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Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

Farmers' Working Condition as Correlate to Production Efficiency:

Basis for a Sustainability Plan

A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of College of Business Administration of

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela.
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Subject Business Research

Cunanan, Angeline B.
De Rafael, Jamie Rose B.
Estares, Maysie M.
Manzon, Camille B.
Mora, Jenny C.
Tolentino, Chenny L.
Valdez. Raysalyn B.
Yanes, Tristan Jake L.



Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

Chapter 1
According to Gebska, M., Grontkowska, A., Swiderek, W., and Golebiewska,
B. (2020), the use of sustainable practices on agricultural farms has the potential to
mitigate the adverse consequences arising from agricultural activity. Indeed, several
production techniques can be employed in the cultivation of plants to promote and
maintain their long-term viability. The aforementioned practices encompass precision
production, conservation, organic agriculture, agroforestry, and integrated agro-
farming systems.
The use of sustainable practices has the potential to effectively conserve
ecosystems, foster economic stability within the agricultural sector, and enhance the
overall well-being of farmers. Sustainable agriculture necessitates the preservation of
land resources while preventing their degradation, while also ensuring economic
viability and social acceptability. As per the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP), the concept of sustainable development entails the utilization of natural
resources in quantities that do not surpass the capacity of ecosystems to replenish
them. While the specific definition is acknowledged, it is mostly utilized in assessing
the potential functioning of future generations.
The attainment of sustainable agriculture occurs when food production is
carried out in a manner that does not compromise the availability and quality of land
resources, while also minimizing environmental contamination.
According to the scholarly work of Earles and Williams, this particular form
of agriculture is characterized by its adherence to the principles of nature. It
encompasses the cultivation of crops and livestock with a focus on social values, the
promotion of a wealthy lifestyle for families residing on farms, and the provision of
nutritious food for the wider population. Farmers and agricultural experts have
identified distinct principles of sustainable development, encompassing the concepts
of efficient management and economic equity.
Considerable attention has been directed towards the observation that farmers
are progressively acknowledging the validity of the aforementioned limitations.


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

The agricultural workers faced significant challenges when they were

confronted with adverse weather conditions. During periods of drought, farmers are
tasked with obtaining water using irrigation methods and applying it to their
agricultural machinery. Subsequently, they employ the process of pumping this water
into the plants as a means to ensure their survival in the drought conditions. Hence,
the primary obstacle faced by farmers is the high temperatures experienced during
crop planting. Nevertheless, in cases where planting becomes unfeasible, farmers are
afforded the opportunity to take a minimum of two (2) hours of relaxation. Farmers
employ the application of fertilizer in order to maintain favorable conditions within
the rice fields. Furthermore, the insects provide a significant challenge for the farmers'
conditions. In order to safeguard their agricultural produce, farmers employ the
application of pesticides as a preventive measure against potential harm inflicted upon
their rice fields.

The primary objective of this study was to acquire a deeper understanding of

farmers' experiences and assess the impact of their working circumstances on
workplace productivity. Consequently, this study was undertaken in order to get a
deeper comprehension of the impact of these obstacles on productivity as well as to
identify the specific issues faced by farmers in relation to crop cultivation.
Additionally, it is of interest to ascertain the specific areas in which enhancements are
required for their production processes, or alternatively, if their current production
efficacy is sufficient for sustaining operations. Furthermore, our objective is to raise
awareness among students, young individuals, and future generations regarding the
present state of farmers.

The novelty of this study lies in its examination of the present condition and
circumstances of farmers, specifically the areas in which they must enhance or
maintain their productivity. As a human resource development manager, it is crucial
to recognize the significance of working circumstances for employees. Workplace
circumstances involve a wide range of factors, including the physical environment in
which employees work as well as the terms and conditions that govern their


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

employment. This research aims to benefit the beneficiaries of the study by serving as
a representative platform for farmers, addressing their needs and concerns.


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

Theoretical Framework
This study is supported by theories to help the researchers to make research
findings generalization and meaningful, also to help the researchers identify the
variable with regards on the Farmers' Working Condition as Correlate to Production
Efficiency: Basis for a Sustainability Plan.

