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Ames Aerona utical Laboratory

Moffett Fi eld , Calif.
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
IIeadquarte7's, 1512 H t7'eet N HT., TTTashington 2/), D . O.
rcated by acL of Congre s approyccl March 3, 1915, for t he supcl'vi ion an 1 d irection of Lhe scientific study
of the problem of flight (U. ode, title 50, sec. 15 1). I t m mbership wa incr eased from 12 to 15 by act
approved March 2,1929, and to 17 by acL apPl'oved lIay 25, 194 The m embers ar e appoin Led by th e Pre ident,
and serve a such without compensation.

J ERO~1E C. H UNSA KER,. . D ., l\Ia saehusett Institute of Technology, Chairman

LEONARD CAR~lIC Ii AEL, PII. D., Secretary, m ithsonian Ins t itu t ion, \lice Chainnan

J o EPH P. ADAM, LL. B., Vice Chairman , ivil Aeronautics CARLJ. PFIN 0S'l'A0, Rear Admiral, united tates Navy, A sistant
Board. Chief for Field Activitie , Bureau of Aeronautics.
ALLE V. A TIN, PH. D ., Director, National BUI'eau of Standard. DONALD L . PUTT, Lieutenant General , United tates Air Force,
PHE TON R. BA SSET'l', 1\I. A., Vice Presid ent, Sperry Rand D eputy Chief of Staff (Development) .
Corp. AwrH uR E. RAYMOND, Sc. D. , Vice President- Engincering
DETLEV W. BRONK, PH. D., President, Rock efeller Institute for D ouglas Ai rcraft Co., Inc.
1\l edical Research. FRANCIS \Y. REICHELDERFER, Sc. D ., hief, nited States
THOMAS . CO~ I BS, Vice Admiral, t.:nited tates Ta vy, Deputy Weather Bureau.
Chief of Naval Operations (Air) . EDWARD Y. Rr CKE"BA CKER, c . D. , Chai rman of the Board,
FHEDEHlCK C. IUWFOHD, Sc . D., Chairman of the Board, Ea tern Air Lin es, In c.
Thom pson Product, Inc. LOUIS . ROTHSCHILD, PH. B., Under Secretary of Commerce
J AMES H. DOOLITTLE, Sc . D., Vice President, hell Oil Co . for Tran portation.
C'Lll"'ORD C. F RNAS, PI!. D. , Ass istan t Secrrtar.\' of Drfrns ATffAN F. TWI 'Y,, 0, Gen eral, united Stutes Air Force, Chief
( Resra rch and D evelopm ent) I epartmrn t f Defen. e. of taff.

H UG Il L. DRYDE N, PH . D., Director JOITN F . VICTORY, LL. D. , Executive Secretary

JOH N W. CROWLEY, In., B. ., Associate Director for Research EDWARD H. C Ii A~!BERLrN, Executive O.Uicer

HENRY J. E. REID, D. Eng., Dir ctor, Langley Aeronautical Laboratory, Lan gley Field, Va.

S~!lTH J. DEFRANCE, D . Eng ., Director, Ames Aeronautical Laboratory, 1\I offett Field, Calif.

EDWARD R. HARP, C. D, Director, Le\yis Flight Propulsion Laboratory, Cleveland, Ohio

WAJ.TER C. \\· IT , LY A ~I S, 13. S., Chief, Hi gh-Speed Flight Station, Edwards, Calif.




By EDW A RD \\'. P E RKD1S, LEI_AN D II. JOR G E , SE N, a nd IM ON C. S OM ~m H

SUMM ARY mo t amenable Lo LheoreLical calculaLion is the wave drag.

For pointed bodie of revol uLion at 1 l ach number ufficien lly
Drag measurements have been made at zero angle of attack high for sho ck-wave atLachment, the wave drag may be
fm' a 'eries of finen es ratio 3 n ose ·hapes . The modeLs in- calculated b. either perLlu'baLion theory or by Lhe m etbod
cluded variou theoretically derived minimum drag shape·, of characteristic. For hio-hly blunte I no e hape Lh er e ic
hemispherically blunted cones, and other more common profiles . n imple th orcli cal m ethod for prcdi cLillo- the pr Rurs
Press;;'re-distri buti on measurement f or a series of hemispheri - eli Lribution and drag. Ther efor e),:-p erimental r es ult have
cally bLunted cones were aL 0 obtain ed. The jl.l{ach numb I' and been relied upon for Lhi information.
R eynold number mnge of the test were 1 .24 to 7.4 and The firsL parL of Lh e pre enL inve Li gaLion i a s tudy of
1.0 X l06 to 7.5 X l0 6 (ba 'ed on model length), re pectively. Lh pre~ LU'e clisLribuLion a nd drag of a cries of hemi spheri-
Of the models te ted, the paraboLoid of revoluti on had the cally blunted con e . AILhoug h i t mighL eem LhaL th e usc of
leastjoredrag below a l.l{ach number oj 1.5, and the theoretically s uch a blunt no e would r e wt in a hig h drag penalLy, pre-
mini mum drag hape jor a given length and diameter based liminary e LimaLe 2 have indicat ed LhaL the drag of a no
upon N ewton's i mpact theory hacl the least joredrag above a hap e cons i Lin g of a hemi sph erical urface faired inLo an
Mach number oj 1.5. The theor tical shapes jor minimum expanding conical urface can be Ie than thaL of a harp
pre.s ure drag jor the auxiliary condi tion oj given 1 ngth and con of the ame lel1<Yth-Lo-diameLer r a Lio. Th e 1'e ult of
diameter or given diameter and volume derived by von Karman preliminary e Lima te of Lhe variation of drag with th e 1'aLio
and by Haack do n ot have le s drag thcLT/, all other possible of h emi ph erical Lip diameLer Lo ba e diam eter for £in ene
shape having identi cal value oj the same parameters . N o ratio 3 have in licaLed LhaL a small r eduction in drag can be
model had the lea t joredrag jor the complete Mach number r ealized at all uper onic 1lach nLll11bec. Perhap more
range. Wherever po sible, theoretical values oj the joredrag important than the reducLion in drag i th e inclicaLion that a
based upon the sum oj the theor ti cal slcin -jricti on lrag and the relaLively large hemi ph eri al Lip can b u eel wiLhouL in ur-
theoreti cal wave dmg were calculated j or comparison with the 1"ino- an y drag in crease above LbaL of a harp-no d con e of
expe1'im ental1'esults . Lh e same fin ene raLio . In ord er to \"erify the e prediction
The 1'esult J OT the eries oj h mi8pherically blunted cone and Lo provid quan ti Lative drag data tb e I re en Linv Liga-
have important p1'actical i gnifican ce since it wa joun d that Lion \Va undertaken.
the diameter oj the hemispherical tip may be jairly large without The second pha e of the inve tigation i a Ludy of mini-
ma1'kedLy increa ing the joredrag over that oj a harp pointed mum drag no e hape. ':'Ios t th eoretical approache have
cone oj the same fineness rati o. I n jact, f or a fi xed finene c been direcLed Loward Lhe mimimization of Lue wave drag
rati o oj 3, the joredmg is 1'educed omewhat by a small degree only . Von Karma n (1' f. 1) d evelop ed a n integral equation
oj blunting, although jor ct fi xed cone angle blunting always for Lhe wav drag of lend er bodie of r evolution at mod rate
increas d the drag. An empi rical expression, aZJpli cable j01' Mach numbers. sing Lhi equaLion , he derived a minimum
jree- tream Mach numbers greater than 2, is developed j or drag no e shape (commonly referred to a Lh e K arma n ogive)
calculating the wave drag of the erMS of hemisphel'icaLly for a given leng Lh and diameter. ub equ enLly, Haa k (rd.
blunt d cones . 2) and other (r ef. 3 and 4) have u cd t he K arma n integral
INTROD CTlO l cquaLion in developing minimum drao- hap e for other
auxiliary oudition , llch as given leng Lh and volLlin or
The allied problems of predi ·ting Lh e drag of bodies of
given volume and diameter. Through Lhe u e of th . K arman
revol ution and of minimizing Lhe drag by proper hap ing of
Lhe body have been the objeeLs of numerOLl LbeoreLi cal , These preliminary estimate wo ro made by SLI mming theexperimclltally detc r'mined wave
d mg of t he hem isphcrical nose and the t heoretical prcssure drag of t he conical afterbody, as-
inve tigation. With reo-m'd to the problem of predicting su ming tbat the pressure on the surface of the conical aftcrbody was t he same as t hat for 8
Lhe lrag, that part of the dnw wh i h has Lhu far prov d s harp cOile of t he same slope.

r upcrsedes N ACA R esearch M emorand um A52 U? by Ed ward \\-. P erk ins and Leland II. J orgensen, 1952, and :-rAC A Research i\lemorand um A52Bl3 by imon C. Som mer and
James A. Stark, 1952.

