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In broad terms, instrumentation can be divided into two groups  primary and
secondary. Primary instrumentation consists of the sensors and final control
elements that are located near the process being controlled. This is an area in
which quiet improvements occur continuously. Secondary instrumentation is
essentially what one sees in a control room. It consists of the equipment used to
indicate, alarm, record, and control. It is in this area that revolutionary changes are
made and distributed control systems are playing a major role.

Indicating, alarming, and recording support the principal function, which is

controlling. In a continuous process environment, control in its simplest terms
means keeping the process variable equal to the set point. In a batch process
environment, control means keeping the process variable equal to the set point as
well as keeping all physical events synchronized with the sequence of events of the
process recipe. Advanced control means determining correct set points or an ideal
process recipe. If the control system design results in the right set points being
effectively maintained, the result is consistent and efficient process performance.

A number of technological advances in instrumentation have improved the
performance of conventional control applications:

1. Pneumatic telemetry permitted the beginning of centralized control rooms.

2. Electronic analog controls improved accuracy and allowed more compact

arrangements of control panels.

3. Digital technology (minicomputers) introduced sophisticated and advanced

controls, which allowed logical alarming and indication through CRTs.

4. Distributed control systems (DCS) have allowed lower installation costs due
to the interconnecting and grouping of control modules, lower maintenance
cost, better system reliability, ease of configuring the process concept, and
ease of expendability.

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Other key developments are shown in Figure 5.1, which illustrates the general
progression of industrial control from its mechanical-regulator beginnings to state-of-
the-art distributed control systems.

Figure 5.1. Industrial control from mechanical regulator to DCS

As implied by its name, a distributed control system is one whose functions are
distributed rather than centralized.

A DCS consists of a number of microprocessor  based modules that work together

to control and monitor a plant’s operations. The modules are distributed
geographically. This reduces field wiring and installation costs. It also reduces risk
by distributing the control function throughout a number of small modules rather than
concentrating it in one large module.

A DCS is a computer network. It differs from an office or personal computer

network: a DCS does real-time computer processing as opposed to the batch-

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processing done by data processing office computers. The difference between real-
time and data processing computers is the way they execute their programs.

Data processing computers typically do a single program operation at a time. The

program will start with some fixed data, perform a complex set of calculations, and
provide a set of results. Once the program has done its job, it stops until it is
instructed to run again with new data. An example would be the monthly processing
of invoices by a utility company.

As in batch processing, the real-time computer also executes its program by using
fixed data, performing calculations, and providing a set of results. The difference ,
however, is that it runs the same program repeatedly with updated data, sometimes
several times a second.

A simple example of a real-time operation is the computerized cruise control on a

car. For example, assume the speed set point is 100 kph (60 mph). The real-time
computer continuously scans the car's actual speed. If the actual speed is lower,
say 90 kph (55 mph), the computer will increase the speed by calculating and
increasing the amount of fuel to the engine. Similarly, if the measured speed were
higher, say 110 kph (65 mph), the computer would decrease the fuel intake. It
continuously makes tiny incremental adjustments several times a second by
scanning the actual speed, comparing it to the set speed, and recalculating the fuel
requirements. A DCS does exactly the same repetitive scanning and recalculating
for hundreds or even thousands of devices throughout a plant.

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The DCS, like the PLC (programmable logic controller), is connected to primary
control elements such as temperature and pressure transmitters, flow meters, gas
analyzers, pH and conductivity sensors, weight scales, contact switches, valves and
motors, and so on. From these field devices it receives electrical signals, for
example 4-20 mA, 1-5 VDC, 24V AC and 120V AC.

These DCS converts these signals (digitizes them). Once converted, they can be
used by the computer to:

1. Control loops,
2. Execute special programmed logic,
3. Monitor inputs,
4. Alarm the plant operations,
5. Trend, log and report data, and
6. Perform many other functions.

Field signals are divided into two basic categories  analog and discrete. Analog
signals are continuously variable; they act like the dining room dimmer, which
changes the lighting intensity in a gradual manner. Discrete signals can have only
two values or positions and are called two-position or on-off or snap-acting. They
are often associated with contact devices, such as the light switch in a home. There
is no "in between" with discrete devices  they are either open or closed, true or
false, on or off, etc.