The World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), also

referred to as the Brundtland Commission, is a prominent entity in the field of
sustainability theory. The operational period of the entity was from 1984 to 1987. The
findings of the commission were made publicly available by the publication of the
Brundtland report in 1987. The concept of sustainability theory encompasses an
economic and societal framework that is characterized by longevity and viability on a
global level. The potential for societal transformation inherent in the assertion that
"increased justice between generations leads to greater global justice" is at risk of
being overlooked. The concept of sustainability entails more than a mere superficial
assertion to prioritize social, economic, and environmental policies without
considering their temporal and spatial contexts. It necessitates a conscientious effort
to achieve a harmonious equilibrium among these dimensions.
The Theory of Sustainability is relevant to the research conducted since it
provides an expanded understanding of the concept of sustainability.

Adam Smith's economic theory, which emerged in the early 18th century,
posits that markets function optimally when government intervention is minimized.
Economic theory refers to the notion that the efficacy of markets is enhanced in the
absence of excessive governmental interference. According to Smith, individuals who
act rationally, prioritizing their own interests, would inherently identify the most
optimal means of utilizing a nation's resources. Consequently, he perceived
government regulation as having the potential to impede economic growth. Smith
advocated for the notion that, as an illustration, the agriculturalist ought to exercise
autonomy in selecting crops to cultivate, thereafter allowing market forces to
determine their viability through consumer purchasing power.


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

This economic theory pertains to the examination conducted by researchers as

it elucidates the economic aspects that impact their working conditions to a certain

Ricardo's Theory of Capital Accumulation and the constraints imposed by

natural factors According to Ricardo's thesis, the endogenous supply of population is
driven by capital accumulation.
The increase in demand for food stimulates the cultivation of less fertile lands with
low production, resulting in a rise in corn prices. The rise in price prompts a
corresponding increase in salaries. Indeed, it is a verifiable fact that the progression of
agricultural technology has the potential to impede the increase in wages.
Nevertheless, Ricardo himself posits that technological advancements are transitory in
nature, and in the long term, wages will increase.
The theory proposed by Ricardo pertains to the examination conducted by
researchers, as it elucidates the impact of capital accumulation and natural constraints
on working conditions.


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework on Farmers' Working Condition as Correlate to

Production Efficiency: Basis for a Sustainability Plan

The researcher’s adopted the Input Process Output (IPO) Model. It includes
all of the materials and the information that are required in the process, the specific
details of the process itself, and the guide on Farmers' Working Condition as
Correlate to Production Efficiency: Basis for a Sustainability Plan.
For input, it consists of the respondent’s profile as well as aspects related to the
research’s dependent and independent variables. Usually, all the details specified in
the statement of the problems are stipulated here.
For process, it includes the questionnaires that were utilized, the observations that
were made, the data collection method, and the statistical analysis of the data. Data
tabulation analysis, and the interpretation are also included. It includes everything


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

from the initial gathering of information or data to the final results and
recommendations of the research.
For output, it includes the objectives and the outcome of this research.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this research is to determine the Farmers' Working Condition as
Correlate to Production Efficiency: Basis for an Improvement Plan/Sustainability
Plan. Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions:
1. How may the farmers' working conditions be described in terms of:
1.1 Planting
1.2 Harvesting
1.3 Fertilizing

2. What is the extent of the farmers' production efficiency according to the

2.1 Productivity
2.2 Product Quality
2.3 Profitability
3. Is there a significant relationship in the farmers' working condition and their
production efficiency?
4. What other challenges are encountered by farmers and how are they
5. What improvement/sustainability plan may be proposed according to the
finding of the study?

Hypothesis of the study

The hypothesis under this statement was tested at a 0.05 level of significance:
Ho: There is no significant relationship between Farmers' working condition
to the production efficiency.