in Legral cquation a thc ba i for these dcriva ti o n , thc J![ fl'cc- tl'Cftm :\fach numbcl'
appal'entl.,- unn ccc ary yeL implifying ass uml tion of
ZCI'O lopc of the m Cl'idian aL the ba e has becn imposed. p
Thi s r estriction i pointed o ut b~' W ard in referell ce 5,
wherein he hows that hi m o re ge neral expre io n [01' wave
drag redu ces to that o bLain ed b)- von K arm ELil for Lhe pecial p itot-pres 1II'e coefficicnt , (i, - P
ea e of a bod)- h a vi ng zcro slop e at th ba e. In a lat cr
paper (r ef. 6) Ferrari d cveloped a minimum drag nose s hapc I)w · Pw- p
('o lle pl't', ure COl' fTilell' nt , - - -
for a O'ivcn length ancl diam etc r which ha a finite lope o f q
the m eridian at the base. For the high up er o ni c :\lach
locn l sta tic pres lJI'e, Ib / q in .
number ra nge , minimum drag s hapcs ba cd upon Newton 's
la w of ]'e i tance have been d eri ved b)- Egger, R esn ikofl', p frec- tl'eam Latic pressurc, lb/ q i n .
and D en ni (ref. 7) . Th ese hapes differ appreciabl~- from
comparable optimum hape fo r low stlp cr o ni e .:\Iac h (i t piLol total-h ead pre ufe, lb /sq in .
number, alt hou g h th e theorctical optimum hap e in both
pw co nc sLaLic pressurc, Ib/sq in.
instan ec, h ave blunt no c wh cn the lengt h is fixed and s harp
nose when the lengt h is allowed to va ry.
Du e to the basic a umpti o ns in th e d eri va ti on of the q frer-s tream dynamic pressurc, ~ pAP, lb/ q in.
K a rm t1l1 integral eq uat io n, it m a.,- be cxp ee ted t haI, th e l' modcllocal radiu , tn.
hap e r e ulting from the u e of this eq uation ar e th eo reti call)-
optimum from a minimum drag sta ndpoin t only fo r la rgc R model ba e l'nd iu s, in.
finene ratio and 10 \\' uper on ic .:\I ach numbcr. ]n con -
trast , the s hap e r esulting from the .l\ ewtonian th eo r.\- may Re fr ee- trcam R c)' nolcl numbcr b a cd on boely len g th
be exp ec ted to b e optimum o nly at hig h su p erso ni c .:\lach l' model volum e, cu in.
number. However , for low fin cne rat io hap es a t moder-
aLe M ach numb ers, iL i impo ihlc to aya prior i whi ch o[ .\ axial cli s Lance fr om Lhe no c, in .
tb e th eoreticall)' opt imum ha pe will have th c lesse r wave
drag, 0 1' in fact if either of th e th eo ri e is capable o f prcdi ct in g angle oJ nttack, d eg
Lhe lcast-drag profile. On e o f the pLII'pO es o f the presen t ral io of pecifie h eats of ai r, taken as 1.40
inve tign,lion is, thcrefore , to comp are the ex perim ental
drag of thesc t heor etica ll.\- optimum s ha pes a ncl of other more 8 circumfer enti al flnO'le of h emi ph erc men lII'ec/ from
common profiles foJ' a n interm ediat e finene r at io over a tlie ups lre am stagnation point, d eO'
wide .:\lach n umber rangc. T o (his end a series of fin cne
w conc Ilfllf angle, d cg
ratio 3 models of these th corcli ally optimum shapes ha'-e
hccn testc el in t he Mach num ber ra nge from 1.24 to 3.67. APP ARA TUS A D TESTS

SYMBOLS Th e cxperimenLal inve tigation was eonducLed in tliree

A model base ar ea, q III .
facili ties, the Ame 1- br 3-foo t sup er onic wind tun cIs
No.1 and No . 2, a lld thc Arne uperso nie fre -flight '~'ind
. total drag t unn el. Th e two 1- b)T3-foot wind tunnel arc co nventional
tota l drag eoe fficlellt , 1
qr tunnels which arc equipped with flexibl e top and bottom
plate for var)-ing th e le t ec tion .:\1ach number.
foredl'ag coeffic ienL hased o n ba c a rea , Fol' th e te ts in th e uper onie fr ee-flight tunnel the models
lo tt>! drag bll , c drag wer e la un ched from a smoo t h-bore 20mm O'un , a nd weI'
qA upported in the g un by plastic aboL. Separation of the
model from Lhe sa boL was achieved by a muzzle constrict ion
( " f)F fOl'eclr ag coc fFicient h a. cd on volu me (0 tlit, ~ PO \\'('I' . whi cli r etarded the aboL and allowed the model Lo proceed
in free flig ht throug h the le t ection of t he wind tunnel.
total d l'ag- h f! (' drag
q ~ ' 2/3 A more det a i.lecl dcscription of t his fac ili ty i given in r fel'-
cll ce .
. \\'f. v(' dl' p. o·
\\' fiVe draa codfi('J(' IlL -"
~ ' q \ Sketchcs of tlie mod el tested, includin g clim en ion , peei-
rICcl parameters, and d efi ning eq ua lion , arc prese n ted in
d h('m isp li el'e di amcte l' , ill. fi g ure l. For Lhc cri es of h em isph er icall)- blunLed con
s hown in figlll'e lea) th e length-to-diam tel' ratio of 3 is
J) morlt'l b di f! m('[('I', in .
co nsLant, a nd the co n angle is dccrea cd as lh e blunL e s
Af (ratio of hemi s ph cr e di ameter to base diameter) i ill crea ed.
J( s imil a rit y p a rametcr, "I T) For th e serie ill fig ure l (b) the base cliam LeI' and eone
angle arc co ns tant , a ncl the lengt h dccl'ea e wiLh in cl'ca e in
L moc1cllengtli , ill. bluntn es .
,rModel 12
,'rMadel II
" / rMadel 10

E jl

no 0

d w 0
~L'525- 1~5
1 0 9°28' 1.75
If 0 9° 28' 0.45 Madel
Designation n
2 .075 8° 52 1.75 no
2f .075 8°52' 0.45 I Cane I
3 .1 50 8° 15' 1.75 10 Hypersonic ap t. 3/4
3f .150 8° 15' 0.45 II Paraboloid 1/2
4 .300 6° 59' 1.75 12 1/4 Po wer 1/4
4f .300 6° 59' 0.45
4p .300 6° 59 2.00 (c)
5 .500 5° 10 1.75
5° 10' r Model 14
5f .500 0.45
5p .500 5° 10 2.00 />Model 13
,/ / r Model 15
6p 1.000 0 4 .00
/'" ~~ I
Nole , Ap, 5p, and 6p are pressure distribution models.
Models If through 5f, are free-flight models . - -1---0=1 .75