Analog loop control often involves simply maintaining a process variable (such as
temperature or pressure) equal to a set point. It is like the cruise control maintaining
its set speed. Of course, many different types of control loops (feed-forward, lead-
lag, cascade, etc.) are being executed in a DCS, but simple, set point-maintaining
loops often account for the bulk of them.

Discrete control very often consists of simple logic statements coupled with field
sensors to provide logic interlocks or process sequences. For example, consider a
tank to be filled with a liquid and then heated. Refer Figure 5.2. To protect the
product and/or equipment one could use a logic interlock that says:

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1. IF the level is below a minimum point,

2. THEN the heater coil cannot be turned on (or must shut off).

The process might also call for the liquid to be stirred with an agitator. The previous
logic interlock could be coupled with sequencing logic that says:

1. First, fill tank.

2. Second, turn on heater.

3. Third, start agitator.

4. Fourth, empty tank.

Figure 5.2. Control of stirred liquid in a tank

In the sequence, the second step cannot take place until the first is completed.
Likewise, the third step cannot start until the second step is completed and so on.
By adding the IF-THEN logic interlock, if the level should ever drop below the
minimum level, the heater would still trip off.

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Because a DCS is computer-based and all its information is in digital form, it can
easily combine analog control loops with discrete logic (interlocks and sequences).
The above example of using sequencing and logic to control the heating and stirring
of a liquid in a tank could also incorporate an analog loop to maintain a constant
temperature in the liquid. As illustrated in Figure 5.2, all functions would execute

A DCS can involve as little as a few hundred inputs, outputs, control loops, and logic
interlocks or tens of thousands of them. It can scan all the primary elements or
sensors, characterize the input signals and alarm them, recalculate loop parameters
and execute logic, and then send the results to motors and valves throughout the
plant. It constantly re-evaluates the status of the plant and makes thousands of
incremental decisions in fractions of a second. It is capable of all this and more for
two main reasons:

1. A DCS is made up of many independent control modules that can operate

simultaneously and independently.

2. It has the ability to carry out rapid communications between these and other
modules by means of a communications link called a real-time data highway.

Multiple, high-speed, incremental control adjustments permit close and coordinated

plant control that results in more consistent production. This close control provides a
plant with the means to fine-tune the process (for example, to accommodate
variations in feedstock). It also provides the means to maintain a more consistent
product within process areas, thereby minimizing the amount of compensating done
downstream. A more consistent product means fewer rejects and a more efficient

Close control is only the first step to efficient production. Many plants find that their
process units need to make adjustments not only for varying feedstock
characteristics but also for varying end product requirements and varying operating
techniques. To keep track of and coordinate all these fluctuating circumstances, a
DCS incorporates extensive capacity for communications and data storage and
retrieval. This, then, is another key DCS function, because it enables plant person -
nel to make the right decisions by supplying information that is both accurate and

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Most DCSs are capable of rapidly displaying process information and storing it to be
retrieved, reviewed, and analyzed at a later date. Typically, this information would
be used by all the departments in the plant, from process engineering to
maintenance to production to plant management. A good DCS provides quick and
easy access by the appropriate personnel to the appropriate information.
Being computer-based, the DCS also offers intelligent alarm management. It can
force the operator to focus on the most important alarm, thus allowing him or her to
respond more appropriately to the situation. Some alarm functions include the ability
1. filter out nuisance alarms,
2. recalculate alarm limits,
3. re-alarm lingering alarms, and
4. prioritize alarms.

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To reduce costs and improve performance, DCS manufacturers are incorporating

many enhancements introduced by the computer industry:

1. Higher resolution CRTs

2. Better networking between the control areas of complex processes

3. Megabyte memory chips and 32-bit microprocessors

4. Enhanced algorithms to continuously tune loops and assure that every loop
performs optimally

5. Many more state-of-the-art technologies applied to solve classic instrumentation


The most important DCS enhancement, however, is due to the great strides made by
the computer industry in artificial intelligence (AI), particularly expert systems.
Expert systems have already shown tremendous potential not only as a diagnostic
tool but also as a development aid for the control engineer.

Expert systems are attractive because they clone the knowledge of a small number
of experts and then make it usable by a large number of non-experts. This is
particularly applicable in the control industry. Control systems are usually operated
in the automatic mode, because efficient operation in the manual mode depends on
the skills of a particular operator. Some operators are more effective than others.