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

Significance of the Study

Community. This Study is to give knowledge on the working conditions of the

farmers and how community can give help to the farmers even in small things but it is
high impact to the farmers like giving foods for appreciation of them and other things
that can give good impact to them.
Cooperatives. This study is to give idea on how cooperative needs to help farmers
and to know that it is benefits to all or have a purpose.
Farmers. The Benefit of this study is to know the working conditions of the farmers
and the status of the productivity of their work.
Educational Institution. This study is to give knowledge on how Educational
Institution help to the farmers like creating seminar about agriculture on how it is
important and to open the minds of the students on the issue of farmers to stop wrong
things instead doing things that can help farmers.
Future Researcher. This study benefits to the future researcher to gain more
information and serve as their data for other researchers to be made.
Government. This study gives idea to the government regarding the working
conditions of the farmers and what government can do to help farmers needs to solve
the problems.
Public Administration. This study gives idea and knowledge on how Public
Administration help farmers by giving advice to think advance possible changes to
their production or what things that needs to improve or what should to do to sustain
their good working conditions.

Scope and Delimitation

This case was conducted by the researcher to evaluate the Working Condition
as it Correlates to the Production Efficiency: Basis for a Sustainability Plan. The
researcher used a survey questionnaire and interviews to gather data and information
from the chosen respondents. Each selected respondent is answering accurately and
honestly the questions provided. The respondents are composed of thirty (30) farmers


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

who are at least 40 years old. They are located in Sitio Nagpandayan, Barangay
Bunga Carranglan,Nueva Ecija. This study will be done in the entire semester of the
year 2023-2024.

Definition of Terms
Correlate. Identified between working conditions and production efficiency
Farmer's. can be classified as survivalists and have indicated a preference for
cultivating agricultural crops.
Production Efficiency. significance of performance in business organization and its
direct impact on overall company success, business executives have been actively
seeking to comprehend the various aspects that influence performance
Sustainability Plan. This understanding is essential in order to devise effective
strategies at enhancing employee performance
Working condition. The presence of a motivating work environment is of utmost
importance particularly in organizations that are known for their elevated levels of
stress, pressure, and performance targets


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

The review covered brief articles from books, journals, research papers, and
the World Wide Web which aided the researchers in conceptualizing the paper and
offered an opportunity for a much more comprehensive view of the study.

According to Rose, D., Sutherland, W., Barnes, A., Borthwick, F., Ffoulkes,
C., Hall, C., Moorby, J., Nicholas-Davies, P., Twining, S., and Lynn V. (2019), the
objective of sustainable agriculture is to achieve equilibrium among the economic,
environmental, and social dimensions of agricultural practices, thereby establishing a
farming system that is capable of withstanding challenges and maintaining its
viability over an extended period of time. In recent decades, a multitude of conceptual
frameworks have been employed in both scholarly research and policy-making
endeavors to promote the widespread adoption of sustainable practices. This study
examines the efficacy of the concept of 'integrated farm management' in facilitating
the advancement of sustainable agriculture within a densely populated environment.
The concept is currently seeing a resurgence of policy attention in England and Wales
and is also being actively advocated in various European contexts. Prior studies have
indicated that there may be limited comprehension and adoption of integrated
agricultural management.
According to Hidayati, B., Yamamoto, M., and Kano, H. (2019), the
examination of production efficiency would assume significance in enhancing organic
rice cultivation to meet the growing demand for rice. The present study aims to
examine the key elements that influence the production efficiency of organic rice.
Sumber Ngepoh district is recognized as one of the prominent regions within the rice-
producing province of Indonesia. The data is analyzed using the production stochastic
frontier function and the cost stochastic dual frontier. The analysis focuses on the
examination of variables pertaining to technical, economic, and allocative efficiency
in order to ascertain their significance. Furthermore, an examination is conducted on
the socio-economic aspects.


