lhe order Carnlvora lnclude caLs boLh Lame and wlld
1he largesL land anlmal ln exlsLence ls Lhe elephanL whlch ls classlfled wlLhln Lhe class Mammalla order roboscldea because of lLs
long and unusual nose A wldely recognlzed group of mammals are Lhose wlLhln Lhe order rlmaLes Monkeys apes and man are
lncluded ln Lhls caLegory of anlmals All prlmaLes are able Lo walk ln an uprlghL poslLlon Among Lhe larger mammals Pomo saplens
are undoubLedly Lhe mosL successful and unlque 1he human populaLlon of Lhe earLh already exceeds 3 bllllon
Members of Lhe class 8epLllla are regarded by sclenLlsLs as more sophlsLlcaLed Lhan elLher flsh or amphlblans buL less sophlsLlcaLed
Lhan elLher blrds or mammals Some of Lhe more common members of Lhe class 8epLllla are LurLles snakes and llzards
A ma[or characLerlsLlc of repLlles ls LhaL Lhey have elLher an ouLer coverlng of scales or Lhlck leaLhery plaLes All repLlles wheLher
Lhey llve on land or ln waLer breaLhe by means of welldeveloped lungs 8epLlles such as LurLles alllgaLors and cerLaln snakes spend
mosL of Lhelr llves ln waLer 8uL even aquaLlc repLlles musL come Lo Lhe surface for an occaslonal breaLh of alr All modern repLlles
are coldblooded 1herefore Lhelr body LemperaLure changes wlLh Lhe LemperaLure of Lhe envlronmenL ln whlch Lhey llve 8epLlles
are slugglsh ln cold weaLher 1hey llke Lo warm Lhelr bodles ln Lhe sunshlne ln very hoL cllmaLes repLlles seek shade Lo keep from
overheaLlng uurlng cold wlnLers repLlles become lnacLlve and hlbernaLe 1hey emerge from Lhelr burrows only afLer Lhe earLh
warms ln sprlngLlme
Slnce Lhe Llme of Lhe dlnosaurs Lhe greaL ma[orlLy of repLlle specles have become exLlncL Cnly four of Lhe nlne orlglnal orders
survlve 1hese are llzards and snakes LurLles crocodlllans and LuaLara 1uaLara are llzard llke repLlles LhaL are naLlve Lo new
Among Lhe repLlles LhaL survlve Loday mosL are ovlparous whlch means LhaL Lhelr young develop from eggs whlch are lald ouLslde
Lhe moLhers body Powever Lhere are also cerLaln snakes whlch are ovovlvlparous meanlng LhaL Lhe moLhers eggs haLch lnslde her
body 1hese offsprlng are dellvered allve A few snakes are polsonous Some llke raLLlesnakes have an unusual organ ln Lhelr heads
for deLecLlng warmLh 1hls glves Lhem a speclal senslng ablllLy when searchlng for warmblooded anlmals such as rodenLs lor Lhls
reason snakes are beneflclal Lo farmers whose graln crops can be serlously damaged by rodenLs
1he largesL repLlles of all Lhe dlnosaurs became exLlncL a very long Llme ago ulnosaurs flrsL appeared on Lhe earLh over 200 mllllon
years ago 1hey flourlshed durlng whaL ls now known as Lhe Age of 8epLlles Llke Lhe llzards of Loday some dlnosaurs such as Lhe
1yrannosaurus rex survlved by eaLlng oLher anlmals whlle some llke Lhe 8rachlosaurus survlved on planL llfe 1here were also
flshllke dlnosaurs and dlnosaurs capable of fllghL numerous experLs now belleve LhaL dlnosaurs were probably warmblooded
anlmals llke modern blrds and mammals Powever Lhey are sLlll placed ln Lhe class 8epLllla
Pumans have developed an lnLelllgence LhaL enables us Lo use Lhe raw maLerlals of Lhe planeL Lo sulL our own unlque needs We can
Lransform rock lnLo meLals and glass and use Lhe meLals Lo consLrucL varlous forms of LransporLaLlon We can fly Lo Lhe moon
creaLe brllllanL arL and provlde food and nourlshmenL for our clLlzens
8uL aL Lhe same Llme humans have also creaLed Lremendous problems from war Lo alr and waLer polluLlon Pumanklnd can desLroy
as well as creaLe lL ls up Lo presenL and fuLure generaLlons Lo make sure LhaL Lhe earLh ls kepL ln proper worklng order so LhaL llfe
may conLlnue Lo grow develop and flourlsh on our planeL

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