r-=w =9°28 '
~~~ ~

I ~
I - - -- - - - L =5.25 - -- - -- ----l

"':::::::=.:- ~_ _ 0= 1.75
Designat ion
Spe ci f ied

no parameters
13 L-O Hoock Len th, dia. 0
14 L-V Hoock Len h, val. 1/ 3
15 O-V Hoock 010, vo l. - 2/ 3

1--- - - - - - 5 . 2 5 L (d)

75 0
L (c) Profile defin ed by r = R (i) n

0 3 .00
finedby r=,,~ Jcp-~
7 .Q75 2.8 1 (d ) H aackminimumdmg no e d ·in2cp + csin 3 cp •
8 .150 2.62
9 .300 2 .24
cp = arc co~ 2X) .
FI U RI, ) .- Continued.
(a) Hcmi~phere-cone seri es for can lanL ~= 3.
(b) H emispher e- co n e serie. for can . tant co n e angl e. been u ed [01' the circular-arc tangent ogive and co ne !lown
FlO HE l.- ~I odel profiles. (Dimen ion. are in inches .)
in figW'c l (e). Th L- T,i' ogive 11a the ame 1 no-lil and
vohune as the L- 17 Haack model, and the D- 11 con ha the
The family of fineness ratio 3 model defined by t he qua- same diameter and volume a th D- 11 Haack model. Al 0
tion 1'= R (XjL )n i show n in figUl'e l(c). For length and sho l',711 in figur l(e) is a fin ene -ratio-3 ellipsoid.
base diam eter specified, the profil cs of the hyper oni c op t i- Except for lhe pre ure-distribution rno lel , all Lhe no e
mum (Ne wton ian) nose a nd Lhe no e dcveloped by Ferrari hapes wer e 'onsLru Led of dw·alumin. The 30- and 50-
(ref. 6) ca n both be very closely approximated by Lhe above perccnl hemi pheri ally blunted co ne pr s w'c-di lri \ lllioll
equat ion Jor n =%. (ee fig . 2. ) in ce the %-power no e i models (model 4p and 5p) were cast of lin and bi muth, and
a rea onable approximaLion Lo lhes theoretically del'ivecl Lhe hemi phere-cylinder pre ure-dislribution model (model
optimum shape , it alone has been te ted and i referred to 6p) was con trucLed of tecI.
Lhrou gho uL t he report as the hypersonic optimum nose. TESTS
Finen s ratio 3 model of th minimum drag hapo ba eel
upon t he work of von Karman and ub equ ently H aack are Wind tunnels N o. 1 and No. 2.- Th e lotal drag was mea -
s hown in fig ure 1 (d). For any Lwo sp ecified parameter m ed by mean of a train-gage balance loeated in th model
such a length and d iameter , lengLh and volLUne , or diam L l' upport hou Ln g. Th e bit e pre ure was cleLermin cllhrouo-h
and vol ume, these a1' Lhe theor et ical optimum no e the u c of a liquid manomeler connected Lo two hole in the
shapc and for convenience have been desio-nated a Lh e supporting ling aL the ba e of th e model. Experimental
L-D. L- 11, and D-V H aack noses. A sim ilar designat,ion bas value of foredrag were lh n Laken as the difference b etween

.,--- Model 18
,/',- _. Model 16

I '<>'---Mo<m? I 0 = 1.75

~~l O'II{~~d"161
r--______ L,5L;~~25 I
Model L
no 75
16 L-V Oglve 2.93
17 O-V Cone 3.38
18 Ellipsoid 3

(e) Other profil es .

I.- Concluded.

1.0 ;-- 8
l- I-- j / .1
V V -- Air-o ff op eral lon
V .;1---" --- .01 Alr - on opera Ion

g .6 V v L?' V
v i...f" V
~ V ~4 ... !----
.- _~.;=r--
o V V~ :'»"
8 .4
VV - - - L -0 Haack. ref. 2
- - Ferra ri , ref. 6
C V I-- I
~V ~2
o ,/
a:: .2 _ .- Hyper. opt.. ref. 7 - o V
~ ----- i?=({l/4 c

- >-
a:: 1--------
o .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AX IOI coord inote. { Mach number. M

FIG U R E 3.- R a nge of ?\I ach numbers a nd R eynol d. nllmb c r~ of

FW ll RI, 2.-Compa ri so n of profil es of minimum drag 1I 0:,;e>; fo r
te. t .. in Lh Ames , upersonic free fli ght wind tunn el.
gi\'e n Ipn g lh a nd base dia m ete r.

the measlU"ed total drag and base preSSlU"e drag. B ecause 10 llgitudi nal pre ure eli t ribution at each 30° in cremenL in
of the operaLing characteri Lies of Lhe tu nn el , iL \Va no L circnmfeJ'enLial a ngle was obtained. Th e rc ulLing prc Ure
possible to maintain a cons Lant Reynolds number throughouL coefftcien t aL eac h longi tu di nal station were averaged Lo
the ::-Iach number range of 1.24 Lo 3.67; however, an atLempL ob t ain thc valu es pre ' cnted .
was made to keep th e R .\rnolcls number con tanL for all Fr ee-flight wind tunnel.-·Wi th no ail' flo\\- through Lhe
model at each ::-Iach number. In Lhe followin g lable the wind tunnel, \[ach number var ied from].2 lo 4.2, depeJld-
ayerage Reynolds number (ba eel on moclellenglh ) and iL in g o n t he model launc hing velociLy. 'f hi condition i
limiL of variation for all moe/el tested at ea ch ::-Ia ch numbet' rcfrrrecl [0 as "air ofI'. " R eynold number va ried Ii nearl}'
are ] i ted: wi t h ~I ach !lumbe r from J.O X 106 Lo 3.3 X IOn, a hown in
1\[ ReX 1 0- 0 Tunn el Ko. figur e 3. 'W ilh ai r fiow e Lablish eel in Lhe wind LUll llel,
1. 2-1 2. ·12 ± 0. 1-1 1 referrcd Lo a "air on, " Lhe combin ed velociL i of the mod I
1. ·14 1.17 ± O. 0 1 1 a nd 1Iach numb er 2 air tream , wiLh the reduced p ed of
3. 14 ± 0. 20
so und in th e Le L secLion , provided Le t 1Iac h numbers from
1. 5.J 4. JO ± O. 10 2
1. !l6 4. 1.J ± 0. 12 2 3. to 7.4. In this region of t sting, R eynolds number \ as
1. n!l 2.01 ± O. Ol 1 hell app roximalely aL 4 X I0 6 by conLrollin o- te L- ccLion
2. 86 .J . OO ± O. 10 2 Latic prcs me. I n addiLion , ome model were lc te 1 at
3. 06 4. OO ± O. In 2 approximale R eynolds number of 3 X 106 at ~ Iach numbcl 6.
3. 67 3. 45 ± 0. 07 2
Drag coeffIc ient wa obtained by recording Lhe time-
'flit' prp LIre-dis tribution tes t ' we rr all made in t unne! :;\ o. di Lan ce hi Lor y of Lhe flioht of thc model with Lhe aid of a
2 at .\ faeh numhe r of ] .5 , 2. :~, and 3.7 and at an average chronograph and four hadowgraph taLion a L 5-foo t inter-
Reynolds number of abouL 4 X ]06. Pressure dis LribuLions val along Lhe Lc t ectioD . From these dala, deceleration
fot' Lhe hemi phel"e-C'one pressu re models (m odels 4 p, 5p , and was compu ted a.ncl on verte 1 to drag coeHicient. Thi
p) w(,1"e deLermined t hrOlJ<Yh Lhe use of a liquid manomeLer r eport include only th e data from model wh ich had maxi-
s.\-s Lt'm connected to lwo row of orifices along lhe model mum ob el'ved angles of attack of less than 3°, ince larger
and spaced ] 0° apar t. Th e models were roLaLed and a angle m ea urably incr as cl the drag .
A ALYSlS OF DATA using Lh e econd-order th eory \Va that O"iven in refer nee 12,
REDUCTIO N OF DATA in which t he approxima Le bOllnclar)- condi tion a t tb e bod ,-
urface are used in tb e calculation of the p erLurbatio~
All Lhe experimenLal daLa have bee nl'ecluced to coeffici co lll
vclocitie , and th e exac t pre sure relation is u eel to evalualc
form and tile daa fronl wind Lunncl No . 1 flncl2 have been
Lhe pres m e coeffi cienLs.3 Th e m ethod prese nted Lherein j
corr ccted for the effects of the small nonulliformities in t he
Lrictly applicable Lo harp-no ed bodies of r evolution at
wind-tunnel Dow. The free-sLream LaLic-pressure va ["iations
~Iach number Ie than that at which Lh e :H ac h cone be-
in the moelel-free tunnel have been applied a COITe Lions to
come tang en t Lo th e model vertex. ince Lh e Lh eo retical
the drag and pressure-eli tri bu Lion daLa by imple Ii nc ar
optimum no e s hape for which the leng th is 11.'( ecl (models
uperposiLion. Correction du e Lo LIl eff ecLs of lream.-
10, 13, and 14) h ave infiniL slopes at their ve rtice (yeL
angle variation were well wiLhin Lh e limits of accuracy of lh e
m a~r be con sidered harp for most prac tical purpose ), an
data and have therefo re bee n negle cLed. Ko COlT clion
approximation to Lhe shape at th e vertex \Va m ade Lo
werr nec essary for th e data obtain ed in th e free-flig hL tunn el
enable u e of Lhe theory . The blun t t ip wa r eplaced by a
PRE CISION hort conical ec tion Langen L Lo the original con Lour. The
The uncertain ty of Lhe experimcntaJ daLa from Lunn el con e angle, and hen ce the point of tangen cy, wa srlec ted so
Ko. 1 and .0:0.2 was calculated by con iderin g the po ible that th e cone half-an gle did no t exceed 94 p ercenL of the
errOl" in the in [ividual m ea uremenl s which entererl illto 11a ch angle. In Lhe ubs qu en L in tegra tion for Lh e wave
the detennination of th e s tream character i ti cs, pre sure dis- drag from the r esulting pre ure eli tribution , th e data wer e
tributions, and drag. Th e fin al un ce rtainLy in a quantiLy plotted as rP v el' Ll r so t ha I, t he curve co uld b e smoothly
wa taken a. the square roo t of Lh e um of the square of th e fair e 1 through Lhe orio-in.
possible error in the indi vidual m easurem en t. The A imple m ethod of e timaLin g Lhe wave d rag of the hemi-
resulting ul1 certaintie in th e final qu anti ties are as follow ph el'ically blun Led c nieal no e ha b een u ~g ted . It h as
bee n proposed tha L Lhe wave d rag of the h emi ph erical tip,
Qu an t i ty U nce r Lain Ly
which could be ob tained fro m exi ling exp rimen tal elaLa , b e
p ± 0. 004
± 0.004
added Lo the pre sur drag of the conical por tion of tb e no e,
CD" ba ed upon t he assump tion that t he pre ure on th e conical
± O. 15°
urface would be Lh e ame a on a pointed COll e of th e sam e