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

According to Casinillo L., Rebojo H., and Dargantes Jr. V., the objective of
this study is to identify the different factors that have an impact on rice output among
small-scale farmers in Albuera, Leyte, Philippines. According to Slovin's algorithm, a
sample size of 73 rice farmers was picked in a random manner to serve as respondents
for the survey. Various descriptive techniques were utilized to succinctly characterize
the distinct variables. A Chi-square test was employed to conduct a categorical
relationship analysis in order to examine the main elements influencing rice
According to Arellano, C., and Delos Reyes, J. (2019), the present study
examined the impact of personal entrepreneurial competences (PECs) on the output
and technical efficiency of rice farms located in Laguna, Philippines. A total of 40
farmers were selected through a random sampling technique and subsequently
interviewed during the period spanning from May to July of 2016. The study involved
the execution of descriptive, stochastic frontier production functions, and regression
analyses. The study found that a significant proportion (63%) of the farmers who
participated in the survey were male. These male farmers had an average age of 54
years, an average farming experience of 27 years, and an average farm size of 2
hectares. The majority of individuals surveyed, comprising 83% of the sample,
reported being married. On average, these individuals had a household size of 5.
Additionally, 65% of the participants identified themselves as leaseholders.
According to Pérez-Méndez, J., and García-Cornejo, B. (2020), the
implementation of a value-added diversification plan offers a potential avenue for
ensuring the long-term viability of small-scale agricultural enterprises. The present
study investigates the impact of management strategy and socio-environmental
sustainability aspects on the efficiency of diversification activities. In order to achieve
this objective, a distinctive and innovative database comprising value-added
initiatives carried out by 49 dairy farms situated in the northern region of Spain is
utilized. A production frontier is established by the utilization of a data envelope
analysis (DEA) model in order to assess and quantify technical efficiency.
According to Canales, E., Bergtold, J., and Featherstone, A. (2023), the
productivity of farms can be influenced by crop prices as they impact the decision-


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

making process regarding inputs and outputs. The objective of this study is to evaluate
the correlation between fluctuations in crop prices and variations in production levels
among a selected group of farms in Kansas. The assessment of changes in total factor
productivity is conducted through the utilization of a nonparametric methodology,
specifically employing the Malmquist productivity index. Additionally, an
examination is undertaken to identify potential factors that influence both technical
efficiency and productivity change. Farms that possess increased leverage and exhibit
greater variety are expected to have enhanced efficiency and encounter variations in
productivity. There is evidence to imply that periods characterized by elevated food
prices are associated with decreased productivity levels. This observation implies that
innovation is more likely to transpire during periods of financial constraint.
According to Ren, C., Liu, S., Grinsven, H., Reis, S., Jin, S., Liu, H., and Gu,
B. (2019), the size of a farm is a crucial factor in determining the level of agricultural
sustainability. The potential implications of this phenomenon on the economic and
environmental aspects of agricultural production are significant, potentially leading to
the over-utilization of mineral fertilizers as one example. Nevertheless, there remains
a significant knowledge gap about the extent of these effects and the primary factors
driving them. This understanding is crucial for the formulation of successful policies,
particularly in countries such as China, where smallholder farms continue to play a
prominent role in the agricultural sector.
According to Joshi, S., Singh, R. K., and Sharma, M. (2023), the aim of this
study is to ascertain the factors that have an impact on the adoption of sustainable
agribusiness practices in India. Additionally, it seeks to analyze the key concerns
pertaining to the management of sustainable agri-supply chains. The identification of
the study's constructs was carried out in two consecutive phases. These phases
consisted of a comprehensive assessment of existing literature and the conduct of
semi-structured interviews with supply chain facilitators and intermediaries (such as
traders, government officials, and local mandis or markets) working within the
Uttarakhand region of India.


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

In summary, changes in crop prices can have an impact on the productivity of
agricultural farms because they have a significant impact on the decision-making
process pertaining to the allocation of resources and the yield of agricultural outputs.
The concept of sustainability plays a pivotal role in the agricultural sector,
significantly impacting farmers and their overall production efficiency. Moreover, the
sustainability of agricultural techniques is a crucial element, not only for the welfare
of farmers but also for the total efficacy of their produce. Achieving a lucrative and
sustainable future for farmers and the global population they sustain necessitates the
agricultural sector's ability to effectively navigate the interplay between market forces
and ecological responsibility. In conclusion, a number of factors may have an impact
on farmers' agricultural production efficiency.


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

Chapter 3

This chapter presents the specific techniques used by the researchers to

collect, process, assemble and evaluate data. It likewise defines the tools used during
the gathering, analysis, and interpretation of figures.

Research Design
The research aimed to determine the Farmers' Working Condition as Correlate
to Production Efficiency: Basis for a Sustainability Plan, located at Sitio
Nagpandayan, Barangay Bunga Carranglan, Nueva Ecija. This study was an example
of quantitative research.
According to Bhandari (2020), Quantitative research is the process of
collecting and analyzing numerical data. It can be used to find patterns and averages,
make predictions, test causal relationships, and generalize results to wider
populations. The goals of quantitative research are to test descriptive design that data
collection method including an interviewing and survey questionnaires distributed to
the farmers.