Expert systems that capture the expertise of the most skilled operators can allow
less-skilled operators to perform their tasks with considerably increased proficiency.
Such a technique can be used to optimize start-ups, optimize grade changes in a
process, and execute emergency shutdowns.

Because of its mandatory dependence on computer technology, the DCS is clearly

software intensive, and practitioners cannot neglect this particular aspect.

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The structure of a DCS is often referred to as its architecture. In terms of functional

modules, DCSs from the various vendors have a lot in common. This section,
therefore, examines these functional modules from the point of view of a generic
system that is representatives of all manufacturers. Figure 5.3 illustrates the
architecture of such a generic system in terms of functional modules. Figure 5.4
explains the structure of a generic DCS, but in more detail.

Figure 5.3. Architecture of a generic DCS

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Figure 5.4. Structure of a generic DCS

In addition to the process instruments (such as temperature transmitters, flow meters,

pH sensors, valves, and so forth), which are common to any process control approach,
there are six generic functional modules:

1. Input/output or I/O modules scan and digitize process instrument input/output data.
Some may perform elementary simple logic.

2. The local I/O bus links I/O modules to controller modules.

3. Controller modules read and update field data and perform control calculations and
logic to make process changes.

4. User interfaces include operator interfaces and engineering workstations.

5. The data highway is a plant-wide communications network.

6. Communication modules provide a link between the data highway and other
modules, typically controller modules and user interfaces.

Each DCS vendor has a proprietary approach, and it is possible, for example, for the
functions of control and I/O to be combined in the same physical component.

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Nevertheless, it is still possible, even preferable, for a DCS to be described by means of

the generic functional modules.

Input/output modules provide the main interface between the DCS and the process
being controlled. They convert the information provided by the process instruments into
digital form. They also provide signal filtering, contact debouncing and in some
instances they can also do alarming, signal characterizing and low-level logic. Four
basic types of signals connect to I/O modules:

1. Analog inputs, also called analog ins or AIs

2. Analog outputs, also called analog outs or AOs

3. Digital inputs, also called digitals ins or DIs

4. Digital outputs, also called digital outs or DOs.

I/O modules may have separate, individual circuits, or they may share components such
as analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters and multiplexers.


The local I/O bus provides a bridge between the I/O and controller modules and by
definition, is restricted in terms of geographical area and data loading. It typically
operates at a slower speed than the plant-wide data highway, although communication
rates can range from 9,600 to 250,000 to 1 million bits per second.

I/O buses can connect varying numbers of I/O and controller modules. The manner in
which they provide communications can also vary, from polling or scanning of the I/O by
the controller modules to serial communications between I/O and controller module.
They can also be arranged for serial or parallel communications or a combination of

While I/O buses are seldom a bottleneck or a limitation, they become a critical
component if they fail. The loss of a single I/O bus can affect the control of many end

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Controller modules are the true brains of a DCS. Their primary function is to use
continuously updated information from I/O modules and then perform complex logic and
analog loop calculations needed to produce the controller output signals that keep
process variables at the desired values. It is at the controller modules that many DCS
functions, such as the following, are performed:

1. I/O signal characterization

2. Signal filtering

3. Alarming I/O modules

4. Ranging and engineering units

5. Control logic

6. Control interlocks

7. Sequencing

8. Batch control

9. Passing on of trending information

10. Passing on of report information.

Controller modules are microcomputers. In the sizing and selecting of a DCS, it is

virtually important to ensure that there is enough processing power not only to serve the
active I/O and control functions, but also to provide some spare capacity for further I/O
expansion, additional logic and extra things such as totalizers.

Communication modules are also microcomputers, but they differ from controller
modules in function. Rather than execute control strategies, communication modules
manage the flow of information between the data highway and controller modules, user
interfaces, and gateways to host computers and PLCs. Although there is always a
physical limit to the amount of data that communication modules can handle, they are
not often a bottleneck.

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Communication modules are critical to proper operation of a DCS; without them, the
operator may be blind to the process.


Real-time data highways come in many variations. Topologies can be linear, loop or
star and they may or may not include “traffic controllers”. Since a data highway is a
microprocessor-based module, it should be viewed as considerably more than one or
two cables strung out across the plant.