The variation of the fr ee-s tr am 1-.I ach numb er over th ' lop e. H ence, t he pre sure drag of Lhe conical pOltion of
length of each model te ted was Ie lhan ± O.Ol for all Lhe nose could be ob tained b y exact th eory.
Lest ~rach numb ers. Th e uncertain Ly in th e ~ fach number The follo\\~in g empirical expres ion , ba ed u pon c rt ain of
at a given poin t in the tream i ± O.003. Lho experimental 1'e ul t , i uggested for calcul aling th \\' ave
The magnitude of tb e alcula ted un certainty in the drag drag of t he hemi ph erical tip for ).Iach numb er of 2 and
coefficient appear rather large relative to th e observed g reater :
scatter of the data. Drag coeffi cients for r epea ted Le ts
gen erally agr eel within ± 0.002. IL i therefor e believed (1)
that the drags of models relative to one anoth r ar uffi-
cienLly accurate for comparative purpo es, al thouO"h th e where P t i Lh e piLot-pI' ssure coeJIi.ciell L at th e Lip of th e
ab olu te magnitude of the drag coefficients for the model hemisphere which may be calculaLed with Lhe aiel of R ay-
at a particular ~Iach numb er may be in error by the magni- leigh' equa tion. Thi ex pres ion \\' a obtain ed from the re-
Lucie of tb e uncertainty. ull of t he pre sure-cl i lributi on les l , a nd it cleriya tion is
, in ce there are no known ~T LemaLic nor in Lh e daLa eli cus eel in more detail ill th ection of th e repor t which i
from Lhe fre -flight tunnel, Lhe acc urac,- of til re ull i concerned wiLh Lhe pre m e-eli trib ul ion tes t . 'Yh en thi
indi cated by the rep eatab ilit~- of the da t~ . Examination of expre sio n i u cd fo r th e \mve drag coefficient o f th e h emi-
t he e data how that r ep aL firings of similar model ll11c1 er pherical por tion, t he expre sion fo r the ,,-ave drag coefficien L
almo t identical condition of R eynold number and Mach of th e compleLc model for ~ Tach numb er of 2 an d g rea ter
n umber yielded result for wh icll LllC averi'tge deviation from become
t he {aired curve was 1 p ercent and the maximum dev iation
wa 4 percent.
C DW D =(!l)2(
2P t - 1 _ p )+p
3 w w

THEORETICAL CO SlDERATIO S wh ere P", i Lh e urfaee pres ure coe ffteient or pre" ure drag
WAVE DRAG C'oeffi.ciell t (ref. 9 or 10) for a cone of h alf ap ex a ngle w at th e
free- t ream )..rach numbe r. An approxi ma te expre ion fo r
Wi th th e exception of some of the ver~T blunt L mod el
w which is uffic ientl~~ accura te [or lhe d rag e tima le i
(models 11 , 12, an 1 1 ) the wave lrag of ea ch model \ a
eith er calcu lated by theoretical m Lhod or wa e timaLecl l - (djD ) _ J
from exisLing experim ental r e ult. Values for Lh e wave w=
- I [
't (L /D) _ (d/D) (3)
dmo- of t he con e and th e tangen t ogive wer e obtained from I' OREDRAG
the exact 'T'aylor -1faccoll th eo!"y (refs. 9 and 10) ancl Lhe
Yalue of the for d ra~ hav b een calcul a l ecl b)' Lll add ition
method of characteris tic (ref. 11 ), r e p ec tlvely. For th e
of Lhe e t ima tecl or th eoretical, ave drag and Lhe t heor eti cal
theoretical optimum nose hape Lh e econd-order theory of
Van Dyke wa u eel. The exact procedure employ eel in 3 I n the application of this method a first·order solution is necessarily obtained.

20 ______ Pilot- t ube pressure coe ff icient

I - - - Pil ot-tube pr essu re coe ff icient
- - -- COrle exoct theory, ref 9
_ _ _ IncompreSSible potential ' heory. p= 1-22 Sin 28
20 M=3.10 ____ Newtonian Ih eo r y, P=2 cos 2 8. ref 15
>---- 1 2.0 r-\~I-""-I-"----.--'--"---'----'---r-I
1.6 20 I

~~ r7 \ ,M=3.80 - l---I--+----+- - j - - + - - t - - - I
16 f f =::' -M :3.04
I ~_\ __ j M - 1.97


1.6 M =1 5 0

~ r ~~59' I--- f----

- 1.6 1W \
- .,..;:- \
·u 8 12 rL,--- - - f - - - 1 - - - I - - . - - - f- Q.. 1.2
u .8 Ii- ; - -f -
- r--
.4 8
- u

'"0 1\ \\
<J> L3 u .8
(IJ 0-
a: .4
M =3.10 ~
h <J>
0 .4
M =1.97 '"

;r -w
0 I[)"U' \ , - -M=3 .80
M =150
-11--+-----' ~"<1~~,~_+_-+-_+-_"_I, ---M= 304 I---
-.4 0
IP II. ,/,' r M = 1.97
° r--lP\~_t-~Ir-~
~ -4

f'.. (a ) \. ~~~4:~~-4I
~ ._ .4
~ ,~ (a l :'I Iodl'I -lp, 75d = 0..30
. _ .4L-_~_~_~_~
\. __ ~_~_~ _ _ L_ _L_~
(c '

~ o .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0
2.0 Distance from Ih e nose, .K
- -- - Pl tOt - tube pr essure coeff icient
- - - Cone exact the ory, ref. 9
~lO6 (c) :'Iod cl 6p , }5 = 1.00

16 2D FI (;U R E -l .- Coll cIuclcd .

M= 1.97
skin -friction drag. Sin cc th e skin-fri ction drag for lamin ar-
12 1.6
I b u nda ry-Ia ~-e r now co n t ribu tes so li ttle Lo the foredrag, the
M = 1.54
IT ?'!IO'
- in clusion of lhc ma ll eft'e ct of body hapc a nd ompre i-

Q.. 1.2 bllity on the kin-friction drag was not con ide red ju tifiecl.
Th erefore , the lamin a l'- kin-friction d rag coeffieienl WeI' cal-
C - -- --- '--- I-----1 -1 - - -1----
8 1.2 cula ted b.y Lhc Bla ius formula for flaL-plau' in comp l'es ' ible
boundar.,--la.\-('I' flow (ref. ] 3) . For lhc e limale of the kin-

8 '- I fri ction drag for lUl'bu[enL-boundal'.y-laycl' fl ow, the hody
(IJ hape eft' cls W('I'C neglecLed , bu t th e eA'<,c t of compJ'c ibility
.4 .8
was evaluated by m an of Lh e in tcrpolation formula of ref-
<J> -'=-=3
(IJ 0

Q.. 4 erence 14 which ba ed UpOIl all extend ed B'rankl and

Voishel a nalysis.
0 .4
\\ M = 3.06

~ co

-4 0 Pressure distributions .- The pre w·e-d ·stribu tion data

o - .4
\ 1/ ly
obtained fo r model 4p, 5p , and 6p at ).Iach number
between 1.5 and 3. are hown in figul 'e 4. Th e dat arc
~ ~- 4 r eferred Lo th e fr ee-s t ream ),Iach numb er ahead of the
II q- O .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 normal ho ck wave at the nose of each model. Although
~ If)
- Distance from the nose,)! these 1-.{ach number were approximately lh e same for each
" L
d model, they cl iffel'ed lightly beca use of th e clifl'er encps in
(b) J\ l ocl el 5p, ]5= 0.50.
po ition of th e model wi t hin Lh le t seetion. Fo r each
FIGUR E 4.- Long il udin a I dis tribu tio n of press ure coeffi cient for of th model , tb pre ure coefficient at th e nose agree
hem isphere-cones at 0° a ngle of attack. with th e pitot-pre Ul' coefficient calculated b~' R ayleigh'
equation and shown for comparison by the dashed line. Ke,,·tonian value of P = O at 0= 90 0 • It, is appar cilt from
For models 4p and 5p at l1ach numbers 1.97 and 1.5 (figs. 4 the data of figure 4(c) that, although Lhe l'csultinO' pre' me
(a) and 4(b)) the rapid expaD ion of the flow over tbe distribution will closely approArimate the eli -
hemi pherical tip is followed by a recompression ov l' Lhe tribution at high Mach numbers, the preclicLed prc sure
forward part of the coni al portion of the no e. The ncar e= 90 0 will be considcrably in errol' fot' lower Mach
pres U1'e on t he conical surface l' covers to, 01' almo t to, number. How vel', this hould not result in a (' ['lOU S
t he theoretical value of the pre U1'e co fficient for a sharp- elTOl' in the pre ure cira o', ince the ul'face lope i mall in
no cd cone of the ame 101 e. For a 1Iach number of 3.1, this region, and thus Lhe re ulLing drag conLribuLion is al 0
the expanding flow on tbe hemi phere doe not reach a small. A simple expre ion for Lhe wave drag coeffic:ien I,
lower pre sure than the theor tical surface pre ure for a of the hemi phere re ult from this empirical equation for
cone of the ame lope a the conical afterbody, and it i the pre me distribution. Thus, ba ed upon the maximum
foun 1 Lha t the pressure i con Lan L ov l' mos t of the coni cal C1'OSS- ection area,
portion of the no e. From the e data it appears that the
as umption made in the drag estimaL ,namely, that the
pressure over the conical pOl'Lion of the nose icon tant and
equal to the theoretical value for a sharp-no ed cone of the Values compu ted from Litis equation a re compared ill (j gu/'c
same lope, is essentially correct for free-stream 1Iach 5 with e tinlate of the \\-ave drag from LoLal drag meaSlJ/'e-
number of 3 and greater. For 1Iach numbers Ie s than 3
tbe average pressure over the conical section i Ie than 1.0
that a umed in the estimate, and hence the estimated
drag contribu tion from this part of the nose will be too high.
A more detailed tudy of the pre sure distribution over & '" .8
the hemispherical portion of thi type body is available C

,rr Model 4p
from Lhe data of figure 4(c). For comparison with Lhese .6
/' Model 6p
experimental data, the theoretical incompressible distri- Q)
' - - Es Imo l ed from exper imen J, re f. 16 and 17

bution (only part of which is shown for simplicity) and the

0' II 2,0,-1
2 .4 I---t--tl--+ - - - - Empirical formula , COw: - 3 -
di tl'ibution predicted by Newtonian theory (ref. 15) arc 'D

hown. It is apparent that as the 1Iach number is increa ed Q)

the pre sure clistribu tion approache that predicted by $: .2
IJ ewtonian theory. In pite of this trend, it i evident
hat the distribution would never agree exactly with the