Research Respondents
The research respondents are the farmers of Barangay Bunga Carranglan,
Nueva Ecija. A place in Central Luzon, Region 3 Philippines. We aim to find out
what are the effects of farmers working condition to the production efficiency. This
study will have thirty (30)respondents.The farmers age are 40 years old and above.
They work 8 hours on the farm but they rest around 1-2pm because of the heat. They
are starting to work earlier in the morning to avoid heat and since they are already old
and seniors. We want to determine whether these thirty (30) representatives deal with
the same issue. Rest assured that all information that we will be gathering will be
treated utmost confidentiality.


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

Research Locale
This study was conducted at Sitio Nagpandayan, Baranggay. Bunga
Carranglan, Nueva Ecija. It is nearly located on the Saint Nicholas of Tolentine Parish
the center and one of the oldest churches in Carranglan Nueva Ecija. A minute to
travel to reach Barangay Bunga. The whole Barangay and the whole rice farm can be
seen where you're in the toughest part which they called "California or Carranglan" Is
recognized as the “Rice Granary” of the Philippines because it led the production of
the nation's food staple during the twentieth century. The province had not always
been devoted to rice production and was in fact considered a frontier area throughout
most of its history. The farm size of this Barangay is almost 70% in total, and most of
the people live by farming as one of the main source of income.

Research Instrument
In this study, the researcher will be using the questionnaire. The questionnaire
is a set of orderly arranged questions carefully prepared to answer by a group of
people designed to collect facts and information. Throughout the interview, follow-up
questions will be posed to extract relevant data that may have been initially
mentioned. This part will also address the participants’ disclosure process. The
instrumentation that this study will employ will be divided into 3 parts. Part I will
introduce the researchers, farmers and research paper. It will also encompass ethical
considerations and obtain verbal consent from the participants.

Additionally, this section will define infidelity and discuss the Working
Condition as Correlate to Production Efficiency Basis for a Sustainability Plan, in the
research paper. Participants will be assured of the working condition in terms of
improvement the plan and sustainability during the interview. Part II will encompass
the Participants' general information pertinent to the study. Part III will be dedicated
to gaining insight into the Participants' overall background in relation to the topic,
including their familiarity with the concept of infidelity. will consist of the general


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

question and follow-up questions in between for probing. It will aim to know the
subjective narrative of the Participants about the matter. Throughout the interview,
follow-up questions will be posed to extract relevant data that may not have been
initially mentioned.

In order to conduct this study, the researchers must obtain the respondents'
consent by having them sign a consent form. Interviewing the farmers will aid the
researchers' study in better understanding their situation in terms of how their working
conditions relate to their level of production efficiency as well as in the analysis and
summarization of the information they gather from respondents. Following the
interview, the researchers will provide the farmers with the survey questionnaire so
they can compile the results from the questionnaire they gave their respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will look for a site that will work for the study in order to
collect the data. The researchers decide to perform their study in Sitio Nagpandayan,
Barangay Bunga Carangglan, Nueva Ecija because it is the centre of the region’s rice
fields and will be the ideal setting for it. All of the data that will be done with the
respondents’ consent. Once the researchers have a permission to ask them a questions
through interview about the survey questionnaire, which is in line with the issue
statement. The researchers will respect the respondents’ privacy and keep all
information and data collected from the farmers’ confidential. Researchers will make
a count of the data after collecting it, and the researchers will analyse and interpret it
to provide the study’s summary and recommendations.


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

Statistical Treatment of Data

The study aims to determine the farmers’ working conditions as correlated to

production efficiency as a basis for the improvement plan or sustainability plan. The
researchers will also investigate the farmers’ working conditions in terms of their
planting, harvesting and fertilizing. Also, they also aim to determine the level of
extent of the farmers’ production efficiency in terms of their productivity, product
quality and profitability. Furthermore, if there is a significant relationship between the
farmers' working conditions and their production efficiency and the encounter
challenges by the farmers and how they will be able to address it.

The study will utilize different treatments. Frequency and percentage will be
used to analyze the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of their age,
gender, marital status, income and work longevity.