If controller modules are the brains of a DCS, then the data highway is its backbone. It
is an active component through which pass the system's messages and file transfers, all
in real time. It constantly updates the consoles, gateways and other modules connected
throughout the system countless times each second. It is probably one of the most
critical DCS modules, because it is common to all other plant-wide components. If the
data highway should fail, operators are cut off from the process, link communications
are lost, and process control is affected. The data highway is the one DCS component
that should almost always be made redundant. In this case, redundant does NOT mean
one highway is active and one is a hot standby; it means that both highways are active,
permitting a bumpless transfer between highways without need for human intervention.
If traffic directors are part of a data highway, they should also be made redundant.


A requirement in many DCS applications is the transfer of information to and from other
types of computers. This can be required for a variety of reasons, such as:

1. integration with management information systems (MIS) computers,

2. integration with optimizing or modeling computers,

3. integration with production and maintenance computers or computer networks

already in place (or to come), and

4. Integration with other process control computers (such as PLCs).

Whatever the situation, the distinctly different computer systems must be able to
communicate with one another.

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This is the part of a DCS that is most often overlooked and like the real-time data
highway, it is a system component common to all others. It is the DCS component that
takes raw electrical power, converts it, conditions it, and regulates it for the various
other computer modules in the system. Battery backup is common with DCS.

The user interface has undergone quite a revolution throughout many industries over
the last 50 years. With today’s complex processes, user interfaces are needed for
engineering personnel as well as for process operators.

Being a computer, operator interfaces come in many different configurations, with very
different abilities and methods of operation. These interfaces usually have a live RAM-
resident database that duplicates the database resident in I/O and control modules.

This RAM database is continually updated from the field, and screen display information
is continually refreshed from it. One should be cautioned here that the operator sees
information from the interface database and not directly from the field measurement. If
the system operates on a report-by-exception basis and communication is lost, the
operator could be unaware that the process is doing something completely different.

So called display-based consoles do not use a RAM-resident database. These

interfaces store various display pages, which, when loaded onto the screen, will have
their dynamic points refreshed directly from field measurements.

The configuration of each operator console and the number required depend upon the
type of plant involved. Regardless of the configuration, however, when the system is
powered up the first screen displayed is usually the main menu, which can be retrieved
at any time during operation. Figure 5.5 shows a typical display.

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Figure 5.5. Typical main menu display of a DCS

Interface displays are described in terms of.

1. display hierarchy,
2. plant overview displays,
3. trend displays,
4. alarm displays, and
5. graphic displays.

The display hierarchy is a sequence of different displays that take the operator from the
general to the specific, for example, from a plant overview display to a group display
showing one group or unit or individual loop. Figure 5.6 illustrates a typical display

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Figure 5.6. Typical display hierarchy of a DCS

The plant overview display includes the process area name, bar graphs of normalized
deviation, color alarm blocks, list of alarms, and the date and time. The actual display
configuration would depend on the manufacturer's specifications. From the overview
display, no direct operator action can be taken; this would occur only upon selection of a
more specific display, such as a loop in alarm. Other overview displays are obtained by
a page-forward and page-back process.

Group displays may contain individual control loops with tag name, bar graph of
measured variable, output value, set point, process value in engineering units, set point
source (remote, local, or tracking), output mode (auto, manual, tracking), and also alarm
information. A page-forward and page-back technique can be used to select other

Trend displays indicate the rate of change of key variables in a process and are
important indicators of plant status. This information can help the operator identify or
anticipate process upset conditions. The user can select a real-time or historical mode
(from one second to one month, typically), and scale in both percent and engineering
units for all variables and for the time base. Trends are often recorded on a hardcopy
printer. Figure 5.7 illustrates a typical trend display.

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Figure 5.7. Typical trend display in a DCS

Alarm displays provide a list of alarms with their tags, types, descriptions, priorities, and
acknowledgement status. Alarms are listed chronologically according to the time of
detection of the alarm. The size of an alarm list is defined by the user and usually
contains approximately 200 alarms. As the number of alarms exceeds this figure, the
oldest alarms drop off. Dedicated keys on the keyboard permit the operator to quickly
identify active alarm conditions, to scroll up and down the alarm listings, and to
acknowledge alarms.