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
:N ewtonian becau e the peak pressure coefficient at the no e Mach number, M
would be omcwhat Ie s than Lhe J ew ton1an value of 2.
FIGURE 5.-Variation of wave drag coefficient with Mach number for
An additional factor which ha been neglected in thc N ew- a hemisphere.
tonian theory is the effcct of c ntrifuO'al forces which,
al though negligible for the lower Iach numbers, would tend
ment (ref . 16 and 17) and with the experimental pre mc
Lo reduce the theoretical pr SS Ul'e coefficients over the hemi- drag determined from the pressure distribu Lions of figure
sphere in Lhe high Mach number range. 4 . For 1ach numbcr between 2 and the agrcem nt is
The study of the compari on of the experim ntal pres ure
excellent. A would be exp cted from the pre Ul'e-eli-
distribuLions for Lhe hemi phere with that predicted by
tribution re uIt , the yalue from the mpirical expL'c IOn
Newtonian theory (fig. 4(c) ) indicates that an empirical
are too large in the lower 11ach number range.
expre sion for Lhe pre sure distribution, which yield rca on- From these data it appear that for the estimate of the
ablY a curate valu es of the wave drag, may be written. The
wave drag of the hemi phencally blunte 1 cone, the con-
cle~olopmcnt of the expl'e sion is ba ed upon two experi-
tribution of the hemispherical tip to the total wave drag at
mental results: First, the preSSllre at the tip of the hemi-
Mach numbers of 2 and greater may be calculated ac 'mately
phere i the tagnation pre ure and may be calcula ted
with the propo ed empi}'ieal expres ion.
exa tly from the Rayleigh equation. econd, at the high
Flow field .- The recompre sion of the flow over the up-
Mach number the ub equent expan ion of the Dow is
tream portion of the conical afterbody, which wa noted
imilar to that predicted by N wtonian theory, and the
proviou ly in the eli cu ion of the pre uro eli tribu tion , i
local pre sure differ from the ewtonian value by an
a ociated with the appearance a hort di tance elown Crcam
amounL which varie approximately a the co inc of the from the bow wave, of an approximaLely conical shock
angle e. Based upon the e ob ervation the following
wave in the flow field. The ehliel'en pictlU'e for model 5
empirical expr e ion for the pr ssure distribution on a (fig. 6) are typical for all the hemispheric ally blunted cone
hemisphcre may be written: (model 1 throuO'h 5) tlu'oughout tho Mach number rang.
(4) The e picture how that the inten ity of Lhe wave dccrea 0
with incl'ca ing Mach number. At Mach number 3.06 the
where P tithe pitot-pre me coeffici nt at the stagnation wave is no longer evident wiLhin the bound of the s hliel'cn
poin L on the hemi phere. The expre ion predicts a pres- field. The dccrca 0 in ill ten ity of the wave is in accorel
1I1'e coefficient that i exac at e= o and agree with the with tho changes found in Lhe pressure disLribu tion data.
483645- 50- 2

(d) M = 3.06

(a) Jlf = J .2-1-

(e) 111 = 3.67

Figure G.- Concludcd.

(Sec fig. 4.) A t fir t, glance it, might, appe<Lr t,ha t this wave
could be as ociatecl wi t h a region of separa ted flow on the
hemispherical t ip, wi th ub equ en t r eattachmen t accom-
panied by a ho ck wave. However, the schlier en pictm es
show no ' evidence of flow eparation. Additionally, it is
apparen t from the schlier en pictmes that this sho ck wave
(b) M = J. 54
does not extend from the ou tel' flow dO'wn to t he body
urface but appears to be diffu sed neal' the surface. These
observations lead to the peculation that the origin of the
wave must b e associated with the transonic or mixed type
of flow which occur in the vicinity of the no e of the body .
Th e mechanism by which the compression wave is formed
may be much the arne as that discussed in reference 18 for
the two-dimensional flow around a sharp-nosed double-
wedge airfoil ec tion wi th d etached bow wave. It is b elieved
t hat the wave r e ults from a coale cence of weak compres-
sion wav es r eflec ted from th e body surface. (The existence
of . the compression r egion is confumed by the pre sure-
distribution da ta .) Th ese waves apparently originate as
expan ion waves from th.e body surface downstream
the onic poin t. As indi cated in the sketch , the e expansion
wave which travel along chatacteri ti lin e arc r efle cted
from the oni c line and tb e" bow wave as compression waves
\\-hich ar e in tum reflected from th e body surface. The
refl ction of these wavelets from th e body urfaco occurs in
such a manner that th ey coalesce to form a sho ek wave.
(c) M = 1.96 The dependence of this phenomenon on both the fr ee-
} .'ra U RE 6.- Schlicrcn p ictu rcs for 50-percent hcm ispheri call,l' blun t ed stream Mach numb er and the inclina tion of th e uody surface
con c, mo del 5, at vari ou. M ac h n umber . ju t down tream of th e po int of la ng ncy of th e h cmi phel'e

- - - Shock waves
- - - Sonic line
- - - - - Expansion } Mach
- - - Compression lines

with Lhe afterbody is demon trated by the following ob e1'- imilal' for all model in that the drag coefficient continuall.\-
vaLions. For the hemispherically blunted cone, neither elecrea e 1 with increasing 11a h number.
the hock wave nor the region of recompression on the The data from figure 7(a) are replotted in figure to
body urface was found for 'Mach numbers above 3.06 . show the variation of foreelrag with nose bluntne at con-
The di appearance of this hock wave and region of com- tant Mach number and provide compari on with the
pression results from the combination of the movement of e timated foredrag characteristics. For Lhis series of fine-
the bow wave do er to the body urface and the small up- ness ratio 3 no es, a small aving in foredrag may be achieved
stream movement of the onic point witL increasing Mach t hrough the u e of a hemispherically blunted cone in place
numb 1'. The e change reduce the extent of the mixed of a harp cone of the same fineness ratio. POl'hap more
flow region so that for Mach number above approximately important i the fact tl1at a relatively large increase in
3 most of the compre ion wavelet reflected from the volume over that of a harp. nosed cone may b realized
son ic line and bow wave are incident upon the body urface without incurrinO' any increa e in foreclrag . An additional
in the expansion region between the onic point and the factor to be on idered i that the hemi pherical nose pro-
poin t of tangency of the hemisphere with tbe afterbody and viele an ideal hOll ing for earch radar gear. The e data
hence are canceled. The importance of the inclination of show that with i!lcrea Lng 1 I ach number there i a decl'ease
the bo ly surface in the r egion of the reflections is indi ate 1 in both the degree of blunting which re ults in minimum
by the fact that, although the pre sm e-distribution data foredrag a well as the maximum blunting anowable uch
for model 6p (fig. 4(c» how that at the lowest test 11ach that the foredrag i not O'reater than that of the harp-no ed
number there exrists a region of recompre ion just down- cone. These result are in e ential agreement with the
stream from the juncture of the Lemi phere and eylindrical preliminary foredrag cLimate.
afterbody, the magnitude of the recompre ion is very small Although the re ult (fig. ) show that for thi finene s
and doc not result in a econdary shock wave that can be ratio 3 erie of model there is orne drag reduction with
detected in the schlieren pictures. increase in bluntne , the magnitude of the po ible drag
Drag.- The variation of drag coefficient with Mach num- r eduction which i obtainable by thi method of blunting
ber for the hemisphel'ically blun ted cone of fin enes ratio 3 decrea e rapidly with in reasing finenes raLlo. In fact ,
(model 1 through 5) are presen ted in figme 7. Becau e of there appear to be an upper limit to the finenc ratio for
the difference in test technique, the data from the winel which thi.s type of blunting will yield any drag reduction.
tunnels and from the free-flight facility ar e pre ented epa- ome indication of the magnitude of (hi limiting finene
rately. ince the models vary progre sively from the sharp- ratio which varie with 1Iach number have been obtained
no cd cone to the very bluD L model with the large hemi- by comparing the variation ,,-ith finene raLio of the e ti-
pherical tip (d/D=0.5), the variation of the foredrag coefft- mated wave drag of the d/D=0 .075 model with that of a
cient with Mach number (fig. 7(a» changes progres ively
cone of the same finen ratio at 11Iach number of 2 and 3.
from thc familiar variation for a cone (foredrag coefficien t
The e results (fig. 9) indicate that the wave drag of the cone
decrea e with increasing 1fach number) to the variation
chal'3.cteri tic of a hemisphere (fig. 5). Variation with i Ie s than that of thi moderately blunt model for length-