On the other hand, mean rating will be used to organize and describe the
responses of the respondents regarding their working conditions in terms of their
planting, harvesting and fertilizing and also the level of extent of their production
efficiency in terms of productivity, product quality and profitability. The researchers
will use the table below to interpret the data:

Range of Mean Descriptive Interpretation

4.21 – 5.00 Strongly Agree (SA)

3.41 – 4.20 Agree (A)

2.61 – 3.40 Neutral (N)

1.81 – 2.60 Disagree (D)

1.00 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree (SD)

To evaluate the relationship between the farmers' working conditions and their
production efficiency, the Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) will be utilized with a
respective probability of errors (p ≤ 5%).


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

Consent to Participant

Dear Farmers,

Greetings! We are 3rd year College taking Bachelor of Science Business

Administration Major in Human Resources Development Management learners from
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela and we are conducting research entitled,
"Evaluate the Impact of Farmers Working Conditions on Efficiency of Production in
the face of uncertainty amid Climate Change: The Case of Barangay Maysan,
Valenzuela City". The results of this study will hopefully show the impact of climate
change in working conditions of the farmers. We are interested in your experience, so
we have enclosed a questionnaire that asks you to respond to a series of statements
and questions. Your participation in this study is voluntary and all efforts to protect.
your identity and keep the information confidential will be taken. Your participation
will be greatly appreciated.

Understand this information and agree to participate fully under the

conditions stated above.
Understand this information and I don’t want to participate.


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024



1. AGE : ___________________________________________
2. GENDER : _________________________________________
3. MARITAL STATUS : _______________________________
4. INCOME: __________________________________________
5. WORK LONGEVITY : _________________________________


1- Agree
2- Strongly Agree
3- Neutral
4- Disagree
5- Strongly Disagree

1. How may the farmers' working conditions be described in terms of:

1.1 Planting
1.1.1 Do farmers continue to cultivate their crops despite the poor state of their
1.1.2 Do farmers own the tools and machinery they use to plant their crops?
1.1.3 How do the farmers manage their daily tasks such as planting, considering that
they are already old enough to retire?


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

1.2 Harvesting
1.2.1 Even in the presence of a poor environment, do farmers continue to harvest their

1.2.2 Do farmers pick their crops with harvester machines?

1.2.3 Can farmers continue harvest the crops they've sown while having a difficulty in
their land, such as water that won't go away?
1.3 Fertilizing
1.3.1 Do farmers continue to use fertilizer in spite of financial luck?
1.3.2 Given that the field is infested with pests, how do the farmers apply fertilizer to
their crops?
1.3.3 How much fertilizer do farmers use each day when they plant?

2. What is the extent of the farmers' production efficiency according to the

2.1. Productivity
2.1.1 How much time do farmers spend working?
2.1.2 How do unfavourable surroundings effect a farmer's productivity?
2.1.3 How may the number of farmers impact the effectiveness of production?


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

2.2 Product Quality

2.2.1 How does the level of care affect the quality of the final product?
2.2.2 What impact does the surroundings' poor quality have on the quality of the

2.2.3 Does crop quality have an impact on how effectively farmers produce their

2.3 Profitability

2.3.1 Does a relationship exist between profit and production efficiency?

2.3.2 How does the profitability of crops differ depending on crop quality?
2.3.3 What factors need to be taken into account to guarantee the crops' financial


1. How long do you spend working each day?

2. Do you prefer using tools and machinery over using your hands (manually)?

3. What has been the worst challenge or barrier you have encountered as a


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

4. How much fertilizer do you use each day while working?


5. Can you continue to be productive despite the obstacles you are facing?


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

Ethical Considerations
The researchers will first ask permission from the respondents before
conducting the research, not force them to answer the questionnaire, and also make
sure that all their personal information is kept confidential. Before enrolling
participants in the research, they will have a better understanding of the research and
additional treatment methods that enable individuals to experience and increase their
overall sense of well-being. The respondents have a right to refuse to participate and
will sign a consent form as proof of their willingness to cooperate and that they are
not coerced in any way. All of the randomly selected research participants shall be
given a fair distribution of risks and benefits upon the conduct of the study. Methods
and procedures that will be used for the conduct of the study shall be explicitly and
clearly disclosed to the research participants. The anonymity and confidentiality of the
participants were preserved by not revealing their names or identities in the data
collection, analysis, and reporting of the study findings. The privacy and
confidentiality of the interview environment were managed carefully. There will be
strictly no practice of plagiarism on the information stated in the research. Only the
researchers and the research adviser, together with the referred experts, will have
knowledge about the flow and progress of the study to ensure that any issues that may
arise will not cause any misconduct.