The graphic display is a schematic of the process being controlled. The display is
dynamic, giving the operator real-time data concerning the condition of the process.
The display is user-definable and is constructed with a variety of geometric shapes,
texts, and process control symbols. Graphic displays indicate loop tag names,
measured values, output values, output modes, and engineering units. The operator
can control directly from the graphic representation by means of animated symbols and
color changes of things such as tank levels and process temperatures. Figure 5.8
shows a typical graphic display.

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Figure 5.8. Typical graphic display in a DCS

The engineering workstation is used principally to:
1. Configure the database and console,
2. Update and decompile the database, and
3. Implement application software.

Engineering workstations are usually physically separated from the location of the
operator interface, which permits engineers to work independently, before, during, and
after installation of the DCS.

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A typical multi-loop DCS includes many hardware units that interact with one another in
order to control a process. The hardware units include control units located at various
points near the process, and interface units that communicate with the control units.

Since a DCS has a large number of system components, a well-organized approach is

necessary to effectively troubleshoot problems. The basic troubleshooting techniques
used earlier can also be applied to DCS’s.
 Verify that a problem exists.
 Identify and locate the cause of the problem.
 Correct the problem.
 Verify that the problem is corrected.
 Follow up to prevent future problems.

In addition to monitoring and controlling the process, a DCS can also serve as a
troubleshooting tool. Since the system continuously performs self-diagnostic tests, it
can provide a great deal of information about the process and its own operating status.

For example, valuable process data is displayed in the form of structured displays on an
interface unit’s CRT screen. Most interface units provide similar types of information.
This data typically includes values of process variable, process alarm indications,
results of self-diagnostic tests, and error status indications.

The display provided by the interface unit can be divided into two general categories 
status displays and process control displays. The status displays provide information
about the operational status of all the control units and interface units in the system.
The process control displays provide information about process variables and any
process alarm conditions.


In order to troubleshoot a status condition, we need to know what information the
system provides and how to access that information. The system in this particular
example provides three types of status displays:
 System status,

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 Node summary and

 Module status.

The system status display provides an overview of the status of every control unit and
interface unit in the system. Each unit in the system is referred to as a node. Each
node is assigned an identification number. Next to the node identification number is an
abbreviation that indicates the type of unit. For example, in this system, Node 6 is a
process control unit and Node 7 is an operator interface unit. (Refer Figure 5.9)

Figure 5.9. System status display

Next to the unit abbreviation is space for a status message. Depending on how the
display is designed, normal status may be indicated by a “normal” message or by no
message in the status space.

When a status problem is detected in a node, the letter "S" will flash in the corner of
the screen. The status indicator will appear regardless of the type of screen
displayed on the CRT. On the system status display, an error code will appear next
to the node that is experiencing the error. The error code may have from one to four
letters. Each code letter identifies the type of problem detected. The lower corner of
the display includes a key that is used to interpret the error code letters. In this
example, the entry for Node 1 includes a status error code indicating that the problem
involves a module error.

When troubleshooting a status problem, the system status display can be used to
determine the extent of the problem. The display identifies the node(s) involved and the
type of problem detected.

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From the system status display, we can access the node summary displays. A node
summary display provides more specific information about the status of each device in
the node. There will be a summary display for each node in the system.

Figure 5.10 shows the summary display for Node 1, which the system status display
identified as a process control unit (see Figure 5.9 also). The first line of the display
identifies the node. The next line of the display provides information on various
conditions in the node. It indicates whether the node is on-line or off-line, the overall
status of the modules, the condition of the node’s communication system and current
node status.

Figure 5.10. Summary display for Node 1.

The remainder of the display indicates the status of the control and communication
modules in the unit. Each module in the node is assigned an identification number.
Next to the module number is an abbreviation that identifies the type of module.

LIM  Loop interface module

BIM  Bus Interface Module
MFC  Multifunction Controller Module, etc.

Following the module abbreviation is an indication of the module’s current operating

status. In this example (Figure 5.10), all the modules are in the execute, or operating
mode. The entry for module 7 also includes an error (ERR) message. This indicates
some type of status problem involving that module.

From the node summary display, we can access a module status display for each
module in the node. A module status display provides information regarding the
symptoms or possible causes of a status problem.