Ma,ch number of the total drag coefficient (fig. 7(b» 4 is to-diameter ratio in exce of approx'imately 5.4 and 5.0
at 1Ia h number of 2 and 3, re pectively. The e result
• No ULLOllllJL hus been made to join the air-off daLa anel ai r-on data because of the dif.
ferences in Reynolds number, recovery temperature. And stream Lurbulence, also sho w hat the range of no e fineness raLio for which

Re=2.42x I06 Experiment

: Re=3.14 x 10 6 Re= 4.o0x 10 6
o Foredrog
, i ! Re'4.14x106 , ! Re=3,45x I06 o Wove drog (press. distr. models)
I J 1 T
dID, .500 _ c:J - M =1.24
.2 I-- Wove drag
Re=2.42xI06 'l -- - - Foredrog (estimated wove drClg

~- - -p + BlaSIUS' laminar skin rlc:,on)

Flogged symbOlS
"'- 300 . c::::::J - denote Re = 1.17x I 0 6

f>-- 10-
I I J --
c M =1,44
o r,, 150 - c:::::::::::J - ~.2 1- Re= 1.17xl06 .2 I-- M =3.06
.2 u :,.::: J;? Re=4.00xI0 6 ~
~ P-- la- 075 .c:::::::J -
f-- ,~ 3.14x106 yP' y
0 """ ~
8'" .1
to--- fa-- t-- I
, .~

O+-ir- .1

t2 0 1
I o
(0) '"
1,4 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.8 lL. .2 I-- M =1.96 .A
2 I-- M=3.67 ~
Re=4 . 14x 106 ; "'/ Re=3,45xI0 6 ,fP'
Mach number, M
..", ~ r .1 i..-- ~
0 Re=0.8Mx 10 6 , 01( off
~~ 0 Re= 3.0 x 106 , 01( an () .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 o .1 .2 .3 .4 .5
0 Re=4.ox10 6, air an d d
~ {; Re= 7.5 x 10 6 , 01( an
Bluntness' l5 Bluntness, 75
"'C I I
Q dID =.500 FI GU R E 8.- Y ari ati on of foreclrag coeffi ci ent with bluntn ess for

lJtI... L
hemisphere- con e series, constan t 15=3.
.2.3 '0
q \
e:, I" \ "=\
& \ 1\
-: .1 2.3 Q "'" ~ -....... -.a- .300 14
f\. "U

~ c;: '\I1\ 1'-.

u ~ ~
\ ~ "'r- . 15~ 1 j\
I'\.. f'.. - 12

1\\ d / D= 0 , cone
f- r'u. D-
1-- 075 f.--
0.1 .2
b1 l\\~ ---

"'" ~
r-c L Li , ~ 10
d / D= .075

I \~\\

(b) '-:Ie:, \ \ 1\
o 2 3 4
Mach number, M
5 6 7 8 -c
.0 8
\~ \\
(a) \\'ind t unn el r esults.
( b) Free-flight r es ul t s.
FI GURE I. - V a ri ation of drag coeffici ent ,\'ilh Mach n umber for r --M =2

. I . ",,' /
15L = 3.
h cmlsp l er e- co ne sen es, con stant 0 .0 6

,· l~ ~
~' I

'"> ..
this type of blunting would be advantageou decreases with 0
M=3 -.. - '.'

increasing l\![ach numbers. 3:
.0 4 ~ ~
It should also be pointed out that the drag penalty asso-
""'- .........
ciated with the 11 e of excessive blunting increases rapidly
with increasing fineness ratio. At a Mach number of about
~~ ~--.....

3.1 the data of the present report (fig. 8) indicate that the
~ p::
~ r::::::
foredrag coefficient of a 20-percent blunt cone is about 0.01 .0 2
greater than that of the sharp-nosed cone of the same fmc -
ness ratio. This increment repl'esen t approximately a 12-
percent increase in foredrag and may be compared with the
data of refereuce 19, wherein it is shown that the same o
2 3 4 5 6 7
de!:,ree of blunting for a fineness ra tio body results in an Fin eness rati o, L /D
increment in wave drag coefficient of 0.053 , corresponding ;FIG URE g.- Compari son of t he estim at ed II a l 'e drag variation " 'ith
to an in crea e in prc m e drag of mo)'e than 300 percent. fin enes rat io for a sharp-p oin ted con e and a 7.5-p cr cen t hemisph eri-
The estimated wave drag coefficients fo), the d/D = 0.30 ('nll~' bluntcd co ne at :\Jach number 2 and 3.

and 0. 50 mod 1 at Mach numb er of 3.06 and 1.96 ar e in b e achiev ed throu gh the u e of a h emi pherically blunted
very good agr eem ent wi t h the wave dr ag determined from con e in place. of a harp cone of Lhe samc nn ene ralio.
t he pressure distribu tion model (ee fig. ) . imilarly t he AlLhough this Lype of blunting can b e beneficial, pr eliminary
agr eem ent be ween the experim ental fOl'edrag and Lh e ti- es tim a te have ttl 0 indicated that no drag r edu clion ca n b e
mated fOl'edrag b ased upon th e e timated wave drag plu s a chieved by simply r eplacing tbe. harp no e of a 'iven con e
lamin ar incompres ible skin -fri ·tion drag is v er)T good 1'01' wiLh a hemi ph erical Lip . In t his case the cone a ngle i no t
M a h nu mb ers ] .96, 3.06, and 3.67. For the tes ts at th e e r edu ced, in ce Lh e leng t h of Lhe model i r edu ced in Lead.
Ma ch numbers the schlier en pictmes taken duri ng th e te l In ord er to vcrify these ],esul ts, tests have been m ade a L
ind icated t ha t the boundary lay er wa completely lamin ar M ach numb ers ].44 a nd ] .99 for a ser ies of h emi phcri cally
over each of t he model . An in ter e ting effec t of body shape b lun ted cones, formed by progr e iv ely blun t in o- an L /D = 3
upon bound ary -layer tran iLion .is indicated b y th e r e ulLs cone. Bo th th e. exp eriment al for edr ag r e ult and the es ti-
of th e te t at M = 1.44 a nd] .24. From th e schlier en pictur e m ated value of for dr ag ar plotted in figl.1l'e 10. lL is evi-
a nd the fOl'edrag data i t wa evid ent t hat tmbu lent bound- clent from th e figure t hat t her e i good agreem enL b etwee.n
a ry-lay l' flow existed on part of t he conical af terbodie of experim en t and t heory, and t hat, as expected , t here is no
Lhe d/D = 0.30 and d/D = 0. 50 bodie for t he higher R ey nolds drag r edu ction du e to m er e blun ting of t he p ar en t cone..
numb er at M = 1.44 and] .24 . In con tra t, the bou ndary- T H E OR ETIC AL M I NIM UM D RA G OSE SH AP E
layer How was l aminar over t he. ent ire surface of t he. cone Co mp arison of experimental and theoretical foredrag.-
for t he identical te t conditions. I t i b elieved that t he Comparisons of the experimen tal and lheore. tical foredr ag
difference b e.tween t he. r esult for t he. cone a nd t he blu n t variation with M ach numb er for t he theoretical minimum
bodies r esul t largely from the effect of the difference in drag nose, the. L /D =3 cone. an d th e L-V ogivc, are bown
body pre ure distribu hon . For t he cone t he pr e ure i in figure 11. The t heorelical drag calculation have b een
con ta u t along th e surface alld t herefor e n eu tral in sofar a
Experi ment
its effect on t he boundary -layer (J ow is con cern ed. For bo lh o Foredr o g
the blun t bodies at t he low .M ac h numb ers, the pr essu I'e
Esti ma te
gradient ill the. str eamwi e. d irection is positive ju st dow n- _ _ _ Wa v e drag
stream from the point of ta ngency of the no e. wiLh Lhc __ __ For edrag ( est i mated wave dr ag
conical section ( ee fig . 4) and hence Lends to t hick eJl t he + B lasi us ' l ami nar sk i n fric t i on )
boundary layer and promo te tran ition. Both t he. chlieren .3
M= 1.4 4
p icture an d th e. for ce m easurem n ts indica t th at for Lhe Re =3.1 4 xI0 6
h ig h R eynolds numb er the bound al'~' layer i turbule.nt over c:.l<.
a much gr ea ter por tion of Lhe surface of tile blunter of Lhe
two bodie . This r e ult, i in agr eem ent wi th what mig ht b e
u ~
--? ~
exp ected on th ba i of t he diffeTon e in. the pre m e di tl'i-
bu tions for the two mod el . AlLhouo-h th e adver e gl'ad ien t
0 :,.::::=-:;-
-~.::=- ~
for both th e. d/D = 0. 30 and d/D = O.50 model star t a t e en- 0'

tially th e. arne longitudinal tatio n along th e model , a.nd ::

ini tially ar e of approximately equ al m ag nitud e, t he aclver e ~
gradient for th e. bluntcr m odel, d/D = O.50 , ex tend over lJ...

mo Lof Lhe conical section of t he model ; wh er ea the gJ'a lien t

fo]' th e d/D = 0. 30 mod el i ncutral over mo t of t hc coni cal 0
ection. H ence, iL appears r ca onable to expect a lower
R ey nold numb er of tra n il ion for t he blun ter of t h Lwo
model .
For t he. d/D = 0. 30 a nd d/D = 0.50 mod els at Mach numb er .3
M= 1.99
of 1.24 and 1.44, e.qu aLion (2) yiells val'u es of Lhe wave drag 6
Re= 2.01 x 10 /./
alone which ar e ev en gr eater Lha n t he. m easured fo ['cclrag ~
aL the lower R eynold numb er . This di cr epa ncy i attr ib - ?
.,c .2
uted to th e fa ·t th a t at these Mach numb ers t he emp ir ical 'u ;:::?
expl'e sion include too large a valu e for th e wave drag of .,

0 l.;:?'
the h emi pherical portion of these model . (. ee fig. 5.)

H ence., for the for edrag e timate hown in figur e for 0'
...D -- ~ ~
2 .1
:Mach numbers 1.24 and] .44 , Lhe lower val-u s of Lhe wave .,

d],ag of t he h emispherical por t ion. of t he model obtained ~

from xp eriment (fig. 5) were. u eel . For all ot hcl' Mach
num1 er tile empirical expl'e.ssion (eq. (2)) was use.d . The. o
o .2 .3 .4 .5
csLimated for drag r e nI t obtain ed ar e in fail' agreement
Bl unt ness . !!...
\v i th th e exp erimental daLa. o
previously discussed , preliminary estimates and e.xperi- F IGU R E l O.-Variation of fore drag coefficient " ith blu nLnes for hc mi-
m ent have. bo Lh shown t haI, a m all aving in foredrao- may p h r -cone scrics, can tant coDe anglc= l °56'.

o Pres en tesTS (2 x I0 6 <Re<4 x I0 6 )

• Data fro m ref 7

Theoretical wave drag

--- Exacl , ref. 9
- -- Me thod of characteristics, ref. /I
