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Carthaginian (756 points)

Leaders: 2
Muster warband of 34 figures in 6 units Civis: 17
Milites: 15
Rare: 0
Army name Torneo Hispania
Break point every 5 figures
Troop type ML SH GR SV Weapon (initiative) Armour Traits

Level IV leader (leader) 3+ 5+ 3+ 5+ sword (1) no shield full armour attacks(2) wounds(3)
iron Will mounted

4 CP @ 10"
1 figures @ 125 (+3) points each Total unit cost: 128

 Horse  no shield
Level III leader (leader) 3+ 5+ 3+ 5+ sword (1) no shield full armour attacks(2) wounds(2)
iron Will musician
3 CP @ 8"
1 figures @ 95 (+14) points each Total unit cost: 109

 no shield  musician
Javelin men (civis) 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ javelin no shield no armour skirmish specialist

9 figures @ 8 points each Total unit cost: 72

Punic Infantry (civis) 4+ 5+ 4+ 4+ thrusting spear (3) heavy shield shield overlap

partial armour wall of spears

offensive spear drilled
8 figures @ 18 points each Total unit cost: 144

Veteran Punic Infantry (milites) 3+ 5+ 3+ 3+ thrusting spear (3) heavy shield shield overlap
full armour wall of spears
offensive spear drilled
8 figures @ 23 points each Total unit cost: 184

Numidian light cavalry (milites) 4+ 5+ 4+ 6+ javelin shield no armour mounted marauders

7 figures @ 17 points each Total unit cost: 119

Trait descriptions
Drilled requires close order, affects movement
May move 4" straight forward in close order, no fatigue when forming close order

Iron Will affects fatigue effects

do not remove if fatigue is twice model count

Marauders affects command range

always in command range of closest friendly commander

Mounted affects moving, shooting, melee...


Musician affects command range

increases command range for activations only

Offensive Spear requires any type of spear or pike and close order, higher weapon initiative, affects attack
(P.70) only surviving enemies get to counter-attack

Shield Overlap requires heavy shield and close order, affects enemy to hit
melee or shooting attacks are -1 to hit

Skirmish Specialist requires loose order, affects save, grit, reaction

+1 to save from missles, free reaction at 4", worse morale in melee unless fighting skirmishers

Wall Of Spears requires any spear or pike and close order, higher weapon initiave, affects hold
Free defensive attack with up to 50% before enemy attack

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