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PCU 1 MODULE 7 MODE execut ERR TYPE MFC01/02 STATUS EB 10 00 00 00


Figure 5.11. Status display for Module 7, Node 1

The first entry of the module display shown in Figure 5.11 identifies the node and
module numbers, its present operating mode, the type of module, and the status code.
The remainder of the display offers more specific information on the status of the
module. It includes one or more entries that identify the error(s) or failure(s) detected by
the diagnostic tests. In this case, the status error detected by the multifunction
controller involves an I/O slave module.

In this system, the system status display can be used to identify the node experiencing
the problem, the corresponding node status display will narrow down the problem to a
particular device or module, and the corresponding module display will provide the
possible causes.


In a typical distributed control system, the process control units are installed at various
locations. The interface displays do not identify the units and devices within the units by
their physical locations. They only provide software addresses. To determine the
physical location that corresponds to a software address, refer to the system
engineering diagrams.

Once you have located the unit, you can continue to troubleshoot the problem. When
troubleshooting a problem in a control unit, it is good practice to check the status LED's
first (if available).

When the main status LED is green, it indicates normal status. When the LED is red, it
indicates a node status problem.


Some control modules have a reset feature. When this feature is available, it may be
possible to restart the module rather than replace it. Before attempting to reset a
module, take precautions to prevent static discharge. For example, by wearing a

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grounding strap, you can protect the module circuitry from static damage To provide
additional antistatic protection, use a non-metallic probe to depress the reset button.
When activated, the reset function will attempt to restart the microprocessor in the
module and the self-diagnostic tests will check module functions. The module LED will
indicate whether the reset was successful. If the module could not be reset, it will have
to be replaced.

Before removing a failed module, verify that the redundant module is still operating
normally. Then, make a record of which fault indictors are illuminated. Since failed
modules are typically returned to the manufacturer for repair, a record of fault
indications can be helpful in determining the cause of the module failure.

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In addition to the status displays, the interface units also provide process control
displays as is evident from Figure 5.4. These displays can be used to monitor the
process variables and alarm conditions in the process. The structure and appearance
of the process control screens will depend on the manufacturer and the configuration of
the unit. The interface unit used in this explanation provides four types of screens that
display process information. These include:
 Alarm summary page,
 Group display,
 Graphic display and
 Area display.

The alarm summary page (refer Figure 5.12) is a list of the most recent alarms that
have occurred in the process. When troubleshooting a process problem, the alarm
summary page provides a way to view all alarm conditions that have occurred and to
identify those tags with an active alarm condition.

F 10:00:05 FCI 102 21.5 HI PREHEATER FLOW
G 10:00:00 TIC 300 30.0 LO BOILER
H 02:00:09 FT 2 350.0 * FEEDWATER FLOW
I 02:00:08 FT 1 350.0 * STEAM FLOW

Figure 5.12. Typical alarm summary page of a DCS

Each alarm entry identifies the following information.

 The time of the alarm indication
 The tag name
 The current value or status of the process variable

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 Whether the alarm condition still exists or has returned to normal

 A brief description of the tag.

The different tags, or functions, in a control loop are typically grouped together. The
letter at the beginning of each entry on the alarm summary page identifies the group to
which the tag belongs.

A group display provides a way to examine trends and determine the current value of
process variables in a loop. Refer Figure 5.13 and 5.7. One section of the display is a
trend graph. This graph shows the values of up to three variables over a period of time.
Tag blocks beside the graph identify the variables displayed in the graph. The system
in this example uses color coding to identify the graph that corresponds to each

Figure 5.13. Typical trend graph and group display

The other section of the group display contains tag displays that show the current value
or state of different tags, or functions, in the loop. A tag display includes the tag
identification and a scale. The value of the process variable is indicated by a symbol (>)
on the left side of the scale. The value of the set point is indicated by a symbol (<) on
the right side of the scale. The scale also indicates the range of the measured variable.

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In this example, tag LT1 shows drum level and the scale indications show the process
variable is at the set point. The engineering unit entry indicates that the level is
measured in inches. Therefore, the range for the drum level is 30 inches.

A group display may have an associated graphic display. Refer Figures 5.8 and 5.14.
A graphic display is a pictorial representation of the process group. The graphic display
in Figure 5.14 illustrates a three-element feed water control loop.

Figure 5.14. Graphic display of feed water control loop

In Many cases, a graphic display provides current process information, such as values
of selected variables and valve positions. This type of display is often used to monitor
process conditions. It can also serve as a reference for determining how a loop is
designed to control a process.