--- Secand order , ref. 12
- -- - First orde r, ref. 12

Theoretical fared rag (Re= 4 x 10 6 )

- -·-- Wave drag + laminar skin friction by ref. 13
----- Wove drag + lu rbul ent skin friction by re f. 14



-- ----- - ....:::::::
0 - --- --
~-----=--- ,-==- -=
-- ---
u -- - --
-- k>. _
-- --
o - -=-- ___-1--_
8 o
Cl> .04

(0) (d)


--- - -- - --
-.: .12

--= t:::. - --
c 0
-? --- --- -- -
Cl> In

1--':- u
U ~-
f:::--- r:-=: I":'::':' ~
Cl> .OS
0 1---
U t---

(b) (e)

.16,---,--,,---,--,---,-- ,---,--,,---,--,--,--,,--.--,

.12 f---+--+--+-+--+--I--If--+--+--+--+--+--I--I

0 - ___ _ _ -- 10 -

--.,-,. --::- --1--__ ~__
0- -= =-~
.OS~~~+-~~~~~~~~~~~_~ ~~o-~-+-+-o~ ---------
o -- 1___ - --_

---- • o

¥o .04~-+-4--~-+-+-~-~-+--4-~-~-+-4-~

(c) (I)
1.4 I.S 2.2 2.6 30 3.4 3.S 1.0 1.4 I.S 2 .2 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.8
Mach number, M Ma ch number, M
_ L L
Ca) ~I ode l ;\0. 1, cone, ]) = 3. (d) ~f ode l :\0. 14, L- V H aack'15=3.

(b) 10del No. 16, L- Y Ogivl!, ~= 2.93. (e) l\Iodcl ~o . 15, D - V H aack ' 15=3.

(c) M odel No. 13, L - D H aack, ~=3. (f) l\I odel No . 10, H YP('I"sonic Opt., ])=3.

F IG RE l l.- Co rn pari on of experimental and t heoretical fared rag for vari ous mode l .
limiLed in most ea os to a mallor ~laeh number rang Lhan confidence may be pIa d in th wave drag value, parti ularly
that for which experimental 1'e ults are available. For for the L- 11 ogive. 6
·M ach numbers Ie s than 1.4 or greater than about 3, Lhe The data also how that for these particular body shape ,
conical Lip approximaLion Lo Lh lrue b ely hap whi h Lhe fiT t-OTCler theory- yields ac epLable value of wav e drag
would have been necessary for application of the perturba- for M ach numb I' clos to 1.4 only. At the higher ~l ach
tion t heory to the minimum elrao- hap es were con iel r ed numbers, th first-order theory yield r ults which are too
umea ollably large; h enee, the econd-order thcoreLical low.
r esulL were limited to :M ach number between 1.4 and 3. Although slender-body theory has sometimes been used
In facL, for the L- 11 Haack no e th theoretical calculation s to calculate the wave drag of shape with finene ratio a
were limiL d to ::\Iach numb cr 2.4, a an exce ive amount Iowa these, the wave drao- coefficient of 1/9, 1/ , and 1/6
of co nical Lip modification would be nece sary for the theory for the L-D, L- 11, and D- 11 H aack hape (r ef. 2), r e pec-
to be applica ble at higher ~Iach number. TheoreLical e ti- tivcl)7, are too la rge at all ~l ach number a ompared wi th
mates of the fore drag have been made by the addiLion of the result in figme l1(c), l1(d), and 11 (e).
flat-plate skin-frietio n values to the computed wave cI rag, Comparison of foredrag of theoretical minimum drag nose
the kin fri ction b eing calculated for a R eynolds number of shapes with foredrag of other nose shapes .- In ord er to
4 X 10 6 . Although ome of the experimental data wer e a sess the theoretical minimum drag bap e for lhe three
taken at lower R eynolds number (betwecn 2 X 10 6 an 1 aLLwiary condition of gi ve il length and diameter, given
4 X 106) , the error introduc d by calculation of the skin 1 ngth and volume, or given diameter and volume, other
fri ction at one R eynolds numb r i mall and ce r tain l~' well common shape with iclen Lical valu e of the e parameter
within the accuracy of the experimental r e ul t . Either have been te ted and compari on of the resul t are hown
complel ly laminar (ref. 13) or completely turbul nt (ref. in figur 12. AlthouO"h the Reynold number wa noL COll-
14) kin-friction drag ha been a umed, al though the tant throughout the 11ach number range, it wa un hanged
chliel'en pictures indicated Lhat for the te ts at ~J!ach num- for all Lhe te L at each Mach number. Hence, differ nce
bers of 3.06 and 3.67 boundary-layer tran ilion occulTed n in foredrag between models compared at a giv n Mach
ome of the models. numb er may not be aLLribuLecl to difference in R eynold
A compari on of the experimen tal a n 1 theor tical fo redrag numb er.
for t be L jD=3 cone ha b een includ ed in figure 11 , inc The foredrag coe[fici nL of the theoretical minimum lrag
uch a compari on indi cate how well the kin-friction drag hap for a given length and diameter, the L-D Haack no e
may be calculated a nd al 0 provides an indication of th (or Karman ogive), and the h)~personic optimum nose (%
accuracy of the other experimental r uHs. For Lhe R ey- power and Ferrari hap , e fig. 2) ar compared with the
nold number of thi inve tigaL ion , hlier·en observalions foredr ao- coefficients of th e parabolic DO e in figure 12 (a).
indicated l aminar-boundar)T-la~~e r flow on the cone at all I t i noteworthy t hat th L-D Haack no e i not Lbe lea t-
~Iach number. The foredrag of Lhe cone \Va clos ly e li- drag hape for any ~I ach number within the range of the
mated by the addition of the exact Taylor-~I accoll wave le ts. For the major portion of the 11ach number rang
drag and Blasiu ' incompres ible laminar skin friction.5 (above 11ach number 1.5), the h)'per onic optimum hap
In general, good agreement betwee n the experinlental and has th least for drag. It i omewhat urpri ing that 3:n
theoretical foredrag for l amin ar-bounclary-I a~~er flow wa optimum hap e ba ed upon Tewtonian impact theorr hould
obtain ecl for mo t of the models at M ach number of 1.4 have Ie s drag than the L-D Haack nose at the relaLively
and 2.0. Nevertheless, at 11ach number 2 the foredrag of low up er onic 1Iach number. It i DoL clear wh eth er thi
the L-D and L- 11 Haack hap e ar overe timat 1 1 )' abou t anomaly re LIlt from lhe l"e LricLion of zero lope aL Lbe
the magnitude of the th eoretical laminar- kin-frict ion drag. ba e which wa e iclenLly a umed in the d rivat ion of Lhe
For a :'laeh number of 3 lhe for eclrag of the cone and the L-D I-Iaack no e, or wh ether this i arc ull of the 10\ fin e-
for eclrag of the L-D H aack hap e arc in good aOTeement with nes rat io of the mo lel . To i,we tigaLc thi latter point,
Lhe l heory for lami nar-boundary-Ia.\·er Dow. However, the tlte wave drag 0 (ficienL of both the L-D Haa k and the
compari on indicate that th boundary-layer flow for III h)'perso nic optimum hape were calculated by econcl-oreler
L- T1 ogive, th D- 11 Haack shape, and the byp r onic theory for fin enc raL ios of 3, 5, and 7 at a ~'[ach number
opLlmulU hap e were at leas partially turbulen t at t his of 3. These re ult (nO". 13) show that Lh wave drag
Uach numb er. At the maximum 11ach number (1\d"= 3.67) coeffi cient of the "Haack" hape i the large r for fin ene
the exp erim ntal foredrag of the L- 11 ogive ex eed eycn the rat io of 3 and 5. For fin ene ratio 7 an." C/iJTerence in
theor'tical value for compl lely urbulent boundary-layer wave drag betwecn Lh L-D Haack an 1 Lhe hyper onic
flow. Thi same re uIL i a1 0 inferreel from the compari on optimum hapes is 0 mall a lo be w·iLhin Lbe limits of
for th D- 11 mod 1. It is not clear which part of the theo ret i- uncertainty of the alculaLion. T o provide a be tel' indi-
cal for eclrag i at fault, that i , Lh wave drag or lhe ki.n- cation of Lhe ombinat ion of 11ach number and fin ene s
friction drag. However, it appear mo t lik ly that the ratio for which lhe h)'per onic optimum no e ba Ie wave
theoretical-skin-friction drag is too mail, since con id erabl , The foredrag \"filu cs reported herein for the L- F ogi\·e ( L/ D= 2.93) are a bout 10 pCl eent
low r than those reported in refcrcnce 7 for an L /D=3 ogive, although the foredrag results for
, T he lTandtzche and "Vendt transform ation of lamin ar·boundary·layer skin·friction drag the cone and hype rsonic ol>t lmum shapes (fi gs. 11 (a) and 11 (OJ arc in agreement. E ven
of a Oat plate to that of a cone \I as neglected si nce its in clusion would ba\' e increascd the though the tests ha '·c bcen rerun and the data have been carefull y checked, no saUsfactory
foredrag by on ly 1 percent. explanation has, as yet, been foun d for this di fference.

.16 .08 I I I I I
Model no. Designation LID Second - order theory, re . 12
'-l 0 13 L - 0 Hoock 3.00 - - L -0 Hoock (or Korman oglve ~ _

10 - - - HypersoniC optimum
c .12 0 Hyper. Opt. 3.00
OJ 0 II Para ba l oid 3.00
u In..
,. .06
la?' -= ~ U" "'\
~ .08
u ~ "
'"g ' ",
~ .0 4
0 .04 ~
'" ~
o i'" ' :::::-- ~ -:::-....
02 ::::::
Model no. Designation LID 1'---.
c:,"- 0 15 D-V Hoock 3.00
'-.l 0 17 D-V Cone 3.38
_- .12 -......
~ ~

r--- r-- 3 4 5 6 7
r- r--.o Fineness rollO. L/O
~ .0 8
u FI GU RE J:3.- Va ri aL i n of " 'a ve drag coefficient "iih fin encs ratio for
thc t h OI'eiical min imum drag no e hapes of pecificd lcngth an d
o di ameter at ~ I flcb number 3.
~ .0 4
o .5 I I I I I I
(b) Second - orderIheory, re f. 12
o 1-0 L -0 Hoock (or Korman oglve)
0 Hypersonic optimum
Model no. Designolion LID .4
0 14
L-V Hoock
L-V Og ive
