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2501203 2508/203 2502/2035 2509/2003 2503/203 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS II June/Suly 2018 ‘Time: 3 hours THE KENYA NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (PRODUCTION OPTION) DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (INDUSTRIAL PLANT OPTION) DIPLOMA IN AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (WELDING AND FABRICATION OPTION) DIPLOMA IN CONSTRUCTION PLANT ENGINEERING MODULE IL ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS II 3 hours INSTRUCTIONS TO ‘CANDIDATES: ‘You should have the following for tis examtnatitm: Maximum marks jor ench part of a questian areas shown. Candidates should answer the questions in English. This paper consists of 6 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are prinicd as indicated and that no questions are misting. ©2018 The Kenya National Examinations Council. Turn over Bee) ey © z= @ (b) 3. far ®) © 2501/203 2502/2003 Differentiate /le)= yg," g ftom frst principles. 3 (6 marks) Find {given thar von 222): (i) ety tay 4 + Gy? =0. (T marks) The distance $ metres travelled by @ body in t seconds is given by S=A— 1p + ode Find the: (i) values of twhen the bady is at rest, (i) value oP twhen the acceleration is 2 mis’, (7 marks) Evaluate the integrals, @ f rear eer @ ae je DESETY (10 marks) Find the position of the centroid af the fignre bounded by the curve a=a + 4r+2, the x - unis, and the ordinates atx =0 and x ~ 2. (10 marks) Giventhat V=a'sin{ 2), showthar 29+ BE =o 6 marks) ‘Given that Ze" In (5h + Gp]. Use partial differentiation to determine the approximate change in Z, if ft increases from ().3 cm to 0.35 cm and p decreases from 0.2 cm to 0.18. cm. (@miarks) Locate the stationary points of the fimetion 2 =2r* — (ix*—Sy' +2 and detesmine ‘their nature, (8 marks) ‘E508/203 2509/203 ez (b) AS (a) eo © oie 4) Oblain the first four non-rero terms in the Maclaurin’s series expansion of #(p)=In(ar=1) Hence, evaluate [FEY gy comect to four decimal places (12 marks) (i) Use Taylor's theorem to expand. cus| +h) fn ascending powers of has far ax the term in Gi) Hence, evaluate cos 30.9%, correct to three decimal places. (8 marks) ‘The sum of three consecutive mumbers of an arithmetic progression is 9-and their product i 20.25_ Determine the three numbers, ada me sy (7 marks) fees tate The ratio of the fourth to the second terms of a geometric progression with a positive common ratios Jp. Irdhe Grstterm exceeds the thind erm by T.. determine the: @) seventh term; (ii) sum of the first nine terms, (8 marks) A woman deposited K sh 4.000 in a savings scheme inthe first month, Thereafter she increased her deposits by Ksh400 per month for fifty momhs, Determine the: lee (@)—Testamount deposited, =" Gi) total amount saved in the fifty months, & =2 fe=rt08) Fae ivan (S marks} £70; 960 ‘Table 1 shows marks scored by 170 students in a mechanical science test. ‘Table 1 ‘Marks: 0-10 [10-20 | 90-40 [30-40 [40-50] so-60 | oo 70 10. 20. 40. a3. 15 Given that the median mark is 35, determine the: @ ~~ -valuesofx andy; m=7 _ (i) mode. f=? . (10 marks) 2508/203 2509/203 3 ‘Turn over iy Jet" (by (b) 2501/203 2502/2303, 2503/203 finely 2018 Table 2 shows the masses in kilograms of 40 steel rods used in a mechanical workstop, br e478 gees ce ‘ = Table2 oe ei7e oe 66Y Be 19. GAD Bh PD atv 78 68 Gay BA: Gi a gar 17 Be pee GT a0 -73, “16~ 83-15" GD 83> 67 BA a 82 78. “TY OYE 16) BE 18. Bh Gey -729~ Ga) ear (Group the data into a frequeney distribution using classes of 60-64,6.5 -69,.. (ii) Henee, determine thes (Viton, = SEE mean; fe (UD standard deviation. =k (10 marks) ‘The marks of 250 candidates in a test are nommally distributed with a mean of 40 marks tnd a standard deviation of 10 marks, 10.4% of the candidates scored x marks and above, determine the: c= =e is 2 ua RH (i) xahe ots; Gi) number: eS Scored between 34 marks and $1 marks, 2 ae po xget Ai (10 marks) Sosa Tie diteeror 631s assed dea continuous randoin variable with a probability density fnetion, ie *) ae rea Q2z<1 eeu] ee ey ee Ge ee (@® value efconsiant C; ae oie i) mean; Se = CE Gy PC

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