An area display provides an overview of several groups in related processes. See

Figure 5.15. Since an alarm condition in one process group may affect related groups,
an area display can be used to determine how widespread a problem is in the process.

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Figure 5.15. Typical area display in a DCS

Each block in the display provides information about one group. This typically includes
the values of selected tags in the group. When an alarm condition occurs, the
associated tags are identified on the display. The method used to indicate an alarm
condition will depend on the configuration of the display.

The area display allows you to access group displays. Each group on the area display
is identified by a letter. To access the group display for a particular process group,
enter its group letter.

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The procedure for troubleshooting a process alarm condition is similar to the procedure
for troubleshooting a status problem.

The first step in gathering information is to discuss the problem with the operator. Find
out all the symptoms that were detected and what actions were taken in response to the
alarm indication. Suppose in this example, the operator reported intermittent low alarm
indications for the drum level in the feedwater control loop. (Refer Figure 5.16) There
were no status problems indicated, and placing the loop in manual control did not
eliminate the oscillation in the drum level indication.

Determining the possible causes of a problem requires an understanding of how the

loop is designed to control the process. In many control systems, the interface units
provide graphic displays that can be used to interpret the control strategy for each loop
in the system. The following illustration (Figure 5.16) is the graphic display for the
three-element feedwater control loop in our example. In this loop, transmitters monitor
feedwater flow, drum level, and steam flow. This information is used by the controller
function to ensure an adequate supply of steam.

Figure 5.16. Graphic display for feed water control loop

When a problem involves multiple alarms or a series of intermittent alarms, the alarm
summary page (Figure 5.17) can be used to identify the sequence in which the alarms
occurred, the magnitude of the problem, or the frequency of repeated alarms.

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F 09:20:10 LT1 -15.00IN. LO DRUM LEVEL
G 09:20:00 LT1 * DRUM LEVEL
H 09:19:56 LT1 * DRUM LEVEL
I 09:19:53 LT1 * DRUM LEVEL
J 09:19:48 LT1 * DRUM LEVEL
Figure 5.17. Alarm summary page showing drum level

In this case, the alarm summary page confirms that there have been intermittent low
alarms for the drum level. All of the alarms have occurred in a relatively short period of
time and have cleared themselves.

In addition to the alarm summary display, the group display, shown in Figure 5.18 can
usually provide helpful information. In this example, the trend display shows
considerable oscillation in drum level. At the same time, feed water flow and steam
output have been stable. Since level cannot change this fast, something must be
causing the fluctuation in the drum level indication.

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Figure 5.18. Group display for drum level, steam flow and water flow

In this example, possible causes of the problem include:

1. A malfunction in the drum level transmitter,
2. A fault in the signal wiring from the transmitter to the control unit, or
3. A failure in the control unit.

Narrow down the problem by determining if the source of the problem is inside or
outside the control unit. This can be done by checking the voltage at the termination
unit. To locate the termination unit, refer to the termination unit drawings. These
drawings indicate the physical location that corresponds to the software addresses
provided in the process displays. Th drawings identify the location of the termination
unit and the terminal numbers for the transmitter signal wires.

Once you locate the termination unit, measure the voltage at the point where the
process signal enters the control unit. This will allow you to determine if the cause of
the problem is inside or outside the control unit. A steady voltage level would indicate

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that the problem is inside the control unit. An oscillating signal would indicate the
problem is outside the control unit. Suppose in our example, the voltage signal was
oscillating. Therefore, the control unit was eliminated as a possible cause and the
problem was narrowed down to the transmitter or field wiring.

When investigating the condition of field equipment, begin with the condition that can be
checked most quickly. In our example, a loose wiring connection at the transmitter was
found to be the cause of the problem. Vibration loosened the connection and caused
the erratic changes in the signal.

After fixing the fault, the process displays and trend displays should be checked again
to make sure that the trouble has been corrected.

In some situations, a status problem may lead a process alarm. For example, a failed
transmitter or a break in the signal wiring would result in a status indication for a bad
quality input signal and would activate a low alarm.

When both a status problem and alarm condition are present, the status displays and
the process control displays can be used to gather information to troubleshoot the

When troubleshooting, the key is to take advantage of all the information the system
can provide. Then, use that information to follow a logical approach to find the cause of
the problem.

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