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You are already that | “I AM NESS”


5–6 minutes

December 31, 2021 | 247 views

Every knowing is by Consciousness itself!

Every form is by Consciousness itself!

Entire manifestations is by Consciousness itself!

The whole functioning of this entire manifestation is by Consciousness itself!

Every living being is by Consciousness itself!

Every atom…sub atom… objects perceived is by Consciousness itself!

The entire space is by Consciousness itself!

Whatever that appears, functions, moves in space is also by Consciousness


Entire universe, cosmos, galaxies, world is also by Consciousness itself!

Space, earth, water, fire, air also by Consciousness itself!

There is nothing here other than Consciousness. This Consciousness is


There is never any person!

All forms are only conscious forms!

This Consciousness is nothing but your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness…. In

your ‘I am ness’ only
everything appears..moves… and disappears….

This you never know!

As you are trapped by the personality imposed on you …unknowingly!

Whatever you see, hear, know …. where else it is happening ?

Can anything be known without this Consciousness?

When you are conscious, you get to know everything…..

When this Consciousness is absent, how can you know anything?

So Understand first, it is your ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness which is the base for

everything that appears or happens….

Now, tell me ….


First know!

Only in your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness everything is happening!

All actions are by Consciousness itself.

Every movement is by Consciousness itself!

Only unmoving, unchanging Absolute is ever present here!

Consciousness happens for a shorter duration and the play happens.

You are not the play!

You are the observer of the play by consciousness right now!

You, the observer, prevail forever……

Your presence is throughout…..

Know the joy which is endless……….

Whether consciousness happens or not……

You the Absolute prevail here forever.

What more you want?

I am telling you that you are the Ultimate already!

There is nothing greater than you! There is no truth other than you!

What more you want?

Entire humanity is like this!

As they do not know what this Consciousness is which plays the trick and
makes you believe all is real!

Nobody never born!

Consciousness identifies itself as a person with a specific shape and design


What is a form?

Can there be any form without your Consciousness?

It is your Consciousness, creates forms and functions through the forms and
drops forms too….

Consciousness is ever here!

Consciousness is universal.

Now identifying itself as a person, first accepts it is born and now accepts death
also as real….not knowing that it prevails already prior to form.

Consciousness is more than the form.

How can it die?

Only forms disappear but Consciousness functioning within all forms is ever

Your Consciousness trapped by personality should know it is Consciousness

only and not the form which happens for a shorter duration.
There is not even an iota of truth in whatever is perceived within space.

Truth is within.
Truth cannot die!
That which disappears cannot be the truth.

Once this is understood deeply then Consciousness will not search anything
outside and spend time uselessly.

Rather it goes inward deeply through stillness and starts knowing itself.

Whatever perceived in space are constantly changing.

What truth are you searching within space as everything changes at a greater
speed in no time?

Consciousness is unnecessarily spending time outside as it takes all to be real.

There is no remedy for this sickness as all that appears, disappears too.


Because, they are nothing but reflections only and not real!
All your worries are only about a film that is perceived in the screen of space.

Can a film be real?

Is it not a reflection of light projected over the screen?

There is only one medicine….that is your Consciousness within should know it is

only Consciousness and using the form.

Your Consciousness only uses the form but it is more than the form.

Your Consciousness within which is stillness…. beyond words….contains the

seed of the entire manifestation.

Without your Consciousness there is neither the world nor any manifestations.

Know your immense beauty.

Know your highest potential beyond birth and death!

First know whatever that happens within Conscious field are not you!

You, the Observer, prevail forever!

Nothing has never happened to you!

Whatever appears to happen is like a dream happening, not real…..

Having known this, can your Consciousness remain worried?

You are enough unto yourself! because your self contains all!

Know your supreme richness!

Just now!

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