""IQ. ,. V /
'-l .12 G'
c - .3
/ /
~ .08 (; ,./

~ I.c>- / ;/
o --{ 0.
I----<> 0'
0' e .2

2 '0

~.04 '"0:> ~
o 3 V
(c) I""
1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.8
Mach number, M

(a) Length an d diam etcr givcn. .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0

(b) Diamctcr an d volumc givcn.
(c) Lcngth and volumc givcn.
Similarity parame er, K= L':o
FI(: R~~ 12.-Comparison of for edr ag of H aack models" ith othe r FiG U RE l -l. -Vari aLion of wav c drag parametcr, C'Dw i, with til(' . im-
models having the ame t wo sp ccificd paramctcrs .
la ri ty parameter forth c theo rctical minimum drag nosc shape of
pecified lcngth and diam eter.
drag than the L-D Haack no e, the result of all of the
available econd-order soluLion fo r these shapes have been cOlTecL m in imum elraO' hape for bodies wi Lh zero slop e aL
ploLLed in fig ure 14. The ploL i made in term of t he Lhe base. I n a ny evenL, it could be exp cte I Lhat t he (hag
hyper on ie irn il arity parameter, K = NJ/(L j D), a nd in di- cliffeI' nee would be much Ie for higber fin eness ratio no es.
cales Lhat for value of K in excess of about 0.4 01' 0.5 Lhe The fo r edl'aO' of t he theoretical m inimum dra g sh ape for a
hyper on ic optimum hape ha the lower wave drag. given length and volume (L- V Haack, model 14) is com-
T he foredl'ag of the theoretical minimum drag hape for a pared in figul' 12 (c) wi t h the foredl'ag of a il'cular-a.:r·c ogive
given diameter and volume (D- V Haack, model 15) i com- (L - V ogive, mod el ] 6) having identical value of length and
pal' cl in figure 12 (b) with the fOl'edl'ag of a cone (D-11 cone, volume. ince tbe ba e ar eas of the e )loses differ, the fore-
model 17) having identical value of diameter and volume. drag oeffi cient ar e based on (volume)2/3 in Lead of base
Except for 1 I ach number below abo ut 1.4, the foreclrag of area in orde l' that a direct comparison of Lll fO l'ecl l'ag m ay
the cone i of tbe order of 20 percent lower than that of the be conve ni ently mad e. Over the complete hc h n um ber
th eoretical optimum shape. Again, t hi 1'e lil t may be d uo range the foreci l'ag coeffici nt of th L -V H aack mo lel i
eiLher to t he low Finene raLio of t he bod ies leslcd Ot' Lhe between and 16 pe rcent lower t han Lhe foredrag coeffi cient
fail ure of the lender-bo 1y t heory to predict Lhe con ec t of the L- V oO'ive. For both model the variat ion of fo1'o-
minimum drag shape for all po ible hapes rather t han Lbe drag coefficien t with :'Iach number is similar.
Foredrag of nose shapes defined b y r= R (X /L )n.- In r ef- over most of th e range. IL is of inter e I, to note that th e
erence 7 foredrag results of fin ene s ratio 3 models for n = 1, ellipsoid (model 1 ), alLhough howing a large in cr ease in
%, }~, and X are pre ented for th e Mach numb er range of for edrag coefficien t wiLb incr ea e in M ach numb E'l' to :.\Iach
2.73 to 5.00 and for length R eynold numbers between numb er 2, has con tant foredl'ag coefficienL for lV[ach num-
2 X 10 6 and 3 X I0 6. In th pre ent inve tigation similar b er above 2. Ther e i no minimum cll'ao- nose for Lhe com-
moc/el have been tested at Jvfach numb ers from l.24 to plete Mach numb er range, although th e hypersollic optimum
3.67 and R eynold numb r b tw en 2 X IO 6 and 4 X I0 6 in no e (model 10) ha Lhe least drag for Mach numbers abov
order Lo extend th e :Mach Dumber ran ge of availabl e drag 1.5 . Below lVIach numb er 1. 5 Lhe pal'abolod (model] 1)
elaLa. Th e foredrag r e ulL of Lhis inve tigation are pre- ha th e lowes t drag, slightly Ie than the drag of th e L- TJ
senLed in figure 15 and are compared with par t of th e res ults Haack no 0. (model 13). Of pecial no Le i Lhe obser vaLion
of referen ce 7, r eplotted fol' the overlappino- l\Iach numb er thaI, man y of Lhe no. c hap e have less drag Lhan th e cone
(model 1), parLicularly aL the lower M ach numb er .
Re=2.IOxI0 6
Re =2 .4 2 x 106 Re= 4.00 x 106 CO CLUSIO S
iRe =3 .14x I06 i Re= 2 .73 x 106
:: Re =4. 14x I0 6 : : Re= 3.4 5 xI 0 6 Drag measurements at zero angle of a tLack have been
i i !rRe =2.01 x l 0
6 , !Re =2 .1 7 x 10 6 made for various hemi pherically blun ted con e , theoretical
minimum drag no 0. hap e , and other more comm.on profiles

.24 ...- of fin ne ratio 3. An analysi of th e r es ult for a Mach

/' n umber r ange of ] .24 Lo 7.4 and for R eynold numb ers be-
/ Mod el
Oesi gn at Ian n - tween l.O X I0 6 and 7.5 X I0 6 h a led to th e following
/ No. conclusions:
'-5 y- o I Cone I - 1. No model bad Lh e lea t foredrao- for the complete 1Iach
Hype r soniC Opt 31
0 10
1/2 - numb er range.
I <> I I
I> 12
Parab oloi d
1/ 4 Po wer 1/4 - 2. Of th e model te Led the paraboloid of r evolution had
~\Q Fi ll ed symbols den o te data fr om
- the least foredrag below a Mach nmub er of ] .5, and Lhe
'iii .12 r ef. 7
u I'---- f-..... hyper onic optimum hape bad the leasL foredrag above a
~ / I--- Mach numb er of 1.5.
"0 .OS 3. Th theoreLical hap for minimum pre m e drag
~ fi ,0 ~

LL d erived by von K arman and by H aack for given lengLh and
.04 diameter or given di ameter alld volume do noL have Ie drag
t han all other po ible bape havino- idenLical valu e of t he
ame parameter .
1.4 I.S 2.2 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.S 4.2 4. For the 11 mi pherically blun ted cone of low fi neness
Ma ch number, M
ratios (of the order of 3) :
F lO RE 15.- Va ri ation of for drag coeffi cient wi t h M ae h num be r fo r a. mall reductions in fOl'edrao- may be achieved by
the famil y Of~= 3 nose hap . defin ed by T= R (i) "· hemi pberical blul1til1o- (hemi pher e diameter ap-
proximat ly 15 percent of ba e diameter) if the
range of both inve tigations. In gen eral, th er e is good :finene s ratio i held COll tan t and, hen e, Lh con
ao-reement between tb e da ta from both source , althou gh a ngle redu ced with incr ea ed blun ting. If the cone
there are small differ enc e which may be a ttributed to vari- angle i held con tan t and the fin enes ratio redu ed,
ations in R eynolds number. BoLh Lh e hyp ersonic opLimum hemi ph erical blunting r e Lilt in increa ed foredrag.
nose (n = %) and th e conical nose (n = J) how a similar cl e- b . A r elatively large hemi pherical tip diameter (as
orea 0. in forcdrag coefficient with innea in ~I£ach numb er large a 30 pel'cen L of the ba e diameter at Mach
over th " complete ~ Iach numb er ran ge. The hyp ersonic number of 1.24 and l.44) may be u d wi hout
opLimum no e, however , ha mu ch the lower foredrag (about increasing the drag above that of a harp-no ed cone
24 pel'ccnt lower at Mach numb er l.24 and 15 percent lower of the ame finen s ra tio .
at Mach numb er 3.67 ). In contra t with the decrea e in For large ph eri al bluntne e (nose diameters of Lhe
the fore drag coefficient wiLh in r ea ing YIa ch numb er for order of 50 perce nt of Lhe ba e diameter) drag
th e hyper onie optimum and conical no e , the foredrag co- penaltie were moderaLe a t :"Iach numb r Ie than
efficien L for the parabolic and X-power nose incr ease with 1.5 bu t be am evere with increa ino- lIIach number.
in cr ea iug ~/Iach numb er in th e lower par t of Lhe ?-.Ia ch d. For ~/Iach number of 2 and greater th wave drag
1\ umber l'ange.
may b accmately e tima ted by lhe addiLion of th
wave drag of Lil hemi pherical tip calculaLed from
an empirical expre ion and the wave drag of the
In :figure 16 a compari on of Lhe varia tion of for edrag conical por Lion from T aylor-i\Iaccoll Lh eory.
coefficient with Mach numb l' for all the for ce model LesLed
is how)\. In general, it is een that for th e more blunt
noses (model 5, 12, and 18) Lhe foredrag coefficient in reases AMES A E RO NAUTI CAL L ABORATORY,
wiLli increase in Mach numb er , while for th e other no th e N A'l' IO NAL AD VI ORY OMMI'n'E E F OR A E RO NAUTI S,
foreclrag coeffici ent decr eases witll in cr ea e in NIach n urn ber ~tIOFFETr FIE LD , CALIF ., A ug. 28, 1952.

Mo el 0 Des/gnotlOn d/D LID Model 0 DeS/gna lion LID

0 1 Hemisphere-Cone, .0.00.0 3.00 1.0 Hyper .op 3.0.0
0 2 HemlSp el e-Cone, .075 00 D II Paraboloid 3 ..0.0
0 3 Hem/sphPre-Cone, 5.0 3.00 () 12 1/4 Power 3 ..0.0
C> 4 Hemlsp ere- Cone, 3.0.0 .00 11 13 L-D Haack 3.0.0
5 Hem/sphere- Cone, .5.0.0 .0.0 () 14 L-VHaack 3 ..0.0
(7 7 Hemisphere-Cone, ..075 281 I> 15 O-V Haack 3 ..0.0
0 8 Hem/sphere- Cone, 15.0 262 ,.. 16 L-V.ogive 293
0 9 Hemisphere-Cone 3.0.0 224 (] 17 O-V Cone 3.38
D 18 Ellipsoid 3.0.0
Re= 3 14xl.o~_--i Re= 2 .olx I~ ___ ._,

Re=242xl.o.~ ..: j Re=414xl.o6-,

,,i Re=4 .o.oxl.o~._ ..,
Re= 3 45xl.o? ....:


~ L----
~ I------ r----
- -v-



V ----
~ t? -


/ r----
"-- .16
u 14 I ~

~ ~~ ~



~ I p

..c> -....... ~ ~ ;;,:,.
;....0-- ...............

~ ~ I I





1.0 1.2 14 16 1.8 2.0 22 2.4 26 28 3.0 3.2 3.4 36 38
Mac number, M

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