The researchers conducted the research with the farmers from Sitio
Nagpandayan, Barangay Bunga Carranglan, Nueva Ecija. In order to maintain
participant confidentiality in human research, the researcher must obtain their
approval, frequently through informed discussion, before using any of their personal
data. As researchers, we are sure that information may only be shared for research
purposes with the understanding that it will be kept confidential and not made
available to other parties or outside researchers.


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

Privacy and Anonymity

The research was conducted at a farming site in Sitio Nagpandayan, Barangay
Bunga Carranglan, Nueva Ecija. Thus, the privacy and anonymity of respondents are
treated as important aspects. It will only be in the researcher's eye to see what the
participants shared as well as their identities. The researcher only asked the essential
questions that are provided in the questionnaire to avoid misunderstandings with the
participants. We truly understand and respect the privacy of the respondents.

Potential risk
The study was carried out in Barangay Sitio Nagpandayan, Nueva Ecija's
Bunga Carranglan. The potential impact that the researcher already anticipated is time
loss, as they spent some of their time on the interview rather than solely concentrating
on their work. Another potential risk that the study anticipated was a potential loss of
privacy because an interview was conducted. In conclusion, the individual may be
exposed to two potential risks: time loss and privacy loss.

Results communication
The study was carried out in Barangay Sitio Nagpandayan. Nueva Ecija's
Bunga Carranglan farmers, who now live there, make up the respondents. The
researchers will accurately and credibly provide the material they have obtained. They
will take care to ensure that the data is original and unaltered. In conclusion, the
researcher will make sure that the data they have acquired is shared with others in an
entirely authentic manner.

Disposal of Data Gathered

The research was conducted at a farming site in Sitio Nagpandayan, Barangay
Bunga Carranglan,Nueva Ecija. Thus, the disposal of the data gathered is treated as an
important aspect. The paper documents are shredded and not simply thrown away.


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

The researchers took extra care with sensitive or confidential information, and a
secure paper destruction service bin was used. The researchers make sure that the data
is permanently and irreversibly destroyed.

Casinillo L., Rebojo H., Dargantes Jr V., (2023). Assessing the Rice Production and
Its Determinants: Empirical Evidence from Albuera, Leyte, Philippines. Philippine
Social Science Journal 6 (1), 85-93, 2023

Rose D., Sutherland W., Barnes A., Borthwick F., Ffoulkes C., (2019). Integrated
farm management for sustainable agriculture: Lessons for knowledge exchange and
policy. Land use policy 81, 834-842, 2019

Hidayati B., Yamamoto N., Kano H., (2019). Investigation of production efficiency
and socio-economic factors of organic rice in Sumber Ngepoh district, Indonesia.

Garcia-Cornejo B., Perez-Mendez J., Roibas D., Wall A., (2020) Efficiency and
Sustainability in Farm Diversification Initiatives in Northern Spain.

Joshi S., Singh R., Sharma M., (2020) Sustainable Agri-food Supply Chain Practices:
Few Empirical Evidences from a Developing Economy


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

Canales E., Bergtold J., Featherstone A., (2021). Farm efficiency and productivity
growth: The effect of commodity prices. Journal of Applied Farm Economics 4 (1), 3,

Ren C., Liu S. , Grinsven H., Reis S., Jin S., Liu H., Gu B. (2019). The impact of
farm size on agricultural sustainability.


Pamantasan ng Lungsod Ng Valenzuela

College of Business Administration Human Resource

Development Management S.Y. 2023-2024

Data Analysis Plan

The researchers will use statistical analysis once the data collection process is
done. To be certain, descriptive statistical analysis will be utilized to analyze the data
collected regarding the study. This will help the researcher totally grasp the patterns
and relationships of the variables. Furthermore, it could help to list and describe the
key components of datasets.



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